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Black magic and spells to punish a thief in pursuit. Conspiracy to return stolen property

A conspiracy against thieves will help protect yourself in advance from theft and punish the criminal. With its help, you will be able to protect your treasures, find criminals and force them to return everything they stole.

Conspiracy from thieves

In order to protect our property, we use the most modern alarm systems, install metal doors and bars on the windows. However, this cannot always protect against cunning and skilled criminals. To ensure that all your savings never fall into the clutches of thieves, use this plot.

You will need to prepare a very ordinary castle, some incense, a wax candle and holy water. The first thing to do is drive away all negativity from your apartment or house, which has accumulated on it. As you know, negative energy attracts problems into a room, which means it can easily lead intruders to your home.

Place a candle in the room, light incense and fumigate the room with it. Go to each corner and sprinkle holy water there, repeating the text of the “Our Father” prayer. It is necessary to carry out such manipulations in every room. After this, take the castle in your hands, consecrate it with the sign of the cross, sprinkle it with holy water and say over it:

I close this lock and leave the key with me. Let no one enter here with evil intent and let no one bring trouble to my house.

Place the lock near the door so that it is not visible. It can be hidden behind some bulky item in your hallway. Be sure that now not a single villain will get into your house.

If you did not have time to apply a protective spell in time and you were still robbed, then with the help of magic you can even find the criminal. For example, if you have very well developed intuition, you can use spells for a prophetic dream.

It will allow you to see the image of the criminal. Only you can decide what to do with such information. Unfortunately, the police will be very skeptical about such information.

However, if you know the name of the thief or can imagine him, then by using a conspiracy to make the thief return the stolen property, you will achieve justice. To perform the ritual you will need a dull knife and a wax candle. At exactly midnight, place a lit candle on your work surface. Start moving the knife over the candle flame while saying:

I want to know your name, thief. I will see your image. Show yourself to me, open up.

Start peering into the candle flame. Fortune tellers believe that if higher powers decide to reveal the face of a criminal to you, you will see his image in front of you. When you see the face of your offender, you can put out the candle and add up the attributes you used.

Before going to bed, say the words of the conspiracy three times again. Perhaps the higher powers will be so supportive that they will even suggest the name of the criminal. You will probably hear him in a dream, or you will see the thief again and understand his name.

Thursday salt

If you performed the previous ritual and now you know the name of the offender and what he looks like, then you can force him to return everything that he stole from you. To carry out the first ritual, you should prepare such an important attribute as Thursday salt. They speak it only on Maundy Thursday. Early in the morning, take some Thursday salt, scatter it where the stolen things were, and say conspiracy to return stolen property:

I sprinkle salt on the thief's eyes,
On wounds, on sick bodies.
The heart is evil, the deed is wicked.
From now on his heart will become his test,
Until he returns my treasure to its place.
Now and forever, forever and ever. Amen.

The plot is read exactly 9 times. It is very important to imagine the image of a thief during manipulations. After all, he is known to you now. It is prohibited to remove salt until the items are returned to you. Rest assured, they will be delivered to you soon.

Such a conspiracy is very effective, but it is also more dangerous. If a thief resists the will of higher powers and decides not to return the loot to you, then he will suffer various failures, deprivations and torments.

You will need to take 13 identical coins and go to the crossroads with them. At exactly midnight, find yourself at the selected road intersection. Throw all the coins in front of you and say:

13 devils, I'm calling you. Come to me, find the dashing thief (his name) for me. Let him return all the loot to me, otherwise a terrible fate awaits him. Gnaw, tear, take it to the grave. (name) will not know peace until he returns my goods.

The plot is read exactly 13 times. After that, return home without looking back.

