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Documents for MSE disability for a child again. The procedure for registering disability: all the nuances of the issue. Required package of documents for passing the ITU

How to register a disability - where to start: you need to know the procedure for registering a disability, what documents are needed to register a disability, what is the ITU commission for registering a disability

Cases when work capacity is limited due to an exacerbation of a disease or serious injury are a fairly common phenomenon in labor practice. In order to protect their rights and receive social support, an injured worker must go through a rather complex and lengthy procedure for registering disability. Where to start?

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First, you need to carefully study the regulatory framework and determine the procedure for registering disability.

Secondly, you need to clearly understand what documents are needed to register a disability, where to get the work performance form for registering a disability, and decide on the functions and purpose of the ITU commission for registering a disability.

And thirdly, if necessary, distinguish between the features of registering a disability for a pensioner (bedridden), registering a disability for a child, how to register a visual disability, and how the procedure for registering a disability in oncology differs from others.

We will examine all these points in more detail in our article.

ITU commission for registration of disability

You can obtain the status of a disabled person on the basis of the Rules established by government decree number 95 in February 2006. Paragraph two of these Rules directly states that a citizen must first undergo a medical and social examination (MSE) - an MSE commission for registration of disability. Without the appropriate conclusion of medical specialists, you cannot count on state help.

Residents of Moscow, remembering the special federal status of their city, often do not know how to apply for disability in Moscow. Considering that the effect of the government decree of the Russian Federation is equivalent in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it should be noted that in the capital the procedure for registering disability occurs in strict accordance with the above document, as well as in other regions of Russia.

The basis for contacting a doctor is deterioration in health. A sick or injured person should visit his doctor, who will provide a referral to specialized specialists. They will record the results of the examination and examination in a separate report. Such a document has the right to be drawn up by both the attending physician and the group of doctors who observed the patient.

Particular attention is paid to the patient's condition. It is being determined whether he can live without outside help or continue working. In cases with children, their ability to learn, move independently and control their own behavior is determined.

Referrals for examination are given by the following government agencies:

  • representatives of social protection authorities;
  • branches of the Pension Fund (at the place of residence of the citizen affected by injury or illness);
  • polyclinics (district or city).

If you became disabled due to the fault of a doctor, find out what punishment the doctor should bear for.

Features of the procedure

The legislation provides for both independent appeal of citizens to all necessary authorities, and through legal representatives who have all the powers to protect the interests of a sick person.

To obtain the status of a disabled person with the help of such a voluntary assistant, you must have the appropriate court decision in hand. It confirms the special condition of a person with disabilities and gives the representative the right to obtain a power of attorney at a notary’s office. can be found in this article.

To figure out how to register a disability, you must first clarify all the nuances of the procedure at the clinic or social service. Such consultation will help you avoid annoying mistakes.

Documents must be provided within ten days after submitting the application. This can also be done electronically. But the document must be certified by a qualified signature. After you have dealt with the paperwork, the immediate process of registering disability begins, which consists of 3 stages:

  1. Invitation to ITU. It may come in paper or electronic form.
  2. Conducting an ITU and obtaining a decision. No more than 30 calendar days pass from the date of filing the application until the examination. The decision is made immediately after the procedure. Explanations from medical experts can be provided immediately after the examination.
  3. Obtaining a certificate confirming the disability of a certain group.

Features of registration for certain groups of citizens

How to apply for disability for a child

To clarify how to register a disability for a child, you must also first consult with the social examination bureau or at the clinic.

In most cases, registering a disability for a child is no different from examining an adult. The documents are additionally accompanied by the passport of the adoptive parents, guardians or parents.

Another important nuance is the need to present the characteristics issued by the place of study (if the child is studying). For children with genetic or mental illnesses, permission from the attending physician will be required. This document will give teachers the right to disclose medical confidentiality in the characteristics compiled.

In general, there should be no problems with how to register a disability, since the procedure is approved by law with all the details for patients of any age.

How to apply for disability for a pensioner

Before applying for disability, a pensioner will have to do the following:

  • Visit to a medical facility. The doctor performs an examination, after which he issues a medical report, which indicates the mandatory additional examination.
  • if the doctor determines that the level of illness of the applicant corresponds to the definition of one of the disability groups, then the patient will be given a referral for a medical examination at the BMSE;
  • Based on the results of a medical examination at the ITU, the applicant is issued a certificate - a certificate stating that he has been assigned a disability group;
  • With the certificate, the pensioner goes to the Pension Fund office at the place of registration, where he receives the status of a disabled person. With this status, a citizen has the right to receive benefits and an increase in pension.

Sample performance characteristics for disability registration

Disabled people are one of the most vulnerable segments of the population. In this regard, the state assigns a disability pension.

Before applying for a disability pension, you need to collect all the necessary documents:

  • certificate of passing the ITU;
  • passport;
  • SNILS card

Having a package of documents in hand, the citizen contacts the Pension Fund branch in his region and writes an application for payment of a disability pension.

Let's consider how much pension different groups of disabled people will receive.

  • disabled people of the first group and disabled people from childhood of the second group – 8647.51 rubles per month;
  • disabled people of the second group – 4323.74 rubles per month;
  • disabled people of the third group - 3675.2 rubles per month;
  • disabled children and disabled children of the first group - 10,376.86 rubles per month.

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Passing this examination is not easy. You should start with the fact that to begin the process you need a complete package of documents.

The legislation clearly regulates the procedure and conditions for granting disability. Those who apply for disability for the first time have to deal with a lot of incomprehensible nuances, moments that make a person fall into apathy or panic.

In particular, basis for receiving disability is the presence of confirmation of three facts:

  1. Impaired health status due to a persistent disorder in the functioning of the body, in particular, this can be various types of injuries, diseases that have developed during life or are congenital.
  2. Obtaining disability is due to the need to obtain social protection (pensions or benefits), including rehabilitation.
  3. The presence of limited life activity, both complete and partial loss of the ability to self-care, control one’s actions and behavior, communicate, learn to work.

Moreover, it is important to note that receiving disability possible only if available two of the above signs, since one of them may not be enough.

Only the medical and social examination, which represents the main or federal bureau.

Direction for examination is issued by medical institutions, regardless of property rights, as well as by pension or social protection authorities. It is important to understand that a person can independently contact the ITU office if one of the organizations previously refused to issue him a referral.

At the same time, passing the examination provides for the establishment one of three degrees of disability, namely:

  1. First degree is assigned as confirmation that a person’s health condition is impaired, which means that it is more difficult for him to perform his functional duties and meet qualification requirements. Also, such people are not able to continue working due to the intensity, severity and volume of the work performed.
  2. Second degree is established in case of health impairment, when a person has the opportunity to continue his work activity with the use of auxiliary force - technical means and other persons.
  3. Third group assigned to those who have confirmed complete loss of ability to work and such persons have contraindications to continue working.

