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The most popular requests for products in Yandex. What are people searching for most often on the Internet? Add your price to the database Comment

We will talk about one interesting Yandex service that will help us find out what they are looking for Internet users and how they can use it for their own purposes. Any webmaster is probably aware that Yandex has quite a lot of services that are designed to help us. Today we’ll talk about just such a service. How will he help us? It all depends on the goals you are pursuing.

As you might have guessed from this subtitle, we will talk about a service called Yandex live broadcast. And it has a name for a reason. Since this service really provides an opportunity to find out what they are looking for right now in the Yandex search engine online. The topic is really cool. Not only can you see what users enter into the search bar, but you can also use the data for your own purposes, for example, to identify a query that is gaining popularity. That is, for example, we have some kind of topic for writing an article and what do we do? Let's go to Yandex.Wordstat and select keys for your topic. If you don't know how to do this, be sure to read the article about the site. There I explained in detail what was happening.

But let's return to our topic. How can this service help? Usually we select the necessary requests based on frequency and discarding everything unnecessary, that is, zero or unprofitable requests. But, if you use Yandex live broadcast, you can really shoot. Of course, this will require a lot of time or a parser to identify such interesting queries. It works like this: for example, we went to Yandex.Wordstat, selected popular words by frequency and left. But the unpopular words remained. But we know that Wordstat provides information with a lag and therefore a popular query may look like it is not popular. And someone using live broadcast revealed a request which is rapidly gaining popularity, but according to Wordstat it is zero, which we rejected and others too. And a cunning user, using the information received, is sure that this request will bring him a lot of traffic, and even without competition, since others do not promote this request.

This is how, with the help of the Yandex analytical service, you can increase the traffic of your Internet resource; to do this, you just need to find out what users are looking for and use the information received.

Moreover, we can see in which part of the planet the key phrase is being typed, zoom in or pause. And this service is located.

And I would like to add that not so long ago this service showed the last 20 requests and I had to constantly refresh the page. And it wasn’t quite a live broadcast. But now, everything is much more convenient and simpler. And it can be quite fun to follow what users ask, sometimes you see this...

Moreover, with the help of the Yandex analytical center, we can find out the most popular queries for the past year, broken down by category, city and other criteria. You can also look at the topics of the year, etc. That is, by collecting all the necessary information and analyzing it, we can discover a lot of useful things for ourselves and our site.

Popular Yandex queries broken down into different criteria and presented in graphs with percentages as well as brief descriptions. In general, don't pass by.

This is what it looks like, the top themes of 2012 from Yandex.

With the help of this analytical center, you can learn a lot about users, the queries they type, and the Yandex search engine itself. Personally, I’m going to dig a little deeper into analytics and I advise you to do so.

And that's all for me. I told you about what, in my opinion, might be of interest to the site owner. That is, about live broadcasting and popular Yandex queries.

Good luck, friends. Until next time.

The correct selection of keywords is the basis of search engine promotion and high-quality contextual advertising settings. It is on the formation of the semantic core (compiling a database of queries and creating pages relevant to them) that the further result largely depends: the popularity of the resource and conversion.

Do you want to become a real SEO guru and receive ready-made instructions for working with the best services for the Russian-speaking segment? Then this article was written especially for you!

At the moment, there are two main ways to collect popular queries in Yandex - Yandex.Direct and Yandex WordStat. Let's study them in more detail, consider the advantages and disadvantages.


The Yandex search engine regularly collects information about user requests - based on this data, the convenient Yandex WordStat service has been created. It helps website owners and optimizers become familiar with the needs of Runet visitors, track trendy topics, and select the most appropriate keywords.

Screenshot of the Yandex.Wordstat interface

Among the advantages of the service, we should highlight its simplicity and high speed. This free service has excellent functionality. With it you can:

  • find out the frequency of the request in Yandex in exact, phrase and broad terms;
  • get statistics on a particular region;
  • use “Query History” to determine seasonality.

Now about the cons. Advanced SEO specialists agree that the selection of keywords in Yandex.Wordstat allows you to compile a list of keywords of only up to 50% of the full semantic core. To save data to your computer and search for other phrases, you will need to use additional services.

