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What to do about a domestic dog with fleas. How to remove fleas from a dog at home using various means. Peculiarities of breeding dog fleas

These insects feed on the blood of the animal, but do not always live on it. They can be found on your dog's bedding or elsewhere in the house. They bite humans, cats and other animals that are closer than the carrier of their favorite blood type. They are hardy, quickly adapt to temperature changes and when the ambient temperature drops, they do not die, but slow down the life processes in the body and wait out unfavorable times. They also develop resistance (addiction) to some insecticides.

The life cycle of an insect is complete, that is, each individual, before adulthood (the fourth stage of life), goes through three more stages - eggs, larvae, pupae. Under ideal conditions they live up to two years, but in practice this period is often shorter - no more than two months.

What do dog fleas look like?

Fleas are smaller than ticks and darker than lice eaters.

The laterally flattened and elongated body of the dog flea is dark brown in color.

How do they start

How to tell if an animal is bothered by fleas

Taking a close look at the dog, it is easy to verify the presence of blood-sucking insects. The signs that they are wounded are as follows:

In addition to the discomfort caused by bites, fleas are carriers of fungal infections, helminths, and pathogens of serious diseases - plague, typhus, scabies, piroplasmosis. And since they bite not only animals, but also people, the dog owner and his household have a chance of becoming infected. Although it is minimal. Most often, bites pass with minimal consequences, which are expressed in the form of itchy wounds and redness of the skin. But some dogs and people experience an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by:

  • swelling;
  • severe redness and inflammation of the affected areas;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • chills and fever;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • suppuration of wounds.

If signs of an allergy appear after a flea bite, take an antihistamine and seek help from a doctor or veterinarian.

How to remove fleas from a dog at home

Without food, fleas live up to six months.

Basic rules for treating adult dogs for fleas

The general tactics for removing fleas from a dog look like this:

  • shampoos;
  • drops;
  • aerosol insecticides;
  • tablets;
  • powders;
  • collars.

To choose the right product, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Some species have contraindications for use in pregnant or older dogs, puppies, or sick dogs. It is also important to ensure that there is no individual intolerance to the components of the drug. This is usually written in the instructions, so read it carefully before use. Any doubts are a reason to refuse to independently prescribe the chosen remedy or seek advice from a specialist.


Disadvantages of shampoos:

  • application, in comparison with spray or collars - bathing a dog is not as simple as spraying its fur with an aerosol insecticide;
  • minimal protective time due to the lack of residual effect, which means the need for constant use.

They are produced by most manufacturers of anti-flea products for animals - Beafar, Rolf Club, Celandine, Bars and others.
Shampoo is the softest and safest form of anti-flea products for animals.


For the treatment of nursing dogs and puppies under 2-3 months of age, most drops are prohibited.

Table: comparative characteristics of flea drops for dogs


There are also ultrasonic flea collars. But their high price does not correspond to their effectiveness, so they are rarely used.

The disadvantage of wearing collars is the uneven impact due to the limited area of ​​impact - the neck. They also cannot be combined with insecticides in another form, such as drops.
Due to the toxicity of the substances with which the collars are impregnated, they have a validity period of up to 6 months

Insecticidal sprays

  • safety for the pet;
  • no need for re-processing during the protective time specified in the instructions;
  • ease of use;
  • availability both in price and availability in pharmacies and veterinary stores.

The disadvantage of sprays is toxicity, the likelihood of allergic reactions and contraindications for use by pregnant and lactating animals, puppies up to two to three months.
Most spray insecticides cannot be used to protect puppies under 3 months of age from fleas.

Table: characteristics of different types of flea sprays for dogs



Traditional methods of treating dogs for fleas

The difficulty in treating puppies is that most anti-flea products are approved for use from 6–7 months. And only some can be used to treat 1.5–2 month old babies. The safest preparations for them are those in the form of shampoo and those containing natural ingredients. To treat the smallest dogs, including those who are not yet a month old, use folk remedies - daily washing with tar soap or bathing in a decoction of wormwood, homemade shampoo based on laundry soap and eucalyptus. Strive to create all the conditions to prevent flea infestation.
Bathe your puppy every day in tansy or wormwood infusion to protect them from fleas.

