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How to treat pyelonephritis. How to treat chronic pyelonephritis at home. Video: folk recipes for pyelonephritis

A disease in which the inflammatory process spreads to the renal parenchyma and pyelocaliceal system, and also affects the interstitial tissue of the kidneys. Pyelonephritis is a very common disease, the development mechanism of which can start after another respiratory viral disease.

Pyelonephritis is provoked by the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the kidney both from the external environment and from its other concentrations in the body. It has been proven that for the development of an inflammatory reaction in the kidney, along with the presence of pathogenic microbes, a violation of the outflow of urine through the ureter is necessary. In the process, an increase in intrapelvic pressure occurs, and this causes venous congestion of the kidney, disruption of capillary blood flow and the development of tissue hypoxia. The main route of infection of the kidney is hematogenous, but urinogenic is also common, for example, as a result of vesicoureteral reflux. With a high frequency of infection spreading through the hematogenous route, it is noted that a particularly virulent infection localized in the kidney can initiate inflammation even with normal urodynamics.

Susceptibility to pyelonephritis among the female population is estimated to be higher - even in girls, doctors diagnose pyelonephritis as a complication of such common cystitis, balanoposthitis or vulvovaginitis. With the approach of old age and old age, the risk of developing pyelonephritis also increases in men, due to the relationship of the disease with benign hyperplasia and prostate cancer, bladder cancer and other “age-related” diseases that disrupt urodynamics. According to statistics, pyelonephritis is diagnosed in every tenth person who has not previously suffered from kidney disease, but the disease is difficult to diagnose in practice, since its symptoms are scarce.

Causes of pyelonephritis are a combination of the spread of pathogenic microflora in the body and the development of any urological disease leading to impaired urine outflow. Pathogenic microflora in this case can be represented either by an increased number of opportunistic microflora, for example, Escherichia coli and paracoliforms, as well as originally pathogenic bacteria - Proteus group, staphylococcus, enterococcus, etc. The normal outflow of urine is based on compression of the ureters either from the outside or from the inside, which is possible in the presence of tumors, urinary stones, scar changes in the ureter and urethra. A risk factor, among other things, is unprofessional or poor quality of instrumental, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, which damages or compresses the urinary tract.

Pyelonephritis is a disease characterized by extensive qualifications. In clinical practice, primary and secondary pyelonephritis are distinguished:

  • primary pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidney unrelated to any urinary obstruction; it is also called uncomplicated
  • secondary pyelonephritis is also complicated, since inflammation in this case develops due to microbial infection and is accompanied by a violation of the outflow of urine from the kidney.

Pyelonephritis, among other things, is divided into acute and chronic, as well as unilateral and bilateral, that is, spreading to one or two kidneys. Acute pyelonephritis occurs both with and without the participation of pathogenic microflora, that is, it can be both primary and secondary. Chronic pyelonephritis can be either a consequence of acute primary or develop exclusively from secondary. Exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis is usually facilitated by cooling and changes in climatic living conditions, increased physical and even mental stress, and impaired urodynamics. Acute and chronic pyelonephritis include several varieties or stages.

Acute pyelonephritis

Chronic pyelonephritis

Serous - development of leukocyte infiltrates along the blood vessels of the interstitial tissue of the medulla of the kidney

Active inflammation phase


Apostematous - with the formation of abscesses on the kidney

Latent inflammation phase

The formation of a carbuncle, that is, the development of a suppurating infarction of the kidney tissue

Abscess formation


Remission phase

Pyelonephritis is accompanied by a very broad, but at the same time not entirely specific clinical picture, which is more correct to consider separately for its acute and chronic forms. Symptoms are also determined by the pathogenesis and nature of the disease, the severity of morphological changes in the kidney, the patient’s age and the characteristics of the body’s defenses.

Symptoms of acute pyelonephritis:

  • interstitial serous pyelonephritis - the kidney is full-blooded, but tense and enlarged in size, but destruction of the renal tissue has not yet developed;
  • purulent pyelonephritis - changes that occur at the stage of serous pyelonephritis are rapidly (up to 1-2 days) complemented by destruction of renal tissue;
  • intense pain develops in the lumbar region - manifests itself even with light pressure in the costovertebral angle and in the lower back;
  • body temperature rises - up to 39-40°C, which is often accompanied by chills, which are replaced by profuse sweating;
  • signs of intoxication appear - headache, general weakness, thirst, lack of appetite, tachycardia, nausea and vomiting;
  • profuse sweating affects the amount of urine produced, which decreases;
  • the urine itself becomes cloudy due to the abundance of leukocytes and bacteria in it; it may also be transparent if the ureter is blocked by pathological impurities;
  • palpation indicates rigidity of the muscles of the lumbar region on the side of the disease; an enlarged and painful kidney can be felt;
  • the formation of pustules, that is, the flow of serous pyelonephritis into purulent one, is accompanied by a decrease in pain, but an increase in body temperature and sweating with further persistent subfertility;
  • Sometimes patients with a kidney abscess are forced to take a position with the leg brought to the stomach on the side of the disease, which relieves the pain.

Symptoms xchronic pyelonephritis:

  • the phase of active inflammation is accompanied by symptoms exactly repeating the clinical picture of acute pyelonephritis;
  • the phase of latent inflammation is manifested by rare pain in the lower back, dysuria and general malaise usually do not report themselves at this stage;
  • the remission phase does not differ in any painful symptoms;
  • in general, the symptoms of chronic pyelonephritis are divided into local and general:
    • local - a feeling of heaviness and dull pain in the lower back, cloudy urine;
    • general - increasing weakness and fatigue, decreased performance, headache, dry mouth, low-grade fever, pale skin, decreased relative density of urine
  • Over time, the functioning kidney parenchyma is replaced by connective tissue, and this becomes a condition for kidney shrinkage

How to treat pyelonephritis?

Treatment of pyelonephritis- a complex and lengthy process that occurs mainly when using conservative techniques. If conservative treatment in a short time does not lead to a positive trend in the patient’s condition, surgical intervention is advisable. Treatment strategies vary depending on the form of the disease - acute or chronic, primary or secondary, right-, left- or bilateral. The nature of treatment is determined by the pathogenesis of the disease and the characteristics of its clinical course.

