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Balanoposthitis in dogs is treated at home. Treatment by an experienced veterinarian. Treatment of advanced cases of balanoposthitis

A male dog of any breed may develop a characteristic disease of the genital organ called balanoposthitis. This disease is an inflammatory process of the head of the penis, foreskin and preputial sac. Balanoposthitis is more common in large breed dogs, but it can also occur in small dogs.

Balanoposthitis refers to veterinary diseases that have different provoking factors, occurring in acute and chronic forms. The disease can cause the dog only mild discomfort, or seriously threaten his health and bring severe pain. Today we will figure out how to diagnose balanoposthitis in a pet, how to treat it and what preventive measures to take so that the animal does not encounter this disease.

Balanoposthitis in dogs

Unlike many diseases that have differential symptoms in animals, that is, similar symptoms for different diseases, balanoposthitis has completely characteristic signs that cannot be confused with anything else. Note that only males are susceptible to the disease, so owners of females may not try to look for alarming symptoms in their pet. With balanaposthitis, the foreskin (skin covering the head of the genital organ), called the prepuce in males, becomes inflamed.

Usually the disease occurs in older animals; puppies are extremely rarely affected by this disease. But the moment of puberty and age from ten months and older is the time when the dog can get balanoposthitis. How does this disease manifest itself?

Balanoposthitis can cause extremely painful sensations for a dog.

Symptoms depend on the severity and form of balanoposthitis; in general, the following signs are distinguished:

  1. Discharge from the prepuce is purulent in nature (can be yellow, light or dark green, whitish).
  2. The male is worried, constantly sniffing and licking his genitals.
  3. Inflammations, follicular formations, and swelling appear at the base and on the genital organ itself.
  4. The foreskin appears swollen, inflamed, and becomes reddish or bright pink.
  5. The head of the genital organ may become covered with spots, cracks, ulcers, and peel off.
  6. When urinating, bloody discharge is possible, and the urine takes on a pinkish tint.
  7. The male shows no interest in females, even if he was brought for mating at the height of the bitch's estrus.
  8. In advanced cases, refusal of food, activity, fever is possible.
  9. The animal is lethargic, lies down more and moves less than usual.

Causes of balanoposthitis in males

According to veterinarians, in adult males, mild balanoposthitis can appear spontaneously, without bringing the animal any special torment and without posing a danger to its health and life. The most curious thing is that such an “unexpected” ailment has a tendency to spontaneous healing. Often, dog owners do not notice the course of the disease if it passes after two or three days.

However, there are more serious factors that provoke the course of balanoposthitis in severe forms. In this case, the dog may even die. The fact is that the infection often passes from the preputial sac to the testes, which can result not only in the complete sterility of the dog, but also in orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and in the worst case, peritonitis.

Orchitis in dogs: causes

The most common cause of balanoposthitis is pathogenic microflora spreading to the foreskin area. This happens due to microtraumas of the genital organ (scratches, tears in the mucous membrane, insect bites, injuries received by the animal while running or fighting).

The spread of inflammation due to injury is not the only factor causing balanoposthitis. The causes of the disease can also be a narrowing of the foreskin, when the penis is not exposed (phimosis), allergic reactions, tumors, or a foreign object (for example, dirt or an insect) entering the preputial sac or genital organ. Among the provoking causes are also called damage to the mucous membrane by a fungus, viral and bacterial infections, sexually transmitted diseases (during mating).

Another factor contributing to the development of balanoposthitis is sexual heat in males. According to statistics, the disease occurs in almost 95 percent of uncastrated animals.

Depending on the cause of the disease, balanoposthitis can develop almost asymptomatically or in a mild form, or it can rapidly develop into a severe phase, when intervention by a veterinarian is necessary.