Obtaining the status of “disability” requires strict compliance with all provisions of the law. Regulation in this matter is carried out through the Federal Law on the social protection of disabled people in Russia, as well as the PP on the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled.

applications in form 088/у-06.

To apply for disability, you must submit following documents:

  1. Original passport along with its copy.
  2. Application in form 088/u-06, which is attached to all documents on the day of their submission to the commission.
  3. Referral to the ITU commission.
  4. A copy of the work book, with mandatory certification from the HR department of the organization where the person works.
  5. It is important for the worker to provide information that confirms the nature and working conditions at the enterprise.
  6. Students must submit a reference from a university or educational institution.
  7. Documents – originals and copies from medical institutions, according to which violations of the functioning of the body’s organs are confirmed or refuted.
  8. Certificate of pension insurance.
  9. If the commission is repeated, you must provide a copy of the previously issued certificate of disability and an individual rehabilitation program.

Registration of disability is a painstaking process that requires a huge amount of patience and, of course, time.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to collect the necessary documents, it is important to assert your rights. In some cases, those applying for disability are faced with reluctance on the part of health workers to provide assistance and assistance in a difficult matter, despite the fact that this is their direct responsibility. However, due to the fact that this is required by health conditions, it is important to overcome all obstacles.

Before registering for disability, the applicant undergoes a medical examination, according to which the diagnosis is confirmed, and the presence of a disease that prevents him from living and working fully is substantiated.

The first action that must be taken by an applicant for status is to visit his attending physician, who is obliged to record all complaints in the outpatient record and issue a referral to specialized specialists so that the person undergoes a full examination.

The doctor gives the patient a corresponding form, which contains notes on which specialists need to be visited, as well as what examinations to undergo. It is important to note that the results of some examinations are valid for only two weeks. In some cases, it may be necessary to undergo an examination in a hospital setting.

The attending physician also draws up a package of documents for further passage by the ITU commission. If the doctor refuses to issue the appropriate referral, a written refusal must be issued citing the reasons for the refusal. Only in this case is a person allowed to apply independently to the ITU commission. If the doctor refuses to write a documented refusal, the person has the right to appeal to the judicial authorities.

The documents that are drawn up by the attending physician are called messengers. They should record the state of health at the time of application, test results, as well as the necessary funds for rehabilitation. In particular, to rehabilitation means include a wheelchair, special orthopedic shoes, diapers or walkers, a hearing aid or spa treatment, etc. In addition, a referral form for passing the ITU commission is issued, which is certified by the seal of the hospital or medical institution, and also has the signature of three doctors.

Once the date for the commission is set, you must have all the necessary documents, in particular:

  1. Referral from the attending physician to undergo a medical examination. A person assigned to the pension provision or official protection authorities can issue the appropriate referral. According to the procedure for registering disability, the patient has the right to apply to the regional office of the ITU, independently, subject to the procedure for such application.
  2. A copy and original of a passport or other document that proves your identity.
  3. For the working category of the population, a copy certified by the personnel department is required stating that the person actually works. For the non-working category of the population, it is necessary to submit an appropriate document that confirms the absence of a permanent place of work.
  4. SNILS - copy and original.
  5. Sick leave.
  6. Medical documents and certificates.

After collecting the necessary documentation, it is very important to come to the ITU regional office on time. As a rule, the waiting period for admission to the office is one month from the date of submission of documents.

The ITU commission is attended by a patient who needs to receive disability status, as well as three specialists. They can examine the patient and, if necessary, ask questions related to the patient’s health and financial condition. The commission may also be interested in living conditions, social skills, education, characteristics from the place of work, etc.

All questions and answers during the meeting are recorded in the minutes, after which a vote is taken. If there are disagreements, an additional examination may be prescribed.

The process of registering disability takes place in stages. It takes at least 7-10 days to collect documents and undergo the examination. The decision to assign disability is made on the day of the examination.

If the commission is satisfied with everything, a disability group is assigned, which is documented with an appropriate certificate and the development of an individual rehabilitation system.

In fact, registration of disability should not take more than two and a half months, taking into account all the nuances and problems.

It takes up to four months for children to be assigned disabled status. At the same time, an ITU examination is also carried out, which is referred by the attending physician.

At the ITU office The following documents must be provided:

  1. A doctor's note.
  2. Outpatient card.
  3. Registration.
  4. Identification documents of the parent or guardian.
  5. Identification documents of the child.

Children are not assigned any degree of disability, that is, there are no degrees of severity.

When passing the commission, situations may arise when the patient receives a refusal. In this case, the patient has the right to appeal the decision. It is important to comply deadlines for appeal– no later than one month from the date of such decision.

IN statement indicated:

  1. Full name of the bureau to which the application is sent.
  2. Applicant details.
  3. Statement of the essence, indicating the composition of the commission.
  4. Request for re-examination.

The application is reviewed within three days. If the answer is positive, a new examination is scheduled within 30 days after consideration of the application.

Re-examination occurs annually, since the ITU commission annually examines persons who have been assigned the status of a disabled person.

Passage order re-examination involves three types:

  1. For the first group of disabled people – once every two years.
  2. For the second and third groups of disabled people, re-examination is carried out once a year.
  3. For children once during the prescribed period.

It is absolutely impossible to skip the re-examination procedure, as a person may lose the right to be considered disabled. When undergoing re-examination, there is every chance of getting a category change if doctors consider that the person is getting better or his health condition has worsened. If the state of health is satisfactory, a person may lose his disability status.

For re-examination must be provided:

  1. Outpatient card.
  2. Identity documents.
  3. Documents confirming disability.
  4. SNILS.
  5. Certificates of education, work, etc.
  6. Conclusion of specialists issued earlier.

Registration of disability is a painstaking task that requires a lot of patience and effort, but if you are not afraid of difficulties and know your rights and all the registration rules, the procedure will go almost smoothly, allowing you to receive additional benefits and payments.

The rules for passing the ITU are described in the following video:

Is your child about to apply for disability? Do not worry. It's hard the first time. In order not to wastelessly rush around the offices with a sick child, find out how to prepare for the MSE (medical and social examination). This will help you navigate a complex and unclear situation. Then you will act more confidently. Avoid errors during registration.

A similar question arises when they find out that a child is recommended to receive disabled status. If the doctor you are seeing has given such advice, then the child requires additional medical and social care.

It is not necessary to register a child's disability. Parents facing a dilemma should understand that sometimes rehabilitation is necessary. The characteristics of the disease should be taken into account.

If you begin to enroll a child who is lagging behind in development in a child care facility under the guise of being healthy, you can cause him more harm. Caregivers and teachers working with children must know and take into account the characteristics of the child.

When thinking about whether to register, be guided primarily by the interests and health of the baby.

What does the design give?