Treatment of acute pyelonephritis assumes:

  • it is advisable to be hospitalized in the urology department to carry out a full range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures;
  • for serous pyelonephritis, the use of medications is aimed at restoring the patient’s immunity, suppressing the pathological process and suppressing the proliferation of diagnosed microflora;
  • for purulent pyelonephritis, surgical intervention is strictly indicated - the minimum volume of surgery (for apostematous pyelonephritis) consists of kidney decapsulation, which consists of dissection and eversion of the fibrous capsule, and nephrostomy, which is drainage of the renal pelvis;
  • in case of carbuncle and kidney abscess, the patient is advised to undergo organ-preserving operations, which include decapsulation of the kidney, cruciform dissection of the abscess, drainage of the purulent cavity and pelvis if the outflow of urine from it is impaired; organ-saving operations are advisable if it is possible to restore the function of the diseased kidney;
  • in case of secondary pyelonephritis, treatment makes the primary goal of eliminating the cause of impaired urine outflow, which often involves treating the underlying disease against which pyelonephritis developed:
    • for small stones and in the early stages of pyelonephritis, ureteric catheterization is appropriate;
    • if pyelonephritis lasts longer than three days or if catheterization fails, emergency surgery is performed - percutaneous puncture of the kidney under ultrasound control or ureterolithotomy with drainage of the renal collecting system;
    • postoperative treatment of patients with acute secondary pyelonephritis involves the use of the same drugs as for acute chronic pyelonephritis
    • the appointment of therapeutic massage, physical therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures is carried out in order to prevent the development of postoperative complications and speed up the recovery period;
  • in case of severe pyelonephritis and the development of urosepsis, the patient is indicated for nephrectomy if the opposite kidney is functional enough for such radical measures

Treatment of chronic pyelonephritis assumes:

  • elimination of the causes underlying the disturbance of urine outflow or renal circulation, up to surgical interventions determined by the primary disease (nephrolithiasis, BPH, nephroptosis, hydronephrosis);
  • carrying out etiotropic antibacterial therapy - taking into account the sensitivity of urine microflora to drugs; these can be semisynthetic penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, macrolides, fluoroquinolones, as well as chemotherapy drugs; Frequent changes of antibacterial agents are appropriate due to the rapid development of resistance of pathogens to them;
  • the appointment of immunocorrective drugs - the administration of vitamins B 6, C, E contributes to increased immunoresistance.

In acute primary pyelonephritis, the prognosis is generally favorable, but the disease should not be allowed to become chronic. Otherwise, the prognosis sharply worsens, and complications arise - chronic renal failure, nephrogenic arterial hypertension, etc. The general prognosis for chronic pyelonephritis is determined by the duration of the disease and may be favorable. unless the above complications occur.

What diseases can it be associated with?

Pyelonephritis rarely develops as an independent disease; rather, it is a complication of diseases of the genitourinary system or a consequence of the spread of opportunistic or pathogenic microflora to the kidneys.

Pyelonephritis is at risk of developing when the genitourinary tract is affected by an infection in people whose bodies exhibit urodynamic disturbances, namely:

  • in a given area (prostate, bladder or kidney, female organs, etc.);
  • - formation of stones in the organs of the urinary system;
  • cicatricial changes in the ureter and urethra.

Treatment of pyelonephritis at home

Among other things, an important component in the positive therapeutic effect is:

  • bed rest,
  • plentiful nutrition - carbohydrate-rich foods, fermented milk products,
  • consumption of vitamins - both in natural products and in the form of pharmaceuticals.

The main stage in the treatment of pyelonephritis is followed by a recovery period, which is recommended to be carried out in the intensive care unit if there has been surgical intervention in the body. Be that as it may, the treatment is complemented by the administration of immunomodulators and antispasmodics; for the purpose of detoxification, saline solutions and diuretics can be administered intravenously under the control of electrolyte balance.

What drugs are used to treat pyelonephritis?

In the treatment of any type of pyelonephitis, conservative methods, including the prescription of medications, occupy a significant place. Antibiotics are indispensable, because in the majority of cases the course of pyelonephritis is related to the influence of microbes of a bacterial nature.

Antibiotics are selected taking into account the sensitivity of the microflora revealed during urine testing; preference is given to broad-spectrum drugs. Another important principle of treatment is the frequent change of antibacterial agents to prevent the development of pathogen resistance to them. It is important that the drugs do not undergo changes during exposure and do not affect the kidneys with their toxicity. It can be:

Parenteral and oral fluoroquinolones are highly effective against pathogens of pyelonephritis.

Along with antibiotics, nalidixic acid preparations (for example,), nitrofurans (,), and soluble sulfonamides (for example,) are used. Drugs like Trental and are distinguished by their pathogenetic effects.

The appointment of vitamins (mainly B 6, C, E) allows you to increase the protective properties of the body in its fight against the causative agent of the disease. In the complex treatment of patients with pyelonephritis, it has proven itself positively - it is distinguished by strongly pronounced immunomodulatory and microcirculation-restoring properties.

Treatment of pyelonephritis with traditional methods

Treatment of pyelonephritis- a complex process that requires an integrated approach and qualified knowledge. If, after consulting a specialist, the patient is allowed to stay at home and follow conservative treatment (which is likely in case of chronic pyelonephritis or its state of remission), you can consult a doctor about the use of traditional recipes to treat the inflammatory process. It is not recommended to use folk recipes as part of self-medication.

The following recipes are popular:

  • combine crushed juniper berries, mantle leaves, heather, and nettle in equal proportions; 1 tbsp. Place the mixture in an enamel bowl, pour 1 cup of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes; cool, strain, take ¼ cup 4 times a day until complete recovery;
  • combine bearberry leaves, calamus, flax seeds, kidney tea, licorice root, and birch buds in equal quantities; 6 tbsp. pour the mixture with a liter of water, put on low heat and boil for 5 minutes, then cool and strain; take a glass three times a day, half an hour before meals for two months, then re-examine;
  • combine lingonberry and wintergreen leaves, cinquefoil herb and parsley root in equal proportions; 2 tbsp. pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, cover the container, leave for an hour; strain, take warm 4 times a day half an hour before meals in the amount of ¼ cup;
  • Boil 200 grams of oats in a liter of milk until the broth is reduced by half; take ¼ cup three times a day throughout the course of the disease, until complete recovery;
  • 1 tbsp. combine crushed elecampane root with ½ liter of honey; take 1 tsp. in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed until complete recovery.

Treatment of pyelonephritis during pregnancy

Pyelonephritis in its acute form is a common disease for pregnant women. This is simply explained by anatomical changes in their body, hormonal changes and greater susceptibility to infectious diseases. Expectant mothers who, even before pregnancy, suffered from impaired renal and bladder function or suffered from acute cystitis are at a particularly high risk. The disease belongs to the category of those that can be completely prevented if you make efforts to maintain your health and be sufficiently attentive to the development of diseases preceding pyelonephritis.

