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Scheme of the direction of movement of the lymph of the human lymphatic system. The vital role of the lymphatic system

The human body is a complex structure consisting of various systems. To a greater or lesser extent, we know how the digestive system works, or the musculoskeletal, respiratory, and others. How does the lymphatic system work? What do you know about lymph? Often our knowledge is limited to acquaintance with the word "lymph nodes" and a line in the results of analyzes with the name "lymphocytes". What is especially sad is that even among doctors it is quite difficult to find a specialist lymphologist.

What is lymph and why do we need it?

Unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system is not closed in structure, and the fluid moves in it from the periphery to the center under slight pressure. Interestingly, a healthy person of average build has about 2-2.5 liters of lymph.

The lymphatic system consists of nodes, vessels and capillaries through which lymph moves. Here are the nodes you can sometimes feel behind the ears, on the neck, in the groin or in the armpits, for example. Inflamed lymph nodes when an infection enters the body, it is delayed by the lymphatic system and transported to the nearest nodes, where protective cells try to overcome the "guests". When there are too many alien agents, the number of defenders also increases, which leads to an increase in the size of the node.

Cleansing the lymphatic system

The movement of lymph in the vessels occurs due to muscle contractions, respectively, in order for the lymph to move more intensively, not to stagnate and cleanse the body, we need to move ourselves. The more you move, the better your lymphatic system works. Even at work, you need to take breaks for breathing exercises, warm-ups, or go outside for a while.

Be sure to observe drinking regimen, it is useful not only for the lymphatic, but also for absolutely all body systems. In addition, self-cleaning of waste products of the lymphatic system occurs through the salivary glands, they draw out all dead cells and toxins from the body, and then they are brought out through the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, starting the morning with a glass of water is a great healthy habit.

Helps with the task of cleaning the lymphatic system and ginger. Chewing a slice of its root after eating, or adding a little ginger juice to your favorite smoothie, you activate salivation and free the body from excess. However, you will find many more cleaning methods on the Internet using citrus, licorice root and other methods, so be careful.

Lymphatic drainage massage benefit or harm?

We used to think that massage is always good and useful, unless, of course, the professionalism of the master and his knowledge are sufficient to perform manipulations with your body. Lymphatic drainage procedures are especially widely used for aesthetic purposes: to eliminate the manifestations of cellulite and puffiness, to correct body contours, tighten and smooth the skin surface. Often people who are far from medicine work in beauty salons, so you should know what is “good” and what is “bad”.

Movements should must pass along the lines of the lymph flow towards the center. This is important because the lymphatic ducts have valves that prevent backflow of lymph. If the massage is performed in reverse, these valves are damaged or destroyed, thus creating even more problems.

This applies to both manual and hardware massage.

If the massage is done correctly, then the positive effect will be noticeable almost immediately. IN medical massage helps to establish lymph flow and blood circulation (including in the treatment of varicose veins), helps to eliminate edema, is effective in treating stress and improving the emotional state, and also generally has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

In order to keep the lymphatic system in a healthy state, in addition to the tips listed above, remember that almost everything “unhealthy” that you eat, apply to the skin and interact with gets into the lymph. Therefore, be careful and choose organic products and cosmetics, wear loose and natural clothes.

Health is better to protect than to restore!

The fluid that enters the tissue is lymph. The lymphatic system is an integral part of the vascular system, providing the formation of lymph and lymph circulation.

Lymphatic system - a network of capillaries, vessels and nodes through which lymph moves in the body. Lymphatic capillaries are closed at one end, i.e. blindly end in tissues. Lymphatic vessels of medium and large diameter, like veins, have valves. Lymph nodes are located along their course - "filters" that trap viruses, microorganisms and the largest particles in the lymph.

The lymphatic system begins in the tissues of organs in the form of an extensive network of closed lymphatic capillaries that do not have valves, and their walls are highly permeable and have the ability to absorb colloidal solutions and suspensions. Lymphatic capillaries pass into lymphatic vessels equipped with valves. Thanks to these valves, which prevent the reverse flow of lymph, it flows only towards the veins. Lymphatic vessels flow into the lymphatic thoracic duct, through which lymph flows from 3/4 of the body. The thoracic duct drains into the cranial vena cava or jugular vein. Lymph through the lymphatic vessels enters the right lymphatic trunk, which flows into the cranial vena cava.

Rice. Diagram of the lymphatic system

Functions of the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system performs several functions:

  • The protective function is provided by the lymphoid tissue of the lymph nodes, which produces phagocytic cells, lymphocytes and antibodies. Before entering the lymph node, the lymphatic vessel divides into small branches that pass into the sinuses of the node. Small branches also depart from the node, which are combined again into one vessel;
  • the filtration function is also associated with the lymph nodes, in which various foreign substances and bacteria are mechanically retained;
  • the transport function of the lymphatic system is that through this system the main amount of fat that is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract enters the bloodstream;
  • the lymphatic system also performs a homeostatic function, maintaining the constancy of the composition and volume of the interstitial fluid;
  • The lymphatic system performs a drainage function and removes excess tissue (interstitial) fluid located in the organs.

