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Write a story about the Dalmatian breed. About the Dalmatian - an elegant and fearless hound. What to feed a Dalmatian dog

Height at withers: 54 - 32 cm

Weight: 24 - 29 kg

Long, mobile, thick at the base and tapering towards the tip. Has a slight bend. Preferably stains.

Definitely white with distinct black or brown markings.

Developed, short, tough, thick and shiny. The undercoat is characteristic.

Strong and straight back. Volumetric chest. The ribs are long and proportional, slightly rounded. The body is balanced, light and muscular.

Hind legs

Parallel, round, muscular, with developed shins and well-defined hocks.

Front legs

Ideally straight legs, slightly inclined shoulders, muscular. Convex fingers and paws look like those of a cat.

Teeth, jaws and cheekbones

Strong jaws with a regular scissor bite. The teeth are straight and white. The cheekbones are elongated and graceful.

The stop is moderately pronounced. The nose is black or brown depending on the color. The nostrils are developed and open.

Long, wide and rounded between the ears. Well expressed whiskey. The skull is strong but graceful.

Medium size, tightly pressed to the head, thin. Wide at the base and tapering towards the tips.

Round, medium size, small distance between eyes. Light brown or dark brown, shiny. The look is smart. Sometimes the eyes (or one eye) may be blue.

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Dalmatians are popular. There is probably not a person in the whole world who does not know these sophisticated and intelligent spotted dogs. Of course, everyone watched the famous movie “101 Dalmatians” as a child. The image of kind, loyal and slightly eccentric pets is forever imprinted in the memory. But not everyone knows that Dalmatians are ideal working dogs: they accompanied the carriages of English aristocrats, saved children during fires, performed in circuses and were even real combat pilots during the Second World War. The famous spots on the snow-white coat are not the essence of the breed, but a spectacular addition to its image. We will talk about the essence of Dalmatians (as well as about spots) below.

Photo: Judy Rothchild, flickr.com/photos/judy_lottie_and_lily/ Photo: Judy Rothchild, flickr.com/photos/judy_lottie_and_lily/ Photo: Maja Dumat, flickr.com/photos/blumenbiene/ Photo: Judy Rothchild, flickr.com/photos/judy_lottie_and_lily/


According to the most popular version in research circles, the homeland of Dalmatians is Dalmatia, a land on the Adriatic coast. It is believed that the closest ancestors of these dogs are various Pointers and Great Danes.

The ancestors of modern Dalmatians are depicted in frescoes of the Italian Cathedral of Santa Maria Novella in Florence, they are dated 1360. These beautiful and graceful dogs were called “Dogs of the Lord” in England during the Cromwellian era; they were considered one of the symbols of the Roman church. Many historical museums around the world contain frescoes and other ancient illustrations depicting Dalmatians.

Speaking more officially, the second homeland of Dalmatians is England. Spotted dogs were brought here five centuries ago by sailors and travelers. These pets could not help but attract the attention of the local bohemia and aristocracy, so they instantly became a distinctive attribute of the life of the ruling elite and socialites. The spectacular appearance of the Dalmatian gave him the title of the main carriage dog of Britain - sophisticated dogs accompanied the carriages, delighting the eyes of the ladies of the court. But Dalmatians performed not only decorative functions. Strong and intelligent dogs, they helped coachmen control the horses, moving smoothly between them.

Riders began training Dalmatian puppies at an early age - five-month-old babies accompanied carriages along with older and experienced dogs. Such harshness had its reasons: young Dalmatians quickly learned from their older comrades and already at the age of up to a year they could be considered fully trained working dogs who were not afraid of either kicking hooves or steep hilly roads. In addition, this had a positive effect on the average physical characteristics of the gene pool and the aesthetic athleticism of the breed as a whole.

Many will be surprised, but Dalmatians not only coped well with the role of carriage guides, but also served as desperate defenders of crews from attacks by criminals and predators, which at that time were not uncommon in the forests of Scotland and England. All dogs of that period had cropped ears. This was done so that the Dalmatian could boast of invulnerability in fights.

Dalmatians also quickly became stars of circus shows. They performed together with clowns, demonstrated miracles of obedience, flexibility and artistry, and their smart, joyful faces adorned the posters. But gradually the number of Dalmatians in Britain and Europe began to decline rapidly. Perhaps the reason for this was the decline in the “status” of carriage crews. But thanks to the efforts and enthusiasm of the breeders, the Dalmatian gradually regained its position, but in a slightly different capacity - a companion dog. Intelligence, loyalty and easy-going nature allowed these dogs to get along well with a variety of people - from bankers and opera singers to simple clerks. In Britain and America at the end of the last century, specialized clubs for breed lovers began to appear everywhere. The popularization of Dalmatians was facilitated by the love of these dogs by the first President of America, George Washington, who was professionally involved in their selection and breeding, and also maintained the presidential kennel.

During World War II, spotted dogs heroically performed military service - they were patrol and guard dogs. There was even a Dalmatian pilot in the British army, who, together with his master pilot, flew about forty missions over the territory of Nazi Germany. Once the dog was wounded, after which he received a battle award from Winston Churchill. By the way, after the war the hero ended up in Japan and became the founder of the unique Japanese line of Dalmatians.

The incredible rise in popularity of Dalmatians in the mid-twentieth century was caused by the publication of the book 101 Dalmatians, written by Doddie Smith. The novel was filmed several times by the famous Walt Disney Studios. At the moment, the Dalmatian is one of the most popular dogs in the world, which is the logical crown of their glorious history, going back almost to ancient times.

The impressive popularity of black and white dogs in artistic circles is evidenced by the names of their famous owners. Spotted pets delighted and inspired the great Swedish actress Ingrid Bergman, The Beatles member Paul McCartney, the founder of the psychedelic pop group The Beach Boys Brian Wilson, Hollywood star Salma Hayek and many others.

The impressive popularity of Dalmatians in artistic circles is evidenced by the names of their famous owners. Spotted pets delighted, inspired (and inspire) the great Swedish actress Ingrid Bergman, The Beatles member Paul McCartney, the founder of the psychedelic pop group The Beach Boys Brian Wilson, Hollywood star Salma Hayek and many others.


