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Sleep hair on the tongue. I dreamed about Language, why. I dreamed of a dirty tongue▼

Ancient French dream book

Language - interpretation of a dream

Tongue - Dreaming of a tongue means that in reality you should show wisdom and prudence: if the dreamed tongue is unnaturally long, you will soon have to worry about the future, mourning inconsolably what has passed.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Language?

Language - If you saw someone's tongue, you could cause a scandal. Dreaming of your own tongue means a serious disagreement with friends. If you see your tongue wounded, moderate your talkativeness, it does no good to anyone.

Maly Velesov dream book

Tongue in a dream

Language - Empty chatter, unpleasant person; swollen - illness, misfortune; short – profit; injured - illness of relatives.

The meaning of a dream about Wounds (Gypsy dream book)

Tongue - To have a swollen tongue means a passion for chatter, inability to keep secrets and talkativeness that bores everyone; a tongue in wounds portends illness to a wife or close relative.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about Languages

Language - One of the famous ancient rulers offered to bring his slave something that is not more beautiful in the world. He brought him the tongue on a golden platter. To his master’s surprised question, he replied that everything beautiful in this world is accomplished with the help of language and with its help is destroyed. If this image appears in a dream, remember one folk wisdom: “The tongue waters, feeds, and whips your back.” Or: “The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body.” An unexpected message awaits you or you receive a warning through your dream that someone will try to slander you. You should also not forget that your excessive talkativeness can cause you a lot of trouble and suffering. If you saw some ulcers on your tongue in a dream, it means that your excessive talkativeness will have the most unpleasant consequences for you. Dreaming of a cut off tongue is evidence that in reality you will be unpleasantly surprised by the insincerity of your acquaintances or friends. You feel that you have lost your tongue, which means that a long streak of failures has begun in your life. To see in a dream how someone teases you and sticks out their tongue at you - they will try to provoke you into an unworthy act. If you prepare a tasty and original dish from your tongue, then in reality you will be able to overcome all life’s obstacles. If you dream about someone grabbing you by the tongue, this means that in reality your lies will be exposed. You saw a long tongue - symbolizes unexpected news or rumors. Biting your tongue in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality you should trust rumors and other people’s conjectures as little as possible. Seeing a long, snake tongue in a dream means slander and slander, the consequences of which can turn into a serious problem for you. You lick the ice cream with your tongue - expect good news in reality. Feeling a sour or bitter taste on your tongue is a disappointment.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of a dream in which Language was dreamed

Tongue - To dream of someone teasing you by sticking out their tongue - you have abstained for too long. It's time to have real sex, with all the accompanying emotions and sensations, and not imagine any colorful details - it will only get worse! Burning your tongue in a dream means you need to be more careful about what you say about other people. This seems direct or spontaneous to you, but others may have a different reaction - you will be accused of spreading gossip. Agree that this prospect does not predict anything good. To dream that you are biting your tongue means that one of your friends will tell you a secret concerning the personal life of your mutual friend, and you will have to decide what to do next with this information.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Tongue in a dream Tongues

Language – Language ~ empty chatter.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Language, what does it mean?

Language – Language symbolizes communication problems. “Swallowed my tongue, bit my tongue” is a characteristic of a person driven into a corner. Have a sick one. Have a short tongue - others will pay attention to your intelligence.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Tongue in a dream?

Language - You saw your own tongue in a dream - soon your friends will turn away from you. You will see someone's tongue - the dream promises that you will soon become the cause of a scandal. If you see your tongue wounded, your talkativeness will not bring you any good. This dream should be taken as a warning.

The meaning of the dream about a Hairy Mouth (Muslim Dream Book)

Tongue - If someone sees his tongue is long, he will talk a lot, and if he sees his tongue tied to something or falling out, then this is a sign of trouble and anxiety. If you dream that hair has grown on his tongue, then the meaning of the dream is the same, this is how you decipher what you are dreaming about.

The meaning of a dream about Languages ​​(Modern dream book)

Language – Idle chatter

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Language as an image in a dream

Language is idle chatter.

Esoteric dream book

Language in night dreams

Tongue - To see what you said in a dream, or you will be tempted to say too much, which you will regret later. As they say, “tip your tongue.” They show you not to trust your secrets to anyone, otherwise the whole world will know about them.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What is the meaning of a tongue in a dream?

Language – Idle chatter.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Tongues from your dream

Language (speech) – Speak yourself – see Doing section. They tell you, the speech of others - see R. Sounds; speak a foreign language - see R. Conditions.

What does it mean when you dream about Tongue (part of the body) - Gossip, conversations; symbol of eloquence. Swollen, cut, long - harm from your chatter; wife's illness.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a Tongue mean, taking into account the date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream about a tongue? - Anyone who sees a tongue in a dream should be extremely careful in conversation.

In the summer, what did you dream about the tongue for? A scandal will break out through alcohol, a quarrel will break out up to and including divorce - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

In the fall, why did you dream about the tongue - Gossip, denunciation, in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream is about.

In winter, why do you dream about the tongue - It’s bad to talk about someone, to gossip.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Tongue in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see the Tongue - They say my tongue is my enemy. It’s surprising how often popular expressions help in the interpretation of certain dream symbols. So, if you see your tongue, then this dream foreshadows you that you should be as restrained as possible in your statements, since you risk offending someone important to you with a careless word or blurting out someone else’s secret. If in a dream your tongue is wounded, then this dream tells you: you are punished for your talkativeness, henceforth try to be more modest in communication. This symbol has another meaning. You may be tormented by the fact that you cannot be frank when you really want to.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Tongue in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Language - associated with speech. Thick tongue - tongue-tied. A forked tongue means cunning and deceit, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Tongue in a dream?

Seeing a Language in a dream means - Language: your own - friends will turn away, someone else's - to a scandal. You have a wounded tongue - talkativeness will not lead to good, many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does language mean in a dream:

According to the dream book Language, see what it means - Language - Symbolizes communication problems. “Swallowed my tongue, bit my tongue” - a characteristic of a person driven into a corner. Having a sore, swollen tongue means talking badly about someone, gossiping. Have a short tongue - others will pay attention to your intelligence. Burn your tongue with something hot - beware of contracting an infectious disease. A cut tongue is a sign of unforeseen misfortune

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Tongue according to the dream book?

Seeing a Tongue in a dream - If someone sticks out their tongue at you in a dream, this indicates that you have lived too long without sex. Maybe it's time to correct this omission. Burning your tongue means you gossip a lot. Some people don't like this very much, so be careful!

Ancient dream book

What does it mean to see a tongue in a dream?

According to the dream book Tongue - if you dreamed that someone was teasing you by sticking out their tongue, this is a sign that you have abstained from sexual relations for too long. It's time to have real sex with all the accompanying emotions and sensations, and not imagine some colorful details. If you burned your tongue in a dream, then in reality you need to gossip less about others. Do not think that in this way you are showing directness and honesty. It's time to think about how others feel. If you dream that you are biting your tongue, it means that one of your friends will tell you a secret concerning the personal life of your mutual friend, and you will have to decide what to do next with this information. Try not to offend anyone

Summer dream book

Why see Tongue in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Language - A scandal will break out through alcohol, a quarrel will break out, even leading to divorce.

Bite your tongue - Inadvertently biting your tongue in a dream until it bleeds - means dirty gossip.

Autumn dream book

If you dream about Language, what is it for:

Tongue - Anyone who sees a tongue in a dream should be extremely careful in conversation, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Tongue in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Tongue - Someone sticks out their tongue at you - beware of gossip, if you see your tongue - know: talkativeness will not bring you any good

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Language, what does a dream mean:

Seeing a Tongue in a Dream - If you see your own tongue in a dream, know that you can’t count on friends: they can turn away from you in difficult times. After a dream in which you saw someone's tongue, you can cause a scandal. If you dreamed that your tongue was injured, know that this is a warning. Stop talking, otherwise you will get into a lot of problems. If you burned your tongue in a dream - be more careful about what you say about other people. This probably seems direct or spontaneous to you, but others may have a different reaction. You will simply be accused of spreading gossip, and such a prospect does not bode well. If you dreamed that you bit your tongue, then one of your friends will reveal to you a secret concerning the personal life of your mutual friend. You will have to decide what to do next with this information.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Language:

Language - for gossip, denunciation.