Acute pyelonephritis in pregnant women is considered a separate category in clinical practice. In general, this is not a special form of the disease, but rather a typical acute secondary pyelonephritis. A specific view of the course of such a process is explained by the physiological nature of the conditions underlying its development:

  • decreased tone of the upper urinary tract due to changes in the balance of female sex hormones during pregnancy;
  • pressure of the pregnant uterus on the ureter (usually the right one due to the position of the uterus)
  • asymptomatic bacteriuria.

With a similar clinical picture in pregnant women, pyelonephritis is more complicated; it is especially dangerous in the second and third trimester, when the risk of its development is high.

If a pregnant woman is suspected of developing acute pyelonephritis, an urgent ultrasound of the kidneys is necessary, which makes it possible to note a rarefaction halo around the kidney, limitation of its mobility, increase in size and decrease in echogenicity of the parenchyma.

Treatment of pregnant women is carried out in a hospital setting. To begin with, the normal flow of urine from the renal pelvis is restored, then the use of antibacterial therapy is activated:

  • restoration of urine outflow - positional drainage therapy (the woman takes a position on her healthy side with the foot end of the bed raised), if this is ineffective, catheterization of the renal pelvis or installation of a stent is indicated;
  • antibacterial therapy - selected taking into account the minimal toxic effect on the body of the mother and fetus (drugs of choice may be erythromycin, sulfonamides, nitrofurans; aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones are more toxic, but very effective).

In the absence of positive dynamics of the patient, surgical treatment is indicated - nephro- or pyelostomy. The drainage from the kidney is removed 1-1.5 months after birth.

Termination of pregnancy in acute pyelonephritis is rarely performed, the indications for which are usually acute renal and liver failure in the mother, acute fetal hypoxia or intrauterine death. The general prognosis for acute pyelonephritis in pregnant women is favorable, of course, provided there is a timely response to dangerous symptoms.

Which doctors should you contact if you have pyelonephritis?

  • Ambulance team

Often the clinical picture of pyelonephritis is not so informative as to make a diagnosis in a short time based on the patient’s complaints alone. However, it is still recommended to act quickly, and therefore a patient with suspected pyelonephritis (with a characteristic history and a minimum number of dangerous symptoms) urgently undergoes instrumental and laboratory diagnostics.

In case of asymptomatic chronic pyelonephritis, provocative tests (prednisolone or pyrogenal) can be used to identify it for special indications. A decrease in the relative density of urine, a decrease in the rate of tubular secretion and reabsorption have some diagnostic value, since in chronic pyelonephritis the function of the tubules is primarily impaired.

History is of great importance in recognizing acute pyelonephritis:

  • the nature of the temperature reaction, the presence of chills and other suspicious symptoms.
  • the patient has recently suffered purulent diseases (furunculosis, tonsillitis, injuries with suppuration, etc.),
  • a history of other urological diseases (nephroptosis, urolithiasis, prostate diseases, etc.),
  • ongoing endoscopic studies.

During the examination, it is recommended to determine the level of blood pressure, which in the early stages of acute pyelonephritis may be slightly increased, and decreases with increasing intoxication. An objective examination usually reveals tension in the abdominal wall muscles, pain on palpation in the lumbar region, and a positive effleurage symptom.

Among all laboratory tests aimed at identifying chronic pyelonephritis, priority is given to urine tests. Laboratory examination of urine can reveal leukocyturia, which is probably absent in the first stages, when the inflammatory process is localized mainly in the renal cortex, as well as in cases of urinary tract obstruction. When detecting leukocyturia, it is necessary to determine its degree and the presence of active leukocytes and Sternheimer-Malbin cells in the urine. Be sure to determine the presence of bacteria in the urine and the degree of bacteriuria, and it is important to combine bacteriological and bacterioscopic methods for detecting bacteriuria. The sensitivity of the identified microorganisms to antibacterial drugs must be determined.

A laboratory blood test for acute pyelonephritis demonstrates an increase in ESR to 40-50 mm/h or more, leukocytosis with an increase in the content of band forms. With the development of purulent pyelonephritis, as intoxication increases, red blood counts worsen, the level of medium molecules and α 2 -microglobulin increases.

Survey and excretory urography are carried out in order to form an idea of ​​the function of each kidney individually and of changes in the renal collecting system caused by impaired outflow of urine or a purulent process.

Pyelonephritis is an infectious-inflammatory process combined with pathological damage to all renal structures: interstitium, tubules, and collecting system.

If we use the international classification of diseases, 10th revision, then the pathology belongs to the group of tubulointerstitial nephritis of an infectious nature.

Treatment of pyelonephritis at home, with folk remedies and medications depends on the form of the disease: primary and secondary.

The primary form of pathology is classified into non-obstructive and obstructive.

The secondary type of pathology occurs in the presence of other diseases:

  1. Hereditary (anomalies of the urinary tract);
  2. Acquired (urolithiasis, narrowing of the ureter);
  3. Congenital (doubling kidneys, ectopic ureters).

The obstructive type of kidney inflammation is formed when the urinary ducts are blocked, and the non-obstructive version develops due to pathology of the blood supply, endocrine pathology, and immunodeficiency. Dysmetabolic pyelonephritis, which develops as a result of metabolic disorders (gout, diabetes mellitus, rickets), plays a significant role in shaping the etiology of the disease.

Complex treatment of kidney pyelonephritis is based on the use of medications, folk recipes and other procedures aimed at strengthening the immune system.

The treatment of the disease is also influenced by the form of the disease: acute and chronic.

In the latter case, medications must be taken for a long time. Even during remission, preventive measures are required.

Acute kidney inflammation is treated with antibiotic therapy, which often includes several types of pharmaceuticals.

In case of exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, treatment is carried out based on the following principles:

  1. Elimination of inflammation;
  2. Elimination of replay attacks;
  3. Dispensary observation of the patient;
  4. Symptomatic therapy.

How to treat kidney pyelonephritis? An important feature of treating the disease with folk remedies and medications is the timely elimination of preventive factors.

This approach allows not only to prevent the disease, but also to quickly achieve a therapeutic effect in case of exacerbation of a chronic or acute form of pathology.

Drug treatment

The main medical treatment for pyelonephritis is antibiotic therapy. Its duration should be from 5 to 12 days. Therapy begins with antibacterial drugs taken orally (orally).

