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Spiritual teachings of St. Ambrose of Optina. Tatyana Strygina - To live is not to grieve. Sayings of Ambrose of Optina

Many laymen and monastics turned to the Optina elders for advice. The instructions of the monks, expressed in the form of proverbs and sayings, remained in the memory of the pilgrims for a long time and served as a life guide for them.

The Monks Leo and Ambrose were special experts and lovers of folk speech, various sayings and proverbs. A peculiar spiritual thread connected the speech tradition of the Optina elders. This is how the reverends answered the same question. Leo, Ambrose and Joseph. Elder Leo was often asked: “Father! How did you capture such spiritual gifts as we see in you?” - He answered: “Live simpler, God will not leave you either.” Also about. Ambrose to the question: “How to live in order to be saved?” - he liked to answer: “We need to live unhypocritically and behave exemplarily, then our cause will be true, otherwise it will be bad” or “Live - don’t bother, don’t judge anyone, don’t annoy anyone, and my respect to everyone.” And o. Joseph, cell attendant Fr. Ambrose, who after him accepted the burden of senile service, loved to repeat in his letters: “Live not as you want, but as God commands”; “You need to live like this: don’t judge anyone, don’t reproach, don’t get angry, don’t be proud, consider yourself in your soul worse than everyone else in the world.”

The elders communicated with people of different classes, knew how to listen sensitively to speech culture, and selected and used the most vivid and accurate images in their speech. Playful sayings, proverbs about. Leo was always favored and people's hearts were opened to him. Here are a few expressions characteristic of him: “Confess on a living thread” (i.e. quickly); “To save a soul is not to weave a bast shoe”; “He who has a voice and a hair has an extra demon”; “What you bought for, sell for”; “Teach the old to heal the dead,” etc. According to the recollections of contemporaries, the word of the elder “... consoled one in sorrow, aroused another from sinful stupor, animated the hopeless, released from the bonds of despair itself, forced the unbeliever to obey and believe; in short, it could turn a carnal person to the path of spiritual life, of course, sincerely seeking this."

However, most of the proverbs and sayings belonged to Rev. Ambrose. The elder loved to repeat them during general blessings. Possessing a lively character, he skillfully used the sparkling and vivid imagery of proverbs.

Proverbs and sayings contained answers to questions of spiritual life: “Why is a person bad?” - “Because he forgets that God is above him,” it was said about Christian virtues - about patience and humility: “The house of the soul is patience, the food of the soul is humility. If there is no food in the house, the tenant climbs out”; “Be wise and humble. Do not judge others”; “He who gives in gains more”; “Humble yourself, and all your works will go well”; “Whoever thinks of himself that he has something will lose”; “If they really catch you, say: not calico, you won’t fade.” About prudent silence: “It is better to foresee and remain silent than to speak and then repent”; “Be silent in front of everyone, and everyone will love you.” About patiently bearing sorrows: “In sorrows, you will pray to God, and they will go away, but you cannot drive away the disease with a stick.” On being true to your word: “An unfulfilled promise is like a good tree without fruit.” The vices of vanity were exposed (“Don’t boast, peas, that you are better than beans: if you get wet, you’ll burst”) and slander (“If you want to prick someone with a word, then take a pin in your mouth and run after a fly”).

The elder considered it necessary to explain some proverbs to his listeners in order to more deeply reveal their meaning and significance in accordance with Christian teaching: ““God himself heals the proud” - this means that internal sorrows (by which pride is healed) are sent from God, but the proud does not come from people will bear. But the humble one bears everything from people and will always say: “he is worthy of this.”

Many proverbs correlate with the texts of Holy Scripture: “Follow the publican’s path and you will be saved”; "Judge not lest ye be judged"; “You have to look down. Remember: you are earth, and you will go to earth”; “Blessing lips have no grievance”; “I languish the languishing me. The languor is worse than death”; “The Kingdom of God is not in words, but in power: you need to interpret less, be silent more, not condemn anyone, and my respect to everyone”; “Go where they lead you; see what they show you, and keep saying: Thy will be done!”

To one head of the monastery, in response to her words that the people entering the monastery were different, the elder replied: “Marble and metal - everything will do.” Then, after a pause, he continued: “A copper age, an iron horn, whose horns cannot be erased.” The Holy Scripture says: I will break the horn of sinners, and the horn of the righteous will be exalted (Ps. 74.11). Sinners have two horns, but the righteous have one - humility ". (The two horns of sinners here apparently represent two passions - pride and vanity.)