Why do you dream about the Tongueless Man? Seeing a person without a tongue means patience from your children; to see yourself without language - to songs, to feasts.

I dreamed about the Language, what is it for, what does the Language mean in a dream

Slavic dream book Meaning of sleep Language:

You dreamed about the language of what it is - rumors. Twins. 3rd house of the horoscope.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation I had a dream about Language.

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor What does Language mean in a dream:

You dreamed about Language, what is it for - Speaking a foreign language A dream that you had on Monday night says that you will try to hide something from your friends; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that empty talk and idleness will begin to irritate you; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night promises that you will finally understand what some of your friends are trying to achieve from you.

Dream Interpretation by K. Hall Dream Interpretation Language:

What does Tongue mean in a dream - to denunciation. Teasing with your tongue is a prank on people who will decide to take revenge for it. Many languages ​​mean cruel jokes.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Language mean in a dream:

You dreamed about the Tongue, what is it for - If you dreamed that you bit your tongue, it is swollen and painful, in reality you may suffer from your own talkativeness. Imagine that you rinse your tongue with an infusion of medicinal herbs, and the pain quickly goes away, the swelling subsides, and you can speak again.

British dream book I dreamed about Language:

You dreamed about Language, why it is an important tool of communication. In dreams we often understand other languages, even invented ones, although we do not speak them in real life. Why do you have a dream: Did you recognize the language, remember a few words, or did you understand nothing at all? In real life, do you have communication problems or does someone speak to you in bird language so you don't understand anything, but you are still expected to follow orders? See also COUNTRIES AND PARTS OF THE WORLD

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does Language mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream What does Language mean in a dream - It’s as if you are examining your tongue in front of a mirror - your friends will disown you. Someone sticks out his tongue at you - a scandal will break out around you. It’s as if you injured your tongue - the dream speaks of your excessive talkativeness. It’s as if you were biting your tongue - the dream calls you to silence.

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream about Language, what is it for?

Interpretation of the dream book: What does the language of communication mean in a dream 1. A foreign or unfamiliar language heard in a dream illustrates communication, perhaps even with the Collective Unconscious. The language has not yet been studied by us so much that we understand it. 2. As soon as we become more open to various kinds of possibilities, various facets of our personality can themselves begin to communicate with us. In dreams, this is usually experienced as a strange language and is often associated with talking in one's sleep. 3. In a spiritual sense, hearing a language means communication between incorporeal creatures.

Dream Interpretation Beef

Why do you dream about Beef in a dream according to the dream book?

The dream book will tell you why you dream of raw beef. This dream predicts big troubles for loved ones. Worries and worries about this will bring you severe mental distress.

Raw veal in a dream suggests that you feel indebted to an acquaintance who performed a small favor in the past. This feeling haunts you.

Beef lard is a symbol of sin. You have to be careful not to get into an unpleasant situation, which will only bring big problems and troubles.

What kind of beef did you dream about?

I dreamed about boiled beef

According to the dream book, a huge piece of boiled beef portends a bad mood for several days. Perhaps it will be associated with large losses that the dreamer himself or his family members will suffer.

Fresh beef in a dream

I dreamed of fresh beef, a piece of which was still warm and covered in blood - this is a warning - there is a high chance of getting seriously ill. To prevent the disease from overpowering you, it is better to be examined by a doctor in advance and, if necessary, receive treatment.

Dream about dried beef

If you try dried beef in a dream in a pleasant company, and the sleeper likes this dish - everything will be fine. Love and understanding in family life, trusting relationships with friends who are ready to support at any moment, success in business will not leave the dreamer.

I dreamed about white beef

White beef on a rich table - such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of cherished desires, long-awaited good news. A very expensive and memorable gift will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Which part of the cow (beef) did you dream about?

I dreamed about beef tongue

If you dream of raw beef tongue, it means that you will soon receive unexpected information related to business. It is quite possible that this information will completely change your view on some issues.

Why do you dream about a leg of beef?

Why do you dream about a leg of beef? Financial troubles recently are associated with complete stagnation in business. In addition, unexpected expenses will cause a serious hole in your budget, which will not be patched soon.

What did you do with beef in your dream?

Eating beef in a dream

The plot in which you have to eat beef is interpreted in two ways by Felomena’s dream book. A meat meal with your best friends in pleasant company at a rich table - complete harmony in your family life awaits you. If the vision left an unpleasant impression, experiences and suffering will not be avoided.

Buying beef in a dream

A woman dreamed that she was going to buy beef in a store or market - a dream could be a harbinger of a serious illness of one of her loved ones.

Another interpretation of the dream suggests that troubles at work and empty discussions with colleagues will lead to emotional distress in the dreamer.

Selling beef in a dream

Selling beef in a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s desire to get rid of material problems forever. To achieve this, you need to try very hard, using all your skills and abilities. Only in this case will wealth appear in the house for a long time.

Cutting beef in a dream

A dream in which you begin to cut beef, carefully cutting it on the table, or simply watch this process - you can make a rather serious mistake by following the unsuccessful advice of friends or relatives.

How much beef did you see in your dream?

I dreamed about a lot of beef meat

If you dream of a lot of beef, whole carcass or large pieces - such a vision predicts troubles in all areas of your life. Health problems, quarrels with loved ones, troubles at work - all this can happen at any time.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Bite off your tongue

Dream Interpretation Bite off your tongue dreamed of why you dream about biting off your tongue? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Bite off your tongue in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Take a bite

Taking a bite of something in a dream means that you will be able to get what you want, but only if this “something” was exactly what you wanted and you liked its taste. Such a dream can relate to both the acquisition of material values ​​and carnal pleasures. If you don’t like the taste or experience disappointment or disgust in a dream, then expect troubles or disappointments. See interpretation: taste, apples.

Dream Interpretation - Language

Dream Interpretation - Tongue (body part)

Dream Interpretation - Language

Dream Interpretation - Language

Dream Interpretation - Language

Dream Interpretation - Language

Dream Interpretation - Language

Dream Interpretation - Language

Dream Interpretation - Language

Long tongue

Dream Interpretation Long tongue dreamed of why you dream about a Long tongue? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Long Tongue in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Language

One of the famous ancient rulers offered to bring his slave something that was not more beautiful in the world. He brought him the tongue on a golden platter. To his master’s surprised question, he replied that everything beautiful in this world is accomplished with the help of language and with its help is destroyed. If this image appears in your dream, remember one folk wisdom: “The tongue waters, feeds, and spanks your back.” Or: “The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body.” Perhaps an unexpected message awaits you or you receive a warning through your dream that someone will try to slander you. You should also not forget that your excessive talkativeness can cause you a lot of trouble and suffering. If you saw some ulcers on your tongue in a dream, this means that your excessive talkativeness will have the most unpleasant consequences for you. Seeing a cut off tongue in a dream is evidence that in reality you will be unpleasantly surprised by the insincerity of your acquaintances or friends. A dream in which you feel that you have lost your tongue means that a long streak of failures has begun in your life. Seeing in a dream how someone teases you and sticks out their tongue at you is a sign that they will try to provoke you into an unworthy act. If in a dream you prepare a tasty and original dish from your tongue, then in reality you will be able to overcome all life’s obstacles. To see in a dream how someone grabs you by the tongue means that in reality your lie will be exposed. A dream in which you saw a long tongue symbolizes unexpected news or rumors. Biting your tongue in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality you should trust rumors and other people’s conjectures as little as possible. Seeing a long, snake-like tongue in a dream means slander and slander, the consequences of which can turn into a serious problem for you. If in a dream you lick ice cream with your tongue, expect good news in reality. Feeling a sour or bitter taste on your tongue is a disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Tongue (body part)

