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Childbirth in a cat: signs of the onset and process of childbirth. What does a cat look like before giving birth: external and behavioral changes Cat behavior a week before giving birth

If you haven't had experience delivering your cat before, you'll probably feel nervous knowing that your cat is about to give birth. And the main question that plagues all novice breeders is the desire to find out exactly when the animal will be relieved of its burden.

The behavior of a cat before giving birth is quite typical.: knowing at least some of the signs, you will definitely know that a significant event is already close. To do this, there is no need to even take a closer look at the cat! It’s hard not to notice the main “symptoms” even if you want to.

First, let's discuss basic information regarding the normal course of pregnancy in these animals:

  • The duration of a cat's pregnancy is 63-65 days.
  • It is believed that a few days (or even hours) before the onset of labor pains, you can notice a significant increase in the size of the mammary glands, and the release of a small amount of milk from the latter. There may be a decrease in body temperature, loss of appetite, the animal constantly licks the genital area, and becomes restless.
  • In primiparous cats The duration of labor can be 36 hours.
  • Most kittens are born within 15-30 minutes of each other.
  • Breaks during the birth of kittens can last up to one hour. There is no need to worry, as the cat rests and gains strength during this period.
  • There have been cases where normal labor lasted for 48 hours.
  • Be sure to call your veterinarian if your cat is already having active labor but has not given birth to any kittens. The same applies to all cases of strong contractions that do not stop for an hour. In addition, it is recommended to enlist the help of a specialist if more than three hours have passed since the birth of the last kitten, but you suspect that there are still fetuses in the cat’s stomach.
  • The average number of kittens in one litter is four.
  • The animal recovers completely after giving birth within about six weeks.

In cats, the uterus has two horns with a bifurcation zone (bifurcation) in the area of ​​the cervix of the organ. Normally, the lumen of the cervix is ​​closed due to contracted muscles, but during pregnancy the role of a “gate” is played by a mucous plug, which reliably protects the internal cavity of the organ from the penetration of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora.

The fetuses are located in the uterus one after another, each has a separate place for the baby (placenta). Each kitten is also connected to the mother's body by an umbilical cord, which supplies nutrients and oxygen to the unborn baby's body.

How likely are complications?

Contrary to popular belief, in practice complications during childbirth are encountered quite rarely. But this statement does not apply to the owners of Persian and Siamese pets to the same extent: the frequency of birth pathologies in these animals is quite high. At least 99% of births in cats proceed as normal, without the slightest problem. Despite this, many owners prefer to show their pregnant pet to a veterinarian in advance. How justified is this?

Actually, this is a great idea. A veterinary examination during pregnancy is a good way to find out in time about any health problems in your pet. An experienced specialist is already able to determine the presence of kittens in the cat’s uterus by the 26th day of pregnancy using ordinary palpation.

When using ultrasound machines, a veterinarian can not only detect pregnancy very early, but also find out exactly how many kittens will be in the litter, and also have a high probability of identifying signs of congenital pathologies and deformities in unborn kittens. However, we can speak with certainty about their presence/absence only on the 45th day, since by this time the skeletal tissue of kittens hardens and mineralizes so much that it is clearly visible on x-rays. Some veterinarians do not recommend frequent ultrasound examinations. There is an opinion that frequent exposure to ultrasound can negatively affect the development of fetuses.

How to find out the due date of an upcoming birth with an accuracy of an hour?

If you want to know exactly when your cat is due to give birth, start measuring her body temperature about two weeks before her due date. It is necessary to take measurements every day, at approximately the same time. The temperature of all animals is measured in the rectum.

The tip of the thermometer must be lubricated with Vaseline or some thick baby cream. The measurement time is exactly three minutes. A cat's normal body temperature ranges from 38.5° to 39.5° Celsius. If you see 37.8° or lower on the thermometer, birth should be expected within the next 24 hours.