  • Additional treatment options.
  • Material support.
  • Individual approach to the child from teachers (if necessary).
  • Benefits for those caring for the baby.
  • Free medical and technical equipment.
  • If the above is not necessary, disability does not need to be registered. You have the right.

A family raising a disabled person can count on benefits, allowances, and a pension.

Payments come in two levels:

  • Federal - paid from the country's budget and are equal in all regions:
    • pension in the amount of - RUB 10,376.86. (2015);
    • payment of compensation to parents caring for the child - RUB 5,500
    • other assistants - 1,200 rub.(monthly);
    • EDV (monthly) - RUR 2,123.92.
  • Regional- monthly - 2,000 rub.

A disabled child has the right:

  • Study at home individually if there are medical indications.
  • Get your second secondary education for free professional education.
  • Receive free food in educational institutions (once a day).
  • For simplified certification (Unified State Examination) or exemption. Knowledge is assessed based on current scores.
  • Enter higher education institutions without competition(if you successfully pass the entrance exams).
  • For service in social institutions from 3 years.
  • For free travel in general urban transport.
  • Discounts on train travel and intercity transport (in the region).
  • Receive medical care without waiting in line.
  • For free medical care under state guarantee.
  • Receive additional medications necessary for life.

Parents have benefits:

  • One of the parents, husband or wife, with 20 and 15 years of work experience, respectively can receive a pension with 55/50.
  • Registered family, has the right to appropriate improvement of living conditions.
  • One of the parents additionally has the right to 4 paid days off, for child care (every month). You can divide the weekend between spouses.
  • Accompanying a child has a 50% discount on travel in trains, city and intercity transport (in the region).
  • If a parent is forced to devote 120 days a year to the child (stay with him in the hospital), then has the right to receive temporary benefits (up to 15 years).
  • The family pays 50% of the cost of utilities.

Parents must receive a referral to undergo an examination at the medical institution at their place of residence (not necessarily their registration).

The doctor with whom the child is registered must write a referral. After collecting the documents, get it certified by the head physician of the clinic.

The following are added to the referral to ITU: test results; hospital discharges; conclusions of diagnostic examinations.

In the relevant (according to ITU) office, registration is completed and a day and place are assigned where the examination will be carried out.

In some cases, the referral may be given by authorities involved in pension provision or social protection of the population. It is necessary to have therapeutic, preventive, rehabilitation and diagnostic reports. Referrals can be given by doctors not only from public medical institutions, but also from private ones.

A registered patient consults a specialized doctor. He will give you the list you need.

When sending to the ITU commission, you must have:

  • Statement from the child's representative.
  • Referral from a specialist in the disease profile.
  • An outpatient card with recommendations from other specialists and a general opinion from a pediatrician (or psychiatrist).
  • List of treatment received and rehabilitation measures taken.
  • Test results and a stamp confirming the completion of fluorography.
  • Characteristics from an educational or educational institution (kindergarten, school).
  • Passport or birth certificate of the child.

This is a general list of documents required to pass the examination. Additional information may be required regarding your illness. The doctor giving the referral will tell you about them.

An educational institution is not required to give a description of a child’s mental behavior, even when contacted by parents. You need to take a request. Get it from your referring doctor or psychiatrist.

Upon presentation of the request, the teacher will write a description. The teacher draws up a document for which he is responsible. The document will be endorsed by the school director and certified with two seals (square and round).

You should not be afraid of revealing a secret about your child’s illness at school. If he behaves normally and does not differ in any way in appearance, he will not suffer. Teachers do not have the right to disclose information about the health status of their students. Otherwise, you can complain to the director or higher authorities.

There is a provision (list of diseases) that gives unlimited status (up to 18 years). It is assigned no later than 2 years from the date the child was first recognized as disabled. This register includes patients diagnosed with Down syndrome, schizophrenia, etc. Other diseases not included in the list are considered by the ITU on a general basis.

There is no list of diseases according to which a child is assigned a disability. This is determined by the specialist with whom you are registered. For the status of a disabled person, substantiated evidence of the child’s inferior existence and development is necessary. The issue of granting disability is an individual one.

The category “childhood disability” does not have groups or degrees. This status is given until the age of 18. Afterwards, the issue of extending disability for the senior category is decided. The examination rules do not differ much for a child and an adult.

Due to the lack of a list of diseases that fall under the category of disability, parents cannot obtain a referral to ITU in the usual way. The baby’s appearance and behavior do not always indicate a serious pathology. The manifestation of the disease is sometimes seen by parents, not doctors. In such cases, they are denied a referral to undergo an examination.

When visiting doctors, do not hesitate to talk about your child’s inappropriate behavior: inability to communicate, lack of socialization, developmental delay. Say that the child cannot be left unattended. About his inability or lack of understanding of specific things that indicate that he is not like his peers.

Until the child receives a passport (up to almost 15 years), testing, visiting a psychiatrist, and PMPK must be carried out in your presence. These conclusions play an important role in assessing the patient's condition.

The procedure for obtaining disability by a child

  1. Get expert opinions. A specialized doctor, when making a referral to ITU, will write a list of those who need to be examined. The package of documents includes the results of recent tests required for your illness. You have the right to go through everything without queuing.
  2. There is no need to explain the reason for your visit in every office. All specialists know their functions when preparing a referral to ITU. Indicate only the presence of symptoms in their profile, if any.
  3. After visiting the specialists, take the documents to your local pediatrician. He will write a stage-by-stage epicrisis, i.e. a history of the course of the disease and the development of the child from birth. Indicate the complaints with which they contacted the clinic, the presence of vaccinations, and the receipt of rehabilitation procedures.
  4. For some diseases (Down syndrome, Williams syndrome), it is necessary to contact a psychiatrist at a psychoneurological dispensary (PND) with all documents. Having collected extracts, conclusions and recommendations, you return to the specialized doctor. The presence of the child is not necessary for further paperwork. This stage can take from one to three weeks.
  5. Having assured the direction from the head physician and the presence of all seals, go register your documents. Where will the place and day of the ITU be announced? Have your passport with you.
  6. Before starting all stages of collecting documents, do not forget to purchase forms (form) for ITU. The form and outpatient card are presented to specialists for marks with stamps. You can buy it at stationery stores or at the clinic itself.

For how long is disability established?

The history of the disease can improve, worsen, or be persistently severe. Therefore, for the same disease, the timing of recertification may be different. There is also no list of diseases that give the right to disability. Everything is decided by the ITU commission.

The duration of a disabled child’s status depends on the patient’s condition, the manifestation of symptoms, adaptation to society, developmental delays, persistent mental disorders, the presence of concomitant diseases, etc. Each case is special and has individual manifestations and symptoms. Based on this, the period of disability is determined.

There is a list of diseases for which disability is granted up to 18 years of age (for example, Down syndrome, Williams syndrome, schizophrenia). Children with similar diseases are observed until the age of 4, after which they are given the status of a disabled child until the age of 18.