“sharp tongue”, “tongue without bones” (wit, offender). “long tongue” (talkative person). “Keep your mouth shut”; remain silent; keep a secret. “lose your tongue, speechless” surprise, fear. “on the tip of your tongue” is an attempt to remember. “The tongue does not turn” - the inability to say due to shame, guilt, or a promise to keep a secret. “Bite your tongue”, cut off your speech, there is a danger of letting it slip, getting scared. “Untie your tongue” – the opportunity to speak freely. “to loosen someone’s tongue” to force someone to be frank and confess. “Tug on the tongue” to force someone to speak. “Well-spoken” - excellent ability to express one’s thoughts, hold a speech, give speeches (lectures, reports),

Dream Interpretation - Language

If you bite your tongue, it is swollen and hurts, in reality you may suffer from your own talkativeness. If they stick their tongue out at you, your competitors will bypass you. When you dream that your tongue is being cut out (it doesn’t matter to you or someone else), this means that when making some important decision, your opinion will not be taken into account. If you dreamed that you bit your tongue, imagine that you rinse your tongue with an infusion of medicinal herbs and the pain quickly goes away, the swelling subsides - and you can speak again. If they showed their tongue to you, imagine that you are responding in the same way, only your tongue is much longer. If your tongue is cut off, imagine that a new one has grown in its place.

Dream Interpretation - Language

To show your tongue is to show disrespect. A short tongue means profit. Cut off means danger. To bite your tongue is to have a vain hope for something. A long or large tongue that does not fit in the mouth is a warning against excessive frankness (just like a wounded one). In general, seeing your tongue in a dream is a dream that predicts that soon all your friends and acquaintances will turn their backs on you. Seeing someone's tongue means causing a scandal. Eating boiled animal tongue means achieving wealth thanks to your education and eloquence.

Dream Interpretation - Language

If you burned your tongue with something hot in a dream, beware of contracting a skin disease in reality. A dream in which someone sticks out their tongue at you means that excessive frankness will serve you badly. A cut tongue is a sign of unforeseen misfortune, the tragic consequences of a natural disaster. Cooking jellied tongue in a dream - expect an invitation to a big celebration with abundant food. Eating a dish prepared with tongue is a sign of favorable changes in the business sphere.

Dream Interpretation - Language

if someone sees in a dream that his tongue has increased in length or width, then this is an increase in his strength and power and victory over his own enemies, or it is a sign of his eloquence and politeness. Language is still perfection, argument and argument. If the tongue looks excessively long in a dream, then the dreamer is a licentious and shameless person. If a person wants to speak, but cannot, then in life his words often turn against him. A tongue tied in a dream is evidence of illness and sadness. Losing one’s tongue in a dream means giving something needed to a very arrogant person. Having two languages ​​in a dream means acquiring a lot of knowledge and being able to cope with any adversity.

Dream Interpretation - Language

If you see your own tongue in a dream, know that you can’t count on friends: they can turn away from you in difficult times. After a dream in which you saw someone's tongue, you can cause a scandal. If you dreamed that your tongue was injured, know that this is a warning. Stop talking, otherwise you will get into a lot of problems. If you burned your tongue in a dream - be more careful about what you say about other people. This probably seems direct or spontaneous to you, but others may have a different reaction. You will simply be accused of spreading gossip, and such a prospect does not bode well. If you dreamed that you bit your tongue, then one of your friends will reveal to you a secret concerning the personal life of your mutual friend. You will have to decide what to do next with this information.

Dream Interpretation - Language

To dream that your tongue is swollen or is somehow interfering with you means that you may soon suffer due to your own intemperance in words. Seeing someone else's language: foreshadows an argument or quarrel. They saw the language - gossip, conversations; symbol of eloquence. Swollen, cut, long - harm from your chatter; wife's illness. A foreigner who hears a conversation in foreign languages ​​will become the owner of great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Language

A short tongue in a dream means profit. Dreaming of a cut off tongue means danger. Biting your tongue until it bleeds is a vain hope. Sticking your tongue out in a dream means behaving shamelessly. Eating your tongue in a dream means trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Language

Language symbolizes communication problems. “swallowed his tongue, bit his tongue” - a characteristic of a person driven into a corner. Having a sore, swollen tongue means talking badly about someone, gossiping. Have a short tongue - others will pay attention to your intelligence. Language can also reflect sexual themes.

Why do you dream about tongue?


Victoria Blednova

Tongue: To dream that your tongue is swollen or in some way interferes with you, means that you may soon suffer due to your own intemperance in words. Seeing someone else's language portends an argument or quarrel. Language: If you see your own tongue in a dream, know that you can’t count on friends: they can turn away from you in difficult times. After a dream in which you saw someone's tongue, you can cause a scandal. If you dreamed that your tongue was injured, know that this is a warning. Stop talking, otherwise you will get into a lot of problems. Tongue: Someone sticks out their tongue at you - beware of gossip; if you see your tongue - know: talkativeness will not bring you any good. Language: If in a dream you see your own tongue, it means that soon your friends will turn away from you. If you see someone's tongue in a dream, the dream promises that you will soon become the cause of a scandal. If you see your tongue wounded, it means that your talkativeness will not bring you any good. This dream should be taken as a warning.

Anastasia Kozhuchkova

Seeing your own tongue in a dream means that your friends will soon turn away from you. If you see someone's tongue, you will soon become the cause of a scandal. Seeing your tongue wounded means your talkativeness will not bring you any good.

Dream...why do you dream of piercing your tongue...



The mouth is a symbol of the house. If you see your tongue wounded, it means that your talkativeness will not bring you any good. This dream should be taken as a warning.


dream warning. you will suffer because of your own language. think first, then speak!


you may suffer because of your frivolity.

In the dream book, language is included as a symbol of connections and communications. Man is a social being and achieves much in life through communication.

Feelings and thoughts are expressed through words. Through language we can provide support or express sarcasm.

So why do you dream about language? Just as the use of speech is varied, the interpretation of sleep can also be different. The dream focuses on the fact that you hear a foreign speech - the meaning is one, if you see the language as a cooked dish - a completely different meaning.

When you dream of a language, the semantic context of the dream becomes very important. Interpreting one dream episode separately from another is ineffective. Speech is a means of interaction, communication, community and conflict. Therefore, each episode of a dream is similar to a word, but we will understand the meaning of what was said only when a sentence is made from the words.

You need to remember the maximum number of events and episodes of the dream, then the reading will be able to give you wise and valuable advice.

Part of the body

1. Why do you dream about your tongue if you are being teased? A dream can be interpreted differently if the dream contexts are different.

  • If in a dream you see formally dressed characters, then the dream means disappointment in work matters.
  • If a woman teases you, then the dream suggests that you will soon plunge into a love adventure.

2. Why do you dream about your tongue if it hurts in your sleep? A dream may warn you in such a way that you will suffer from your own talkativeness. This may concern your boasting or a thoughtlessly thrown rude word.

3. If you dreamed that your tongue fell off. You can interpret such a plot in different ways, but in general the meaning is this: one or more commutative connections are broken.

  • For example, you hoped for the protection of a strong person, but for some reason help was refused.
  • Or they will block your access to something important or significant for you. For example, at work a promising project will be denied.

4. If the tongue is longer than usual. If you see your tongue like this in a dream, then the dream may indicate your excessive talkativeness.

Remember, maybe you were entrusted with a secret, but you were unable to keep it? In any case, you need to know that talkativeness can let you down. When you see a long snake sting on another person, the plot can be interpreted to mean that you should beware of slander.

5. Why do you dream about the language in which the industries. The interpreter foretells that you will have to earn money by talking - the more hair, the greater the expected fee. Lectures, seminars, trainings or consultations - think about how you can use the chance to earn extra money.

Foreign speech

Seeing a dish in a dream

1. See cooked beef tongue. The interpretation foretells that someone’s speech will bring you a lot of income. It is possible that someone will say a good word about you to your superiors, which will become an impetus for accelerated promotion.

