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Declension by case of the word promissory note in singular and plural. Declension by case of the word promissory note in singular and plural Variant endings for nouns

The legal relationship between suppliers and buyers involves payment for work performed or goods delivered in cash. In some cases, this is not possible, and then settlements with bills of exchange are used as an alternative to a commercial loan, since this document approves the amount of debt that the buyer must pay to the seller. The use of bills of exchange for settlements in modern Russia began in 1991, and since then they have been used in the activities of enterprises in 2018.

Basic Concepts

Before paying with bills, you should consider what it is, and similar data is in Article 815 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. According to it, the object is a security, the function of which is to fix the obligation of the issuing person to pay the monetary debt to the specified person or bearer, which is what accompanies the loan provided. Typically, a bill of exchange sets clear deadlines, and it may contain an order to a third party to pay money, but it cannot be demanded to be repaid ahead of schedule.

Types of bills

This type of securities is divided into two main types: simple and transferable; the first does not indicate who the recipient is, so such paper can be used by the bearer to reflect how much funds are to be issued. Its advantage is that you cannot limit the circle of recipients of money. To trade any bills, you can connect a specialized program, where all the necessary information will be available and a wide range of functions will be available; you can download it on the Internet.

In settlements with bills of exchange, which are called drafts, the drawer, the drawee and the remitee are involved, the first being the person who must pay for something, for example, the buyer of the goods, including the municipal unitary enterprise. The remittor is the recipient of the funds, who is indicated in the text and it is he who has the right to withdraw money under the bill.

The drawer can be a bank or a company, that is, it is an intermediary who is assigned to transfer funds to the remitter; in Russia, the task is performed by Sberbank and many other companies. In some cases, commission transactions are carried out, in particular, avalization - execution of a bill of exchange guarantee from one of the banks to the company issuing the debt document. There is also a bill of exchange program under which such securities are formed to attract investment; all this is regulated by the Central Bank of Russia.

Bills of exchange can be either simple or transferable

Payment methods using bills of exchange

If there is a need to transfer or sell a bill of exchange, the law allows this to be done through endorsement; in most cases, an expert assessment of the paper is required. The warrant type, the holder of which is legitimized by the fact of presentation and the indication of the person in the text, can also be purchased. This is a transfer inscription that is placed on a security and indicates that the document now belongs to another person who will demand payment of funds on it.

One of the types of endorsement, forfaiting, provides for the acquisition of financial obligations of the debtor to the creditor, which is especially common in the international trading community, and the deferred export transaction turns into cash debt.

Also, an endorsement may look like an allonge - an attachment to a bill of exchange, which specifies the transfer of the latter. In order for the paper to enter into legal force and acquire authenticity, it is necessary to obtain acceptance, that is, written consent to fulfill obligations from one of the parties, which is actually legalization. It is indicated on the front of the paper, and if there is such an inscription, then it is possible to operate with it.

The accounting process of an accountant regarding a security and, in fact, the accounting of a bill of exchange are different concepts; the first provides for the correct reflection of the receipt and its value in the internal documentation and financial reports of the enterprise. Accounting involves the provision of funds to the creditor, that is, their return and final repayment of the bill in cash through the cash register or by bank transfer. The issuance consists of the fact that it is handed over to the first bill holder, who can further store the paper and operate with it in every possible way: receive payments of the specified amount of funds and transfer the rights of claim; the deferment can also be granted exclusively to them.

Features of the procedure

The nuances of how settlements will be carried out with a promissory note or its transferable type completely depend on the characteristics of this document. First of all, it is abstract - the text does not include the grounds for issuing money or the paper itself. Even if the reason for the issue was a trade transaction, exchange or other events during which it is necessary to pay off, the purpose is not indicated in any way on the bill, so it does not lose relevance when transactions are canceled and remains effective. The only information will be the obligation to pay a certain amount of funds within a clearly defined period.

Settlements can be made by transferring a bill of exchange

It is also important that the bill has a contractual nature, but it is not the declaration that resulted in the security being issued that is being considered. Its subject is the agreement of both parties that there are debts that one of them is obliged to accept at a specified time, and the other is obliged to repay. The bill is also distinguished by its indisputability, since although the text does not indicate the reason or reason for making the transfer, it is enough for the holder to have a guarantee of the return of funds, and for the payer to receive the obligation to pay off the paper, for the latter this is rather a disadvantage.

Important! The justification or unjustification of taking on an obligation does not matter, since the document only indicates the need to fulfill it, but the holder can ensure an extension of the obligation if there is such a need.

Bills of exchange are also one-sided documents that only record the obligation of one person to make payment. In this case, the holder of the bill can present paper to receive funds, send a protest appeal in case of non-compliance with the rules, but these are only conditions that can lead to the exercise of existing rights. One-sidedness is manifested in the absence of additional conditions, but in the translation type it becomes more complicated.

Responsibilities of participants

The drawer, who will issue the transfer document, assumes that he is the one who must pay if the payer does not do so. In order for the intermediary to undertake an obligation, he needs to confirm the bill by accepting it; this step cannot be skipped, since then there will be no official evidence of cooperation. Each obligation specified in the bill of exchange is formal and for its viability it is necessary to put the agreement in writing, which also requires taxation for the correct calculation of personal income tax.

