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Aries woman and Capricorn man compatibility in love relationships –. Compatibility at work: reliability is the key to success. Sexual compatibility of Aries women and Capricorn men

Liana Raimanova

Compatibility between Aries and Capricorn is far from ideal. Representatives of the first sign are patronized by the planet Mars, which endows its wards with a warlike and slightly aggressive character. Capricorns, whose personality is influenced by Saturn, are less dynamic and do not always take kindly to the eccentric behavior of Aries. They themselves seem to the wards of Mars to be too slow and boring.

Differences in characters are due not only to the influence of the patron planets, but also to the elements representing the signs. Aries are controlled by the element of Fire. These people are characterized by impulsiveness, inconstancy, and a love for everything new. Capricorns are born under the influence of the elements of the Earth. She endows her charges with perseverance, homeliness, conservatism and a love of stability.

Due to the fact that the characters of Aries and Capricorn have a lot of differences, it can be difficult for representatives of these signs to get along with each other

But this is clearly not the worst combination of the zodiac horoscope. Partners have every chance to create strong union if they can come to an understanding.

To do this, they will have to close their eyes to each other’s shortcomings and show maximum patience during the difficult period of character matching. But the game is definitely worth the candle– a very promising love affair or strong friendship can begin between Capricorns and Aries.

Compatibility Chart for Aries and Capricorn

Compatibility of Aries man and Capricorn woman: pros and cons of relationships

Next to Aries, the Capricorn woman turns from a career woman into a homemaker. It is unlikely that she would completely entrust the material security of her family to a man, transferring all her ambitions and plans for self-realization to him. But the Capricorn lady has no doubt about Aries’s ability to earn money, since she personally controls the process of increasing it.

Single Aries are not always financially lucky

Lonely Aries are not always financially lucky. They are interested in setting goals for themselves and achieving them, and what happens next is a secondary matter. Therefore, men of this sign often earn substantial sums, but then lose them through negligence. Calculating Capricorn woman reliably insures the partner against failures in the financial field. She makes sure that every penny she earns goes into the family budget. And if a decent amount accumulates, it can be profitable to invest it.

The union “he is Aries, she is Capricorn” brings material benefits to both partners. But its advantages don't end there.

Wards of Mars and Saturn are able to provide each other with moral support, which will more than once help both in the most difficult moments

To come to mutual understanding, partners need to moderate their desire for leadership and find a compromise. Representatives of both “horned” signs are very stubborn and prone to selfishness; it can be difficult for them to look at the situation from the other person’s point of view.

Difficulties can await the Aries-Capricorn couple due to different temperaments. Representatives of the Earth element are slow, they like to do everything thoroughly, invariably bringing things to the end. Noisy and restless Aries die of boredom if they try to stay on the same wavelength with their Capricorn lover. But she is simply not able to withstand the high-speed pace of life that energetic representatives of the Fire element like.

Are they compatible in love?

The romance between a Capricorn woman and an Aries man develops rapidly and seems ideal for a long time. Partners notice each other's shortcomings only after several months of a stormy relationship. The main problem in communication at first is excessive jealousy of wards Saturn and Mars. Both are overly suspicious and tend to subject their other half to “biased interrogations.” This couple will definitely have loud showdowns and short-term separations. But if they have deep feelings, Aries and Capricorns still return to each other.

Aries guy and Capricorn girl in sex

The easiest way for this couple to make peace after a loud scandal is in bed.

The Capricorn girl proves herself to be a passionate lover, ready to please her beloved in a wide variety of ways.

No matter how angry the Aries guy is with her, he will not be able to resist the charm of the earthly beauty.

But the Capricorn woman quickly gets tired of the role of an altruist; she begins to try to dictate her own rules. Aries continues to focus on his own. Partners have to look for a compromise in the intimate sphere, otherwise they will get tired of the constant rivalry, and the former harmony will not be able to be restored.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

When living together, the problem of finding a compromise becomes even more acute. The Capricorn wife, although stubborn, is patient, and therefore is able to close her eyes to some of the shortcomings of her beloved. And for the narcissistic Aries, this is almost backbreaking work that requires maximum dedication.