Some of the proverbs, which have parallels with Russian folk proverbs and sayings, were creatively reworked by the elder, with emphasis placed on other meanings; “To speak well is to scatter silver, and prudent silence is gold” (cf.: “The word is silver, and silence is gold”); “The mind is good, two is better, but three is good,” i.e. the advice of many people will not be useful (cf.: “A mind is good, but two are better”); “Everyone is the smith of his own destiny,” i.e. Each person is the cause of his own sorrows (cf.: “Everyone is the smith of his own happiness”).

Some proverbs are addressed primarily to monastics: “To live in a monastery, you need patience, not a cartload, but a whole convoy”; “To be a nun, you must be either iron or gold: iron means having great patience, and gold means great humility”; “One must not choose a sister according to the spirit, otherwise it will be according to the flesh,” i.e. You shouldn't get too attached to anyone. To one nun, who had previously enjoyed honor, but later fell out of favor, the elder answered: “Whoever reproaches us gives us gifts, and whoever praises us steals from us,” i.e. one should humbly endure the vicissitudes of fate.

However, most proverbs contained instructions addressed to all listeners. For example, about the fact that it is easier to teach than to do something yourself: “Theory is a lady at court, and practice is like a bear in the forest”; about the need for compulsion to do any good deed: “You need to force yourself to dig ridges and do everything”; about Christian love: “God sends mercy to the one who works, and consolation to the one who loves,” about life as a preparation for eternity: “As you live, so you die,” about the complexity of the fight against sin: “Sins are like walnuts, you crack the shell, but It's hard to pick out the grain."

During confession, the elder taught: “Tell your sins and blame yourself more than people”; "Don't pass on other people's business."

Loving simplicity, i.e. sincerity, absence of duplicity and hypocrisy, he said: “Where it’s simple, there are a hundred angels, and where it’s tricky, there’s not a single one”; “Look at everyone simply”; “Be simple and everything will pass”; “To live simply means not to judge, not to despise anyone.”

To the words of one lady that it is difficult to work with young people, he answered her in this way: “It’s not a problem that there is quinoa in the rye, but it’s a disaster when there is no rye or quinoa in the field.” And he added: “If you sow rye, quinoa grows; if you sow quinoa, rye grows. In your patience gain your souls [Luke 21:19]. But you endure from everyone, endure everything, and endure from children.”

V. V. KASHIRINA, Candidate of Philological Sciences


  1. Biography of the Optina elder hieromonk Leonid (in the schema of Leo) /<Сост. Агапит (Беловидов), архимандрит >. Ed. Vvedenskaya
    Optina Pustyn, 1994.
  2. Life of the Venerable Ambrose, Elder of Optina / Comp. Agapit (Belovidov), archimandrite. Ed. Holy Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage, 1999.
  3. Collection of letters of the Optina elder Joseph / Comp. Kashirina V.V. Holy Vvedenskaya Optina Pustyn, 2005.

From the collection of sayings of St. Ambrose of Optina “To live - not to grieve”, published by the publishing house. Rhythmic and rhymed lines, ironic and witty teachings of one of the most revered Russian elders have not lost their relevance for many years.

Interesting, as proof of the poetry that always lived in this rich nature, was the fantasy that he had at one time to write poetry, which he himself later told about: “I confess to you, I once tried to write poetry, believing that it was easy. I chose a good place where there were valleys and mountains, and settled down to write there. For a long, long time I sat and thought about what and how to write; I didn’t write anything.” But his love of speaking in rhyme remained throughout his life.

My incomprehensible child, peace and God’s blessing to you and every affirmation in long-suffering, the imams have a great need in him, and may we graciously endure everything that comes our way and everything that happens.

N thieves are tasty thieves, and they are not weak or ill, they climb not only over fences, but, like mice, they make their way through roofs. These thieves, or others, tore through the grain barn in two places, but did not have time to do anything and, probably out of grief, went and sang: “Don’t touch the monastery, so as not to be sent along the prisoner’s road.”

Those who endure everything graciously and gratefully are promised peace there. But which one? And it’s impossible to say; You just need to live carefully for this, and above all, live humbly, and not anxiously, and act as you should and as you should. To repent of mistakes and humble yourself, but not to be embarrassed.

St. Ambrose Optinsky. Portrait

N during Lent is in a church retreat, and I, both during Lent and not during Lent, am constantly at the council of people and the gathering and analysis of other people’s affairs.

N! Don’t be like a bothersome fly, which sometimes flies around uselessly, and sometimes bites and annoys both of them, but be like a wise bee, who diligently began her work in the spring and by autumn has finished the honeycomb, which is as good as correctly written notes . One is sweet, the other is pleasant...

You, N, drink tea, only understand spiritual matters.