The formation and circulation of lymph ensure the removal of excess extracellular fluid, which is created due to the fact that filtration exceeds the reabsorption of fluid into the blood capillaries. Such drainage function The lymphatic system becomes apparent if the outflow of lymph from some area of ​​the body is reduced or stopped (for example, when squeezing the limbs with clothing, blockage of the lymphatic vessels during their injury, crossing during a surgical operation). In these cases, local tissue edema develops distal to the compression site. This type of edema is called lymphatic.

Return to the bloodstream of albumin, filtered into the intercellular fluid from the blood, especially in organs with highly permeable (liver, gastrointestinal tract). More than 100 g of protein returns to the bloodstream per day with lymph. Without this return, the loss of protein in the blood would be irreplaceable.

Lymph is part of the system that provides humoral connections between organs and tissues. With its participation, the transport of signaling molecules, biologically active substances, and some enzymes (histaminase, lipase) is carried out.

In the lymphatic system, the processes of differentiation of lymphocytes transported by the lymph along with immune complexes that perform body's immune defense functions.

Protective function The lymphatic system also manifests itself in the fact that foreign particles, bacteria, remnants of destroyed cells, various toxins, and also tumor cells are filtered out, captured and in some cases neutralized in the lymph nodes. With the help of lymph, red blood cells that have left the blood vessels are removed from the tissues (in case of injuries, damage to blood vessels, bleeding). Often, the accumulation of toxins and infectious agents in the lymph node is accompanied by its inflammation.

Lymph is involved in the transport of chylomicrons, lipoproteins and fat-soluble substances absorbed in the intestine into the venous blood.

Lymph and lymph circulation

Lymph is a blood filtrate formed from tissue fluid. It has an alkaline reaction, it is absent, but contains fibrinogen and, therefore, it is able to coagulate. The chemical composition of lymph is similar to that of blood plasma, tissue fluid and other body fluids.

Lymph flowing from different organs and tissues has a different composition depending on the characteristics of their metabolism and activity. The lymph flowing from the liver contains more proteins, the lymph contains more. Moving along the lymphatic vessels, the lymph passes through the lymph nodes and is enriched with lymphocytes.

Lymph - a clear, colorless liquid contained in the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, in which there are no erythrocytes, there are platelets and many lymphocytes. Its functions are aimed at maintaining homeostasis (the return of protein from tissues to the blood, the redistribution of fluid in the body, the formation of milk, participation in digestion, metabolic processes), as well as participation in immunological reactions. The lymph contains protein (about 20 g/l). Lymph production is relatively low (most of all in the liver), about 2 liters are formed per day by reabsorption from the interstitial fluid into the blood of the blood capillaries after filtration.

Lymph formation due to the transition of water and dissolved substances from the blood capillaries to the tissues, and from the tissues to the lymphatic capillaries. At rest, the processes of filtration and absorption in the capillaries are balanced and the lymph is completely absorbed back into the blood. In the case of increased physical activity in the process of metabolism, a number of products are formed that increase the permeability of capillaries for protein, its filtration increases. Filtration in the arterial part of the capillary occurs when the hydrostatic pressure rises above the oncotic pressure by 20 mm Hg. Art. During muscular activity, the volume of lymph increases and its pressure causes the penetration of interstitial fluid into the lumen of the lymphatic vessels. Lymph formation is facilitated by an increase in the osmotic pressure of tissue fluid and lymph in the lymphatic vessels.

The movement of lymph through the lymphatic vessels occurs due to the suction force of the chest, contraction, contraction of the smooth muscles of the wall of the lymphatic vessels and due to the lymphatic valves.

Lymphatic vessels have sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation. Excitation of the sympathetic nerves leads to a contraction of the lymphatic vessels, and when the parasympathetic fibers are activated, the vessels contract and relax, which increases the lymph flow.

Adrenaline, histamine, serotonin increase the flow of lymph. A decrease in the oncotic pressure of plasma proteins and an increase in capillary pressure increase the volume of outflowing lymph.

Formation and amount of lymph

Lymph is a fluid that flows through the lymphatic vessels and is part of the internal environment of the body. The sources of its formation are filtered from the microvasculature into the tissues and the contents of the interstitial space. In the section on microcirculation, it was discussed that the volume of blood plasma filtered into tissues exceeds the volume of fluid reabsorbed from them into the blood. Thus, about 2-3 liters of blood filtrate and fluid of the intercellular medium that are not reabsorbed into the blood vessels per day enter the lymphatic capillaries, the system of lymphatic vessels through the interendothelial clefts, and return to the blood again (Fig. 1).