Less accurate (but slightly simpler) is a technique based on measuring the animal’s body weight. It is believed that during pregnancy, a cat gains weight by about 20-25% compared to its original weight (this is subject to normal feeding).

If weight gain has stopped, then childbirth will probably happen in the near future. Of course, this technique is not very accurate. In addition, an increase in body weight by 20-25% is observed only in the case of a normal, balanced diet. More often than not, owners greatly overfeed their pregnant pet, causing her to become very fat. Remember that you should never do this!

Obesity is an almost 100% guarantee of problems during childbirth.

Symptoms of close births

Let's list main features, developing immediately before birth or a couple of days before:

  • As we have already noted, in most cases the cat’s mammary glands should noticeably increase in volume. They swell, become more “meaty”, and when pressed lightly, a small amount of colostrum may be released.
  • In almost 100% of cases, the appearance of milk (if there was none before) indicates that the cat will give birth in about two days.
  • The cat becomes a pronounced “homebody” and tries to rarely leave the confines of its basket or other place where it prefers to rest and sleep.
  • Long-term practical observations show that a few hours before giving birth, many pets’ body temperature drops to 37.2°C.
  • Changes in the animal's behavior. One of the most typical signs that all breeders always note. A cat can suddenly either become a “beech”, not leaving its “den” for hours, or, on the contrary, it becomes nervous and irritable, constantly rushing around the house and meowing. The latter does not mean at all that your pet is about to give birth - rather, she is trying to find a place in advance where (in her opinion) the life and health of the born kittens will be completely safe.
  • Loss of appetite. This sign is observed approximately 12 hours before birth. Again, older and more experienced cats may not experience any problems with their appetite as they continue to eat at their normal pace.
  • Animals with a neurotic character immediately before the birth of kittens become unusually excited and affectionate. They constantly seek the company of their owner, purr, and try in every way to attract attention.
  • A fairly typical sign is constant licking of the genital area.
  • An accurate sign indicating a very close birth is the abundant discharge of a mucous mass from the external genitalia (about a day before the birth of the offspring). This symptom indicates the liquefaction of the mucous plug that blocks the lumen of the cervix throughout pregnancy.

Preparing for childbirth: what should you do?

The most important thing before giving birth is complete rest and comfortable living conditions for the animal. Ideally, the cat should be placed in a separate, dry and darkened room without drafts.

This is extremely important! Please note that the body of newborn kittens for several weeks after birth is physically unable to maintain a constant body temperature, and therefore babies can catch a cold and even die from the slightest draft!

We strongly recommend that a couple of days before giving birth, you completely isolate the “birthing chamber” from access by other pets and small children. It is very good when a cat prefers to sleep in a separate box or basket. In this case, the animal on a subconscious level feels more protected, worries less, and therefore gives birth faster and much easier. Of course, bowls with water and food, as well as your animal’s litter tray, should be moved to the same room.

Please note that the litter in the cat’s “lair” plays a huge role. Crumpled newspapers are perfect for these purposes, but we do not recommend filling a box or basket with rags or cotton wool (this also happens). The fact is that newborn kittens can become entangled in rags and suffocate. This, of course, should not be allowed. Immediately after birth, it is advisable to completely change the filler, as it will most likely be stained with blood and secretions from the animal’s genitals. It's unhygienic.

What should you stock up on before giving birth?

Let's list everything that the owner of a cat who is preparing for childbirth should always have on hand:

  • Your own veterinarian's phone number.
  • It doesn’t hurt to stock up on the numbers of 24-hour veterinary clinics in advance in case your specialist’s phone number is unavailable for some reason, or for situations when the veterinarian cannot come to you.
  • About a month before giving birth, prepare a box or basket and accustom your cat to it. It will be much more convenient and better if your pet decides to give birth in a specially designated place, and not on your bed.
  • Several pairs of sterile surgical gloves.
  • Pipettes or small syringes with which you can clean the mouth and ears of newborn kittens from mucus and other “garbage”.
  • Silk threads (dental floss will also work) in case you need to tie the umbilical cord.
  • It won’t hurt to stock up on any medical antiseptic in advance (even a regular alcohol tincture of iodine, brilliant green, or an antiseptic alcohol solution will do).
  • Small rubber syringe.
  • Scissors.
  • Clean towels.
  • If you or your veterinarian suspect that your cat is not producing milk (there is no swelling of the mammary glands), then it is necessary to prepare in advance a milk formula that can replace cat milk. It is better to immediately consult an experienced veterinarian about this. We hasten to reassure you: in most cases, a cat will still produce milk after giving birth, even if there was no special swelling of the mammary glands before it.
  • A good heating pad never hurts.

Important! Considering the characteristics of natural cat milk, we do not recommend using cow “surrogate” for feeding kittens.

The fact is that the latter product contains too little milk fat and sugars. In extreme cases, you can use goat or sheep milk, but we would recommend buying a special mixture just for such cases (almost all major pet food manufacturers produce these).

A little about childbirth

The first kitten should be born within an hour of the start of labor. In cats aged five to six years, it often happens that the entire litter is literally “swept out” in just a few minutes, while primiparous pets can give birth for up to 20-36 hours at a time. The normal interval between kittens is 15 minutes to an hour.. Each baby is born wrapped in a jelly-like membrane filled with clear fluid (this is what the amniotic sac looks like). If everything is fine with the cat at this point, she begins to vigorously lick the kitten, tearing off the remnants of the placental membranes and removing mucus from the baby’s nasal and oral cavities.

Licking is a vital procedure, as it stimulates the kitten's respiratory activity and its blood circulation.

It happens that due to difficult, protracted labor, which lasted more than one hour, the cat becomes simply exhausted and cannot properly lick all the kittens that are born. In such situations, the owner will have to take the initiative into his own hands. Don't worry: you won't have to lick the babies yourself. The role of the mother's tongue should be played by a towel, which should be used to gently wipe the kitten's body and gently remove mucus and fluid from its ears and mouth.

Just don't overdo it with rubbing.– the skin of kittens at this age is very soft and extremely delicate, it is extremely easy to damage. Please also note that in normal cases, the mother should gnaw the umbilical cord of each kitten. If for some reason she does not do this, tie the umbilical cord (at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the navel) with silk thread and cut it. The stump must be treated with an antiseptic solution (for example, iodine). There is no need to use a lot of medicine, as you may contribute to the formation of a chemical burn.

But if the mother has any strength left, she must perform all these operations on her own! This helps the animal “get in the right mood” and stimulates the production of all the necessary hormones. All this is especially important when a cat gives birth for the first time. If at this time your pet does not perform all the necessary actions (which must be laid down on an instinctive level), then in the future she may remain a “cuckoo”, unable to care for her offspring.

The mother cat will probably start nursing the kitten without waiting for all the babies to be born. If the animal is severely weakened by prolonged labor, you can help by moving the kitten towards the nipples. Instincts will allow the baby to find the “milk pipe” on his own. Interestingly, in cases where the kittens did not begin to “suck” the cat during the first hours after birth, the animal will almost certainly have problems with the timely removal of placenta, mucus, and blood from the uterine cavity.

Remember that under normal conditions cats not only tear off the remains of the placental membranes from kittens, but also eat them (not kittens, of course). This is completely normal animal behavior and nothing to worry about.

A pregnant cat is very cute and scary at the same time. It’s scary because owners often don’t know how to prepare for childbirth and how to help their pet. Therefore, it is worth clarifying this issue.

For most people, cats are not just pets, but family members, and that is why owners constantly worry about their pets.

A very exciting and important moment for any owner is the birth of a cat. A cat is a wild animal by nature, so cats generally give birth without problems, but it is still necessary to prepare and be aware of possible difficulties and what needs to be prepared before this event.