St. Ambrose Optinsky. Icon

Without it it is impossible to have peace.

Don't take your word for any nonsense indiscriminately - that you can be born from dust and that people were formerly monkeys. But it is true that many people began to imitate monkeys and humiliate themselves to the point of monkeys.

Strengthen yourself in the Lord and in the power of His strength! Let your soul rejoice in the Lord, for He has clothed us with the robe of salvation and clothed us with the robe of gladness; and speaks to us through the Apostle: always rejoice, give thanks in everything, for this is the will of God.

Be patient; maybe a treasure will be revealed to you from somewhere, then you can think about life in a different way; in the meantime, arm yourself with patience and humility, and hard work, and self-reproach.

You say that you do everything under compulsion; but under compulsion it is not only not rejected, but also approved. This means that one should not lose heart, but should trust in God, Who is able to bring everything to a beneficial end. Peace to you!

The Lord Himself does not force a person’s will, although He admonishes in many ways.

Infirmity, and weakness, and, and exhaustion, and to them also laziness and negligence - these are my companions! And my constant presence is with them.

Mother! It was said long ago not to lose heart, but to trust in the mercy and help of God! Listen to what they say, and eat what they serve.

Listen, sister! Don't be excited, don't be colorful! But be constant and meek - and you will be peaceful!

Don’t like to hear about others, then you will have less of your own.

I kindly greet in the Lord N the many-prophecy and other sisters who live like voiceless fish, although occasionally they raise their feathers. But a feather is not a stick, and a sparrow is not a jackdaw, and a magpie is not a crow. However, everyone has their own defense. When you find it, read this set of words, as the German said to the Russian: “What a piece of wood you are!” I wanted to call him a cudgel, but I couldn’t.

More than once you will remember the simple Russian proverb: “Beat the sieve when the sieve doesn’t fit.” This proverb does not prevent you from noticing and remembering it, mother, when you have to fall behind in business, when we think about doing it this way, but it turns out differently. Then this proverb is especially suitable.

I greet N, who speaks many things, and N, who sings and sets the tone, and who is inquisitive... so that they do not allow much to come to their ears. Weak ears cannot bear much without harm.

Even though they say that things don’t change from year to year, things always go as usual. There is always one solid piece of advice: “Vanka, oh Vanka! Tastefully, the master knows and knows, but still he’s twerking.” This one with the master Ivan is an example for us too. Each one repeat his lesson and remember what the prophet says: “Let him not walk in the counsel of the wicked.”

There was no sadness, but the crafty enemies pumped up, appearing either in the form of Ephraim or in the form of a toothy crocodile.

I hear about you, bossy mother, that you have not ceased to be despondent since you began to grieve when you received the news of your tonsure. Know that grief is like a sea: the more a person enters it, the more he sinks.

Peace to you and your dear goslings! Which are sometimes sweet, and sometimes rotten.

It would be nice, new mother...ina, if you had a pleasant and edifying face on the outside, while maintaining spiritual silence. Although it is not easy, and difficult, and not always convenient, it is useful for us and others.

* * *
God grant that every unpleasant fire will be extinguished soon, so as not to give the village children a reason to repeat the old song: “Burn, burn hot, Zakharka is riding, himself on a horse, his wife on a cow, children on calves.” Apparently, this song is stupid, but it was composed not without a reason or reason. And I wrote this to you after spiritual consolation for simple laughter.

That’s why the death was good, because she lived well. How you live is how you die.

Why do people sin? Either because they don’t know what to do and what to avoid, or if they know, they forget, but if they don’t forget, they become lazy and despondent.

Go where they lead you; look at what they show, and keep saying: Thy will be done. Death is not far off, but behind us, and we can at least have a stake on our heads.

Hypocrisy is worse than unbelief.

You can live in the world, just not in the Jurassic, but live quietly.

Moscow hits from the toe and hits with boards.

If you listen to other people's speeches, you will have to put the donkey on your shoulders.

Buying is like killing a louse, And selling is like catching a flea.

We need to live unhypocritically and behave exemplarily, then our cause will be true, otherwise it will turn out badly.

To live is not to bother, not to judge anyone, not to annoy anyone, and my respect to everyone.

People! Keep your mouth shut!

When we brew the porridge, then we will see what we are doing.

Father, we know that you pray for us every evening.

Yes, when I’m not tired, otherwise the pig will forget her piglets when she’s being scorched.

Don't push, you don't have belt tugs. The bast and the washcloth broke off - she tied it up and rushed off again.

Boredom is the despondency of the grandson, and the daughter. To drive her away, work hard in action, don’t be lazy in prayer; then boredom will pass and diligence will come. And if you add patience and humility to this, you will save yourself from many evils.