If there is none, then the obligation does not exist, and in this case it is necessary not only to issue a debt document in writing, but also to draw up an endorsement and acceptance. In addition, the formal component is also introduced by the need to draw up a bill according to a specific structure; if this is not followed, then the document loses official force and no penalty is expected for its violation.

All obligations of the parties must be documented

Transfer rules

One of the main features is also the transferability of the document, when the first acquirer can give it ownership to another person; in the future, the right does not end and it can be used as many times as desired. The process of transferring a bill of exchange is carried out with an endorsement, that is, a signature certifying the transfer of the right of disposal. In this case, there are the following situations in which a bill of exchange can be used:

  • transfer into full ownership of another person;
  • issuing an order to cancel a bill of exchange to another person, but in the interests of the original holder;
  • provide a bill of exchange for a pledge of a different order, for example, as a guarantee if you want to issue a loan product at a bank.

Despite the three categories of transferability, the phenomenon is based on the first point, that is, the fact that it is possible to change the owner of a security; the Central Bank allows this to be done to other financial institutions. The endorsement is simple and unconditional, just like the original document, and even if it contains a specific condition, it will not have any consequences from a legal point of view. It is also impossible to transfer the right to part of the bill amount, since such an endorsement will not be valid. If the transfer is correct, the endorser is deprived of the right to demand collection (payment) from the issuer of the bills, and the holder at the same time receives the right to demand collection.

Another feature of a bill of exchange is its monetary value, since the obligation consists in the need to pay a certain amount, but not to transfer a physical object, that is, property; this can be done either by bank transfer or in cash; in any case, a check is issued. And finally, a nuance of this paper is the right to protest for non-payment, refusal to accept and some other problems that should be checked by specialists who make their own conclusion.

When carrying out operations, the main rules should be followed

Disputes in this area are handled by a notary office, which requires acceptance or payment, and in case of refusal, creates an entry in the register and a note about the current situation. If a person has not paid a promissory note, you should know what to do; if a claim arises, you must pay the paper under the control of a notary, then the dispute will be settled and the bill must be returned to the issuer, even if settlement occurred late.

You should know! If there is no payment, then a claim process will begin, which will lead to forced repayment of the bill.

Calculation scheme

The form of payment by bills of exchange has its own procedure, according to which you can find out the specifics of working with these documents. First of all, there are two participants: the giver and the holder, the buyer and the supplier, respectively. At the first stage, an agreement is formed between them, which stipulates the obligation to repay on time. The second part is the exchange of the document for goods or previously defined services, that is, items specified in the main agreement.

When the specified time arrives, banks' transactions with bills occur. Their holder transfers the paper to his bank, and this intermediary, in turn, sends it to the institution servicing the person who issued the paper. Next, the funds are transferred to the holder’s account and the procedure is completed. There is a modified scheme that includes mediation between the banks of the domicile - a third party who must repay the paper at the place of residence (domicile) of the payer; this procedure is called domiciliation of existing bills. But any other place can be chosen, documented and in writing, the latter is required to eliminate the risk.


Usually, with the help of bills of exchange, mutual settlements are made between LLCs or PJSCs, the subject of which can be both their own securities and those issued (issued) by banking organizations. Regardless of the nature of the origin, it is necessary to maintain internal accounting of bills of exchange and create entries that reflect the entire document flow in the accounting department of the enterprise. Thanks to them, it is possible to take into account debt securities on the balance sheet of enterprises and calculate them as resources available for operations, as well as carry out re-discounting much faster.

Transactions with bills of exchange must be reflected in accounting

In many ways, accounting of bill documents is necessary for the reason that they have a nominal value included in the turnover of capital, but the method of receipt determines which category the price will be classified into. If a bill of exchange was purchased at a price that is lower than its face value, or its essence involves receiving interest at a previously determined rate, then such a document is included in financial investments, since it provides the maximum level of benefit. When a security was received at the price indicated on it, it does not need to be classified in this category, and other accounts are used to account for such a liability.

Accounting entries

To correctly reflect the receipt of a bill on the balance sheet (plus) or its debit, it is necessary to use postings. The company's accountants must correctly use the system of accounts and subaccounts, using them to form debt receipts, possible movements of income on bills, as well as write-offs in case of repayment. A sample of each posting is presented in the table.

If we mean someone else’s bill of exchange as an received asset that is capable of generating income (discount type of paper), then postings are used (Dt 58-2/Kt **):

  • purchase - 76;
  • payment by third party paper - 62;
  • acceptance as a contribution to the management company - 75;
  • exchange of property occurred - 91;
  • admission on a free basis - 91.

When removed from the balance sheet, the certificate should also be reflected in postings, taking into account exactly how the minus occurred. The sale or payment of a paper requires the use of Dt 76 Kt 91, but if the delivery was paid for at its expense, then it is necessary to use the posting Dt 60 Kt 91. The contribution of the bill to the capital company, at which it is removed from the balance sheet, is indicated by the combination Dt 58-1 Kt 91 If a loan was issued, then posting Dt 58-3 Kt 91 is required. A property exchange transaction in which the bill of exchange has changed the owner is reflected by the previous owner with posting Dt 10 Kt 91. Income tax (VAT) is not paid when selling a debt paper, there is no need to indicate this.