Dalmatians are the smartest companion dogs. Note that the intelligence of these charismatic dogs is very agile. They do not like to be bored and are accustomed to constant communication. The owner of a Dalmatian should give the dog maximum attention from an early age, since the high innate socialization of these animals requires constant contact with humans.

The owner is a guide, mentor and psychological guide for Dalmatians. It is in communicating with people that the spotted puppy “builds up” its intellectual mass. Representatives of this breed learn easily and are able to accumulate experience, making full use of it in life.

Memory is one of the key aspects of Dalmatian mental activity. These pets instantly remember not only their name and commands, but also certain events. For example, if you dropped your cap in the hallway, the Dalmatian will not only give you a hat, but will make sure that such mistakes do not happen again. This does not mean that black and white dogs are vindictive. Quite the opposite: every memory they make is for the good.

The owner's task is not to let the ward get bored. Regularly come up with new games for your pet, give him toys. In the absence of such diversity, the character of Dalmatians deteriorates - they can turn from obedient and sociable dogs into restless freaks.

Dalmatians easily lend themselves to various types of training (from basic to service). Agree, not every dog ​​can work in a circus, performing incredible tricks. But the ability to learn is expressed not only in obedience. Dalmatians are distinguished by increased psychological and behavioral adaptability. These pets easily “read” the owner’s character and his habits, so they easily build relationships with people of very different characters. By the way, Dalmatians themselves are standard sanguine people.


Dalmatians are smart, sociable and cheerful dogs with a persistent character and easy disposition - a rather rare combination, by the way. These pets highly value their independence and are prone to making independent decisions, but at the same time they simply cannot live without a person.

Dalmatian dogs are happiest when interacting with their owner and family. They love group games, are not at all afraid of people and are upset due to a long lack of communication, they are capable of sadness, have a very hard time parting with their owners and are offended when they are punished or their voice is raised at them. Human dissatisfaction with the behavior of a Dalmatian is the heaviest punishment for spotted pets, because their main calling is to please their owner.

Well-developed socialization can become a problem in keeping a Dalmatian if the owner is an overly business-like person who is chronically busy. At first, the dog will hide its sadness due to lack of contact with its owner and treat the situation with understanding. But ultimately, this problem can lead to serious negative changes in the character of a cheerful dog. A Dalmatian can quite quickly lose his communication skills, become withdrawn and indifferent to absolutely everything. Therefore, future owners of these dogs must understand that representatives of this breed require a certain rhythm of life - regular positive communication, frequent walks, games, physical activity and constant dynamics - spotted characters experience boredom extremely painfully, and due to their developed intelligence and lively temperament, they quickly bored with routine.

Dalmatians are very good-natured and not at all aggressive, but when it comes to protecting the owner, this dog bravely rushes into battle. The instincts of a protector and a hunter are in the blood of black and white dogs, so the enemy will have a hard time.


As we have already said, Dalmatians are extremely sociable pets. Conflicts and anger are alien to them, so they try with all their might to build a wall of harmony around themselves, and are also a kind of peacemaker if the host family is in a quarrel.

Dalmatians easily get along with other dogs in the house. The only problem that can arise is keeping two spotted males in the same apartment due to their mutual desire for dominance. Representatives of the spotted breed will perceive other dogs as friends, playmates and companions for fun games. With cats, everything is not so smooth, but if the Dalmatian and the sailor grew and developed together, then there should be no problems. Warmly and peacefully, these pets welcome kittens into their territory - often Dalmatians even take patronage over cat babies.

Despite the fact that the hero of our article is an excellent watchman and bodyguard, this dog is polite and courteous towards strangers and guests of the apartment. The reaction to a stranger depends on a number of factors - as a rule, Dalmatians intuitively sense the intentions of the subject. If a person is open, then the dog will respond in kind - with joy, wagging his tail and kindness. If everything is not so pure with the personality, then the dog will be suspicious, controlling every step of the stranger.

Dalmatians build warm and trusting relationships with children. They will be happy to play with the kids, try to teach them to walk and run, and will also closely monitor their safety, not forgetting about entertainment.


The Dalmatian is a confident dog that takes training easily. Intelligence and excellent physical characteristics allow spotted pets to be excellent guards, rescuers, guards and hunters.

When purchasing a Dalmatian puppy, the owner must understand that this is not just a cute dog with an unusual color, just like from the famous family comedy, but a born athlete from the hound breed group. Dalmatians have well-developed instincts, which are surprisingly combined with a cheerful disposition and refined manners.

Dalmatians are intelligent, so learning basic training is a piece of cake for them. Monotonous repetitions will not be required from the owner. But, of course, everything is not so simple. Dalmatians are distinguished by their bright temperament and persistent stubborn character. In addition, they are extremely smart - they quickly get bored with the same type of commands in the spirit of “Come to me!” and "You can't!" These dogs are used to doing everything with passion, easily and naturally - as if in a game. Therefore, you should be creative and regularly come up with more and more new tasks for the spotted heroes. When your pet has mastered basic commands while still a puppy, feel free to move on to more complex ones, alternating obedience and discipline with purely playful and entertaining tricks. The Dalmatian will happily learn to carry a ball on his nose or walk on his hind legs.

Often, during the process of training, owners fall under the spell of the Dalmatians' charm, allowing their active pets to dominate. Under no circumstances should this be done. These dogs are kind and joyful dogs, but have a winning spirit. If you are too gentle with them, they will not be able to perceive you as a leader. Of course, this does not mean that you need to immediately turn into a tyrant - just behave with dignity and be sincere. Don’t yell at the dog, forget about harshness and aggression, but don’t even try to overdo it with tenderness and treats.

Walking and exercise

Dalmatians are excellent athletes. They run fast, jump well and have amazing endurance; they are not used to lying around all day and are not prone to overeating. Athleticism and dynamics are the most important components of the physical activity of these active dogs.

Let's talk about walks: a Dalmatian should spend at least one and a half hours a day outside. It is advisable that walks be carried out in two or three sessions. You need to be creative when walking with your pet: often change routes and types of soil, don’t be lazy to walk a lot and far, and sometimes even go jogging with your pet. It will be great if you go jogging or cycling together every morning.