Another drawback is that WordStat only shows 2000 nested phrases (up to 40 pages), missing low-frequency queries that drive additional traffic. Many people are annoyed by the frequent introduction of captchas, and there is a possibility of account blocking.

Advice! To collect more keywords, use the paid Key Collector program or use a little trick from advanced optimizers. They get around the limitation by entering queries in different variants. For example: blouse, blouse, blouse, blouse.

Remember! Are you going to collect a lot of keywords? Create a separate account in Yandex to avoid the consequences of potential blocking.


It is a contextual advertising service on search engine pages and YAN partner sites. Despite its different purpose (the service was created for paid promotion and fine-tuning of advertisements with output for specific requests), Yandex.Direct also allows you to select keywords.

In addition, this service makes it possible to study the search phrases used by competitors in order to apply them next time in your own website development strategy.

The majority of Yandex. users Direct are advertisers and online sellers, so this commercial tool is also designed to calculate the profit received from promoting individual keywords.

The main disadvantage of Direct is that it is not particularly convenient for solving large-scale problems. In such cases, it is better to opt for the powerful Key Collector or the free Slovoeb service.

How to use Yandex.Wordstat to select keywords?

The platform interface is simple and understandable even for beginners. Main elements of the main screen:

  • query input field - here you need to enter the search phrase about which you want to receive information;

  • button “by words” - displays the list taking into account the specified operators (special characters to narrow the search range);
  • “by region” - allows you to go to the section dedicated to geodependence;
  • “request history” - generates data received over the last two years;

  • date of last statistics update;

  • left row - shows statistics of queries in Yandex for the entered word;
  • right column - used to identify other keys from users who searched for the original phrase;
  • transition to statistics by device type: requests from mobile phones, phones and tablets.

Advice! To improve your work with Yandex.Wordstat, study its operators - they will save your time by eliminating unnecessary words or combining information for several queries at once.

Instructions for working with Yandex.Wordstat

  1. Log in or register a Yandex account.
  2. Go to the page https://wordstat.yandex.ru/.
  3. Enter the phrase you are interested in in the search bar.
  4. Click the "Select" button.

To clarify the required request, use a set of service commands:

Word order in keys

The method of collecting statistics in Yandex WordStat has a serious drawback - there are no differences in the frequency of queries that are essentially the same, but with different word order. Even taking into account the operator "!" the service provides the same number of impressions per month. But in fact, the phrases “radio online” and “online radio” have an unequal number of views.

Attention! You must first activate the “Take into account word order” option in the settings.

Defining keywords based on regions

To analyze the demographic aspect, you will need the “By Region” tool. It will be useful when the optimizer is looking for queries for advertising or creating a semantic core for a site selling goods or services.

Of all the functions, the most interesting is regional popularity - the percentage that a city occupies in impressions for a phrase, divided by the share of all search results. If you see more than 100%, it means that the region’s interest in the keyword is increased, if less, it means it’s decreased.

Analysis of seasonality of requests

Would you like to determine the dynamics of demand for the selected key throughout the year? Then you need to look at the statistics in Yandex.Wordstat (the “Query History” tool).

Using the service, you can assess the seasonality of any topic with detailed frequency by month and week. In addition, the tool will save money and effort by further eliminating the “dummy” phrases that site owners have created in a short time.

Advice! To get a deep understanding of traffic dynamics, analyze different keywords from the same group. Be sure to consider obvious seasonal queries (such as “shopping for a swimsuit” or “how to decorate a Christmas tree”), as well as unforeseen important events and news that may change SEO trends.

Advice! Low-frequency operators are focused on more effective and less costly promotion; they specify the request as much as possible. We recommend using them in the semantic core.

Low frequency phrases are phrases that users have entered less than 10 times in the last month.

Parsing queries with a fixed number of words

If you need to search for queries of a certain length, type the keyword on the appropriate line the required number of times, enclosing it in quotation marks. For example, a webmaster needs to find popular three-word phrases with the key “flowers” ​​- he should enter “flowers flowers” ​​into the search.

Such experiments with a length of up to seven words can increase the reach of the target audience, because as a result WordStat will replace the same words with analogues that are often entered by Runet users.

Expansion of the semantic core

To increase traffic to an Internet resource, try to cover as many queries as possible that are similar in linguistics and syntax. By finding the maximum number of keys, you will create an effective and powerful semantic core.