The document must be correctly formatted

Document structure

If the execution of any bill, even your own, does not follow the correct structure, it will be invalid, so you should look at its components and how to write out the paper correctly. According to the legal rule, the form of a debt document includes:

What are the features of both?

What is a promissory note?

Under promissory note It is customary to understand a security that establishes a person’s obligation to pay a sum of money on a current debt in the amount that is recorded directly in the document. A promissory note, by its legal nature, is very close to a promissory note: the difference between them, in essence, lies in the fact that the latter cannot be used as a basis for claiming the debt by third parties.

A promissory note indicates that such and such a citizen or company undertakes to pay, upon presentation of the relevant document, such and such a sum of money in favor of such and such an entity - another individual or organization. The text is written, as a rule, in the third person (“obliges to pay”).

A promissory note must:

  • indication of the name of the document - “bill”;
  • an unconditional promise to pay a specific amount;
  • indication of the date and place of drawing up the document and making the payment;
  • Full name of the payee or company name if it is the authorized party;
  • presence of the drawer's signature.

If the promissory note does not indicate the date of payment, then payment on it is carried out by the drawer upon presentation of the document.

What is a bill of exchange?

Under bill of exchange It is customary to understand a document that is signed by the maker of the bill and contains an order for the payment by some other entity of the amount of money specified in the bill upon presentation of the document by the holder of the bill. In this case, the relevant entity must accept the bill - that is, recognize its obligation to pay the amount of money specified in the document. As a rule, the subject agrees to do this due to the fact that he himself owes the drawer some amount, and at the moment of acceptance of the bill of exchange “repays” it in full or in part to him.

A bill of exchange usually states that such and such a citizen or company asks such and such a person or organization to pay, upon presentation of the bill, such and such an amount in favor of such and such a company or individual. The text is usually written in the first person (“I ask for payment”).

The bill of exchange must include:

  • indication of the same details that are present in the promissory note;
  • indication of the full name of the payer or the name of the organization that the drawer asks to fulfill the obligations under the document.

Acceptance of a bill of exchange is carried out by a simple signature of the payer on the front side of the document. He can also write on the document that it has been accepted.


The main difference between a promissory note and a bill of exchange is that under the first document the debtor undertakes to pay the agreed amount to the holder of the bill himself, and under the second he asks another person or organization (which, most likely, owes something to the holder of the bill) to fulfill the corresponding obligation.

Certain differences can be observed in the structure of bills of exchange - in a simple document the text establishing the debt obligation is usually written in the third person, in a transferable document - in the first person. But this is not the main criterion: it is important to correctly reflect who exactly is obliged to pay the bill holder. A bill of exchange is valid only upon its acceptance by the person or organization whom the drawer asks to pay the obligation under the document.

In other aspects, the legal features of both types of bills are the same: the holder of the bill can transfer them to third parties by endorsement, the rules for calculating interest and claiming debt for both documents are the same.

Having determined what the difference is between a promissory note and a bill of exchange, let us record the conclusions in the table.


Promissory note Bill of exchange
What do they have in common?
Both documents can be transferred by the holder of the bill to any other person by way of endorsement
The rules for calculating interest and debt collection, the legal consequences of drawing up both types of bills are the same
What is the difference between them?
The text of the document establishes the obligation to pay the amount on the bill to the drawer The text of the document establishes the obligation to pay the amount under the bill of exchange for the person who accepts the request of the drawer to repay the debt
The text of the document is written, as a rule, from a third party (“obliges to pay”) The text of the document is usually written in the first person (“I ask you to pay”)

The word promissory note

The word bill in English letters (transliterated) - veksel

The word promissory note consists of 7 letters: v e e k l s b

Meanings of the word bill. What is a bill of exchange?

A bill of exchange (from German Wechsel) is a written monetary obligation, drawn up in a strictly established form, giving the owner of the bill of exchange (the holder of the bill of exchange) the right to receive from the debtor on the bill of exchange the amount specified in it in a specific place.


A bill of exchange is a document drawn up in accordance with prescribed forms and embodying an urgent monetary obligation; also - this very obligation. V. is not a product of chance...

BILL A BILL is a written promissory note of a strictly established form, giving its owner (bill holder) the indisputable right, upon expiration of the obligation, to demand from the debtor or acceptor payment of the monetary amount indicated on the BILL...

Dictionary of financial terms

Bill receivable

BILL RECEIVABLE BILL RECEIVABLE - A BILL RECEIVABLE - A BILL RECEIVABLE. In relation to the holder of the bill, all bills of exchange in his possession signed by other persons are BILLS RECEIVABLE.

Dictionary of financial terms

Dictionary of financial terms

A bill of exchange is a bill of exchange for which money is to be received. In relation to the holder of a bill, all bills at his disposal signed by other persons are bills receivable.

Prima bill

Prima bill Prima bill is the first copy of a bill of exchange. Prima bill is a designation on a bill of exchange in cases where the bill is drawn up at the request of the first purchaser in several copies of the same content...

