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Physical education for pregnant women 1st trimester. Physical activity during pregnancy. Early pregnancy - do's and don'ts

The importance of exercise in early pregnancy has long been proven. To the question of whether sports are needed during pregnancy, leading experts give a positive answer. The main thing is to understand what activities will not harm the expectant mother and her baby. Pregnancy is not a disease, so even if a woman has not exercised before, this period can be the beginning of an active life.

The benefits of playing sports while pregnant

In the modern world, every pregnant woman has a chance to try out specialized comprehensive programs developed by leading gynecologists and teachers. By its structure, physical activity during pregnancy is aimed at improving the general well-being of the expectant mother. An important fact will be the development of muscles that will later participate in the birth process, as well as weight control for 9 months.

Previously, doctors recommended a constant and predominant state of rest for women expecting a new addition to the family. At the moment, the opinion has changed radically. Over the past 40 years, scientific researchers have been able to prove that physical activity during early pregnancy not only cannot have a negative effect on the child, but also increases the performance of pregnant women.

Scientists have been able to prove that sports for women in a moderate position are capable of:

  • improve the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • normalize metabolism in the body;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • stabilize the general condition;
  • ensure proper oxygen saturation of the child’s body;
  • protect against edema in late pregnancy;
  • reduce the number of stretch marks or protect the expectant mother from their appearance;
  • charge with positive emotions.

The sports side of a woman’s life will help keep her body in great shape. Those prepared for childbirth will endure the process more easily, and a young mother will be able to restore her figure much faster after the birth of her long-awaited child.

How do you know if you can start training?

In some situations, physical activity during pregnancy is not only not contraindicated, but is also recommended by many leading experts. If, before the onset of a happy time, a woman professionally exercises in the early stages, she should become less productive than before.

The lesson program will need to be adjusted in connection with the new situation. In other cases, it is necessary to schedule a consultation with a qualified instructor who is able to develop an individual training program based on the data obtained after the conversation.

Having made sure that a sports orientation while carrying a baby is possible and recommended by experts, expectant mothers begin to think about which direction is best to choose for the near future.

Doctors focus the attention of pregnant women on several well-known sports that are well suited for any period of gestation:

  • Swimming lesson. This will be the best method in the fight against excessive stress on the spine and joints. A set of exercises in water strengthens muscle mass, and also allows the body to relax and get rid of tension.
  • Special fitness that will prepare the body for the birth process and improve the flexibility of all muscles.

  • Yoga or Pilates exercises aimed at stretching, controlling the respiratory process, which is so important during childbirth, and improving the general condition of a woman. Almost all yoga schools teach a course of special classes for expectant mothers; during pregnancy this will not be a problem. The doctor whom the expectant mother chooses for consultation regarding sports issues will have to select a feasible load for the body. To do this, he may need ongoing tests and conclusions from specialists in various fields completed in recent months. In the early stages of pregnancy, what is possible and what is not is strictly determined by the doctor; you should not prescribe on your own.

Nuances and details during classes

A woman should understand that pregnancy is an individual process, so not everyone is recommended the same exercises. Before starting training, you should meet with your doctor so that he can determine which sport during pregnancy is ideal for you. Given the dynamic development of society, interest groups gather with ease and are replete with a variety of programs for every taste. If you have the slightest doubt, you can seek advice from a personal trainer.

Having decided on the regime, do not forget that exercises that are allowed to be performed in the first months will be strictly prohibited in the later stages due to the growing belly. Over time, the instructor will have to find a worthy, gentle replacement for them.

Main rules for pregnant women

  • It is strictly forbidden to overheat, this will contribute to disturbances in the baby’s blood supply.
  • Overdoing stretching exercises can lead to sprains due to the action of relaxin.
  • If the doctor caring for a pregnant woman has diagnosed anemia, multiple pregnancies, or a possible threat of miscarriage, then even exercise during pregnancy becomes a controversial issue.
  • It is not recommended for women at any stage of pregnancy to visit stuffy gyms without a proper ventilation system.
  • Cardio exercises during pregnancy should be excluded from the exercise program, since the heart is already subject to double load.

The main goal will be to avoid physical activity that could cause injury to the expectant mother or lead to a fall. Therefore, it is better to postpone basketball, horse riding and snowboarding sections to a later date, and return to them only after the baby is born.

How much time to devote to sports?

For women who have not previously been actively involved in sports, physical activity during pregnancy should not exceed 30 minutes a day 3 times a week, especially in the first trimester. More frequent training can become additional stress for the body, which is still just adapting to a new stage of life.

A good initial workout would be walking, preferably in a park area. There, the expectant mother will be able to stretch her upper and lower limbs with light exercises. In the future, in consultation with your doctor, running during pregnancy is also possible.

Exercise when detecting health problems

So, we found out that pregnant women are not at all prohibited from playing sports, even in the early stages of pregnancy. What is possible and what is not is determined only by specialists. If the expectant mother suddenly develops problems with the thyroid gland, blood vessels, heart, spine, or too rapid weight gain, then active exercises should be abandoned for a while.

Permission for any type of physical activity in this case can only be given by the doctor observing the pregnancy and the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Characteristics of exercise in early pregnancy

In order for exercises to be beneficial for health, body and muscle mass, they should be done regularly, that is, at least twice a week. Only in this case will the body be in the required tone. Infrequent physical activity during pregnancy will cause more stress than benefit for the expectant mother.

Exercises should begin at least two hours after the last meal, and also do not forget about replenishing the oxygen deficiency in the room or gym.

The developed set of exercises should only provide pleasure and energy and also promote the desire to continue practicing. Overwork is strictly prohibited so that the mother and her unborn baby do not feel discomfort, which can negatively affect the course of pregnancy. Only if you follow all the listed rules and recommendations will physical activity bring benefits and significant results that will help during the birth process.