There is no need to undergo recertification after a year or two.

After passing the examination, you receive a certificate (pink). It indicates the date of the next certification. This could be a year, two or indefinitely.

You can get all this by contacting a specialized doctor for a certificate and writing an application. The social security service must provide everything you need.

Question: Is it possible to obtain an ITU conclusion at home if the child is in serious condition?Answer: Yes you can. In severe cases, you can invite specialists to your home and obtain the necessary conclusion. The law provides for certification cases:

  • in the ITU office;
  • in hospital;
  • Houses.

Question: How long does it take to collect all the documents?Answer: It is better to start 1.5 - 2 months before the examination. It is not necessary earlier, because these results of specialists and tests must be fresh. You must try to get everything done before the appointed day of the ITU (if repeated). Otherwise, you will have to apply for your pension again. Payments should not be interrupted. Question: Is it possible to purchase a wheelchair for free?Answer: Can. To receive a stroller for free, this must be reflected in the IPR. When passing the ITU, ask to indicate it in the document. Discuss the option you need. Contact the social security authorities, write an application and receive a stroller. If a suitable option is not available, you can buy the one you need. Part of the money spent will be reimbursed to you. Question: Why make 2 copies of documents?Answer: One copy is filed in the outpatient card. The second one remains in your hands (may be needed for presentation in the hospital to compare results). The originals are included in the package of documents sent to ITU. Be careful not to confuse.

Reasons for filing an application

If a child is so sick that he has developed stable signs that distinguish him from his peers and do not give him the opportunity to fully exist, parents or guardians have to think about the admissibility of registering a disability.

Indeed, not every situation can be assessed by the Federal Bureau of ITU VTEK as meeting the requirements for obtaining disability. Here are the established criteria:

  1. The disease has a clear form that can be diagnosed, but it is difficult to treat, or treatment only relieves symptoms without causing an improvement in the general condition.
  2. Against the background of the disease, irreversible deterioration in well-being has occurred; complete or partial loss of the functioning of certain organs and systems of the body is possible.
  3. The child has partially or completely lost the ability to self-care.

As accompanying characteristics, the following will be important:

  • duration of the disease;
  • systematic pain;
  • emotional depression;
  • personality degradation;
  • sociopathy;
  • presence of phobias and fears.

Individual signs or their combination allow an application to the bureau for examination. However, external indicators will not be enough.

The main reason is documentary evidence an emerging or ongoing condition, without which the examination procedure will be useless. In addition, a referral for a medical and social examination of children will be required. Step-by-step preparation of the package of required documentation takes a leading place in the examination process.

The work of the institution is regulated by numerous legislative acts and standards, which does not allow the use of local arbitrariness on the part of survey participants. Particularly significant are the guarantees of protection for minors, which approved by Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation:

  • under No. 1013n, dated December 23, 2009;
  • under No. 906n, dated November 17, 2009;
  • under No. 1031n, dated November 24, 2010.

In addition to the listed unified forms, direct work with minor patients is based on the Order of the Ministry of Social Development, which stipulates the forms and methods of rehabilitation of disabled children, which came into force on March 16, 2009, No. 116n.

They occupy a significant place Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 247, dated April 7, 2008, No. 95 dated February 20, 2006.

It’s worth starting with an understanding of the fact of what happened, with an awareness of the complexity of the situation and responsibility for the minor, whose representative is the parent.

An appeal is permissible in three instances, provided that the previous one refused to recognize the rights to registration. They are addressed in stages:

  • ITU city and district offices;
  • regional and regional bureaus;
  • federal bureau

If you need to have your child examined, go to the district or city office at your place of residence. If you are not satisfied with the result, move on to the regional one. The final authority is the federal bureau, which has the right to overturn the decision of lower structures and whose decisions are not disputed.

But contacting ITU does not occur at the will of the parents. Only an authorized organization from among:

  • medical, treatment-and-prophylactic, medical-pedagogical institution;
  • establishment of a pension fund;
  • social institution.

Mostly, citizens receive a referral from a local pediatrician or from a hospital where the child is undergoing treatment or rehabilitation. Contact the person providing medical care for the minor with your request.

First, you will be prescribed an examination using a standard form at a clinic with specialists. In this case, they give you a list of doctors who need to be avoided. If the referral is prepared at the hospital– specialists conduct examinations directly in the hospital.

The doctors’ testimony will be entered into a card, from which the authorized person of the medical or social institution will make an extract of the information in Form No. 088/u-06.

Based on the diagnosis of specialists, the general picture of the disease is revealed, the multiplicity or singularity of indications requiring examination by members of the commission is considered. The medical examination is carried out in depth, taking into account the criteria established by the ITU.

If a referral is refused, the medical (social) institution issues a certificate with a reasoned statement stating the reasons for the refusal. Based on this extract, it is possible to independently apply to the disability commission for children.

You can find out the address of the office in your locality:

  • in the institution that issued (did not issue) the referral;
  • on the official website of the bureau.

The first visit is limited to submitting documentation and registering for an examination. Upon reception, an authorized person:

  1. Will accept documents and set a date for passing the commission. The period should not exceed 5 days from the date of submission of documents.
  2. He will check the documents, point out missing certificates, acts, conclusions and demand that they supplement the documentation package. It should take no more than 10 days to collect them.
  3. If there is a queue, they will make an appointment for a later date, but it should not exceed 30 days. In this case, it is necessary to notify representatives of the need to put on a queue. The appointment date is set immediately upon registration.

After a month, the referral becomes invalid and the procedure must begin again. If the deadline is missed due to the fault of the parents, this may negatively affect the attitude towards the issue of interest on the part of the members of the commission and the head of the clinic that issued the referral.

All events held at the ITU office are free of charge.. You have no right to demand payment for any services.

For the examination, you will need to collect certificates of individual completion of rehabilitation (IPR). They gather in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and places of sanatorium and resort treatment.

Based on them, it is concluded that all possible forms of treatment have been carried out on the patient, which did not lead to the desired result in terms of improving health. Without them, they may send the child to undergo medical procedures and refuse to recognize him as disabled.

When re-examination is required, it is required and issued in a standard form, which presents a list of activities established for the disabled person. It is framed a special column where notes on the completion of the program are entered.

If a child is studying at a school, technical school, college, etc., his characteristics from the educational institution will be required. For schoolchildren, it is drawn up by the class teacher and certified by the director’s signature and seal. It is compiled similarly in secondary specialized educational institutions.

The characterization should be based on such characteristics of the minor that indicate his academic performance, behavior and social adaptability in the context of prevailing norms or pathologies.

The information given in the characteristics is considered by the commission as an application to the holistic picture of the disease, revealing its ability to function independently in society.

For university students under 18 years of age, the examination often ends in a negative decision. The reason is the high level of adaptability required for studying at a university.

