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Burning in the region of the heart: causes, what diseases can cause it and what means to treat it? Pain in the heart: nature, causes, treatment Short-term severe pain in the heart

The heart is the most important organ in our body. Without it, the movement of blood through the body would be impossible. Unfortunately, often a vital organ fails. Many diseases affect the heart muscle. Sometimes a harbinger of trouble can be pain, a burning sensation. Also, stabbing pain in the region of the heart often occurs, which may indicate quite serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. However, this is not always the case. Many experts believe that pain in the heart is not characteristic of serious pathologies. This symptom may indicate more likely diseases of the spinal column and the central nervous system.

Most often, the discomfort that occurs in people in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe left chest, patients call them heart pain. In fact, the vital organ is located in the middle, and true cardiac pains can appear more likely behind the sternum. Only in some cases the pain gives to the left side.

Often, acute pains of a stabbing nature, which do not carry a serious danger to life, are confused by patients with cardiac ones. However, a frivolous attitude to such sensations is also dangerous.

How to distinguish pain in the heart from pain of another origin?

Often patients take pain in the left side of the chest for symptoms of an upcoming heart attack, swallow a bunch of medicines and rush to call an ambulance. Acute stabbing pain makes you panic, because discomfort in the region of the heart seriously frightens people. But are such sensations in the left side of the chest always indicative of cardiac problems? After all, severe stabbing pain can be a sign of other pathologies. Further in the article we will try to find out how to still distinguish cardiac pains from non-cardiac ones:

  1. Tingling, lumbago are characteristic of pains of non-cardiac origin. Cardiological pains are rather of a pressing nature, while there may be a feeling of constriction and burning.
  2. Often a sharp stabbing pain occurs with a deep breath. This symptom is also not characteristic of heart pathologies, but may most likely indicate neuralgia or other health problems.
  3. Stitching pain in the region of the heart, which is permanent, is not characteristic of diseases of the heart muscle. Cardiac pain is observed most often in the form of short-term attacks.
  4. If the patient experiences discomfort in the region of the heart and under the left shoulder blade, you can take a nitroglycerin tablet, if the symptoms do not concern the heart, they will not subside.
  5. When the pain radiates to the left arm, the region of the scapula and neck, and also has a short-term paroxysmal character, it may well indicate pathologies of a cardiological nature.

Important! When pain occurs, do not panic. The patient is advised to calm down, drink a sedative and take a comfortable position in bed. Excessive anxiety can harm your health.

The causes of discomfort in the chest can be varied. Often they indicate neuralgia, osteochondrosis and other unpleasant diseases. However, there are signs in the presence of which you should consult a doctor. These include:

  • stabbing discomfort radiating to the area of ​​the left arm, neck, shoulder blade;
  • dizziness and nausea;
  • feeling of numbness of the hands;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • excessive sweating;
  • weakness.

In the presence of such signs, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance team, since the above symptoms may indicate the danger of a myocardial infarction or stroke. The patient is advised to calm down, take 2 aspirin tablets, open a window or balcony, remove tight clothing.

Heart pain can be signs of the following cardiological diseases:

Ischemic disease

This includes patient conditions such as heart attack, stroke, angina pectoris, and others. These pathologies are accompanied by insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle and necrosis of some of its sections. Because of this, a person may feel pain in the left side of the sternum and when inhaling.


With infectious lesions of the heart, the patient may develop an inflammatory process of the heart muscle. It can also cause discomfort in the chest. With this disease, the discomfort in the heart is dull aching in nature, but it can also be sharp stabbing.


Acute pain in the left side of the chest may indicate a disease such as inflammation of the lining of the heart muscle. Also, symptoms of pathology can be swelling of the arms and legs, lack of air, and heart rhythm disturbance.


Another disease that causes a violation of the heart rhythm, and is also often accompanied by pain in the sternum.

Uremia and diabetes

Pathologies of the heart muscle, accompanied by a violation of metabolic processes in the heart, as well as coronary artery disease. The disease leads to heaviness and severe discomfort in the left side of the human chest.

Injury to the heart muscle

It can be bruises, tears, concussions. Depending on the intensity of the damage, the nature of discomfort may also change. With neoplasms of both benign and malignant nature, the pain can be sharp or pressing, while the patient experiences a lack of air and discomfort in the sternum.

Important! With the appearance of regular paroxysmal pain in the heart area, it is extremely necessary to consult a doctor. Timely diagnosis will help to avoid many complications.

Pain in the heart of a child

Often, parents, noticing stabbing pains in the heart of adolescents, attribute this to a growing body and excessive worries. However, often alarming symptoms can also indicate the following pathologies:

  • heart disease;
  • pericarditis;
  • rheumatic heart disease;
  • neurosis;
  • myocardial dystrophy.

With the development of pain in the heart of a child, you should not think for a long time what to do, in such cases it is extremely necessary to make an appointment with a cardiologist for the baby.

Also, often pain in the left side of the chest occurs during pregnancy. The reasons for this may be intercostal neuralgia, uncomfortable posture, vegetovascular dystonia. In most cases, this is not dangerous for the baby. However, every expectant mother should visit a antenatal clinic in a timely manner and inform the doctor about any changes regarding her health. This will help to exclude severe pathologies from the heart and cardiovascular system.


Therapy with the development of uncomfortable sensations in the region of the heart always depends on the cause of the origin of pain. To do this, it is necessary to diagnose the disease and find out the nature of its origin. With neuralgia, treatment should be prescribed by a neuropathologist, if the cause of discomfort is osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the spinal column, a vertebrologist or orthopedist should select medications. If the cardiological nature of the origin of the pain is confirmed, the patient must undergo a course of therapy as prescribed by a cardiologist.

Timely access to a doctor and early diagnosis will help you maintain your health and avoid many complications. Take care of yourself and be healthy.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

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Pain in heart- The most common symptom, with which general practitioners most often have to treat older patients. Currently, cardiovascular pathologies are becoming more common due to malnutrition, low physical activity of people, frequent stress, overweight.

At the same time, the symptom that people refer to as pain in the heart, may not be associated with the pathology of the heart itself. For example, it may be due to a pathological process on the part of the stomach, spinal column, lungs, ribs and sternum.

Sometimes only at the doctor's appointment and after the examination, you can accurately determine what causes pain in the heart area.

What are the causes of heart pain?

There are many reasons why heart pain develops. They can be roughly divided into two large groups:
1. Associated directly with damage to the heart itself:
  • violation of the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart muscle;
  • inflammatory changes in the tissues of the heart;
  • violations of the metabolic process in the tissues of the heart;
  • too much stress on the heart muscle due to high blood pressure or heart disease.
2. Diseases of other organs in which there is a reflection of pain in the region of the heart:
  • the most common situation is stomach diseases such as gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • pain syndrome can be caused by damage to the thoracic spine, ribs, intercostal nerves;
  • diseases of the lungs and pleura;
  • diseases of the esophagus.

Cardiac ischemia

Ischemic heart disease is a whole group of diseases and pathological conditions, the main symptom of which is pain in the heart. The most common types of coronary heart disease are angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.

angina pectoris

Angina pectoris is a very common disease, and the main cause of acute pain in the region of the heart in patients over 40 years of age.

The mechanism of pain in the heart with angina pectoris is quite simple. The blood supply to the heart muscle is carried out through the coronary (coronary) arteries, which braid the organ. When their lumen is narrowed (most often by cholesterol plaques in atherosclerosis), an insufficient amount of oxygen enters the myocardium. As a result, a large amount of lactic acid is formed in the muscle cells, which leads to pain. This violation is paroxysmal in nature. Most often, attacks occur in stressful situations, with an increase in blood pressure, during intense physical exertion - that is, when the heart needs an increased amount of oxygen.

Angina pectoris is characterized by severe sharp pains in the region of the heart behind the sternum, most often stabbing and burning. They come on and get worse very quickly, but usually go away within five minutes. The pain syndrome is quickly relieved by taking tablets or nitroglycerin spray under the tongue. During an attack, pain can radiate to the left arm, shoulder, under the shoulder blade, to the left half of the neck and jaw.

Pain in the heart with angina pectoris can occur under different conditions, depending on the course of the disease:
1. Angina pectoris can be considered a more favorable variant of the pathology. In this case, pain occurs only at the time of stress or strong physical exertion. The heart begins to contract faster and stronger, it needs more oxygen, but it does not get enough of it through the constricted vessels.
2. With rest angina, pain occurs at any time, even during sleep. This variant of the course of the disease is considered less favorable.

An attack of pain in angina pectoris is relieved by taking nitroglycerin. The tablet or spray is placed under the tongue, where the drug is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. If the pain does not go away, then you need to call the ambulance team. Such patients are observed by the local therapist, and undergo periodic treatment.

The most reliable research method for establishing a narrowing of the coronary arteries of the heart is coronary angiography, when a radiopaque substance is injected into the vessels and an x-ray is taken.

myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction in most cases develops against the background of angina pectoris, and is, as it were, its more severe stage. At the same time, the appearance of pain behind the sternum is due to the fact that at a certain point in time the coronary arteries narrow so much that the blood flow to the heart muscle completely stops, and its section dies. In this case, pain in the heart and other characteristic symptoms appear:
1. Very strong sharp stabbing and burning pain behind the sternum in the region of the heart, which does not go away for a long time (more than 5 minutes), is not removed after taking nitroglycerin.
2. In this case, there is a drop in blood pressure, sometimes to such an extent that the patient faints.
3. The patient's skin turns pale, he is covered with a sticky cold sweat.
4. There is a strong sense of fear of death.
5. This may increase the patient's body temperature.