  • What antibiotics are prescribed for pyelonephritis:
  • Fluoroquinolones;
  • Beta-lactams;
  • Cephalosporins;
  • Monobactams;
  • Ureidopenicillins;
  • Beta-lactamase inhibitors;

The list of antibiotics for kidney inflammation is large, but the choice of drug should take into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to the drug. Until the results of bacteriological urine culture are obtained to determine the susceptibility of bacteria to antibacterial agents, broad-spectrum antibiotics are recommended.

The most popular group of drugs for the treatment of pyelonephritis is fluoroquinolones. For example, you can use tavanic (daily dose up to 500 mg). Beta-lactams and 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins are used less frequently.

Dose of antibacterial agents for pyelonephritis in adults:

  1. Ceftriaxone – 2 grams once a day;
  2. Cefazolin – 1 gram 3 times a day;
  3. Amoxicillin – 1 gram per day;
  4. Cilastine/imipenem – 0.5 grams per day;
  5. Amoxiclav – 1 gram 3 times a day;
  6. Sulbactam/ampicillin – 1 gram each.

Some urologists prescribe aminoglycosides, which have nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity.

These antibiotics are considered one of the most effective drugs, but with prolonged use they can cause kidney failure and deafness.

To reduce the toxicity of aminoglycosides, a new generation of drugs has been developed. A well-known representative of this group is netilmicin, which has low toxicity but high cost.

In chronic pyelonephritis, the causative agents of the disease have low sensitivity to antibacterial agents. Against this background, the use of amikacin or modern tetracyclines (doxibene, doxycycline) is rational.

– diagnostic features and important symptoms that will help identify the disease at an early stage.

Do you want to get a more reliable diagnosis of your disease? Read about how to properly prepare for a kidney ultrasound.

And here we describe the main methods of treating cystic formations - invasive techniques and conservative treatment.

During the remission stage of chronic pyelonephritis, some urologists resort to chemotherapy, but such tactics are fraught with the development of insensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial agents. An alternative to preventive treatment is herbal medicine.

Traditional treatment: general principles

The basis of the traditional method of treatment for pyelonephritis should be herbal medicine. They create good soil for combating pathogens that cause kidney inflammation. It is important to use herbal decoctions and infusions to prevent inflammatory changes in the renal calyces, pelvis, interstitium and urinary tract.

For pyelonephritis, there are pharmaceutical herbal preparations and medicines:

  • Cyston tablets;
  • Phytolysin;
  • Canephron tablets;
  • Uroflux;
  • Lessons.

A significant part of nonspecific pyelonephritis occurs in people who have regular sex life.

Failure to maintain genital hygiene increases the likelihood of genitourinary tract infections.

After sexual intercourse, follow these procedures:

  1. Toilet of the genitals before intercourse;
  2. Abundant rinsing after intercourse;
  3. Urination after intimacy.

Women do not need to use spermicides and vaginal diaphragms if they have recurrent pyelonephritis and cystitis. If urologists have established a connection between kidney inflammation and sexual intercourse, it is recommended to take furamag (50 mg), furadonin (50 mg), ciprofloxacin (125 mg), norfloxacin (200 mg).

Dietary nutrition for pyelonephritis

If you have kidney inflammation, you should follow a strict diet. You need to take salty, spicy and sour foods. Fish and meat broths are excluded.

Balanced diet for pyelonephritis

Features of a milk-vegetarian diet for pyelonephritis (table No. 7a):

  1. Drink plenty of fluids – up to 2 liters per day;
  2. Protein and vitamin nutrition;
  3. Low-fat varieties of fish, meat and rabbit;
  4. Cook food using steam, butter and vegetable oil;
  5. To compensate for mineral deficiency, we recommend taking pumpkin, cucumbers, black currants, and eggplants.

All of the above measures will not be effective if foci of bacterial infection remain in the body (cholecystitis, adnexitis, caries, tonsillitis).

They must be treated to prevent exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis.

Herbs and infusions for kidney inflammation

Popular folk recipes for the treatment of kidney inflammation:

  • Fresh swamp cranberries should be crushed and added to boiling water (1 cup). Leave for 2 hours and take 2/3 cup 5 times a day;
  • If there is pus in the urine, prepare the following solution: dissolve 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of boiling water. Take the solution up to 2 times a day;
  • Combined mixture for pyelonephritis: mix 10 grams of burdock, 10 grams of tricolor violet, 20 grams of walnuts and 30 grams of rose hips. The mixture should be crushed and dissolved in 500 ml of boiling water. Add a spoonful of honey to taste and drink half a glass 4-5 times a day;
  • 20 grams of burdock root, a similar amount of sedge buds, 10 grams of rose hips, walnuts, violets, 40 grams of rose hips - mix the ingredients and infuse in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Take 0.5 cups 2 times a day;
  • Mix the following herbs: St. John's wort (25 grams), motherwort (25 grams), tricolor violet (25 grams), horsetail (25 grams). Add boiling water to the mixture and take 3 glasses per day;
  • St. John's wort leaves (15 grams), birch (15 grams), lingonberry (15 grams), licorice rhizome (15 grams), orthosiphon grass (10 grams) - mix the ingredients. Take 2 spoons from the mixture and add them to ½ liter of boiling water. Take the solution 2/3 cup 3 times a day.

You don't have to use all the recipes. To prevent pyelonephritis, you can choose those that help the patient with the disease.

Features of treatment of pyelonephritis in pregnant women and children

Treatment of pyelonephritis in children and pregnant women involves the following procedures:

  1. Antibacterial therapy;
  2. Symptomatic treatment;
  3. Elimination of complications;
  4. Preventive actions.

When pyelonephritis is detected in children, doctors decide on hospitalization. In case of a mild form of the disease, treatment at home (outpatient) is possible, but then the child must strictly adhere to bed rest (7 days).

Diet for pyelonephritis in children No. 7 does not differ from the analogue prescribed for adults. To correct metabolic disorders, table No. 5 according to Pevzner is prescribed, which includes the following principles:

  • Limiting salt;
  • Drinking regime: up to 2.5 liters of water per day;
  • Alternating protein and plant foods;
  • Exclusion of essential oils, spicy and fried foods;
  • Refusal of seasonings and smoked foods.

Without antibacterial therapy, treatment of pyelonephritis in children and pregnant women is impossible.

Therapy for kidney inflammation includes the following procedures:

  1. Suppression of microbial inflammation;
  2. Pathogenetic therapy aimed at immunocorrection and antioxidant protection;
  3. Anti-relapse treatment.

The stage of suppressing microbial inflammation can be divided into 3 substages:

  • Elimination of the pathogen before receiving urine culture results;
  • Diuretic therapy;
  • Infusion of solutions to restore hemodynamic disorders.