Mother! Endure and do not lose heart.

The owner had geese, and he caressed them: “Tee-zha, te-zha!” But they are still the same.

I would be happy with everything, father, but you are far from me.

My neighbors have become farther from me. Close - but slimy, far - but deep.

Elisha endured, Moses endured, Elijah endured, and I will endure.

Old age, weakness, powerlessness, much care and oblivion, and many useless rumors do not allow me to come to my senses. One explains that his head and legs are weak, another complains that he has many sorrows, and another explains that he is in constant anxiety. And you listen to all this, and even give an answer, but you can’t get away with silence - they are offended and offended. It is not for nothing that the saying is sometimes repeated: “Interpret the sick with the doctor.” The patient wants to explain his situation, but the doctor is bored listening, and there is nothing to do - you listen, not wanting to further irritate and alarm the sick interpreter.

At least for a while I would like to go somewhere or leave, but the painful situation does not let me out of the cell, on the door of which they knock on both sides and bother me to accept and talk about the necessary and unnecessary, but my weakness inclines to accept. So you don’t know how to understand this.

This Ivan will be useful to both us and you.

You are a young prince, don’t hit yourself in the dirt through such actions.

In order to do this, you need patience, not a cartload, but a whole convoy.

Whoever wants to listen to himself should read this book more carefully, sit at home more, look around less, not walk around his cells and not bring guests to his place; do not condemn others, but groan about your sins to the Lord God in order to receive God’s mercy.

Don't bother living

In the popular film by S. Govorukhin “Bless the Woman,” the mother of the film’s heroine, already terminally ill, when asked by her loved ones how to live, answers: “One good the man said: “Don’t bother living, don’t judge anyone, don’t annoy anyone, and everyone has my respect.” This one is kind person - Rev. Ambrose of Optina (1812 - 1891). July 10 will mark 10 years since the discovery of the elder’s relics.

At first glance, there's no pointnon-binding sayingthe saint contains many evanGaelic commandments. Don't bother knowingcheat, under the most difficult circumstancesdo not mourn, do not despair, tormentingyourself with melancholy and despondency. This is deathterrible sin! Not pushing means thatThis streak of life will end anyway,everything bad will pass, so you can’tlive with past grievances and failures.“For the fact that we look back, -the elder said, “and they urge us ongami, that is, sorrows and troubles tami."

Let’s go further: “Don’t judge anyonegive, don’t bother anyone.” Is not this is stated in the Nagornaya Propo lead Jesus Christ? Can we condemn your neighbor if you yourselfsins, like in burrs? But if you want so that at the “terrible judgment” the Lordwas merciful to you, so as not to judgestrictly, do not judge others strictly. A It’s better not to judge at all - you won’t be judged. And most importantly - peace of mind will.

Well, “don’t bother” - hereand there is no need to explain. Although... Different in lifeno one else has so much trouble and unpleasantnessdelivers things without noticing or realizing it. This is from selfishness, mountainsmelons when you simply can’t replace othersyou think - this is also a grave sin, forwhich will have to be answered. How could it be otherwise, since it was spilled by someone through your fault?tears don't fall in vain...

"And everyone's mine reading" - so we have reached the main Christian commandment about love - "byreading", "veneration". And not only to the familynomu, close. To everyone.

The saying of Ambrose of Optina is both an echo of the Sermon on the Mount andcow staircase. First learn not togrieve, do not judge or annoy, butthen, God willing, you will learn to love.After all, an egoist, a self-lover, does not lovemaybe he is spiritually blind.

As for the elder himself, then he himself lived as he taught.

Not grieved thoughfrom his youth until his blissful death he suffered from the most severe and inexorabletreatable illness of internal organs.Already at the age of 34, Hieromonk Ambrose was recognized as incapable of anyphysical work and removed from staffmonastery Doctors frankly admit Vali: if it were ordinaryman, then one could confidentlyIt’s safe to say that he had no more than half an hour left to live. However, after going beyondstate, the old man lived, essentially, on the flooralive for another 45 years!

What gave him strength? Prayer,the Lord's help in the blessed Mysteriesties and, of course, the Holy Spirit. WeWe often say: “Only by the Holy Spirit andwe live." But that's how it is. Like chaone hundred physically strong strong peopleshow little during testingstifling and cowardice. And vice versa: weakThose who are physically active show miracles of courage and fortitude.

