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Compatibility 1 negative and 2 positive. Third blood group - compatibility during pregnancy, nutrition and human character

Before placing you in a chair for a blood transfusion, doctors will have to carry out several stages of examination. A person must have a passport with him, otherwise he will not be able to register and submit the material. It is mandatory to examine and talk with the patient to identify possible contraindications, and measure blood pressure.

It is VERY IMPORTANT for several days before the test not to eat fatty or heavy foods, DO NOT drink alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, you will simply kill time, both yours and the doctor’s. The blood will be unsuitable for further use. It’s better to brew strong tea in the morning and add more spoons of sugar to it, then take the liquid orally. Many clinics will offer you this option along with a bun before donating blood to make up for future losses.

Don’t refuse, citing being busy or lack of time. You want to successfully reschedule the procedure?

Story about blood transfusion

Transfusion rules

The next step is to take it and then divide it into two studies, the first of which will be carried out in the laboratory, and the second in special donor departments to determine the group, Rh factor, and the presence of infections. The results obtained are necessarily compared with each other and if the similarity is confirmed without the presence of infectious diseases, the patient is invited to the office to take a sample. After all the research The donor's blood is collected in a special container and undergoes a degree of purification in a centrifuge, where plasma is separated from red blood cells. Next, it is placed in a plasma extractor, which separates the plasma from the cells. All these cleaning measures are mandatory, since whole blood for transfusion, not purified of its contents, has not been used in medical practice for a long time in order to avoid the transmission of infectious diseases.

About 300-400 ml is taken to take.

Detailed video about transfusion

How is the sample made?

Before transfusion of donor blood to a patient, the doctor is personally obliged to check their individual compatibility by conducting tests. To do this, the blood serum previously taken from the second person (0.1 ml) is mixed with the donor serum (0.01 ml) on white paper, shaking the plate with the contents from time to time. After 5 minutes, the doctor looks at the result: if aglutination (sticking of red blood cells) has occurred, then this blood cannot be used for this patient, but its absence indicates the individual compatibility of the groups. Next, a new test is carried out for Rh compatibility. There are several options for testing it using 10% gelatin and 33% polyglucin.

How to test with 10% gelatin

A drop of donor red blood cells washed with saline is placed in a test tube, a liquefied, preheated gelatin solution is added and mixed with two drops of the patient’s serum. Place in a water bath for ten minutes. After this time, stirring, add about 7 ml of physiological solution and invert the test tube several times. If red blood cells stick together, then It is impossible to pour this material. The absence of aglutination indicates individual compatibility of Rh factors.

Test with 33% polyglucin

This method is the most widely used in medical practice. The doctor takes a centrifuge tube, places two drops of the patient’s serum at the bottom and adds one drop each of donor blood and polyglucin solution. Stirs and rotates the test tube around its axis for five minutes so that the contents are distributed over the walls in an even layer. Then add 4 ml of saline solution and tilt the tube 90 degrees without shaking. Looks at the result.

Uniform color and the absence of aglutination indicate individual compatibility of Rh factors, its presence is the opposite.

Biological sample

To avoid further complications
After the transfusion, at the beginning of the transfusion, another biological test is done. The patient is transfused with a small amount of blood (10-15 ml) and the condition is monitored for three minutes. If no reactions occur in the form of rapid pulse or difficulty breathing, then repeat this procedure two more times, continuously monitoring the patient. Transfusion is permissible only if no unacceptable indicators are detected. If they are present, blood transfusion (transfusion) cannot be done.

When planning a pregnancy or if conception is impossible, young couples try to understand the reasons for this situation. Tests for blood type and Rh factor are one of the first tests that need to be taken. These indicators will help not only indicate a probable problem, but also predict the further course of the gestation process and even the blood type of the unborn child.

Concept and methods of determining blood group and Rh factor

Each person has an individual blood composition. However, doctors have identified several of its types with similar features. Belonging to any of them is determined by the content of proteins and red blood cells in the blood. Various combinations of these components belong to one of 4 blood groups - I, II, III, IV.