Lymphatic vessels are present in all organs and tissues of the body with the exception of the superficial layers of the skin and bone tissue. The largest number of them is found in the liver and small intestine, where about 50% of the total daily volume of the body's lymph is formed.

The main constituent of lymph is water. The mineral composition of the lymph is identical to the composition of the intercellular environment of the tissue in which the lymph was formed. Lymph contains organic substances, mainly proteins, glucose, amino acids, free fatty acids. The composition of the lymph flowing from different organs is not the same. In organs with a relatively high permeability of blood capillaries, such as the liver, lymph contains up to 60 g/l of protein. The lymph contains proteins involved in the formation of blood clots (prothrombin, fibrinogen), so it can clot. The lymph flowing from the intestines contains not only a lot of protein (30-40 g/l), but also a large amount of chylomicrons and lipoproteins formed from aponrotheins and fats absorbed from the intestines. These particles are in suspension in the lymph, transported by it into the blood and give the lymph a similarity to milk. In the composition of the lymph of other tissues, the protein content is 3-4 times less than in the blood plasma. The main protein component of tissue lymph is the low molecular weight fraction of albumin, which is filtered through the wall of capillaries into extravascular spaces. The entry of proteins and other large molecular particles into the lymph of the lymphatic capillaries is carried out due to their pinocytosis.

Rice. 1. Schematic structure of a lymphatic capillary. The arrows show the direction of lymphatic flow.

Lymph contains lymphocytes and other forms of white blood cells. Their number in different lymphatic vessels varies and is in the range of 2-25 * 10 9 / l, and in the thoracic duct is 8 * 10 9 / l. Other types of leukocytes (granulocytes, monocytes and macrophages) are contained in the lymph in a small amount, but their number increases with inflammatory and other pathological processes. Red blood cells and platelets can appear in the lymph when blood vessels are damaged and tissue injuries.

Absorption and movement of lymph

Lymph is absorbed into the lymphatic capillaries, which have a number of unique properties. Unlike blood capillaries, lymphatic capillaries are closed, blindly ending vessels (Fig. 1). Their wall consists of a single layer of endothelial cells, the membrane of which is fixed with the help of collagen filaments to extravascular tissue structures. Between endothelial cells there are intercellular slit-like spaces, the dimensions of which can vary widely: from a closed state to a size through which blood cells, fragments of destroyed cells and particles comparable in size to blood cells can penetrate into the capillary.

The lymphatic capillaries themselves can also change their size and reach a diameter of up to 75 microns. These morphological features of the structure of the walls of the lymphatic capillaries give them the ability to change the permeability over a wide range. Thus, during contraction of skeletal muscles or smooth muscles of internal organs, due to the tension of collagen filaments, interendothelial gaps can open, through which the intercellular fluid, the mineral and organic substances contained in it, including proteins and tissue leukocytes, freely move into the lymphatic capillary. The latter can easily migrate into the lymphatic capillaries also due to their ability to amoeboid movement. In addition, lymphocytes, which are formed in the lymph nodes, enter the lymph. The flow of lymph into the lymphatic capillaries is carried out not only passively, but also under the influence of negative pressure forces that arise in the capillaries due to the pulsating contraction of the more proximal parts of the lymphatic vessels and the presence of valves in them.

The wall of the lymphatic vessels is built of endothelial cells, which, on the outside of the vessel, are covered in the form of a cuff by smooth muscle cells located radially around the vessel. Inside the lymphatic vessels there are valves, the structure and principle of functioning of which are similar to the valves of the venous vessels. When smooth myocytes are relaxed and the lymphatic vessel is dilated, the valve leaflets open. With the contraction of smooth myocytes, which causes narrowing of the vessel, the pressure of the lymph in this area of ​​the vessel increases, the valve flaps close, the lymph cannot move in the opposite (distal) direction and is pushed through the vessel proximally.

Lymph from the lymphatic capillaries moves into postcapillary and then into large intraorgan lymphatic vessels that flow into the lymph nodes. From the lymph nodes, through small extraorganic lymphatic vessels, lymph flows into larger extraorganic vessels that form the largest lymphatic trunks: the right and left thoracic ducts, through which lymph is delivered to the circulatory system. From the left thoracic duct, lymph enters the left subclavian vein near its junction with the jugular veins. Most of the lymph moves into the blood through this duct. The right lymphatic duct delivers lymph to the right subclavian vein from the right side of the chest, neck, and right arm.

Lymph flow can be characterized by volumetric and linear velocities. The volumetric flow rate of lymph from the thoracic ducts to the veins is 1-2 ml / min, i.e. only 2-3 l / day. The linear speed of lymph movement is very low - less than 1 mm/min.

The driving force of the lymph flow is formed by a number of factors.