Table: means for removing fleas in puppies from 1.5 and 2 months

Video: preventing fleas in puppies

How to save a pregnant and lactating dog from fleas

Use the same recommendations as for puppies to remove fleas from these dogs. There are drugs that are suitable for treating pregnant women - PRAK-Tik Frontline-Combi drops, some collars. But nursing mothers are only allowed those that are suitable for puppies. The best option is to use anti-flea shampoos based on natural ingredients:

  • Doctor Zoo - contains extracts of chamomile, red pepper, thyme and sage oils;
  • Celandine - contains small amounts of permethrin, aloe vera extract and coconut oil.

We were treated against ticks during pregnancy and feeding of puppies with PRAK-TIK. It is approved for use by pregnant and lactating bitches.



As for flea treatment, Frontline-Combi is approved for pregnant women and there is still a new drug, American, I forgot the name, it can also be treated for pregnant women!!!


Anti-flea treatment of premises

How to get rid of dog fleas in an apartment and private house

Disinsection of premises is carried out in one of four ways or a combination of them:

Permethrin-based insecticides only affect adults and larvae, while organophosphates also kill flea eggs.

Photo gallery: chemical and folk remedies for controlling fleas in the home

How to treat the booth

If a dog lives in a country house or in a private house, its house is also treated for fleas. For this purpose, the same means are used as for human habitation. Replace the litter, as pest larvae often live in it. To prevent them from infesting, scatter pine sawdust around the booth or plant wormwood bushes nearby. This will repel insects.

Pets walking outside face many dangers, among which one of the most unpleasant is flea attacks.

Fleas are prolific: the female lays up to fifty eggs per day. As a result, it is impossible to rid the dog of pests by picking them out of their fur. The problem is that the eggs can be found anywhere the dog has been because they are not attached to the fur.

A flea bites a dog and secretes saliva into the wound, which carries thousands of bacteria harmful to the pet.

To make sure that it is flea feces, they conduct a test: water is dripped onto it, and the waste products turn the water red due to the presence of blood in them.

Adult fleas are found when you brush your dog against the grain.

You should start treatment only when you are absolutely sure that your pet has fleas. Often, owners mistake flea bites for an allergy and begin treating the pests, causing even more harm to the pet.

How to treat a dog?

  1. One of the methods is washing a dog using tar soap. This soap is an excellent alternative to industrial shampoos. However, don't overdo it: Soap is very drying to a dog's delicate skin. Especially if it's leather.
  2. On the surface of the dog's body rub in tincture of wormwood and treat the floor with a decoction of the plant.
  3. The pet is comfortable in the kennel bed made of pine sawdust.

If there are too many pests, it is worth treating the apartment as well: wash the floors and spray with special products.

To treat puppies, use only those products that are intended for their age.

Medicines for adult animals can seriously harm babies.


There are a large number of industrial products for killing fleas:

  • Shampoos
  • Drops

The use of drops is considered the best method of insect control because they have a comprehensive effect. The liquid is applied to the dog’s skin in the area of ​​the withers to avoid the possibility of licking the drug. The active substance enters the bloodstream and rids the animal of insects in two treatments.

It is forbidden to use drops to treat puppies, pregnant females and nursing mothers.

  • Sprays

If it is not possible to immediately bathe your dog, then an anti-flea spray will come to the rescue. It is sprayed over the animal's body. It has side effects: it may end up in the pet’s eyes, and the spray may be licked from the fur. The animal is treated with a spray in a room with access to air, using rubber gloves. The dog should not be wet for two hours after the procedure. Possible side effects: vomiting, difficulty breathing, dermatitis.

  • Chewable tablets

The use of tablets is not common among dog owners. The drug is mixed with food in a dosage corresponding to the numbers indicated in the instructions. Tablets can provoke allergies and harm the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Collars are suitable both as a preventive measure and as a treatment measure. One collar can be used for four months, after which it is worth purchasing another. This method of fighting is very convenient. However collars are toxic, can cause various adverse reactions. Contraindicated in puppies, pregnant females and dogs nursing pups.


To prevent fleas from occurring on your pet, you should follow several rules.

You need to keep the apartment and entrance clean. Domestic dogs should not be allowed to interact with strays.

You can also take care of mongrels by treating them with available flea products. After all, homeless individuals are no different from domestic ones, they are also alive, they also experience great discomfort from the presence of fleas. It is worth showing humanity and helping the unfortunate dogs.