In addition to the presence of any substances in the blood, rhesus is usually immediately determined. This parameter indicates the content of a certain component on the surface of red blood cells. People with positive rhesus have this substance, but people with negative rhesus do not.

When starting a family and wanting to have a child, a couple faces questions about whether they are compatible with each other, what the gender of the child will be, and whether or not they can have children. Most reproductive specialists claim that blood type does not affect the ability to conceive a child. Having received this data about the parents, it is possible to accurately predict the risk of pathologies in the planned baby.

The composition of the blood is stable and does not change with age. There is information in medical sources that the Rh factor changes from time to time, but this is misleading. This point of view was formed due to weakly positive Rhesus, which occurs in less than 1% of people. This is a special type of blood in which the amount of antigen can change throughout life.

Do blood types and Rhesus of future parents affect the likelihood of conception?

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There are two opposing opinions about the influence of blood on conception and pregnancy. Some doctors claim that a woman with blood type 1 cannot easily become pregnant from a partner with the same indicators. A girl with group 2 is compatible only with men of groups 1 and 2. A woman with type 3 can count on a successful pregnancy from men with groups 1, 2 and 3, etc. If partners have the same blood type, then having a child together is unlikely.

Recently, more and more doctors have refuted this position. The cause of problems with reproduction in women can be immunological incompatibility. In this case, the man’s sperm are rejected by the female body. Sometimes this phenomenon is justified by the blood type of the partners. In fact, this indicator does not matter - it is provoked by other reasons. This is currently being successfully treated.

Incompatibility of partners can occur due to differences in the Rh factor. It is better to determine compatibility before planning a pregnancy. Several tests will help avoid problems in the future.

Partners with the same Rhesus are ideal for conceiving children. If the mother's Rh factor is positive, and the father's is negative, then this will not affect procreation. Difficulties arise when a woman has a negative reading if a man has such a component in his blood.

Blood compatibility chart of partners for conception

You can predict your blood type compatibility with your partner using the following table:

Blood type of the child's fatherChild's mother's blood typePossible problems
I (O)I (O)-
I (O)II (A)-
I (O)III (B)-
I (O)IV (AB)-
II (A)I (O)High incompatibility (more than 80%)
II (A)II (A)-
II (A)III (B)High probability of problems occurring (over 70%). There is a risk of complications during pregnancy. In 50% of pregnancy cases there is spontaneous abortion or early birth.
II (A)IV (AB)-
III (B)I (O)High probability of incompatibility (over 80%). There is a risk of complications during pregnancy. In 40% of pregnancies, spontaneous abortion or early birth is possible.
III (B)II (A)High probability of problems with conception (more than 60%).
IVI (O)High risk of complications during pregnancy.
IVII (A)Average probability of incompatibility (over 40%). Difficulties may arise during pregnancy.
IVIII (B)Average probability of problems occurring (more than 40%). Risk of complications during pregnancy.

If you find that you are incompatible with your partner, then you should not get upset ahead of time. Recently, doctors have argued that this parameter is important only for medical procedures and does not in any way affect the possibility of bearing a baby and the likelihood of developing pathologies. This may not be the reason for pregnancy failure.

What is Rh conflict, does it pose a danger to the mother and fetus?

A compatibility problem can only arise when the mother has a negative blood type and the child has a positive blood type. In most cases, such incompatibility becomes known already at a long gestation period. During the first pregnancy the situation is not dangerous, but problems may arise with the 2nd, 3rd and subsequent children.

A child born with Rh-conflict parents may experience increased bilirubin levels, anemia, developmental delays and other unpleasant phenomena. During the neonatal period, such children need enhanced medical supervision.

If the mother’s Rh is positive and the baby’s is negative, then the woman’s body creates antibodies that fight the fetus as if it were a harmful substance. During the first pregnancy, this is not dangerous, because the resistance of these components is weak and they do not penetrate the placenta. The baby is not suffering. However, such opposition remains in the genetic memory, and during subsequent pregnancies the woman’s body resists more strongly. Antibodies can provoke intrauterine death of the child by attacking the baby's heart, kidneys and liver, or premature birth.