At the second stage, antibacterial treatment is adjusted taking into account the results of urine culture for antibiotic sensitivity.

During pregnancy, antibiotics are prescribed only in emergency cases. They have side effects not only on the woman’s body, but also on the child.

If a pregnant woman has pyelonephritis, doctors prescribe herbal remedies and monitor the condition of the woman’s kidneys.

If the process cannot be stopped, urine culture is performed to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. Based on the test, the optimal antibacterial drug with minimal side effects for the mother-fetus system is selected.


Prevention of pyelonephritis includes a set of measures aimed at preventing provoking factors of the disease.

If they are eliminated in a timely manner, it is possible not only to prevent kidney inflammation, but also to facilitate the effectiveness of its treatment.

Prevention of pyelonephritis with antibiotics in people over 60 years of age is carried out in the presence of any provoking disease: urolithiasis, diabetes, neurological diseases, prostate adenoma. In children and pregnant women, preventive measures are carried out when bacteria and leukocytes are detected in the urine for no apparent reason.

To prevent the disease, you should drink from 2 to 2.5 liters of fluid per day. You should not drink mineral waters or flavored drinks. It is enough to drink plain water or lingonberry juice. Coffee, tea and Coca-Cola are excluded.

– consider the features of drug therapy in children and adults with acute and chronic forms of the disease.

You might be interested in knowing about effective prevention of kidney disease. you will find information about what is good for the kidneys.

Kidney diseases are increasingly common in medical practice. They can develop for many reasons. This includes an unhealthy lifestyle, inflammatory diseases of neighboring organs, infections of the genitourinary system, and so on. This article will discuss such a pathology as acute pyelonephritis. The symptoms and treatment of the disease are well known and described. In this article we will find out the features of correction of this pathology. It is also worth mentioning what kind of acute illness it has in children.

Common kidney diseases

The inflammatory process in the lining of the organ and the pyelocaliceal system is called pyelonephritis. This pathology can take various forms. At the moment, the following manifestations are known to medicine:

  • acute and treatment will be described below);
  • chronic inflammation (most often has no manifestations);
  • aggravated pathology (asymptomatic course of the disease followed by the addition of symptoms).

All these forms bring considerable discomfort to a person. That is why it is so important to make a timely diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. Otherwise, the patient may face serious complications that will lead to hospitalization and surgery.

Acute pyelonephritis

Symptoms and treatment for this disease may vary. When prescribing therapy, it is imperative to take into account the patient’s complaints. In some cases, pathology develops from an existing disease. In this case, it is necessary to treat not only the inflammatory process, but also its cause.

Pathology develops mainly due to the proliferation of bacteria. These include microorganisms of Escherichia coli, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterococci, staphylococci, and so on. Less commonly, pathology develops due to viral damage to the organ.

Pathology most often develops due to bacteria from neighboring organs entering the kidney. Less commonly, the patient is diagnosed with so-called ascending acute pyelonephritis. The symptoms and treatment for this type are somewhat different. In this case, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate through the urethra into the bladder and only then affect the renal system.

Signs of the disease

Depending on the symptoms of acute pyelonephritis, appropriate treatment is prescribed. Remember that the correction should not be carried out independently. Only a qualified specialist will be able to select the correct medications and their dosage regimen.

Symptoms of pathology may vary. Most often, a high temperature rises and pain occurs in the peritoneum. However, these symptoms may be conditional and do not always indicate an acute inflammatory process in the kidney. Let's consider the main signs of pathology.

Fever or hyperthermia

Acute pyelonephritis is often manifested by elevated temperature. In this case, the person does not feel other signs of a cold.

The patient begins to feel chills and sweating increases. In some cases, seizures or delirium may occur. If acute pyelonephritis in children has such symptoms and treatment is not carried out immediately, the consequences can be dire. In children, such conditions can be especially dangerous. Elderly people are also at risk.

Pain symptom

Acute pyelonephritis (symptoms) often begins with pain. The low-grade fever remains. Unpleasant sensations can be pressing, bursting or pulling. However, more often they are sharp with lumbago in the lower back.

The pain can also be girdling and affect the lower abdomen. In some cases, acute pyelonephritis in women has symptoms in the form of cutting sensations during urination and immediately after it. This may indicate the addition of cystitis. In this case we are talking about an ascending pathology.

General deterioration in health

Pathology often manifests itself as a general malaise. In this case, the patient's digestion is impaired. The most common symptoms are nausea and loss of appetite. In more severe situations, diarrhea and vomiting may occur.

Blood pressure also increases, which in itself leads to headaches and tinnitus. Sometimes the patient may lose consciousness. This condition is especially dangerous for pregnant women and young children. What are the symptoms of acute pyelonephritis in infants?

Signs of pathology in children

Often children cannot say what is bothering them. In this case, parents will have to guess on the coffee grounds. Pathology in newborns and infants is manifested by severe anxiety and crying. Also, when the temperature rises, parents do not show signs of a cold. The baby presses her legs to her tummy and cries angrily. Outwardly, this manifestation is similar to ordinary colic, but unlike gas formation, pyelonephritis does not go away on its own. Moreover, over time, the baby’s condition only worsens.

How to diagnose pathology?

If there is a suspicion of acute and treatment should be related to each other. Several methods are used for diagnosis.

  • Questioning and inspection. This method cannot provide reliable information about the disease. The doctor examines the patient and learns about the symptoms that bother him. During palpation, the pain may intensify. This indirectly indicates pathology.
  • Ultrasound. This method is more accurate. During the examination, the specialist examines the walls of the organ and determines the degree of expansion of the pyelocaliceal system. The data obtained may indicate illness.
  • Laboratory research. These include general blood and urine tests, as well as biochemistry. Often, if pathology is suspected, bacterial culture of urine is performed. Based on the results, it is possible to determine the microorganisms present and determine their sensitivity to certain antibiotics.
  • Radiography. This manipulation is performed much less frequently. However, it can give an accurate picture of kidney health. During diagnosis, a contrast solution is used and injected into the kidney. After this, the image of the organ is displayed on

Acute pyelonephritis: treatment at home

This pathology is mainly treated within the walls of a hospital. However, many patients refuse hospitalization for various reasons. It must be remembered that this can lead to the development of complications.

  • Most often it involves a pathology such as acute pyelonephritis and treatment with antibiotics. However, before prescribing drugs, it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests. Otherwise, you can only make your situation worse. If antibacterial drugs are taken incorrectly, bacterial resistance to the antimicrobial agent develops and the human immune defense decreases.
  • It is also described in some detail by the healthy lifestyle magazine. There are folk remedies for correction. Some of them may be quite useful. However, you should not risk carrying out such manipulations without the participation of a doctor.
  • Must be associated with a disease such as acute pyelonephritis, symptoms and treatment. Diet and a certain regimen are additional methods of correction. They will alleviate the patient's condition and speed up recovery.