Favorite sports disciplines of Dalmatians are frisbee and agility. Jumping high after a flying projectile is a whole art for spotted pets, and they overcome various barriers and obstacles, practically without noticing them. They also adore ordinary games in the style of “Catch up with me, master”. Note that periodically games with Dalmatians should imitate hunting in order to maintain specialized instincts.

Firefighter is another calling for brave Dalmatians. In England, these dogs often voluntarily accompanied the movement of fire trucks, barking loudly calling people to move aside. The spotted heroes saved many human lives, sometimes even throwing themselves into the flames.


Dalmatians are very clean and, unless heavily soiled, need a thorough wash with a special mild (preferably natural) shampoo no more than twice a year. Representatives of this breed have rather sensitive skin, prone to irritation, so the owner must always be very attentive and promptly take care of even small areas of dryness or redness under the short hair. Brush your Dalmatian regularly with a special massage glove. Timely removal of dead hair will reduce the risk of irritation on the dog’s skin. To combat dryness and flaking, you can sometimes lubricate your dog's skin with natural oils containing vitamin E. This will make your Dalmatian's coat more well-groomed and shiny.

Check your dog's ears regularly. A small amount of wax should always be left in your Dalmatian's ears to protect against infections. When healthy, earwax is cream or light brown in color and odorless. If sand or dirt gets into your ears, you can clean them with a dry cotton swab. If irritation, redness or an unpleasant odor occurs, contact your veterinarian. Do not use unfamiliar products without a doctor’s recommendation.

Dalmatians' paws are shaped like a cat's. To ensure proper development of toes, puppies must be taught to trim their nails from childhood, as too long nails cause discomfort to the dog and deform their paws. Buy special clippers and avoid touching blood vessels. Just in case, keep a styptic nearby while cutting.

Dalmatians, by standard, have an ideal bite and straight teeth. To acquire these qualities, you need to ensure the timely replacement of baby teeth with molars in a growing dog, if necessary, removing baby teeth that interfere with the growth of molars. Adult dogs need to remove tartar using special tooth powders.

Dalmatian and your apartment

Despite the high natural activity of these dogs, keeping Dalmatians in city apartments is successful in most cases.

The Dalmatian is a companion dog characterized by the highest level of adaptability. In addition, these are quite heat-loving and socialized pets that are very dependent on close contact with the owner.

So, this is the first time a charming spotted puppy has arrived at your home. To make it easier for your little Dalmatian to get used to a new environment, prepare in advance or ask the breeder for a small blanket, which you need to rub a little against the baby’s mother so that it is saturated with her smell. This blanket can be used to take your puppy home and place him in his resting place to make him feel safe. The baby's sleeping place should be in a quiet room, not in the aisle or in a draft. The main thing is that the puppy is confident in his calmness. Dalmatians do not like to sleep on the floor, so their bed should be on a slight elevation. The dog must be able to stretch to its full height. At first, it is quite possible to use a thin mattress folded several times as a bed. It is better to save expensive sofas and special anatomical beds for dogs until the more conscious age of your Dalmatian, when he will no longer strive to taste everything.

Your dog should have two bowls - one for food and one for water. They should be strong and heavy enough so that the puppy cannot tip them over. It is advisable that the bowls be on an adjustable stand and always located at the dog's shoulder level.

Your Dalmatian will need plenty of toys at home. Toys made of solid rubber, balls, and special bones with an attractive smell and substances beneficial to the dog are ideal. Avoid toys that are fragile or breakable with small parts that your dog can easily swallow.

What to feed a Dalmatian dog

With an excess of protein, these dogs' metabolism is disrupted and stones form in the kidneys and bladder. Therefore, dry food for Dalmatians should contain as little animal protein as possible (optimally - 22%, fat - 10%).

Dalmatians are susceptible to allergies to cereals, poultry, eggs and even dairy products. Feeding Dalmatians meat broths is strictly prohibited. As a source of vitamins, vegetable salads once a week made from apples, carrots and herbs cut into small and medium pieces are very useful.

Another interesting and important nuance: modern Dalmatians are very picky about the quality of drinking water. It is advisable that they drink high-quality non-carbonated mineral water enriched with microelements.

Controversial breed. Researchers are divided into 2 camps regarding the origin and history of the name Dalmatians. Some consider them their homeland, citing the works of Aristotle.

In the chronicles, the Greek philosopher speaks of "tiger". The description of the dogs is close to Dalmatians. They were seen in India by the troops of Alexander the Great. They made a trip to the eastern country in the year 327.

It was presumably from the campaign that the Dalmatians were brought to Greece. However, some scientists believe that the breed originated here. There are ancient Greek frescoes depicting whites with black spots.

No such artifacts have been found in India. No written evidence of the origin of the breed's name has been found. Once in Europe, she fell in love with the inhabitants of Dalmatia. This is part of Montenegro.

Dalmatians were actively bred here, which, as some believe, was the reason for their name. Others recall that several white ones with black speckles were given to Yuri Dalmatin.

This poet lived in medieval Serbia. Having received Dalmatians as a gift, Yuri began to breed them. The breed began to be associated with the name of the poet. Nowadays, the associations have been lost, as has the connection between the breed and Dalmatia. Let's take a look at the modern view of Dalmatians.

Features of the breed and character of Dalmatians

In film "101 Dalmatians" dogs shown to be trusting and good-natured. This is objective. Because of their disposition towards others, they refuse to be good watchmen. Dogs begin to defend their possessions only in critical situations.

But Dalmatians can be hunters. In this role, dogs of the breed appear, for example, in ancient Greek frescoes. They show scenes of hunting. In the drawings, dogs also accompany chariots.

Dalmatian dog, indeed, agile, athletically built, capable of running behind both a chariot and a modern bike. The beast will even keep up with a car. Dalmatians are active both at home and outside and love games.

The dogs frolic with both adults and children. Sociable Dalmatian dog characteristics making it an excellent option for families and people leading an active lifestyle.

Buy a Dalmatian dog and not providing her with communication means dooming the animal to melancholy. Representatives of the breed need something to do. Thus, Dalmatians successfully participate in rescue operations, competitions, and search operations. Hunting abilities have already been mentioned. They are also capable of being guide dogs and herding dogs.

The versatility of the breed is explained not only by their activity, but also by their intelligence. Dogs are easy to train. In its course, it is worth abandoning aggression and punishment. Their dogs remember them. Dalmatians are touchy and become good boys only in strict but gentle hands.