"The Power of Bo" livein weakness it is made perfect" - this is aboutVenerable Ambrose. Because ofhis very rare chronic painhe was literally dripping with sweatI always carried this on my backcheck with dry clothes. After 2 – 3 hours he had to change clothes, but when Father was surprised by all this when he came people who approach him with complacency andhe has a cheerful disposition. Whateverwas his condition, no matter what torment heendured, he always answered the letterma, received visitors – per daydozens of people! And this is what he saidabout this: “I get sick in monasteries tions they don’t die soon, but stretch out andlasts until the disease isbrings real benefits to them..." And further: “The Lord is long-suffering. He's the one Yes, it just ends a person’s life century, when he sees him ready for pe transition into eternity or when notsees no hope for him governing body".

The deepest meaning is in another of his sayings: “He leads the righteous to King effect God's Apostle Peter, and sin nykh – the Queen of Heaven Herself.” In other words, the repentant sinner is the same younger, prodigal son,who with his humility surpassed eldest son. The greater the depthfalling, the more difficult it is to get outa catcher from the abyss of sins. But of courseHowever, here we mean the truerepentance and correction of life according to Evangelic commandments, and not just nelisting sins in confession.

And here's how the Monk Ambroseexplained the essence of Christ’s commandment thatwhat if someone hits you on the rightcheek, offer him your left cheek too. "If anyone will slander you or be innocent but to annoy with something is oz begins to emphasize the gum line. Don't complain, but bear this blow melodiously, insert your left hand at the same time cheek, i.e. remember your wrongs affairs. And if maybe you are now innocent, I have sinned a lot before and therefore he deserves punishment.” Except the mentioned saying about how to live, the father answered: "We must live on the ground, like a wheel spinning, slightly only one point touches the groundwhether, but the rest will certainlystrive upward. And when we go to bedon the ground, we can’t get up.” For the humility of the selfish and proudhe loved to tell stories like thishappening: “Once someone arranged at his place lunch and sent his servants to invite to shake off the guests. One of the invitees asks the neo sent to him neat servant: “Does yourthere is no one better than you, Mr.was it possible to send for me? And the one fromsays: “Good for goodexiled, and I was sent to your mercy you."

Meeting an elder is a great joy. But only for those who are readyimprove your life, work hard Khovno. In one of the monasteries of Mordovii one perspicacious old man is already inour time has stopped accepting people,explaining the reason: “People listenmy instructions, warnings,promise to improve, but leaveme and live as they lived.” It is for this reasoncause in the middle 19th century saint Ignatiy Brianchaninov advised not tospend your life in search of the elders, whoof which there were never many, but handbe guided by the works of the saints from tsov.

Otherwise there is great dangerdanger of running into a false old man - herethere was always an abundance of these in Rus'. It is difficult for a person inexperienced in faithto distinguish such a false saint from the truthsa great ascetic of the faith, and this is the meaning Le image of St. Ambrose can tell us what is true from what is false.

The elder never advised anythingshaft, until asked, did not impose seriouspenance (church punishment), region Yes Iwith all the gifts of the Holy Spirit (aboutvigilance, prudence, healingetc.), he carefully hidtheir. A true elder serves all people and does not create any special shchin", where, as in totalitarian sects, there is the strictest discipline and you need to blindly follow the orders of the elders shih. Such “communities” always surround false elders, and you have to go around ten of them that road. Everything we need is inChurch of Christ, in the Gospel, in the book gah holy fathers. Often, what are you talking about? many believers act onordinary confession, ordinary priest,without knowing it, by God's providencefinds the most necessary things for the confessorwell-used and saving words, gives true advice.

. Rhythmic and rhymed lines, ironic and witty teachings of one of the most revered Russian elders have not lost their relevance for many years.

Interesting, as proof of the poetry that always lived in this rich nature, was the fantasy that he had at one time to write poetry, which he himself later told about: “I confess to you, I once tried to write poetry, believing that it was easy. I chose a good place where there were valleys and mountains, and settled down to write there. For a long, long time I sat and thought about what and how to write; I didn’t write anything.” But his love of speaking in rhyme remained throughout his life.

My incomprehensible child, peace and God’s blessings to you and every affirmation in patience and long-suffering, the imams have a great need for it, and may we graciously endure everything that comes our way and everything that happens to us.

N thieves are tasty thieves, and they are not weak or ill, they climb not only over fences, but, like mice, they make their way through roofs. These thieves, or others, tore through the grain barn in two places, but did not have time to do anything and, probably out of grief, went and sang: “Don’t touch the monastery, so as not to be sent along the prisoner’s road.”

Those who endure everything graciously and gratefully are promised peace there. But which one? And it’s impossible to say; You just need to live carefully for this, and above all, live humbly, and not anxiously, and act as you should and as you should. To repent of mistakes and humble yourself, but not to be embarrassed.