Pregnancy is the most delightful period of life for every woman. When will two more hearts beat together in one body and even the inexorably creeping upward will bring joy? So that you don’t have to spend many months restoring your figure and health after giving birth, it is much easier and more effective to take care of your baby from the very beginning of pregnancy. maintaining your physical fitness, thereby healing not only yourself, but also strengthening the health of the unborn baby.

Of course, when talking about exercise during pregnancy, we are not talking about strength training or long, tiring workouts. But if a woman has previously been actively involved in sports, you should not give up useful exercises during an interesting situation, you just need to review their list taking into account pregnancy. And vice versa, if the expectant mother’s physical activity was previously reduced only to going to the store and shifting from foot to foot while waiting for the elevator, it’s time to change such a lazy lifestyle for the sake of the health of the unborn baby.

Why do you need exercises during pregnancy in the 1st trimester?

Thanks to reasonable physical activity throughout pregnancy, the expectant mother is guaranteed:

  • easier pregnancy and childbirth compared to sedentary pregnant women;
  • minimizing feelings of chronic fatigue and joylessness of life due to the fact that any physical activity is directly related to the production of hormones of happiness and joy;
  • reduction of manifestations or its complete disappearance;
  • reducing the risk of oxygen starvation () in the baby, since during well-organized physical activity the blood of the pregnant woman is saturated with oxygen;
  • return to prenatal shape in the shortest possible time after the birth of the child.

However, in society there is a number of persistent stereotypes and misconceptions about exercise during pregnancy.

Myth 1. In the first trimester, any sports training is absolutely contraindicated for a pregnant woman.

This is wrong. In the absence of contraindications, physical exercise in the 1st trimester is useful, as it prepares the pregnant woman’s body for upcoming serious stress, trains her heart and lungs, and maintains the necessary muscle tone.

Myth 2. At the very beginning of pregnancy, while the belly is not yet visible, you don’t have to limit yourself in sports.

The belly, of course, has not yet rounded, but the woman is already pregnant. This means that she is responsible for the life that has arisen in her. Therefore, any physical activity in the 1st trimester of pregnancy should be agreed with your doctor. In any case, you will most likely have to give up professional sports during pregnancy and completely eliminate traumatic, strength exercises, abdominal exercises, and cardio exercises.

Myth 3. Yoga and stretching exercises are ideal for pregnant women.

There are a huge number of types of yoga, as well as types of stretching exercises. Among them there are indeed special complexes for women in an “interesting” position, which can be performed already from the first trimester of pregnancy. But most ordinary yoga asanas are contraindicated for pregnant women, as are many stretching exercises: they can lead to injury to the pregnant woman and the threat of miscarriage. So you should be more careful when selecting exercises, and it is better to be guided by the opinion of the instructor or coach

Myth 4. The more exercise, the better.

The ideal is to perform a daily set of exercises that include breathing exercises, light stretching exercises and physical therapy. But for women who did not engage in sports before pregnancy, it will be enough to exercise every other day for half an hour, and the optimal types of physical activity for them will be daily walking and swimming.

Contraindications to exercise in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

  • any infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the body;
  • increased body temperature over 37 degrees;
  • chronic kidney and heart diseases;
  • severe toxicosis requiring hospital treatment;
  • severe anemia (low);
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • or history;
  • any intensity.

What physical exercises can you do during pregnancy?

It is best if the physical activity of a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester includes:

  1. Daily walks in the fresh air at a calm pace for at least half an hour.
  2. Swimming in the pool several times a week, and if possible, doing water aerobics.
  3. If you feel well and have no contraindications, dancing classes (especially oriental belly dancing for pregnant women) and Pilates under the supervision of an instructor are recommended.
  4. Daily breathing exercises.
  5. Fitball exercises.
  6. Sets of stretching exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, pelvis, legs, and chest.

How to do exercises correctly for pregnant women

  • all exercises are performed at a calm pace, without overload;
  • muscle strengthening exercises alternate with relaxation exercises;
  • any stress on the abs, exercises such as “bicycle” or “birch tree” are excluded;
  • squats and bends are not done completely, but halfway;
  • Stretching exercises are done very carefully, because due to the riot of hormones in
  • In a pregnant woman’s body, her ligaments and tendons are easily injured;
  • strength loads (for example, exercises with dumbbells and on machines) are excluded altogether in the first trimester, in contrast to the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

A set of exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester

  1. Position at the beginning of the exercise: standing, legs slightly apart, back straight, arms freely lowered. On the count from 1 to 5, take a deep breath. On the count from 1 to 7, exhale slowly. Repeat 8-10 times.
  2. Walking in place for 1 minute alternates with walking on your toes for 30 seconds.
  3. Position at the beginning of the exercise: standing, legs slightly apart, arms straightened to the sides. At the same time, while inhaling, raise your right arm and left leg, and while exhaling, lower them. Avoid sudden movements. Repeat 5 times, alternating arms and legs.
  4. Half squats with straight arms pulled back – 5 times.
  5. Position at the beginning of the exercise: standing, legs slightly apart, hands clasped behind your back. As you inhale, bend back slightly, pulling in your buttocks. As you exhale, stand up straight, taking the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.
  6. Half bend forward with straightening your arms in front of you – 5 repetitions.
  7. Position at the beginning of the exercise: standing or sitting with a straight back, hands connected with palms in front of you at chest level. As you inhale, press your palms against each other with force to tighten your chest muscles. As you exhale, relax your arms and chest muscles, without separating your palms. Repeat 7-8 times.
  8. Position at the beginning of the exercise: sitting on the floor, legs wide apart, hands on the waist. As you exhale, touch the toe of your right foot with your left hand. As you inhale, sit up straight, taking the starting position. The same with the right hand and left leg. Repeat 7-8 times, alternating legs and arms.
  9. Position at the beginning of the exercise: on all fours, head down. As you exhale, bend at the waist, rounding your back like a cat. Stay in this position for a count of 1 to 3. While inhaling, take the starting position. Repeat 5-7 times.
  10. Position at the beginning of the exercise: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet resting on the floor. As you exhale, raise your pelvis, resting your feet on the floor, hold in this position for a count from 1 to 3. As you inhale, lower your pelvis, taking the starting position. Repeat 5-7 times.