The collection of documents of minors is carried out by their legal representatives; minors have the right to perform certain actions themselves. Required documents include:

  1. Passport the applicant, who is the representative, passport or birth certificate of the subject.
  2. Statement, filled out by the representative at the initial appointment, directly at the office premises, according to the provided sample.
  3. Form No. 088/у-06, issued by a children's clinic or other authorized institution, which plays the role of a referral for examination.
  4. Medical records from the clinic, medical records from medical institutions.
  5. IPR certificates from institutions where the child underwent rehabilitation. Upon re-examination, it is issued in the form of a card, which must contain marks of completion.
  6. Characteristics from school(educational institution), for students.
  7. Psychologist's report. Examination by a medical-psychological commission - conclusion.
  8. SNILS.

If a minor works, they are additionally provided with:

  1. Education documents.
  2. Production characteristics, certificate of working conditions.
  3. A copy of the work book.

In case of injury at work, he presents:

  1. An act registering an industrial accident involving the subject.
  2. An extract from the medical history.

When re-examined, citizens present a certificate of disability issued during the previous examination.

If you do not have enough evidence from doctors about your child’s illness, you have the right to additionally collect expert opinions, on your own initiative and by independently financing their services.

The examination takes place at a local - city or district bureau. A sick child comes with his parents in person. If it is not possible to transport it, examination at home is possible. In this case, the representative stipulates this possibility when collecting documentation. This nuance should be included in the direction.

By decision of the commission, the examination can be carried out in a hospital where the patient is located. There is also an absentee form of recognition of disability if the characteristics are obvious, as follows from the submitted documentation, and the child is not transportable.

It should be noted that some conditions require not only a hospital stay, but also tie the patient to the device, preventing the presence of strangers, including close relatives and doctors not directly involved in monitoring the patient.

During a personal visit at the stage of submitting an application and providing a package of documents for ITU for a child, a parent or guardian can come up independently, if the presence of the child is not specifically agreed upon.

On the date specified upon registration, you will need to bring your child for examination. When it is carried out, a commission of several specialists sits in one office, and the decision to recognize a child as disabled is made collectively.

Often the teenager’s parents are asked to wait outside the door, which is not always legal.

If you are the parent of a teenager who can independently answer doctors’ questions and move independently, remember that until the teenager reaches 18 years of age, you have the right to be present during the examination.

Minors are always examined in front of their parents. Representatives, acting in the interests of the child, have the right to ask any questions and insist on the protection of legal rights.

The decision to grant disabled status is made by voting. All materials from the meeting regarding the patient’s condition are documented in a protocol. Based on it, an extract is made, which becomes the basis:

  • recognition of a minor as disabled;
  • refusal of recognition.

In case of refusal, parents or guardians have the right:

  • appeal the refusal to the regional ITU bureau;
  • go to court.

A certificate of disability is issued within three days after a positive decision by the ITU. It has the legal force of a document that provides its owner with certain legally required guarantees.

The certificate is issued in person, against signature. Minors are not allowed to receive the document. This procedure is completed by their parents or guardians.

Once received, it is transferred to the pension fund for the calculation of pension benefits. Along with a certificate of disability, a certificate of appointment of an IPR is issued for further rehabilitation.

There are practically no deadlines for determining disability. A certificate issued within 3 days confirms the status of a disabled person; no additional actions are required for this. P The pension fund of the Russian Federation assigns a pension benefit to a minor from the day the commission recognized him as disabled.

Other benefits and social guarantees entitled to a person by law begin to apply at the request of the representative. He has the right to submit it immediately upon receipt of the disability certificate.

A child's medical and social examination determines disability in accordance with the group, which implies a difference in the validity period of the disabled person's status. In particular:

  • first group – for 2 years;
  • second, third – for 1 year;
  • special diseases included in the List – for an indefinite period.

The category of permanent diseases includes irreversible disorders, as a rule, in relation to unpaired organs, with loss of vision, hearing, and severe morphological and organic disorders.

In this case, disability is established before reaching adulthood, which will subsequently require re-examination.

Based on the requirements that came into force on 20.20.06, in case of cancer or acute forms of leukemia, the status of a disabled child is assigned for 5 years.

Many parents are concerned that they are, to a certain extent, erasing the future prospects of their children by registering as disabled. Others, having made false conclusions that it is impossible to obtain disability, retreat. And still others act, finding the right path and opening access to social programs that support the child.

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List of documents for medical and social examination. Medical and social examination is the recognition of a person as disabled and the determination, in the prescribed manner, of the needs of the examined person for social protection measures, including rehabilitation, based on an assessment of the limitations in life activity caused by a persistent disorder of body functions.

Let's consider an exhaustive list of documents required to obtain government services for conducting a medical and social examination.

List of documents for medical and social examination

1 For all types of examination (basicdocumentation):
  • An identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation, a stateless person.
  • Application for the provision of public services.
  • A referral for a medical and social examination (or a certificate of refusal to submit a referral), issued by a medical organization providing medical and preventive care, a social protection body or a pension provider; certificate of refusal to send for a medical and social examination.
2 To establish the degree of loss of professional ability for victims of an industrial accident or occupational disease ( ):
  • Act on industrial accident; act on a case of occupational disease; a court decision establishing the fact of an accident at work or an occupational disease; conclusion of the state labor protection inspector, other officials (bodies) on the causes of damage to health, or a medical report on an occupational disease, issued before 01/06/2000.
  • Work record book (for non-workers) or its certified copy (for workers).
  • Conclusion of the body for the state examination of working conditions on the nature and working conditions of the victims that preceded the industrial accident or occupational disease (provided by the employer or insurer).
3 To determine the need for health reasons for constant outside care (assistance, supervision) of a close relative of a citizen called up for military service (contract serviceman) ( in addition to the main documents):
  • Certificate of family composition from the housing maintenance authority or local government;
  • An identification document of the father, mother, wife, husband, sibling, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent, in respect of whom the need for outside care is determined for health reasons.
  • Birth certificate of a sibling.
  • Birth certificate of the parents of a serviceman or conscript (if a grandparent needs care).
  • Court decision (if the adoptive parents need care).
  • Marriage certificate (if the wife or husband needs care).
  • A certificate from the social welfare authority stating that the person in need of care is not fully supported by the state.
4 To determine the cause of disability (in addition to the main documents): 5 To determine the cause of death of a disabled person, as well as a person who suffered from an industrial accident, occupational disease, disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation or man-made disasters, or as a result of injury, concussion, injury or disease received during military service:
  • Statement from a family member of the deceased.
  • The applicant's passport or other document proving his identity.
  • A copy of the medical death certificate.
  • Extract from the protocol (card) of the pathological examination.
  • A copy of the disability certificate, if the deceased was recognized as disabled.
  • Medical documents of the deceased in the applicant's possession.
6 To establish permanent disability of an employee of internal affairs bodies, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities of the Russian Federation:
  • An employee’s application for referral to ITU.
  • A referral for a medical and social examination issued by a medical organization of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs.
  • Certificate of illness with a conclusion of unfitness or limited fitness for military service due to military injury.
  • A copy of the order of dismissal due to illness.