On photo of Dalmatian dog appears with an intelligent and wary expression. This is what dogs' eyes have. Brown paint sometimes reaches amber color. The last color of the iris is characteristic of individuals with light brown spots.

The color of the edging of the eyes matches the tone of the markings on the body. However, we will talk about the requirements of the International Canine Association standard in a separate chapter.

Description of the breed

Taking into account the fact that Dalmatians accompany chariots, the FCI standard calls the breed “coach dog”. The epithet indicates endurance, muscularity, symmetry and balanced proportions. strong, but not heavy.

The muscular body of the Dalmatian is approximately 1 lobe longer than the height at the withers. The latter ranges from 54 to 61 centimeters. Accordingly, the Dalmatian is a medium-sized dog, bordering on tall.

In standard description of the Dalmatian dog weight is included. For males it is 27-32 kilograms, and for females – 24-29 kilograms. The masses are carried by straight, muscular legs. They are parallel to each other, pressed to the body. The shoulder joints are sloping. It is worth paying attention to the hock folds. They are clearly expressed.

A smoothly tapering tail fits the Dalmatian's hocks. It has a mid-rise fit and a characteristic curve at the bottom. The raised tip gives a positive appearance, although the tail is not worn vertically. The standard also denies folding into a bagel.

In terms of body Dalmatian dog breed It has a flat back with a slightly rounded loin. The slope of the croup is almost imperceptible. The belly underneath is concave, like a greyhound's. Against this background, the deep chest stands out. It reaches the elbows of the front paws, but does not protrude into the sides.

The Dalmatian's muzzle differs in length. The ratio to the skull is 1:1. The stop is quite well defined. This is the line where the muzzle and skull meet. The latter, by the way, is wide and flat. At the end of the line are ears in the shape of rounded triangles.

They are set high, pressed to the head. The skin on the Dalmatian's face should be taut. Wrinkles are not acceptable. Even the dog’s lips are tense and pressed tightly to the jaws. This prevents the dog from drooling.

Behind the lips of the hero of the article lies a perfect scissor bite. Dalmatian breed famous for its straight and white teeth. There are 42 of them in the mouth. Any other number is considered a deviation.

Just like a brown lobe on a dog with black spots. The color of the nose should match them. The rule is repeated with the edging of the eyes. The latter of the breed, by the way, are round, medium in size, and set wide apart.

Dalmatians are long-necked. The neck narrows near the head. There is no suspension. This is what experts call the fold of skin under the larynx. In the standards of some breeds, for example, the Central Asian Shepherd, suspension is required.

Care and maintenance

Character of the Dalmatian breed has a pleasant appearance. On the negative side, it is worth noting the molting. The fur is actively falling out, requiring daily brushing.

A balanced diet can help reduce hair loss. In terms of its components, the requirements of Dalmatians are small. From meat, dogs are excellent at eating offal, gnawing bones, and feasting on them. Among the cereals, representatives of the breed eat buckwheat, millet, rice, oatmeal, and pearl barley. As for dairy products, Dalmatians do not disdain kefir, yogurt, and cottage cheese.

Dalmatians are one of the few who enjoy eating citrus fruits. Oranges, grapefruits and tangerines are especially useful for dogs in winter. In summer, dogs feast on apples. In addition, Dalmatians accept a mixed diet. It is not necessary to stick only to a natural diet, or completely switch your pet to dry food.

Dalmatian puppies They eat about 2 times more than adults. This is caused by active growth. If a mature dog eats 2 times a day, then juveniles up to 3 months eat 5. From 3 to 5 months, puppies eat 4 times a day, and from 5 to 10 months, 3 times.

Dalmatians usually only need to wash their paws. Representatives of the breed are clean, do not get into the dirt themselves, and lick themselves. Therefore, a thorough washing of animals is carried out once every six months.

Paws are rinsed after walks. During them, the claws are worn down. However, the activity of apartment dogs is limited. The completely stratum corneum is not worn off. You need to get a nail clipper and use it about once every 1-2 months.

The tissue above the blood vessels is cut away. They are slightly visible through the claws. It is especially important to trim them on time for puppies. Their body is shaped, as is the shape of their paws. Your fingers should clench into a “fist”. It doesn't work with long claws.

Since the Dalmatian's ears are pressed against his head, special attention is paid to shell hygiene. They are cleaned every 5-7 days. Excess plaque can cause hearing loss and irritate the skin of the ears. There is also excessive plaque on the teeth. The oral cavity is cleaned daily.

Price and reviews of the Dalmatian

150-500 dollars. How much does it cost Dalmatian dog. Price indicated for puppies with a pedigree. In rubles, the cost is 9,000-30,000. The exact price depends on the region, the ambitions of the breeder and, mainly, the stardom of the pedigree. If it lists world champions, and the puppy’s external parameters are ideal, they may ask for 40,000 rubles.

The Dalmatian dog breed is called Dalmatian or Dalmatian Dog, and when you pronounce the name of the breed, the image of a smart white dog with charming black or chocolate spots scattered all over its body appears before your eyes. Cinema brought enormous popularity to the breed, made it recognizable and loved, but at the same time, the fame of a cute, obedient pet, as it is shown in the movies, did a disservice to the Dalmatian. A lot of dogs of this breed have experienced betrayal and ended up on the street due to the fault of irresponsible owners who succumbed to the first impulse to buy a puppy, as on the poster. The character of the Dalmatian is multifaceted, which is facilitated by the long history of the formation of the breed.

Dalmatia, as well as the entire Mediterranean coast, is considered the birthplace of the Dalmatian. These dogs are depicted in frescoes and paintings, bas-reliefs and illustrations to ancient books. Italian masters immortalized the breed in their works; for a long time it was considered one of the symbols of the church, and in England its representatives were called “dogs of the Lord.” But Ancient Egypt is considered the true homeland of spotted dogs; from there they were brought to India, and after that they came to European countries with the gypsies. It is believed that during the formation of the breed, the blood of the Great Dane, Pointer and some other breeds were infused into it.