This possibility must be taken into account even if the first pregnancy did not result in the birth of a child. To prevent Rh conflict, a woman needs to be given anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin within 2 days after childbirth, abortion, or miscarriage. The sooner this drug is administered, the more effective it will be.

The concept of immunological and genetic incompatibility

If the partners are healthy, regularly have sex and do not use protection, but the woman cannot get pregnant, then this is a reason to seek advice from a doctor. Incompatibility is indicated when the following signs are observed:

  • conception does not occur within 12 months, subject to regular sexual intercourse;
  • miscarriages in the first 12 weeks after conception;
  • intrauterine fetal death.

Various factors can affect your ability to conceive and carry a healthy child. To find out the cause of miscarriage, special tests are performed and treatment is prescribed.

Immunological incompatibility is expressed especially in the antibodies of women. The immune system may perceive components of a particular man's sperm as foreign and dangerous and reject it. This reduces the likelihood of pregnancy or makes it impossible.

If a couple is genetically incompatible, there is a possibility of having a child with abnormalities and various pathologies.

Possible reasons:

  1. the presence of genetic diseases that can be inherited;
  2. the age of the man and woman is more than 35-40 years;
  3. husband and wife are blood relatives;
  4. poor environmental situation.

Complete incompatibility is extremely rare, but with partial incompatibility, conception and pregnancy are possible. The main thing is medical control from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Is it possible to prevent incompatibility of partners by blood type and Rh?

In order to avoid problems with conception, you need to take care of your health in advance. Girls are not recommended to have abortions or blood transfusions.

When performing medical procedures, there is a possibility of introducing blood with the wrong Rh. In this case, immunization to antigens occurs. Transfusion should be carried out only when indicated.

In the 21st century, blood type and Rh factor incompatibility is not a serious problem. It is unlikely that anyone would think of choosing a life partner based on these indicators. The main thing is to know about possible difficulties in advance. Modern medicine makes it possible to overcome problems with conception in such situations and helps control the body's reactions.

If conception has occurred and there is a possibility of complications, then medical workers will try to do everything possible to preserve the health of the mother and the unborn baby. To reduce the risk of unpleasant consequences, immunoglobulin injections are administered to the pregnant woman at 28-29 weeks. This will ensure normal development of the fetus. After such therapy, a woman should take care of herself, since the immune system is weakened.

What blood type will the child have?

Geneticists are confident that blood composition is inherited from parents in the same way as all other characteristics. If there is data on the blood groups of the mother and father, then it is possible to predict data on the composition of the baby’s blood:

Father's groupMother's groupChild's blood type
I (O)I (O)I (O)
I (O)II (A)II (A) or I (O)
I (O)III (B)In 30% of cases (B), and in 70% - I (O)
II (A)I (O)In 60% of cases - I (O), and in 40% - II (A)
II (A)II (A)In 30% of cases - I (O), and in 70% - II (A)
II (A)III (B)Any
III (B)I (O)In 30% of cases - I (O), and in 70% - III (B)
III (B)II (A)Any
III (B)III (B)I (O)/(B)

The division into blood groups was adopted after 1900, when Karl Landsteiner discovered the presence of agglutinogens A and B in erythrocytes, and agglutinins α and β, which are actually proteins, in blood plasma. If protein A is present in the blood, then α cannot be present there. Likewise, if B is present, β is absent. Based on these combinations, four blood groups were determined. The blood group system is called AB0 (read as “A, Be, zero”). In the presence of one of the agglutinogen proteins and agglutinin, “A + β”, the second group is formed, “B + α” - the third group, the presence of both A and B proteins in the absence of α and β - the fourth blood group, the absence of any agglutinogen protein (zero – 0) in the presence of agglutinins α and β is typical for the first group.

In 1940, K. Landsteiner and A. Weiner made another discovery in the composition of blood, which slightly complicated the division into groups according to the AB0 system. It was discovered that some people have an antigen (protein) called Rh. The presence of Rh determines the Rh factor is positive, the absence - the Rh factor is negative. Now each blood group is divided into two more subgroups: Rh positive and Rh negative. The majority of the population (85%) is Rh positive and only 15% is Rh negative.