If a citizen is not recognized as disabled, then, at his request, a certificate is issued on the results of a medical and social examination (how disability is established).

A medical and social examination can be carried out at home, when the commission goes to the patient if he cannot come to the office on his own for health reasons, and a conclusion from a medical institution is required. MSE can be performed in a hospital if the patient is being treated there. Correspondence examination of the submitted documents is also possible, which is carried out by decision of the ITU Bureau.

List of basic documents for a child for medical and social examination

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached 14 years of age (passport of a foreign citizen).
  2. Birth certificate (for citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 14).
  3. A document confirming the authority of the child's legal representative.
  4. Application from a citizen (his legal representative).
  5. A referral for a medical and social examination issued by an organization providing medical and preventive care (a body providing pensions, a social protection body); or a certificate of refusal to refer for a medical and social examination, issued by an organization providing medical and preventive care (an authority providing pensions, a social protection authority)

Registration of disability is a rather lengthy and difficult process, since you will not only have to collect all the necessary documents, but also be able to defend your legal rights. Most likely, you will have to deal with the reluctance of medical workers to help in this difficult matter, but you should clearly understand that this is their direct responsibility. If your health requires it, then it is simply necessary to overcome all obstacles.

But before applying for disability, you will need to undergo a serious medical examination in order to confirm the diagnosis and prove that the disease really interferes with living and working fully.

Registration of disability will not only provide an opportunity for preferential medical care, but also additional funds in the form of a pension, which can be spent on the main goal - recovery!

Who can apply for disability registration

The conditions and criteria by which a person can be recognized as disabled are described in detail in Article No. 95 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006. This means that the patient’s desire alone is not enough - an established and confirmed diagnosis must be included in the list approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which gives the right to receive the first, second or third disability group.

The main criterion is a persistent pathology that prevents a person from living a full life. The vital activity criteria that doctors will take into account when determining the disability group are also clearly stated in the law. In addition, specialists will evaluate not only the patient’s health status, but also his ability to continue working in his profession. This applies to patients who are engaged in strenuous or dangerous activities associated with night shifts, hazardous conditions, increased noise levels, vibration, heavy physical labor, and so on.

Where to begin

The very first thing to start with is to visit your doctor. The doctor must listen to all complaints and record them in the outpatient card, and then issue referrals to all necessary specialists for further examination. The doctor issues a form with which the patient will have to visit several specialized specialists, as well as undergo the necessary tests. It should be remembered that most tests are valid for two weeks. Sometimes the patient needs to undergo additional examination in an inpatient setting.

The attending physician prepares all documents for further transfer to a special commission - medical and social examination, abbreviated as MSE. And one more important information: if the doctor refuses to refer you to the ITU, he is obliged to formalize his refusal in writing, and then the patient can contact the ITU independently. If the doctor refuses to issue a written refusal, the patient has the right to appeal to the judicial authorities.

The message sheet for the ITU, which is of an introductory and recommendatory nature, must indicate the patient’s health status, test results, as well as the necessary means of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation means may include a wheelchair, walkers, diapers, special orthopedic shoes, a hearing aid, the necessary annual spa treatment, and so on.

The referral form for medical examination is certified by the seal of the medical institution and the signatures of three doctors.

A day for passing the ITU is set. Patients should know that the procedure for registering disability is not a quick process and can take several months, so you should be patient.

Contacting a medical and sanitary expert

The patient can make a personal visit to the social examination bureau, but if his health condition does not allow this, the commission can come to the patient’s home. As practice shows, the queues at the commission are quite long, since many patients undergo re-examination, therefore, as mentioned above, patience and patience again.

In order for the patient to be given a date for the examination, for which he must appear without delay, the commission will need the following documents:

  1. Referral for medical and sanitary examination. The referral can be issued not only by the attending doctor at the clinic, but also by a person attached to the pension authorities, or by responsible persons from the social security authorities. In addition, the procedure for registering disability allows the patient to contact the regional office of the ITU independently - provided that the patient has a written refusal from the attending physician.
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and its photocopy.
  3. Working citizens provide a photocopy of their work book certified by the HR department, and non-working citizens provide the original.
  4. Working citizens provide production characteristics containing information about working conditions. These characteristics are given to the patient at the place of work by a medical worker of the enterprise, who conducts a survey of the employee on a number of issues related to the regulation of work activity. All answers are entered into a special form, after which the form is certified by the HR department and management. Based on the performance characteristics, the commission members will make a decision on the possibility of continuing the patient’s main work activity.
  5. Certificate of income (not always).
  6. Sick leave (if available).
  7. All available medical documents and certificates - mailing list, outpatient card, tests, examination results, and so on.
  8. SNILS - photocopy and original.

If it is impossible to engage in your main professional activity, you will need to attach the following additional documents to the main list:

  • documents about existing occupational diseases;
  • certificate of work injury in form N-1;
  • characteristics of the workplace.

In addition, the patient has the right to submit any other documents not specified in the list, but which, in his opinion, may influence the decision of the commission.

If the above documents are not fully presented or are not properly executed, the commission has the right to refuse to conduct an examination. The examination itself is completely free for the patient.

Examination procedure

After all the documents have been collected and submitted to the ITU regional office, the patient is given a date when he must appear at the ITU commission. The usual waiting period is about a month. The commission is attended by the patient himself and members of the commission consisting of three people. In some cases, an invited specialist of the required profile may be present, who will also have the right to vote when making a decision.

Members of the commission have the right to examine the patient, ask questions about social status, marital status, living conditions, look at characteristics from the place of work, request information about education and social skills.

During the commission meeting, minutes are kept in which all questions and answers are recorded. The decision is made after voting by all members of the commission. If doubts or disagreements arise, the patient may be referred for additional examination, and then, after collecting all the necessary additional information, the commission meets again to make a final decision.

After assigning a disability group, a corresponding certificate and an individual rehabilitation program are issued. After which the patient is sent to the pension fund department, where a disability pension is issued, and to the social security department, where the patient will be put on a waiting list to receive free personal rehabilitation equipment.

If the commission refuses to receive disability

If the patient is not satisfied with the commission’s findings, he has the right to appeal the decision legally. An application for appeal can be submitted no later than one month from the date of the examination. The application is submitted either in the usual paper form or electronically, and is sent to the address of the bureau that conducted the examination, or to the higher ITU bureau supervising the regional office.

The application for appeal must contain the following information:

  • name of the bureau to which the application is written;
  • passport information of the recipient of the service;
  • a detailed statement of the essence of the claim, indicating the composition of the commission and the name of the regional ITU where the examination was carried out;
  • request for re-examination.