The pain in the heart with myocardial infarction is so strong that it has to be removed with narcotic drugs. When such pains appear, you should not hesitate to call the ambulance brigade. After performing an ECG, the cause of the pain immediately becomes clear: myocardial infarction manifests itself very clearly.

The patient is placed in the intensive care unit. Myocardial infarction is a direct threat to life, so much depends on the quality and timely treatment.

arterial hypertension

Arterial hypertension is an increase in blood pressure above normal levels (more than 120 and 80 mm Hg). At the same time, increased loads are placed on the heart, its muscles have to work harder, and with greater frequency. In addition, atherosclerosis, which in most cases is the cause of arterial hypertension, also affects the heart vessels. Not only does the myocardium experience overload, it also receives less oxygen.

The most characteristic for high blood pressure in arterial hypertension is pain in the heart in combination with headaches. They can be pressing, stabbing, aching in nature. At the same time, the following symptoms develop simultaneously:

  • even more pronounced increase in blood pressure;
  • tinnitus, "flies before the eyes";
  • headache, dizziness;
  • unsteadiness of gait, weakness, fatigue, drowsiness;
  • redness of the skin of the face, a feeling of heat;
  • swelling, mainly on the legs in the evening.
Especially often, pain in the region of the heart occurs during the so-called hypertensive crisis - a sharp increase in blood pressure to very high numbers.

To understand the origin of pain in the heart, it is enough to measure blood pressure. Most often, pain in the heart area occurs with the so-called stage 3 hypertension, when an increase in blood pressure and impaired blood flow lead to severe disorders of the heart and other organs.


Myocarditis is an inflammatory lesion of the myocardium - the heart muscle. In the myocardium, there are nerve receptors that respond to inflammation with the occurrence of pain. It can be caused by viruses, other microorganisms, an inflammatory process.
Pain in the heart and a feeling of discomfort in the chest are quite common with myocarditis (about 80% of patients with this pathology). In some patients, the disease proceeds without any symptoms.

Pain in the heart with myocarditis is most often of a pressing or aching nature, sometimes it is stabbing. At the same time, it has practically nothing to do with stress and physical activity. Pain in myocarditis differs from angina pectoris in that there is no relief from taking nitroglycerin. Also, no pathological signs are noted during the ECG.

With myocarditis, pressing pain in the heart is combined with other signs:

  • weakness, lethargy, general fatigue;
  • a slight increase in body temperature - no more than 37 o C;
  • feeling of interruptions in the work of the heart, palpitations or fading.
If myocarditis occurs without pain, then most often the patient does not go to the doctor, and the disease goes away on its own. If the therapist or cardiologist is involved in the treatment, then he can prescribe an ECG, an ultrasound of the heart, and a chest x-ray. In the future, medications are prescribed, aimed at the underlying cause of the disease.


This is also an inflammatory disease, but it does not capture the heart muscle, but the outer shell of the heart - the pericardium. It also has many nerve endings, irritation of which leads to pain.

With pericarditis, pain in the region of the heart is characterized by the following features:
1. Pain sensations are noted in the bottom and left in the chest - where the top of the heart is located. In some cases, they can capture the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, or the entire left half of the chest.
2. With pericarditis, pain in the heart is uncharacteristic, reflected in the left arm, under the left shoulder blade, in the left half of the neck and jaws.
3. With this disease, the pain syndrome often spreads to the right half of the chest and right arm.
4. With pericarditis, there is a sharp, aching, cutting pain in the heart.
5. Pain does not increase during stress and intense physical exertion, but their intensity depends on the position of the patient's body. Often, in order to reduce pain, a person takes a sitting position and leans forward.
6. Characterized by pain in the heart during inspiration.
7. The most interesting dynamics of pain in the heart over time. They occur at the very beginning of the disease, with the so-called dry pericarditis, when during heart contractions there is friction between the inflamed layers of the pericardium. Then, with effusion pericarditis, fluid forms in the heart sac, friction stops, and the pain subsides. But this does not mean that the disease has been cured.

With the appearance of pain in the heart and suspicion of pericarditis, the patient is examined, including ultrasound of the heart, ECG, chest x-ray. Treatment is prescribed against the underlying cause of the pathology: antiviral or antifungal drugs, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs.


Cardiomyopathy is understood as all pathologies of the heart that are not associated with insufficient oxygen supply, inflammatory processes and valve defects. For the most part, cardiomyopathy is based on metabolic disorders, which, one way or another, lead to pain in the heart area.

With cardiomyopathy, pain in the region of the heart can be of the most diverse nature. They can be localized only in a particular place, or occupy a vast area. The pain syndrome can disturb the patient constantly, and can also be associated with physical activity or stress. Sometimes it can be removed with nitroglycerin, but not always.

To make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, any patient with incomprehensible pain in the region of the heart must appear for an examination with a doctor and undergo an examination, which includes chest x-ray, ECG, ultrasound of the heart, general and biochemical blood tests.

Heart defects

Heart defects can be congenital or acquired, but in any case they are accompanied by heart pain.

Pain in the heart with a malformation of its development has the following mechanism of development. If the structure of one of the valves is disturbed, certain chambers of the heart are forced to constantly pump a large amount of blood, while the filling of others remains rather weak. In this case, the overloaded heart muscle is forced to contract more often and stronger. She experiences an increased need for oxygen, and besides, her resource is not infinite - at a certain point in time she stops working adequately. All this manifests itself in the form of heart pain.

Pain in the heart with its defects are permanent. Most often they are pressing, stabbing, pinching. They may be accompanied by high blood pressure, swelling in the legs and other symptoms.

Most often, pain in the heart area accompanies the following defects:
1. Aortic stenosis - narrowing of the aorta where it leaves the left ventricle;
2. Mitral valve prolapse, which is located between the left ventricle and the atrium, is a very common congenital disorder that is detected in many children and can be expressed to varying degrees, often so weakly that it is considered not a defect, but a small insignificant anomaly;
3. Acquired rheumatic heart defects that occur with a long course of rheumatism.

These pathologies are detected after chest X-ray, ultrasound of the heart, ECG. Depending on the type of defect, the severity of pain in the heart and other symptoms, surgical or conservative treatment is prescribed.


Neurocirculatory dystonia (vegetative-vascular dystonia, vegetodystonia) is a functional disease of the nervous system, in which the nervous regulation of many internal organs, including the heart, is disrupted. And this often causes pain in the heart. Most often, neurocirculatory dystonia develops in adolescents, which is the reason for the high prevalence of such pain in adolescence.

Depending on the course of the disease, there are four types of heart pain in adolescence.

Simple cardialgia

This is a form of pain in the heart with neurocirculatory dystonia, which is observed in 95% of all patients. Most often, it occurs spontaneously, lasts for several minutes or hours, and then passes. Pain in the heart with simple cardialgia is aching or aching, it occupies the entire region of the heart, or only its top. Special assistance during the onset of such a pain syndrome is not required. Usually, a neurologist prescribes general therapy aimed at treating the underlying disease.

A separate subspecies of simple cardialgia is the so-called angioedema cardialgia. With her, pains in the heart - pressing or squeezing, are always paroxysmal in nature, are very short-lived, but at the same time extremely strong. The pain can go away on its own, without any help, but most often patients use drops of validol or nitroglycerin to relieve it. In the presence of such attacks, you should visit a neurologist who will examine the patient, conduct an examination and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Cardialgia of a vegetative crisis

It is also called paroxysmal protracted cardialgia. Heart pain occurs during the so-called vegetative crisis - an acute condition when neurocirculatory dystonia manifests itself especially brightly.

Pain in the heart during cardialgia of a vegetative crisis lasts a very long time, it is pressing or aching, does not go away after taking validol and nitroglycerin. At the same time, other symptoms are observed:

  • increased blood pressure, which may cause this condition to resemble a hypertensive crisis;
  • lethargy, weakness, feeling of fear;
  • trembling all over;
  • shortness of breath, feeling short of breath;
  • feeling of rapid heartbeat.
Typically, an attack of such pain in the heart is relieved with drugs that reduce blood pressure and sedatives.

Sympathetic cardialgia

With sympathetic cardialgia, there is pain in the heart of a burning character, or just a burning sensation. The pain syndrome is located in the region of the heart or in the retrosternal region. In this case, if you feel the gaps between the ribs, there will be an increase in pain. Validol, valocordin and nitroglycerin do not help in this case, as is the case with other types of neurocirculatory dystonia.

With pain in the heart caused by sympathetic cardialgia, oddly enough, not drugs help, but thermal procedures, such as mustard plasters or acupuncture.

The cause of pain in the heart in this case is excessive irritation and excitation of the nerve plexuses responsible for stress reactions in the body.

False angina

It turns out that in some cases, vegetative-vascular dystonia can resemble angina pectoris. Although in fact, these two diseases are very different.

With the so-called pseudoangina pectoris, as with true angina pectoris, there are pains in the region of the heart behind the sternum of a pressing, squeezing, aching nature. They become stronger when the patient is in psycho-emotional stress or experiences increased stress.

In this case, the cause of pain in the heart is an inadequate response of the body and the heart muscle to physical activity. This condition is often confused with angina pectoris. Therefore, it is very important to distinguish them from each other. The patient must definitely come to the doctor's office and undergo an examination (ECG, ultrasound of the heart, etc.) in order to accurately establish the diagnosis and receive adequate treatment.