Dictionary of financial terms

Prima bill is the first copy of a bill of exchange. Prima bill is a designation on a bill of exchange in cases where the bill is drawn up at the request of the first purchaser in several copies of the same content, called samples.

Dictionary of financial terms

Prima bill is the first copy of a bill of exchange.

A bill of exchange was received as payment. How not to be left without money due to “simple” formalities

Prima bill is a designation on a bill of exchange in cases where the bill is drawn up at the request of the first purchaser in several copies of the same content, called samples.


BLANK-BILL - a bill of exchange in which, when issued, one or more usual details are not filled in (for example, the signature of the drawer, amount, date of issue) Can be issued as a drawer ...

BLANK-BILL - a bill of exchange in which one or more usual details are missing: the due date, the name of the creditor, the amount of money to be paid, or the place and time of issue of the bill; in some cases it contains only the signature of the drawer.

Dictionary of financial terms

BLANK-BILL - a bill of exchange in which one or more usual details are missing (for example, the signature of the holder of the bill, the amount, the date of issue). B.-v. may be issued as a bill holder (drawer)…

Great Accounting Dictionary

Personal bill

Personal bill

Dictionary of financial terms

A registered promissory note is a promissory note on which the name of the owner is indicated. A registered bill of exchange contains a recta clause included by the drawer, prohibiting its endorsement and making it transferable only by assignment, but not by endorsement.

Dictionary of financial terms

A registered promissory note is a promissory note on which the name of the owner is indicated. A registered bill of exchange contains a recta clause included by the drawer, prohibiting its endorsement and making it transferable only by assignment, but not by endorsement.

Treasury bill

Dictionary of financial terms

TREASURY BILL A bill of exchange issued by the Bank of England on behalf of the British state, which matures after three months.

Dictionary of financial terms

TREASURY BILL - (Treasury bill) A bill of exchange issued by the Bank of England on behalf of the British state, which is repayable after three months.

Dictionary of business terms. — 2001

Acceptance of bill

Acceptance of a bill of exchange is a procedure related to the use of bills of exchange, in which the recipient of the bill of exchange (remitee) or any other person who holds the bill of exchange...

Dictionary of banking terms and economic concepts

ACCEPTANCE OF A BILL is an agreement to pay a bill, drawn up in the form of a corresponding inscription of the acceptor on the bill. Acceptance is associated primarily with drafts, which, unlike promissory notes, are usually not issued by the borrower...

Dictionary of Economics and Law. — 2005

Acceptance of a bill of exchange is the agreement of the payer to pay a bill of exchange upon the maturity date specified in it. Acceptance of a bill of exchange is formalized in the form of a corresponding inscription of the acceptor on the front side of the bill of exchange.

Dictionary of financial terms

Protest bill

PROTEST OF A BILL - an act of official certification of certain legal facts of bill of exchange law, in particular refusal of acceptance, payment, undating of a visa, non-endorsement of a bill of exchange, failure to issue a sample or original of a bill of exchange.

Encyclopedia of Lawyer. — 2005

PROTEST OF A BILL is an action of an authorized state body (notary, bailiff), officially confirming the facts with which the bill of exchange legislation associates the occurrence of certain legal consequences.

Financial and credit encyclopedic dictionary / Under the general. ed. A.G. Gryaznova. — 2004

PROTEST OF A BILL - a notarial or judicial application by the creditor about the failure of the drawer (or acceptor) to pay on time the amount indicated on the bill.

Great Accounting Dictionary

Russian language


Morphemic-spelling dictionary. - 2002

Accounting for bills

Accounting for bills of exchange discount from the amount indicated in the bill of exchange when selling it before the expiration date. The operation itself is called discounting, or discounting; the person accepting the bill for accounting is called a discounter.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. — 1890-1907

BILL ACCOUNTING BILL ACCOUNTING is the purchase by a bank or specialized credit institutions of bills of exchange before their expiration. When DISCOUNTING A BILL, the bank pays the holder in advance the amount for which the bill was issued, minus interest...

Dictionary of financial terms

Discounting of a bill is the transfer of a bill by the bill holder to the bank to receive the bill amount before the payment date. For discounting a bill of exchange, the bank charges a fee in the form of a percentage of the bill amount.


Usage examples for promissory note

The document introduces instruments such as treasury bills and bank bills.

For this credit, at the very least, people's tax bill actually dropped significantly in price.

Copperfield tries to find out from Daria where the bill is hidden.

A financial treasury bill can be issued in documentary form or in the form of an electronic document.

The bill will open a new chapter in the debt history of the Ministry of Finance.

Meanwhile, Anna, Grig and Yegor, survivors of the ambush at the station, understand where the bill of exchange is actually hidden.

Rules for drafting bills

A bill of exchange is an exclusively documentary security and can only be drawn up on paper (Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Bills of Exchange and Promissory Note”). However, there are no special requirements for the quality of paper and printing, as well as for the use of various degrees of protection for this document.

A bill of exchange can be drawn up in several copies of identical content, called samples. These copies must be provided with sequential numbers in the text of the document itself; otherwise, each is treated as a separate bill of exchange. The first sample has the name prima bill, and second - second-bill. All samples have the same bill of exchange force and constitute a single bill. Therefore, when paying for one of them, all other samples become invalid. Samples of one bill of exchange should be distinguished from copies of a bill of exchange, which do not have serial numbers.