In the first months of marriage, partners are guaranteed to be disappointed. The wards of Saturn, who before the wedding show themselves to be responsive housewives, after it begin to be capricious. The husband has great difficulty in tolerating his beloved's demands. Coffee in bed, romantic dinners by candlelight, going to the cinema and restaurants together - it is not so difficult for an active Aries to organize all of the above for his wife, but he continues to be stubborn purely out of selfish thoughts.

The birth of children will have a positive effect on the relationship between the wards of Mars and Saturn

They will be united common goal caring for the offspring, both will take the upbringing process very seriously. But Aries and Capricorns are the strictest parents, compared to representatives of other signs. They should try to understand children and not just tell them what to do.

Is there friendship if he is an Aries and she is a Capricorn?

Friendships between the wards of Saturn and Mars usually begin in their youth; in adulthood, these people very rarely get together. Their communication cannot be called completely easy and sincere, since the suspicious Capricorn lady constantly doubts her partner and does the right thing. An Aries man is quite capable of blurting out the secret of a loved one, although not on purpose.

Representatives of the Fire and Earth elements like to meet periodically and have fun to the fullest, starting mind-blowing adventures. They are bored just sitting and having a casual conversation, although such gatherings happen occasionally. If Aries and Capricorn are not connected by mutual friends or joint work, they will rarely see each other. But even after many years of separation, their friendship will not die and can be reborn at any moment.

It is not difficult to attract the attention of an Aries. A man of this sign not least evaluates a woman’s appearance, relegating other parameters to the background. He likes bright and spectacular girls that stand out from those around them. A well-chosen image, complemented by an original manner of behavior, is already half the battle on the path to success.

Next, you should understand that Aries really don’t like being criticized. To win the sympathy of a representative of this sign, you need, on the contrary, to strengthen his authority in society by any means and often praise him at the slightest reason.

Narcissistic fire guys have big needs, so it’s not enough for his beloved to just be tactful and beautiful

She must be an intelligent and well-rounded person with a whole bunch of hobbies.

How to get the attention of a Capricorn woman?

Representatives of this sign are focused on starting a family from an early age, so fleeting romances do not attract them even at a young age. The Capricorn girl will not waste time on a man whose intentions do not seem serious enough to her. The first step towards winning the heart of an earthly woman is to prove to her your readiness for a serious relationship.

Wards of Saturn love calm and reasonable men who are no strangers to prudence. You should not shower the “horned” lady with too expensive gifts; she will consider this an unnecessary waste and will classify the fan’s generosity as a disadvantage. But this does not mean that Capricorn women are alien to romance - they can sincerely burst into tears from a love poem addressed to them or other similar manifestations of feelings. They also have nothing against compliments: the more there are, the wider the smile on the face of Saturn’s ward.

Wards of Saturn love calm and reasonable men

Compatibility horoscope for Aries woman and Capricorn man

Capricorn men reliable and practical, excessive emotionality is alien to them. Representatives of this sign like stability, especially in terms of love relationships. The Aries lady is completely opposite in character. She is active, quick-tempered, impulsive.

Girls of the fire sign are characterized by changeability; they often change their views and beliefs.

Such noticeable differences in character and worldview become the cause of numerous disagreements between the wards of Mars and Saturn. These people do not distinguish each other from the crowd; love at first sight is clearly not their case. But if Aries and Capricorn find themselves at the mercy of the notorious biochemistry, then their relationship promises to be something bright and enchanting.

Love relationship

In the first months of the novel, the partners are delighted with each other. The Aries girl, as a lover of everything new and unusual, is fascinated by the mystery of the cold-blooded Capricorn. The man of this sign is quite stingy with emotions, so it is almost impossible to “see through” him. He may not sleep at night, constantly thinking about the beautiful fiery girl, but she will be forced to limit herself to a modest bouquet and a discreet compliment addressed to her. At the same time, secrecy should not be confused with shyness - Saturn’s ward is not shy about expressing feelings, but simply does not like to do so.

If there is a girl in the world who can warm up this man, it is the unpredictable Aries lady. She drives guys crazy with her unusual charisma, beauty and wit. The Capricorn man is also unlikely to resist these qualities and rush to win the heart of his beloved. Since he has a lot of persistence, this venture will probably end happily.

In the first months of the romance, partners are delighted with each other

Sexual attraction of a couple

Capricorns tend to be conservative not only in everyday life, but also in intimate life. They are not big fans of variety and prefer stability to experimentation. But they have to behave differently with an Aries girl, otherwise the fiery lady will get bored of sharing a bed with an inveterate conservative.