Arrhythmia is a disease characterized by a violation of the normal rhythm of the heart. There are many different types of arrhythmias, and often many of them can be accompanied by pain in the heart. Pain syndrome occurs directly during an attack, and is accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • a feeling of heart rhythm disturbances: interruptions in the heart, fading, frequent and strong heartbeats;
  • sometimes the heart during an attack of arrhythmia ceases to cope with its function so much that the patient loses consciousness.
Pain in the heart during arrhythmia can be given to the left half of the chest, left arm and left armpit.

Often, the patient himself can distinguish the pain syndrome during arrhythmia from other diseases, since heart rhythm disturbances are felt quite well.

To clarify the origin of pain during an attack, an ECG is performed: the diagnosis of angina pectoris and its variety immediately become clear.

If an attack of arrhythmia is accompanied by acute pain in the region of the heart, then urgent medical attention is needed. It is necessary to call the ambulance team: the doctor will administer the appropriate antiarrhythmic drugs.

Pain in the heart reflected from other organs

In the immediate vicinity of the heart are many important organs: the stomach and esophagus, the lungs and the pleura that covers them, the spinal column, ribs, and sternum. Their diseases can create a pain syndrome that is very much like pain in the heart.

Gastritis and peptic ulcer

Gastritis and peptic ulcer are diseases of the gastric mucosa, which differ from each other only in that gastritis is an inflammatory process, and an ulcer is an inflammation in combination with a defect in the gastric wall.

With gastritis and gastric ulcer, reflected pain in the heart most often occurs after eating or, on the contrary, on an empty stomach (with damage to the lower part of the stomach or duodenum). They are stabbing in nature, can last for a long time and do not go away after taking nitroglycerin and other drugs. The "gastric" origin of pain in the heart can be suspected by the following additional symptoms:

  • feeling of heaviness under the left rib, pain under the heart;
  • heartburn, a sour taste sensation in the mouth;
  • strong belching.
Most often, patients suffering from such "pain in the heart" are sent to see a cardiologist. Not finding signs of pathology from the side of the cardiovascular system, the specialist will refer such a patient to a gastroenterologist.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux can confidently be called a disease of the XXI century. It is associated with almost 50% of all pains in the heart, which have an extraneous origin.

Usually, after the examination is carried out and all the "heart" causes of pain are excluded, there is no doubt about the diagnosis. The patient is most often treated by a neurologist, and X-rays and computed tomography of the spinal column are prescribed to confirm the diagnosis.

Intercostal neuralgia

For many people, sometimes it was like this: they prick for a short time in the side, presumably in the region of the heart, and then almost immediately “let go”. This is how intercostal neuralgia manifests itself, the symptoms of which are often confused with attacks of heart disease.

The causes of intercostal neuralgia are very diverse. It can be injuries, and infections, and disorders of the spinal column.

If an attack of intercostal neuralgia was a single one, or happens extremely rarely, then there is no particular cause for concern. If such pains are repeated regularly, you need to contact a neurologist.

Psychogenic pain in the heart

Pain in the heart, which is not really there, can be felt by patients with neurasthenic neurosis, hysteria, obsessive-compulsive disorders, increased anxiety and suspiciousness, mental illness. Only a thorough examination and consultation with a psychiatrist will help to identify the true cause of heart pain in such a patient.

Treatment of pain in the heart

As can be seen from all of the above, heart pain is a symptom that can occur as a result of a large number of different causes. Accordingly, the treatment will be very different.

Usually, patients who suffer from a disease for a long time already have recommendations from their doctor and are well aware of how to act in such situations.

If severe pain in the heart arose for the first time in your life, then you should not take risks - it is better to call an ambulance brigade.

Pain in the heart: first aid on the road - video

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Update: October 2018

A healthy heart is a prerequisite for a long and fulfilling life. Pain in the heart area, at least, require careful attention to yourself. If they arise, then there is always alertness and anxiety. “Heart, heart, what happened that confused your life?” Do cardiac pains always indicate problems with the heart and how to distinguish them from other pains - in this article.

The region of the heart - where is it?

The projection of the heart on the anterior chest occupies the area from the upper edge of the cartilage of 3 ribs to the lower edge of the body of the sternum. The apex is projected into the 5th intercostal space 2 cm medially from the line crossing the middle of the clavicle. The right border goes from the cartilage of the 3rd rib to the 5th intercostal space on the right.

Usually, any discomfort in the left half of the chest is taken for heart pain, regardless of its nature and intensity. But the typical location of heart pain is the area behind the sternum and to the left of it to the middle of the armpit.

Features of the spread of heart pains are the appearance of reflected pains (on the left in the shoulder blade and under it, in the arm). Sometimes reflection is isolated, for example, 4-5 fingers of the left hand, left jaw. Rarely, pain radiates to the right arm or left shoulder.

The nature of the pain in the heart

The description of suffering by the patient himself is very important at the first stage of diagnosis. It is a detailed description of pain that allows the doctor to navigate in the direction of the search and minimize additional examination methods to the necessary minimum.

When questioning a patient, take into account:

  • conditions for the occurrence of pain (during exercise or after, at rest, connection with food, at night or daytime)
  • the nature of sensations (pricks, compresses, aching, cuts, presses, constantly or periodically)
  • pain duration
  • after which they stop.

Causes of pain in the heart

Heart disease: Diseases of the stomach and esophagus: Toxic effects:
  • ischemic disease (angina pectoris, arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, post-infarction)
  • endocarditis
  • pericarditis
  • myocardiopathy
  • myocardial dystrophy
  • secondary lesions on the background of diabetes mellitus, uremia, hyperthyroidism
  • heart injury
  • tumors
  • esophagitis
  • foreign bodies of the esophagus
  • stomach ulcer
  • tumors
  • stenosis of the esophagus
  • mallory-weiss syndrome
  • chemical burns of the esophagus and stomach
  • gastric bleeding, ulcer perforation.
  • drugs
  • alcohol
  • heart poisons
  • nicotine
  • drugs
Heart overload: Pulmonary pathologies: Pathologies of large vessels:
  • with arterial hypertension
  • volume in thyrotoxicosis
  • pressure with portal hypertension (for example, with)
  • pneumonia
  • pleurisy
  • tuberculosis
  • silicosis
  • lung or large bronchial tumors
  • aortic aneurysm, including its dissection
  • aortic coarctation
  • pulmonary embolism
Diseases of the mediastinum: Nerve damage: Bone lesions:
  • mediastinitis
  • neoplasms
  • intercostal neuralgia
  • herpes zoster
  • fractures and fractures of the ribs
  • pain in blood tumors
Muscle damage: Skin lesions: Pathologies of the mammary glands:
  • sprains
  • rhabdomyoma
  • boils
  • carbuncles
  • mastopathy (gynecomastia in men)
  • benign tumors

Constricting pain

This is a typical cardiac pain, informing about the oxygen deficiency of the heart muscle. It is characteristic of almost all forms of coronary heart disease. With angina pectoris, compressive pain in the chest in the region of the heart or behind the sternum gives typical reflections under the scapula and left arm. It occurs during exercise and passes independently at rest or from taking nitroglycerin, which dilates blood vessels and redistributes blood between the layers of the myocardium.

Patients with various types of arrhythmia are also concerned about such pain:

  • it is most typical of atrial fibrillation or ventricular fibrillation
  • frequent extrasystoles
  • paroxysmal tachycardia
  • intracardiac blockades
  • often the pain is accompanied by a fear of death and necessarily uneven pulse
  • the equivalent of pain in some cases is shortness of breath, indicating circulatory failure.

Atypical constricting pain under the left shoulder blade, in the region of the heart, may occur at rest, in the early morning hours, against the background of spasm of the coronary arteries (Prinzmetal's angina).

Sharp pain

This variant of pain always signals the need for emergency care, and therefore does not allow you to switch to anything else. The condition can also be described as acute pain, as it occurs suddenly.

angina pectoris

A protracted angina pectoris attack with a typical location and reflection of severe compressive pain is the result of incipient thrombosis, embolism, or a sharp stenosis of the coronary vessels. At this stage, nitroglycerin does not help well, but timely medical assistance can prevent the death of the heart muscle. If after taking nitroglycerin twice with a break of five minutes, the pain has not gone away. It is necessary to call an ambulance.

myocardial infarction

This is actually necrosis of the heart wall. Here, only treatment in a specialized hospital can save the patient's life and preserve its future quality. With myocardial infarction, the pain is very pronounced, protracted, intractable by nitropreparations, accompanied by fear of death, a feeling of lack of air. sweating, hand tremors. It can also be atypical, for example, give into the stomach or mimic intestinal colic, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, heart rhythm disturbances, convulsions, involuntary urination. Some heart attacks pass with a mild pain syndrome, which does not lose its sharpness, but the pain is more tolerable. With pain, it is stopped only by neuroleptoanalgesia using powerful painkillers.

Diseases of the esophagus and stomach

The second variant of a dangerous sharp pain in the region of the heart is a catastrophe with the esophagus and the cardial part of the stomach. Perforation of a cardiac ulcer will give a dagger pain, which will entail vegetative disorders in the form of lightheadedness. flashing flies before the eyes, dizziness or loss of consciousness.