Can be done several exercises on a fitball:

  • sit on the ball and do circular rotations with your pelvis in different directions;
  • sit on the floor and hold the ball between your legs, then alternately squeeze the ball with your feet with light force, then release the pressure;
  • lie on your stomach on the ball, resting your feet on the floor, and ride it from your chest to your lower abdomen (until your stomach stands out).

At the end of the complex, it is recommended to perform easy stretching exercise and relaxation. Sit on your knees, resting your buttocks on your heels. Stretch your arms forward and try to touch your forehead to the floor. Stretch forward slightly and relax. Repeat several times.

There is a common expression that characterizes especially well need for physical activity during pregnancy: it is better to sit than to lie down; it is better to stand than sit; It's better to walk than to stand.

Moderate and well-organized sports activity during pregnancy in the absence of contraindications has never harmed anyone.

Don't want to do a set of exercises? Swim! Don't want to swim? Do breathing exercises! And this is not yours? Then walk more or dance. Find for yourself that form of physical activity during pregnancy that will be enjoyable for you and beneficial for your body.

  • Do not overheat while playing sports - this worsens the condition of the fetus.
  • Drink plenty of fluids during exercise to stimulate your metabolism and enhance the removal of toxins from your body.
  • Physical activity is best tolerated a couple of hours after eating (optimally after breakfast).
  • Do not overdo it! Remember that your shortness of breath is a symptom that your unborn baby is not getting enough oxygen.
  • Take into account how you feel and at the slightest sign of pain in the lower abdomen or discomfort, stop doing the exercise and replace it with another one in the future.
  • Don't overwork yourself! 15 minutes a day is enough for physical activity in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Avoid physical activity on days that would be critical if you were not pregnant. According to medical research, it is at this time that the threat of miscarriage increases sharply.
  • Do not neglect breathing exercises and relaxation exercises - every pregnant woman needs to master these skills.

Yoga video for pregnant women in the 1st trimester

We invite you to watch a video of a yoga exercise course for pregnant women in the first trimester, which will help you maintain good health and prepare your body for subsequent trimesters and childbirth. It is safe for all pregnant women who have no contraindications.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again: pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life. But it should not occur exclusively in a horizontal position with longing in the eyes.

Physical education at this time is encouraged and helps prepare for childbirth. Share your experience How your level of physical activity during pregnancy affected the process of childbirth and recovery after the birth of the child.

For a healthy woman with a normal pregnancy, physical activity is extremely beneficial. Statistics show that physically prepared, trained expectant mothers, in comparison with those leading a sedentary lifestyle, endure pregnancy more easily, and their labor is less protracted and, as a rule, occurs without any complications.

Permissible physical exercises during pregnancy include both regular morning exercises and various sports that a woman could have practiced before. However, it should be clarified here that in each specific case, the degree of load and intensity of training must be agreed upon with the doctor managing the pregnancy.

A group of physical exercises prohibited for all expectant mothers during pregnancy are all kinds of jumping, intense strength training, as well as exercises that involve performing sudden movements.

In order not to harm either yourself or the child’s health, the training should take place at a calm pace, and the set of exercises should be performed smoothly and without jerking. The number of repetitions and approaches depends on individual preparedness, but in general it is believed that the duration of the lesson should not exceed 45 minutes (however, 15-20 minutes a day will be enough for some).

It's best to break your workout into ten-minute intervals, followed by a one- to two-minute break. At the end of the lesson, it is optimal to rub yourself with a towel soaked in cool water, or take a shower and then rub with a hard towel.

What are the benefits of gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st trimester?

The first trimester of pregnancy is a rather difficult period when a woman is just getting used to her new condition, and her mood is often subject to sudden changes due to hormonal storms raging in the body. In addition, in the first 12-14 weeks the risks for the unborn child are high, because it is in the period up to 12 weeks that the maximum number of spontaneous miscarriages occurs.

In connection with all of the above, gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st trimester should not be too intense. To a greater extent, it can be used as an effective means of combating increased irritability and bad mood.

At this stage, all loads on the abdominal muscles are excluded, since they can easily provoke a miscarriage (in the first couple of months, the attachment of the embryo to the uterine mucosa is quite weak and unreliable, so even a minimal load on the abs and abdominal wall can be fatal). But exercises that help strengthen the hips and pelvic floor muscles, as well as various types of breathing techniques, can be performed without fear of harming yourself and your unborn baby.

What exercises can pregnant women do in the 1st trimester?

Answering the question about what exercises pregnant women can do in the first weeks and months of pregnancy, experts offer expectant mothers a fairly simple complex, which includes the following elements:

  • Back bends from a position with emphasis on the palms and knees (the exercise helps relieve fatigue from the lower back muscles);
  • Hanging on the horizontal bar for 30-40 seconds for each approach, while your legs must be lifted off the floor (the exercise relieves back pain and helps unload the spine);
  • Squats;
  • Bends to the sides from a sitting position. Starting position – sitting with a straight back and legs spread pelvis-width apart on a fitball or chair. The tilt is performed while exhaling with the arm extended to the side, the back remains straight. When returning to the starting position, inhale (4-5 bends in each direction);
  • Rolls on a fitball. Starting position: sitting on a fitball and holding it with your hands. As you exhale, step your feet forward and roll down to the level of your shoulder blades, keeping your torso on a line parallel to the floor. Then you need to return to the starting position, holding onto the ball (4-5 repetitions);
  • Breathe deeply. Starting position – sitting with a straight back and legs spread pelvis-width apart on a fitball or chair. It is necessary to inhale air in such a way that the chest does not rise, but expands as much as possible. As you exhale, the ribs close again;
  • Belly breathing. This exercise involves maximally protruding the abdomen during inhalation and retracting it as you exhale. Starting position – standing, with hands joined with palms at chest level;
  • Circular rotations of the pelvis. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands on hips. Rotation is carried out 4-5 times in each direction;
  • Smooth leg swings to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles. Standing, legs together, arms spread to the sides, one leg must be moved to the side, then back (crossed), again to the side and forward (4-5 repetitions with each leg).