A severe form of the disease must be managed by a veterinarian

Table. Forms of balanoposthitis in males

Easy (simple)Symptoms are scant, the animal practically does not notice the disease, characteristic manifestations include slight discharge from the prepuce, increased attention of the dog to the genital organ
AggravatedA severe inflammatory process that develops throughout the day. Abundant purulent discharge from the prepuce, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and groin of the animal. Possible increase in body temperature
ChronicIf dog owners ignore treatment for acute balanaposthitis, the disease can become chronic. Characterized by a constant flow of discharge from the genitourinary canal, deterioration in the general condition of the animal, loss of weight, appetite, activity
ErosivePurulent erosions appear on the genital organ and mucous membrane of the prepuce, which spontaneously (or due to the licking of the dog) open, turning into bleeding ulcers
Ulcerative-purulentComplicated erosive form - if the disease is neglected, the ulcers on the genital organ will not only not heal on their own, but will also turn into large damaged areas prone to suppuration. This form is considered dangerous to the animal's life.
GangrenousThe most difficult stage, which only an extremely cruel and irresponsible owner can bring an animal to. The gangrenous form of balanoposthitis includes all of the above symptoms. In addition, the dog looks completely sick and refuses any activity (food, walk, affection). At this stage of the disease, the risks of losing the animal are high.

With balanoposthitis, inflammation begins to emanate from the head of the genital organ and the mucous membrane of the foreskin

How is balanoposthitis diagnosed in dogs?

Despite the fact that every owner is capable of conducting an initial examination and suggesting a disease in a dog, competent treatment is impossible without veterinary prescriptions. In addition, the owner may not have enough basic physical capabilities to fully examine the animal, and may not have the necessary knowledge to determine the extent of the lesion and choose a treatment regimen.

Therefore, when the first signs of balanoposthitis are detected, you need to show your pet to a qualified veterinarian who will assess the dog’s condition. During the appointment, the veterinarian will examine the animal (you may need an otoscope or even an endoscope). If a male dog does not allow examination and palpation of the genital organ, which may be due to the nature of the dog or due to excessive pain, the examination is carried out under light sedation.

In addition to examining the animal, the veterinarian may prescribe a number of additional laboratory tests. So, if a specialist suspects that an animal is developing a systemic infection, he can prescribe a urine test, biochemistry and a clinical blood test. Also, if balanoposthitis is suspected, a smear is taken from the genital organ, including for genitourinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

Depending on the results of the examination and the tests obtained, a therapeutic treatment regimen will be prescribed. Note that balanoposthitis responds well to drug treatment, and in non-advanced stages, all manipulations can be carried out at home.

How to treat balanoposthitis in a dog?

If the veterinarian has identified a mild form of balanoposthitis, the treatment will be local, that is, the therapy will be aimed exclusively at the affected organ. As a rule, at the initial stage of the disease, it is enough to wash the preputial sac with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine, which can be purchased at any human pharmacy. This procedure does not require any special skill from the owner and will not cause pain to the pet.

How to wash the genitals of a dog? First of all, you need to warm the rinsing solution to room temperature (in no case higher, so that the animal does not get burned!). Next, oilcloth, an old sheet or a large towel is used. The dog is laid on its side so that the tissue is under the pelvic area.

If the dog is complacent about various types of manipulation, the owner will be able to cope with the procedure on his own; if the pet resists, an assistant will be needed. The animal must be placed on its side, with one hind leg retracted to gain access to the genitals.

The prepuce is carefully pulled upward, carefully pouring the solution into the opening of the foreskin. To do this, you can use a large syringe without a needle, or pour the solution directly from the bottle if it is equipped with a long spout. The procedure must be carried out delicately so as not to cause pain to the pet. After the solution is poured into the preputial sac, you need to squeeze the head of the genital organ and at the same time massage the animal’s perineum.

The next step is to release the animal's genitals and allow the solution to flow out. After washing, you can apply an antibacterial healing ointment, for example, Levomekol, to the mucous membrane. Usually, two or three such washings are also required per day, and after a few days there is a significant improvement, and then the dog’s recovery.