When compiling it, pay attention to other interests of the target audience - by deciding to look at such query statistics in Yandex.Wordstat, you will better understand the needs of your potential readers and clients, and expand the list of queries by topic.

Browser plugins for comfortable work

To ensure that using the service leaves only pleasant memories, we recommend installing the Yandex Wordstat Helper or Yandex Wordstat Assistant extension. The mentioned plugins will significantly speed up the selection of keywords and will raise the Internet marketing of your website to new level.
The first extension allows you to add your own queries; it copies, deletes and appends data to the buffer.

As for Yandex Wordstat Assistant, it also displays the total frequency of key phrases and supports different types of sorting.

1. Go to https://direct.yandex.ua/ and click “Create a campaign” - Text and image ads.

2. Below, select the region you are interested in.
3. Open the “Group Management” tab and enter the masks collected in Yandex.Wordstat there, that is, the main phrases. Click "Save" and proceed to create an ad group. In the “Settings for the entire group” column, enter the masks collected earlier in Yandex.Wordstat.

4. Start searching for additional phrases by selecting "Find Words"

5. Click “Start collection” and be patient: the operation may take many hours, especially when working with a huge semantic core.

6. Filter the received keys from non-target requests.

Want to learn how to use Yandex.Direct to select keywords for maximum benefit? Calculate duplicates, as well as obvious negative keywords that are not suitable for your site, and then remove all phrases collected by the program that contain them.
Interface features

In 2017, Yandex.Direct developers distributed options into semantic blocks and improved usability - working with the service became even more pleasant. Previously, the platform supported two versions of the interface: light and professional.

Now all that remains is a convenient advanced option, with which you can find out the frequency of the request in Yandex with the addition of negative keywords, independently adjust the keys, manage bids and receive data on financial expenses.

Other services and key selection programs for Yandex

  • Key Collector - helps automate advanced collection of the semantic core, obtaining effective search phrases as quickly as possible. This paid program always uses the latest statistics, and updates are released frequently.
  • “Slovoeb” is a convenient free analogue suitable for compiling a large list of queries. It analyzes regionality and seasonality, allows you to determine the timing of promotion, as well as calculate its approximate cost.
  • "- it can be used for free and without registration. The service instantly selects search phrases from its own large database. It shows not only their frequency, but also competition and seasonality.


Having gained experience in selecting keywords in Yandex.Wordstat, Direct and other programs, you will become a real promotion specialist, because its basis is the correct choice of keywords. After compiling the semantic core, all that remains is to create high-quality pages relevant to the selected queries.

Good traffic and crazy conversion to you!

Have you decided to create your own website? This means that you are already familiar with the concept of key queries. Of course, the success of any informational, entertainment or commercial project depends on the relevance of the target phrase by which users will find your site. We present to your attention the most popular queries in Yandex for 2017. This way, you can find out the interests of the public and decide on the core for your project. Data were collected based on analysis of the Wordstat resource. If you are interested in the information business, you will probably be interested in reading the article on the best sites for finding a job! Let's start reviewing the top 10 most popular “keys”.

Top 10 most popular queries in Yandex


Download music for free

The ranking of the most popular key queries on Yandex opens with the phrase: “Download music for free.” About one and a half million searches for this key are registered per month. Actually, it’s not surprising, because everyone listens to music. Social networks, of course, are convenient, but sometimes you need to download a song to your mobile device, flash drive or car. It is worth noting that there are a huge number of resources providing this service. It is extremely difficult to compete with them by creating your own project. In addition, do not forget about copyright!

Movies online

The next position in the niche of popular key phrases is occupied by the phrase: “Movies online.” Well, who doesn't like to watch a good movie? Thanks to the presence of large resources with our own hosting, we have the opportunity to include an interesting film without downloading files. Naturally, watching movies online is in greater demand than the word form with the word “download”. Over 1.8 million users interested in this service are registered per month in the Yandex search engine.

Translator from English to Russian

Schoolchildren, students, employees of various organizations - everyone is faced with the need for translations. English is an international language. All leading companies, websites, brands use terms in English. For this reason, it is not at all surprising that the phrase “Translator from English to Russian” was in the top of the most popular requests. In total, over 2 million occurrences of these words are registered in Yandex searches every month. Naturally, in different declination and order.