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st trimester: Kegel exercises

One of the most recommended exercises during pregnancy is Kegel exercises. They are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum and increasing their tone, which, in turn, can significantly ease the course of labor and avoid ruptures. During the period of bearing a child, the body of the expectant mother experiences a double load, so all muscle groups urgently need help and training. And intimate muscles are no exception. Kegel exercises are good because you can perform them practically without interrupting your daily routine and literally from the first days of pregnancy. Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st trimester involves including the following exercises in the complex:

  • Muscle contraction as if in an attempt to stop the process of urination;
  • Pushing exercise (muscles tense as if at the moment of defecation);
  • “Elevator” - intimate muscles tense gradually with added tension “as you climb to the next floor.” When the tension reaches its peak, a period of the same gradual relaxation begins, which seems to resemble moving down an elevator (this exercise is the most difficult, and you should start it only when the first two have been mastered).

You can start doing Kegel exercises during pregnancy at home, lying on your back or side, and, once you get used to them, even in the office, on a walk or in a cafe.

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st trimester: rules for performing physical exercises

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st trimester must be performed taking into account the following requirements:

  • You can’t start training while hungry;
  • Clothing must be correct - wide and not interfering with movement, made of breathable materials;
  • For safety reasons, exercises should not be done on slippery floors;
  • If you feel fatigue or discomfort (weakness, pain, breathing problems, tachycardia, etc.), you should stop doing the exercise;
  • You should not do gymnastics on too hot days.

Summarizing the above, it should be emphasized once again that gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st trimester is recommended to be performed with extreme caution, and the training should not be unnecessarily long and exhausting.

Text: Oksana Klenova

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Modern married couples are increasingly approaching the issue of future parenthood responsibly, preferring to plan a pregnancy. This fact indicates the awareness of partners, and also makes it possible to physically and emotionally prepare for the upcoming expectation and meeting of the baby.

Gynecologists recommend that expectant mothers strengthen their bodies in any way possible - dancing, swimming, aerobic exercise, yoga, and even regular walking (at least 2 hours) in the fresh air. Exercises to prepare for pregnancy should be aimed at working the muscles that undergo the maximum load during pregnancy - the abs, back, legs, shoulder girdle. It won't hurt to master breathing exercises. Experts recommend putting your thoughts and emotions in order. The techniques of yoga, meditation, and turning inward help the expectant mother achieve peace of mind and harmony. For many women, a difficult, sometimes impossible task is the ability to relax, which will certainly be needed during the birth process. Therefore, in parallel with strengthening, you should learn muscle relaxation.

Exercises to prepare for pregnancy include working the pelvic floor muscles. The following can help eliminate blood stagnation in the pelvic area and strengthen the perineal and vaginal muscles:

  • famous Kegel exercises;
  • also the yoga practices of “uddiyana” (standing with support on bent knees: while exhaling, pulling the diaphragm towards the back and up under the ribs) and “nauli” (also with pushing the transverse abdominal muscle forward and rolling the resulting tourniquet to the sides).

The latter technique, supplemented by the suction process, helps women who have been trying to conceive for a long time without success to conceive.

What exercises should you do during pregnancy?

According to obstetricians and gynecologists, if a woman did not engage in physical training before pregnancy, then it is never too late to start. Any gymnastics complex in anticipation of a baby should be based on the basic rules:

  • The load should be increased gradually and according to your own feelings of comfort. When exercising at a calm pace without soreness and overexertion, the desire to continue doing exercises during pregnancy will not disappear;
  • training should definitely begin with a general warm-up to reduce the risk of injuring joints and muscles;
  • choose your rhythm, especially for group exercises and the desire to keep up (remember the principle of non-violence: what matters is how you feel, your body, how pleasant and comfortable you feel, and not how fast and in what quantity others do the exercise);
  • After classes, cheerfulness, joy, and activity should come. Feelings of depression and fatigue will be clear signs of overzealousness or the wrong approach;
  • Any practice should end with relaxation.

To the question, what exercises should I do during pregnancy? – gynecologists recommend the following complexes:

  • developing the habit of correct posture - throughout the day we stretch our apex upward, our gaze is directed in front of us, we do not raise our chin, we move our pelvis slightly forward, we straighten our shoulders back and relax, our knees are bent. This position of the body will avoid pain in the spine;
  • strengthening the press - push-ups from the wall or lying on your back (back and lower back pressed tightly to the floor, arms along the body) lower bent knees to the right and left;
  • stretching the perineum - while sitting cross-legged, alternately raise your left and right arms above your head or perform squats with your back straight and your feet firmly pressed to the floor;
  • track the tension and relaxation of different muscle groups; such focusing of attention will teach you to control your own body.

A set of exercises during pregnancy

Before starting active training, women with cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes, hypertension and colds should consult a gynecologist.

Exercises are prohibited during pregnancy due to the following contraindications:

  • there is a threat of miscarriage or premature labor;
  • painful condition (even a minor cold, slight malaise, etc.);
  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, especially of a pulling nature;
  • identified weakness of the cervix;
  • refrain from physical activity on days corresponding to menstrual bleeding;
  • placental presentation according to ultrasound results.

A set of exercises during pregnancy, in the absence of contraindications to physical activity, should be performed for an hour, optionally two to three times a week. Regular exercise serves as an excellent prevention of constipation, pain syndromes in various parts of the spine, varicose veins, etc.