It will be good if you don't miss the chance and last through the trial period. Then the word about you as a promising employee will spread beyond the boundaries of the enterprise.

2. Seeing a mountain of cooked tongues on a platter. Such a dream can be interpreted to mean that in the near future you will acquire many business connections. There will be so many friends and partners that for some period you will find yourself at the center of rotation of various affairs and acquaintances.

3. in a dream, a poorly prepared dish. If in a dream you eat meat that is too tough or burnt, then the plot is interpreted as a warning against an argument, discussion or bet. The subconscious senses the risk of such actions and advises you to beware, act wisely and not seek the truth in a dispute, even if a dispute is imposed on you.

Dreams that involve conversation in one form or another are remembered by an avalanche of plot events. It's like a good movie that keeps the viewer in suspense from the first minute to the last. Therefore, for a correct interpretation, it is so important to be able to remember the nuances and use them when interpreting a dream. Author: Igor Vaskin

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Tongue in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see the Tongue - They say my tongue is my enemy. It’s surprising how often popular expressions help in the interpretation of certain dream symbols. So, if you see your tongue, then this dream foreshadows you that you should be as restrained as possible in your statements, since you risk offending someone important to you with a careless word or blurting out someone else’s secret. If in a dream your tongue is wounded, then this dream tells you: you are punished for your talkativeness, henceforth try to be more modest in communication. This symbol has another meaning. You may be tormented by the fact that you cannot be frank when you really want to.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Tongue in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Language - associated with speech. A thick tongue means tongue-tiedness. A forked tongue means cunning and deceit, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Tongue in a dream?

Seeing a Language in a dream means - Language: your own - friends will turn away, someone else's - to a scandal. You have a wounded tongue - talkativeness will not lead to good, many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does language mean in a dream:

According to the dream book Language, see what it means - Language - Symbolizes communication problems. “Swallowed my tongue, bit my tongue” - a characteristic of a person driven into a corner. Having a sore, swollen tongue means talking badly about someone, gossiping. Have a short tongue - others will pay attention to your intelligence. Burn your tongue with something hot - beware of contracting an infectious disease. A cut tongue is a sign of unforeseen misfortune

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Tongue according to the dream book?

Seeing a Tongue in a dream - If someone sticks out their tongue at you in a dream, this indicates that you have lived too long without sex. Maybe it's time to correct this omission. Burning your tongue means you gossip a lot. Some people don't like this very much, so be careful!

Ancient dream book

What does it mean to see a tongue in a dream?

According to the dream book Tongue - if you dreamed that someone was teasing you by sticking out their tongue, this is a sign that you have abstained from sexual relations for too long. It's time to have real sex with all the accompanying emotions and sensations, and not imagine some colorful details. If you burned your tongue in a dream, then in reality you need to gossip less about others. Do not think that in this way you are showing directness and honesty. It's time to think about how others feel. If you dream that you are biting your tongue, it means that one of your friends will tell you a secret concerning the personal life of your mutual friend, and you will have to decide what to do next with this information. Try not to offend anyone

Summer dream book

Why see Tongue in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Language - A scandal will break out through alcohol, a quarrel will break out, even leading to divorce.

Bite your tongue - Inadvertently biting your tongue in a dream until it bleeds - means dirty gossip.

Autumn dream book

If you dream about Language, what is it for:

Tongue - Anyone who sees a tongue in a dream should be extremely careful in conversation, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Tongue in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Tongue - Someone sticks out their tongue at you - beware of gossip, if you see your tongue - know: talkativeness will not bring you any good

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Language, what does a dream mean:

Seeing a Tongue in a dream - After a dream in which you saw someone's tongue, you can cause a scandal. If you dreamed that your tongue was injured, know that this is a warning. Stop talking, otherwise you will get into a lot of problems. If you burned your tongue in a dream - be more careful about what you say about other people. This probably seems direct or spontaneous to you, but others may have a different reaction. You will simply be accused of spreading gossip, and such a prospect does not bode well. If you dreamed that you bit your tongue, then one of your friends will reveal to you a secret concerning the personal life of your mutual friend. You will have to decide what to do next with this information.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Language:

Language - for gossip, denunciation.

Why do you dream about the Tongueless Man? Seeing a person without a tongue means patience from your children; to see yourself without language - to songs, to feasts.

I dreamed about the Language, what is it for, what does the Language mean in a dream

Slavic dream book Meaning of sleep Language:

You dreamed about the language of what it is - rumors. Twins. 3rd house of the horoscope.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation I had a dream about Language.

Language is the expression of one's own feelings. They show their tongue to you - gossip; feeling that life is teasing you; a wound on the tongue - it’s hard for you to express what you feel.

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor What does Language mean in a dream:

You dreamed about Language, what is it for - Speaking a foreign language A dream that you had on Monday night says that you will try to hide something from your friends; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that empty talk and idleness will begin to irritate you; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night promises that you will finally understand what some of your friends are trying to achieve from you.

Dream Interpretation by K. Hall Dream Interpretation Language:

What does Tongue mean in a dream - to denunciation. Teasing with your tongue is a prank on people who will decide to take revenge for it. Many languages ​​mean cruel jokes.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Language mean in a dream:

You dreamed about the Tongue, what is it for - If you dreamed that you bit your tongue, it is swollen and painful, in reality you may suffer from your own talkativeness. Imagine that you rinse your tongue with an infusion of medicinal herbs, and the pain quickly goes away, the swelling subsides, and you can speak again.

British dream book I dreamed about Language:

Tongue - Necessary for tasting food and speaking clearly, the tongue is an organ of expression: it can be stuck out to show disrespect, held back in the presence of someone who is overwhelming or alarming, or bitten when joking or teasing. What does the dream mean: Are you telling someone off or getting a beating? Or is someone in your life speaking with a forked tongue, spreading rumors and false gossip about you? Or do you do it yourself?

You dreamed about Language, why it is an important tool of communication. In dreams we often understand other languages, even invented ones, although we do not speak them in real life. Why do you have a dream: Did you recognize the language, remember a few words, or did you understand nothing at all? In real life, do you have communication problems or does someone speak to you in bird language so you don't understand anything, but you are still expected to follow orders? See also COUNTRIES AND PARTS OF THE WORLD

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does Language mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream What does Language mean in a dream - It’s as if you are examining your tongue in front of a mirror - your friends will disown you. Someone sticks out his tongue at you - a scandal will break out around you. It’s as if you injured your tongue - the dream speaks of your excessive talkativeness. It’s as if you were biting your tongue - the dream calls you to silence.

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream about Language, what is it for?

Interpretation of the dream book: What does the language of communication mean in a dream 1. A foreign or unfamiliar language heard in a dream illustrates communication, perhaps even with the Collective Unconscious. The language has not yet been studied by us so much that we understand it. 2. As soon as we become more open to various kinds of possibilities, various facets of our personality can themselves begin to communicate with us. In dreams, this is usually experienced as a strange language and is often associated with talking in one's sleep. 3. In a spiritual sense, hearing a language means communication between incorporeal creatures.

The dream book will tell you why you dream of raw beef. This dream predicts big troubles for loved ones. Worries and worries about this will bring you severe mental distress.

Raw veal in a dream suggests that you feel indebted to an acquaintance who performed a small favor in the past. This feeling haunts you.

Beef lard is a symbol of sin. You have to be careful not to get into an unpleasant situation, which will only bring big problems and troubles.

What kind of beef did you dream about? Which part of the cow (beef) did you dream about? What did you do with beef in your dream? How much beef did you see in your dream?

What kind of beef did you dream about?

I dreamed about boiled beef

According to the dream book, a huge piece of boiled beef portends a bad mood for several days. Perhaps it will be associated with large losses that the dreamer himself or his family members will suffer.