Let us consider in detail how acute pyelonephritis is treated at home.

Use of antimicrobial drugs

Treatment is quite often carried out for a disease such as acute pyelonephritis. In this case, a preliminary analysis for the sensitivity of microorganisms is not performed. Such a correction may not be very effective and may lead to more advanced pathology.

The most correct prescription would be a recommendation given after a preliminary analysis. At the same time, the sensitivity of certain bacteria to certain medications is determined. Most often, doctors prescribe the following medications: Ofloxacin, Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Amoxicillin and others.

In most cases, the effect of the drugs is noticeable within one week after treatment. Within a month of such therapy, complete recovery occurs. However, doctors strongly recommend continuing treatment for up to two months. Long-term exposure allows you to destroy all pathological microorganisms and prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Use of immunomodulators

This should not be done on your own. Such correction is always combined with the use of strong medications. Acute pyelonephritis cannot be cured with immunostimulating drugs alone.

Immunomodulators allow you to quickly cope with pathology and improve the condition of the body after long-term use of antibiotics. These drugs include the following: “Interferon”, “Fiferon”, “Likopid”, “Canephron”, “Isoprinosine”, “Dekaris”, “Prodigeozan” and so on. Correction can be carried out for quite a long time (up to several months). In this case, one medication is replaced by another for a more effective effect.

The use of diuretics in the treatment of pathology

Often, medications that have a diuretic effect are used to correct pathology. Most often these are teas made from medicinal herbs, for example: “Brusniver”, “Kidney tea” and so on.

You can also use solutions and capsule forms of drugs. Most often these are Cyston, Canephron and others. It is worth noting that these medications can be used during pregnancy. However, before doing this, it is still worth getting advice from a specialist.

Surgical treatment of pyelonephritis

In more advanced situations, surgical intervention is used. It is performed under general anesthesia and can be of two types: organ-preserving or organ-carrying. In the first case, the affected kidney is decapsulated. In this case, the walls of the organ are dissected and purulent and pathological formations are removed. The doctor tries to preserve healthy tissues as much as possible and not disrupt the blood flow in them. The prognosis for such treatment is usually favorable. In this case, it is necessary to follow the instructions given to the patient.

Complete surgery is performed when it is not possible to leave the organ. In this case, donor material can be used. However, there is no guarantee that it will take root. A person can live quite normally with one kidney. In this case, it will be necessary to monitor the condition of the organ more carefully.

Therapeutic exercises for illness

You can treat pyelonephritis at home with the help of special exercises. Most often they are prescribed to expectant mothers. After all, it is this group of women who are susceptible to the development of an inflammatory process due to increased pressure of the uterus on the organs.

Doctors recommend taking the knee-elbow position several times a day. This makes it easier for the kidneys to work and reduce pressure on them. Also, if you have unilateral acute pyelonephritis, then you should lie down and sleep only on the opposite side. This way you can avoid increased pressure on the diseased organ and improve the flow of urine from it.

Diet for acute pyelonephritis

To treat acute pyelonephritis, a diet and an appropriate regimen can be used. Most often, doctors recommend complete rest during illness. Especially if there are symptoms such as high fever, increased blood pressure, weakness and chills.

The diet involves high fluid intake. The patient needs to increase the volume of fluid consumed to two or even three liters per day. Such an effect will be positive only if the outflow of urine is not impaired. In addition to simple clean water, you can drink cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks. Such drinks perfectly cleanse the urinary tract from pathogenic microbes.

Following a diet involves avoiding smoked and salty foods. Such products contribute to fluid retention in the body. This can only make the situation worse. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to completely eliminate salt from your diet.

It is also necessary to exclude sweets, baked goods and any allergens from the menu. It is strictly forbidden to eat tomatoes in any form. Avoid alcohol. Meat and fatty broths should be excluded from the patient’s diet. What can you eat with acute pyelonephritis?

Give preference to light vegetable soups and steamed products. Eat small portions, but more often. Between each meal, drink several glasses of water and the fruit drinks described above. Avoid coffee and strong tea. These drinks can only aggravate the condition by causing a large increase in blood pressure.

The use of herbs: traditional methods of correction

Treating acute pyelonephritis with herbs is quite dangerous. However, many patients resort to this method.

Remember that some herbs may be contraindicated for a particular patient. That is why, before using them, you should still consult a doctor to obtain permission for such treatment.

Summing up and concluding the article

You now know a lot about a disease such as acute pyelonephritis (symptoms, treatment with herbs and other methods). Remember that the pathology is quite dangerous and can lead to serious complications. That is why her treatment should be carried out within the walls of a hospital, and not self-prescribed. The disease is especially dangerous for young children and the elderly. To make the right appointments, you should first undergo an examination. If there are disturbances in the outflow of urine, a catheter is used.

Monitor the condition of your kidneys. If one of the symptoms appears, do not procrastinate, contact a specialist! Only in this case is there a chance that the pathology will not develop into a more serious form. Good health to you!


Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory process in the kidneys due to a bacterial infection. The disease in especially severe forms can lead to death. Each new exacerbation of the disease worsens the condition of the kidney tissue, which degenerates into scar tissue. It is important to recognize the disease in time and begin treatment to prevent the development of a chronic disease.

Forms of pyelonephritis

Signs of acute pyelonephritis:

  • - pain in the lumbar region;
  • - heat;
  • - changes in urine color;

- symptoms of concomitant diseases, for example, cystitis (constant urge to urinate, painful urination, pain in the lower abdomen).

Signs of chronic pyelonephritis:

  • - weakness and fatigue;
  • - headache;
  • - lumbar pain.

Symptoms of a chronic disease usually appear during exacerbation, along with other signs of acute pyelonephritis.

When is it dangerous to treat yourself?

There are especially severe cases when treatment with home remedies is not enough and you must consult a specialist. Signs that you should seek medical help:

  • - increase and decrease in blood pressure;
  • - fever;
  • - severe pain in the bladder area;
  • - nausea, vomiting.

The presence of the above symptoms may indicate a violation of the outflow of urine, the presence of a purulent process, or an increase in the concentration of toxins in the blood. In such cases, urgent hospitalization is necessary, as there is a risk of the need for surgical intervention. In all other cases, home treatment will be sufficient.