Antibacterial ointment "Levomekol"

Video - Washing a male dog's prepuce

Treatment of advanced balanaposthitis in dogs

Unfortunately, not all forms of the disease imply such an easy, inexpensive and burdensome treatment for both the owner and the dog. If balanoposthitis has already passed into one of the serious stages, then the therapy will be carried out by a veterinarian. The animal may need to be taken to a clinic or left in a hospital.

In this situation, washing (not Chlorhexidine will be used, but veterinary antiseptic solutions) will become only part of the complex treatment. Depending on the overall clinical picture, the animal may require injections of antibiotics or other drugs, possibly droppers. If the underlying cause is phimosis or neoplasms, surgery may be required.

Also, the complex therapy of balanoposthitis may include antiprotozoal drugs, immunomodulators, vitamin supplements and the like.

Prevention of balanoposthitis in dogs

Balanoposthitis is an insidious disease that has a tendency to recur. Therefore, the owner must be attentive to the health of the pet, and, knowing about a possible problem, regularly examine the genital organ in order to timely identify the symptoms of the disease. As a preventative measure, a male dog can have his preputial sac washed a couple of times a week using the method described above. In this situation, the dog does not need to be laid on its side - the procedure can be carried out in the bathroom, while washing the animal, or even place the dog over any convenient container.

In general, the above is enough to prevent the disease. Hygiene, attention to the general condition of the dog and a visit to the veterinarian at the first unpleasant symptoms will allow the owner not to worry about the health of his dog.


Despite the fact that at the initial stage balanoposthitis does not threaten the life of the animal and does not cause severe pain, this disease, like any inflammatory process, negatively affects the general health of the dog. Therefore, treatment must be started as soon as possible from the moment the first symptoms are detected and done strictly under the supervision of a veterinarian. Then your beloved pet will recover faster, and the likelihood of a recurrence of the disease will decrease.

Balanoposthitis in dogs is an inflammation of the glans penis, as well as the prepuce in dogs. This pathology is one of the most common health problems in male dogs.

Causes of the disease

Balanoposthitis in dogs occurs for several reasons.

  1. Allergic reaction. One of the causes of this disease is the pet’s allergy to any irritants.
  2. Decrease in the level of local immunity.


There are several clinical symptoms of this disease.

  1. Appearance of discharge of pus from the prepuce. Possible redness of the mucous membrane of the penis. When touching any objects to the inflamed area, the dog may feel pain.
  2. Follicles at the base of the penis. Bubbles or other neoplasms may appear near the base of this organ.
  3. The occurrence of discharge in the urethra.
  4. The animal can constantly lick the genitals.
  5. Inability or difficulty in urination. Such symptoms can appear at serious stages of the disease.


If the dog has symptoms of balanoposthitis, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. However, if it is not possible to get a doctor's advice, you can treat the dog yourself. To do this, you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Washing the preputal sac. For this procedure, you may need a 20 ml syringe, as well as a solution of chlorhexidine, dioxidine and miramixin.
  2. For the procedure, the animal must be fixed in a position on its side, holding the pet's hind paw. It is necessary to pull the prepuce up and insert the syringe into the hole. It is necessary to inject the solution into the prepuce bag (after removing the needle from the syringe).
  3. The prepuce must be squeezed with your fingers in order to close the hole. It is necessary to massage it with smooth, gentle movements in order to wash off the pathogenic microflora from the mucous membrane.
  4. It is necessary to allow the solution to drain into a previously prepared cuvette.
  5. In the event that the dog has discharge, it is necessary to use an antibacterial ointment (mastiet forte, tetradelta or chilled levomikol).

In the event that after the above actions the pet's condition has not improved, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian for further examination. If balanoposthitis in a dog is recognized in time, deterioration of the reproductive system can be prevented.