Fresh beef in a dream

I dreamed of fresh beef, a piece of which was still warm and covered in blood - this is a warning - there is a high chance of getting seriously ill. To prevent the disease from overpowering you, it is better to be examined by a doctor in advance and, if necessary, receive treatment.

Dream about dried beef

If you try dried beef in a dream in a pleasant company, and the sleeper likes this dish - everything will be fine. Love and understanding in family life, trusting relationships with friends who are ready to support at any moment, success in business will not leave the dreamer.

I dreamed about white beef

White beef on a rich table - such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of cherished desires, long-awaited good news. A very expensive and memorable gift will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Which part of the cow (beef) did you dream about?

I dreamed about beef tongue

If you dream of raw beef tongue, it means that you will soon receive unexpected information related to business. It is quite possible that this information will completely change your view on some issues.

Why do you dream about a leg of beef?

Why do you dream about a leg of beef? Financial troubles recently are associated with complete stagnation in business. In addition, unexpected expenses will cause a serious hole in your budget, which will not be patched soon.

What did you do with beef in your dream?

Eating beef in a dream

The plot in which you have to eat beef is interpreted in two ways by Felomena’s dream book. A meat meal with your best friends in pleasant company at a rich table - complete harmony in your family life awaits you. If the vision left an unpleasant impression, experiences and suffering will not be avoided.

Buying beef in a dream

A woman dreamed that she was going to buy beef in a store or market - a dream could be a harbinger of a serious illness of one of her loved ones.

Another interpretation of the dream suggests that troubles at work and empty discussions with colleagues will lead to emotional distress in the dreamer.

Selling beef in a dream

Selling beef in a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s desire to get rid of material problems forever. To achieve this, you need to try very hard, using all your skills and abilities. Only in this case will wealth appear in the house for a long time.

Cutting beef in a dream

A dream in which you begin to cut beef, carefully cutting it on the table, or simply watch this process - you can make a rather serious mistake by following the unsuccessful advice of friends or relatives.

How much beef did you see in your dream?

I dreamed about a lot of beef meat

If you dream of a lot of beef, whole carcass or large pieces - such a vision predicts troubles in all areas of your life. Health problems, quarrels with loved ones, troubles at work - all this can happen at any time.

Dream Interpretation Bite off your tongue dreamed of why you dream about biting off your tongue? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Bite off your tongue in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Take a bite

Taking a bite of something in a dream means that you will be able to get what you want, but only if this “something” was exactly what you wanted and you liked its taste. Such a dream can relate to both the acquisition of material values ​​and carnal pleasures. If you don’t like the taste or experience disappointment or disgust in a dream, then expect troubles or disappointments. See interpretation: taste, apples.

Dream Interpretation - Language

Dream Interpretation - Tongue (body part)

Dream Interpretation - Language

Dream Interpretation - Language

A short tongue means profit.

Cut off means danger.

Dream Interpretation - Language

Dream Interpretation - Language

Dream Interpretation - Language

If you see your own tongue in a dream, know that you can’t count on friends: they can turn away from you in difficult times.

Dream Interpretation - Language

Dream Interpretation - Language

Long tongue

Dream Interpretation Long tongue dreamed of why you dream about a Long tongue? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Long Tongue in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Language

One of the famous ancient rulers offered to bring his slave something that was not more beautiful in the world. He brought him the tongue on a golden platter. To his master’s surprised question, he replied that everything beautiful in this world is accomplished with the help of language and with its help is destroyed.

If this image appears in your dream, remember one folk wisdom: “The tongue waters, feeds, and spanks your back.” Or: “The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body.”

Perhaps an unexpected message awaits you or you receive a warning through your dream that someone will try to slander you.

You should also not forget that your excessive talkativeness can cause you a lot of trouble and suffering.

If you saw some ulcers on your tongue in a dream, this means that your excessive talkativeness will have the most unpleasant consequences for you.

Seeing a cut off tongue in a dream is evidence that in reality you will be unpleasantly surprised by the insincerity of your acquaintances or friends.

A dream in which you feel that you have lost your tongue means that a long streak of failures has begun in your life.

Seeing in a dream how someone teases you and sticks out their tongue at you is a sign that they will try to provoke you into an unworthy act.

If in a dream you prepare a tasty and original dish from your tongue, then in reality you will be able to overcome all life’s obstacles.

To see in a dream how someone grabs you by the tongue means that in reality your lie will be exposed.

A dream in which you saw a long tongue symbolizes unexpected news or rumors.

Biting your tongue in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality you should trust rumors and other people’s conjectures as little as possible.

Seeing a long, snake-like tongue in a dream means slander and slander, the consequences of which can turn into a serious problem for you.

If in a dream you lick ice cream with your tongue, expect good news in reality.

Feeling a sour or bitter taste on your tongue is a disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Tongue (body part)

“sharp tongue”, “tongue without bones” (wit, offender).

"long tongue" (talkative person). “Keep your mouth shut”; remain silent; keep a secret.

“lose your tongue, speechless” surprise, fear.

"on the tip of your tongue" is an attempt to remember. “The tongue won’t turn” is an inability to say due to shame, guilt, or a promise to keep a secret. “Bite your tongue”, cut off your speech, there is a danger of letting it slip, getting scared. “Untie your tongue” - the opportunity to speak freely.

“to loosen someone’s tongue” to force someone to be frank and confess. “Tug on the tongue” to force someone to speak. “Well-spoken” - excellent ability to express one’s thoughts, hold a speech, give speeches (lectures, reports),

Dream Interpretation - Language

If you bite your tongue, it is swollen and hurts, in reality you may suffer from your own talkativeness. If they stick their tongue out at you, your competitors will bypass you. When you dream that your tongue is being cut out (it doesn’t matter to you or someone else), this means that when making some important decision, your opinion will not be taken into account.

If you dreamed that you bit your tongue, imagine that you rinse your tongue with an infusion of medicinal herbs and the pain quickly goes away, the swelling subsides - and you can speak again. If they showed their tongue to you, imagine that you are responding in the same way, only your tongue is much longer. If your tongue is cut off, imagine that a new one has grown in its place.

Dream Interpretation - Language

To show your tongue is to show disrespect.

A short tongue means profit.

Cut off means danger.

To bite your tongue is to have a vain hope for something.

A long or large tongue that does not fit in the mouth is a warning against excessive frankness (just like a wounded one).

In general, seeing your tongue in a dream is a dream that predicts that soon all your friends and acquaintances will turn their backs on you.

Seeing someone's tongue means causing a scandal.

Eating boiled animal tongue means achieving wealth thanks to your education and eloquence.

Dream Interpretation - Language

If you burned your tongue with something hot in a dream, beware of contracting a skin disease in reality. A dream in which someone sticks out their tongue at you means that excessive frankness will serve you badly. A cut tongue is a sign of unforeseen misfortune, the tragic consequences of a natural disaster. Cooking jellied tongue in a dream - expect an invitation to a big celebration with abundant food.

Eating a dish prepared with tongue is a sign of favorable changes in the business sphere.

Dream Interpretation - Language

if someone sees in a dream that his tongue has increased in length or width, then this is an increase in his strength and power and victory over his own enemies, or it is a sign of his eloquence and politeness. Language is still perfection, argument and argument. If the tongue looks excessively long in a dream, then the dreamer is a licentious and shameless person. If a person wants to speak, but cannot, then in life his words often turn against him. A tongue tied in a dream is evidence of illness and sadness. Losing one’s tongue in a dream means giving something needed to a very arrogant person. Having two languages ​​in a dream means acquiring a lot of knowledge and being able to cope with any adversity.

Dream Interpretation - Language

If you see your own tongue in a dream, know that you can’t count on friends: they can turn away from you in difficult times.

After a dream in which you saw someone's tongue, you can cause a scandal.

If you dreamed that your tongue was injured, know that this is a warning. Stop talking, otherwise you will get into a lot of problems.

If you burned your tongue in a dream - be more careful about what you say about other people.

This probably seems direct or spontaneous to you, but others may have a different reaction. You will simply be accused of spreading gossip, and such a prospect does not bode well.