In the summer, it is necessary to preventively treat pets with drops and use collars.

Following simple rules will help you avoid infecting your beloved animals with fleas. Early detection of insects will increase the likelihood of rapid healing.

Additionally, we suggest you watch a short video on how to remove fleas from a dog:

How to remove fleas from dogs at home? An integrated approach will help: the use of special collars, the use of shampoos, drops, and hygiene procedures will save the pet from annoying “neighbors.”

  • constant source of food: fleas feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals;
  • It’s easy to hide among the thick fur;
  • The high body temperature of the dog provides a comfortable existence for harmful insects.

How to remove midges from an apartment? Effective chemicals and folk recipes are described on the page.

How to recognize

Flea shampoos for dogs are sold in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. Puppies and adult dogs have no problems with bathing: pets love water, they do not need to be held in mittens, or to fight off sharp claws, as when trying to apply flea shampoo for cats. The procedure takes place in a calm atmosphere; most often, the animals sit with their fur lathered as required. If the room is cool, be sure to cover the dog with a towel.

The price of special products suits most owners: depending on the brand and volume of the bottle, the cost of the compositions ranges from 75 to 500 rubles. A bottle is often enough for more than one use.

Popular formulations:

  • Mr. Bruno.
  • Rolf Club.
  • Celandine.
  • Bio Groom.
  • Green Fort.


Features of application:

  • It is unacceptable for the spray to get into the animal’s eyes;
  • After treatment, you need to make sure that the pet does not lick off droplets of the product;
  • Before the procedure, you must open the windows;
  • After treatment, it is prohibited to bathe your four-legged friend for two hours.

Effective sprays:

  • Beafar.
  • Bolfo.
  • Leopard.
  • Mr. Bruno.
  • Rolf Club.

Important! Sometimes the effect of the spray causes negative reactions: skin irritation, itching, redness. If the dog is prone to allergies, the owner will have to choose a more delicate composition. The veterinarian will tell you what to choose: shampoo, drops or folk remedy.


Popular brands of flea collars for dogs:

  • Rolf Club.
  • Hartz.
  • Beafar.
  • Foresta.
  • Leopard.
  • Mr. Bruno.

The average cost of products is from 180 to 400 rubles. Elite brands are much more expensive, but many mid-priced collars are no less effective. One of the advantages of expensive products is their long validity period (up to six months).

After a certain period indicated on the package, the owner must buy a new collar. An expired product should not be placed around the neck of a pet.

A strip impregnated with a toxic substance does not harm your pet. If the dog is pregnant, sick, has allergic reactions, or if the puppy has not reached a certain age, wearing a protective collar is prohibited.


Many veterinarians consider this form of flea treatment to be the most effective:

Effective flea drops for dogs:

  • Leopard.
  • Beafar.
  • Rolf Club.
  • Inspector.
  • Celandine.
  • Advantix.
  • Dana.

The cost of drugs varies depending on the brand, brand popularity, and the volume of the bottle. Estimated price – from 140 to 680 rubles.

Note to owners! Apply the drops strictly to the withers so that the animal cannot lick them off. The components of the drug should not enter the pet's stomach.



  • Bravecto.
  • Frontline NexGuard.
  • Comfortis.

Look at the review of effective ones in the apartment and find out the rules for their use.

Recipes for cockroach baits with boric acid and methods of using them are described on the page.

Note to owners:

Some owners do not trust modern drugs and prefer homemade formulations based on natural ingredients. Non-toxic products are suitable for treating the hair and skin of dogs when the use of insecticides is prohibited.

Popular flea repellent compounds:

Prevention measures

Helpful Tips:

Flea remedies for dogs and puppies amaze with their diversity, but are they all effective enough?

  • flea drops, considered the most universal remedy
  • collars, very convenient as a means of prevention
  • sprays, radical but very effective drugs
  • flea shampoos. It is among them that you can find the optimal flea remedy for puppies - shampoos act very carefully (gently) and have virtually no side effects
  • tablets and intramuscular injections, which are practically not common in our country.

Each of these types of funds has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account when choosing. And having already chosen the type of product itself, you can safely study the products of the most famous manufacturers.