The British were captivated by the intelligent and resilient dogs, putting them into service as carriage escort dogs. Mail carriages and carriages of noble persons were accompanied by tall dogs that could tirelessly run next to the horses and drive away aggressive dogs. On remote forest roads, Dalmatians were excellent guards for the crew, and at inns they guarded the owner’s property.

The extraordinary dexterity of Dalmatians and their ability to understand commands at a glance, their penchant for performing tricks, made these dogs circus performers. Chapiteau enjoyed using Dalmatians in their performances. Fire brigades purchased puppies of this breed so that they would grow up at fire stations and learn not only to accompany a carriage (and then a car), but also to help carry victims out of the fire.

This breed became famous with the advent of cinema.

Real fame came to dogs of this breed with the advent of cinema. It was the cartoon, and then a feature film featuring trained Dalmatians, that made the breed incredibly popular.

The purpose of dogs of this breed

  • Despite the refined appearance of an English aristocrat, the Dalmatian is an incredibly resilient dog that has the strength of an athlete and is capable of performing a variety of functions. Representatives of this breed are excellent companions, highly intelligent and courageous, cheerful and active. They are successfully used in sports competitions; their spectacular appearance allows them to be the center of attention at exhibitions.
  • The hound blood in the Dalmatian makes this breed an excellent game hunter. The Dalmatian can run for a long time and tirelessly, swims well, has strong jaws and a keen sense of smell.
  • In America, Dalmatians are still considered the official dog of firefighters. Large dogs have lived at fire stations since they were puppies, going out on calls with the fighters, they serve as assistants and mascots.

Standard, appearance and photographs of Dalmatians

The general impression is that of a strong, large and elegant dog, very smart and athletic, with pronounced muscles and excellent balance, with a friendly and sociable character. The ratio of the length of the body to the height at the withers should be equal to 10/9, and the length of the head and muzzle should be equal. The spots should be clearly defined, but the anatomical structure is more important than the clarity of the color.

Important! Dogs of this breed take a long time to develop, and reach their final proportions only by three to four years. Some individuals reach their best form only at six years of age.

  • Frame strong, muscular, more rectangular than square. The neck is beautiful, long, with an elegant curve. The back is strong, with well-defined withers, a slightly convex strong loin and a croup with a very slight slope. The chest is voluminous, wide, deep, with long, rounded ribs. The belly is moderately tucked.
  • Limbs straight, parallel, strong and muscular. The angles of the hock joints are well defined, the thighs are muscular, the shins are of medium length, strong and vertically set. The pasterns are strong, strong, the paws are rounded, with thick pads and strong nails.
  • Head long, with a flat and wide skull and well-defined temples, without folds or wrinkles. The muzzle is long, with a straight bridge of the nose and a moderate transition to the forehead. Lips are dry and tight-fitting. The nose is black in dogs with black spots, brown in dogs with brown spots. The jaws are strong, with a full set of white teeth and a scissor bite. The eyes are round, medium in size, set wide apart, dark color is desirable, but a light shade of brown is also acceptable. The outline of the eyes matches the color of the spots. The ears are medium in size, set high, close to the head.
  • Tail medium length, strong, tapering towards the end, not set high. When calm, it is lowered to the hock; when excited, it is carried slightly above the level of the back.
  • Wool thick, dense, shiny. The color is white with well-defined spots with a diameter of about 2-3 centimeters, evenly and more symmetrically located on the body. There are smaller spots on the head and limbs. The color of the spots may be black or brown. The ears and tail must be pigmented.
  • Dalmatian movements– rhythmic, smooth, balanced, elastic. The stride is wide, with a good drive of the hind legs and a wide reach of the front legs. When the dog moves, it seems that it can easily cover vast distances.

Characteristics and character of the breed

The Dalmatian loves human company.

The purpose and many-sided use of the Dalmatian left its mark on the character of the dogs. Friendly and sociable, the Dalmatian loves human company and cannot live alone. Boredom is the main enemy for dogs of this breed. A dog that is bored, confined to four walls or sitting on a chain loses its sociability, becomes gloomy, indifferent and embittered.

  • For dogs of this breed, the owner is the main reason for existence, for whom the dog does everything possible. But the Dalmatian’s character is characterized by stubbornness and a desire to dominate, so this breed is not suitable for people who are gentle in nature and have no experience in keeping dogs.
  • Physical activity– this is what a Dalmatian needs every day. The dog accompanying the carriage, running at the speed of a horse, must receive great physical activity. Deprived of this, the Dalmatian loses his inherent cheerfulness and begins to show destructive tendencies: spoil furniture and destroy everything around him. A strong dog can completely destroy the decor of a small apartment in a few hours.
  • A strong character and impressive strong-willed qualities make the Dalmatian a brave and decisive companion. A dog that does not show aggression towards strangers may well come to the owner’s defense; he is able to cope with a dog that attacks him. Males of this breed are often the first to show aggression towards other dogs.
  • Children are great friends for Dalmatians, because they can play and walk together, but this only applies to children over ten years of age. A dog of this breed is intolerant of the importunity of a preschooler or baby, and can drop or even bite a child who bothers him.
  • Domestic animals living in the same territory are considered by the Dalmatian to be members of their family. A bored dog will find it easier to tolerate the absence of its owners in the company of a dog of a different breed.. Cats or other pets (living in the same family) are also not subject to prey. But it is better to avoid street cats, since the prey instinct makes the Dalmatian rush after the animal.
  • Grudge or simply the ability to remember the smallest nuances is one of the distinctive features of the Dalmatian. With this quality, the Dalmatian resembles the Great Dane, whose blood flows in its veins.
  • The Dalmatian's sensitivity and increased emotionality allow it to sense the owner's mood. These qualities also have a downside: in a family with a negative emotional microclimate, in an atmosphere of abuse and squabbles, the dog feels unhappy and depressed.

Subtleties of training

Dogs of this breed are quite capable.

The ability to quickly remember not only commands, but also ordinary words and sequences of actions helps the Dalmatian in the training process. But this same quality requires the owner to be collected and attentive to raising the puppy. An undesirable action, mistakenly assigned, will be repeated again and again, and it is quite difficult to wean it off. Dogs of this breed are easy to train, but very difficult to retrain.