If you dreamed that you bit your tongue, then one of your friends will reveal to you a secret concerning the personal life of your mutual friend. You will have to decide what to do next with this information.

Dream Interpretation - Language

To dream that your tongue is swollen or is somehow interfering with you means that you may soon suffer due to your own intemperance in words.

Seeing someone else's language: foreshadows an argument or quarrel. They saw the language - gossip, conversations; symbol of eloquence. Swollen, cut, long - harm from your chatter; wife's illness. A foreigner who hears a conversation in foreign languages ​​will become the owner of great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Language

A short tongue in a dream means profit.

Dreaming of a cut off tongue means danger.

Biting your tongue until it bleeds is a vain hope.

Sticking your tongue out in a dream means behaving shamelessly.

Eating your tongue in a dream means trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Language

Language symbolizes communication problems.

“swallowed his tongue, bit his tongue” - a characteristic of a person driven into a corner.

Having a sore, swollen tongue means talking badly about someone, gossiping.

Have a short tongue - others will pay attention to your intelligence.

Language can also reflect sexual themes.

Why do you dream about tongue?


Victoria Blednova

Tongue: To dream that your tongue is swollen or in some way interferes with you, means that you may soon suffer due to your own intemperance in words. Seeing someone else's language portends an argument or quarrel.

Language: If you see your own tongue in a dream, know that you can’t count on friends: they can turn away from you in difficult times. After a dream in which you saw someone's tongue, you can cause a scandal. If you dreamed that your tongue was injured, know that this is a warning. Stop talking, otherwise you will get into a lot of problems.

Tongue: Someone sticks out their tongue at you - beware of gossip; if you see your tongue, know that talkativeness will not bring you any good.

Language: If in a dream you see your own tongue, it means that soon your friends will turn away from you. If you see someone's tongue in a dream, the dream promises that you will soon become the cause of a scandal. If you see your tongue wounded, it means that your talkativeness will not bring you any good. This dream should be taken as a warning.

Anastasia Kozhuchkova

Seeing your own tongue in a dream means that your friends will soon turn away from you. If you see someone's tongue, you will soon become the cause of a scandal. Seeing your tongue wounded means your talkativeness will not bring you any good.

Dream... why dream of piercing your tongue...



The mouth is a symbol of the house. If you see your tongue wounded, it means that your talkativeness will not bring you any good. This dream should be taken as a warning.


dream warning. you will suffer because of your own language. think first, then speak!


you may suffer because of your frivolity.



I dreamed that I accidentally somehow caught my tongue with my hand (I was trying to get something in my mouth) and it was now hanging on a thin vein, I see it in front of me, a very unpleasant sensation, but it doesn’t seem to be pain. I stick it in with my hand in my mouth so that it doesn’t hang out at the bottom. I can’t go anywhere (to the hospital or home), I meet friends, but no one notices it and can’t help, as if everyone has their own problems.

I had this dream within an hour, what does it mean?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Alina, if you see a wounded tongue in a dream, perhaps you are talkative and cannot keep other people’s secrets, pay attention.


I saw myself talking to animals in a dream... I understand their language...

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Irina, your dream in which you understand the language of animals most likely indicates that you will be able to achieve unattainable goals.


Today I dreamed that my tongue seemed to no longer fit in my mouth, I bit off part of it and spat it out. There were no regrets, it seemed unpleasant to look at it - the bitten off part was thin, flabby, and the one that remained in the mouth was plump, normal...

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Victoria, the fact that you couldn't keep your tongue in your mouth probably means that you will have difficulty keeping the truth to yourself.


And here is a version of my dream on the topic of language. I had a dream that in my hands I had a dry and clean cut-off human tongue without any flaws. I put it in my mouth (i.e. now I had two tongues there) and felt that tongue with the tip of my tongue. Then I pulled it out - the tongue was the same as before, but after a while I noticed that it was all stuffed with worms, and I had two worms on my own tongue, which I immediately swallowed. What is it for?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Sveta, the fact that there was such language in your dream probably means that you can support someone’s point of view, which you will later regret.


I had a dream in which I ‘lost’ (maybe bit off) part of my tongue, I was in pain, scared, I had difficulty speaking and cried bitterly! Very unpleasant dream :(

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Tatyana, the fact that in your dream you damaged your tongue probably means that you will say something unnecessary.


I dreamed last night that a scary man covered in scars bit off part of my tongue and ate it. And I felt the taste of blood in my mouth


I remember from that moment that there was some kind of explosion, I was wounded somewhere, and my tongue was also wounded or I bit it off, I felt that it was bitten off in my mouth and there was a little blood, and most importantly, that at first it was in my mouth and then somehow, I already with a small part of it and I’m telling someone that I’m speaking unintelligibly and kind of have a lisp. Explain, but it’s INTERESTING, SPSB ZARENIYA.


I dreamed that my tongue was twisting in every way in my mouth and I couldn’t calm it down and I had no power over it, then in some incomprehensible way part of my tongue ended up in my hands. It had badly torn edges, but there was no pain or blood. There was a small part left in the mouth, but it was enough for life. I stuck my tongue out at my friend and she treated it like nothing special had happened and, just in case, advised me to go to the doctor

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Most likely, such a dream of yours indicates that you may say something that you will greatly regret later.


I also had exactly the same dream. After this dream, some changes or something else happened in your life. I actually rarely have dreams and I would like to know what this means. Thank you in advance.


I dreamed of a man I knew. In the dream, he kissed me and I clearly felt his tongue in my mouth, it was kind of long and the kiss itself was unusual, he somehow rummaged around in my mouth with his tongue, but still I felt pleasant.
Please tell me what this dream is for.


I dreamed about my mother. she tells me to put the right earring under my shoulder blade... but I don’t listen to her, she repeated it again. I didn't listen. Then this started, I was kissing a guy and I felt good, he was on top of me, he wanted to put his tongue in my mouth, but he had a long forked tongue like a snake’s. I push him away, he doesn’t unhook, he turns into a huge eagle with his paws on his chest. I can’t scream, I could barely say a Muslim prayer, it came out like a huge burning ball and with a sound under the door.


I dreamed that I bit off my tongue, but not completely. I was in pain and scared that I wouldn’t be able to speak. Then they poured brilliant green into my mouth, and my tongue began to heal, and until the end of the dream I was afraid that it would come off again.


I couldn’t find an interpretation about the tongue…..in a dream I completely bit off my tongue, what would that mean please tell me, the tongue was without blood, I held it in my hand and I couldn’t speak in the dream.


Good afternoon.
I only remember that “I’m at a good friend’s house, I’m leaning over the pelvis because blood is pouring from my mouth, and it’s the sensation that I’m trying to tear off huge clots from my tongue with my hands, it hurts, but I still tear them off, that’s all.” it was growing again, I couldn’t talk and I could feel the rich taste of blood in my mouth.
When I woke up, I wasn’t particularly afraid of the dream, because lately I’ve been dreaming about blood all the time, then I spit out the remaining teeth along with the blood, then my period starts very heavily and suddenly. Apparently there is some kind of warning, but I can’t understand it.




I was at the institute and was looking for an audience where I had to take an exam. Suddenly I felt that there was a piece of my tongue in my mouth (there was no pain, there was no blood either). I spat it out into my palm. While running around the institute (I had already I started to be late) I was constantly spitting out more and more pieces of my tongue into my palm. At some point I thought, did I have a tongue left at all? I went to the mirror and saw my tongue was very short, and the place where it came off began to tighten before my eyes There was no pain, no blood. I thought that I would not be able to speak or would speak poorly, but this turned out not to be the case. I put all my pieces of tongue in a candy jar and continued searching for an audience.
Please tell me what this could mean?


I dreamed that my dog ​​bit off his tongue. It happened in a wheat field. Having seen the delicacy near the dog on the ground, I wanted to take him to the veterinary clinic, but then I changed my mind and asked him: “How will you speak now?” To which he vaguely replied that he could.