The ITU regional office sends the complaint to the main bureau within three days, attaching all the necessary documents. The Main Bureau is obliged to schedule a re-examination within 30 days. In addition, the patient has the right to insist on an independent examination, the members of which will have no relation to the ITU.

If the results are unsatisfactory, the patient has the right to go to court. The judgment will be considered final.

Determination of disability group

As a rule, a disability group is assigned not according to a specific diagnosis, but according to the severity of the disease and the degree of disability. Diseases that entail disruption of the vital functions of the body are divided by specialists into three distinct groups:

  1. The first disability group is recognized as the most severe and is assigned if the patient is not able to take care of himself and requires systematic help, care and supervision. In fact, these are bedridden and dying sick, mentally disabled people who are not capable of self-care. An example of such diseases is, for example, tuberculosis in the stage of decompensation, the absence of both upper or lower limbs, complete or partial paralysis, complete blindness, as well as some severe mental illnesses.
  2. The second disability group is assigned to a moderately severe illness, when the patient does not require constant assistance and supervision. For some patients, work is available, but with certain conditions and clearly defined working conditions. Examples of diseases for which a second disability group is assigned include established diagnoses such as partial loss of vision or hearing, epilepsy with frequent seizures, the absence of one of the limbs, repeated strokes and heart attacks, and much more.
  3. The third disability group is assigned to persons who do not need outside help, but can no longer engage in their main professional activity. This group can be assigned if it is necessary to change a profession to another with lower qualifications and wages. As an example, we can cite a reduction in the volume of production activities, and as a consequence - a decrease in qualifications and wages.

For what period is disability assigned?

Each patient is assigned a personal rehabilitation program, after which, theoretically, his condition should improve. Therefore, patients need to undergo regular re-examination to confirm and extend the group: disabled people of the first group are re-examined every two years, and the second and third groups - annually.

Permanent disability, for which re-examination is not required, is established in the following cases:

  • if the disabled person is an age pensioner;
  • if over the past 15 years the disability group has not changed and was confirmed annually, or if the assigned group was replaced with a more severe one;
  • if the patient is diagnosed with a diagnosis that cannot be treated in the present and future tense, and which does not give him the opportunity to fully live and work, a list of diagnoses has been established and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
  • if the first disability group was confirmed within five years.

What does disability registration provide?

Persons recognized as disabled have the right to the following types of social assistance:

  • receiving a monthly pension, the amount of which will depend on the assigned disability group;
  • receiving financial support from the Social Security Administration;
  • disabled people of the first and second groups have the right to apply for free individual rehabilitation means;
  • disabled students are given priority rights to budget-funded places when entering higher and secondary educational institutions;
  • right to service out of turn;
  • the right to priority receiving a free land plot;
  • disabled people and families with a disabled child are entitled to a 50% discount on utility bills;
  • the right to priority receipt of free social housing under a social tenancy agreement.

The article describes in detail how to register a disability, but each case is individual, and in reality the patient will have to face additional bureaucracy and paperwork. However, disability and the social benefits that come with it are not a favor from the state at all, but the legal right of every citizen who has lost their health, and the realization of this right should be persistently sought.

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Having reached retirement age, a person accumulates diseases that prevent him from fully meeting his needs and worsens his quality of life. Disability payments, as well as benefits entitled to people in this position, will provide reliable support to a pensioner. Since registering disability for a pensioner is not an easy task, you should act wisely to avoid disappointment and wasted time.

What is disability

Impairment or limitation of human activity caused by physical, sensory, mental pathologies of a permanent or temporary nature is called disability. Nuances:

  • The term covers physical, legal and social aspects.
  • Recognition of a person as disabled automatically gives him the right to receive benefits and additional financial support from the state.
  • Benefits are needed because... The life of a disabled person is not always simple - in addition to the reaction of healthy people to disabled people, a number of everyday inconveniences remain that reduce the standard of living and limit movement and access to social infrastructure.

Registration of disability for pensioners

Obtaining the status of a disabled person and registering it legally is not easy - it will require some effort. The key condition for obtaining disability is the presence of a disease that prevents the patient from working and fully caring for himself. There are regulations regulating the conditions under which a person can claim social status. This is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2006, number 95 “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled.” In this case, the decision to assign a status is made by experts based on data on the patient’s health status.

Pensioners are more likely to suffer from diseases that limit social opportunities. Many diseases worsen with age and cause complications. For example, type 2 diabetes mellitus can lead to the development of leg ulcers resulting from infection of any wound or callus. Often, a “diabetic foot” in the presence of complications becomes an indication for amputation.

What does disability give?

Depending on the assigned disability group, a pensioner has the right to receive a number of benefits and payments. The state budget provides for the following types of support:

  • A monthly cash payment (MAP) is assigned to disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 based on an application and a document confirming the benefit.
  • EDV includes a range of social services - free medications (by prescription), a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment, and travel by rail to the place of therapy. These services can be provided in the form of monetary compensation in the amount established by the Government.
  • Additional social security (DEMO) is a monthly material allowance assigned to certain categories of persons, including people with disabilities.
  • FSD (federal supplement) - is accrued only to those pensioners whose income does not exceed the subsistence level (each region has its own).

In addition to increased financial support, disability for pensioners is an opportunity to receive some privileges over healthy members of society. List of benefits provided to disabled people (sample for pensioners):

  • exemption from tax on a car equipped for driving by a disabled person, or received through social security authorities (with a capacity of up to 100 hp);
  • 50% discount on prescription drug purchases;
  • a single social pass for travel on public transport, which must be presented together with a passport and a disability certificate;
  • free or preferential qualified medical care (outpatient or inpatient);
  • within the framework of an individual rehabilitation program, the right to sanatorium treatment is granted at a reduced price;
  • full provision of prostheses and other means of rehabilitation;
  • a disabled person has the right to a 50% discount on utility bills and fuel required for heating a private home;
  • patients with severe forms of illness can improve their living conditions by taking advantage of the right to receive additional space (a separate room);
  • the right to priority receipt of a land plot for housing construction and gardening work.

Where to begin

The procedure for obtaining disability is the same for all categories of citizens - workers, pensioners or minors. It is necessary to visit your local physician - he will give you a referral for examination. The patient receives a form or “bypass sheet”, where specialists record all the pathologies they find. Data from laboratory and instrumental studies are entered into the same sheet.

It is important to remember that test results are considered relevant for no more than 14 days (sometimes a month), after which a repeat study is required. Often prescribed:

  • examination by a neurologist;
  • eye examination by an ophthalmologist;
  • surgeon consultation;
  • examination by a urologist or gynecologist;
  • chest x-ray;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, genitourinary system;
  • blood tests (general, formula, sugar), urine.