Compatibility of blood groups, including 3 positive

Situations arise when it is necessary to replenish blood volume(blood loss during injury, during surgery, with an open ulcer, during childbirth, and so on). In such cases, they resort to using a substitute or donor blood. It happens that it is not necessary to infuse, so to speak, whole blood; you can only infuse its components (plasma, leukocytes, plasma proteins). This need may arise in case of certain infections, hematopoietic disorders, burns, and also in the absence of a suitable blood type. Why is it so important for groups to match? The fact is that if, during the infusion of donor blood, A and α or B and β occur, then a precipitate forms in the blood plasma and the destruction of red blood cells. This leads to the fact that the main function of red blood cells, ensuring cell respiration, is reduced to zero, which can even lead to death.

For a long time it was believed that the first group could be infused by everyone, and the fourth could take any blood group. But recently, they are still trying to infuse blood of an identical group and Rh, and if they have to use donor blood of the 1st group, then no more than 500 ml. Likewise, donor blood of any group for the 4th.

If blood type 3 is positive, its compatibility with other groups will look like this:

  • Donor with group 3 positive can help people with 3rd positive and 4th positive.
  • Donor with 3rd negative group– people with 3rd negative and positive and 4th negative and positive.
  • If the recipient has the 3rd positive, then the donor can become the 1st positive and negative and the 3rd positive and negative.
  • With 3rd negative blood group, donors can have 1st negative and 3rd negative blood groups.

The question of compatibility often arises when planning pregnancy. In this case, if we talk about blood group 3 positive, compatibility does not matter. In general, even any blood type does not matter much. Only the Rh factor is important if the wife's Rh factor is negative and the husband's is positive. Because if a child inherits Rh positive, then the mother’s body can produce antibodies. But this does not mean that you cannot become pregnant or give birth in this case. Modern medicine already knows many ways to maintain pregnancy and the health of the child. In this case, you just need to be under more careful medical supervision. More details in this video:

Transfusions - blood transfusions - are very often performed in clinics. Thanks to this procedure, doctors save the lives of thousands of patients every year.

Donor biomaterial is necessary in case of severe injuries and certain pathologies. Moreover, you need to adhere to certain rules, since if the recipient and donor are incompatible, serious complications can arise, including the death of the patient.

To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to check the compatibility of blood groups during transfusion and only then begin active actions.

Rules for transfusion

Not every patient understands what it is and how the procedure is performed. Despite the fact that blood transfusions were carried out in ancient times, the procedure began its recent history in the mid-20th century, when the Rh factor was identified.

Today, thanks to modern technologies, doctors can not only produce blood substitutes, but also preserve plasma and other biological components. Thanks to this breakthrough, if necessary, the patient can be given not only donor blood, but also other biological fluids, such as fresh frozen plasma.

To avoid serious complications, certain rules must be followed during blood transfusions:

  • the transfusion procedure must be carried out under appropriate conditions, in a room with an aseptic environment;
  • Before taking active steps, the physician must independently conduct some examinations and identify the patient’s group affiliation according to the ABO system, find out what the person’s Rh factor is, and also check whether the donor and recipient are compatible;
  • it is necessary to test for general compatibility;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use biomaterial that has not been tested for syphilis, serum hepatitis and HIV;
  • For 1 procedure, you can take no more than 500 ml of biomaterial from the donor. The resulting liquid is stored for no longer than 3 weeks at a temperature of 5 to 9 degrees;
  • For babies less than 12 months old, the infusion is carried out taking into account the individual dosage.

Group Compatibility

Numerous clinical studies have confirmed that different groups can be compatible if a reaction does not occur during the transfusion, during which agglutinins attack foreign antibodies and red blood cells stick together.