Flea drops for dogs

Insecticidal drops on the withers are perhaps the most common flea treatment for dogs today. Their popularity among dog breeders is due to several advantages:

However, the drops also have some disadvantages. For example, some toxicity and side effects from their use, due to which flea drops cannot be used for puppies under two months, pregnant and lactating dogs, sick and convalescent animals.

Flea drops are easy to use, reliable and affordable

Hartz flea and tick products for dogs are well-deservedly popular all over the world. The American company strictly monitors the quality, effectiveness and safety of its products, and therefore, by purchasing and using these products, you can be sure that your dog’s fleas will definitely disappear.

Hartz flea drops can be intended for different categories of dogs and puppies

The Hartz drop product line includes several products, including Hartz Ultra Guard Flea&Tick Drops for Dogs and Puppies, a special product for puppies over 10 weeks of age. The active component of this drug is Phenothrin, which effectively kills fleas, ixodid ticks and mosquitoes.

All drops of Hartz are applied to the withers: the entire pipette is gradually poured onto the coat, and the liquid is thoroughly rubbed into the dog’s skin. After a few hours, the dog can be bathed and walked in the rain - getting wet will no longer affect the effectiveness of the drug.

Stronghold drops

This remedy against fleas in dogs is considered one of the most effective. After correct application, the dog will be protected from insects for 2 months (and from ticks for 1 month).

Stronghold flea drops for dogs are considered one of the most effective

Stronghold can also be used on puppies over 6 weeks of age. The drug is safe for animals and humans even if swallowed, and is compatible with any veterinary drugs and vaccines. But you have to pay for such versatility: a pipette of Stronghold drops costs at least 300 rubles.

Review. I have tried all the drops that we sell. Stronghold are the best. The dog never salivates; he doesn't care whether it rains or not. Of course, there are never fleas either. When I gave birth, I treated her before, and the puppies did not have fleas. Ivan, Mytishchi

Leopard for fleas

Bars is a domestic drug, quite effective and inexpensive. The cost of a Barsa pipette is 55 rubles.

The product may cause side effects - excessive salivation, allergies - and is not recommended for use in puppies under 12 weeks of age.

This flea and tick remedy for dogs is based on the action of standard insecticides - Fipronil and Permethrin - and provides protection for your pet for 2 months against fleas and for a month against ticks.

Celandine drops for fleas in puppies can only be used after two months of age

For puppies, the drug is used only after two months of life. For two days after applying the product, the dog should not be washed or allowed near children.

Flea sprays

Sprays are the most effective and fast-acting flea and tick treatment for dogs. They kill insects and mites within minutes of treating the animal's fur and have a residual effect for several weeks after application.

Flea sprays for dogs are an effective but rather toxic remedy.

Typically, sprays are applied for twenty to thirty minutes over the entire fur of the animal except the muzzle area. Then the aerosol is thoroughly washed off.

Flea spray Frontline

Frontline spray is the most famous aerosol preparation for dogs today. It is very effective, easy to apply, but at the same time expensive (one 250 ml bottle costs approximately 1,500 rubles) and toxic.

One of the most famous, but not cheap, Frontline flea spray

It is not used for sick or convalescent animals, and in healthy animals in rare cases it can cause allergies, vomiting, nervousness and dermatitis.

Review. Mine also constantly catch fleas in their holes. Especially dachshunds, they have longer hair. Foxy is not like that. I have to buy Frontline and spray it after every hunt. But the fleas don’t even have time to jump off; they die right on the fur. Andrey, Astrakhan


In addition to sprays, Beaphar also produces other preparations for fleas on dogs, but it is aerosols that dog handlers use most often: the products of this manufacturer combine fairly high efficiency and safety.

Beaphar flea spray combines effectiveness and relative safety

The product can be used on puppies aged three months and older.


Hartz aerosols are not much different from others, but are known as one of the safest: the products rarely cause side effects.

Hartz Aerosols are known to be safe for dogs

Hartz UltraGuard Plus Flea&Tick Spray is produced especially for puppies - a spray that can be used on babies from three months of age.

Flea shampoos for dogs

Shampoos are the best flea remedies for puppies and small toy dogs. They are quite effective, have a very soft and delicate effect, and are easy to use. Many manufacturers add components to their shampoos to cleanse the coat and soften the skin, which also makes them excellent products for caring for animals.