For the esophagus, bleeding is more typical against the background of frequent vomiting (Mallory-Weiss syndrome) or from dilated esophageal veins with portal hypertension against cirrhosis of the liver. The rate of loss of consciousness and the severity of circulatory disorders will depend on the amount of blood loss. In any case, ulcer perforation or bleeding is a reason for surgical care.

Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery

This is a thrombus that has sailed from the pelvic system or into the arteries of the lung. The more branches of the pulmonary artery thrombosed and the larger they are, the more pronounced and intense the pain. In addition to it, coughing up blood, shortness of breath, palpitations, swelling of the jugular veins are observed. With thrombosis of large trunks, collapse and loss of consciousness develop. It is also an emergency condition requiring emergency care and hospitalization.

Aortic aneurysm dissection

It occurs more often in older men against the background of long-term unregulated arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, or coarctation of the aorta. A provoking factor may be heart or aortic surgery. Most often, the ascending part of the vessel is stratified. In this case, a longitudinal rupture of the inner membrane leads to the accumulation of blood between the layers of the aorta. Suddenly there is a sharp tearing pain behind the sternum or in the region of the heart, extending under the shoulder blade. At the same time, the pressure first rises. and then drops sharply. There is asymmetry of the pulse on the limbs, the skin turns blue. Sweating appears, fainting may develop. Neurological manifestations are violations of motor activity. Hematoma can lead to oxygen starvation of the heart, shortness of breath, hoarseness. Often patients fall into a coma.

rib fracture

Sharp pains are also characteristic of. Subsequently, the nature of the pain changes to aching or gnawing.

Pressing pain

In cases of overload of the heart, pressure on it or dull pain may be felt.

  • This variant of pain can also occur in healthy people, for example, with excessive physical exertion, playing wind instruments that increase pressure in the pulmonary circulation.
  • With arterial hypertension, the heart has to pump blood against a pressure gradient, which impairs its blood supply and increases the workload.
  • Thyrotoxicosis leads to increased heart rate and overloads the heart with volume.
  • Cardiac tamponade is a consequence of injuries and compression of the heart with blood. Also, the heart can compress the effusion with pericarditis of various origins (tuberculous, tumor).
  • With myocarditis of an infectious or allergic nature, non-intense pressing pains are accompanied by shortness of breath, rhythm disturbances, and heart failure.
  • Myocardiopathy, myocardial dystrophy, neoplasms of the heart also give pressing sensations without a clear connection with the load, prolonged or episodic.
  • Pressing pain behind the sternum mimics foreign bodies in the esophagus or esophagitis.
  • Intoxications of various nature (medicinal, narcotic, alcoholic), as well as poisoning with organophosphorus substances, ether, chloroform, neurotoxic plant poisons give severity to pressure on the heart, are combined with arrhythmias and heart failure, are fraught with.
  • Purulent pathologies of soft tissues, mastopathy. also give excess pressure in the projection of the heart.
  • High levels also lead to a situation where pressing pains mimic cardiac pathologies.

In order not to get into the situation of Tom Sawyer, who was not strong in anatomy and hid the donated flower closer either to the heart or to the stomach, a comparative table can be used to distinguish stomach pain from heart pain.

stabbing pain

If the heart stabs occasionally, the pain is not accompanied by blood flow disorders (no fainting, dizziness, memory or speech disorders), as a rule, is not dangerous.

  • Most often, stabbing pains in the heart are given by neurocirculatory dystonia, in which the vessels do not have time to adequately narrow or expand when the load changes.
  • Rarely, stabbing pains are accompanied by infrequent extrasystole,),.

Strong pain

  • Unbearable pain can be with a heart attack, pulmonary embolism, dissection of an aortic aneurysm. Often it is 10 out of 10 points. Patients are excited, rush about. Have an intense fear of dying.
  • 10-9 points on the intensity scale gives mediastinitis - inflammation of the mediastinum. When a purulent process develops due to complications of surgical treatment, injuries of the esophagus, decay of tumors, the pain causes patients to take a forced position with their chin pressed to the chest. It is aggravated by swallowing and tilting the head. There is also fever, sweating, agitation or confusion, and swelling of the upper half of the body.
  • Angina gives pain from 6 to 8 points.
  • Myocarditis and pericarditis 5 to 2.

Aching pain in the region of the heart

The more intense the rhythm of modern life becomes, the more patients complain of pain in the heart in the cardioneurosis program. There are absolutely no organic changes in the organ or the vessels feeding it in such patients or they are insignificant.

  • there is only a high degree of neuroticism
  • depression
  • anxiety disorder
  • often cardioneurosis develops as part of somatized depression.

Dissatisfaction with oneself and the world around, which does not come out in behavioral features, breaks through in the form of pain in the heart. At the same time, patients are haunted by many unpleasant sensations: pressure on the heart, its fading when inhaling, aching pains and anxiety for one's health.

Often fixation on a non-existent cardiac pathology makes a person repeatedly examined, change specialists and clinics, significantly poisoning his life. At the same time, an experienced psychotherapist or group correction could solve the problem in a short time.

Pain in the heart: what to do

If you suspect a heart problem, it is better to reassess the risks and immediately contact a general practitioner or cardiologist. After questioning and examination, the doctor will prescribe:

  • urine and blood tests
  • fluorography of the chest organs
  • if necessary, bicycle ergometry, treadmill and ECHO-cardioscopy.

Such a tactic will allow you to react in time to a real heart disease or quickly make sure that it is absent and save extra nerve cells. In addition, other serious and not so serious diseases are often disguised as cardiac pathologies, which are also desirable to be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner.

Pain in the heart is an unpleasant phenomenon, which often indicates the development of serious diseases. Also, painful sensations can appear against the background of physical overstrain or severe stress.

Pain in the heart may indicate the development of diseases

For initial diagnosis, the following factors should be considered:

  • pain duration;
  • the nature of the discomfort (stabbing, cutting, squeezing, aching, periodic or permanent);
  • conditions for the occurrence of discomfort (at what time and under what circumstances the pain appeared).

There is an erroneous opinion that any pain in the left side of the chest is cardiac. In fact, a typical zone of localization of cardiac discomfort is the sternum (the area behind it and to the left of it). Unpleasant sensations reach the armpit.

To make a correct diagnosis, you need to see a doctor. Pain in the sternum is a symptom of many pathologies associated not only with the heart, but also with the lungs, mammary gland, stomach, muscles, bones and blood vessels.

Causes of pain in the heart

Discomfort that occurs in the region of the heart can have different intensity. Some patients feel a slight tingling sensation, others a sharp pain that paralyzes the entire body.

At home, you can only approximately determine the cause of the discomfort. First you need to study all possible diseases and deviations that can cause a similar symptom.
Diseases directly related to the heart. Ischemia (angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction). Endocarditis, myocarditis, myocardial dystrophy, pericarditis. It is possible to detect malignant neoplasms, heart injuries, secondary injuries.
Nutritional and gastric pathologies. Tumors, ulcers, foreign bodies in the esophagus, internal bleeding, chemical burn injuries. Pain can also occur against the background of esophagitis, narrowing of the lumen of the food tube, GERD.
Lung diseases. Silicosis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, pleurisy, the formation of tumors in the bronchi or lungs.
Diseases of the great vessels. Aneurysms and coarctation of the aorta, PE (blockage of the artery of the lung).
Pathology of the mediastinum. Tumors, mediastinitis (localized in the fiber area).
Diseases of the mammary gland. Benign and malignant tumors, gynecomastia (male pathology) and mastopathy (female).
Influence of toxins. Pain in the heart may appear due to alcohol, nicotine or drug intoxication of the body. Also, cardiac discomfort often occurs as a side effect of medications.

Unpleasant sensations can appear due to damage to muscles, bones, nerve trunks and even skin. The danger is also an overload of the heart, which occurs due to increased physical activity, arterial and portal hypertension.

Pain in the chest does not always indicate the development of heart disease. Discomfort, aggravated by tilting the body, deep inspiration or expiration, may be due to pathologies of the costal cartilage or sciatica (thoracic).

Sharp and severe pain in the intercostal spaces is the first symptom of shingles.

Pain in the ribs may be a symptom of shingles

Short-term and periodic cardiac discomfort of an indefinite nature often indicates the development of neurosis. In patients with this diagnosis, pain is localized in one place, for example, under the heart.

If a person is nervous, then he may also experience cardiac pain. Discomfort, which, as it were, presses on the heart, appears due to bloating of the intestines. Unpleasant sensations that occur after eating certain foods or fasting indicate diseases of the pancreas or the stomach itself.

What is the nature of the pain?

The nature of the pain is a decisive factor in helping to accurately determine the type of disease.


Pain typical of oxygen deficiency of the heart muscle. It often occurs in ischemic diseases.

With angina pectoris, an unpleasant sensation appears behind the sternum, radiates to the shoulder blade. The patient's left hand is also numb. Pain occurs suddenly, usually due to excessive stress on the heart. A compressive discomfort can occur in a person after stress, physical activity, or eating a large amount of food.

Pain is atypical if it is localized under the left shoulder blade and occurs in the early hours when the person is at rest. Such discomfort appears due to a rare variety of angina - Prinzmetal's disease.

Pain under the left shoulder blade may indicate Prinzmetal's disease


Pain can occur in a perfectly healthy person due to alcohol or drug intoxication, as well as due to physical overstrain.

Pressing discomfort under the heart is characteristic of such diseases as arterial hypertension, breast or stomach cancer. If discomfort is accompanied by rhythm disturbances and shortness of breath, then this indicates myocarditis (allergic or infectious). Pressing heart pain can also arise from experiences.