The rules for drawing up a bill of exchange are strictly formalized. Those elements, instructions, parts of the bill of exchange that together constitute the bill of exchange are called bill details . The absence or incorrect writing of one of them on the bill of exchange leads to a defect in the form, which deprives the document of the bill of exchange force or makes it impossible to receive payment on it. Other legally significant, but non-binding inscriptions are called bill of exchange clauses.

The bill of exchange must contain the following mandatory details:

1) bill of exchange mark;

2) bill of exchange (solo) or bill of exchange order (draft);

3) bill amount;

4) the date and place of drawing up the bill of exchange;

5) payment term;

6) place of payment;

7) name of the bill holder;

8) name of the payer (draft only),

9) signature of the drawer.

There is no doubt that there were and are “drawers of bills” who would like to deprive the documents they issued of the bill of exchange. Taking advantage of the inexperience of some potential acquirers, such unscrupulous participants in the securities market deliberately leave themselves “retreat positions” in the form of defects in the form of the bill. Such behavior usually does not cause them any damage, because even during a trial, these defects may remain unnoticed by the court if they are not specifically pointed out.

Let us consider separately each of the bill details, as well as possible defects in the form of the bill associated with them.

bill mark denotes the difference between a bill of exchange and related documents. According to the law, this is the word "bill" expressed in the same language in which the document is written. It must be included in the bill of exchange or order. It is not prohibited to draw up a bill of exchange in any foreign language if the word “bill” is spelled accordingly.

Promissory note or order a simple and unconditional obligation (solo bill) or offer (draft) to pay the bill. The main requirement for this prop is its unconditionality. Even if there is an indirect conditionality (“I undertake to pay from your current account") will invalidate the document as a bill of exchange.

Bill amount must be expressed in certain existing monetary units in words and figures. Nomination of bills in kind or conventional units is not allowed. The bill amount can be expressed in any foreign currency and this will not be a violation of currency legislation. However, settlements on such a bill will be made in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of payment. In the event that the amounts in words and figures do not match, the amount expressed in words is considered correct. If a bill of exchange indicates several different amounts in figures and words, then the document is valid only for the lesser of them.

Date and place of drawing up the billI are of great importance, since the time and place of payment depend on them. For organizations, the place of compilation is most often their legal address. In addition, the date of drawing up the bill of exchange is important for determining the legal capacity of the drawer at the time of drawing up this document.

Payment due date can be designated in one of four ways:

1)on a certain day(the exact date is indicated or the payment is scheduled for the beginning, middle or end of the month, which respectively means the first, fifteenth or last day of this month);

2)in so much time from compilation(the exact number of days or months is indicated. When specifying a period in months, payment is due on the corresponding day of this month, and if it is absent, then on its last day. The expression “half a month” means fifteen days);

3) upon presentation(a bill of exchange can be presented for payment on any day within a year from the date of drawing up (this period can be shortened or extended). A clause on presentation of the bill of exchange no earlier than a certain date is allowed);

4) in such and such a time from presentation(the exact number of days or months from presentation is indicated).

In the first two cases, the bill must be presented for payment on a specific day or on one of the next two business days. In the last two options, the exact date of payment is not known in advance. If the payment period is not specified, then the bill is considered drawn up for payment at sight.

Bills of exchange containing a different term or consecutive terms of payment are considered invalid. Practice shows that sometimes drawers deliberately indicate the payment period in such a way as to make it uncertain and deprive the document of the bill of exchange. For example: “the payment deadline begins counting from the moment the money is received in the current account”, “within 10 days from presentation”, “five days from preparation”, etc.

Place of payment usually the location of the payer (or drawer) or his bank. If the place of payment is not specified, then it is considered to be the place of drawing up the bill. It is very important that a specific existing location be specified as the place of payment. There are cases when the place of payment was formulated vaguely or ambiguously: “the place of payment is the location of the drawer”, “payment at the place of residence”, “any place where I am”, etc. Such entries do not invalidate the bill, but and do not give the holder of the bill the opportunity to timely present the bill for payment or protest against it for non-payment.

Name of the bill holder. The legislation does not allow the issuance of a bill of exchange to bearer, which is certainly true, since the bill of exchange is based on real monetary transactions with very specific persons. It is very important to correctly and completely indicate the names of the bill holders. When making an endorsement, the indication of persons who are not identical to those previously designated on the bill of exchange may affect the further negotiability of the bill of exchange.

Payer's name indicated only on bills of exchange, usually in the lower left corner on the front side of the document. If the payer turns out to be a non-existent person, then the obligation to pay rests with the drawer.

Signature of the drawer. The absence of the drawer's signature makes the document meaningless, since without a signature there is no written obligation. Unlike the text of the bill of exchange, the signature of the drawer must be affixed to the bill in his own hand and, moreover, in handwriting. If the bill is drawn up in several copies, then each sample must be signed personally. Moreover, before signing, in the case of a bill of exchange issued by legal entities, it is necessary to indicate the name of the organization. On behalf of the legal entity, the bill of exchange is signed by its director and chief accountant or other persons by proxy. Signatures on a bill of exchange do not require notarization.