The Dalmatian's stubbornness and independence require early socialization. A puppy who has received a course of preventive vaccinations should go out into society as early as possible. Acquaintance with the outside world should begin early and continue throughout the first year of the dog’s life. These include walks along the streets, training on the site, in a group of dogs, and trips on public transport.

At home, you can teach your pet absolutely any tricks and tricks. High learning ability plus a desire to please the owner help the Dalmatian to master the intricacies of the training course very quickly. The only difficulties that can arise are commands for endurance, since dogs of this breed are very active.

The training process will be much easier if the owner uses a clicker. The fact is that the Dalmatian does not tolerate rough coercion, which traditional training cannot do without. A clicker is a way of reinforcing desired actions when the dog does what he does involuntarily. This method is not difficult to master.

Features of care and nutrition

  • The hard, shiny, short hair of the Dalmatian protects it well from rain; dogs of this breed do not freeze even at low temperatures, so you can walk with your pet in summer and winter. But this is provided that the Dalmatian is in motion. Dogs of this breed can only be kept in an enclosure in the southern regions, provided that the enclosure is equipped with a well-insulated booth.
  • In an apartment, Dalmatians shed all year round, and the light, sharp hair gets stuck in textiles and clothes and is difficult to remove from carpets. The problem can be partly solved by brushing the dog daily with a rubber mitt. It removes hair well and massages the skin.
  • It is recommended to hygienically clean the ears once a week or every ten days, inspect and, if necessary, trim the nails. Nail trimming is not necessary if the dog is regularly walked on hard surfaces: gravel or asphalt.
The Dalmatian eats well both natural food and prepared food.

Dalmatians are one of the breeds that do well both on a natural diet and on a diet of dry food. The dog's high activity and athletic build require that the diet contain enough protein and minerals. Features of physical maturation (long development of the skeleton) force the dog to consume a lot of food, so the owner’s task is to balance the diet so that the dog does not overeat and does not gain weight.

Natural feeding includes semi-liquid porridges made from rice, buckwheat and oatmeal, raw or boiled meat and offal. Meat, and even more so liver or tripe, contain a small amount of calcium necessary for bone tissue. Calcium is introduced into the diet through dairy and fermented milk products and vitamin-mineral complexes. Experienced breeders prefer to give dogs ground chicken egg shells, using it as the main source of calcium.

Dry food is an excellent solution for busy owners; it is given in portions, twice or thrice a day. If it contains all the substances the dog needs to stay in excellent shape, then no additional supplements need to be given. This could be food such as Mera Dog or. If your pet receives more than “Purina Dog Chow” or “Advance”, then it may be necessary to add fermented milk products, vegetables and vitamin complexes to the diet. It is not recommended to feed your Dalmatian with economy class food (“Chappi” or “Darling”).

Health status and life expectancy

Dalmatians live up to 11 years or more, and among them there are also long-livers, whose age exceeds 17 years. At the same time, Dalmatians often suffer from congenital diseases caused by genetic abnormalities. The most common are:

  1. Congenital deafness. Just over ten percent of puppies at birth suffer from deafness in one or both ears, and this pathology is not immediately detected.

Important! Raising such a pet is very difficult, since the dog is timid, nervous and often shows aggression, as it cannot adequately assess the situation.

  1. Breed disease - due to increased levels of uric acid in the blood.
  2. Entropy. It can be treated surgically, but such individuals should not be allowed for breeding.
  3. Polyneuropathy. Dogs of different ages suffer, the prognosis is favorable, but the disease is chronic, which means that frequent relapses are possible.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Like many dog ​​breeds, the Dalmatian has its advantages and disadvantages.

Like any other, the Dalmatian dog breed has its pros and cons, which a potential owner should definitely know.

The advantages of this breed are:

  • Spectacular, elegant appearance.
  • Unusually strong devotion to the owner.
  • Endurance and physical strength of the pet.
  • Friendly to people and pets.
  • High intelligence and excellent learning ability.
  • High emotionality and sensitivity.
  • The need for high physical activity.
  • Year-round molting.
  • Some rigidity of character, stubbornness.
  • Aggression towards dogs.

Anatomically, the Dalmatian most closely resembles hounds, both in the structure of the body and the elegant, dry head. Gambling and courageous, capable of hunting, the Dalmatian is a distant relative of the Pointer, but does not at all replicate any breed of hunting dog. The Dalmatian's character is reminiscent of a Labrador retriever; it is just as tireless, friendly and active, it also loves games and fun, and needs long walks.

How to choose a puppy, prices and kennels

A Dalmatian puppy is born completely white, the spots appear only after two to three weeks, so by the time the babies are sold they have a fully formed color. Some puppies have congenital spots that the baby is born with. Very often they come in the form of a monocle around the eye or a kind of cap on the head. Such spots are a disqualifying defect, and breeders very often cull puppies, destroying them. It is easy to identify a congenital spot in a one-month-old puppy, since the fur on it has a very deep pigment. The presence of such a spot sharply reduces the cost of the baby, since it is sold as a pet, and not a potential winner of exhibitions.

Photo. Dalmatian puppies

Dalmatian puppies in the photo

Besides, Special attention is paid to the color of small Dalmatians, since mottling or unevenly spaced spots, completely black or white ears and tail - all this reduces the score at shows. If you want to purchase a show puppy, it is advisable to study the breed standard well or take with you a consultant who is well versed in the breed.

Important! Be sure to check the puppy for good hearing. There are many different ways to do this, but they check the kids one at a time, since the rest, including a deaf puppy, can simply copy the actions of those with good hearing.

Temperament – ​​a Dalmatian baby should not be fearful or hysterical. Up to eight weeks, he goes through several stages of getting to know the world, so he should be friendly towards strangers, show interest and curiosity. Of course, in order to protect yourself as much as possible from purchasing a puppy that is sick or does not meet the standard, it is preferable to purchase a baby from a large nursery:

  • In Moscow: nursery “Terletskaya oakbrava”, website http://dalmat.info, cost from 500 dollars.
  • In St. Petersburg: nursery “Gloriandus”, website http://www.gloriandus.com, cost from $1000.

In the popular Disney cartoon called “101 Dalmatians,” the main characters, incredibly beautiful puppies with black spots on their snow-white fur, miraculously escape from the evil fury Cruella de Vil.