Masha and the Bear all episodes in a row

The next position is occupied by the animated series “Masha and the Bear”. We are talking about the most popular cartoon in the CIS. Every month, the query “Masha and the Bear all episodes in a row” appears in Yandex searches about 2.2 million times. It is difficult to explain what causes such a stunning demand for the cartoon. According to the plot, we see an interpretation of the good old fairy tale about a girl who got lost in the forest. By no means, in this instructive and funny cartoon, Masha does not play the role of the Bear’s hostage. Quite the contrary. This very funny and educational project is loved not only by children, but also by adults.

Online radio listen online

Next comes a rather interesting, perhaps incomprehensible request for many: “Listen to online radio online.” It would seem that in the 21st century, radio is not so popular, but that was not the case. Indeed, a lot of people turn on the broadcast literally from the very morning. Taxi drivers, bank employees, service personnel and many other people do not mind turning on the radio while working. More than 2.3 million occurrences of this query are registered per month in Yandex. By the name, you probably guessed which station interests users more than others.

Google translator

It is difficult to overestimate the popularity of the Google search engine and all the tools adjacent to this resource. Continuing the theme of the prevalence of the English language, it is not at all surprising that the query “Google Translate” takes 6th place in this top. Every day, many people use an intuitive resource to translate texts, phrases and words. The popularity of this module is due to its speed and simplicity. Even a novice user can easily cope with the task.

Games for boys

  1. Someone is looking for virtual games;
  2. Someone is online;
  3. Others are interested in developmental solutions.

Of course, most often this request is entered by parents, not boys. For this reason, it is not difficult to guess that the target audience is interested in a way to entertain a child. On average, about 2.4 million requests are registered per month.

Every day, users formulate about one and a half million Yandex search queries as questions. For example, [what to use to catch crucian carp], [who are these hipsters] or [when will I get married]. Question requests account for more than a percentage of the total daily flow

Most often they ask questions about current topics: about the latest Internet memes, new films, etc. Having arisen in connection with a certain event, requests disappear shortly after the event has passed. For example, in January the most popular questions were related to the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive" and the TV series "Magnificent Century". And in June - with the popular Internet meme “Who are you? Come on, goodbye!”, exam results (Unified State Exam and State Examination) and the European Football Championship.

Some questions are constantly present in search queries, regardless of the time of year or current events. The most popular of them are [what holiday is it today], [what movie to watch] and [why doesn’t he get in touch].

At any time of the year, questions about dates are equally often asked. Users want to know what can be celebrated right now, when a specific holiday will be or what kind of holiday will be on such and such a date: [when is Tatiana’s day], etc. People are also interested in which days will be non-working days - [May holidays 2012 how we rest]. In winter, compared to summer, people asked much more often about the dates of the “end of the world,” and at the beginning of summer, about the passage of Venus across the disk of the Sun.

Another big topic, always equally popular, is health. Users ask Yandex what to do in a given situation or how to treat a disease: [high blood pressure, what to do], [bitten by a tick, what to do], [stye on the eye, how to treat]. Approximately every fiftieth question to Yandex is in one way or another related to pregnancy: [when to take a pregnancy test], [when the belly begins to grow in pregnant women].

Winter and summer questions

The popularity of some topics varies greatly depending on the time of year. For example, questions about the weather are asked mainly in winter, and all of them are related to cold weather: [when it gets warmer], [at what temperature do you not go to school], [at what temperature can you walk with your child]. Also, in January, compared to June, socio-political questions were asked much more often. First of all, they were caused by changes in legislation that came into force in the new year and the recalculation of various indices: [how much will pensions be increased in 2012], [what can maternity capital be spent on in 2012], [how much will cigarettes cost in 2012].

The European Football Championship started in June, and sports topics rapidly gained popularity - every twentieth request in the form of a question was dedicated to Euro 2012.

They were mainly interested in the schedule of upcoming games and television broadcasts, but also asked about the current score and even about the rules of the game: [what time is Euro 2012 today], [what is the score for Russia vs. the Czech Republic], [how many halves are there in football].

Another topic that took off greatly in the summer was exams. In winter, they were practically not remembered, but in June every tenth question was related to the results of the Unified State Exam or State Examination. The most popular subjects, as expected, are Russian and mathematics.