Shampoo Phytoelite

Phytoelite flea shampoo contains medicinal herbs

Puppies and adult dogs with Phytoelite shampoo should be bathed for 5-6 minutes in warm water - up to 37°C - and after bathing should be kept in a heated room for at least several hours. It is important to ensure that the animal does not take the shampoo into its mouth while bathing.

Shampoo Doctor Zoo

Doctor Zoo is also a fairly effective shampoo, very mild in its effect: some products in the line can be used for puppies two weeks old.

Shampoo Doctor attracts with its natural composition and price

It has a completely natural composition. It’s also good for its price - a tube of shampoo costs about 100 rubles.


Beaphar is an expensive imported shampoo, very effective and quite safe.

Beaphar flea shampoo is expensive, but effective and safe for dogs

The cost is approximately 350 rubles. It is not recommended to use it on puppies younger than 2 months.

Flea collars

The flea collar is very easy to use - you just need to put it on your dog

However, in some breeds such as Yorkshire terriers, flea collars can cause skin irritation, even dermatitis.

On a note. Anti-flea collars are also useful for animals that live in an apartment but spend the whole day in the yard. The collar itself will not only protect the pet from fleas, but will also let employees of the services for catching stray animals know that this is a domestic dog.

Beaphar collars

These are one of the most long-lasting collars. They retain their insecticidal effect for 5 months, and in many cases for dogs one collar is enough for the entire warm period of the year. Cannot be used in conjunction with other insecticidal preparations.

The Beaphar collar retains its properties for up to 5 months

This collar can be used for puppies from 6 weeks of age. One collar costs about 150 rubles.

Hartz flea collars

Depending on the model, Hartz collars retain their anti-flea effect for 3-7 months. And they cost, accordingly, from 200 to 300 rubles.

Hartz collars also maintain their anti-flea effect for a long time

Can be used for puppies from one and a half months of age.

Kiltix collars

Kiltix are very powerful and effective flea collars. They are effective for 7 months and contain the latest generations of insecticides - Flumethrin and Propoxur.

These are also quite expensive collars. The price of one product is 500-600 rubles.

In addition to the above remedies, there are special tablets and injection preparations for fleas. Now they are just beginning to conquer the Western market and are practically not represented in our country. Their effectiveness and safety have not been fully verified, and therefore it is incorrect to compare them with other means.

For those who want to rid their four-legged friend of fleas, it is best to use proven and affordable drugs.

It is also important to protect your living space

Despite the variety of remedies for fleas in dogs, none of the above solves the problem of re-infestation of a pet with fleas.

As is known, only 5% of fleas are adult fleas that can be seen and cause discomfort in dogs. The remaining 95% are immature stages of fleas (larvae, eggs, pupae), which, in addition to the dog’s body, can spread throughout the entire living space! And no tablets, sprays for dogs, etc. does not destroy them.

How to be? How to get rid of fleas forever and prevent re-infection of your beloved pet with them?

The aerosol format allows you to evenly distribute the product throughout the entire room, especially hard-to-reach places (for example, under furniture), resulting in the complete destruction of both adult fleas and flea larvae and eggs that are widespread in your dog’s habitat (and, as often happens, in the area your family's residence).

To destroy the pupal stage after using the Parastop generator aerosol, it is necessary to vacuum the floors and carpets of the room for 7 days. Warm air and vibrations from the vacuum cleaner promote the opening of the pupae. Only in the opened state are the components of Parastop capable of destroying this stage. By the way, no other means of killing flea pupae!

Well, of course, dead flea bodies must be carefully removed from the carpet and floor. This can be done using a vacuum cleaner and washing.

Today there are more than two thousand. It is almost impossible to distinguish them from each other without special equipment and without sufficient knowledge. However, without going into scientific terminology, they can be classified as follows:

  • canine;
  • rat;

What do fleas look like on dogs? (photo)

The flea's body has a laterally compressed shape and is covered with scales, bristles and spines. In length it reaches from one to five millimeters, although there are especially twice as many. The mouthparts are piercing-sucking type. Fleas do not have wings, which gives them additional maneuverability in the thick fur of animals. The long, strong limbs on the abdomen allow them to move quickly. The photo shows what fleas look like on a dog under a microscope and in real size.

Peculiarities of breeding dog fleas

Where do dogs get fleas?