  • The difference between the hydrostatic pressure of the lymph (2-5 mm Hg) in the lymphatic capillaries and its pressure (about 0 mm Hg) at the mouth of the common lymphatic duct.
  • Contraction of smooth muscle cells in the walls of lymphatic vessels that move lymph towards the thoracic duct. This mechanism is sometimes called the lymphatic pump.
  • Periodic increase in external pressure on the lymphatic vessels, created by contraction of the skeletal or smooth muscles of the internal organs. For example, the contraction of the respiratory muscles creates rhythmic pressure changes in the chest and abdominal cavities. The decrease in pressure in the chest cavity during inhalation creates a suction force that promotes the movement of lymph into the thoracic duct.

The amount of lymph formed per day in a state of physiological rest is about 2-5% of body weight. The rate of its formation, movement and composition depend on the functional state of the organ and a number of other factors. Thus, the volumetric flow of lymph from the muscles during muscular work increases by 10-15 times. After 5-6 hours after eating, the volume of lymph flowing from the intestine increases, its composition changes. This occurs mainly due to the entry of chylomicrons and lipoproteins into the lymph.

Clamping the veins of the legs or standing for a long time leads to difficulty in returning venous blood from the legs to the heart. At the same time, the hydrostatic pressure of blood in the capillaries of the extremities increases, filtration increases and an excess of tissue fluid is created. The lymphatic system under such conditions cannot provide sufficient drainage function, which is accompanied by the development of edema.

Lymph It's an absolutely amazing system.

Let's start with what lymph is. Imagine any organ (liver, kidneys), it contains the cells of which it consists, and the blood vessels through which nutrition comes. All intercellular fluid, which we have 50-60 liters, flows from here into the lymphatic vessels, passes through customs, i.e. pus goes out through separate ducts through the vagina, armpits, nose, mouth, sputum, and pure lymph goes further. Moreover, all the lymph through the lymphatic system goes only in one direction: from the bottom up.

The heart pushes blood into the organs through the vessels, in the organs the fluid from the blood goes into the intercellular tissue, part of the fluid 10% returns back to the blood, the rest of the fluid from the organ flows up the lymphatic ducts. Therefore, all lymphatic vessels go from bottom to top. If you are massaged from top to bottom, then the lymphatic system is destroyed. All massages should start from the fingertips and go to the central shaft. If the facial massage is done incorrectly, without taking into account the lymphatic ducts, then there will be nothing but swelling.

We all have a heart that pushes blood to all organs. Now imagine that the fluid has left the organ and then it flows through the lymphatic vessels without pushing effects and without suction from above. How does lymph move? Lymphatic vessels everything is inside the muscles. And the lymphatic heart is the muscles. There is no other mechanism for lifting lymph. The lymph vessel is surrounded by muscle tissues, and only when the muscle contracts, the lymph is pushed up. No other mechanism exists.

Therefore, sedentary people always have swelling, lymph stands. There is no cardiac edema, only lymphatic edema.

What is edema? Imagine a leg. In it, the lymphatic vessel is damaged, the fluid does not come out. So there will be swelling. The heart can push such water clots, but it is not very easy for it, because it needs to create such pressure from a height of one and a half meters to push this fluid. This is a very big load, naturally, the left ventricle is disturbed in the heart. Therefore, if there are swelling of the legs, shins, knees and above, this is all called the lymphatic system. Lymph nodes must not be touched, they must not be massaged, they must not be heated, they must not be touched, nothing can be done with them at all. Lymph nodes are living sacs in which white blood cells live. Moreover, leukocytes do not just live there, they work there, they have a place of work there. They destroy bacteria there every second, treat them from fungi, viruses, all sorts of protozoa. And all this is released into the nose and to various other landing sites.

The first site of disembarkation is the vagina in women and the urethra in men. If there are any viral foci, protozoa or bacteria, then the first thing to do, regardless of age, will be discharge from the genitals.

The second bridgehead is the intestines. Pus (dead white blood cells) in the stool indicates that white blood cells are successfully fighting viruses, etc.

The next springboard is the armpits, through which lymph leaves along with hormones. Therefore, in no case should you use 24-hour deodorants, because we chemically stop the lymph flow, and all the lymph goes to the mammary glands.

The next springboard for the landing of pus is the nasal tonsils or adenoids. In everyone who has problems with adenoids, the lymph is affected by infections: streptococcus, fungi, staphylococcus, etc.

The next springboard is the tonsils. Angina. And then there are deep nodes - the larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs.

Why is it important to know how lymph flows? Because all edema in the body will be regarded by doctors as a cardiovascular pathology, i.e. not a heartbeat. In fact, most often it is a lymphatic pathology: blockage of the lymph nodes or contamination of the common lymphatic collector.

The water that is in the intercellular space is not just water. Hyaluronic acid is dissolved in it, this acid can be in two states: thick jelly or liquid jelly. At high temperatures, it becomes liquid jelly, and at low temperatures - thick jelly. Therefore, when we drink diaphoretic herbs, our lymph liquefies, and we begin to sweat, the lymph comes out through the vessels. When we jump into a cold pool, the lymph thickens and the lymph outflow stops.