A male dog of any breed may develop a characteristic disease of the genital organ called balanoposthitis. This disease is an inflammatory process of the head of the penis, foreskin and preputial sac. Balanoposthitis is more common in large breed dogs, but it can also occur in small dogs.

Balanoposthitis refers to veterinary diseases that have different provoking factors, occurring in acute and chronic forms. The disease can cause the dog only mild discomfort, or seriously threaten his health and bring severe pain. Today we will figure out how to diagnose balanoposthitis in a pet, how to treat it and what preventive measures to take so that the animal does not encounter this disease.

Balanoposthitis in dogs

Unlike many diseases that have differential symptoms in animals, that is, similar symptoms for different diseases, balanoposthitis has completely characteristic signs that cannot be confused with anything else. Note that only males are susceptible to the disease, so owners of females may not try to look for alarming symptoms in their pet. With balanaposthitis, the foreskin (skin covering the head of the genital organ), called the prepuce in males, becomes inflamed.

Usually the disease occurs in older animals; puppies are extremely rarely affected by this disease. But the moment of puberty and age from ten months and older is the time when the dog can get balanoposthitis. How does this disease manifest itself?

Balanoposthitis can cause extremely painful sensations for a dog.

Symptoms depend on the severity and form of balanoposthitis; in general, the following signs are distinguished:

  1. Discharge from the prepuce is purulent in nature (can be yellow, light or dark green, whitish).
  2. The male is worried, constantly sniffing and licking his genitals.
  3. Inflammations, follicular formations, and swelling appear at the base and on the genital organ itself.
  4. The foreskin appears swollen, inflamed, and becomes reddish or bright pink.
  5. The head of the genital organ may become covered with spots, cracks, ulcers, and peel off.
  6. When urinating, bloody discharge is possible, and the urine takes on a pinkish tint.
  7. The male shows no interest in females, even if he was brought for mating at the height of the bitch's estrus.
  8. In advanced cases, refusal of food, activity, fever is possible.
  9. The animal is lethargic, lies down more and moves less than usual.

Causes of balanoposthitis in males

According to veterinarians, in adult males, mild balanoposthitis can appear spontaneously, without bringing the animal any special torment and without posing a danger to its health and life. The most curious thing is that such an “unexpected” ailment has a tendency to spontaneous healing. Often, dog owners do not notice the course of the disease if it passes after two or three days.

However, there are more serious factors that provoke the course of balanoposthitis in severe forms. In this case, the dog may even die. The fact is that the infection often passes from the preputial sac to the testes, which can result not only in the complete sterility of the dog, but also in orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and in the worst case, peritonitis.

Orchitis in dogs: causes

The most common cause of balanoposthitis is pathogenic microflora spreading to the foreskin area. This happens due to microtraumas of the genital organ (scratches, tears in the mucous membrane, insect bites, injuries received by the animal while running or fighting).

The spread of inflammation due to injury is not the only factor causing balanoposthitis. The causes of the disease can also be a narrowing of the foreskin, when the penis is not exposed (phimosis), allergic reactions, tumors, or a foreign object (for example, dirt or an insect) entering the preputial sac or genital organ. Among the provoking causes are also called damage to the mucous membrane by a fungus, viral and bacterial infections, sexually transmitted diseases (during mating).

Another factor contributing to the development of balanoposthitis is sexual heat in males. According to statistics, the disease occurs in almost 95 percent of uncastrated animals.

Depending on the cause of the disease, balanoposthitis can develop almost asymptomatically or in a mild form, or it can rapidly develop into a severe phase, when intervention by a veterinarian is necessary.