How to prepare for the birth of a cat?

A cat does not need a birthing room like a human, but a special place will have to be arranged. A special box, which you can make yourself or buy at a pet store, is suitable as a “maternity box”. A cardboard box lined with newspapers or an old blanket will do just fine.

If the cat has access to the street, then in the last stages it is better not to let her out in order to prevent birth on the street. Also in the last days it is worth ensuring peace, absence of noise and other irritants and monitoring whether the animal’s condition changes.

In case complications arise during childbirth, it is better to prepare some supplies in advance; here is the necessary list:

  • Any antiseptic
  • Towels
  • Treated scissors
  • Pipette
  • Sterile medical gloves
  • Veterinarian phone number

The veterinarian should be chosen taking into account the possibility of a house call and preferably around the clock, because labor can begin at any time. If it is not possible to call a veterinarian in a given locality, you can consult by telephone and follow the doctor’s instructions.

Cat behavior before giving birth: signs, symptoms, temperature

When the final stage of pregnancy approaches, the cat feels the approach of labor and special signs appear in its behavior.

The behavior of a cat before giving birth has the following signs, and the onset of labor is predicted by symptoms:

  • The cat begins to look for a place to make a “nest” for itself.
  • Immediately a couple of days before giving birth, the cat’s appetite begins to decrease, sometimes even to the point of losing it completely.
  • Unusual character traits and habits may appear: for example, if a cat has always been independent and not very sociable, then before giving birth she may not leave the owner’s hands. Such sudden changes in habits and behavior are harbingers of an imminent birth.
  • The cat becomes restless.
  • The cat's mammary glands swell and increase in size.

If such signs of an approaching birth become noticeable, you should prepare and pay more attention to your pet, monitor how the cat behaves, what it does and how it feels.

Correct birth process

The first stage of labor begins with contractions as the uterus begins to open. After some time, the plug comes off, and gradually the contractions become more frequent and stronger.

At the second stage, the uterus is fully dilated and the first kitten begins to move along the birth canal. Kittens may be born with or without amniotic sacs. When a cat gives birth, it ruptures the amniotic sac and licks the kitten. After the kitten is born, the placenta comes out, and cats usually eat it.

It is important to remember the number of placentas delivered, and if there are fewer placentas delivered than kittens, you need to seek help from a veterinarian. Placenta remaining in the birth canal can lead to infections that are dangerous to the health and life of the cat.

A pregnant cat has diarrhea before giving birth, what should I do?

If a pregnant cat has any health problems, this will definitely worry the owner. Thus, pregnant cats often experience loose stools. But you should know that diarrhea in a pregnant cat a couple of days before giving birth is absolutely normal and natural. But you should not worry only if the animal has no other signs of illness.

Is it normal for a cat to vomit before giving birth?

Before giving birth, the cat's temperature drops and she becomes weak. At this moment, the body is experiencing severe stress, so do not panic if the cat starts vomiting at this moment - this is a natural reaction of the body to an extremely stressful situation.

If your cat is shaking before giving birth, what should you do?

There are two options to consider here:

  • Before giving birth, cats breathe faster. Sometimes it becomes so frequent that the pregnant cat appears to be trembling or shaking.
  • The cat is really shaking. This may be a banal reaction to a stressful situation, as well as a reaction to changes in body temperature. Therefore, if there are no other warning signs, there is no need to worry. However, if your cat has a high fever, loses consciousness, and also has unpleasant discharge from the genitals, you should immediately call a veterinarian, as this is a characteristic sign of complications during childbirth.

Delayed birth in a cat

The duration of pregnancy in cats is about 65 days. Sometimes labor can begin a couple of days later than expected; a delay of no more than a week is normal.

Delayed birth can be explained by physiological reasons, as well as by the environment that surrounds the cat. So, in the presence of stress and irritants, a cat can deliberately delay childbirth. For example, deliberate delay in childbirth is often observed among the British.