At first, Capricorn is not happy with what is happening, but later he begins to find pleasure in diversity.

The Aries woman reveals the sexual potential of the naturally reserved man of the earth sign


After the wedding, the newlyweds face some not-so-pleasant discoveries. Capricorn realizes that he will have to constantly look for new ways to surprise his chosen one. A flirtatious Aries girl will not stop flirting left and right after getting married. A jealous husband will endure this extremely difficult. The Aries wife will also begin to wonder if she made a mistake by connecting her life with a quiet and calm Capricorn?

If young spouses can endure a painful period of disappointment, then they have every chance of living together many happy years.

How are an Aries girl and a Capricorn guy friends?

Strong friendships rarely develop between representatives of these signs, but sweet friendly relationships are quite likely. Aries and Capricorns have something to offer each other: the fiery girl does not allow her friend to get completely stuck in a routine - she tells him news and gossip, drags him to the cinema for the premiere of a film, introduces him to the latest in music. A reliable Capricorn guy is always ready to provide his friend with support, both moral and material.

Strong friendships rarely develop between representatives of these signs.

How to win a Capricorn man and build a relationship with him?

Capricorns are reserved men who have a hard time showing emotions. They can only open up to a tender and caring girl who can awaken the most tender feelings in their souls. Capricorns prefer not to get involved with assertive and too eccentric ladies. A girl who has already achieved some success at work has a greater chance of winning the sympathy of Saturn’s ward. Capricorns are not gigolos, they can and love to earn money. But they also like successful women.

How to make an Aries woman fall in love with you?

The lady of the fire sign is a big lover of new experiences, she likes the constant change of surroundings

Representatives of this sign are very active and are always happy to try themselves in previously unknown hobbies. A guy who can offer an Aries girl a new interesting hobby will certainly be in her favor.

The ward of Mars is active herself, and she needs a man who is the same. The more initiative the suitor shows, the greater his chances of winning the favor of his beloved. The chosen one of the Aries woman must be stronger than her. The fiery lady can’t stand “weak people.”

November 28, 2017, 12:58

Capricorn man and Aries woman will find family happiness if they try to reach mutual understanding. There are many differences between them. The Capricorn man loves loneliness and is uncomfortable in a large company. The Aries woman does not like to be alone, she likes to be seen. Such a girl is trying to prove to a sad Capricorn that not everything in life is so sad, you need to be able to rejoice. She does everything possible to make her chosen one think positively.

The Capricorn man does not want to accept what the Aries woman imposes. Even her attractive appearance doesn't help. For her, he remains indifferent, distant from the world around him. After a while she gets tired of it all. She does not want to see a gloomy Capricorn man next to her. She does not want to connect her fate with an insecure person who is dependent on his family. The Aries woman believes that he does not need a girlfriend as long as he has a job, ambitions and a mommy.

The Aries woman does not like to wait for a long time. She doesn't understand why he likes to be alone. This irritates her. The girl doesn’t see the point in spending all her time trying to change a Capricorn man. They could have become ideal partners if not for some “buts”.

The Capricorn man has been involved in art from an early age. He can appreciate everything beautiful that is next to him. As a little boy, he enjoys music and drawing. But when he grows up, he hides his talents and withdraws into himself. He doesn't want to be bothered again. But deep down he wants love and affection, romance and passion. It is difficult for him to show his feelings and open up to the Aries woman. The Capricorn man does not know how to take risky steps, even if necessary.

The sexual compatibility of a Capricorn man and an Aries woman is quite strange. They belong to different elements - Fire and Earth. The Capricorn man dreams of physical intimacy, but does nothing for it; it is difficult for him to plunge headlong into sex. The Aries woman is passionate and ardent, she is used to immersing herself in sex completely, even if she has to get burned. To get closer to a Capricorn man, she must hint to her partner about it. He never refuses his partner, he is a gentle and sensitive lover. Both the Capricorn man and the Aries woman are narcissistic natures. Despite their feelings for each other, they will not miss their own benefit. They do not know how to sacrifice in the name of love.

In order for a Capricorn man and Aries woman to have complete mutual understanding, a miracle must happen. But two people in love with opposite personalities can be happy. The Aries woman will help the Capricorn man get rid of conservatism and shyness. If she decided something, then so be it. The girl is persistently moving towards achieving her goal. True love between them is possible. In some cases, the Capricorn man and his Aries woman are similar to the heroes of romance novels.