A severe form of the disease must be managed by a veterinarian

Table. Forms of balanoposthitis in males

Easy (simple)Symptoms are scant, the animal practically does not notice the disease, characteristic manifestations include slight discharge from the prepuce, increased attention of the dog to the genital organ
AggravatedA severe inflammatory process that develops throughout the day. Abundant purulent discharge from the prepuce, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and groin of the animal. Possible increase in body temperature
ChronicIf dog owners ignore treatment for acute balanaposthitis, the disease can become chronic. Characterized by a constant flow of discharge from the genitourinary canal, deterioration in the general condition of the animal, loss of weight, appetite, activity
ErosivePurulent erosions appear on the genital organ and mucous membrane of the prepuce, which spontaneously (or due to the licking of the dog) open, turning into bleeding ulcers
Ulcerative-purulentComplicated erosive form - if the disease is neglected, the ulcers on the genital organ will not only not heal on their own, but will also turn into large damaged areas prone to suppuration. This form is considered dangerous to the animal's life.
GangrenousThe most difficult stage, which only an extremely cruel and irresponsible owner can bring an animal to. The gangrenous form of balanoposthitis includes all of the above symptoms. In addition, the dog looks completely sick and refuses any activity (food, walk, affection). At this stage of the disease, the risks of losing the animal are high.

With balanoposthitis, inflammation begins to emanate from the head of the genital organ and the mucous membrane of the foreskin

How is balanoposthitis diagnosed in dogs?

Despite the fact that every owner is capable of conducting an initial examination and suggesting a disease in a dog, competent treatment is impossible without veterinary prescriptions. In addition, the owner may not have enough basic physical capabilities to fully examine the animal, and may not have the necessary knowledge to determine the extent of the lesion and choose a treatment regimen.

Therefore, when the first signs of balanoposthitis are detected, you need to show your pet to a qualified veterinarian who will assess the dog’s condition. During the appointment, the veterinarian will examine the animal (you may need an otoscope or even an endoscope). If a male dog does not allow examination and palpation of the genital organ, which may be due to the nature of the dog or due to excessive pain, the examination is carried out under light sedation.

In addition to examining the animal, the veterinarian may prescribe a number of additional laboratory tests. So, if a specialist suspects that an animal is developing a systemic infection, he can prescribe a urine test, biochemistry and a clinical blood test. Also, if balanoposthitis is suspected, a smear is taken from the genital organ, including for genitourinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

Depending on the results of the examination and the tests obtained, a therapeutic treatment regimen will be prescribed. Note that balanoposthitis responds well to drug treatment, and in non-advanced stages, all manipulations can be carried out at home.

How to treat balanoposthitis in a dog?

If the veterinarian has identified a mild form of balanoposthitis, the treatment will be local, that is, the therapy will be aimed exclusively at the affected organ. As a rule, at the initial stage of the disease, it is enough to wash the preputial sac with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine, which can be purchased at any human pharmacy. This procedure does not require any special skill from the owner and will not cause pain to the pet.

How to wash the genitals of a dog? First of all, you need to warm the rinsing solution to room temperature (in no case higher, so that the animal does not get burned!). Next, oilcloth, an old sheet or a large towel is used. The dog is laid on its side so that the tissue is under the pelvic area.

If the dog is complacent about various types of manipulation, the owner will be able to cope with the procedure on his own; if the pet resists, an assistant will be needed. The animal must be placed on its side, with one hind leg retracted to gain access to the genitals.

The prepuce is carefully pulled upward, carefully pouring the solution into the opening of the foreskin. To do this, you can use a large syringe without a needle, or pour the solution directly from the bottle if it is equipped with a long spout. The procedure must be carried out delicately so as not to cause pain to the pet. After the solution is poured into the preputial sac, you need to squeeze the head of the genital organ and at the same time massage the animal’s perineum.

The next step is to release the animal's genitals and allow the solution to flow out. After washing, you can apply an antibacterial healing ointment, for example, Levomekol, to the mucous membrane. Usually, two or three such washings are also required per day, and after a few days there is a significant improvement, and then the dog’s recovery.