If it is thick jelly all the time, i.e. a person does not take a steam bath in a bath, does not clean himself, drinks bad water, the water does not pass, then it will not work out of the blood vessel into the intercellular space, and the body will raise blood pressure in order to push through all the nutrients, oxygen, etc. under pressure.

Lymph differs from blood only in color. Lymph is white blood. It differs from blood only in erythrocytes. All erythrocytes remained inside the vessels. They are not allowed to go anywhere. All other microcells: leukocytes, macrophages, they can travel territorially. They can leave the blood, pass into the lymphatic vessel, move along the lymphatic vessel, work in the lymph nodes, go into the tissues, patrol, look for cancer cells there, look for some other cells, take these cells back, and either destroy them in the lymphatics. nodes, or excreted through the skin. If this does not go into the lymph, the body refuses to accept it, that is, there is still an exit through the skin. For example, mushrooms will always go through the skin. They will never go through the lymph, because a hundred more mushrooms follow one mushroom. And so they are always dumped in the form of diathesis over large lymph nodes. If a child has a fungus, then diathesis will be in the elbow folds, knee dimples, inguinal folds. All that is connected with the skin in these places is the defeat of the lymph.

What spoils the lymphatic system and causes disorders?

1. Psychology. Stress in the first place, especially strong, hits the lymph and immunity.

2. Food!!! Preservatives, preservatives, chemical acids, citric acid, formalin (lightly smoked and smoked, pickled products), enzyme quenchers (jams, long-term storage milk / sour cream). Eating with enzyme quenchers leads to the complete destruction of the lymphatic system.

3. Water. For the lymphatic system, water must be special. Warm. Cold is very dangerous for the lymph. The worst thing is the ice cream. When a person eats ice cream, his lymphatic vessels become paralyzed, lymphocytes stop moving, and immunity decreases tenfold. At this point, there is a colossal multiplication of bacteria and viruses. For some people, a couple of sips of milk from the refrigerator is enough to catch a sore throat. Angina is a total infectious process of damage to the lymphatic system. And it simultaneously affects the heart, kidneys, ovaries, thyroid gland, joints, heart valves, etc.

4. Temperature. High temperature is dangerous for the lymph. Temperatures above 40 degrees are contraindicated. It is IMPOSSIBLE to warm the lymph nodes! Keeping a laptop on your lap, taking hot foot baths, hot compresses are prohibited.

5. A B C D E!!! It is necessary to reduce the number of the CHD population. When we fight bacteria, the lymph bodies also die. Therefore, lymph does not like fighting to the death. It is better when BVHD stops multiplying. A fungus, for example, can die of old age, bacteria can stop multiplying and die of old age. For example, a person was blown away. What does this mean? It is not possible to blow a person. This is an incorrect expression. You had a blow in your right ear when you were driving in a car, your ear hurt. What happened? When you were driving, the temperature on the right was 36.6, and on the left it was 35.2 at the moment when the air was blowing. This was enough to reduce the rate of lymph flow through the capillaries by two or three times and so that the leukocytes did not come to their proper places, and the bacteria simply managed to multiply. Because bacteria are being absorbed every second, and if you sit somewhere on a cold stone, then, accordingly, the lymph flow will decrease in the ovarian zone, the prostate zone, and the bacteria will be able to multiply. Therefore, if you want the body not to lose its immunity, it must be at a more / less comfortable temperature. If you are not tempered, of course. If you are hardened by quick douches, then it is normal, but for a healthy person.

6. System cleaning. When you start to clean the lymph, there should be a result. There will be mucus from the nose, throat, sweating, mucus in the intestines. Cleaning takes place only on sorbents: clay, activated charcoal ... If during Colo-Vada a cough, runny nose, mucus in the intestines began, it means that lymph cleansing has begun. This is fine. It is impossible to extinguish such a cough. There must be profuse sweating. If you go to the bath for the purpose of cleaning, then the bath should be from 40 to 70 degrees. Before the bath, drink plenty of warm water. There will be a discharge of about 1 kg of lymph. If you raise the temperature of the bath higher, then the emergency sweat locks will simply turn on, and you will begin to sweat your nose, forehead, etc. If a person has a flow from his forehead, then his armpits do not work. A person must sweat in certain places designed for this. Inguinal folds, armpits, back of the neck, popliteal fossae, ankle joints, in some cases, hands and feet. In women, it may be even under the breasts.

7. Enzymes+ bacteria. There should be enough of them. The better everything is adjusted in the intestines, the better the bodice feels.

