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Biology exam. Genetics. The diploid set of chromosomes of a certain species is its karyotype. The diploid chromosome set definition

№ 35 Heredity and variability are the fundamental properties of the living, their dialectical unity. General concepts of genetic material and its properties: storage, change, reparation, transfer, implementation of genetic information. Characteristics of the diploid and haploid set of chromosomes.

Heredity and variability.

Heredity- this is the property of organisms to transfer their signs and features of development to the next generation, i.e. reproduce their own kind. Heredity is an integral property of living matter. It is due to the relative stability (i.e., structure constancy) of DNA molecules.

Variability- the property of living systems to acquire changes and exist in various versions. The continued existence of living nature in time against the background of changing conditions would be impossible if living systems did not have the ability to acquire and maintain certain changes that are useful in new environmental conditions.

genetic material.

The principles of heredity are the same for all living things, but the details of the structure of the hereditary material and the nature of its organization may vary from group to group. All cellular organisms are divided into prokaryotes and eukaryotes according to the level of complexity of the structure of their cells.

genetic materialprokaryotes represented by a single circular DNA molecule. Eukaryotic DNA has a linear shape and is associated with special proteins - histones, which play an important role in the compaction of the nucleic acid. The complex of DNA and proteins is called chromosomes.

In the nucleus - the structure of a eukaryotic cell, specializing in the storage and transmission of hereditary information to descendants, there are several chromosomes. In addition, eukaryotes have a so-called non-chromosomal inheritance, due to the fact that a certain amount of DNA is contained in semi-autonomous structures of the cytoplasm - mitochondria and plastids. A significant proportion of eukaryotes throughout most of their life cycle diploid: their cells carry two homologous sets of chromosomes. In the process of formation of germ cells, reduction division occurs - meiosis- as a result of which gametes become haploid, i.e. they carry only one set of chromosomes. During fertilization, diploidy is restored, and the zygote is further divided by mitosis- no reduction in the number of chromosomes.

During sexual reproduction, a cyclic alternation of diploid and haploid states occurs.: A diploid cell divides by meiosis, giving rise to haploid cells, and haploid cells merge at fertilization and form new diploid cells. During this process, genomes are shuffled and recombined, resulting in individuals with new sets of genes. Higher plants and animals spend most of their life cycle in the diploid phase, and their haploid phase is very short. Probably, the process of evolution favored sexual reproduction, since random genetic recombination increased the chances of organisms that at least some of their descendants would survive in an unpredictably changing world.

diploid set

"... A diploid set is a set of chromosomes in the somatic cells of an organism that contains two homologous sets of chromosomes, one of which is transmitted from one parent, and the second from the other..."

(approved by the Chairman of the Health Committee of Moscow on January 17, 2000)

Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012 .

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Chromosomes- organelles of the dividing cell nucleus, are carriers of genes. The basis of chromosomes is a continuous double-stranded DNA molecule, connected by histones into a nucleoprotein. In a chromosome, two chromatids folded along the length are connected in the middle by a primary constriction (centromere). In the zone of the primary constriction, there is a kinetachore, a special protein structure for the attachment of microtubules, the fission spindle, and the subsequent separation of chromatids in the anaphase of mitosis.

Karyotype- a scoop-awn of signs of a chromosome set, i.e. the number, size, shape of xp-some, characteristic of a particular type.

Function of chromosomes: chromosomes contain hereditary information. Genes are located in a chromosome in a linear order, self-duplication and regular distribution of chromosomes in a daughter cell during cell division ensures the transfer of hereditary properties of an organism from generation to generation.

haploid set of chromosomes. It is a cluster of completely different chromosomes, i.e. in a haploid organism there are several of these nucleoprotein structures that are unlike each other. The haploid set of chromosomes is characteristic of plants, algae and fungi.

diploid set of chromosomes. This set is such a collection of chromosomes, in which each of them has a double, i.e. these nucleoprotein structures are arranged in pairs. The diploid set of chromosomes is characteristic of all animals, including humans.

duplication of chromosomes eukaryotes is a complex process, since it involves not only the replication of giant DNA molecules, but also the synthesis of DNA-bound histones and non-histone chromosomal proteins. The final step is the packaging of DNA and histones into nucleosomes. It is believed that chromosome duplication also has a semi-conservative character.

Replication behavior chromosomes are based on three fundamental properties, namely: direct replication, segregation of chromosomes during DNA replication and cell division, as well as replication and protection of chromosome ends.

Children inherit certain genes from their parents. As you know, the younger generation "takes" from the older one the shape of the face, features of the head, hands, hair color, etc.). For the transfer of signs to children from parents in the body, such a substance is responsible. This unique substance contains biological information about variability. It is written in code. The chromosome stores it.

The human cell contains twenty-three pairs of such structural and functional units as chromosomes. Each such "duet" contains two absolutely identical structural and functional units. The difference is that these couples are different from each other. Chromosomes numbered forty-five and forty-six are the sex chromosomes. Moreover, this duet is the same only for girls, for men they are different. All structural and functional units, with the exception of sex, are called "autosomes". It should be noted that chromosomes are mostly composed of elements such as proteins. They are different in appearance: some of them are thinner, others are somewhat shorter than others, but each of them has a twin. The chromosome set (or, as it is also called, the karyotype) of a person is a genetic structure that is responsible for the transmission of heredity. It is better to consider such structural and functional units under a microscope at the time (metaphase stage). During this period, chromosomes are formed from a substance such as chromatin, and are already beginning to acquire a certain amount, i.e. ploidy.

As noted above, a human cell has twenty-three pairs of important structural and functional elements. Living organisms have their own individual ploidy.

Haploid and diploid set of chromosomes. The concept of ploidy is defined as the number of chromosome sets in cells (mainly) in nuclei. In living organisms, chromosomes can be unpaired or paired. In human cells, a diploid set of chromosomes is formed, that is, a double set. Such a set of structural and functional elements is characteristic of all somatic cells. It is worth noting that each person has a diploid set of chromosomes consisting of 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes. The haploid set of chromosomes is a single set of unpaired structural and functional elements. This set contains twenty-two autosomes and only one sex chromosome. A haploid set and a diploid set of chromosomes can be present at the same time. This occurs mainly during the sexual process. At this point, the haploid and diploid phases alternate. With division, the full set forms a single set. After that, two single ones are connected and form a complete set of structural and functional elements, etc.

The diploid set of chromosomes is a set of chromosomes that is inherent in all somatic cells. In it, all chromosomes that are characteristic of a given biological species are presented in pairs. In each person, the diploid set of chromosomes is capable of containing forty-four autosomes and two sexual structural and functional elements. The diploid set of chromosomes is characteristic of the zygote and all somatic cells, except for ansuploid, haploid and polyploid cells.

It also happens that there is a violation of the set of structural and functional units. Failures can affect education (for example, Down's Syndrome - the formation of triosomy, i.e. violations in the twenty-first pair and the appearance (third)). The study of chromosomes is very important, since these elements have a very serious effect on the human body.