I dreamed that there were piles of hair on my tongue (it seemed to me that these were piles of hair from some girls) and I pulled them out, removed almost all of them, but not all,


I see the reflection of my tongue in the mirror, and through my tongue I see something like worms crawling in it. The tongue is red (normal) and the worms are like dark silhouettes,


I dreamed that I was putting something incomprehensible into my mouth, and then I started to pull it out... strange, but in the dream I thought I was pulling out toilet paper. I got up, walked and continued to do it as I walked. Despite all this, my blood was bleeding a dirty scarlet color. When this endless “rope” ended, I spat out my tongue, it was blue. But I felt that there was a new language inside. My ex-husband was also nearby, who did not pay attention to my moaning, I tried to scream, to attract his attention to this devilry.


The wife of my beloved man spoke to me in English, I didn’t understand anything, she sat cross-legged


I bit off half of my tongue as far as I could reach with my teeth and it fell out of my mouth with blood, and then several more similar parts of my tongue fell out!


I dreamed that I bit off my tongue (not all of it, just a piece). And so I’m running around with this piece of bitten off tongue, looking for a refrigerator to freeze it. The doctor seemed to do something to me and it began to grow back on its own.


I dreamed that I was pulling a long black fishing line out of my tongue, the fishing line broke, a small piece remained in my tongue, I caught the piece with my fingers and pulled it out, I woke up feeling relieved.


I saw my dad (he had already died), as if he had come to help me. but for this they cut off the tip of his tongue and he could not tell me anything. and he also showed me his eyes, as if they had done something


In a dream, I kissed an unfamiliar young man. The sensations were very pleasant, but suddenly something began to bother me in my mouth. I spat it out. It turned out to be his tongue. It was quite big. I was scared how this could even happen. But the stranger didn’t seem to notice anything and even talked, although I saw that he was missing that piece in his mouth...


Cheers, Tatyana. I dreamed that I had two tongues in my mouth and I couldn’t speak normally. What is this for?


I dreamed that my tongue didn’t fit in my mouth and I bit it off (there was no pain)… then I went to the hospital to stitch it up, asked the doctor if it hurt, and he said it would be very painful… and I woke up


I dreamed that my little sister either fell or someone hit her
and my wife runs and says that the sister has no tongue


I woke up in a dream, got out of bed and went to the bath. I looked at myself in the mirror for 5 minutes, and then started coughing as if I had a sore throat. She coughed up a large lump of macrota and took it in her right hand; for several seconds it was white; then it turned black and gray (I thought I had coughed up all the tar because I smoke) and decided to wash this stone. After a minute or two, I had my tongue in my hands, it was so long (it felt like a barrel right up to its very tip). I knew that this was my tongue, despite the fact that there were two of them. One in the hand, and one still in the mouth. I came out of the bathroom with my tongue and decided to show it to my friend (who lives with me). We looked at it together; it was smooth, a little wet and without any flaws. After that I got bored with it and I threw it away...
Why did I dream about this?


This happened in the camp canteen. I was sitting and eating when suddenly I bit off a piece of my tongue and tried to attach it back to myself.




I had a dream when I was washing my face, cleaning my tongue, and in the sink I found a tongue that had fallen off in the dirt, I looked into my mouth, the tongue was still in place, a healthy pink one, then this tongue hardened and turned into something hard, I don’t remember exactly whether it was a chicken leg or a hoof. I asked myself in a dream, what did they say “Shiva”? Why is there a dream, what does it mean?


I wanted to buy some kind of blue dress at the market, it seems. But suddenly an elderly woman came up and seemed to want to hug me. I bit off her tongue, it seemed to me that she intended to steal something or do something not very good.


I dreamed that a tooth fell out without blood, a baby tooth, and somehow a second tongue grew in my mouth. I felt very comfortable with 2 tongues in my mouth


I dreamed that our president came to my store (I had never dreamed about it before). And he tells me...you need to be examined in order to have a child (complete nonsense, I have children and I’m not that young). We kiss him, and I bite off the tip of HIS tongue, I woke up from the fact that I felt his taste/tongue.


I dreamed about it. that I had three enemies, three girls. who need to be fought. and I identified their Achilles heel and bit off the tongues of two of them. then I waited for the battle with the third and woke up


I had a dream that I bit off my tongue. Then I took it in my hand, looked at it and was very worried, “why did I do this?” it had a healthy pink tongue, I bit it off so evenly. But then I consoled myself with the fact that the last time I bit off my tongue, it had grown. Then I took a mirror and looked at the remaining part, it was all falling apart, and then divided into 2 parts.


In general, I dreamed of Asians (Chinese or Japanese, I didn’t understand), but they were in uniform like the military, it’s strange that I understood their language as I heard it in Russian, I don’t remember what they were talking about, but they had like pebbles with hieroglyphs and they They also gave me...


My friend has four tongues: the top is long and blue, then short. the next one is a little longer. The bottom one is a little longer and red. as if she was born this way. and shows it to me. and I wonder why she wasn’t operated on at birth.


I dreamed that I vomited and I bit off half of my tongue that was bothering me, I didn’t feel pain and there was no blood, it even felt better.


Hello, I had a dream that I and my boyfriend’s friends (whom I don’t know) and the young man also don’t have this in reality, we were going to his friends’ wedding, there was a terrible snowstorm and snowdrifts, but we somehow got to weddings, there we danced and had fun, I kissed a young man and felt something in my mouth, it was his tongue, or rather half of it, with horror I pulled it out of my mouth and showed it to him, he was also terrified. How to understand this? Please help me figure it out. I had a dream on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday.


I dreamed that I bit off my own tongue and it fell into a bottle of water, then I put it back in my mouth and waited for it to grow back together, but then it dissolved and disappeared! I was scared and I was in despair that I could live without a language now! what is this for?


Good afternoon In a dream, I had a fight with my ex, as if we had just broken up. I was in tears and my tongue was swollen. And I went to the bathroom to wash myself... I bit off my tongue, swollen from crying, and spat it out. I realized that part of the tongue was no longer there. Then the ex came back and seemed to want to make peace. But I was silent because I couldn’t pronounce some words with my tongue. But she knew that the tongue would grow again. And he grew during my sleep. At the end of the dream, I was already with my real boyfriend.
Please tell me what my dream means.
Thank you.


I walk around school, I feel good, comfortable, and I’m having fun. It’s evening outside, about 7 o’clock. There are a lot of people at school: sitting on benches, standing by the windows. Everyone is chatting happily. I see my friend, run up to him and hug him, as if we had not seen him for a long time. Then I talk with my classmates standing next to me. A guy passes by and congratulates one of them on her birthday - that means today is November 15th. I forgot about it, Happy birthday to her. The second classmate says - Well, everyone looked at VKontakte, now they go around smiling and congratulating you, liars, in fact, almost no one remembers that it’s your birthday - I’m offended, I know when her birthday is (I remember such things well) I just forgot what date it is today. Then I meet my friend and we walk with her to the exit from the school. And I suddenly meet the eyes of the boy I like, he sits and looks at me. I know him, he knows me, we don’t know each other personally. I’m very shy and I never say hello to him in my life, it’s like we don’t know each other. And in the dream I don’t say hello to him either, but I want to, and for some reason I can’t say anything - I feel like my lips are swollen. I meet this boy’s friends, they are having fun, one of them is my former friend, we quarreled in life and we couldn’t make peace, I tried, I’m trying to fix everything, but he resists (oh, those Aries) and I decided not to insist anymore our truce. But in a dream, as in life, I want to go up to him to chat, or at least say hello. But he doesn’t notice me, and my mouth is swollen and I can’t say anything normally. I go to the mirror - everything is fine with my lips. I open my mouth - my tongue is broken! Or swollen or something else with it. It is twisted, rigid and does not move. A friend says it looks like a twisted tongue. I do not know what to do. I want to look at the lesson schedule - to do this I need to go back, past the company that I like, with whom I want to communicate, but I’m in a quarrel with one, and I don’t personally know the others. I specifically want to pass by them again. And I pass in silence, as in life, usually. But in life I’m just shy about them, but here, in a dream, I seem to be just as shy, but the obstacle to speaking is my tongue. And I woke up.


the seed of my ex-boyfriend now lives in my grandmother’s house, I came there and see his parents, they offer me the rest of them... then they go somewhere and the guy and I are left alone... he starts pestering and it turns out that we are already kissing. .then I bite off the tip of his tongue...he looks at this piece...and the dream ends.