If the pain is accompanied by shortness of breath, then this indicates myocarditis


There is no need to worry if the heart colitis is intermittent and without accompanying symptoms (problems with speech, dizziness, fainting). The most common cause of stabbing discomfort is neurocirculatory dystonia. It occurs during physical activity, when the vessels do not have time to expand or contract with changes in rhythm.

Pain, which is permanent and prevents breathing, speaks of diseases of the lungs and bronchi (pneumonia, cancer, tuberculosis). Sharp stabbing pain in the left side of the chest is a symptom of myositis. The disease occurs due to muscle sprains, infection, hypothermia and helminthic invasion.

Neurocirculatory dystonia may occur due to physical exertion


Aching discomfort in the region of the heart is a typical symptom for patients suffering from regular psycho-emotional overload. At the same time, pain can be strongly felt and occur periodically. As a rule, patients with nagging cardiac discomfort do not have any serious diseases or abnormalities. A person should think about going to a neurologist or psychotherapist if he has the following symptoms:

  • depression;
  • apathy or, on the contrary, increased irritability;
  • suspiciousness, anxiety;
  • somatic disorder.

If it aches and hurts in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart for no specific reason, then this may indicate cardioneurosis. Aching-compressive discomfort also occurs against the background of an ischemic stroke, but in this case, other characteristic symptoms are also observed: dizziness, loss of consciousness, a sharp deterioration in vision, numbness of the extremities.

Pulsating and aching pain is a sign of intercostal neuralgia.

Ischemic stroke is accompanied by pain in the heart and dizziness


The occurrence of severe and sudden cardiac discomfort in most cases requires further hospitalization of the patient. Sharp and acute pain is a characteristic symptom of many serious pathologies. Such discomfort may indicate diseases such as:

  1. Pathology is characterized by prolonged pain that occurs suddenly and is not amenable to painkillers. It becomes difficult for the patient to breathe, he has a fear of imminent death. Unpleasant sensations can be given to the stomach, spread throughout the chest. With a myocardial infarction, the patient may begin vomiting or involuntary urination.
  2. Aortic aneurysm dissection. Often occurs in older people who have undergone surgery on the aorta or heart. Patients have a feeling of sudden cutting pain, rapidly gaining intensity. At first, there may be a feeling that something is stabbed inside. Discomfort often radiates to the shoulder blade. At the same time, the patient's blood pressure constantly rises and falls.
  3. Rib fracture. With fractures, burning pain is observed, which subsequently transforms into aching. The patient requires immediate hospitalization, as internal bleeding may begin.
  4. PE (pulmonary embolism). The disease leads to blockage of the pulmonary artery by a thrombus that has sailed from varicose veins or pelvic organs. This pathology is characterized by a sharp cardiac discomfort, gaining intensity over time. The patient may have a feeling that he is pressing or baking inside. The main symptoms of PE are palpitations, coughing up blood clots, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. Patients often find it difficult to breathe, they experience severe shortness of breath.
  5. Pathology of the stomach and esophagus. The most dangerous phenomenon is considered to be perforation of an ulcer of the cardiac or stomach. With such a complication, a sharp stabbing pain occurs, transforming into nausea. The patient has black dots before his eyes, he may lose consciousness. Any diseases of the stomach and esophagus, accompanied by vomiting or loss of consciousness, require hospitalization.

Sudden and sharp pain indicates a myocardial infarction

In some cases, severe cardiac discomfort occurs against the background of prolonged angina pectoris. In addition to pain, the patient may feel dizzy.

How to distinguish the symptoms of cardiac ischemia and signs of an ulcer of the cardiac region? With ischemia, discomfort occurs during physical activity, more often in the daytime or in the evening. The pain has a compressive, less often - aching character, lasts up to half an hour. With an ulcer, discomfort occurs in the morning when the stomach is empty. The discomfort is of a sucking or pressing nature, lasting for several hours or all day.

What to do with heart pain?

A person who has a sharp heart attack needs to be given first aid. For minor diseases, you can try medication and alternative methods of treatment. Any therapy should be agreed with the doctor.

First aid

If the heart suddenly hurts, then you should immediately stop physical activity and calm down. A person should sit down, loosen or remove outer clothing and squeezing accessories (belt, tie, necklace). It is advisable to sit in a comfortable chair or lie down on the bed. Such methods are suitable if the heart aches due to overload.

The patient must have his blood pressure measured. For readings above 100 mm Hg, one tablet of nitroglycerin should be placed under the tongue and wait until it is completely absorbed. First aid is especially effective for angina pectoris. If these methods do not help, then you need to call an ambulance.

With ischemic stroke, first aid can also be provided. To do this, gently turn the victim to one side, cover with a warm blanket and apply ice or a cold object to his forehead. You can not use ammonia to bring a person to his senses. If clinical death is suspected, it is necessary to give the patient a heart massage.

If there is a sharp pain in the heart, a person needs to ensure peace

What to do with pain in the heart of a teenager? At the age of 14-17 years, tachycardia (an increase in heart rate over 90 beats per minute) is normal. With tachycardia, minor pain, dizziness, and less often nausea can be observed. If a teenager has serious deviations, then he should be taken to a therapist. It is this doctor who will conduct an initial examination and refer the patient to the right specialist.

Pharmacy preparations

Over-the-counter medications help with minor pain. It should be understood that all serious diseases are treated under the close supervision of a doctor. The following medicines help to get rid of pain in the heart:

  1. Corvalol (drops). A sedative used for congestion and nervous conditions. Available in the form of drops. Not approved for use by lactating women. Take 15 to 50 drops at a time. The drug should be dripped into a small amount of water and drunk after meals. Recommended dose for tachycardia: 45 drops. The cost of Corvalol: about 50-70 rubles.
  2. Validol (tablets). Another sedative that dilates blood vessels. The drug is used for angina pectoris, cardialgia, neuroses. Daily dose: 1 tablet no more than 3 times a day. A positive effect should occur within 5-10 minutes after using the medication. In the absence of a pronounced effect on the second day of using the medication, therapy should be stopped. The cost of the drug: from 50 rubles per pack.
  3. Aspirin cardio (tablets). A medicine that helps with angina pectoris (in particular, unstable), cerebrovascular accidents. It is used more often for the prevention of various heart diseases. The tool relieves cardiac pain of varying severity. The drug should be used 1 time per day. Tablets should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women. The cost of the medication: from 80 rubles.
  4. Piracetam (ampoules). With the help of this drug, injections can be given. The remedy is effective in coronary heart disease. It has a nootropic effect. It is necessary to use the drug carefully, since at the very beginning of treatment, injections are administered both intravenously and intramuscularly. It should be done 2-3 injections per day, the daily dose of the drug is 300-400 mg. Course of treatment: at least 7 days. The cost of funds: from 45 rubles.

If a person becomes ill after taking medication, then it is worth completely changing the course of treatment. The drugs should have a positive effect after a maximum of 2-3 days of use. The injections have a cumulative effect, so they can work for 4-5 days.

Corvalol is a common sedative

Folk remedies

With pain in the heart, you need to use various methods of therapy. It is worth giving up smoking, alcohol, harmful and fatty foods. Patients often need to be in the air, it is desirable to go to nature. It is also worth isolating yourself from psycho-emotional stress. Otherwise, serious problems cannot be avoided, since all negative factors affect the heart.

Valerian, hawthorn and motherwort

A soothing blend that will help with aching and pressing pain caused by stress. To prepare the solution, you need to pour a glass of warm water and add a few drops of valerian, motherwort and hawthorn to it. The tincture can be drunk 2 times a day. It helps relieve stress and relieve cardiac discomfort.

Valerian tincture will help relieve pain

Motherwort, hawthorn and wild rose

The mixture will help strengthen blood vessels and stabilize the work of the heart. You will need to take 1.5 liters of boiled water, 1 tablespoon of wild rose, 2 tablespoons of motherwort and 5 tablespoons of hawthorn. The result is a solution that is enough for several days. It should be taken 1-2 times a day for half a cup. The mixture does not help treat serious heart diseases, but it provides powerful prevention and relieves pain.

Motherwort will help stabilize the work of the heart

Pumpkin juice and honey

Pumpkin juice with honey should be taken for cardiovascular pathologies. The ingredients must be mixed in proportions of 3: 1. In order for the mixture to work well, it must be drunk at night. You can also take a nut mixture with raisins, as it helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Pumpkin juice is good for the cardiovascular system

Can you drink coffee when your heart hurts?

There is a list of factors in the presence of which drinking coffee is categorically not recommended. It should not be used by pensioners and children. Adolescents should also limit their frequent drinking of coffee and coffee-containing drinks. For people with hypertension, this drink is strictly prohibited.

It is forbidden to drink coffee for people with hypertension

Various studies have proven that nothing happens to a person suffering from cardiac diseases after coffee. At the same time, you can drink no more than 1-2 cups per day, depending on age and condition. Coffee should not contain sugar and be too strong. It is also worth noting that the regular use of this drink reduces immunity.

Why you need to pay attention to additional symptoms. What to do when heart pain occurs, and which specialist to contact.

The heart is a vital organ connected with all organs and tissues through a system of blood vessels and nerve plexuses. Therefore, pain in the part of the chest where it is located is always perceived as a signal of cardiac pathology. But it is only 60–70% of such a sign. About 30-40% of pains are of non-cardiac origin and are associated with the pathology of other systems.