However, conflicts between a Capricorn man and an Aries woman are not uncommon. It can be uninteresting for these two people with opposite personalities to be together. Their compatibility is influenced by various factors. A Capricorn man should be open and emotional. An Aries woman should not think about romance all the time and live in reality. They should not constantly talk about each other's shortcomings.

When an Aries woman and a Capricorn man start dating, they have fewer disagreements. The Capricorn man admires her optimism and positive attitude. He likes that she is a well-groomed and attractive girl. He does not pay attention to her carelessness and impracticality. And the Aries woman looks at her partner’s shortcomings with a smile. But after a while, their shortcomings begin to irritate each other. However, the Aries woman easily adapts to her lover.

At the beginning of a relationship, an Aries woman and a Capricorn man admire each other too much. The girl likes a man of few words and detached from the world. He is kind, patient and smart, he has a sense of humor. These people like each other, but over time their mutual fascination disappears. However, there are feelings between them. When a Capricorn man and an Aries woman break up, they regret what happened. But because of pride, they cannot tell each other about it. The self-confident Aries woman does not show the severity of her loss. If a Capricorn man meets his ex-girlfriend somewhere, he won’t even pay attention to her.

Capricorn men and Aries women need time to become good life partners. They must become more patient, then they will learn what love and passion are. Money can become a stumbling block in the union of an Aries woman and a Capricorn man. The Capricorn man is not used to throwing money away, although he is not stingy. He believes that you can’t just give away your honestly earned money, even to dear people. He will not hesitate to take what is his from his beloved, he will even take interest. Naturally, the Aries woman doesn’t like this. She doesn't understand his motives.

At the beginning of a relationship, disagreements go away on their own. All this is due to the fact that the Aries woman is trying to adapt to a serious gentleman. But the Capricorn man doesn’t notice this, which makes her feel offended. The first disagreements and reproaches appear. When choosing between a career and his beloved, the Capricorn man will give preference to work. They deserve each other. The Capricorn man and the Aries woman are two sophisticated egoists. At the same time, everyone has their own worldview and life principles.

The Capricorn man is initially attracted to the carefree nature of the Aries woman. She's a big baby to him. But having started family life, the girl does not want to grow up. The husband cannot come to terms with this. The wife has no less claims against her beloved. If earlier she liked that he was smart and silent, now the Capricorn man becomes a bore and a nerd for her. It is difficult for a couple of Aries woman and Capricorn man to negotiate. But love can do a lot. With sincere feelings for each other, they will close their eyes to mutual shortcomings and learn to understand and respect their life partners. There will be passion between them, and disagreements will only bring them closer.

Aries and Capricorn can find a common language, but this will not happen on its own, but with a strong enough desire on both sides. Such a couple is most often united by a common business, mutual feelings or benefits from this union. Each other's company almost does not encourage these people to communicate, unless there is a reason for it.

ARIES man and CAPRICORN woman

There is very little in common between an Aries man and a Capricorn woman, so even if they begin to understand each other, it will not be right away. The degree of their closeness is very important - in business and family relationships, these people can communicate quite peacefully, but if we are talking about a love affair, the mutual dissatisfaction of the partners and unjustified expectations can drive them in different directions.

♈ + ♑: In love

UNDESIRABLE UNION- Having fallen in love with each other, an Aries guy and a Capricorn girl will be very happy at first. The young man is convinced of the seriousness of his chosen one’s feelings, despite the fact that she does not express them as clearly as he does. The Capricorn girl will be fascinated by her loved one - a representative of the fire zodiac sign will diversify her measured life with new emotions and unexpected sensations.

As lovers get used to each other, feelings will quickly begin to cool down. For a Capricorn girl, Aries is too unpredictable, and his emotional behavior and passionate feelings will tire her more and more. A young man in the company of his girlfriend will first get bored, then begin to spend his free time without her. This couple's relationship usually ends long before they decide to separate for good. There are exceptions, but as a rule, in these cases someone's selfish interest is involved. Most often, the calculation comes from Capricorn.