Basic requirements for the mode

It is important to avoid hypothermia; cold and wet weather is especially dangerous. During the day, you need to take a lying position as often as possible and constantly empty your bladder (every 3-4 hours). If there is an active inflammatory process, then the regime should be completely bed rest. A person must constantly be in a horizontal position and warm (warmth improves blood circulation in the kidneys and bladder, which accelerates the resorption of the inflammatory process).

Diet for acute pyelonephritis

If the patient exhibits all the signs of an acute inflammatory process, then for 2-5 days he is prescribed a diet that includes the following aspects:

  • - eat fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • - drink as much fluid as possible (up to two liters per day). This includes not only water, but also juices, teas, etc.;
  • - exclude salt from the diet;
  • — food should be boiled, steamed or baked after steaming;
  • - meat and fish should be consumed in small quantities and only low-fat;
  • - exclude spices, fatty foods, seasonings and sauces;
  • - do not drink carbonated drinks;
  • - do not eat foods with high levels of acidity.

Treatment of pyelonephritis with medications at home

In case of exacerbation of the disease, prescribing antibiotics is a prerequisite. During treatment, it may occur. Therefore, it is important to seek help from a professional who will conduct a competent diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment.

The more carefully the antibiotic that is suitable for a particular patient is selected, the faster the inflammatory process will be overcome without further exacerbation and side effects. In the first week of treatment, doctors prescribe the drug based on the results of the examination and the information they have. After receiving the results of culture for microflora, treatment is prescribed in a more targeted manner.

The duration of treatment depends on the course of the inflammatory process and the presence of positive dynamics in test results. Irregular use of antibiotics or sudden cessation of their use leads to relapse or delay of the healing process. Repeated use of the drug in the future will lead to decreased sensitivity to its components. Therefore, it is very important, when treating at home, to follow your doctor’s recommendations for taking antibiotics.

The most common drugs for the treatment of pyelonephritis:

  1. Augmentin,
  2. Norfloxacin,
  3. Ofloxacin,
  4. Furamag and others.


Herbs have an antiseptic effect, reduce the manifestation of urinary tract spasms, reduce bleeding, reduce swelling, and ease digestive problems (which often occur when taking antibiotics). Herbs that are used for pyelonephritis: oats, rose hips, nettle, bearberry, chamomile, strawberries, plantain and a number of others. Medicines are produced based on herbs - Canephron, Vitolysin. There are collections of several herbs that can be purchased in ready-made form in pharmacies. It is also very useful to drink herbal teas, including for preventive purposes.

There is a treatment regimen (for particularly protracted forms of the disease), when the patient regularly takes antibiotics in combination with herbal medicine for several months.

In the treatment of pyelonephritis, taking a decoction of rose hips, St. John's wort, motherwort, violet, and horsetail is especially effective. Having mixed all the ingredients in equal quantities, pour a tablespoon of the mixture into one glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, cool and filter. Take ¼ cup 4-6 times a day. Such decoctions are bitter and stimulate appetite, which is especially useful for patients with pyelonephritis who have difficulty eating. Therefore, it is recommended to drink decoctions half an hour before meals.

Cranberries have a good diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. They can be consumed in unlimited quantities. You can make a tincture of the berries: mash a tablespoon of cranberries and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for a couple of hours and take half a glass before meals every three hours.

Prevention of pyelonephritis

Preventive measures include the following:

  • maintaining dental health. The infection can enter the kidneys from teeth affected by caries. Bacteria, whose activity led to tooth destruction, “sink” into the kidneys. With a weakened immune system, the body cannot cope with such a process and pyelonephritis occurs;
  • wearing warm clothes. Often the cause of pyelonephritis is hypothermia, which occurs due to dressing inappropriately for the weather;
  • drinking enough liquid (this is not necessarily water, but also juices, compotes, teas and any other liquid);
  • correct treatment with constant laboratory monitoring to exclude relapse or complications;
  • taking vitamins. This is especially true during the cold season. The weakened immunity of a person who has a deficiency of vitamins in the body cannot resist all kinds of bacteria. Once in the body, they cause an inflammatory process;
  • eating a lot of vegetables and fruits.

Video - Treatment of pyelonephritis

Video - How to treat pyelonephritis with folk remedies

Kidney failure is a very insidious and dangerous disease. It is necessary to monitor your health with the utmost care. And yet no one is immune from pathology. What to do if you are struck by a disease such as pyelonephritis? Is it possible to cure chronic kidney pyelonephritis at home? And if so, how? All the necessary information on the treatment of this pathology is collected in this article.

Pyelonephritis gets its name from the area that is affected by bacteria during illness - pyelitis. The disease also affects the parenchyma, as well as the calyces located inside the kidneys. The structure of the organ in both sexes is noticeably different, and for this reason, pyelonephritis in women occurs up to 6 times more often than in men. The causative agents of pathology are:

  • Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • staphylococci and enterococci.

The long-term form of the disease is hard on the kidneys and can eventually shrink them to the point where they stop functioning. If the lesion is bilateral, kidney failure may permanently develop. For this reason, measures should be taken in a timely manner. This article describes how to treat kidney pyelonephritis.

How to treat pyelonephritis? In men and women, treatment is completely identical. It is necessary to use a sufficient amount of properly selected antibiotics along with antifungal drugs. For certain types of pathology, more precisely, stages and accompanying complications, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet.

If hydronephrosis (delayed filtration of fluids) has not yet developed, then the standard form of treatment is suitable:

  • antibiotics or antiviral drugs;
  • a large amount of liquid;
  • a diet excluding onions, coffee, flour, tomatoes. Meals 4-5 times a day;
  • stay warm, ideally bed rest.

But if hydronephrosis has already begun, then you will have to select an individual treatment program, which will also include eliminating the problem with the passage of fluid through the kidneys.

Features of male and female body structure

Acute and chronic forms of the disease

The acute form of the disease occurs with a temperature of about 39C, pain in the lumbar region, as well as discomfort during urination. These symptoms are enough for the attending physician to be able to determine the exacerbation by palpation. In a clinical setting, testing occurs in urine - in one drop of the affected liquid there are up to 100 thousand microbes.

The chronic form occurs against the background of an untreated acute stage.

If microbes were able to penetrate both kidneys, and we are talking about treatment at home quickly, then with great probability we can assume that the patient will suffer the disease again. For a complete recovery, it is necessary to treat pyelonephritis with medications and undergo a complex procedure, including diets and a certain lifestyle. Medicines and drugs should be selected according to the type of pathogen, which will be determined in a clinical setting.

How to treat pyelonephritis with folk remedies?