The training complex should consist of exercises:

  • on the cervical spine - these are slow turns and rotations of the head;
  • correcting posture and developing flexibility - a gymnastic stick, which is held in front of you in straight hands and then pulled back over your head, will be a good helper. The exercise is made more difficult by reducing the distance between the hands’ grip;
  • rotation with straight arms and with hands on the shoulders - perfectly develops the forearm area;
  • training the pelvic area - moving the hips forward, backward, to the sides, describing a semicircle with the pelvis in front/back and rotating in a circle;
  • strengthening the legs and buttocks - squats with the feet firmly pressed to the floor (knees moved to the sides, the angle between the thigh and shin is at least 90 degrees);
  • stretching the perineum - sitting on the floor with a straight back, bend your knees, press your heels to your pelvis and try as hard as possible to put your knees on the floor;
  • working out the upper and lower abs (for example, doing a “bicycle”) - caution should be observed in the late stages of pregnancy so as not to provoke hypoxia in the fetus;
  • stretching of all muscle groups.

The described set of exercises during pregnancy is best compiled in consultation with your doctor, based on the characteristics of your body and individual needs.

Exercises in Early Pregnancy

The beginning of pregnancy is a period of colossal changes in the female body, often bringing ailments in the form of nausea, discomfort in the lower abdomen and lower back, weakness, etc. Not all representatives of the fair sex are able to physically train their body with general weakness. Doctors advise expectant mothers who are not feeling well or who did not exercise at all before pregnancy to limit themselves to breathing practices.

Why is vigorous exercise not allowed in early pregnancy? The fact is that more miscarriages occur in the early stages. Even a completely healthy body should be loaded gradually after conception: start with 15 minutes, and then gradually increase the training time, focusing on your own feelings and positive emotions. At the beginning of pregnancy, Pilates and yoga classes are ideal. Women who exercised before pregnancy will also have to adapt the exercises to the new position in order to eliminate the slightest stress and discomfort.

Prohibited exercises during pregnancy during the formation of the placenta and the attachment of the fertilized egg:

  • use of a vibration platform;
  • dance sequences with “shaking”;
  • jumping, jumping, etc.;
  • exhausting running and strength fitness;
  • use of weights.

Already at the beginning of pregnancy, you can enroll in a group to prepare for childbirth, where, under the guidance of an instructor, you will be offered a light aerobic complex combined with stretching, toning movements and breathing techniques. Swimming in a pool can be a good alternative.

Exercises during pregnancy in the 1st trimester

In the first trimester, it is necessary to avoid movements that create strong tension in the abdominal area. Women who practice yoga can perform most asanas, but without deep backbends with their arms, without raising both legs, and without holding their breath. Some experts recommend avoiding inverted positions, starting in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Exercises during pregnancy in the 1st trimester approximate complex:

  • strengthening the inner thighs - not deep squats with support against a wall or the back of a chair (it is important to keep your back straight and your heels pressed to the floor; your knees are moved to the sides);
  • improving blood supply to the pelvis, stretching muscles - pelvic circles on bent legs;
  • prevention of varicose veins - walking on toes, heels, the outer/inner side of the foot, rotating the feet in a sitting position, lifting small objects with the toes;
  • strengthening the mammary glands - palms are connected at chest level, while inhaling we press palm on palm as hard as possible, while exhaling we relax;
  • strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles - from a standing position, legs together, arms to the sides, move the working leg forward/to the side/back (i.e. legs cross). In this case, the body is motionless.

When performing exercises during pregnancy, you should not rush or do a large number of approaches. Monitor your sensations, changes in your body, and enjoy physical training. Passing every movement through yourself, self-correction is an integral part of every activity of the expectant mother to achieve excellent health, stay in good shape and in a great mood.

Exercises during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

The second period of gestation is characterized by an improvement in general condition, a surge of strength, stabilization of hormonal levels and the formation of a placenta that reliably protects the baby. Physical activity will come in handy as it has a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep and prevents the development of edema and diabetes.

Exercise during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy should not include prolonged lying on the back due to the possibility of oxygen deprivation in the fetus, resulting from pressure from the uterus on large vessels. Back exercises as well as squats should be avoided due to their adverse effects on the circulation of the legs.

Exercises during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester according to sports:

  • Pilates and yoga - perfectly energize, relieve shortness of breath, gently stretch and strengthen muscles. Preference is given to asanas that open the pelvis, maintain posture, and strengthen the spinal column. Centering movements on the side, squatting and using a fitball will eliminate pain in the spine and work the muscles of the pelvic floor and abs;
  • dancing - the ideal option would be belly dancing, Latin American style without heels, waltz. It is better to avoid flamenco, rock and roll, and Irish dance;
  • power load - it is permissible to work with the muscles of the arms, abdomen, thighs, chest and shoulder girdle without sudden lunges and movements, preferably under the supervision of a competent instructor. You should not be overzealous and use heavy dumbbells;
  • aerobic training – excludes traumatic and active sports (snowboarding, skating, etc.). An alternative would be walking in the fresh air, an exercise bike, or water aerobics.

When choosing a section to your liking, do not forget about comfortable natural underwear and heart rate counting (the norm is up to 130 beats/min).

Exercises during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

In the absence of medical contraindications, the last months of pregnancy must be spent physically preparing the body before childbirth. Features of gymnastics during this period:

  • attention is directed to working out the pelvic muscles, which are actively involved in labor;
  • You should learn proper breathing no later than the sixth month;
  • in the last trimester, exercises are performed sitting, on all fours or in a standing position. Supports, rollers, etc. are actively used.

Exercises during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester exclude a complex of muscle stretching and intense training. This restriction is introduced to prevent the appearance of stretch marks or stretch marks on the skin, which develop under the influence of progesterone. Contraindications to physical activity will be:

  • toxicosis;
  • any acute inflammation;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • danger of spontaneous abortion;
  • high blood pressure;
  • multiple pregnancy.

It is advisable to choose exercises during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester individually, because everyone’s abdominal volume and well-being are different. The developed complex should be performed under the supervision of an experienced instructor who will monitor the posture of the expectant mother and correct inaccuracies that could cause harm during movement. During this period, you may need an assistant partner for exercise, as well as a fitball. On the ball, they perform pelvic rotations, fast breathing with an open mouth (imitation of a out of breath dog) and train the breathing rhythm for contractions (in a relaxed state, take a deep breath and then exhale slowly).