♈ + ♑: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION— An Aries man and a Capricorn woman may decide to start a family, but this is unlikely to bring them closer. In this marriage there will be a lot of omissions on both sides because the level of trust is low. The wife will not find the desired stability and confidence in the future, the unpredictable behavior of her husband will begin to irritate her, and his sociability will awaken jealousy in her. For the husband, family life will very soon turn into a routine - the emotional side of the relationship with his wife will not give him satisfaction, but Aries will not be able to keep his feelings locked up for long. His unspent energy will look for a way out, and will definitely find it; there are two possible options: either he will spend a lot of time with friends, but will listen to his wife’s reproaches for this, or scandals will begin in the house.

In intimate life, agreement is present only at first, because Aries and Capricorn lovers will perceive the difference in each other’s behavior as exotic. Unfortunately, this will not continue for long - the husband’s need for sex is much higher than the wife’s, and coldness on the part of the Capricorn woman will be offensive to Aries.

Often such marriages break up 2-3 years after the start of their life together, and by this time there are usually no feelings between the spouses. An exception may be the marriage of fairly mature people, but even then, the overall picture of the relationship does not change significantly.

♈ + ♑: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— A Capricorn girl and an Aries guy do not get so close that their union can be called . For an open Aries, this girl will always be a rather dark person who does not inspire confidence. Reasonable and serious Capricorn prefers not to have common affairs with such emotional and changeable people as Aries. Most often, this couple is united by a third person who is a connecting link for them - usually a mutual friend or relative.

CAPRICORN man and ARIES woman

An Aries woman is much more energetic than a Capricorn man, and he is more stable and steadfast in his opinions, so it can be very difficult for them to understand each other. The most peaceful communication between this couple will be in the absence of unifying factors, such as work, common property and cohabitation. Very often, at the initial stage of a relationship, Capricorn and Aries do not notice the difference in worldview, they get closer together than necessary, and in the end they both become very disappointed in each other.

♑ + ♈: In a love relationship

UNDESIRABLE UNION— A Capricorn guy in love will admire his girlfriend’s sociability, and next to her his life will become brighter and more interesting. While the young people do not know each other very well, they are very happy with this union, but soon the opinion of each of them about their beloved will begin to change. Since Capricorn is not too fond of active recreation and prefers predictability in the course of events, after a while the chosen one will seem too dynamic to him, and he will definitely tell her about it. The Aries girl just lives the way she is used to, so the essence of her beloved’s claims will not be immediately clear to her, especially since she herself is not delighted with his character. Next to her boyfriend, a representative of the fire zodiac sign will feel emotional hunger. Perhaps prudence and seriousness would have become attractive aspects of his personality for the girl if the young man had not constantly reproached and harshly criticized her.

♑ + ♈: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION— The first time after marriage, an Aries woman will make every effort to become a truly close person to her husband. A Capricorn man is unlikely to appreciate his wife’s idea - he shares his thoughts and inner experiences with few people, and such an emotional and active person as Aries does not at all encourage him to be frank. The wife will be very upset by her husband's secrecy. A woman will learn many facts from his past and present quite by accident, this will lead her to nervousness and jealousy.

The Capricorn husband will not be satisfied with the everyday side of family life; he is accustomed to more order and comfort than his wife can create. The Aries woman very often has an interesting creative activity, and household chores are tiring and boring for her. It’s a pity, but instead of sharing the joy of his wife’s success in her career, her husband will diligently persuade her to quit her business and become a housewife, if only so that she will always be in his sight. Men really like the bright and relaxed representative of the fire zodiac sign, so Capricorn will want to control all her actions. The most unpleasant thing is that if he achieves his goal, he will most likely not be happy with the result and will begin to behave disrespectfully towards his wife.

Usually such marriages break up in a very short time, after which the Aries woman tries with all her might to avoid men who at least in some way remind her of her ex-husband.

♑ + ♈: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION— Friendly feelings between an Aries girl and a Capricorn guy are unlikely to arise, so in this case it is impossible. Their communication is most often forced, for example, it can be a work or family relationship. Frankness and desire to get closer will not follow on both sides, because these people do not have common interests and topics for conversation.

Video: ARIES ♈ Zodiac sign

Video: CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

Many people today do not pay attention to horoscopes, considering them to be inventions of astrologers. But these pictures, with symbols on them that are incomprehensible to many, store more information than one can imagine. And the strongest unions are those where the stars “coincide”.

Therefore, before starting a relationship with the opposite sex, it is advisable to see how compatible your zodiac sign is with the zodiac sign of your chosen one. We will look at the compatibility of Capricorn and Aries.