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The lymphatic system is a part of the vascular system that participates together with the venous bed in the outflow of fluids from tissues (Fig. 1). The roots of the lymphatic system are the lymphatic capillaries, which receive metabolic products from the tissues, and in pathological conditions, foreign particles and microorganisms. Cancer cells can spread through the lymphatic vessels. Lymphatic capillaries are thin-walled endothelial tubes connected in a network; they are found everywhere except for the head and, cartilage, sclera and lens of the eye,. The diameter of the lymphatic capillaries is several times greater than the diameter of the blood capillaries. When the lymphatic capillaries merge, lymphatic vessels are formed, which are characterized by the presence of valves that ensure the flow of lymph in one direction. At the locations of the valves, constrictions are formed, and therefore the vessels have a clear shape. Lymphatic vessels form wide-loop plexuses in the walls of organs. From an organ or part of the body, several groups of efferent lymphatic vessels exit, heading to nearby regional lymph nodes. Flowing through the lymph node, the lymph is enriched with lymphocytes.

Lymph nodes are involved in the processes and protective reactions of the body. They are active biological filters, produce antibodies and regulate lymph flow. In the lymph nodes, the lymph currents from the individual organs of this area merge. Lymphatic vessels leaving the lymph nodes form larger vessels - lymphatic trunks (lumbar, intestinal, subclavian, jugular and broncho-mediastinal). The trunks merge into two lymphatic ducts: the thoracic duct, which collects lymph from the tissues of 3/4 of the body, and the right lymphatic duct, which collects lymph from the right half of the head and neck, the right half of the chest cavity and the right arm. The thoracic duct (30 to 41 cm long) begins in the abdominal cavity, passes through the diaphragm to the posterior and continues on the neck, flowing into the left subclavian vein. The right lymphatic duct (1-1.5 cm long) is located on the border of the neck and chest on the right and flows into the right subclavian vein. The lymphatic system also includes the lymphoid follicles of the mucous membranes and tonsils.

Rice. 1. human lymphatic system(front view): 1 - lymphatic vessels of the face; 2 - submandibular lymph nodes; 3 - submental lymph nodes; 4 - the mouth of the thoracic duct; 5 - anterior mediastinal lymph nodes; 6 - axillary lymph nodes; 7 - superficial lymphatic vessels of the hand, following the course of the head vein; 8 - medial group of superficial lymphatic vessels of the hand; 9 - lumbar lymph nodes; 10 - upper iliac lymph nodes; 11 - internal iliac lymph nodes; 12 - superficial inguinal lymph nodes; 13 - medial group of superficial lymphatic vessels of the leg; 14 - lateral group of superficial lymphatic vessels of the leg; 15 - superficial lymphatic vessels of the foot; 16 - deep lymphatic vessels of the foot; 17 - deep lymphatic vessels of the lower leg; 18 - deep lymphatic vessels of the thigh; 19 - deep lymphatic vessels of the palm; 20 - deep inguinal lymph nodes; 21 - lower iliac lymph nodes; 22 - deep lymphatic vessels; 23 - thoracic duct; 24 - intercostal lymph nodes; 25 - superficial ulnar lymph nodes; 26 - shoulder lymph nodes; 27 - subclavian trunk; 28 - jugular trunk; 29 - deep cervical lymph nodes; 30 - jugular-bigastric lymph node; 31 - posterior lymph node; 32 - parotid lymph nodes.

The part of the vascular system that frees the tissues of the body from metabolic products, infectious agents and their toxins is called the lymphatic. It contains vessels, nodes, ducts, as well as organs involved in the formation of lymphocytes.

With insufficient immune protection, tumor and microbial cells can spread along the lymphatic pathways. Stagnation of lymph leads to the accumulation of excretory products in the tissues. To improve the drainage function of the lymphatic system, massage and special cleaning methods are prescribed.

Read in this article

The composition of the lymphatic system includes capillary, intraorganic and stem vessels, nodes and lymphatic organs.


Inside the organs there is a network of small lymphatic capillaries, they have very thin walls through which large particles of protein and liquid easily penetrate from the intercellular space. In the future, they are combined into vessels similar to veins, but with more permeable membranes and a developed valve apparatus.

Vessels from the organs carry lymph to the nodes. In appearance, the lymphatic network is similar to beads. Such a structure arises due to the alternation of areas of narrowing and expansion at the site of attachment of the semilunar valves. The penetration of tissue fluid into the capillaries is explained by the difference in osmotic pressure (the lymph is more concentrated), and the reverse flow is impossible due to the valves.


They have many incoming vessels and 1 or 2 outgoing vessels. The shape is similar to a bean or a ball about 2 cm. They filter the lymphatic fluid, linger and inactivate toxic substances and microbes, and the lymph is saturated with cells of the immune system - lymphocytes.

The fluid that moves through the lymphatic vessels has a whitish or yellowish color. Its composition depends on the organ from which it comes.

The following elements penetrate into the lymph:

  • water;
  • proteins (large molecules);
  • destroyed and tumor cells;
  • bacteria;
  • particles of dust and smoke from the lungs;
  • fluid from the abdominal cavity, pleura and pericardium, joints;
  • any foreign particles.