If you don’t want to know who stole your treasures, but simply want to take revenge on the offender, then this simple ritual will suit you. You should find a web and a spider. It is advisable that this find be outside your home. Look closely at the spider, while repeating this conspiracy to punish a thief:

You took my treasure
he took my goods into his hands.
I wish you to get confused, lost, lost, stuck in a web,
To sit in one place and not get up. From now on I did not know happiness and peace.
From now on the spider will fly around you with its net,
Happiness and luck leave you forever.
From now on you will not escape grief and hardship,
You will only suffer forever and ever.

When the plot has been said three times, you can leave the ceremony site. Rest assured that your offender will get what he deserves.

Despite the fact that anti-theft conspiracies can indeed protect your property and punish criminals, you should not rely only on the power of magic. Do not neglect the usual methods of protecting treasures and do not leave the doors wide open, because in this case not a single conspiracy will help.

Rituals for punishing a thief.

done in winter when there is snow
Make a little snowman - a winter road and imagine that you are creating the image of your offender. Having sculpted you say:
“There was a snow doll, but it became Mara of the Wonders. There was a snowball that became (the name of the offender). Let it be so!".
You throw the doll into the house of your offender, saying: “As the demon Zimnik wears out, so the slave (name of the offender) will be twisted and broken. He will kick his feet and ask for mercy. Let it be so!".

Speak on coins of one kopeck or one ruble (tenge):
“There is a coffin, with a coffin lid. I'm making a little house for a filthy thief. Whoever took my property, whoever robbed me, punished himself with this house. Damn you thief with my strong curse. Go into boiling tar, into flammable ashes, into hellish hell. The mill will grind you, the abyss will swallow your body. If you were in a little house, closed under a lid, buried in heavy earth. I give you three days, thief, return my property to me, or you are a vile thief, you will become seriously ill, you will suffer like hell and die on the ninth day. Key. Lock. Language. Let it be so!".
This money should be distributed to the poor as alms. The thief will be punished.

If you find something missing at home and want to punish the thief.
find what's missing.
They read, clapping their hands:
Little devils, come here and help me search. Argamas, Arbamas, Avramas. In the name of this, in the name of this and the other. Take away the brains, give the thieves thoughts. Take away the will and the share until that hour, until that minute, until they return what they took.
It's better to read on Thursday.

Collect all the knives that are in the house, put them in a basin, pour in enough water to cover the knives. Place the basin on the stove and read 40 times. Pour the water out the gate or outside the entrance door. Do this for 3 days.

Oh, you damask knives, you cut and stab everything, to the point of white bones, to red blood. Go, knives, to the thief, chop and stab to the bone, to the blood, so that he gives back what he stole, everything that he took from me. Be you, thief, cursed: with forty prayers, forty slander, forty ghosts, forty funeral services, forty curses, the most powerful conspiracy, boiling tar, flammable ash, painful illness. Swamp mud, pull, mill, twist and crush with mortal melancholy to the grave. Take it like a jug without a bottom, from the first word to the last word.
Amen. Amen. Amen


Collect all the knives in the house into one large pan, fill them with water and put on fire. When the water boils, read the plot 13 times:

“I will get up, without blessing, I will go, without crossing myself, from the door to the gate, from the gate into an open field, a wide expanse. In an open field, in a wide expanse, sits a young devil, waving his tail, dancing around a fire. On that fire stands a forged chest, in "The chest lies far away. I'll come closer to the devil and bow to him lower: hello, devil-father! What kind of torment do you have in your chest? Damask knives, steel needles, forged nails and pound swords that stick into sinners and mock them. Open , devil-father, chest, release from it distant torments. Go, you torments, to the one who raised his hands on my property. Cut, stab and beat him, so that he steals everything he took from me. And if he doesn’t give it back , will die in terrible agony. So be it."
Boiling water is poured over the threshold, you need to do this three times.

In a dream, find out a thief so that you dream about it
spread the bed, get ready for bed.
light a church candle, take a dull knife - you can first dull the sharp one.
use this knife to chop the candle flame and repeat
“Whoever stole, whoever took what’s mine, come in a dream and take the knife, otherwise I will chop up your soul like a butcher chops a pork carcass. Amen.”
do it until you get tired of it, or until the candle burns out,
after this, place the knife under the pillow; talking with anyone from the moment the ritual begins until waking up in the morning is generally prohibited.