Compatibility characteristics of Capricorn and Aries

There is practically nothing in common between Capricorn and Aries. These are people who have different characters and perceptions of the world. And the temperaments of these zodiac signs are too different. But, if such people are united by one goal, then they will become excellent life partners. Aries will decorate Capricorn's life by introducing a little adventurism and emotion into it. Capricorn will restrain the chaotic Aries.

Depending on which partner is Capricorn and which is Aries, relationships can develop differently.

Aries Man and Capricorn Woman

A Capricorn woman and an Aries man are not an ideal combination, according to astrologers. These relationships only have a chance if they are built on love.

For a Capricorn woman, an Aries man is a mystery that she will try to solve. He attracts with his sexuality and adventurism. A man is attracted by the purposefulness of a Capricorn woman, who always knows how to behave. But such a couple has a chance only if she is already 30 years old.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. This means that the most important thing in life for a woman is security, which Aries cannot give. In addition, as soon as the stage of “rose-colored glasses” passes, the Capricorn woman will appreciate how successful the man is at work and whether he has a bank account. The Aries man is an adventurer who does not think about the future and does not save his fortune for a rainy day. Such thoughts appear in him only after 30. Therefore, such a couple has a chance of success only if the partners found each other after 30.

Features of a Capricorn woman

It is very important for a Capricorn woman that her man is on top in everything, and especially at work. This is not calculation. This is the influence of the same Saturn. This is the nature of the beautiful half of humanity, under the influence of Saturn. Representatives of the strong half of humanity, born under the sign of Aries, do not like this pressure, which will cause constant conflicts in the family. Caution and prudence, which are priorities for a woman in such a union, are alien to a man who is protected by Mars.

ARIES + CAPRICORN - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Aries and Capricorn

Compatibility of Capricorn man and Aries woman

Compatibility of Aries man and Capricorn woman

Another feature of the Capricorn woman is that she attaches special importance to the pedigree of her chosen one. At the same time, representatives of the fair half treat themselves loyally in this regard, believing that a woman’s pedigree is not important.

Another pitfall that awaits Aries is the Capricorn woman’s idea of ​​herself. She considers herself a complex person. Therefore, the representative of the stronger half will have to constantly prove that she is worthy of love and happiness no less than everyone else.

Family is above all for such a woman. Therefore, a man will have to constantly maneuver between the relatives of his chosen one, trying to please them. Otherwise, her family may become the reason for the collapse of the relationship. In addition to the fact that the man will have to please the relatives of the chosen one, he will be forced to take an active part in solving their problems.

Capricorn Man and Aries Woman

The Capricorn man and the Aries woman, according to astrologers, are more suitable for each other than the previous couple. But it’s difficult to call it ideal. From the outside, such relationships look like partnership rather than love. And there is some truth in this. In such a union, one partner gives the other what he expects from him. However, too different temperaments and perceptions of the world can become an insurmountable obstacle to the formation of a happy relationship.

A woman born under the sign of Aries is open and expressive, she acts spontaneously. The man is secretive and reserved. In addition, women born under this sign are demanding of their chosen ones. And it will be difficult for Aries to constantly meet the demands of his other half. He is forced throughout his life to win his chosen one.

But Aries’s perseverance can play into the hands of such a relationship. If he really fell in love, he will stop at nothing and will win the lady of his heart who will appreciate such efforts. The chaotic and absent-minded Aries woman, who discerns a reasonable man in her chosen one, will value this relationship. The union of Aries and Capricorn will exist until the partners begin to go too far.

Love relationship

Compatibility in love relationships is closer to ideal than in all others. Conquering the chosen one is not a difficult task for a girl. Aries will be surprised when he learns that Capricorn is temperamental and inventive in sex.

Both signs do not need increased attention to each other. The union of Capricorn and Aries in love will be more successful if the woman is Aries. Capricorns find it difficult to open up in any relationship, and love ones are no exception. Aries, on the other hand, are more open, which allows them to act emotionally.

Relationships at work

Don't spoil your love relationship with work. Compatibility between Capricorn and Aries in the workplace is impossible. And it doesn’t matter who will be Aries and who will be Capricorn. Girls of both signs have high demands on guys in terms of career growth. And guys may perceive this not as participation in their destiny, but as rivalry that will destroy not only working, but also love relationships between representatives of these zodiac signs.