If a bill is signed without authority or in excess of authority, then the signatory is liable for it on his own behalf. The following point is not without interest: if the drawer is fictitious or his signatures are forged, then, nevertheless, the signatures of other persons on the bill do not lose their validity.

Along with changing the form of the document, the heads of some bill drawers also resort to forging signatures. To do this, they only have to authorize one of their deputies to sign the bills “by proxy”. By presenting bills with such signatures for payment, bill holders learn that the papers were signed by an unauthorized person (the power of attorney is destroyed in advance).

404 error

Often, bills of exchange are signed by the chairman of the organization’s board of directors, the director of economics and finance, the first deputy director and other persons, referring to the norms of the charter of the legal entity. All potential acquirers should keep in mind that the charters do not always stipulate even the rights of the director, let alone his deputies or members of the board of directors! A signature made by an unauthorized person, as is known, does not oblige the person on whose behalf the signature is affixed. In other words, the drawer of such a bill is not an organization at all, but an individual who has put his signature on the bill (a citizen authorized by a power of attorney to sign the bill). Needless to say, the search for this citizen often does not lead to success.

In addition to the mandatory details, the bill may stipulate the accrual of interest on the bill amount. However, the obligation to pay interest can only be indicated in bills of exchange that are drawn up for payment at sight or at such and such a time from sight. On other bills such a condition is considered unwritten. The interest rate must be indicated on the bill itself, otherwise the obligation to pay interest is also considered unwritten. As a rule, interest begins to accrue from the date the bill is drawn up.

No less strictly than the drafting of the bill, its circulation is formalized. The elements and rules of bill circulation will be discussed in the next paragraph.

Use of singular and plural numbers, errors


Basic meaning– an indication of this individual item, as well as:

1. Generalized

2. Collective

3. Distributive

Generalized– a noun does not refer to a separate object, but denotes a whole series, a class of objects (it is human nature to make mistakes). This meaning appears in a context where there is no indication of the place or time of existence of this phenomenon.

Collective replaces the plural, denoting persons connected by one situation: stores are waiting for a buyer. Indicates that many of these items are presented as a collection. Oral + newspaper journalism + stable combinations “Teacher’s Day”

Distributive(distributive meaning) to denote several objects, each of which belongs to one of many persons (“The old people put glasses on their noses”). To indicate something that is common to this group of people.


1. Designation of the singular - you were taught at universities

2. Characterized by an emotional conversational style of speech


Their appearance is not motivated by a change in the lexical meaning of the word, when no additional expressive connotation appears in the text. The result may be ambiguity and an undesirable ironic effect.

Case is expressed by inflections of the word, often accompanied by shifting stress and prepositions. A preposition is required when expressing the prepositional case.

The meaning of prepositional forms depends on the nature of the grammatical connection between a given case form and the subordinating word (control, adjunction, agreement), on the lexical meanings of the word subordinating and subordinate, on the semantics of the preposition.

Meanings of case forms:

1. Nominative– subjective (in the subject, in nominative sentences) and attributive (in the nominal part of the predicate and application) meanings.

2. Genitive– attributive (when indicating the attribution, belonging of an object), objective (phrases with verbal nouns, with nouns that denote an action or process), subjective (When expressing a direct object with transitive verbs with negation).

3. Dative– objective (when indicating a person or object to which the action is directed) and subjective (in impersonal sentences) meanings.

4. Accusative– objective meaning: the accusative case without a preposition denotes a person or object completely covered by the action to which someone’s attitude is directed. Circumstantial meaning: indicating time boundaries, quantity, magnitude “run a kilometer”

5. Instrumental– objective, adverbial, subjective and attributive

Object - when indicating the instrument or object of action, the object of experienced feelings.

Determinative - when using the instrumental case as a predicate.

Circumstantial - indicating place, time, condition, method and manner of action, clarifying sign: go in the morning

Subjective – in passive constructions: The film was directed by a young director.

6. Prepositional– objective (think about the future), adverbial (when designating time, place, state: above their heads).

Options for noun endings

E declination

Genitive case of masculine nouns.

A/-i or y/-y.

· Real nouns when denoting measure, quantity: “a piece of cheese.”

· Real and abstract nouns when denoting an object to which the action applies partially: “add sugar.”

· Abstract nouns when denoting the degree of quantity of a characteristic: “little in order.”

· Nouns with the meaning of undivided plurality when denoting quantity, in negative constructions: “a lot of people.”

· Abstract and concrete nouns with prepositions “without”, “for”, “before”, in combinations of an adverbial nature: “Once in a cold, winter time I came out of the forest.”

· Phraseologisms: give it a miss, don’t give a damn, don’t let it go, don’t let it go.

They are used mainly in lively colloquial speech and in the genres of fiction that reflect it, being one of the features of the conversational style.

Prepositional case of masculine nouns.

E has the majority of nouns: in the din, in makeup,

· This form can be found in monosyllabic nouns: gas, oak.

· for words with a non-syllabic base: airport, wind.