It is possible to completely stop (relieve) pain in the heart, but this is not enough to get rid of the causative disease of which they are a symptom. In order to solve this problem, you need to contact a specialist who has the most knowledge about the origin of heart pain. This could be a cardiologist, internist or family doctor.

Characteristics of pain in cardiac pathology

The heart can hurt in different ways - it presses, pricks, aches, burns, bakes; and with different strengths - from mild discomfort to intense, pronounced pain. Localization can also be different, but always corresponds to the location of the heart: the region of the sternum, the left half of the chest and the areas located next to it (the left half of the neck, shoulder, shoulder blade, paravertebral and interscapular region).

If it presses

The most common pain that occurs in cardiac pathology is pressing (in 95–99%). It indicates a violation of blood circulation in the coronary arteries, ischemic disease and angina pectoris.

Its typical characteristics are:

  • It is provoked and intensified by any physical activity, experience or psycho-emotional stress.
  • It is localized clearly behind the sternum or to the left of it.
  • Can give to the left hand and shoulder blade.
  • Accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath and weakness.
  • Passes at rest after the termination of loadings or reception of nitroglycerin.

Similar manifestations are possible with inflammatory myocardial damage - myocarditis. Additional criteria listed in the table will help distinguish angina pectoris from inflammation.

If it bakes

Pain behind the sternum or in the left side of the chest can be acute, burning. Patients say that their heart hurts, as if baking, burning in the chest. Such characteristics of the pain syndrome in 95–99% indicate a particularly dangerous cardiac pathology:

1. Myocardial infarction

  • Bakes behind the sternum and gives to the left half of the neck, shoulder blade, shoulder.
  • It occurs suddenly or after a previous pressing pain more often during physical or psycho-emotional stress.
  • Accompanied by a drop in pressure, palpitations, sweating, fear of death, marked shortness of breath.
  • Symptoms are not relieved by taking painkillers or nitroglycerin.

2. Pulmonary embolism

This is a blockage of the vessels of the lungs by blood clots that enter them from the veins of the lower extremities. According to the characteristics of pain and clinical manifestations, the disease is difficult to distinguish from myocardial infarction (they are almost identical).

3. Dissecting aortic aneurysm

With this pathology, there is a rupture of an abnormally enlarged section of the largest vessel of the body close to the place of exit from the heart.

Burning pain is similar to a heart attack, but:

  • rarely gives to the left half of the body;
  • accompanied by pain between the shoulder blades in the spine;
  • arises and intensifies after a previous episode of high blood pressure.

With acute burning pain in the heart, first of all, you need to think about the most serious illnesses that can end in death if the patient is not provided with emergency care.

If it hurts

Stitching pain is not specific to heart disease, but in 20-25% it can indicate them. It can be:

  1. Myocarditis.
  2. Pericarditis.
  3. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  4. Response of the cardiovascular system to stress and neurosis.
  5. A developing aortic aneurysm.
  6. Mitral and aortic valve defects.

If stabbing sensations are associated with these diseases, they are:

  • constant and do not depend on the position of the body or certain movements (turning or tilting the torso, raising the arm);
  • may be aggravated by walking or psycho-emotional stress;
  • accompanied by general weakness or irritability;
  • heartbeat is fast or the rhythm is disturbed;
  • may increase with deep inspiration.

About 80% of stabbing pains in the region of the heart are a symptom of conditions not associated with cardiac pathology.

If there is pain or discomfort

Aching pain and discomfort in the heart are the most non-specific varieties of cardialgia, according to the characteristics of which it is impossible to find out what they are associated with and what to do with them. They equally often testify both to the fact that the heart hurts, and to diseases of other organs and systems (muscles and nerves, lungs and pleura, stomach and esophagus). Therefore, it is impossible to focus only on them. The main attention should be paid to the general condition, age of the patient, and other manifestations that are characteristic of cardiac pathology:

  • acceleration, slowing down or interruptions in the rhythm;
  • shortness of breath and feeling short of breath;
  • swelling in the legs;
  • pressure drops (increase or decrease).

All these symptoms, combined with aching pain or discomfort in the heart, can indicate any of its diseases: from harmless secondary cardialgia in healthy people against the background of body overload to a painless form of myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism. To establish the true cause, it is necessary to do examinations, the volume of which can only be decided by a specialist (cardiologist, therapist, family doctor).

If not the heart, then what?

In general, pains localized in the region of the heart - behind the sternum and the anterior surface of the left half of the chest, in 30% indicate the pathology of this organ. They may be caused by the lesions described in the table.

To understand exactly why pains in the heart arose, pay attention not only to their nature (acute, burning, aching, etc.), but also to other existing symptoms. But remember that they are not always interconnected, as they can be combined manifestations of different diseases in one person (for example, pathology of the esophagus and coronary disease or pleuropneumonia and intercostal neuralgia).

Diagnosis: main features of cardiac and non-cardiac pain

The table describes the most common criteria and signs by which you can determine what the pain in the region of the heart is connected with - with its defeat or not. This data will help you understand what to do with a sick person and whether he needs emergency care.

  • shortness of breath or shortness of breath;
  • palpitations or interruptions;
  • high or low pressure;
  • sweating and weakness;
  • general disorder.
  • curvature and crunch of the spine;
  • cough and fever;
  • heartburn, feeling sour in the mouth;
  • belching, abdominal discomfort;
  • the general condition is rarely disturbed.

What to do, how to help

If you don't know the cause of the pain

If you cannot determine what causes heart pain - regardless of the cause of their occurrence, do the following:

  1. Do not panic, calm down, do not be nervous, breathe smoothly and shallowly.
  2. Physical rest - it is better to lie down or sit down so that the body is slightly elevated, in extreme cases, just stand if you feel that you will not fall.
  3. Access to fresh air - on the street, simply unfasten the top buttons or tie, which can squeeze the neck and chest, in the room, additionally open a window, window or door.
  4. Measure your heart rate and blood pressure whenever possible. If the pulse rate is above 90–95 or less than 55–60 per minute, and the pressure is above 140/90 mm Hg. Art. or below 100/60 (more or less than your usual numbers) - call an ambulance (phone 103), as there is a high probability of serious heart disease.
  5. If after a few minutes the pain does not decrease, take an anesthetic (Ketanov, Panadol, Imet, Diclofenac) in combination with Aspirin or chew and place only Aspirin under the tongue.
  6. If after 15-20 minutes the pain in the heart does not go away or intensifies, this may indicate a heart attack - call an ambulance. This can be done when it first appeared, if the pain is burning, severe, accompanied by shortness of breath, pallor and sweating of the skin, a sense of fear of death, high or low pressure.

For any cardiac or non-cardiac pain in the chest, in no case should you take Citramon, Copacil or other drugs containing caffeine!

If you know the cause of the pain

If you know the presumptive or exact cause of pain in the heart, in addition to the main measures, you need to do the following:

  1. For angina pectoris:
  • take Nitroglycerin under the tongue;
  • chew Cardiomagnyl or another drug containing acetylsalicylic acid;
  • with normal or elevated pressure and pulse, you can take beta-blockers (Metoprolol, Bisoprolol, Nebival);
  • persistence of pain for more than 30 minutes is a reason to call an ambulance;
  • if the pain goes away, contact your cardiologist, internist or family doctor.
  1. With myocarditis and pericarditis, all that can be done at the first stage of help is to take painkillers. Be sure to contact a cardiologist and the sooner the better.
  2. For intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis or other problems with the spine, take painkillers (Analgin, Diclofenac, Dolaren, Nimid) and consult a neurologist.
  3. For problems with the stomach and esophagus, stick to a diet, for pain, you can take Omez, Famotidine, Maalox, Motorix, Motilium. For specialized help, contact a gastroenterologist.

Pain in the heart area is a symptom of diseases not only of the heart. Whenever it appears, it is first of all necessary to exclude its pathology (this condition is the most dangerous and most often requires emergency medical care).

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Severe pain in the heart

Chest pain can be a symptom of a wide variety of diseases, and it does not always indicate a sick heart, because it can be the cause of other diseases. How can you distinguish pain in the heart, because pain in this area can manifest itself as a result of trauma, diseases of the digestive and respiratory systems, the musculoskeletal system, as well as neurological disorders.

That is why it is so important to know how to distinguish heart pain from other diseases. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, however, some signs will help to figure out what exactly hurts the heart.

Pain in cardiac diseases

An attack of angina pectoris

How to distinguish an attack of angina pectoris from other heart diseases? In this case, the pain may appear behind the sternum, it sometimes has a cutting, more often squeezing, and in some cases, an acute or dull character. There is such pain in the place where the heart is located. A person is not able to determine the exact location of the pain, so he can put his hand on the entire chest at once. Such pain can be given to the neck, jaw, left arm, or even between the shoulder blades.

Such pain often occurs during strong physical exertion, emotional overstrain, during the exit from a warm room into the cold, at night and when eating. When the heart hurts, discomfort can last from a couple of seconds to twenty minutes. Often, the patient freezes in place, he may begin to feel short of breath, shortness of breath, a feeling of panic. Immediately after taking nitroglycerin, the patient may feel better, discomfort can pass, both partially and completely. Pain in the heart does not depend on inhalation or exhalation, as well as the position of the body.

myocardial infarction

How to distinguish an approaching heart attack? This condition is characterized by the occurrence of a sharp pain in the heart, carrying a burning or pressing character. It can give to the left side of the back or chest. A person has a feeling that there is an extremely large load on his heart. A person may experience an inexplicable feeling of fear. During a heart attack, there is an increase in breathing, while the patient cannot lie down, he wants to sit down.