This combination is especially dangerous if the guy is the boss and the girl is a subordinate. A sexual relationship will most likely arise between such a couple. But when a guy starts to notice how quickly a girl learns everything and how actively she takes part in work-related matters, he will see her as an unwanted competitor. Despite the high professionalism of his subordinate, he will most likely get rid of her. And even a rich sex life will not become an obstacle to this. As a result, the girl will lose not only her beloved man, but also her job.

Friendly relationships

Unlike family life, the compatibility of these zodiac signs in friendship is ideal. Over time, this relationship can develop into marriage.

In friendship, Aries does not delve deeply into the problems of those around him. This is due to a certain selfishness of this zodiac sign. Capricorn is in friendship and does not need to be imbued with his problems, due to his secrecy. Therefore, Capricorn and Aries will take part in each other’s lives exactly as much as each other needs.

Of the famous couples born under the signs of Aries and Capricorn, they managed to maintain a married relationship:

  • Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre;
  • Alexander Lazarev and Svetlana Nemolyaeva;
  • Tigran Keosayan and Margarita Simonyan.

The Chinese horoscope must also be taken into account. Thus, a tiger-snake and a tiger-horse are an almost ideal combination for people who are Aries and Capricorn according to the eastern horoscope.


Compatibility between Capricorn and Aries is far from ideal. However, such a couple can live a happy life if they meet after 30. In addition, the Capricorn woman only blossoms after 30, which attracts the attention of men. And under the influence of Saturn, she will become more beautiful every year.

Therefore, happy is the Aries man who has enough strength and patience to maintain a relationship with a Capricorn woman. And as a reward, in addition to an attractive companion in family life, the man will receive a reliable rear. This is evidenced by reviews of married couples born under the signs of Aries and Capricorn who have been married for more than 20 years.

The relationship between a Capricorn man and an Aries woman is similar to a profitable business cooperation. One gives the other what he expects from his partner, but differences in temperament and mutual misunderstanding have a special place in the union. The compatibility of Aries and Capricorn is manifested in the selfishness inherent in both signs. True, the nature of this egoism is different. The relationship between Aries and Capricorn helps to reveal the potential of each participant in this union.

Capricorn Man and Aries Woman

Compatibility of Aries woman and Capricorn man in love is 60%. The typical Capricorn man has a hard time winning the heart of an Aries woman, but this is because of his seriousness and self-control, and not because of his coldness. People of the fiery zodiac signs express love and passion vividly, but this is not the earthly nature of Capricorn. This man will wait for his time, and still achieve what he wants. If he is determined to move towards success, he will not reveal his intentions until he gets closer to his goal, be it love, money or career. Most likely, he will show love through actions. He is practical in all aspects, the same goes for romantic relationships. It may be difficult for an Aries woman to accept the seriousness and some gloominess of her partner, because she has a fiery character.

She should not try to remake him, to adjust him to herself - this is almost impossible. He is a passionate and creative person, but not of the Aries type. Capricorn keeps everything under control and lives by its own laws. He was born under the most practical of the twelve zodiac signs and rarely does anything without good reason. Also, she does not need to try to become like Capricorn herself. This man is attracted to her independence and enthusiasm, otherwise he would not be with her.

The Capricorn man loves to play by the rules. He achieves success thanks to a carefully worked out strategy and does not wait for favorable circumstances. Following his own course, he will achieve her love. If he opens his feelings, this means confidence in the correctness of the choice. Afterwards, the Aries woman will get a taste of his passion, which he kept under control. Perhaps this will be too much even for her fiery temperament.

A Capricorn guy in love will admire his girlfriend’s sociability, and next to her his life will become brighter and more interesting. While the young people do not know each other very well, they are very happy with this union, but soon the opinion of each of them about their beloved will begin to change. Since Capricorn is not too fond of active recreation and prefers predictability in the course of events, after a while the chosen one will seem too dynamic to him, and he will definitely tell her about it. The Aries girl just lives the way she is used to, so the essence of her beloved’s claims will not be immediately clear to her, especially since she herself is not delighted with his character. Next to her boyfriend, a representative of the fire zodiac sign will feel emotional hunger. Perhaps prudence and seriousness would have become attractive aspects of his personality for the girl if the young man had not constantly reproached and harshly criticized her.