Forms on -е and -у/-у usually have slight stylistic differences (forms in -u are more often of a colloquial nature: on vacation, in the cold, in the workshop, etc.) or differences in the degree of usage.

What is a bill of exchange in simple words

So, at the airport, in the snow, are less common than at the airport, in the snow. They are equal in oak and in oak, in glue and in glue, in chalk and in chalk.

For a number of words the form is -у/-у in combination with the prepositions in and on must be qualified as the only possible one from the point of view of modern literary norms. These include: hell, side, side.

Form on U also appears in phraseological phrases (as the only possible one); to be in good standing, to be (not) in harmony.

E and 3rd declension

Instrumental case.


Characteristic of book speech and widely used in poetry, “You breathe the sun, I breathe the moon.”

Nouns of the 3rd declension with an abstract meaning, as well as the word blood, in addition to the main ending -(ь)yu, also have the ending -yu, characteristic of bookish, mainly poetic speech: You breathe the sun, I breathe the moon.

Plural endings for nouns

In plural forms, the difference in declension characteristic of singular forms is not preserved: all inflected nouns, regardless of the type of declension, have the same forms of the dative (with endings -am/-y), instrumental (with endings -ami/-y, o for isolated exceptions, see below) and prepositional (with endings -akh/-akh) cases. In many respects, words of different types of declension and forms of the nominative and genitive cases coincide (see the examples of plural endings given above).

Masculine nouns of the 1st declension in -anin/-yanin form the nominative case form in -e with truncation of the suffix -anin (i.e. without the element -in): townsman – townspeople; alien – extraterrestrials; Kharkov resident - Kharkov residents. The stem -an (and not -anin) is also involved in the formation of all other plural forms.

In masculine nouns of the 1st declension with the suffix -onok(-yonok), meaning young, non-adult creatures, in the plural forms the suffix -onok(-yonok) is replaced by the suffix -at/-yat. In the nominative case they have the ending -a: hare – hares; little fox - fox cubs. Wed. and slang salazhonok - salazhata. According to the same model, the forms of words for -yonok, which are the names of mushrooms, are formed: butterdish - boletus, honey fungus - honey mushrooms (although honey fungus from stump contains only the suffix -ok; the suffix -ok is also in the word puppy, from which plural forms are also formed with the suffix -at(-yat), replacing the suffix -ok), etc.

Variants of endings for the nominative plural of masculine nouns of the 1st declension

· Nouns containing more than one syllable, of which the last one is stressed: argument, boxer. The exceptions are two words: sleeve - sleeves and cuff - cuffs.

· Monosyllabic nouns with constant stress in case forms (singular): ball - balls, bass - basses.

The ending -ы also has the vast majority of borrowed words ending in -tor, -sor (such as vector, compressor, lecturer). The exceptions are the nouns director, doctor, professor, which form the nominative plural in -a: directorá, doctorá, professorá. A few words - the animate inspector, instructor, conductor (about a person), proofreader, editor, inanimate spotlight, sector, tractor (the rest of the inanimate -tor, -sor have the ending -s) have variant, stylistically equal forms: instructors and instructors, spotlights and spotlights, etc.

· Monosyllabic nouns: side (but in phraseological units: hands on hips), century (but in phraseological units: to live forever, forever, forever, forever).

The ending -я (with an increasing suffix -j- or ovj-) has the nouns tooth, son-in-law, wedge, stake, lump, cry (meaning 'a device for carrying weights', 'a point mounted on a pole'), godfather, husband ( in the meaning 'a married man in relation to his wife');

2) many nouns with more than one syllable with constant stress on the first syllable (in singular forms): address (as a designation of place of residence), shore, bor (as part of a chimney), ber, buffer, fan, bill, monogram, skewer, evening, city, voice, doctor, hollow, huntsman, gutter, pearls (as products), millstone, zakrom, cutter, carpet, clover (as 'the crops of this culture'), bell, body (in all meanings except 'torso' and 'typographic font'), dome, coachman, camp (in all meanings except 'socio-political group'), plough, master, number, image (in the meaning of 'icon'), okorok, okrug, order (as a reward) , order (in the meaning of 'document'), island, vacation, sail, passport, quail, cook, train, offal, cellar, belt, wire, pass (in the meaning of 'document'), sugar (sugar - in special use in the meaning 'varieties of this substance'), terem, grouse, poplar, torbas, tes, cold (cold in the meaning 'period of cold weather'), khutor, skull, best man, ramrod, cadet (meaning 2 'a student of a military school in pre-revolutionary Russia' and 'volunteer non-commissioned officer' in the Russian army), anchor and some.

The ending -я (with the increasing suffix -j-) has the nouns ear, rim, rein (‘belt for driving a horse’).