Basic functions in the body

The biological role of the lymphatic system is associated with the following activities:

  • the formation of lymphocytes responsible for cellular and humoral (with the help of special blood proteins) immunity;
  • delay in the lymph node of mechanical impurities, microbes and toxic compounds;
  • return to the venous vessels of purified blood;
  • transfer of fats from the intestinal lumen to the blood;
  • additional tissue drainage to reduce swelling;
  • absorption from the tissue fluid of large protein molecules, which themselves cannot enter the blood vessels due to their size.

Watch the video about the human lymphatic system and its functions:

Lymph movement pattern

The initial absorption of tissue fluid occurs in the organs by lymphatic capillaries. The resulting lymph through the network of vessels enters the nodes. Purified and saturated with lymphocytes, the fluid from the lymph node moves into the trunks and ducts. There are only two of them in the body:

  • chest - collects lymph from the left upper limb, the left side of the head, chest and all parts of the body lying under the diaphragm;
  • right - contains fluid from the right arm, half of the head and chest.

The ducts carry lymph to the left and right subclavian veins. It is at the level of the neck that the lymphovenous anastomosis is located, through which the penetration of the lymphatic fluid into the venous blood passes.

For the promotion of lymph, the simultaneous action of the following factors is required:

  • the pressure of the fluid that is formed continuously;
  • contraction of the smooth muscles of the vessels between the two valves - the muscular cuff (lymphangion);
  • fluctuations in the walls of arteries and veins;
  • muscle compression during body movements;
  • suction effect of the chest during breathing.

Organs of the lymphatic system

Lymphoid tissue is found in various structures. They are united by the fact that they all serve as a site for the formation of lymphocytes:

  • the thymus is located behind the sternum, ensures the maturation and "specialization" of T-lymphocytes;
  • bone marrow is present in the tubular bones of the limbs, pelvis, ribs, contains immature stem cells, from which blood cells are subsequently formed;
  • pharyngeal tonsils are located in the nasopharyngeal region, protect against microbes, participate in hematopoiesis;
  • the appendix departs from the initial section of the large intestine, cleanses the lymph, forms enzymes, hormones and bacteria involved in the digestion of food;
  • spleen - the largest organ of the lymphatic system, adjacent to the stomach in the left half of the abdominal cavity, acts as a filter for bacteria and foreign particles, produces antibodies, lymphocytes and monocytes, regulates the functioning of the bone marrow;
  • lymph nodes of internal organs (single or clusters) take part in the formation of cells for immune protection - T and B lymphocytes.

Types and groups of diseases

In diseases of the lymphatic system, inflammatory processes can occur:

  • lymphangitis - capillaries, vessels and trunks that are in contact with the focus of suppuration are affected;
  • lymphadenitis - lymph nodes are involved, the infection penetrates with lymph or directly through the skin (mucosa) in case of injuries.

Lesions of the organs of the lymphatic system can manifest as tonsillitis when the tonsils are infected, appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix, appendix). Pathological changes in the thymus lead to muscle weakness, autoimmune processes, tumors.

Violation of the bone marrow causes a variety of changes in the composition of the blood: cell deficiency with a decrease in immunity (), clotting (), oxygen supply (anemia), malignant blood tumors.

Enlargement of the spleen (splenomegaly) occurs in diseases of the blood, liver, typhoid fever. An abscess or cyst may also form in the tissue.

Stagnation of lymph fluid leads to the development of lymphedema (lymph edema). It occurs when there is an obstruction in the vessels of a congenital (structural anomaly) or acquired nature. Secondary lymphedema accompanies injuries, burns, infections, and surgical interventions. With the progression of lymphostasis, elephantiasis of the lower extremities occurs, requiring surgery.

Elephantiasis of the lower extremities

Tumor processes involving lymphatic vessels are more often benign. They are called lymphangiomas. They are found on the skin, in the subcutaneous layer, as well as in places of accumulation of lymphoid tissue - the neck, head, chest, abdominal cavity, inguinal and axillary regions. With malignancy, lymphosarcoma is located in the same areas.

Causes of disorders in the body

Inflammatory and tumor processes occur when the immune system malfunctions, when it ceases to cope with the body's defense function. This may be due to external factors:

  • unfavorable climatic conditions,
  • moving (disruption of adaptation),
  • radiation,
  • air pollution, water pollution,
  • nitrates in food
  • prolonged exposure to the sun
  • stress.

Chronic foci of infection in the body, as well as a weak function of the excretory organs, contribute to an excessive load on the lymphatic system. The result is a decrease in its essential functions. Of no small importance for the lymphatic flow is the state of the circulatory system, of which the lymphatic system is a part.

Stagnant processes occur in the following pathological conditions:

  • circulatory failure - arterial (weakness of cardiac activity) and venous (,);
  • physical inactivity, obesity;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, intestines;
  • congenital anomalies in the development of the organs of the lymphatic system;
  • injuries and operations, burns.