  • The first blood group is considered universal. It is suitable for all patients because it does not contain antigens. But doctors warn that patients with blood group I can only be infused with the same type.
  • Second. Contains antigen A. Suitable for infusion into patients with group II and IV. A person with the second can only be infused with blood of groups I and II.
  • Third. Contains antigen B. Suitable for transfusion to citizens with III and IV. People with this group can only be infused with blood of groups I and III.
  • Fourth. Contains both antigens at once, suitable only for patients with group IV.

As for Rh, if a person has positive Rh, he can also be transfused with negative blood, but performing the procedure in a different order is strictly prohibited.

It is important to note that the rule applies only theoretically, since in practice patients are prohibited from injecting less than ideally suitable material.

Which blood groups and Rh factors are compatible for transfusion?

Not all people with the same group can become donors for each other. Doctors assure that transfusions can be carried out strictly following the established rules, otherwise there is a risk of complications.

You can clearly determine blood compatibility (taking into account positive and negative Rh) using the following table:


It is important to understand that the information in the diagram is provided for informational purposes only, and before starting the process itself, you will need to conduct certain compatibility tests.

What compatibility tests are done before the procedure?

Before proceeding, it is necessary to identify the blood groups of the recipient and donor. To obtain reliable information, special tests are carried out.

Biological compatibility test

Biological testing is the most important step and should be carried out first. The analysis is done exclusively by a doctor. Algorithm of actions:

  • the physician connects an IV to the patient and slowly injects up to 20 ml of donor biomaterial;
  • then the transfusion is stopped;
  • Over the next 5 minutes, the physician monitors the patient's condition.

If the latter does not have difficulty breathing, symptoms of tachycardia and pain in the back, the test is considered positive. In this case, you can safely perform further transfusion of the required amount of biological fluid.

Experts warn that it is impossible to infuse donor blood at high speed; it is advisable that no more than 70 drops be pumped into the patient per minute.

Rh test

The technique is also standard and can be carried out in 2 ways.

During the first, a centrifuge is used, 2 drops of the victim’s blood and a drop of donor material are placed in a test tube. The resulting substances are mixed and a drop of 33% dextran is added to the liquid. Then the resulting solution is processed in a centrifuge for 5 minutes.

The final stage is adding 4 ml of saline solution. The components are mixed, after which the final assessment of the result occurs. If an agglutination reaction is not detected, a biological test is prescribed; if the result is positive, a transfusion is performed.

The second acceptable way to assess compatibility is a thermal test. Donor and patient blood are mixed in a glass container, then 2 drops of heated gelatin are added. The solution is kept over a steam bath at a temperature of about 45 degrees for 10 minutes, then 5 ml of saline is added. The result is assessed in a similar way.

Signs of incompatibility

If the victim is infused with inappropriate donor biomaterial, this will cause specific symptoms. More often there are such deviations:

  1. The patient becomes restless.
  2. The occurrence of discomfort and sharp pain in the lumbar region. This marker indicates that changes have begun to occur in the kidneys.
  3. Pallor of the skin.
  4. Increased breathing, shortness of breath.
  5. Increased body temperature or chills from feeling cold.
  6. Hypotension.
  7. Bacterial toxic shock. The violation is rare and occurs due to infection during transfusion.

5% show the following symptoms:

  1. Nausea and vomiting.
  2. Turning blue.
  3. The occurrence of severe convulsions.
  4. Involuntary urination and defecation.

In rare cases, there is a possibility of hemolytic shock. With this complication, it is necessary to immediately save the patient.

First aid for infusion of inappropriate blood

If signs of incompatibility begin to appear during transfusion, the process should be interrupted immediately. The physician is obliged to provide first aid without identifying the reasons, since if intensive care is delayed, the patient may die.

Algorithm of actions:

  • the transfusion system needs to be urgently replaced;
  • install another catheter in the subclavian vein;
  • begin to control the flow of urine;
  • after the doctor calls a laboratory assistant to draw blood, it is necessary to conduct an analysis for the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin;
  • A urine sample is also sent to the laboratory.