Exercises for swelling during pregnancy

A common problem when carrying a baby is swelling. To reduce swelling of the ankles, perform circular rotations with your feet, and also describe circles with your legs clockwise while pulling your socks towards you (you may feel cramps when you pull the socks away from you).

Exercises for edema during pregnancy performed in the pool are effective. Water aerobics has a beneficial effect on the ligaments, gives a feeling of lightness and weightlessness, which is why many pregnant women like it so much.

Women who are prone to swelling should take time to depressurize their legs throughout the day. To do this, it is enough to place your legs on a hill while lying down, lean them against a wall, or simply lift them up. Exercises during pregnancy in case of edema:

  • regular walking;
  • swimming;
  • roll with both feet from heel to toe for at least 2 minutes;
  • “cat” pose on all fours (as you inhale, bend your back and lower your stomach down, as you exhale, make your back round and stretch the top of your head down);
  • static stay for up to 15 minutes in the knee-elbow position.

Breathing exercises during pregnancy

Breathing practice during pregnancy plays an important role in helping a woman relax, learn to control her body, and prepare for the upcoming labor. Proper breathing is the easiest way to relieve pain from contractions and improve oxygen saturation of the placenta.

Breathing exercises during pregnancy include mastering the following techniques:

  • learn to separate chest (diaphragmatic) and belly (abdominal) breathing - you can train while lying on your back or in a sitting position; to hone the skill, place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach;
  • abdominal breathing with prolonged exhalation - useful in the first and second stages of labor;
  • exhale with lips folded into a tube - such respiratory control helps the woman in labor during the most difficult period, when the baby’s head is preparing to be born;
  • breathing-vibration with chanting sounds - a kind of dynamic meditation that leads to relaxation of the whole body;
  • stepped/intermittent breathing - inhalation is carried out in jerks in two stages, exhalation is single and prolonged;
  • breathing “like a dog” - with a wide open mouth and an outstretched tongue.

You should learn breathing techniques for no more than 10 minutes a day, so as not to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide and not cause dizziness.

Exercises for weight loss during pregnancy

Recent medical studies claim that getting rid of excess weight is possible and necessary during pregnancy. Of course, if your body weight was normal before conception, then there is absolutely no need to think about losing weight; it is enough to control the weight you gain during pregnancy.

Weight loss during pregnancy is possible only for medical reasons, strictly under medical supervision and in compliance with all precautions. Positive aspects of losing weight during pregnancy:

  • consuming the maximum amount of vegetables and fruits provides all the vitamins and also gets rid of extra pounds;
  • exercises during pregnancy tone muscles, improve sleep quality and overall psycho-emotional state;
  • exercise prevents the development of gestational diabetes, which often complicates the birth process.

Women whose weight before pregnancy was normal or had difficulty reaching the required levels are categorically not recommended to engage in weight loss, which can deprive the baby of vital nutrients.

Exercises for losing weight during pregnancy combine the principles of strength and aerobic exercise. To achieve the desired result, it is advisable to divide the training complex into two strength and two aerobic sessions per week. Before starting training, consultation with a doctor is required. The ideal option would be to perform physical exercises under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

Exercises for the buttocks during pregnancy

The following exercises for the buttocks during pregnancy will help strengthen your hips:

  • squats - legs shoulder-width apart, feet pressed firmly to the floor. It is important that your knees do not form an acute angle and do not protrude beyond your toes. Keep your back straight, stretch your arms forward;
  • squats with one leg forward – move one leg 20cm forward. As you squat, your front leg forms a 90-degree angle and your back knee reaches toward the floor. Important: the back is straight, the body weight is on the leg in front, i.e. the foot does not come off the floor;
  • lateral lunges - feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, toes pointing forward. Step to the side and squat at the same time;
  • lifting onto a platform up to 30cm high - standing facing the platform, step one foot onto its surface and pull up the other leg, lower to the floor and repeat the exercise with the other working leg;
  • lateral swings - lying on your side, legs extended. Raise your upper straight leg up and hold the position for 10 seconds. For comfort, rest your head on your elbow.

To increase the effectiveness, exercises during pregnancy can be performed with dumbbells and weights on the legs up to 2 kg. In some cases, it is convenient to use a support - a chair, a wall, etc.

Leg exercises during pregnancy

Particular attention is paid to strengthening the legs before and during pregnancy. In order to withstand the weight of a monthly growing baby in the womb, after birth, to rock him in her arms and take daily walks, mother’s legs will need a lot of endurance.

Leg exercises during pregnancy should not only be strengthening, but also include stretching. Physical activity on the legs during pregnancy prevents cramps and relieves heaviness and fatigue. To complete the complex, 10 minutes a day is enough:

  • working out the muscles of the calves and ankle - lying on your side, resting your head on your hand, passive leg bent at the knee 90 degrees. Raise the active leg vertically up and make circular movements with the foot clockwise/counterclockwise;
  • working on the arch of the foot, ankle and calves - sitting on the floor, legs extended forward, emphasis on the hands behind. We squeeze our toes as if holding a pencil, and then try to reach the tips to the floor;
  • working out the calf muscle - we hold ourselves standing facing the wall or holding on to the back of a chair. We rise on our toes (shoulders and body relaxed), fix the position for 10 seconds and lower ourselves without touching the heels to the floor.

Simple exercises for your legs during pregnancy will allow you to feel great throughout the entire pregnancy.

Exercises for hips during pregnancy

  • swing your leg from a position lying on your side (if possible, keep your leg in the maximum position for 10-15 seconds). Bend your non-working leg at the knee at a right angle, rest your head on your hand;
  • raising the pelvis while lying on your back with your knees bent;
  • lateral swings while standing are performed with support (a chair, the back of a chair, etc.), we move the leg as far as possible to the side and fix the position for a few seconds;
  • shallow squats with a straight back are ideal for up to 8 repetitions (do not lift your heels off the floor);
  • lying down with bent legs - we spread our legs to the sides, lifting our socks off the floor, holding them as low as possible to the floor (you can make this exercise more difficult by straightening your legs);
  • lunge forward - one leg is located in front, toes “look” straight. We perform squats, the front leg bends to 90 degrees, the knee of the back leg stretches to the floor;
  • we sit on the left/right thigh from a kneeling position, hands are placed on the waist;
  • in the knee-wrist position - lift one leg off the floor and pull the heel up, while the bend angle of the working leg remains 90 degrees, straighten the leg to the side and touch the floor. Make sure your back doesn't arch.