Invoice for the debtor

Punish the unknown thief

If you find something missing at home and want to punish the thief, then proceed as follows. Collect all the knives in the house into one large pan, fill them with water and put on fire. When the water boils, read the spell: “I will get up, without blessing, I will go, without crossing myself, from the door to the gate, from the gate into an open field, a wide expanse. In an open field, in a wide expanse, sits a young devil, waving his tail, dancing around a fire. On that fire there is a forged chest, in the chest lies 1000 torments. 1000 torments for thieves’ hands. I’ll come closer to the devil, bow to him lower: “Hello, devil-father! What kind of torment do you have in your chest?" "Hot damask knives, forged nails and heavy weights that stick into sinners, beat them, and mock them." "Open the chest, damn father, release 1000 torments from it." Go, you torment, to the one who raised his hands to my property. Cut, stab and beat him, so that he steals everything that he took from me. And if he doesn’t return it, he will die in terrible agony. My property will stand up to him like a stake and nothing will help him, not even the highest throne.”

Remove the knives after turning off the stove. Pour boiling water over the threshold (if this is a house) or from your entrance (if you live in an apartment). You need to do this for 3 days. It is advisable to do this at sunset or in the dark. The thief will then feel very bad.

Punish the thief

Talk about a pretty penny and give it to the poor. The thief will be punished. Read like this:

There is a coffin, with a coffin lid. I'm building a little house for a filthy thief. Whoever took my property, who robbed me, punished himself with this house. Damn you, thief, by my powerful conspiracy. Go into boiling tar, into flammable ashes, into the hellish underworld. The mill will grind you, the abyss will swallow your body. If you were in a little house, closed under a lid, buried in heavy earth. I give you, thief, three days, return my property to me, or you, filthy thief, will become seriously ill, you will suffer like hell and die on the ninth day. John the warrior, father, you conquered your enemy, And I will destroy, kill, destroy the thief. Key, lock, tongue.

Invoice for the debtor

It requires a church candle. But before reading a conspiracy to repay a debt, you need to read a protective conspiracy for yourself (so as not to accidentally wish anything bad on the debtor).

Defensive plot: “I’m on my knees, I pray to the Lord. The wound is not for the body, envy is not for the cause, the attack is not mine, the groan is not mine, tears are not for the eyes, grief is not for the shoulders, blood is not for the flesh. Lord God, save! Amen.” .

After this, light a candle, go to the window in the evening and read three times: “I am sending a tale to the slave (name). Let this tale to the slave (name of the debtor) burn and bake. Drive him around the corners, break bones. Let him not eat, not sleep, does not drink until (your name) repays the debt. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

It is not uncommon for each person’s list of friends and acquaintances to be supplemented by enemies. Often such people can harm you, offend someone close to you, and bring evil to your family. To protect yourself from such attacks or to help you stand up for yourself where others are not competent, you can use the method of magical influence. By using conspiracies against the offender (enemy, thief), you can not only take revenge on him, but also punish him more strongly than physical and legal measures. And today we will talk about the most popular conspiracies that allow you to independently understand situations where you or your loved ones were undeservedly hurt.

To use a conspiracy against an offender, it is necessary to perform magical actions only in response. Otherwise, they will not turn out in your favor, affecting your health or psyche.

If you need to punish with magical influence an offender or an enemy who is your acquaintance, this ritual will help. During it, you should read a special plot. To perform the ritual you will need two ordinary coins. They must differ in denomination so that one is less than the other in value.

Taking a coin in each hand, go to a deserted intersection in the evening. Standing in the center of the intersection of two roads, throw a coin of a smaller denomination into the darkness. At the same time, say the words of the conspiracy against the evil person:

“To the villain (name of the offender) - the action is villainous.”