Some breeds are more prone to overstaying, for example the Scottish and British breeds have a slightly higher risk of overstaying. In Scotland, pregnancy lasts on average 70 days.

Sometimes, when labor has already begun, labor stops due to weak uterine muscles or the size of the fetus. The kitten may be too large or malpositioned so that it does not physically pass through the birth canal. It is very dangerous. In case of sudden cessation of labor, you should contact your veterinarian.

It is worth approaching the birth of a cat with all responsibility, it is better to play it safe and make sure that all actions are correct. Even though a cat is capable of giving birth and caring for kittens on her own, she may sometimes need the help and attention of the most important person in her life.

The birth of a litter from a beloved pet is always an important event. If the animal is going to give birth for the first time, it worries even more. How do you know exactly what has “already started”? How do cats behave before giving birth? Is it necessary to provide help? All this should be learned before the hour “X” comes, so that you can be fully armed at the right moment.

What's happening to the cat

The main sign of an approaching event is the behavior of the cat before giving birth. Changes begin in about a day. The main “events” occur in the uterus, accompanied by pain. It should be borne in mind that similar manifestations are characteristic not only of normal childbirth, but also of premature birth and miscarriage. The difference between pathology and the normal course of events is the time frame. Normally, everything goes pretty quickly.

In order to have time to help the animal, you need to know how cats behave before giving birth and what happens to them. Often, just before labor, a clot of mucus appears from the cervix. This is not easy to notice as it occurs frequently during bowel movements. In addition, the animal constantly licks itself, so most owners simply miss this moment. There are also contractions that can be seen even without palpation. After about half an hour, the first kitten should come out.

Cat behavior

Knowing when labor should begin approximately, it is very important to closely monitor the animal. How cats behave before giving birth will help you provide proper care. In addition to biological signs, behavioral changes also appear: the animal arches its back and tries to spend all its time close to its owner. If a place is not ready for her, she tries to make a nest. If it is already ready, the animal, whose labor will begin in the near future, will attract the owner there, hoping that he will be able to help. That is why it is important not only to observe how cats behave before giving birth, but also to know the date of birth. During this estimated time, you should not leave the animal unattended.

Preparing for childbirth

Helping a cat involves not only learning how cats behave before giving birth, but also preparing a comfortable nest. A special house for cats or a clean box that does not emit any odors is suitable for this. The box should be large enough to accommodate the entire cat family. The walls should be high enough; it is advisable to cover the top by cutting an entrance in the side of the box. Thus, the house should be dry, clean and dark. In this case, the cat should be able to enter and exit at any time convenient for it.

A soft cloth should be placed inside. However, it should not be too soft so that the kittens cannot get confused. Before giving birth, it is worth leaving hard tissue in the nest - this way you can monitor the approach of birth. In a normal state, the animal will not lie on such a hard one, whereas before giving birth she will no longer care.

Important: if the cat does not leave even the uncomfortable “nest,” then the time has come.

Necessary materials

Most often, animals cope with the appearance of offspring on their own. However, if these are the first homes, signs and behavior of cats indicate their approach, you should prepare materials that may be useful:

Sterile gloves;

Soft napkins;


Scissors with round ends, previously sterilized;

Oxytocin in ampoules, syringe;


Medical thread.

Not every cat requires help before giving birth. How she behaves at the same time makes it clear that there is a need to intervene in the process. The drugs should be used only in the most extreme cases. If contractions are weak or last a very long time, an injection of oxytocin is necessary.

Help an animal

It is important to know that most animals cope with childbirth on their own. Observing the signs, stages, and stages of childbirth in a cat, assistance should be provided only in emergency situations. An injection of oxytocin is given in 0.2 cc doses. However, it is recommended to do this only after the birth of the second kitten. Oxytocin should not be injected more often than once every 40 minutes.