What is the Dalmatian breed (that’s how it should be said) - one of the most recognizable and loved by children? And how deservedly is it included?

It is reliably known that the modern name of spotted dogs comes from a place on the Adriatic coast called Dalmatia.

The origin of the Dalmatian can be established from artistic depictions and church chronicles of the 16th-18th centuries. Dalmatians can be found on the altar painting “Madonna with Jesus and Angels” in the church “Gospa od andjela” in the city of Veli Losinj on the island of Losinj in Croatia, dating from 1600-1630, as well as on a fresco in Zaostrog, in the Croatian region of Dalmatia.

Dalmatians have been beneficial to people in various areas since ancient times: on the hunt, as watchmen and shepherds, and also in the circus arena.

In England, dogs of this breed accompanied by horse-drawn carts. Developed physical abilities and endurance made it possible to accompany the crew for long hours, clearing the way for the carriage and protecting the horses from aggressive dogs.

In the 19th century in America, Dalmatians helped firefighters get to the scene of an incident, accompanying the crew.

Description of the breed

FCI standard No. 153 dated 05/30/2011 “Dalmatinski pas”.
Group 6 "Hounds, hounds with a blood trail and related breeds."
Section 3 “Related Breeds”.
Physical indicators:

  • 56-61 (54-59) cm height of males (females);
  • 27-32 (25-30) kg. weight of males (females).

On a proportional body there is a wide head on a long neck. The floppy ears are of medium size with rounded tips and set high.

The back is flat and strong, the rounded loin is characterized by muscularity. The figure looks harmonious. In general, the appearance can be called aristocratic along with the appearance or .

The thick coat has a rigid structure and short length. Color is the main highlight of the breed: Black or brown spots appear on snow-white fur, arranged in a chaotic manner.

Dalmatians with symmetrical spots are of great value. The ears can be completely black or brown, but spotted ears are preferred.

Dalmatians are born completely snow-white; characteristic spots appear in dogs later.

How long do Dalmatians live? If they are well cared for, they will delight their owners for 10-13 years.

Characteristics, skills, abilities

These are creatures with high intelligence, a cheerful disposition and a desire to constantly be in contact with humans. They are independent, know how to make their own decisions, but cannot imagine their life without a person.

Dalmatians are at their happiest when they do something together with their owner and the rest of the family. If the owner is gone for a long time, they are overcome by sadness and melancholy, they worry about the lack of communication and can, in search of consolation, ruin personal belongings.

Dalmatians are sensitive, they get offended when they are spoken to in a raised voice or punished. A severe punishment is the dissatisfaction of the owner, after all, they were created to please man.

Along with Dalmatians, they are good with children. They will happily play with little family members and become true friends for them.

Amazing memory, high intelligence and the desire to please the owner allow these beauties to perform any task. These qualities determine the fact that In the circus environment, Dalmatians are considered one of the best performers.

Dalmatians tend to be very active.

Representatives of the breed exhibit They cannot stay in one place for a long time, as a result of which their attention is scattered. Some owners regard this as a reluctance to learn and stubbornness.

Sometimes you can hear that the Dalmatian lacks the intelligence to study diligently. This is a misconception their intellect is fine. You just need to find an individual approach to your pet. An adult Dalmatian, raised and trained, will refute the myths floating around the breed.

Care and maintenance

Dalmatians require regular and careful grooming.

Particular attention is paid to the dog's ears, because there is a high probability of developing deafness.

So that they are always kept clean and do not spread odors. Using cotton swabs, remove accumulated debris from the eyes.

The pet's claws wear down as a result of long walks, but if this does not happen, they are trimmed with special devices. Teeth are cleaned using toothpaste and a toothbrush for dogs.

As a result of year-round shedding, a lot of wool accumulates in the house. To avoid this, the pet is regularly combed using a brush and given vitamins. Frequent bathing is not advisable because Dalmatians are clean dogs and practically do not smell.

A bath is done once a season, using a mild shampoo that will not harm sensitive skin.


Height at withers



There are dozens of dog breeds in the world: famous and not so famous, large and small, bred by man for various purposes. But if we talk about the most charming breed of dogs, then it will definitely be among the contenders for prizes.

This is a very ancient breed that has been pleasing people for several millennia. Most likely, it got its name from the name of the region in the Balkans - Dalmatia. Currently, Croatia is officially recognized as the birthplace of this breed.

Breed standard

The standard for this breed was first written in 1882 by the Englishman Vero Shaw. It became the official standard of the Dalmatian breed.

The Dalmatian is a fairly large animal, with harmonious body proportions, muscular and strong. It has great endurance and can move quickly.

  • Dog weight. For males approximately 27-32 kg, for females - 24-29 kg.
  • Height at withers. For males it should be approximately 56-61 cm, and for females - 54-59 cm.
  • Color. Body color is white. Black or brown spots are evenly scattered over the white body. They should be round, non-merging and well defined.
  • Wool. It should be short, stiff, shiny and glossy.

Two important proportions for the Dalmatian standard. The length of the muzzle should be related to the length of the skull as 1/1, and the length of the body to its height should be 10/9.

Breed varieties

There are two varieties of this breed: black-spotted And brown-spotted. It is very easy to distinguish them. The first variety has dark spots on the body of black color, also a black nose and dark brown eyes, while the second has dark brown pigmentation, a brown nose and lighter eyes. True, there are also blue-eyed Dalmatians.

General description, character

Dalmatians are large, muscular animals with an elegant body. Well-chosen belly. The color is white with dark spots. The muzzle is elongated, the ears are medium-sized, adjacent to the cheeks. The eyes are light brown or dark brown. The nose is black or brown. The neck is long. The tail in a free state is lowered down, according to the standard - it should not curl and stand vertically. Pigmentation on the tail is desirable.

Dalmatians are one of the most popular breeds today. Hollywood advertising played a big role here. After the release of the film "" this breed of dogs became especially fashionable.

However, Dalmatians are very frequent “guests” in animal shelters.. Often people, after watching a movie, think that by buying a Dalmatian, they will immediately get a smart, kind and well-mannered dog. But in life everything is a little different. The Dalmatian is a large, strong animal with enormous energy and often a difficult character. But if you can make friends with him, you will have a great friend for life.