After a complete examination (sometimes in a hospital), the patient is sent to a therapist, who prepares a document for submission to a medical and social examination (MSE) - the so-called “messenger sheet”. An important task of the attending physician is to compile a summary indicating the main diagnosis, research results, and the means necessary for the rehabilitation of the patient (wheelchair, hearing aid, prostheses, orthopedic devices, etc.). This document is certified:

  1. signatures of at least three doctors;
  2. therapist's seal;
  3. clinic stamp.

Sometimes the therapist does not see any reason to submit a case to the ITU, then the pensioner has the right to submit documents independently. To do this, you must obtain the doctor’s refusal in writing and attach it to the report sheet. After submitting the documents, a day is set for undergoing a medical examination, on the basis of which a disability certificate can be issued. Sometimes you have to wait for your turn for months, although according to the rules, a medical examination should be carried out within a week.

What documents are needed to register disability?

To obtain a disability certificate, you need to collect an impressive package of papers. The following documents will be required to register disability:

  • a mailing list for the ITU with a specialist’s conclusion and the seal of a medical institution (form 088/u-06) - original and copy;
  • medical card, results of early examinations, tests, x-rays, etc.;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • work book - original and copy certified by a notary;
  • if there is an occupational disease or work-related injury received at the enterprise - an act in form N1.

Contacting a medical and sanitary expert

To undergo a medical and social examination, you must contact the ITU office at your place of residence (stay). The examination is carried out at home, if the patient cannot come in person, in a hospital, and even in absentia. The procedure for registering disability due to illness for a pensioner provides for the opportunity to submit documents to the ITU only partially. The missing papers can be attached to the case before 10 days have passed after the application is written. Then, within 5 days, the patient receives an invitation on a certain day to undergo an examination, indicating the room number.

How to write a disability application correctly

It is important to fill out the application correctly in order to reduce the processing time of documents. To submit it, you need to download a template from the official ITU website or take a paper form from the regional office. The template has a “header” - you need to enter there:

  • surname, first name, patronymic (genitive case - “who?”);
  • Full name of the representative (if necessary);
  • SNILS;
  • passport data;
  • address and contact phone number.

Below you should note the item (put a tick in it) - “I ask you to conduct a medical and social examination in order to establish the disability group.” Next, mark (underline) the convenient form of receiving an invitation to the commission - by mail or by phone. Fill out the form below - put the date the application was written and your signature. All other sections are completed by the specialist accepting the application.

An application for an examination can be submitted electronically on the website gosuslugi.ru. To do this, you need to register to create a personal account. Then select the appropriate menu “Conducting a medical and social examination to establish disability” and fill out an application. The stages of application processing can be tracked through your account. First, the patient is informed that his application has been accepted and what documents need to be submitted, then about the date of the commission.

How to pass the ITU

On the appointed day and time, the patient must come to the Bureau, taking with him a passport, shoe covers and a diaper. There must be a minimum of four doctors present in the office to conduct the examination. Specialists will study the medical history, research results, the conclusion of the doctor from the clinic or hospital who gave the referral, and the patient’s questionnaire. After the examination, the decision to assign disabled status is made by voting. In addition, specialists are guided by clause 5 of the “Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation,” which lists the conditions for obtaining disability:

  • persistent impairment of body functions of a permanent or long-term nature, which are caused by disease or injury;
  • limitation in self-care (full or partial), inability to move on one’s own, inability to communicate, navigate, control behavior, learn, incapacity;
  • the need for restoration and adaptation in society, social protection.

If two or three of the listed conditions are present, a citizen has the right to receive disability. Sometimes specialists suggest that the patient undergo further examination if additional information about the patient’s health is required to make a decision. The commission makes a decision on the group (1, 2 or 3), on which the period for assigning the status depends:

  • for the first group – 2 years;
  • for the second and third – 1 year.

The period for re-examination is not established (disability is assigned for life) in the case of pathology from the “List of Diseases” introduced by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2008. Among them are malignant neoplasms with relapses after radical treatment, the serious condition of palliative patients, complete blindness or deafness, absence of organs or limbs, etc. If the patient is recognized as disabled, he is issued a certificate of the established form and a rehabilitation program.

Contacting the Pension Fund

An application for accrual of a disability pension must be submitted to the territorial branch of the pension fund - at the place of registration or residence (registration). You can write an application at the MFC (multifunctional center). In this case, it is advisable to contact the same Pension Fund branch in which the pensioner has already applied for social benefits or a pension based on length of service.

When applying to the Pension Fund or MFC, the following documents are required:

  • passport or other identification document - original and photocopy;
  • work record book (in case of its absence, employment contracts, extracts from orders of appointment to a position, payroll statements) certified by a notary are accepted;
  • an extract from the ITU act recognizing a citizen as disabled;
  • statement.

It is worth considering that a person entitled to several types of pensions (old age, disability) is assigned only one. State support for a disabled person is not available to a citizen who is already receiving an old-age pension. At the same time, he has the right to issue additional cash payments (EDV, DEMO) and benefits. All accruals will be made to the main account where the pension is received.

How to apply for disability for a bedridden sick pensioner

For people who cannot move independently or with an assistant, there are different regulations for obtaining status. The patient's representative (a relative or a person with a notarized power of attorney) must contact a therapist or attending physician for a referral for examinations. Specialists and laboratory assistants are invited to your home to examine and take tests. To implement the procedure, you must contact the head of the clinic department. To facilitate the process, the patient may be offered to go to the hospital.

After completing the examination and receiving test results, the therapist must issue a conclusion for the ITU. Documents (medical card, passport, work book) are provided by the patient’s representative. He also writes a statement in which there is a column for the full name of the representative. The Medical Examining Office will schedule a day on which the home examination will be performed. In some cases, the ITU conclusion is made in absentia.

How to apply for disability after a stroke for a pensioner

Four out of five stroke survivors qualify for disability status. The consequences of apoplexy often cause speech impairment, complete or partial paralysis and other pathologies. Nuances:

  • It is not the fact of a stroke, but only its consequences of varying degrees of severity that is an indication for obtaining disabled status.
  • Often, a referral for medical examination is prepared during the patient’s hospitalization, which simplifies the procedure.
  • It is not difficult to register disability after a stroke, but the status requires annual re-examination.

Refusal to receive disability

Frequency of medical examinations

If the disability is not assigned for life, it must be confirmed, and payments will have to be issued again. For disabled people of the first group, re-examination is scheduled every two years, for others the duration of the status is a year. To undergo an examination, the patient is sent to a local physician and, having received a referral, visits specialized specialists and undergoes tests. Then you need to submit documents to the ITU to obtain your status. The order is:

  • In addition to the conclusion from the clinic, a medical card, a certificate of disability and an individual rehabilitation plan are additionally provided.
  • During a re-examination, the criteria for assigning status remain the same, but the group may change, either down or up.
  • Disability can be lifted if the patient’s health status has improved to normal threshold values.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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How to apply for disability for a pensioner: what is necessary to obtain