Complications in these animals are quite rare, but you should be prepared for them:

If the kitten's head has appeared, but the rest of the parts are not in a hurry, you should try to lubricate the visible parts of the cub and the cat's genitals with Vaseline.

If after birth the cat does not try to rupture the amniotic sac for more than a minute, you need to do it yourself. In order for the newborn to begin to breathe, he is bent so that his hind legs touch his chest. If necessary, bend it several times.

If the afterbirth does not come out after the kitten appears, you need to remove it yourself.

If the kitten is too large or incorrectly positioned, it is imperative to call a veterinarian. Attempts to provide assistance on your own can lead to the death of not only the fetus, but also the mother.

If the animal does not have enough strength for further labor, if the contractions are too weak, they need to be stimulated with oxytocin.

Sometimes the discharge during childbirth is too intense with an admixture of blood, the animal has lost orientation, consciousness is clouded, the temperature rises - it is necessary to urgently call a specialist. If this cannot be done, you need to get advice by phone - the doctor will advise what to do in the current situation.

After childbirth

Immediately after the kittens are born, you need to maintain a high temperature in the house - no lower than 29 C. Over the next 30 days, you should slowly reduce it, bringing it closer to room temperature: 3 degrees every week. If the temperature in the house is above 29, there is no need to take additional measures.

It is important to monitor the mother’s diet - it should be balanced and nutritious. It is worth considering that the cat needs to feed its cubs, so special food for nursing animals should be given.


A cat before giving birth: the first signs before giving birth A cat before giving birth begins to eat a lot (appetite increases). At the same time, the cat’s activity

Cat before giving birth: first signs before giving birth

Before giving birth, the cat begins to eat a lot (appetite increases).
At the same time, the cat’s activity decreases.
To deliver a cat, you will need to prepare a quiet and warm place for this procedure in advance.

Cat before giving birth: how to prepare the place, which box to choose

The main thing is not to panic yourself. You can take your cat to the vet, but they can usually handle it on their own.
Prepare in advance a separate and inconspicuous place for childbirth and breastfeeding.
The owner's help will make it easier to endure this difficult procedure.
A cat is pregnant for sixty to seventy days.
You can use a box for childbirth, but a spacious, comfortable one with an entrance at the level of the cat’s chest.
Place several layers of paper on the bottom; place a clean cloth or baby sheet on top, which absorbs moisture well, which means the kittens will be warm. It is advisable to change the sheet after childbirth, then change it as it gets dirty.
Choose a box in such a way that both a mother cat and several of her kittens can fit into it, but with some extra space. Never cover the box with a lid.
There should be no children or other animals in the room where the birth will take place, but there should be water and food.
The box should be warm (you can put a heating pad on the bottom or an infrared lamp above the box). This is done so that in the first days of their life, the kittens do not freeze (they are born naked and heat exchange has not yet been formed).
There should also be a place in the box without a heating pad so that the kittens or their mother have the opportunity to take a break from the heat.
Have one more box in reserve, which should contain a heating pad and warm water in a bottle. This is done in order to warm the kitten, which the cat has abandoned for a while.
Let your cat become familiar with the place where the procedure will take place two weeks before giving birth.
Perhaps she will immediately like it and will often go there and climb into the box. Or maybe he won’t want to. To lure her into the box, put some treats she loves or her favorite toy inside.