Further actions depend on what symptoms the victim has:

  1. To normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, Strophanthin or Korglucon are used. When the pressure decreases, Norepinephrine is administered.
  2. If rejection occurs due to an allergic reaction, Suprastin or Diphenhydramine is administered.
  3. To regulate microcirculation and restore blood pressure, saline solutions and Reopoliglucin are prescribed.
  4. To remove hemolysis products, sodium lactate is administered.
  5. In case of renal spasms, a bilateral novocaine blockade is performed.

The patient must wear a resuscitation mask, since oxygen deficiency often develops when blood cells are incompatible.

What can happen when incompatible groups are transfused?

Doctors warn that the prognosis for further recovery depends on how quickly the patient received the necessary assistance.

If therapy is carried out no later than 5 hours after the procedure, the probability of complete recovery is more than 75%.

But some people (especially those with certain medical conditions or genetic predispositions) may develop renal-hepatic dysfunction.

Often, after transfusion of inappropriate blood, blood clots form in the brain and heart, and the possibility of respiratory dysfunction cannot be ruled out.

Such complications most often become chronic and it is impossible to get rid of them.

If the transfusion is carried out by an experienced specialist with the necessary tests, the risk of side effects will be minimal. The procedure must follow the rules; during the transfusion, a physician must monitor the victim so that if suspicious symptoms occur, immediately stop the process and provide first aid.

The stage of planning a future pregnancy is very important. For the birth of a healthy child, quite a few different nuances should be taken into account. This article will tell you about the signs of compatibility of partners for conception based on blood type and Rh factor.

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the average value occurs frequently, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

You can definitely determine the day of ovulation using folliculometry (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.
  4. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovulation


Quite a lot is currently known about blood groups. But about how they can influence the process of conceiving a baby - much less.

To conceive a healthy baby, it is necessary that the blood type of his mother and father be compatible. In this case, the risk of possible problems during pregnancy will be much lower.

In order to understand why incompatibility of partners occurs, you should turn to basic knowledge about blood groups. The group is determined already from birth. A person’s membership in a particular blood group is determined by special protein molecules – agglutinins and agglutinogens. In this case, agglutinins are found in the liquid component of the blood - plasma.

Currently, there are 2 types of agglutinins known - a and b. Agglutinogens are found directly in erythrocytes - red blood cells that carry nutrients and oxygen to all tissues and organs. There are also 2 types of them known. Agglutinogens are usually designated by capital letters A and B.

Various combinations of agglutinogens and agglutinins determine a person’s blood type. Doctors distinguish 4 blood groups:

  • 1 group. Also called O. It is determined by agglutinins a and b, but there are no agglutinogens in plasma.
  • 2nd group. The second name is group A. It is determined by the presence of agglutinin b and agglutinogen A.
  • 3 group. Also called B-group. Determined by the presence of agglutinin a and agglutinogen B.
  • 4 group. The second name used is AB. Determined by the presence of agglutinogens A and B in erythrocytes in the absence of agglutinins in the plasma.

For a long time, the meaning of such an important indicator as the Rh factor remained a mystery in medicine. For the first time, the presence of special proteins in the blood - antigens that determine the Rh factor (Rh) was shown at the beginning of the 20th century by two doctors - Philip Levin and Rufus Stetson. They proved the presence of certain protein molecules in the blood using the example of the appearance of hemolytic jaundice in a newborn after transfusion of an incompatible blood type.

Currently, scientists know exactly how the Rh factor is determined. On the surface of red blood cells there are substances - D-antigens. If they are present, then this Rh factor is called positive. If there are no D antigens on the surface of red blood cells, it is said to be Rh negative.

The presence of a certain Rh factor is a constant indicator that is determined from birth and does not change throughout life. So, if both parents have a negative Rh factor, then the baby will have the same. If the future father and mother have different Rh factors, then the baby’s Rh factor can be either positive or negative.

Effect on fertilization

Blood type does not directly affect the process of conceiving a child. It also does not in any way affect the possibility of conceiving a boy or a girl.

If a conflict in the ABO system between mother and fetus arises in the future, this is usually manifested by the appearance of slight jaundice in the baby after birth. In this case, the child’s skin becomes jaundiced. This condition usually goes away after a few days, but requires constant monitoring of the child. Also, a conflict in the agglutinogen system can lead to the appearance of certain uncomfortable symptoms in a woman during pregnancy. The likelihood of developing toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy with morning sickness increases significantly.