Unlike the previous disease, angina pectoris, the pain during a heart attack is incredibly strong and can be even worse when moving. It cannot be stopped with conventional medicines for the cores.

Inflammatory heart disease

Pain in the heart can appear as a result of the formation of inflammatory processes, such as pericarditis and myocarditis. During myocarditis, the sensations are about the same as with angina pectoris, the main symptoms are stabbing or aching pain that radiates to the neck and left shoulder, a feeling of pressure behind the sternum, usually on the left side. The pain is almost always continuous and prolonged, and may become worse during exercise. It does not go away even after taking nitroglycerin.

The patient may experience asthma attacks, shortness of breath during physical work, and also with the onset of night, pain in the joints and swelling may occur. Signs of pericarditis include dull moderate monotonous pain and high fever. Pain can be localized in the left side of the chest, usually just above the heart, as well as in the left shoulder blade and the left side of the abdomen. They become stronger when coughing, when breathing deeply, when lying down and when changing the position of the body.

Aortic diseases

As a result of an aortic aneurysm, pain in the upper chest area can occur, the duration of which can be several days, and it is associated with physical effort. It does not go away after taking nitroglycerin, but it is not able to give to other parts of the body. This can cause loss of consciousness, and needs urgent help.

Pulmonary embolism

The initial stage of such a serious disease manifests itself as severe pain in the chest area, which becomes stronger when inhaling. It is quite similar to pain during angina pectoris, but is not able to give to other parts of the body. After taking painkillers, it does not become smaller. The patient's heart rate increases and he experiences severe shortness of breath. The skin becomes bluish, there is a rapid decrease in pressure. The condition requires urgent hospitalization.

Pain of non-cardiac origin

Neuralgia intercostal

Very often, intercostal neuralgia is mistaken for pain in the heart. It is actually very similar to angina, but there are significant differences. Neuralgia is characterized by shooting sharp pain, which becomes stronger when turning the body, moving, laughing, coughing, inhaling and exhaling.

In some cases, the pain lets go quickly, but sometimes its duration reaches several hours, or even days, becoming only stronger with sudden movements. Neuralgia is localized, exactly on the right or on the left between the ribs, while it is capable of giving pain to the heart, spine, back or lower back. Usually the person feels the exact location of the pain.


During an exacerbation of thoracic osteochondrosis, a person begins to feel pain in the region of the heart, which begins to radiate to the back, up the abdomen, shoulder blade, becoming stronger during breathing and movement. Often there is a feeling of numbness in the left arm and the area between the ribs. Most people mistake this condition for angina, especially if the pain occurs at night and is accompanied by a feeling of fear. It is possible to distinguish this disease from angina pectoris by the fact that after taking nitroglycerin it does not become easier.

Diseases of the digestive organs

The sensation of pain in the chest area appears most often as a result of muscle spasms of the walls of the stomach. In order to determine their history, you should look for accompanying symptoms such as vomiting, heartburn, and nausea. In their duration, they are longer than cardiac ones and differ in some features. They may depend on food intake: for example, occur on an empty stomach and disappear after eating. With such pain, nitroglycerin is completely useless, but antispasmodics help.

The acute form of pancreatitis is characterized by severe pain that may in some cases feel like heart pain. The condition may resemble an approaching heart attack, with vomiting and nausea appearing in both cases. It is almost impossible to relieve symptoms at home.

During spasms of the bile ducts and gallbladder, it may seem that the heart hurts. Although the gallbladder and liver are located on the right side, when severe pain occurs, it begins to radiate to the left side of the chest. In this case, you can stop the pain with the help of antispasmodics.

Very strongly resembles angina pain in the presence of a hernia in the esophagus. Usually it occurs with the onset of night, when a person arrives in a horizontal position. As soon as a person assumes an upright position, there is a sharp improvement in the condition.

central nervous system

In the case of disorders of the central nervous system, prolonged and frequent pains in the chest area, namely on the upper side of the heart, can be noted. The patient may describe his symptoms in different ways, but in most cases, it is aching continuous pain, in some cases it is short-term or acute.

Pain in neurosis is always accompanied by irritability, sleep disturbance, anxiety and other manifestations of disorders of the autonomic system. In this case, it is recommended to take sleeping pills or a sedative. A similar picture appears at the time of the onset of menopause. In some situations, cardioneurosis is difficult to distinguish from coronary artery disease, since in both cases there may be no changes on the ECG.

In summarizing

In any case, the patient is advised to consult a doctor. Even a qualified doctor without a proper examination is not able to make an accurate diagnosis, based only on the pain of the patient. In addition, each of the diseases may have atypical symptoms.


The pains are so strong that the ambulance goes, but every time the cardiogram is normal. It was so twisted once that they took me to the hospital to check troponins - they were normal. Ultrasound did - no crime. I have osteochondrosis of three sections of the spine, but it hurts me differently (constant pain between the shoulder blades, discomfort in the neck and lower back). And these shots are unexpected, sharp. The worst thing is that the pain sometimes increases on EXHAUST, and not inhalation, and this, they say, is a heart attack.

What if this is unstable angina pectoris, and it does not go away from massage, but just a short-term attack?

I think that all these shootings are manifestations of neurosis. You just read the hell out of what and now you are inventing horror stories for yourself. Therefore, all doctors never find anything.

In addition to lumbago, there is a pain behind the sternum that squeezes like a fist for 3-5 seconds during excitement. I really really hope that it is psychogenic (at best) or from the spine or gastroenterological diseases (there are 8 diagnoses, confirmed objectively, but it all hurts in a completely different way).

And after all, once he was not afraid of anything - he was wounded, and shell-shocked, and went to the knife, was engaged in very traumatic martial arts, parachuting was like a drug. All do not care was. But here is THIS. It's like betraying your body.

It started some time after an operation on the abdomen, after which he did not recover and did not return to the sport. So I'm not afraid if even a larger man with a knife jumps on me - they passed, I'll work him out. With any lads I can dobazar without nerves. It would seem - everything passed.

And when these shootings - even if you understand with your mind that this happened and passed 100 times - some kind of animal horror.

I have never experienced this in my life, only as a child, when they made fun of me and said that my mother was killed, and she just went to the store. Such fear was only then.

And backache in an absolutely calm state. If I'm on edge, then the maximum is a natural tachycardia, this is normal.

Along the way, it became calmer when I realized this.

Possible causes of stabbing pain in the heart

Pain in the heart can have a different character. Often patients complain of stabbing pains. As a rule, it is they who give people special anxiety. At the same time, experts believe that stabbing pain in the region of the heart is not always a sign of coronary diseases. On the contrary, such a symptom is uncharacteristic of most life-threatening cardiac pathologies. It is most often observed in lesions of the spine and nervous system.

As a rule, when complaining of a sharp stabbing pain in the heart, people mean sensations in the left side of the chest. Many are sure that the main organ is on the left. In fact, the heart is located in the middle of the chest, and cardiac pains are usually felt behind the sternum, although they can also be given to the left half. It often happens that people take sharp, dagger pains, which are not dangerous at all, for a heart attack. At the same time, they may miss the really heart symptoms or not take them seriously.

Distinguishing cardiac pain from non-cardiac pain

The following signs may indicate a non-cardiological origin:

  1. They are permanent, while an angina attack lasts no more than a minute.
  2. Usually shooting or piercing. As for the heart, they are pressing, burning, squeezing.
  3. Acute stabbing pains occur with sudden movements, deep inspiration, coughing. Cardiac are usually associated with psycho-emotional and physical stress.
  4. Painful sensations of non-coronary origin, as a rule, do not radiate to the left arm, neck, shoulder blade, jaw, as can be the case with heart disease.

Why does it occur?

The reasons for its appearance are varied.

  1. One of the most common causes is intercostal neuralgia, which is often mistaken for a heart attack. The disease is characterized by severe pain, stabbing or piercing, which lasts from several minutes to several days.
  2. Another common cause is neurotic conditions. In addition, a person may complain of a lump in the throat, shortness of breath, nausea, palpitations, irritability, and stomach pain. The patient usually emotionally talks about his state of health and considers himself seriously ill. As a rule, this is possible with severe stress, as well as impressionable people who worry about every occasion and react sharply to any troubles.
  3. Stitching pain in the region of the heart may appear with diseases of the spine. Sometimes with osteochondrosis there are symptoms of heart disease, namely irradiation to the arm, shoulder blade.

Diagnosis in the event of pain in the chest

In some cases, it is a sign of heart disease:

  • Heart attack. A symptom of a heart attack can be pain of this nature. She, in addition, gives to the back, left arm, throat, jaw. The patient develops nausea and heartburn, cold sweat appears, loss of consciousness is possible.
  • Angina. In this case, this symptom may appear due to spasms of the coronary vessels and as a result of insufficient blood flow to the pericardium.
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is characterized by thickening of the walls of the left or right ventricle, may also have such a symptom.
  • Pericarditis is an inflammatory disease of the outer lining of the heart. The causative agents can be bacteria, viruses, fungi. Pericarditis is traumatic and allergic, can develop against the background of malignant tumors and after taking corticosteroid drugs.

Stitching pains in children

Particular attention should be paid to the complaints of children. They have periodic stabbing pain in the heart for other reasons, unlike adults. In this case, the child must be carefully examined. The following pathologies can be detected:

  • congenital heart defects;
  • pericarditis;
  • rheumatic heart disease after angina;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • disorders of the coronary circulation;
  • neurosis.