St. Ambrose Optinsky. Portrait

N during Lent is in a church retreat, and I, both during Lent and not during Lent, am constantly at the council of people and the gathering and analysis of other people’s affairs.

N! Don’t be like a bothersome fly, which sometimes flies around uselessly, and sometimes bites and annoys both of them, but be like a wise bee, who diligently began her work in the spring and by autumn has finished the honeycomb, which is as good as correctly written notes . One is sweet, the other is pleasant...

You, N, drink tea, only understand spiritual matters.

St. Ambrose Optinsky. Icon

Without humility it is impossible to have peace.

Don't take your word for any nonsense indiscriminately - that you can be born from dust and that people were formerly monkeys. But it is true that many people began to imitate monkeys and humiliate themselves to the point of monkeys.

Strengthen yourself in the Lord and in the power of His strength! Let your soul rejoice in the Lord, for He has clothed us with the robe of salvation and clothed us with the robe of gladness; and speaks to us through the Apostle: always rejoice, give thanks in everything, for this is the will of God.

Be patient; maybe a treasure will be revealed to you from somewhere, then you can think about life in a different way; in the meantime, arm yourself with patience and humility, and hard work, and self-reproach.

You say that you do everything under compulsion; but in the Gospel compulsion is not only not rejected, but also approved. This means that one should not lose heart, but should trust in God, Who is able to bring everything to a beneficial end. Peace to you!

The Lord Himself does not force a person’s will, although He admonishes in many ways.

Infirmity, and weakness, and fatigue, and exhaustion, and to them also laziness and negligence - these are my companions! And my constant presence is with them.

Mother! It was said long ago not to lose heart, but to trust in the mercy and help of God! Listen to what they say, and eat what they serve.

Listen, sister! Don't be excited, don't be colorful! But be constant and meek - and you will be peaceful!

Don’t like to hear about the shortcomings of others, then you will have less of your own.

I kindly greet in the Lord N the many-prophecy and other sisters who live like voiceless fish, although occasionally they raise their feathers. But a feather is not a stick, and a sparrow is not a jackdaw, and a magpie is not a crow. However, everyone has their own defense. When despondency sets in, read this set of words, as a German said to a Russian: “What a fool you are!” I wanted to call him a cudgel, but I couldn’t.

More than once you will remember the simple Russian proverb: “Beat the sieve when the sieve doesn’t fit.” This proverb does not prevent you from noticing and remembering it, mother, when you have to fall behind in business, when we think about doing it this way, but it turns out differently. Then this proverb is especially suitable.

I greet N, who speaks many things, and N, who sings and sets the tone, and who is inquisitive... so that they do not allow much to come to their ears. Weak ears cannot bear much without harm.

Even though they say that things don’t change from year to year, things always go as usual. There is always one solid piece of advice: “Vanka, oh Vanka! Tastefully, the master knows and knows, but still he’s twerking.” This one with the master Ivan is an example for us too. Each one repeat his lesson and remember what the prophet says: blessed is he who does not follow the counsel of the wicked.

There was no sadness, but the crafty enemies pumped up, appearing either in the form of Ephraim or in the form of a toothy crocodile.

I hear about you, bossy mother, that you have not ceased to be despondent since you began to grieve when you received the news of your tonsure. Know that grief is like a sea: the more a person enters it, the more he sinks.

Peace to you and your dear goslings! Which are sometimes sweet, and sometimes rotten.

It would be nice, new mother...ina, if you had a pleasant and edifying face on the outside, while maintaining spiritual silence. Although it is not easy, and difficult, and not always convenient, it is useful for us and others.

* * *
God grant that every unpleasant fire will be extinguished soon, so as not to give the village children a reason to repeat the old song: “Burn, burn hot, Zakharka is riding, himself on a horse, his wife on a cow, children on calves.” Apparently, this song is stupid, but it was composed not without a reason or reason. And I wrote this to you after spiritual consolation for simple laughter.

That’s why the death was good, because she lived well. How you live is how you die.

Why do people sin? Either because they don’t know what to do and what to avoid, or if they know, they forget, but if they don’t forget, they become lazy and despondent.

Go where they lead you; look at what they show, and keep saying: Thy will be done. Death is not far off, but behind us, and we can at least have a stake on our heads.

Hypocrisy is worse than unbelief.

You can live in the world, just not in the Jurassic, but live quietly.

Moscow hits from the toe and hits with boards.

If you listen to other people's speeches, you will have to put the donkey on your shoulders.

Buying is like killing a louse, And selling is like catching a flea.