For a long time it was believed that different blood groups of partners guarantee that the child will be born healthier and stronger. However, modern scientific research has refuted this claim. The risk of developing dangerous pathologies during pregnancy also exists with different blood types of future parents.

The Rh factor plays a fairly important role in direct pregnancy planning, but it does not significantly affect the conception of a baby. In this situation, doctors are more afraid of the development of a potential Rh conflict that can occur during pregnancy.

If partners have the same Rh groups, then the risk of developing an immunological conflict is low. If there are different Rh groups, especially if in this case the woman has a negative Rh factor, the risk of developing an immunological conflict increases. In such a situation, the baby can “inherit” the positive Rh factor from the father. The difference in Rh factors in the mother and fetus, as was noted earlier, provokes the development of negative consequences.

How to check the compatibility of a couple?

Determining your blood type or Rh factor is now easy. These indicators are quite easily and quickly checked in any diagnostic laboratories. Future parents can be tested either in a free or private medical institution.

The test requires a small amount of venous blood. The result is ready quite quickly. In order to assess the compatibility of a couple, it is necessary to determine the Rh factors and blood groups of both partners. Families who have been unable to conceive a baby for a long time and have problems with natural conception are especially carefully checked in this way.

By Rh factor

Possible incompatibility of partners is necessarily assessed according to different criteria. The most important of them is the Rh factor. For the convenience of assessing the compatibility of partners, a special table is used, presented below.

The most common situation that causes confusion is the appearance of a “negative” child in a “positive” couple. Very often in such a situation the question of true paternity arises. Let’s immediately dispel the myths and say that this situation actually occurs in practice. The inheritance of the Rh factor is governed by genetics. In this case, the baby may inherit the positive Rh of his parents, or maybe not.

The opposite situation is when both parents have negative Rh factors. In this situation, the baby can only be born with the same Rh.

By blood type

In order to determine the compatibility of the blood groups of future parents, a special table is used. With its help, you can determine the probability of a child’s blood type, as well as assess the risk of developing incompatibility. Such a table is presented below.

Future father's blood type

Blood type of the expectant mother



Traits that a child inherits

2 (A) /1 (O), probability share – 50/50%

3 (B) / 1 (O), probability share – 30/70%

2 (A) /3 (B), probability share – 50/50%

Development of complications of pregnancy pathology and possible Rh conflict (probability rate is 80%)

1 (O) /2 (A), probability share – 60/40%

1 (O) / 2 (A), probability share - 30/70%

The development of Rh conflict is about 70%, the risk of premature birth is 50%

1 (O) /2 (A) /3 (B) /4 (AB), can be inherited with equal probability

40% – the proportion of miscarriage and dangerous pathologies during pregnancy,

80% – risk of developing a possible Rh conflict

1 (O) /3 (B), probability share – 30/70%

60% – the proportion of development of dangerous pathologies during pregnancy

1 (O) /2 (A) /3 (B) /4 (AB), can be inherited with equal probability

1 (O) /3 (B), probability share – 50/50%

1 (O) /3 (B) /4 (AB), with equal probability

Almost 100% development of Rh conflict, dangerous pathologies during pregnancy, as well as the formation of defects in intrauterine development of the fetus

2 (A) /3 (B) with equal probability

40% – the probability of developing dangerous pathologies during pregnancy and Rhesus conflict

2 (A) /3 (B) /4 (AB) with equal probability

2 (A) /3 (B) /4 (AB) with equal probability

It is important to note that these data are indicative only. In practice, there are cases when, even with a conditionally favorable prognosis, an immunological conflict developed. This table only allows you to assess the potential compatibility of partners and guess the blood type of the unborn baby.

It also follows from this table that the first blood group of the future father “combines” perfectly with others. There is no risk of developing an immunological conflict. In this case, the likelihood of developing a healthy pregnancy increases significantly. It can also be assumed that the first paternal blood group is not absolutely decisive for the baby. Maternal data also influences the determination of a child’s blood type. However, the baby’s blood type may be different.