What to do?

Most often, stabbing pain in the heart, even severe, is in no way associated with a dangerous heart disease and is not life threatening. To find out the cause, in any case, you will have to consult a doctor who will prescribe an examination and treatment. With this symptom, a differential diagnosis is required.

An ambulance needs to be called if there is a suspicion of a heart attack or an angina attack. Once again, it should be said that in these cases such pain rarely occurs. Acute heart attack is characterized by pressing pains in the chest, radiating to the back, left arm, neck, jaw. In addition, with a heart attack, shortness of breath, heartburn, nausea, and discomfort in the stomach are observed. With angina pectoris, the pain is usually burning or bursting, while not sharp, but dull.

Pain suddenly appears, rises to the chest area, rolls up to the throat, I try to drink water, the pain, I feel, disappears after 10 minutes.

You seem to have heartburn due to dietary errors.

Sometimes it was as if they pierced me with a spear through and through - they stuck it in the chest on the left and it came out somewhere under the shoulder blade. So it hurts for 10-15 minutes, but the pain is tolerable, then it goes away on its own. I don’t take any medications, but such minutes have become more frequent, I thought, what is it??

No need to invent anything, go through an examination, at least an ECG. According to the results, it will be possible to exclude the narrowing of the coronary arteries and its consequences.

I have the same.

It only hurts longer, 30-40 minutes.

I did an EKG and everything seems to be fine. There was a sharp pain first near the ribs, then near the shoulder blade, he had intercostal neuralgia. Can you suggest what it is?

It was like a knife through my heart. I drank Corvalol and went to cardiologists many times, but they did not respond. The ambulance had to be called many times. One day, someone from the ambulance told me to undergo an examination by a neurologist. It turned out that this was due to a lack of calcium. It can also happen when something is blown out of you or you suddenly somehow don’t like it so much.

A second sharp pain in the left side of the chest, ECG is normal, tachycardia, yesterday there was an attack once, today 5 times, from fear (pressure immediately rises), I think so, and WHAT IS IT?

You colorfully describe the hypertensive crisis. It does not matter that the pressure figures do not reach 200. I advise you to take an analysis for hormones in order to check the functioning of the thyroid gland.

It hurts in the heart area, colitis, I'm 20 years old, it hurts a little and goes away, what should I do?

The pain appears suddenly. Unable to inhale and exhale?

I periodically have a very sharp sharp pain from the foot of the left leg and in the left side of the chest, as if a vein was pulled out, the pain lasts a moment, but before the pain was weaker, and recently it has been very sharp and more painful. Please tell me what it is and which specialist should I contact?

My husband sometimes has a sharp pain in the region of the heart. How can I deal with this?

Hello. I am 31 years old and have never seen a doctor in my entire life. And recently began to worry about pain in the left side of the chest, closer to the armpit. The pain is sharp, stabbing and short-lived - not more than seconds, but strong enough to not be able to move. After a sharp pain for some time, a slight aching, radiates to the left arm (feeling as if I could not straighten my arm to the end). I would appreciate an explanation.

Hello. I am 22 years old, severe sharp pains that do not allow me to move in my back, sometimes in the chest, heart. Worried from time to time, from the senior classes addressed. A year ago, of necessity, the pain is stronger than before. They said tachycardia without pathological changes, prescribed a course of 40 days with valerian and panangin, adhered to, they said - it will pass. I still go with valerian in my pocket so as not to spoil important moments in life. Is it worth it to apply a second time, maybe something was missed?

I am 24 years old, I have had colitis for 3 days and, as if with contractions under my left breast, I am afraid that it is my heart. In the spring I had intercostal neuralgia. The EKG is normal.

From time to time there is a short pain on the verge of patience in the fingers of the left hand, moreover, the feeling is as if it moves to the tip of the finger and disappears when it is reached. Tell me, what could it be.

The second day is a sharp, prickling pain on the left under the ribs in the region of the heart. Do not inhale, do not exhale, do not lie down, do not laugh. When I stand for a long time, my head moves off, my legs do not hold. I'll sit, it seems better. The doctor's appointment is only two weeks later. Tell me how dangerous it can be. I'm 29. Thank you.

To calm the soul, you need to do a cardiogram, and for help you need to go to a vertebrologist.

Stitching (increasing when inhaling) sensations in the region of the heart, give to the left side of the chest, disappear after 4-7 seconds. Such sensations occur 2-3 times a week, sometimes less often. What could it be?

Pain in the chest on the left side of the 4th day, it hurts to cough, it hurts to breathe deeply, it hurts to lean forward, there is a slight pain in the arm, but there is a stabbing pain. Tell me, tell me please.

Hello, I used to have dizziness, I was in the hospital, after which they discovered “Mitral valve prolapse of the second degree”, at the moment I am suffering from pain in my heart, are these consequences? Please tell me.16 years old.

There were two heart attacks. I could not help but speak, not breathe, it hurt in the middle of my chest. Has passed or has taken place after Noshpa's tablets. The second time I couldn't sleep. While I was sitting it was easier, as I lay down, the middle of my chest hurt. Gone after heart drops. Now interruptions in the heart. What can I have.

How can you be so careless about your health? you need to see a doctor and be examined, your most important organ and such an attitude towards it.

At rest, rare but very acute colic in the region of the heart. What is this?

Hello, tell me, pain in the heart when inhaling, coughing, and when you just lie down, it gives a little to the back, the head hurts, the pressure is low, pain in the temples.

Tell me, does the heart hurt, colitis, burns, pain suddenly appears, maybe it's from stress?

It hurts in the region of the heart, sometimes colitis, gives to the arm and back. What could it be? 16 years.

Hello, when I take a deep breath, I have colitis in the heart area, what is wrong with me? I'm 19 and don't want to get sick.

Hello, cutting pains in the region of the heart, at the slightest exertion, when laughing, when bending down to wash the floor, at the slightest excitement. Also, when excited, there is no possibility of exhalation and sigh. The pain is also in the left forearm. Taking heart drops - the pain instantly goes away. Please, is there any answer to my complaints.

It's strange for me. ECG is normal. On echography, they saw PMC and tachycardia, I suffer from pressure. It is either 90/60 or 140/80. And in recent months, there was a sharp stabbing pain in the region of the heart, an arrhythmia appears. I run an ecg, but everything is within the normal range.

For 2 weeks now, the pain in the region of the heart has become more frequent, especially at night. When the pressure rises above 140 or falls below 100 mm.r. With. I am 66 years old. I had a heart attack 3 years ago, I have 4 stents. The pressure jumps from the weather in the suburbs - I can’t stabilize it, and my nerves are far from the same. 26. 12. 2017

Piercing pain in the region of the heart. As they pierced with a bayonet, the left shoulder and left side hurt. Feeling very tired after three days of lying down. Relatives took him to the cardiology center, where he was diagnosed with a heart attack. Heart hurts donate blood ALT and AST (I can confuse letters) these indicators of blood ejection during a heart attack. And never trust one result! Take an ECG in different clinics. Take an echogram a couple of times. Believe me, 250 for an ECG and 600 for an echo, not so much money compared to health.

After the sea, when bending over, it hurts over the heart. The pain rises to the throat, and I straighten up -

Periodically there are stabbing pains in the region of the heart, as if breathing is stopped, if a sigh, then something bad seems and it is hard to sigh. with small calm exhalations - with sighs I help myself. Possibly out of nerves :(

I am 32 years old. I have a constant mild aching pain in the region of the heart for two weeks. Started after a stressful experience. Sometimes, once a day approximately, sharply and strongly pricks. Tell me, please, what can it be?

I have sharp pains in the region of the heart when inhaling and gives away to the left arm. What could it be??

Signs of a heart attack. Contact a cardiologist, do not delay!

Periodically (once a day, a week, maybe two or three times a day, in different ways) there is a strong stabbing pain in the region of the heart, more often in a sitting position, I can’t move and breathe normally, because. the pain sharply increases. The duration is short (up to 1.2 minutes), then I slowly warm up. According to the cardiograms, the norm, ultrasound, there are only two deviations from the norm - the right ventricle 3.0 and the septum 1.5. What can it be and where to turn for help?

32 years old, started about 10 years ago, but then it didn’t really bother, now it has become more frequent.

A sharp pain in the region of the heart, like a knife, and reverberated throughout the head, like needles.

Yesterday it was and today: a sharp pain in the left side, where the ribs are near the chest, as if you can’t breathe, it lets go for a couple of seconds, then this doesn’t continue during the day, it’s the first time, I’m still pregnant.

Hello! Tell me, please, over the past 2 months I have had sharp pain 3 times, from which I can’t breathe, I can’t move for 5 minutes from the back and in front of the middle a little to the left, and after that the pain on the left side of the body for several days, which had happened before , thank you ☺

Hello everyone. Tell me plz. Pain under the left breast in the region of the heart. Pains are sudden, stabbing. They have been tormenting me for two years, I passed all the tests. We checked everything that is possible, in two years I passed tests twice, I will soon begin to glow at night like a light bulb from such an amount of enlightenment. There are no results. They can't find anything. Now they are going back for an MRI. Tell me, maybe someone came across. Thanks in advance.

I have a prickly pain in my left side, left breast above and behind my shoulder blades in my left back. It hurts all day, sometimes it doesn't. If I raise my left hand, turn around and move, it hurts a lot.