We need to live unhypocritically and behave exemplarily, then our cause will be true, otherwise it will turn out badly.

To live is not to bother, not to judge anyone, not to annoy anyone, and my respect to everyone.

People! Keep your mouth shut!

When we brew the porridge, then we will see what we are doing.

Father, we know that you pray for us every evening.

Yes, when I’m not tired, otherwise the pig will forget her piglets when she’s being scorched.

Don't push, you don't have belt tugs. The bast and the washcloth broke off - she tied it up and rushed off again.

Boredom is the despondency of the grandson, and the daughter. To drive her away, work hard in action, don’t be lazy in prayer; then boredom will pass and diligence will come. And if you add patience and humility to this, you will save yourself from many evils.

Mother! Endure and do not lose heart.

The owner had geese, and he caressed them: “Tee-zha, te-zha!” But they are still the same.

I would be happy with everything, father, but you are far from me.

My neighbors have become farther from me. Close - but slimy, far - but deep.

Elisha endured, Moses endured, Elijah endured, and I will endure.

Old age, weakness, powerlessness, much care and oblivion, and many useless rumors do not allow me to come to my senses. One explains that his head and legs are weak, another complains that he has many sorrows, and another explains that he is in constant anxiety. And you listen to all this, and even give an answer, but you can’t get away with silence - they are offended and offended. It is not for nothing that the saying is sometimes repeated: “Interpret the sick with the doctor.” The patient wants to explain his situation, but the doctor is bored listening, and there is nothing to do - you listen, not wanting to further irritate and alarm the sick interpreter.

At least for a while I would like to go somewhere or leave, but the painful situation does not let me out of the cell, on the door of which they knock on both sides and bother me to accept and talk about the necessary and unnecessary, but my weakness inclines to accept. So you don’t know how to understand this.

This Ivan will be useful to both us and you.

You are a young prince, don’t hit yourself in the dirt through such actions.

To go to a monastery, you need patience, not a cartload, but a whole convoy.

Whoever wants to listen to himself should read this book more carefully, sit at home more, look around less, not walk around his cells and not bring guests to his place; do not condemn others, but groan about your sins to the Lord God in order to receive God’s mercy.

"How to live?" - the elder heard this very important question from all sides. He answered, as usual, in a joking tone:

“To live is not to bother, not to judge anyone, not to annoy anyone, and my respect to everyone.” . This tone of the elder’s speech often brought a smile to frivolous listeners. But there is a deep meaning in this saying.

« Live - don't bother " Means, accept all events so that the heart is not carried away by the inevitable sorrows and failures for a person, but is directed towards God (“ everything is from God, I chose it myself"); through which a person puts up with sorrows or “resigns himself”, and thereby calms down. If we plant good thoughts, positivity, they will materialize into normal events, and if we are afraid of something, it will come. To push – from the word “tight”, i.e. do your best, as you can.

« N do not judge anyone, do not annoy anyone ». « The most common condemnations and annoyances among people are the fiends of the pernicious pride. They alone are enough to bring a person’s soul down to the bottom of hell; but outwardly, for the most part, they are not considered a sin" This is the theme of karma - we are responsible for what we create. But people’s souls are still immature, not developed, “they don’t know what they are doing.” I myself have many shortcomings, why should I look after others? They will not show me anything that is not in me. We must remember that for some reason the Lord allowed these people to be born and develop. We do not know God's plans why such events occur. Don't bother anyone : Sai Baba says that one must live modestly, serve oneself, and help if asked. Do what concerns you.

« My respect to everyone " - the elder points to the commandment of the Apostle: “warn one another in respect” . "He is Jesus, and he is Jesus"

P preached by the Elder mainly humility, - this is the basis of spiritual life, the source of all virtues, without which it is impossible to be saved.

About humility

Mother! It was said long ago not to lose heart, but to trust in the mercy and help of God! Listen to what they say, and eat what they serve.

Why is a person bad? Because he forgets that God is above him!

You need to live without hypocrisy and behave exemplary
then our cause will be right, otherwise it will be bad.

We must live as a wheel turns - just one point touches the ground, and the rest strive upward.

You can live in the world, just not in the South, but live quietly.

“To live in a monastery, you need not a cartload of patience, but a whole convoy.”

“To be a nun, you have to be either iron or gold.” The elder explained it this way: “Iron means to have great patience, and golden means great humility.”

« If someone offends you, - the elder said to one nun for edification, - Don’t tell anyone except the elder, and you will be peaceful. Bow to everyone, not paying attention to whether they bow to you or not. You need to humble yourself in front of everyone. If we did not commit the crimes that others committed, then this is perhaps because we did not have the opportunity to do so: the situation and circumstances were different. There is something good and kind in every person, but we usually see only vices in people, but do not see the good».