Then throw out the second coin with your other hand, saying:

"Paid with interest."

After performing the magical act, turn towards your home over your left shoulder. Return home silently, without looking back. The conspiracy will have adverse consequences for the bad person almost immediately. Punishment will overtake the offender (enemy, thief, gossip, etc.), but only if it is done fairly.

Ritual if you don't know the villain

If you don’t recognize someone you know in the person who harmed you or someone close to you, this plot will come in handy. You can punish the offender who caused a lot of unfavorable changes in your life using the following ritual.

On one sunny day, open the window. Standing in front of him, say the magic words, turning to the sun:

“Beautiful and clear red sun, you warm, delight and illuminate everyone. You give life to the living, you create love, but you do not help evil people. Let the bad eye, which wishes me harm, try with your light. Burn through his soul so that he will suffer and repent for what he has done!”

As a result of this ritual, the offender will have an obsessive feeling of guilt and unreasonable fear. This conspiracy does not cause serious consequences in relation to the offender-enemy.

Slander against a person who stole an item

There are stronger conspiracies against people who do evil. The one below is similar. Often, it is used against a thief who has stolen something from your home. The main condition for carrying out the ritual with the reading of the conspiracy is precise confidence in the guilt of a particular person. If you don’t know who exactly took the item away without your knowledge, it’s better to use another conspiracy.

To take revenge on the thief and punish him for what he did, do the following. Go to the place where the stolen item was last found. Closing your eyes, imagine the thief entering the house, taking this thing, and then leaving with it. After this, read the conspiracy against this person:

“You (thief’s name) took my thing, so give it back to me. If you don’t give it back, people will find out that you are a nasty thief, they will begin to curse you, and bad rumors about you will spread around the world. They won’t let you into any house.”

The effect of this ritual should be the return of the stolen item. In the near future, the thief will have a huge feeling of guilt, and he will return the item.

A powerful revenge plot

If the enemy deliberately caused you or your family harm, you can take revenge on him with the help of a stronger rite. This plot helps to inflict on the enemy what he did to you. But keep in mind that the consequences of the ritual cannot be undone. Therefore, use this conspiracy only against a specific culprit. It will be possible to punish offenders and take revenge on them if you first prepare for the ceremony.


  • small onion;
  • black marker (cosmetic pencil);
  • small cross;
  • a bowl of water;
  • church candle

In the evening, write the name of the offender (enemy, thief) on the bulb. Light a candle and drop some wax on the cross. Then place a burning candle over a bowl filled with water. Hold it so that the wax drips directly into the vessel, while reading the conspiracy against the scoundrel:

“As wax melts from the flame of a candle and its fire, so let the evil created by (name of the enemy) melt.”

Read the plot 40 times in a row. Then put out the candle and hide the cinder, wax, onion and cross. After three days, throw the onion into the fire and pour the water onto the ground where the offender’s foot stepped.

Conspiracies that attract money Vladimirova Naina

How to punish a thief

How to punish a thief

If something was stolen from you - at home, at work or during a business meeting, perform this ritual.

Place seven knives on the table, pointing their tips in different directions, but not towards you. And say the following spell:

Like on the sea, on the river, in a forged chest there are seven damask knives, seven guards. I open that chest, take out those knives, and use them. Go, knives, to this and that, to the one who committed evil, laid hands on my property, chop it up and down so that he turns back the theft and does not hide anything. My word is true, my deed is quick, everything is spoken, everything is fulfilled.

The ritual is also suitable for repaying a debt. The plot is read, as always, three times. You can do the ritual for several days in a row to enhance its effect. In general, many rituals are performed more than once, remember this.