Symptoms of the onset of diseases

If the movement of lymph in the lower extremities is disturbed, swelling occurs, especially after intense exercise. If treatment is not carried out at this stage, then tissue edema (lymphedema) becomes dense, there is heaviness in the legs, cramps and soreness.

Inflammatory diseases of the vessels and nodes of the lymphatic system are manifested in the form of regional redness, swelling and thickening of the skin. This is accompanied by high fever, chills and headache. With deep lymphangitis, there are no external manifestations, but the affected area increases in volume due to tissue edema. Lymph nodes with lymphadenitis become painful, dense, they can be easily felt.

Submandibular lymphadenitis

Condition Diagnostics

In order to examine the patency of the lymphatic vessels and the outflow blocking zone, the following methods are used:

  • X-ray controlled lymphography, CT or MRI determine valvular insufficiency, structural anomalies. A normal lymphogram has the appearance of uneven accumulations of a contrast agent in the form of beads.
  • Lymphoscintigraphy with technetium allows you to detect foci of radioisotope concentration in the zone of lymph stagnation.
  • Ultrasound with - areas of vasoconstriction, changes in the nodes.
  • Computer thermography is used for differential diagnosis with phlegmon, phlebitis and osteomyelitis.
  • Biopsy of the lymph node - reveals blood tumors, cancer metastases.
  • Blood tests - with inflammation, leukocytosis is noted, when sowing, it is possible to determine the causative agent of the infection.

If tuberculosis is suspected, tests with tuberculin (Mantoux) and chest x-ray are performed.

Treatment Options

In the initial stages of lymph stagnation, predominantly non-drug methods are used - massage, magnetotherapy, wearing compression stockings. A good effect was obtained from mechanical pneumocompression and laser treatment for diseases of the lymphatic vessels.

With severe lymphedema, appoint:

  • phlebotonics (Detralex, Cyclo-3-fort, Aescin);
  • enzymes - Wobenzym, Trypsin;
  • angioprotectors - Trental, Quercetin;
  • - Lasix, Trifas (no more than 2 - 3 days).

If there is a threat of sepsis, then ultraviolet blood irradiation can be used. At the stage of resorption or with sluggish inflammation, local compresses, dressings with Dimexide, Dioxidine, Chymotrypsin, and mud treatment are indicated.

The progression of lymphatic stagnation with the formation of elephantiasis of the limbs is treated by laying outflow paths during microsurgical operations.

How to cleanse the lymphatic system

To improve the movement of lymph in the body, traditional medicine, massage techniques are used. An important condition for the prevention of diseases is the motor mode - the load should be at least 30 minutes, the normal walking in nature, breathing exercises have a healing effect.

For the accelerated removal of metabolic products from the body and the neutralization of toxic compounds, use:

  • sauna (steam room, bath);
  • bath with warm water and sea salt;
  • saturation of tissues with clean water;
  • restriction of dairy, meat products, white bread, starch;
  • juices from cherries, blackberries, grapes, cranberries;
  • salad of fresh beets and red cabbage with lemon;
  • adding parsley and dill, lettuce and fresh garlic to food;
  • herbal tea from clover, elderflower, nettle (a teaspoon of one of the herbs in a glass of boiling water three times a day);
  • tincture of echinacea or eleutherococcus 15 drops in the morning;
  • chicory instead of coffee;
  • spices - ginger, turmeric, fennel;
  • instead of sweets - currants, blackberries, lingonberries and blueberries;
  • Swedish bitter tincture - 10 g of juice from aloe leaves, a tablespoon of wormwood, rhubarb and senna leaves, on the tip of a knife - turmeric and saffron. Pour a liter of vodka and insist for 15 days. Drink a teaspoon with tea.

The impact of massage

Lymphatic drainage is enhanced by the use of strokes on the lymph flow. Since its movement occurs only from the bottom up, then the massage movements should have a similar direction.

In this case, the following changes occur in the tissues:

  • accelerates the movement of fluid from the tissues into the lymphatic capillaries;
  • puffiness decreases,
  • products of metabolic processes are removed faster.

Pressing and squeezing works deeper into soft tissues, and vibration enhances microcirculation. Massage is contraindicated in any acute process in the body, and especially in the presence of a purulent focus, since in these cases, accelerated lymph flow will lead to the spread of the lesion to other organs and tissues.

The lymphatic system has a drainage function, is involved in metabolic processes and the formation of cells of the immune system. In case of overvoltage (due to external factors or against the background of diseases), immunity fails, which contributes to inflammatory or tumor processes.

Antibacterial drugs, venotonics, angioprotectors can be used for treatment. In severe cases, surgery is indicated. To cleanse the lymphatic system, you need to adjust your diet, move as much as possible, drink herbal teas, take a course of lymphatic drainage massage.

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