Cat behavior before giving birth

A day before birth or even six hours before it, the animal begins to rush and tremble.
He may get nervous and move from place to place, starts scraping the floor, and rakes up his bedding. Calm your cat with affection and coaxing.
Sometimes the animal begins to lick its genitals and belly a week before giving birth. She may look for a place to give birth by going through all the closets in the house.
You can measure your pet's temperature daily, starting from the sixty-first day of pregnancy. 12-24 hours before giving birth, it drops from 38.6 to 37.5 or lower; a normal temperature is not a sign that the cat will not begin to give birth in a few hours.
Childbirth is approaching, and the cat is located in the wrong place, convince her to move to the right place or simply bring her a box and help the animal climb into it.
To avoid being forced to give birth in the right place, simply bring the cat's bedding to the place where she settled down to give birth.
This is done so as not to delay the birth, otherwise it could have a bad effect on the kittens.
When the kittens are born, they can be placed in a box, followed a little later by their mother cat.
Be quiet during labor and delivery. At the same time, provide the cat with enough space.
You should immediately move away from the woman in labor if she wants to leave or wants to be alone.
Always be nearby to come to her aid.
Sometimes trying to help unnecessarily can lead to various complications.
Your pet is strongly attached to you or is giving birth for the first time, which means she will need your presence and moral support during childbirth.
Therefore, you can stroke her belly and talk to her during childbirth.
Sometimes an animal can frighten its owner: it begins to howl during childbirth. Some people give birth while sitting, so you need to find out in advance what is normal and what is not so that you do not become nervous or stress the woman in labor.
You can find out whether a cat is pregnant or not by the fact that she begins to gain weight, but an ultrasound scan in a veterinary clinic will show it more reliably, but it is better to first have a routine examination by a veterinarian, who will decide for himself whether an ultrasound examination is necessary or not.
In the 2nd month of pregnancy, the animal’s belly begins to grow, and the nipples turn pink and swell.
Before giving birth, a cat may secrete yellowish-brown “nozzles” or in the form of small balls from the vulva. It happens that she licks them herself (no big deal).
The main thing is that there is no greenish-black discharge - this is dangerous.

One of the most significant and memorable events in the life of a caring cat owner is the appearance of offspring in an animal. Especially in a situation if everything is happening for the first time. At the same time, when a pet gives birth, she will definitely need the help, love and care of her owners.

If an animal is expected to give birth to kittens any day now, then every caring owner should know the signs of an impending birth in a cat. However, most of the animals able to give birth without any intervention, therefore, the role of a person in this matter mainly consists of observing from the side and helping if it is really necessary. But you need to prepare for possible surprises, and you need to know how to induce labor in a cat in advance.

What signs predict an imminent birth?

Since pregnancy in cats is quite fleeting, it is important to know the signs of labor so as not to miss the time of birth of a new life. The first symptoms begin and fade a couple of weeks before the crucial moment arrives. The offspring in the womb begins vigorous activity, and the cat itself scours the apartment in search of a secluded place. In turn, a few hours before the kittens are born the animal's habits change dramatically:

  • the cat becomes worried and begins to rush around the apartment, licking its tummy and genitals;
  • at the moment when contractions appear, the pet begins to breathe quickly and heavily;
  • rectal temperature readings drop below 37 ºC, which is normal;
  • there is swelling of the genital organs, accompanied by discharge;
  • Colostrum is released through the swollen mammary glands.

Almost all cats, before giving birth, meow loudly and hide in a secluded place where no one will disturb them.

Normal pregnancy in a cat

A healthy animal does not require human intervention during pregnancy and childbirth. However, some small breeds of cats complications may occur. In European countries, obstetrics for animals has been developing for many years. But in our case, all responsibility is always placed on the shoulders of the pet owner and general veterinarians. A normal pregnancy in an animal lasts 8–9 weeks. At the same time, veterinarians there are 3 main stages.

  1. During the first 3 weeks, mating occurs, immediately after which the animal may experience swelling of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, although this is not a 100% indicator that the cat is pregnant. You can clearly determine the piquant position of your pet after 3 weeks. The animal constantly becomes sleepy, appetite and activity decrease. The cat requires more attention and affection. Vomiting and enlargement of the uterus may appear, which can only be determined by a veterinarian during palpation.
  2. From 4 to 6 weeks, kittens grow rapidly, as a result of which the cat’s belly becomes noticeably rounder. By the end of 6 weeks, movement of the cubs may be observed. Kittens can be felt by probing the cat with your fingers. The animal eats and sleeps a lot.
  3. At 7–9 weeks, the kittens’ movement becomes very energetic, which can be clearly observed even with the naked eye, especially during the animal’s sleep. The cat becomes anxious and is constantly looking for a den.