Antibacterial ointment "Levomekol"

Video - Washing a male dog's prepuce

Treatment of advanced balanaposthitis in dogs

Unfortunately, not all forms of the disease imply such an easy, inexpensive and burdensome treatment for both the owner and the dog. If balanoposthitis has already passed into one of the serious stages, then the therapy will be carried out by a veterinarian. The animal may need to be taken to a clinic or left in a hospital.

In this situation, washing (not Chlorhexidine will be used, but veterinary antiseptic solutions) will become only part of the complex treatment. Depending on the overall clinical picture, the animal may require injections of antibiotics or other drugs, possibly droppers. If the underlying cause is phimosis or neoplasms, surgery may be required.

Also, the complex therapy of balanoposthitis may include antiprotozoal drugs, immunomodulators, vitamin supplements and the like.

Prevention of balanoposthitis in dogs

Balanoposthitis is an insidious disease that has a tendency to recur. Therefore, the owner must be attentive to the health of the pet, and, knowing about a possible problem, regularly examine the genital organ in order to timely identify the symptoms of the disease. As a preventative measure, a male dog can have his preputial sac washed a couple of times a week using the method described above. In this situation, the dog does not need to be laid on its side - the procedure can be carried out in the bathroom, while washing the animal, or even place the dog over any convenient container.

In general, the above is enough to prevent the disease. Hygiene, attention to the general condition of the dog and a visit to the veterinarian at the first unpleasant symptoms will allow the owner not to worry about the health of his dog.


Despite the fact that at the initial stage balanoposthitis does not threaten the life of the animal and does not cause severe pain, this disease, like any inflammatory process, negatively affects the general health of the dog. Therefore, treatment must be started as soon as possible from the moment the first symptoms are detected and done strictly under the supervision of a veterinarian. Then your beloved pet will recover faster, and the likelihood of a recurrence of the disease will decrease.

In veterinary medicine, balanoposthitis in dogs is usually understood as inflammation of the foreskin (this is the skin covering the penis on the dog’s abdomen, which is also called the prepuce) and the penis.

Causes of balanoposthitis in dogs

  1. Physical injuries and damage.
  2. Bacterial infections.
  3. Phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin, in which the penis cannot be exposed).
  4. Allergic reactions.
  5. Tumors.
  6. Foreign bodies between the penis and prepuce.
  7. Sexually transmitted viral infections.
  8. Mycotic (fungal) infection.

Depending on the cause and course of the disease, balanoposthitis in dogs can develop in mild or severe form. The mild form does not require extensive diagnosis and is effectively treated. A severe form can develop from a mild one in advanced cases; to determine its causes, comprehensive diagnostics and more complex treatment may be required.

Balanoposthitis is one of the most common problems in uncastrated males.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis in dogs

  1. Yellow-green or yellow discharge (pus) visible on the spicule of the penis or prepuce.
  2. Sometimes bloody discharge from the foreskin or penis.
  3. There may be inflammation around the penis and swelling of the foreskin.
  4. Your pet may be anxious.
  5. The dog licks the foreskin excessively.
  6. During mating, the male does not show interest in the female, who is in heat.
  7. In advanced cases, appetite decreases or is absent, and body temperature may rise.

If you notice such signs in your pet, it is very important to promptly seek professional help from a veterinarian.

Diagnosis of balanoposthitis in dogs

Of primary importance in diagnosing balanoposthitis in dogs is a thorough examination of the entire foreskin and penis. Self-diagnosis may be incorrect, since you may not fully examine the affected area and understand the nature of the problem; this requires a professional examination by a veterinarian. In some cases, an otoscope or even a rigid endoscope is used for a more thorough examination. In cases where the animal is uncontrollable (which can also be aggravated by soreness of the foreskin and penis), it is possible to examine and subsequently diagnose your pet under sedation. Sometimes, if a systemic infection is suspected, the doctor prescribes clinical and biochemical blood tests, as well as a urine test, which is taken by cystocentesis through a puncture in the abdominal wall (you should not be afraid of this procedure, as it is a routine procedure for most veterinary specialists). It is also necessary to conduct tests for genitourinary infections (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and others).