The third blood group can be said to be the most “problematic”. As can be seen from the table, it combines rather poorly with groups 1 and 2. Moreover, with groups 3 and 4 the combination is already more favorable.

Pregnancy for representatives of blood group 4 is best planned for people who have similar groups. According to the table, blood type 4 combines rather poorly with others except “their own.” The risk of developing Rh conflict when group 4 and group 1 are combined is the most unfavorable. Unfortunately, a completely healthy pregnancy without any negative consequences is unlikely.

How does the discrepancy manifest itself?

Unfortunately, in most cases it becomes possible to determine the biological incompatibility of partners only after conception and during pregnancy. Also, negative signs of Rh conflict or ABO incompatibility can be assessed in a baby after he is born.

For example, with a combination of 4 paternal blood group and 1 maternal blood group, there is a fairly high risk of developing dangerous pathologies in the intrauterine development of the fetus. They contribute to the fact that the baby can significantly lag behind in his physical development. The likelihood of developing malformations of internal organs is also quite high. Babies born with this combination of blood groups have a fairly high risk of having congenital kidney and heart diseases.

Often during pregnancy, doctors talk about Rh conflicts. In this case, the Rh factors of the mother and fetus are different. A conflict arises if an Rh-negative woman is carrying an Rh-positive baby. In such a situation, the female body perceives the child as a foreign antigenic “object.” At the same time, the risk of developing dangerous pathologies during pregnancy and even miscarriage is quite high.

One of the most severe conditions that is a consequence of such an immunological conflict regarding the Rh factor is hemolytic jaundice of newborns. With this pathology, red blood cells begin to disintegrate in the child’s body with the accumulation of bilirubin in the tissues. A large amount of bilirubin formed causes the child’s skin color to change – it becomes yellow. The course of hemolytic jaundice is usually severe and is carried out in a hospital setting.

The development of an immunological Rh conflict is a certain “lottery”. In medical practice, it also happens that even if Rh conflict develops during pregnancy, pathologies do not arise. This situation is possible if the female body, for some reason, was already familiar with Rh antigens, that is, sensitized to them. This is usually possible with previous blood transfusions, etc. Thus, different Rh factors in the mother and fetus do not always lead to the development of dangerous pathologies.

Is it treatable?

Doctors note that the biological compatibility of partners is a rather complex topic. To conceive a healthy baby, several factors must work at once. Even at the stage of direct fertilization, in some cases certain problems may arise.

One of the quite common ones is the immunological conflict arising in connection with antisperm antibodies. These special protein substances can have a detrimental effect on male reproductive cells - sperm. In some cases, these antibodies arise in the female body, significantly preventing the conception of a baby.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to change the Rh factor or blood group. However, knowing them, you can clarify in advance the risk of developing dangerous complications in the development of pathologies during pregnancy.

Any “conflict” pregnancy is a reason for a more careful and attentive attitude on the part of doctors to the state of health of the pregnant woman, as well as to the intrauterine development of her baby.

While carrying a baby, doctors carefully monitor a patient who has a high risk of developing an immunocompromised pregnancy. In order to promptly identify the development of dangerous pathologies in her, a pregnant woman undergoes a whole range of diagnostic studies. These include:

  • Ultrasound examination. With its help, you can determine the main signs of fetal retardation in intrauterine development. From a certain period of life of the fetus, an ultrasound specialist must evaluate the size of its liver, clinical signs and size of the placenta, and the amount of amniotic fluid. A comprehensive assessment allows you to identify pathologies at the earliest stages.

  • Dopplerography. A more detailed method for assessing fetal intrauterine development. It is used in obstetric practice during immunoconflict pregnancies in order to more accurately assess the potential risk of pathologies.
  • Study of cord blood for bilirubin. Amniotic fluid can also be used for this study. This diagnostic procedure is performed only in complex and severe clinical cases, as it is invasive and can have a number of negative consequences.