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A conspiracy from a thief From a letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna, I am writing you a letter, and tears are pouring from my eyes. I am 54 years old, the age when it is no longer possible to earn anything, and the thieves took everything out of my house! Three months ago I received a telegram from her niece, in it she

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Punish the enemy Chop the bones of an animal (ram, bull, etc.) with an ax and say: I chop, slash my enemy, It’s not meat, it’s his arm and leg. I do not pour the blood of an animal, but of a filthy enemy. I break his ribs, I crush his brain. May you, my enemy, be cursed by the saints and mine

Theft has existed exactly as long as man has lived on earth. For some, theft is a kind of entertainment option, for others it is a form of income, and for others it is a disease that is extremely difficult to get rid of.

There are many traditional ways to deal with thieves, but most of them, unfortunately, are not effective. Did you know that a conspiracy against thieves is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself from problems of this kind, and to punish dishonest people who have already managed to rob a house (a plot of land, a dacha, etc.).

Power in magic

Surely you have heard more than once that magically performed acts (rituals, ceremonies, love spells, etc.) help achieve the desired goal. So, with the help of magic you can:

  • to bewitch a loved one;
  • turn away your mistress;
  • attract wealth, success, luck;
  • expose thieves;
  • protect your money and property by making a talisman against thieves;
  • return what was stolen;
  • punish the attackers.

But at the same time, it is important to know and remember that you can resort to the help of magic in cases where thieves have actually been in the house (dacha, garden plot). With the help of witchcraft it is not possible to return an item that has been lost. Moreover, if you carry out rituals or ceremonies in the event of loss of things, this can result in a lot of trouble for the sorcerer himself. Believe me, the consequences can be the most unpleasant. For this reason, experienced sorcerers and magicians advise thinking carefully before using the powers of magic for your own personal purposes.

Conducting rituals against theft

If you are sure that the missing things are the work of robbers, then rituals and ceremonies must be carried out as soon as possible. Each item is capable of preserving the energy of its owners for 7-10 days, with the help of which you can both find the thief and force him to return what was stolen. Magically performed acts affect objects in such a way that they bring all sorts of troubles to the dishonest person.

When rituals (ceremonies) are carried out in a timely manner, the thief will try not only to get rid of property acquired illegally, but will also try to return it to its rightful owners. A person who has committed a crime subconsciously understands that only such actions will help him remove the curse from himself and return the blessings of life that “leave” the thief when a magically performed ritual is imposed on him.

There are also frequent cases when a thief, in order to get rid of the ill-fated “catch” as soon as possible, throws away the loot. In this case, good will still return to you, even if several weeks pass, but sooner or later things will be with you. The thief himself will be haunted by fears and various kinds of troubles for a long time. In the world of thieves, there is even such a sign: to get rid of stolen goods without returning the items to the owners themselves means to expect trouble in the form of arrest.

Rules for carrying out conspiracies against thieves

Conspiracies against thieves will not work if you do not adhere to the main rules for performing magical acts:

  1. Don't use magic to check if it exists. If you make a conspiracy against thieves, but there were no robbers in the house, then the consequences can be the most terrible. At best, the spells will not work, and at worst, you can harm your family and lose happiness, money, success, luck and other worldly goods.
  2. Only by believing in magic can you achieve the desired result. If you do not believe in acts of this kind, then it is better not to waste your time and energy.
  3. When enacting a conspiracy from a thief, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what you are asking from higher powers. So, for the spells to work, you should concentrate as clearly as possible on the problem itself.
  4. You need to read the plot so that the thief returns the stolen property with all seriousness, just like other magic spells in principle. Drop the jokes, the giggles, the fun. You must remain neutral-serious.
  5. During the magical act, no one should help or distract. It is best if you read the plot in splendid isolation.
  6. Do not perform fortune telling if you want to harm someone, guided by a sense of revenge. The conspiracy should help the caster. And how this action is carried out should not concern you. Even if the thief suffers.
  7. Magic does not like publicity, so it is better not to spread your intentions among your family and friends.
  8. Before reading the conspiracy against thieves, turn to the Lord God. Prayer will help you achieve the desired result. And even if you make a mistake somewhere and do something wrong, your family and children will not suffer, as usually happens when the rules of magical rituals are violated.
  9. When pronouncing a spell from a thief, you need to focus on his words.
  10. When a conspiracy involves the use of an object (a photo, a lock of hair, a personal item of the person for whom the conspiracy is being read, etc.), but there is no such thing in the house, then it is best to resort to the help of another ritual, for which there is everything necessary.
  11. It is believed that in order to enhance the effect of the ritual, you need to exclude alcohol from your menu (three days before the act), dress in plain and not colorful clothes and not wear makeup.
  12. It is forbidden to resort to magic during menstruation.
  13. When activating the plot “how to punish a thief”, be sure to put in “protection” from opposition, otherwise the forces directed towards the thief may return to you and cause harm.
  14. The prayer that must be read before pronouncing the conspiracy should be spoken in front of the icons of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Kazan Mother of God. It will not be superfluous if there are other icons of God’s Holy Helpers in the house.
  15. When executing conspiracies to ensure that the thief returns everything stolen, try to have church candles and silver objects in the house. And yes, don't forget about holy water.
  16. You need to read the plot from the thief clearly, slowly and without hesitation. Therefore, it is best to memorize the magical text.

Conspiracies against theft

Unfortunately, today there is practically no reliable protection against thieves. New methods of restricting access to their apartments are literally “seen out” by thieves in a matter of days, and they can easily operate in the house, taking away everything they like.

And even if there is reliable protection against thieves, a modern security system or something like that, then you will have to pay a lot of money for it, which not everyone can afford. What should people do in this case who cannot afford expensive protection? How to protect the territory of your home from intruders? There is a way out - you can drive away the thief with a strong conspiracy. If you have already become a victim of dishonest people, then with the help of magic you can find out who stole the money and how to find the thief. Also, using a strong magical ritual, you can punish thieves who took things out of the house.

Conspiracy of this kind is quite simple to carry out, but at the same time they have an amazing effect.

Locking the doors of the house with a magic lock

Do you want to get rid of thieves forever? Thanks to this magical ritual, you can protect the territory of your home from all kinds of encroachments by dishonest people.

To activate this magical act, you will need several old keys, the number of which should match the number of locks on the doors of your house. Next, standing near each lock in turn, touching the keyhole with the corresponding key, we pronounce the following words: “I lock with the key, I close with words. From dashing people I hide all the doors, all the goods, all that is mine. So that anyone who encroaches on my property will pass by. Let everything turn against dishonest people!”

So, after carrying out a similar procedure near each door, we collect all the keys together and tie them with a red ribbon. Afterwards, we hide the magic bundle in a secret place inaccessible to everyone.

A security magic lock that is placed on the house will once and for all keep thieves away from the house.

The simplest magic rituals from thieves

To protect the territory of your home from a thief, when leaving your apartment, linger on the threshold and, holding the doorknob, say the following words three times:

“Give up the hands and feet of the thief in my house. Let him pass by my door, let him not be able to enter the house.”

This conspiracy creates an invisible veil against theft.

The second way to scare away dishonest people. Before you leave the house, place an empty glass and a salt shaker on the kitchen table, and then say the following spell:

“A thief will come into my house, I will treat him with salt, but I will not offer him water!”

Conspiracy for valuables from Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova is a Siberian healer, to whom a huge number of people with problems of various kinds turn to for help. Someone goes to a healer to bring back a loved one, she helped someone find happiness and good luck.

Natalya Stepanova also has a conspiracy that helps protect this or that valuable thing from the attacks of dishonest people.

A strong conspiracy from thieves.

Seduce your home from thieves. Home protection ritual. A talisman against theft. Magic at home.

Protecting your home from thieves and robbers. CONSPIRACY.