The dog is very mobile and active, has a calm and friendly character. Sometimes owners don’t even know what to do with the animal’s excessive energy. The dog does not stand in one place for a second. Pets become very attached to their owner, courageous, although somewhat vindictive - they remember well those who dared to offend them. The Dalmatian has a fairly strong will, so he It is better to keep people who already have experience in communicating and training dogs.

If the owner does not find enough time to communicate with the Dalmatian, then at first the dog will treat this with understanding, but if this situation becomes chronic, then the Dalmatian’s character may seriously deteriorate. He will become withdrawn and irritable.

Lifespan Dalmatians approximately 10-13 years, taking into account, of course, proper care and maintenance.

Dalmatians are very smart animals, quick-witted, independent and resourceful.. But this breed of dog simply cannot do without human society. Negative reviews about the intelligence of this breed and complaints about its behavior are often associated with improper upbringing of the dog, and here the owners of the animal themselves are more to blame.

The Dalmatian is a wonderful dog for a large family with children, even small ones. This breed is great with children and you can safely leave your child with it.. The relationship will be especially harmonious if the puppy and child grow up together.

It will be interesting for you to read, because she is famous for her versatility: she is an unsurpassed hunter, a vigilant watchman, and a devoted friend.

These creatures are compact and not picky about their contents, and their main feature is their appearance. ?

These dogs are affectionate and affectionate, they easily get along in human and canine society; you can keep more than one animal of this breed in the house. About our detailed article.

The Dalmatian can be used as a watchdog and makes a wonderful security guard.

In general, it should be noted that a lot depends on the specific animal, but even more on the upbringing that was given to it. With proper upbringing and training, the Dalmatian grows into a wonderful friend and almost an equal member of the family. If you did something wrong, you may end up with problems in your dog’s behavior. From the first months, the pet must clearly accept you as the boss and learn to follow your orders.

How to choose the right puppy

If you decide that you need a Dalmatian, then it is better to choose a puppy at an age 1-1.5 months. At this age, it is already possible to determine the quality of future dogs, their exterior. If you want a really cool purebred dog, from parents with a long pedigree, then you should agree on such a puppy in advance.

You should definitely buy a puppy from a good nursery, from an experienced breeder. Male Dalmatians are chosen more often than females, so as not to have problems with estrus in the future. But it’s worth thinking carefully: the Dalmatian male is a large and strong animal that should have a lot of physical activity, and you should pay a lot of attention to it. A large and poorly behaved male Dalmatian, locked in an apartment for a day, can easily “destroy” it. Bitches are calmer and softer in character.

When choosing a Dalmatian, you should remember one thing: approximately 10-15% of each litter is deaf. Puppies must be checked.

Sometimes there are cases when a teenage puppy or even an adult dog is sold. This option has both its pros and cons. You will be able to see what kind of animal you are taking, since the dog is more developed and also you will not have to deal with various childhood ailments of the Dalmatian. But in this case, you will receive an animal with an already formed character and you will need to find a common language with your pet.

Price of puppies

A puppy without a pedigree costs approximately 300-500 dollars, and a purebred dog with a good pedigree suitable for participation in exhibitions is worth from 1000 dollars. Although in this case the prices are very individual. A lot depends on the dog’s parents - if they are outstanding champions, then the cost of the puppies will increase significantly.

But dogs with an excellent pedigree and corresponding price are usually needed either for exhibitions or for breeding. Most dog breeders do neither one nor the other, so there is no point in overpaying. But on the other hand, you must understand that high-quality puppies simply cannot be cheap. So if you are offered an extremely low price, think carefully.

Video about the breed

Video about the breed

Dog care

Dalmatians do not require complex care. Firstly, they are very clean, avoiding dirt and puddles like fire. Dalmatians have short fur they shed all year round. They need to be combed out from time to time. But the most important thing in caring for a Dalmatian is the presence regular physical activity and walks– this is a must for this breed. This dog has a lot of energy. Constant communication with the owner is also important for the Dalmatian.

A Dalmatian should be in the fresh air for at least an hour and a half every day, and it is better to do this more than once. An ideal option would be jogging or cycling together.

The popularity of Rottweilers changes at different times, but everyone always knows about them. If people need a faithful friend who will accompany them anywhere in the world and in any weather, then this breed is chosen. Find out more on our website.

German Shepherds radiate energy; for lovers of morning jogging, such a dog will be a good companion. - the pros and cons of this beautiful breed.


Dalmatians are omnivores. You can give fish, meat, vegetables, dairy products. You can also give dry food, but in this case you need to avoid those that contain a lot of dyes and other additives - Dalmatians often have allergies from them.

Sometimes a dog may not eat for a day. Don’t be alarmed - it was the dog itself who decided to take a “fasting” day for itself.

Features of training

Starting at about five months you can start training Dalmatian and there are some important points here. This breed is very smart, intelligent and quick-witted, but They sometimes have problems with obedience. Or rather, it’s not even like that: the dog does not want to mindlessly do what is required of it.

Dalmatians are dogs with a rich inner world, true individuals. And in training, the most important thing for you is to find the path to her inner world. Harsh training methods are useless and even harmful - you will only embitter the dog.

Advantages and disadvantages of Dalmatians


  • The Dalmatian is a very smart dog, with a cheerful and kind character.
  • Perfect for people leading an active lifestyle.
  • He is in excellent health and almost never gets sick.
  • Requires minimal care and gets along well with children.


  • This is a very active dog and requires a lot of attention and time. Not everyone can afford it. Long and frequent walks and a lot of movement are needed.
  • The apartment is not very suitable for keeping this breed. A Dalmatian will feel more comfortable in a country house.
  • A rather “willful” dog and can cause some difficulties for the trainer.
  • Dalmatians are prone to frequent allergies.

This animal needs a lot of time and a lot of attention. If you do not have this opportunity, it is better to buy yourself another dog. The Dalmatian is an intelligent and very active animal; owners who also lead an active lifestyle are more suitable for him. This dog needs both an owner and a friend in one person, and if you can become both, you will not regret it. Elderly people, people who do not have free time, phlegmatic people and homebodies definitely should not get a Dalmatian.

But if you have an active lifestyle, you often don’t sit at home and regularly go on weekends into nature, and your hobbies are cycling and hiking - then this dog is made for you.