You should not rely on the fact that treatment with traditional methods can replace full-fledged therapy. Moreover, some products and techniques used in traditional medicine can have a negative impact on both acute and chronic forms of pathology. And ignoring the treatment of the infection will only make the situation worse. You should not conduct experiments on your own body. This is fraught with real kidney loss.

Folk remedies will help you get rid of excruciating pain

It is necessary to strive to restore normal blood pressure and healthy circulation. First you need to perform a clotting test, measure your blood pressure and set normal values ​​for yourself. After this, you can start taking the following products and remedies:

  • persimmon – stabilizes blood pressure. During the season, taking 1-2 fruits per day is enough;
  • a collection of chamomile and mint - has an antiseptic and calming effect;
  • vitamin complexes - necessary when consuming large amounts of liquid, since substances necessary for the body are washed out along with water;
  • butter and propolis - a melted mixture of these two products has a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys, eliminates bacteria, and does not strain the organs;
  • a decoction of birch, pine and corn silk buds will prevent the development of inflammatory processes;
  • A tablespoon of flax seed, slightly ground and poured with a glass of boiling water, will help remove toxins and bacteria from the body.

If the patient begins to observe a sharp deterioration in his own condition or lack of improvement, then he should contact professional doctors and undergo timely diagnosis.


The stages of development of hydronephrosis are determined by the neglect of the pathology (3 stages) and depend on the severity of parenchymal atrophy (4 stages). In the first stages, the disease is not so pronounced and does not pose a serious danger to the body. But there is a high probability that the pathology will become chronic and lead to complete atrophy of the kidney.

Hydronephrosis occurs not only against the background of pyelonephritis - any disease of these organs can contribute to the development of pathology. In turn, with hydronephrosis it is no longer possible to use standard treatment and follow general recommendations. After an ultrasound, the doctor must determine the condition of the kidneys, and only then prescribe medications and determine the form of diet. Inpatient treatment and hospitalization may be required.

After the development of the 2nd stage of hydronephrosis, conservative treatment begins, during which it is necessary to stimulate the outflow of urine. At stages 3 and 4, surgical intervention is necessary, otherwise tissue necrosis will occur and the kidney will have to be removed.

Treatment of pyelonephritis in women

Statistics show that women suffer from this disease 5 times more often than men. It is also interesting that women of reproductive age who are sexually active are susceptible to the disease.

This may also be explained by the peculiarities of the physiological structure of the external genitalia. In women, all the channels are located nearby, which can lead to infection, because the main causative agent of the disease is E. coli. Therefore, women should treat intimate hygiene with extreme caution and attention. Pyelonephritis poses a particular threat to women bearing children or suffering from renal failure.

Treatment proceeds while taking a loading dose of antibiotics. The main drugs in the fight against pyelonephritis are the following antibiotics:

  • Ciprofloxacin - a 7-day course of treatment with this drug gives better results compared to drugs from the fluoroquinol group. If we compare them in terms of effectiveness, then both of these drugs are very strong and help to cure in 97% of cases. A week's course is enough for complete recovery, but fluoroquinol has one significant drawback - it acts extremely aggressively on the body's microflora. When taking drugs from this group, candidiasis usually occurs, and it can manifest itself in the most unexpected places - the larynx or tonsils. During treatment with such drugs, it is necessary to take antifungal drugs, for example, Fluconazole, which, by the way, is extremely toxic and has a negative effect on the liver;
  • Ceftriaxone is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that requires the simultaneous use of antifungal agents. Injected intramuscularly into the buttock. Doctors recommend injecting as deep into the muscle as possible, since the drug has a greater effect with this method of administration. The course should not exceed 5 days; injections can be used twice a day every 12 hours. One ampoule of Ceftriaxone must be diluted in 4 ml of 2% Lidocaine or Novocaine. On the first and last day of injections, you must take one tablet of Fluconazole or Flucostat.

How long to treat acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy?

Provided that active therapy is excluded during pregnancy, hospitalization will probably be required. The duration of treatment depends on the period at which the expectant mother began to suffer from the disease. In the later stages, it may be necessary to leave the woman in labor for preservation. In the first trimester, doctors will have to determine the optimal recovery method without the use of drugs dangerous to the fetus.

Timely examinations by a doctor will help diagnose the disease in the early stages and prescribe the safest treatment possible.

With pyelonephritis, as mentioned above, inflammation of the internal organs is observed. On this basis, difficulty in the passage of fluids occurs, the kidneys cannot cope with their tasks, stagnation occurs, and microbes begin to become even more active. Many doctors do not take this fact into account and simply recommend that everyone indiscriminately drink large amounts of water.

Warning! Do not start taking large amounts of fluid until normal passage is achieved. Otherwise, the bladder may overflow, which will only worsen the situation.

Among all the drugs available for pregnant women, the most popular are Monural or Amoxiclav. The method of administration and dosage are determined strictly by the attending physician who observes the picture of the disease. Starting treatment on your own without a doctor’s recommendation and without an established regimen of use is strictly prohibited. This can lead to impaired fetal development. Refusal of timely treatment is more dangerous - bacteria and decay products can lead to problems in the development of the baby in the womb.

Some people believe that medications approved for use before the first year of pregnancy can also be taken during pregnancy. This is a dangerous misconception that can lead to tragic consequences.

Treatment of pyelonephritis in children

It is possible to cure pyelonephritis at home in children using tablets only in a hospital setting. The disease behaves unpredictably, and a child who has little control over his own feelings may miss a critical moment. Hospitalization is necessary when the first symptoms of this pathology appear. Doctors need to constantly collect urine to check the number of white blood cells and other indicators. At home, treatment can develop into a chronic form from an acute one. This is dangerous for children mainly for one reason - developmental anomalies can leave a mark for life. Tissue degeneration and scarring of the kidneys in childhood can lead to organ failure in the future.

It is necessary to be attentive to the condition of children and not self-medicate

Failure to comply with the diet, lack of necessary medications, regimen and checks can lead to tragic consequences. Hospitalization for the acute stage usually lasts 7–14 days. After the baby is discharged, it is necessary to remain in bed for some time, adhere to a diet and undergo examinations by a doctor.

Fortunately, it is possible to cure both chronic and acute pyelonephritis completely. And in such a way that neither remissions nor minor manifestations of the disease will torment you. But the course of treatment can cause a lot of discomfort; a person will have to devote some period of his life only to this process, perhaps even go on sick leave. Properly treated kidneys will begin to function as if they had never suffered from the disease.

This was all the necessary information on pyelonephritis. Using this knowledge, the reader will be able to protect himself and loved ones from serious danger to the body.