Abdominal exercises during pregnancy

Tight abdominal muscles help during childbirth, but they should be pumped up long before conception. Even if before pregnancy you regularly strengthened your abs, then during pregnancy you should continue the exercise in a lighter version.

The ability to perform abdominal exercises during pregnancy depends on medical recommendations and the health status of the expectant mother. In the first trimester, you should not strengthen the muscle corset in order to avoid spontaneous abortion. After the placenta has formed (approximately the third or fourth month), you can begin exercises in the absence of obvious contraindications. It should be noted that working with the lower press in a horizontal position on your back is prohibited. An alternative option would be to raise your legs while sitting on a chair with support.

Intense training is also a kind of stress for the body, especially during the process of prenatal restructuring. Therefore, if you feel an increased heart rate, shortness of breath, increased physical exhaustion, etc., stop trying to catch up and replace exhausting exercises with daily walks.

Strengthening exercises for the abdominal muscles during pregnancy are prohibited:

  • if there is a threat of miscarriage;
  • in case of increased uterine tone;
  • in the presence of spotting, bloody vaginal discharge;
  • if there is pain in the lower abdomen.

Breast exercises during pregnancy

To prevent breast sagging during the postpartum period, it is important to strengthen the muscle corset while carrying a baby. The following exercises for the chest during pregnancy allow you to keep your muscles toned:

  • Squeeze your palms tightly, clasped at chest level;
  • wall push-ups;
  • push-ups (kneeling, back straight);
  • squeezing a small ball - sitting on the floor with a straight spine, squeeze the ball as hard as possible at the level of the navel, chest and above your head;
  • swing your arms up and to the sides;
  • circular movements with hands;
  • in a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, bend your arms at the elbows and raise them until a right angle is formed (i.e., the hands are perpendicular and the forearm is parallel to the floor);
  • standing on your feet with a straight back, extend your arms to the sides with clenched fists. Make circular movements with your hands, describing a small circle;
  • lying on your back with your knees bent - straighten your arms up (you can take dumbbells) and spread them to the sides without touching the floor;
  • while sitting, raise your arms with dumbbells up, place them behind your head, slowly bending your arms (elbows as close to your body as possible).

Birch tree exercise during pregnancy

Inverted poses, which include the birch tree, are not advisable to perform in the later stages of pregnancy. When the uterus becomes heavy, some women experience a drop in blood pressure when performing shoulderstands or resting on their backs, which can reduce blood flow to the fetus. For this reason, you should abandon the birch tree position from the fourth month of gestation.

The birch tree exercise during pregnancy can interrupt the natural downward flow of subtle energy, which is necessary for normal childbirth. A number of experts are categorically against inverted poses.

However, there is a strong indication for performing this exercise during pregnancy - this is the incorrect position of the fetus. In order to turn the baby in the mother's womb, a cat and a birch tree are practiced. The main thing is not to train for the coming nap, so as not to increase your child’s activity.

Exercises for the spine during pregnancy

Few of the fair sex can boast of ideal posture. With the onset of pregnancy, the load on the muscles, ligaments, and spinal column increases significantly. A woman in this position notices a change in the center of gravity, a kind of “hitting” of the buttocks back (“duck walk”), and a rounding of the chest forward. Such changes in the body often give rise to pain in various parts of the spine.

  • “Cat” is probably the most popular movement from childhood. As you inhale, arch your back upward (the cat is angry), while exhaling, bend your lower back (the cat is kind);
  • Yoga child's pose - helps to relax the lumbar region as much as possible. Suitable for periods when the belly is still small. From a sitting position on your knees, lower your body and head down. The arms lie relaxed along the body, palms up;
  • tilting/rotating the head – helps to develop the cervical spine and get rid of discomfort. Do not make a large range of movements and do not throw your head back to avoid dizziness;
  • placing straight arms (take a stick or towel) behind the head and then beyond the shoulder line eliminates discomfort in the thoracic region.

As for exercises during pregnancy with twists of any part of the spine, they are possible in the absence of contraindications.

Exercises for the lower back during pregnancy

If pain occurs in the lower back, the expectant mother should consult a gynecologist. Such discomfort, of course, can be caused by increased load (especially relevant for late pregnancy) or softening of the ligaments. However, this symptom often indicates problems with the kidneys, pancreas and other pathologies.

If the disease is excluded, the doctor may recommend exercises for the lower back during pregnancy:

  • standing on all fours, arms and legs shoulder-width apart, as you inhale, bend at the shoulder blades and stretch your lower back/"tail" up, and as you exhale, relax;
  • wagging the “tail” in a knee-elbow position;
  • from a position on all fours, we move our arms to the side, the body moves closer to the hips, we try to see the “tail”;
  • in a stance on all fours, we relax the upper body and lower back (the entire load is concentrated on the legs), swing ourselves from side to side, leaving the knees motionless. We breathe smoothly without jerking, the stomach is relaxed;
  • in the knee-elbow position, we move the leg bent at the knee as far as possible to the side. Do not strain your shin.

It is good to perform exercises during pregnancy to strengthen and unload the lumbar region in the pool, where training occurs without additional pressure on the joints.