In psychology: if you take it and spray it on a wall with ink, several dark spots will appear on the white wall. But everyone sees them, and not 99% of a blank wall. This is the process of evolution, when up to a certain point I learn to see these spots as a way of distinguishing between good and bad in order to survive. And then - in order to learn to be good, I submit it to God’s judgment, understanding that what is good for a person is not always good for God and people.

Speaking of which without humility you cannot be saved, the elder gave the following example.

One lady saw in a dream the Lord Jesus and a crowd of people before Him. At His call, a peasant girl came up to Him first, and then a man in bast shoes and all the other people of the peasant class. The lady thought that the Lord would call her to Himself for her simplicity, kindness and generally for all her virtues. Imagine her surprise when she saw that the Lord had stopped calling. She decided to remind the Lord about herself, but He turned away from her. Then the lady fell to the ground and began to humbly confess that she really worse than everyone else and unworthy to be in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Then the elder added: “But these are the ones who are suitable, these are the ones that are needed there.”

To the words of one who stood near the elder: “Pride interferes with everything,” he replied: “ And wrap yourself in humility, then even if the sky clings to the earth, you won’t be afraid».

There are a lot of people who have nothing to be proud of at all. On this occasion, the elder relayed the following story: “One confessor told her confessor that she was proud. “What are you proud of? - he asked her. “You’re probably noble?” “No,” she answered. “Well, are you talented?” - "No". - “So, you’re rich?” - "No". - “Hm! In this case, you can be proud,” the confessor finally said.”

When asked how it is that the righteous, knowing that they live well according to God’s commandments, are not exalted by their righteousness, the elder replied: “They do not know what the end awaits them. Therefore,” he added, “our salvation must be achieved between fear and hope.” No one under any circumstances one should not give in to despair, but one should not hope too much».

Question: is it possible to desire improvement in spiritual life?

The elder’s answer: “You can not only wish, but you should also try to improve in humility, that is, in consider oneself in the feeling of the heart worse and lower than all people and every creature».

Or the old man also told how sometimes circumstances humble a person:

“One day someone hosted a dinner at his place and sent his servants to invite guests. One of those invited asks the sloppy servant sent to him: “Did your master really not find anyone better than you to send to me?” To this the messenger replied: “They sent good after good, but I am at your mercy.”

“As soon as a person humbles himself,” the elder used to say, “how humility immediately places him on the threshold of the Kingdom of Heaven.”

“The Kingdom of God,” the elder said, “is not in words, but in power: you need to interpret less, be silent more, not condemn anyone, and my respect to everyone.”

About patience

When someone annoys you, never ask why or why. This is nowhere in Scripture. On the contrary, it says: if someone hits you on the right side of your cheek, give him the other one too. It is actually inconvenient to hit the gum cheek, but you need to understand it this way: if someone slanders you or innocently annoys you with something, this will mean hitting the gum cheek. Don’t complain, but bear this blow patiently, putting your left cheek forward, that is, remembering your wrong deeds. And if, perhaps, you are now innocent, then you have sinned a lot before, and thus you will be convinced that you are worthy of punishment.

About irritability

“No one should justify their irritability by some illness, it comes from pride. In order not to indulge in irritability and anger, one should not rush.”

Conversing about envy and memory malice, the elder said:
“You need to force yourself, even against your will, to do some good to your enemies; and most importantly, do not take revenge on them and be careful not to somehow offend them with the appearance of contempt and humiliation.”

One person asked: “I don’t understand, father, how you not only are not angry with those who speak ill of you, but also continue to love them.”
The elder laughed a lot at this and said:
“You had a little son; were you angry with him if he did or said something wrong? Didn’t you, on the contrary, try to somehow cover up his shortcomings?”

About love

“Love,” the elder said in the words of the apostle, “forgives everything, endures for a long time, does not condemn, does not desire anything that belongs to others, does not envy.”

“Love covers everything. And if someone does good to their neighbors out of the desire of their heart, and not driven only by duty, then the devil cannot interfere with such a person; and where it is only out of duty, there he still tries to interfere with one or the other.”

« To the worker God sends mercy and consolation to those who love.”

“Whoever has a bad heart should not despair, because with the help of God a person can correct his heart.

You just need to carefully monitor yourself and not miss the opportunity to be useful to your neighbors, often open up to the elder and give alms within your power.

This, of course, cannot be done suddenly, but the Lord endures for a long time.

He only ends a person’s life when he sees him ready for the transition to eternity or when he sees no hope for his correction.”