Finding a secluded place may not occur in every pet. Some especially socially active cats will hope that their owner will take care of the secluded refuge, who will help in the process when the pet gives birth. Pets that are too attached to their owners must be monitored with increased care. Hormonal imbalance and the playful nature of the animal can cause rash actions in a cat, as a result of which labor failure or premature contractions may occur.

Possible complications during childbirth in cats

The first birth in cats is considered the most difficult. In this case, it will be difficult not only for the pet, but also for its owner. In the event of any deviations during childbirth, the life of the offspring, as well as the mother in labor, will be in the hands of the animal’s owners. If it is not possible to call an experienced veterinarian, then you will have to do everything yourself. But a few weeks before the cat gives birth, it is better stock up on everything you need:

The use of medications is advisable only in emergency situations. Oxytocin is used to further stimulate contractions. They give an injection of the drug into the muscle, 0.2 ml, but only after the second kitten has come out. Interval between injections should be from 40 minutes to an hour. Complications during childbirth in cats are rare, but you need to prepare for them in advance.

  1. The baby's head has appeared, but its full birth does not take place for a long time. In such a situation, the animal’s genitals and the kitten’s head are lubricated with Vaseline. This will normalize the process.
  2. After the baby appears in the bubble, the cat does not try to free it from there. You cannot wait more than 1 minute; it is important to cut the bubble and remove the fruit in time. In order for a newborn creature to begin to breathe, it must be bent so that the hind legs touch the chest. If necessary, this procedure must be done repeatedly.
  3. After the birth of the cub, the placenta did not come out. In this case, it is removed manually.
  4. In case of mechanical blockade, when the fetus is placed incorrectly or is too large, you must call a veterinarian. All independent attempts to help a pet can lead to irreversible consequences.
  5. If uterine atony is observed, when the contraction force is not enough for the fetus to come out on its own, the process is stimulated by an injection of oxytocin.

If during childbirth the cat develops intense discharge If the color of the animal is saturated with blood, the animal loses orientation, and sometimes consciousness, the temperature rises sharply, unpleasant odors appear, you must immediately call a veterinarian. If this does not work for some reason, you need to ask for help by phone. A specialist will always tell you how to help an animal in a given situation.

How do you know when your cat is about to give birth?

The first sign of imminent labor in a cat is sudden change in behavior animal one day before the birth of the offspring. The main changes begin in the animal's uterus and may be accompanied by pain. At the same time, the same symptoms accompany premature birth, and even miscarriage. The only difference between pathology during childbirth is the rapid occurrence of all processes.

Very often, before immediate birth, a mucous clot may come out of the cervix. At the same time, it is difficult to notice the rejection of the cork. Often it comes out at the moment of urination, and given that the cat is constantly licking itself, the owners may simply not pay attention to this. Signs that a cat is about to give birth include strong contractions that are very noticeable, even visually, as the cat begins to settle down and arch her back. In this case, the first cub should appear within 5–60 minutes.

What should the owner do during childbirth?

When all the signs that the animal will give birth are present, need to prepare the place where a cat and kittens will live. This secluded nest must be protected from drafts and prying eyes. A regular box or a special cat house is suitable for this. It is also worth worrying about the soft bedding on the bottom of the house. But you shouldn’t use expensive fabric, as it will have to be thrown away after the birth.

Different animals during fights may behave differently. For example, the breed of Scottish cats begins to rush around before giving birth. Your beloved pet may climb onto a closet, hide under the bed, or hide in the nightstand. In such a situation, the owners should calm and caress the animal, moving it to a cozy house in which it should get used to it. If the animal nevertheless gave birth outside the cat’s house, then you need to take her and the resulting offspring and move them to their place.