Signs of fleas in a dog

The main signs of a dog being infected with fleas are:

  • restless behavior and aggressiveness;
  • constant scratching;
  • increased shedding and the appearance of bald spots;
  • wounds, sores and redness on the skin.

If symptoms are detected, it is necessary to examine the dog's coat. Pay special attention to the places on the withers, belly and behind the ears. Small brown insects, white eggs or tiny dark balls of excrement are fairly easy to spot.

Why are dog fleas dangerous?

Why are fleas dangerous for dogs? They cause discomfort to the pet and can serve as carriers of dangerous infections and diseases, such as plague, typhoid, encephalitis, as well as worm and salmonella eggs.

Any pet store now has a sufficient range of anti-flea drugs. The most common means are listed below. Their prices fluctuate on average from 100 to 700 rubles.


Shampoos have a rather preventive effect; their effect is short-lived. Based on their composition, they are divided into two types: based on natural ingredients and based on insecticides. The use of the latter should be approached with caution, as they can cause an allergic reaction.

When using, it is important that the composition does not come into contact with the mucous membranes and eyes of the animal during bathing. Carefully read the instructions for using the shampoo, it describes whether you can bathe puppies with it. Shampoos are usually harmless if they do not enter the body.

Average cost of flea shampoo: 150 rubles.


Anti-flea sprays are quite effective, but problematic to use. When using, you need to protect yourself with a respirator and rubber gloves and do not direct the spray at the animal’s face. In addition, it is important to prevent licking the fur for several hours, otherwise a number of side effects may occur, such as vomiting and difficulty breathing. If this happens, you should contact a veterinary clinic, indicating which product was used.

You should try to spray the spray not on the dog’s fur, but on the skin of the dog, while protecting it from licking the drug with a special neck collar. For two days after using the product, the animal should not have contact with children and other animals; it should not be wetted or subjected to water procedures.

Average cost of flea spray: 300 rubles.

Anti-flea collars

Average cost of flea drops: 350 rubles.


The cheapest option would be to use powder. It is prepared to order in a veterinary pharmacy based on Butox. Before using it, you should conduct a series of tests on the dog’s skin and monitor its condition. But this method of treatment requires a fairly long course, on average about two weeks.

Average cost of flea powder: 150 rubles.

All of the above products (except shampoo) are very toxic, so you should carefully read the instructions.

Folk remedies

  • A decoction of wormwood and dried twigs placed in the dog’s habitat will help effectively repel fleas.
  • A paste of onion and garlic is applied to the animal’s withers.
  • The solution can be prepared from lemongrass, eucalyptus and tansy oil.
  • A decoction of celandine is suitable for rinsing wool while bathing.
  • Essential oils of mint, eucalyptus and lavender are added to shampoos.
  • It will also be useful to apply a few drops to the animal’s sleeping place.
  • You can place citrus peels in your dog's kennel.
  • A solution of soda and salt in a one-to-one ratio is suitable for disinfecting the room in which an infected pet lives.
  • To treat wool, in the absence of specialized shampoos, it is recommended to use tar soap.

Most herbs for making infusions, as well as essential oils, can be found at the pharmacy. And although these products are not so effective, the natural composition will be as harmless as possible for animals and their owners.

How to get rid of fleas on a puppy?

Fleas can pose a particular danger to puppies, because their immune system has not yet developed and the consequences can be much more serious. In the future, this can have an extremely negative impact on the health and development of the individual.

But treatment should also be approached with particular care, because even many traditional methods of struggle are not always suitable for a fragile body. It is highly recommended to consult a veterinarian or a consultant at a pet store in this matter.

The shampoo you purchase must be suitable for puppies, which must be indicated on the packaging. The situation is similar when choosing a collar.

When it comes to herbal home remedies, you should avoid those that smell strongly, as they can damage your puppy's developing sense of smell.

Preventing fleas in dogs and puppies

Timely prevention can significantly reduce the risk and extent of infection.

It is necessary to prevent the dog from contacting stray animals, and also try not to be in their habitats. The home, be it a kennel or a bed, must be cleaned at least once a week.

The most important rule is to be attentive to your pet; it is important to notice any change in its appearance and behavior. Taking timely measures will help to avoid serious problems in the future and the dog can live a long and healthy life to the delight of its owners.