In addition, in June the number of questions related to vacations and travel increased: [how much does a train ticket cost], [where is Ibiza]. Quite often, users ask questions “how to get there” or “how to get” to a certain place. In winter and summer in the same region people ask about different places. Voronezh residents, for example, in winter most often look for how to get to the bird market, and in summer they ask for directions to Kostomarovo.

Questions in different regions

Most questions are of equal interest to users from different regions, but there are differences. For example, only in Kaliningrad they often ask [how much does customs clearance of a car from Germany cost], in Omsk - [what is Cthulhu], and in Chelyabinsk - [why do crocodiles swallow stones]. Also, each region has its own vacation spots, the directions to which are asked most often: in Kiev they go to the botanical garden, in St. Petersburg to Peterhof, in Belarus to the Mir Castle, and Odessa residents are looking for a way to the local nudist beach.

Popular question words

Among the question words, users most often use “how much” and “how.” This is not surprising - the word “how much” is found in such popular questions as the number of episodes in TV series, the age of celebrities, and the cost of goods. The word “how” usually precedes questions like “how to find out”, “how to spell”, “how to treat”, “how to get there”, “how to remove”, “how to turn off”.

There are minimal differences in the frequency of use of different question words between the four countries studied. Russians are slightly more likely than others to ask “how much?”, Kazakhs – “how?”, and Ukrainians – “why?”. Otherwise there are no differences.

Quite often, users use the constructions “what is it”, “who is it” and “how is it” - with their help they look for definitions of new words, concepts and phenomena. Often, interest in unknown concepts is due to their widespread use in popular culture. For example, the most popular winter query with the interrogative word “what” is obviously caused by mentions of Article 228 of the Criminal Code in many songs of Russian rap artists and the growing popularity of clothes with the inscription “228”. Also often among the top unknown concepts are Internet memes and Internet slang.

Questions on eternal topics

Most often, when asking search questions, users want to solve specific problems, for example, figuring out what movie to watch or checking the weather forecast. But there are also rhetorical questions or questions on eternal topics - [when will I get enough sleep] and [why am I such a fool]. Among them there are many questions about love relationships and, judging by the wording, love issues concern girls to a much greater extent.

Sometimes Yandex is also asked children's questions - [why the sky is blue] or [where do children come from]. Obviously, parents, stymied by such complex questions, have to look for answers on the Internet.

Yandex remains one of the most popular search engines in Russia today. Its monthly page views amount to more than 3 billion times, i.e. Every day the search engine processes more than 100 million queries. It is worth noting that more than half of all search engine users come from 10 large cities in Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Omsk, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk). The average number of requests per user is 6-7 times per session of using a search engine until the desired result is selected.

The most popular queries are the same in wording and have the same spelling. Most of all, people are looking for information related to social networks (for example, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki). The list of the most “Yandex” includes the phrases “download”, “watch online”, “”, “”, “download songs”, “download music”.

Geographic queries are also popular, for example, “St. Petersburg”, “Map of Moscow”, “Moscow”. Navigation queries to search for sites with a specific address or category (for example, mail.ru or “online store”) are gaining great popularity. Sometimes users search for jobs (“job search”) and background information (“salad recipes”).

The Google search engine has similar statistics for the Russian Internet, which, however, is more popular abroad.

Detailed statistics of search queries can be obtained on the websites of popular search engines.

Foreign Internet

One of the most popular searches in the world for 2013 relates to the personality of Nelson Mandela. Second place in the ranking was taken by a request for a biography of Paul Walker. People often searched for information about the iPhone 5s and Samsung Galaxy S4.

The type of search queries, despite the general trend, may vary depending on the region and current events that are happening in the world at the moment.

The most popular movie-related Google search was "Iron Man" and "Man of Steel." Among the videos, people most often searched for Harlem Shake; there was also a large percentage of people who wanted to receive information about the tragic events in Boston. Navigation queries continue to be popular - for example, Facebook, Youtube, Outlook, Google, etc. People often enter the word free in search engines, which indicates a desire to get something for free. Google also often processes information for the queries “Channel One”, “Sochi Olympics” and “State Traffic Safety Inspectorate” (accident reports).