So, to do this, you need to put a precious object in the middle of the table, cross yourself three times and, looking at the value, say the following words:

“Just as a dead person cannot leave the coffin, so this thing will not be lost from me. Let the hands of a criminal thief become dead, like those of a dead man. The dead man will not be able to raise his hand, he will never raise it, and the thief-criminal will not be able to take away my thing. Stand as my amulet for the criminal thief, serve me from now on, and tie the criminal thief’s arms and legs!”

We punish the thief

If you were unable to protect your property and thieves have already been in your house, cottage or garden plot, then you can resort to the power of this ritual of punishing intruders. With its help, you have the opportunity not only to find and punish thieves, but also to return the stolen property back to your home.

To activate this ritual you need to take 7 knives. We lay them out on the kitchen table so that the sharp edge of each of them “looks” in different directions. Afterwards you need to say a conspiracy:

“Like on a seashore, on a river, in a steel chest, 7 flint knives, 7 defenders of one and equal. I open the chest, take out my iron friends, and direct them into business. Having become my amulet, you will approach everyone who has committed an atrocity and laid their hands on my property. Let them search for the burglar until one of them finds him. Wherever he is, he cannot escape punishment. Help me catch the evil one with a knife, find him, and when you find him, cut his knives lengthwise and crosswise. So that he returns the stolen goods in my house and does not hide anything. My defense is as strong as a block of stone, it cannot be removed or broken!”

Having carried out the conspiracy according to all the rules, don’t even doubt it, magic will punish the person who visited the house and took away the property.

We return our property

If you notice something missing in the house, don’t worry, with the help of this magical fortune-telling you can find out who was in the house and return the stolen property.

To force the person who stole things to return them, you need to take a church candle, light it and, as if cutting the flame with a dull knife, say the following words:

“Let me see in a dream who stole, who took my things. Find me and take the knife from me, otherwise I will wound your darling, like a tractor cuts through a vegetable garden while ploughing. My words are strong, like a block of stone, they cannot be removed or broken!”

After reading the plot, you need to hide the cutlery under the pillow and try to remain silent until the morning awakening. And if you did everything correctly, then that same night you will have a dream that will tell you the appearance of the enemies and the place where they are located.

Conspiracy to identify the thief

Thanks to this magical act, identifying enemies who have been in the house and stolen property will be very quick and simple. So, we prepare 3 sunflower flowers and before going to bed, put them under the pillow. And in a dream you will imagine the thief and his location.

In the morning, before leaving the house, tap the opposite side of the broom (the one that is not swept) three times on the floor and say the following phrase:

“Everything is closed, locked, I can’t see with my eyes, I can’t clean it with my hands, I can’t take anything away from my house.”

Charms against thieves

Magic acts against theft are effective and at the same time simple to perform. But together with them, you can protect your home from uninvited guests by making a talisman.

Herbal mixture

To make a herbal amulet that can protect your home from thieves, take a rag bag, preferably blue and medium in size (if you don’t find one in the store, you can easily sew it yourself), and fill it with a special herbal mixture for which you will need:

  • a pair of flowers taken from garlic arrows;
  • a small handful of thistles;
  • small chicory root;
  • a handful of cumin seeds.

We grind the components into powder, and when you fill the bag with it, read these words:

“I implore you, protect my house from thieves. There will be no robberies here. Let all who covet my property not cross the threshold of my house.”

Hide the amulet near the front door so that no one will find it.


Take a glass container and fill it to the top with threads of different colors. The main thing is that the threads must be natural (not artificial material). We put this amulet in the locker. And rest assured, from now on, not a single thief will appear in the room.


Brownies have long settled in people's homes. But in order for him to protect his home from dishonest people, you need to please him by charming the toy. So, taking the doll in our hands, we speak the amulet with these words:

“Father Brownie, I present you with a simple gift, play with it and have fun, but don’t forget. Serve as a servant, protect my home from anyone who wants to take possession of my property.”

We place the enchanted amulet-toy in the hallway. We wish you good luck and good health!