Treatment of balanoposthitis in dogs

Each dog requires a purely individual approach based on the nature and severity of balanoposthitis. Treatment includes: cutting long hair around the preputial opening and thoroughly washing the preputial cavity with a mild antiseptic, for example, chlorhexidine, miramistin, furatsilin or 1% dioxidine solution. If a bacterial or fungal infection is suspected, antibiotic ointment is injected into the preputial cavity and/or a systemic antibiotic is prescribed.

Prognosis for balanoposthitis in dogs

In general, this disease has a favorable prognosis, but in advanced cases it can develop into a chronic form. Also, when infection spreads through the urethra (urethra), pathologies of varying severity may occur: urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis and others.

Prevention of balanoposthitis in dogs

Prevention of the occurrence of balanoposthitis in dogs primarily includes eliminating factors of contamination of the preputial cavity. Pet owners should wash the preputial cavity after walks if there was dirt outside (wash with warm saline solution). It is also important to avoid sexually transmitted infections.

This article is intended for owners of dogs of large and small breeds. The purpose of this article is to familiarize owners with such a pathology as balanopastitis, for timely diagnosis and treatment of this problem and to prevent the development of complications that significantly worsen the patient’s general condition and further prognosis for recovery.

Not every owner of a four-legged friend knows that his pet can suffer from diseases of a very delicate nature. These diseases are most often quite dangerous and can lead to the most serious consequences. For example, even the best purebred male is rejected due to such diseases because he will not be able to bear offspring. Balanoposthitis is one of these serious diseases.

What kind of disease is this

Balanoposthitis in dogs is a bacterial inflammatory process that occurs on the glans penis and prepuce. It can occur due to stagnation of sperm and urine. This disease is considered very common.

A photo of balanoposthitis in dogs is shown below.

As a result of inflammation, swelling of the organs occurs, and the dog experiences significant discomfort and pain. It should be noted that in males who have reached the age when they can give birth, the initial forms of balanoposthitis can often manifest themselves spontaneously. Mild forms of balanoposthitis in dogs do not pose a serious threat to the life and health of the animal and can even heal spontaneously. However, in cases where pathogenic microorganisms interfere with the inflammatory process, the disease can have serious consequences.

If such a disease is started, it can end in the loss of the sexual organ. In addition, in severe forms, the infection often spreads to the testes, and this already threatens the development of severe orchitis, which can later develop into peritonitis. There is a common belief among dog owners that balanoposthitis occurs only in old dogs, but this is a misconception. In the practice of veterinarians, there have been cases when this disease was diagnosed in puppies. Although this is rare, the consequences can be severe.

Reasons for the development of inflammation

The most common cause of balanoposthitis in dogs is the contamination of the prepuce with pathogenic microorganisms. This can occur against the background of various injuries (scratches and tears). Rarely, however, another factor that predisposes to the development of balanoposthitis is a tumor. Often the development of balanoposthitis in dogs occurs against the background of such an unpleasant disease as phimosis. This is a pathology, with the development of which there is a narrowing and shrinking of the foreskin, as a result of which the head of the penis is unable to return to its original place. Swelling and inflammation develop, the mucous membranes dry out and become a favorable environment for pathogenic microflora.

For some dog breeds, balanoposthitis is congenital and is caused by certain genetic defects. It most often affects German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers. Sometimes the causes of the development of phimosis and, as a consequence, balanoposthitis are swelling in the tissues of the preputial sac. As mentioned above, this occurs due to the contamination of injured areas with pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis

The most characteristic sign of the development of balanoposthitis in dogs is the presence of yellow or green purulent discharge that covers the tip of the prepuncial cavity. In 50% of diseases, blood discharge appears from the penis.