Several dozen nouns have variant forms in -ы/-и and -á/-я. Some of these nouns are commonly used words, the variant forms of which are normative and stylistically equivalent. These include: bunker, heap, pennant, glider, jumper, asp, inspector, instructor, jacket, corrector, cruiser, pretzel (in phraseology only the -i form is used: to write out pretzel), shred, flap, lighter, seine, gadfly , whirlpool, order (as an architectural term), baker, clerk, pole, mine (the search form is preferable), bailiff, handwriting, searchlight, poodle, report (report form is preferable), editor, mouthpiece, sweater, sector, scooter, locksmith, sable (meaning 'fur, fur products' only sable), sauce, slipway, report card, tenor, turner*, tractor, tumbler, truffle, non-commissioned officer, paramedic, courier, outhouse, weather vane, workshop, skipper, schnitzel, stack, stamp, plug, storm, sharpie, hawk

A significant group consists of words (commonly used and assigned to one or another terminology), in which variant forms in -а/-я characterize professional speech (mechanics, technicians, sailors, etc.). Such forms are actively used from nouns, which are the names of mechanisms (and their parts), various kinds of devices, tools, equipment, etc. (valve - valve, grader - grader), names of professions, specialties, positions (pilot - pilot, navigator - navigator, etc.).

The number of words whose variant forms are characteristic of poetic, sublime speech is insignificant. Such variant forms include snow, wind, thunder, leaves (plants), men, sons, poplars.

On this page you can view the declension of the word “bill” by case in both singular and plural. Bill is a 7 letter word. Word Declension Table "bill" by case is given below. Through search you can find other words you need.



It is important to know about word declension

Difficulties in the formation of numeral forms and their use in speech are mainly associated with their change in cases and combination with nouns.

The majority of numerals are declined according to the third declension.

The numeral thousand changes like a first declension noun.

The numerals forty and one hundred have only one form in the indirect cases - forty, hundred...

When declension of compound ordinal numbers changes only their last part Collective numerals (two, three, etc.) can only be used with masculine nouns, nouns denoting baby animals, or those that only have a plural form.

Combinations of compound numerals ending in two, three, four with nouns that do not have a singular form are unacceptable. Only combinations like twenty-one days, twenty-five days are possible.

The numeral pronoun both has two gender forms: both are masculine and neuter, both are feminine. The same applies to the numeral one and a half.

Adjectives are a part of speech that denotes the attribute of an object and answers the questions which?, which?, which?, which? The adjective has the same case form, number and gender as the noun on which it depends.

In the singular, adjectives change according to gender and case. The gender of plural adjectives is not determined.

The gender of plural adjectives cannot be determined.

Changing nouns by case is characterized by changing their endings, which are called case forms. In total, there are six cases in the Russian language, each of which has its own auxiliary question.

The nominative case form is called direct (or initial), all others - indirect.

Cases express the different roles of a noun in a sentence. There are six cases in the Russian language. You can determine the case of a noun in a sentence by the question.

In addition to the main questions, the case of a noun can also be found out by auxiliary questions answered by the circumstances.

Video lesson on the Russian language "Declination of nouns in Russian"

In the Russian language there is a special group of nouns in the nominative case, in the plural, in which the stress fluctuates. We often find it difficult to decide whether to say "directors" or "directors", "bills" or "bills". Is there a difference between them? And if so, which version should be used in speech and writing? Let's turn to modern reference books for help.

  • The spelling dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences (V.V. Lopatin) gives two pronunciation options:

V e xel, -I, plural: bill of exchange I, bill e th And V e xeli, in e xeles.

  • In the dictionary of Russian word stress (M.V. Zarva) there are no options:

V e xel, -I; plural: bill of exchange I, bill e th.

  • The Big Explanatory Dictionary (S.A. Kuznetsov) also gives only one form:

V e xel, -ya; plural: bill of exchange I . Pay the bill I. Pay on a bill I m.

  • In the reference dictionary on literary pronunciation and stress (R.I. Avanesov, S.I. Ozhegov):

V e ksel, -ya, plural: bill I, bill e th [ Not V e kseli, -ey].

In the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev there is a phrase: “The Germans […] are our teachers.” Note: not “teachers”. In the 19th century the end -s(s) was the norm. Today, the word “teachers” is used in an exalted, bookish sense - “ideological leaders”, and “teachers” is used when talking about the profession. In general, in modern times, words ending in -and I): “professor”, “passport”, “bill of exchange”.

In some cases, the forms on -and I) are not considered literary: for example, it is customary to say “authors” and not “author”. But no one will say “masters” - they will say “masters”, because this option has long become the language norm, and this phenomenon is indicated in new reference books on the Russian language edited by D. E. Rosenthal. Formation of forms on -and I) most productive. This happens because for a long time, patterns of such pronunciation were firmly established in the language. These are, in particular:

  • monosyllabic words (such as “running”, in the plural - “running”, without variations);
  • words that have stress on the first syllable in the singular form (“ham” - “ham”).

Forms on -and I) and on -s(s) They also have equal rights in use. They just relate to different areas of life or different styles of speech. “Inspectors”, “workshops”, “stacks” are literary words, and “inspectors”, “workshops”, “stacks” are professional. The word “agreements” refers to book and written speech, the word “agreements” refers to oral and spoken speech.

Something different has happened with the form "bills": in earlier years it was apparently considered colloquial, but today it is used much more often than "bills". In the spelling dictionary, which examines the rules of pronunciation of the Russian language, the word “bills” is given with the mark “additional,” that is, an acceptable form, but not the main one.

Thus, it is more correct to say “bills”; most modern dictionaries indicate this form. This is the case when the language has the most common pronunciation.