I dreamed about my father. For some reason he stuck his tongue into my mouth, I bit off the tip of my tongue. I saw blood and got scared. I started putting the piece back. Offer to go to the hospital...
That's terrible!


when kissing a man whom I really like, I bit off a small tip of my tongue and he had a small wound, there was no blood, but there was pain


I had a dream that while kissing my husband he began to spit out his tongue into his palm, what could this mean? I suppose that perhaps my husband says a lot of bad things that offend me mentally, but what do you say? Thank you.


My upper and front teeth fell out on their own. Moreover, they were whiter than in life. Then my tongue became so huge that it didn’t fit in my mouth. I couldn't speak. The feeling was terrible. Fear and lack of understanding of what to do. I asked my mother for help, writing with a pen on paper that I could not speak.


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that suddenly I had my tongue in my hands. I look at it, and it’s like a dry cover and there are dry blood vessels inside it. I felt easy after that and I could fully talk. Thank you for your help,


I dreamed that during a kiss, half of a young man’s tongue fell off. He was taken to the hospital, they said that he died, when I leave the hospital he goes to the meeting alive and healthy, the doctors say they confused him with someone


I dreamed of people having their tongues pulled out, they spit them out one by one and everything was very unpleasant.


Hello, I dreamed that something was bothering me in my mouth, I started cleaning it and tore off my tongue.


In a dream I saw how a dog bit off its own tongue, and I was shocked and didn’t know what to do.
disturbing dreams!


Hello, I won’t describe the whole dream, but the next moment is unclear - in the dream I meet a guy, by the way he is an actor or singer, I realize this, he tells me something about his language, that there are some problems with it, word for word, in in general, what is happening is not a passionate kiss, in general it does not cause disgust, but his tongue really seems to be separate from it)) and part of it remains on my lips and in my mouth. Of course, there is no effect of 7D, but I woke up and remember that it he looked like boiled chicken fillet)))). And in the dream after the kiss he also says, well, I told you, I have this problem, you probably didn’t like it.


The crow, with whom we are neither friends nor enemies, but rather buddies, sat on my right shoulder, after our dialogue with her about a certain goal, to achieve which it was necessary to bite off my tongue, which she did. There was a feeling - nothing unusual, and no pain, nothing, by the way.


Hello, I had a dream about a tongue, what does it mean? My tongue was wounded, cut off in half, as if it had been cut crosswise with a knife, but it didn’t come off, it dangled, there was no blood and I didn’t feel pain.


I dreamed that the military was chasing me. I ran away and the animals helped me. They were shepherd dogs and cats. But I clearly saw a pregnant dog. she was larger than the others and would soon give birth. There were 2 small black kittens and a big cat. All the animals surrounded me with love. They recognized me as someone. And they said, close your eyes, and your pursuers won’t see you. And indeed, people stopped seeing me. I got out of the situation and the dead end into which I was driven.


I dreamed that the military was chasing me. I ran away and the animals helped me. They were shepherd dogs and cats. But I clearly saw a pregnant dog. she was larger than the others and would soon give birth. There were 2 small black kittens and a big cat. All the animals surrounded me with love. They recognized me as someone. And they said, close your eyes, and your pursuers won’t see you. And indeed, people stopped seeing me. I got out of the situation and the dead end into which I was driven. What does this dream mean?


The dream was not for me, but for my brother, his wife committed suicide (cut her wrists). He was sitting at the table and talking to her, then he looked at the cat on the table and he crushed his tongue, when he came to his senses and the cat jumped out of the way. I could no longer close my mouth due to pain. the cat lives with him. he has very serious problems with banks and in general.
After the death of his wife, my brother has a hard time wanting to live, he has 2 children, he is 60 years old and they need to be taught and their health is completely undermined, can you tell me what to do?


I dreamed that I kissed my husband and bit off the tip of his tongue. I spat it out into my hands and looked at him. He was not big. There was no blood.


Hello, today I dreamed that a girl was kissing me hard and stuck her tongue in my mouth and didn’t stick it out for a long time! It was very nice.


I dreamed of a former lover, we were in a store, but I didn’t see any sellers or goods, except for a big orange chair. We chatted for a long time, laughed, flirted (in general, behaved as in life), then we started kissing, and I bit off pieces of his tongue and laid them on the back of the chair. But he didn’t bleed, and in general, after I bit off 4 pieces of his tongue, we continued to kiss, touch each other’s bodies, we felt good, but then I woke up. I have already dreamed about him more than once, we used to have sex in a dream, and now we hug and kiss. Something like that)


I dreamed that I had two tongues, the lower tongue was pink and the top one was brown and unpleasant, and in the dream I thought I needed to have surgery


By situation:
1. She bit off a young man’s tongue and threw it away, apologized, and was surprised that it turned out that way
It was purely an accident
2. I constantly forgot something, and thus once had to go get the bus in which I left the package
3. There were a lot of balls and we shared them
4. I was at a concert with beautiful music

Amira Rizamukhamedova:

I saw in a dream that my tongue was swollen so I ate as much as it fit in my mouth. And this made me very scared. I'm wondering what this could mean?


I dreamed of a moment when I felt the teeth in my mouth with my tongue and realized that my teeth were on the top right side, all different, rare, somehow dilapidated, and in one I felt a large hole.

One of the famous ancient rulers offered to bring his slave something that was not more beautiful in the world. He brought him the tongue on a golden platter. To his master’s surprised question, he replied that everything beautiful in this world is accomplished with the help of language and with its help is destroyed.

If this image appears in your dream, remember one folk wisdom: “The tongue waters, feeds, and spanks your back.” Or: “The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body.”

Perhaps an unexpected message awaits you or you receive a warning through your dream that someone will try to slander you.

You should also not forget that your excessive talkativeness can cause you a lot of trouble and suffering.

If you saw some ulcers on your tongue in a dream, this means that your excessive talkativeness will have the most unpleasant consequences for you.

Seeing a cut off tongue in a dream is evidence that in reality you will be unpleasantly surprised by the insincerity of your acquaintances or friends.

A dream in which you feel that you have lost your tongue means that a long streak of failures has begun in your life.

Seeing in a dream how someone teases you and sticks out their tongue at you is a sign that they will try to provoke you into an unworthy act.

If in a dream you prepare a tasty and original dish from your tongue, then in reality you will be able to overcome all life’s obstacles.

To see in a dream how someone grabs you by the tongue means that in reality your lie will be exposed.

A dream in which you saw a long tongue symbolizes unexpected news or rumors.

Biting your tongue in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality you should trust rumors and other people’s conjectures as little as possible.

Seeing a long, snake-like tongue in a dream means slander and slander, the consequences of which can turn into a serious problem for you.

If in a dream you lick ice cream with your tongue, expect good news in reality.

Feeling a sour or bitter taste on your tongue is a disappointment.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Language

If you see your own tongue in a dream, know that you can’t count on friends: they can turn away from you in difficult times.

After a dream in which you saw someone's tongue, you can cause a scandal.

If you dreamed that your tongue was injured, know that this is a warning. Stop talking, otherwise you will get into a lot of problems.

If you burned your tongue in a dream - be more careful about what you say about other people.

This probably seems direct or spontaneous to you, but others may have a different reaction. You will simply be accused of spreading gossip, and such a prospect does not bode well.

If you dreamed that you bit your tongue, then one of your friends will reveal to you a secret concerning the personal life of your mutual friend. You will have to decide what to do next with this information.

Interpretation of dreams from