For most owners, the first and main reason to immediately contact a veterinarian is the dog’s constant licking of the genitals. Due to regular contact with saliva, the male dog's scrotum is constantly wet. In this way, he will try to reduce the pain that occurs during the development of inflammatory processes. Naturally, with such a disease, male dogs completely lack interest in mating. Even in cases where he has not lost the ability to mate, it is strictly forbidden to allow it, since purulent discharge and pathogenic microflora can lead to the development of the disease in the female.

Diagnosis of balanoposthitis

Diagnosis of balanoposthitis in dogs is very simple. Often it is enough just to visually examine the male dog for the presence of inflammation of the tissues of the foreskin. It is very important to determine what exactly caused the development of the disease: pathogenic microorganisms or the presence of a foreign object in the foreskin. In addition, a study should be conducted to exclude the possibility of developing a tumor disease, because the treatment will be radically different.

In advanced cases, examination may require local anesthesia or general anesthesia, since the dog simply will not allow examination of the affected areas due to severe pain reactions. During the examination, the veterinarian will need to take all the necessary tests, with the most important being a wash and a smear. The samples taken will be sown on a nutrient medium. This will make it possible to quickly and very accurately determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process.

Home treatment plan

A mild form of balanoposthitis can be cured without the help of a veterinarian. Home treatment for balanoposthitis in dogs is very simple. You will need to regularly wash your pet's prepuce cavity over several days. In doing so, care must be taken. Since it is necessary to use a 1-3% hydrogen peroxide solution for rinsing, the dog may become aggressive due to the unpleasant sensations that arise. A small syringe made of soft rubber is well suited for such procedures. The solution for washing should be fresh and warm. You can also treat the preputial cavity of the dog with furatsilin.

Balanoposthitis in dogs should be treated at home very carefully and with extreme caution. Under no circumstances should the tip of the douche be allowed to touch the head of the penis - this can cause severe pain and aggression in the dog. After washing, the foreskin is gently massaged to remove excess fluid. It is also recommended that after all manipulations, treat the affected area with drugs that have antimicrobial effects and promote healing.

A very important condition in the treatment of balanoposthitis in dogs is to prevent the dog from licking the perineum throughout the entire period of therapy. The only reliable way is a surgical collar. If the disease is advanced and has become chronic, home treatment should be stopped and immediately consult a veterinarian.

Treatment by an experienced veterinarian

After contacting a specialist, first of all, a study will be conducted to find the cause of the disease. It is very important to find and remove all adhesions, tumors and scars that could lead to the development of phimosis and balanoposthitis in the dog. As in the case of the mild form, the dog will undergo daily rinsing of the preputial sac, but high-concentration solutions will be used, which are more effective. If the condition begins to worsen, treatment of balanoposthitis in the dog with antibiotics should be started.


When infectious processes become chronic, in addition to daily washing with antiseptic solutions, it is necessary to include antibacterial therapy in the treatment regimen. It often starts with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. After receiving the culture result, such an antibiotic can be replaced with another one that acts on certain microorganisms that have caused the development of inflammation.

An important role is played by antiseptic liniments, which are pumped into the prepuce cavity using a syringe. If for any reason the disease cannot be overcome, most often it is necessary to resort to castration.

Despite the fact that the dog can often be completely cured, relapses occur quite often. Especially in cases where it was not possible to determine the cause of the disease. Very often, follicular balanoposthitis in dogs becomes chronic and, under favorable conditions, opportunistic microorganisms will cause pustular rashes in the foreskin area.

From time to time, you will still have to monitor the condition of your pet’s prepuce and rinse it with hydrogen peroxide. The prognosis for unadvanced cases is often favorable, however, if the first signs of balanoposthitis occur, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Preventive measures

All prevention of the occurrence of balanoposthitis comes down to the hygiene of the dog’s genital organs: washing the prepuce cavity after walking in “dirty” weather, avoiding sexually transmitted infections, etc.

For the purpose of prevention, you should visit the veterinarian once a quarter for an examination.