Exercises for constipation during pregnancy

A common problem during pregnancy is constipation. Special exercises for constipation during pregnancy can help cope with this problem:

  • sit with your back against the wall, bend your knees, and put your feet together. Spread your knees to the sides, hands at navel level. We inhale through the stomach (the chest is motionless) and exhale through the stomach. Repeat three minutes twice a day;
  • while lying on your back with straight legs, while inhaling, bend one leg and pull your knee towards the shoulder on the same side. We move our thigh a little to the side and help ourselves with our hand. Repeat up to 20 times with each leg;
  • sitting on a bolster made of a towel (back at some distance from the wall), legs bent at the knees and laid out to the sides, feet together. Hands are on your knees. Let's take a deep breath. As you exhale, turn to the right with your head, while your left hand rests on your right knee. Inhale and return to the starting position. Perform up to 20 times in each direction;
  • Lie on your back with your knees bent (feet on the floor slightly wider than your shoulders), hands with palms up to the sides. As we inhale, we spread our knees and try to reach them to the floor. Do up to 20 times.

The described exercises during pregnancy for constipation can be a good replacement for drug stimulation and become an excellent preventative training.

Exercises for kidneys during pregnancy

A physiologically correctly developing pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the physical and mental state of a woman. Among complications, the first place is occupied by problems of the urinary system, manifested in the form of edema, increased protein in the urine, and impaired urine outflow. The reason for the frequent urge to urinate is not only pressure from the growing uterus and impaired venous circulation in the pelvic organs, but also the effect of pregnancy hormones - progesterone and estrogen.

Methods for preventing pathology of the urinary system are exercises for the kidneys during pregnancy, which are recommended to be performed daily:

  • pose on all fours - allows you to reduce pressure on the bladder and completely relax the whole body. Stay in it for up to 15 minutes;
  • lying on your back with your hands behind your head, bend your knees and pull them towards your stomach for a few seconds;
  • sitting on the carpet - as you inhale, spread your legs apart and raise your arms up, while exhaling, bend forward and try to reach your toes with a straight back;
  • in a supine position (arms under your head) – lift one leg 45 degrees from the floor and perform circular rotations clockwise/counterclockwise;
  • standing on all fours - extend one straight leg and describe a small circle with it;
  • standing on straight legs (use a chair as a support from the side) – feet together, hold on to the back of the chair with one hand, and as you exhale, simultaneously push the opposite arm and leg forward.

When mastering and performing exercises during pregnancy to prevent kidney pathologies, avoid sudden movements, take your time, listen to your body.

Contraindicated exercises during pregnancy

Physical exercise during pregnancy can be prohibited only in cases that threaten the health or life of the mother and baby. Such conditions include a number of pathologies of pregnancy itself (weak cervix, placental presentation, etc.), poor health of the mother (pressure surges, fatigue, etc.). Before performing any training complex, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Contraindicated exercises during pregnancy:

  • active movements that can lead to injury - running, jumping, skipping, swinging, excessively deep squats;
  • twisting, bending - can provoke increased uterine tone;
  • diving, scuba diving - cause oxygen starvation for the baby;
  • inverted asanas and stretching are considered factors influencing premature birth or miscarriage;
  • swimming with sudden movements (butterfly, breaststroke);
  • with lifting weights.

You should stop exercising during pregnancy immediately if you notice one of the following symptoms:

  • pain of any nature and location, including headache;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • state before fainting;
  • the appearance of bleeding;
  • difficulty moving;
  • lumbar pain syndrome;
  • the beginning of contractions;
  • detection of prolonged freezing of the fetus (with physical activity of the mother, the baby most often calms down).

It is better to discuss the appearance of any discomfort with a gynecologist, and train under the supervision of an experienced and competent instructor.

Abortion exercises

Unwanted abortion can be caused by heavy physical activity, intense strength training, injury, active or dynamic movements, and the use of weights during fitness activities.

The following abortion exercises pose a risk:

  • with vibration and shaking of the body (for example, sports dancing);
  • accompanied by a blow, a possible fall (equestrian sport, mountaineering, etc.);
  • any type of struggle;
  • sport with weight lifting.

Pregnant women should exercise themselves physically based on the gestation period, the individual characteristics of the body and medical recommendations. That is why it is better to attend special classes for pregnant women, where all of the above factors are taken into account and can create an individual training program.

A woman should monitor any discomfort that arises while practicing the exercises. Physical activity should only bring a surge of strength and positive emotions, otherwise it will not give a positive result.

Kegel exercises during pregnancy

Kegel exercises have gained popularity as an affordable practice that helps during labor and improves muscle tone after the baby is born.

What is the secret of an easy birth? As it turned out, in the ability to control the pelvic floor muscles, namely: alternately tense and relax the perineum. When starting practice, it is important to ensure that no other muscles are involved in the training (i.e., tension in the legs, buttocks and abdomen is excluded). At the initial stage, Kegel exercises during pregnancy are mastered in a lying position. Take a pose with your knees bent and your legs slightly apart. Tighten and hold the muscles of the perineum (similar to what you experience when forcibly interrupting urination) for up to 15 seconds. Learn to separate the work of the muscles surrounding the anus and vagina (perform alternate tension and relaxation of these zones). Between approaches, do not forget about complete muscle relaxation, which will be no less important during childbirth.

The most important thing in training is its regularity. When practicing skills, do not be partial, do not rush, cover the whole body with attention, do not allow tightness and tension even on the face. From the lying position, move to the knee-elbow position, then squatting. Having brought the exercises to perfection, you can train anywhere - in line, while walking, sitting in public transport.

If you're an avid athlete, pregnancy can seem like a big hurdle. But there is no reason to give up what you love so much! On the contrary, you simply need to do. After all, they can work wonders on your heavy body. But are all exercises equally good? Which ones are not safe during pregnancy?

Staying active is vital for a healthy pregnancy. Even if you're new to the world of exercise, pregnancy is a good time to take the plunge.


5. Contact sports. Here, I think it is clear that any sport that can lead to abdominal injury is a bad idea during pregnancy. Abdominal trauma can even lead to miscarriage or harm your baby.

6. Hot Yoga. High temperature and pregnancy are incompatible. In the first four to six weeks of pregnancy, high temperatures can lead to miscarriage. It also increases your baby's risk of developing neural tube defects.