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Interesting original scenarios for autumn holidays in the dhow. Autumn holiday in kindergarten. Middle group

In September-October 2019, the Autumn Festival is held in kindergartens. We offer a script for a matinee for the older group, including scenes at an autumn festival in kindergarten.

Children enter the room, decorated with balloons and autumn leaves.

- Look, guys, how beautiful it is here today! There are so many colorful leaves all around! What kind of holiday are we celebrating? Of course, a holiday of autumn!

Autumn knocked on the door again -
Golden, generous time.
With a harvest of colorful leaves
She came to our kindergarten for the holiday.

The song “Where are you, where are you, dear autumn?” is performed.

The skit for preschoolers for the autumn holiday continues with poetry reading.

The leaves were filled with sunshine,
The leaves are soaked in the sun,
Filled up, heavy
And they flew with the wind...

They rustled through the bushes...
You can see them here and there.
The wind swirls gold,
Sounds like golden rain!

Then, at the autumn festival in kindergarten, you can stage a funny skit in which Autumn and Lesovichok participate.

– My dear guys, I’m glad to stay with you. (Sits on a tree stump.)

However, it turns out that the stump is alive. This is Old Lesovichok. Autumn tells him that she and the guys are in a hurry to celebrate the holiday.

Old Lesovichok:
– If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh! Okay, I’ll help you, just do something fun for me.

A musical skit begins for the autumn holiday in kindergarten.

Autumn reads the following lines:

All the leaves on an autumn day
So beautiful
Let's sing a song
About golden leaves!

The guys perform the song “Golden Leaves” (words by N. Naydenova, music by T. Popatenko).

Old Lesovichok:
- Thank you, you amused me. Here's a little ball for you, follow this ball and you'll have fun celebrating the fall holiday with songs, dances, and jokes.

In the next scene at the autumn festival in kindergarten, Autumn walks through the fields and forests.

Hello birch trees,
Hello, aspens!
Hello girls,
Hello boys!
Hello lawns,
Hello fields!
Golden Autumn has come to visit you!

Children perform the song “Beautiful Autumn” (words and music by G. Azamatova).

In the following skit for preschoolers for the autumn holiday, the presenter says:
– The autumn mushroom season has come. I'm going mushroom hunting with friends in the morning.

The children recite together:

We run barefoot along the path,
Boxes and baskets in hands.
Let's take each basket together,
Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

The holiday ends with a musical skit for the autumn holiday in kindergarten, in which the song “Picking Mushrooms” (words and music by L. Abelyan) and the dance “Honey Mushroom” are performed.

Autumn matinee in kindergarten. Middle group

Scenario for an autumn matinee in kindergarten

Scenario for the autumn holiday “Autumn Bouquet”


Autumn leaves - for every child; vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes) and four baskets for playing; musical instruments (tambourines, rattles, wooden sticks) - for each child; autumn bouquet; teddy bear basket with berries; fruit basket.




Bear cubs

The hall is decorated in the shape of an autumn forest; among the low bushes there are garden beds with vegetables on them (cabbage, turnips, carrots, cucumbers).


The brushes of the rowan trees glowed brightly,

The aspen dresses became gold.

The sun blushes the groves and forests,

1st child

Outside the window the breeze is having fun -

Either he will jump, or he will hide.

2nd child

And the leaves run along the path,

Like yellow mice from a cat.

Dance with leaves (optional)

Children collect them into a bouquet and sit down.

Autumn enters the hall.


I bring the harvest

Sowing the fields again,

I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees.

But I don't touch the pine trees

And Christmas trees. I am Autumn.

Song about autumn (optional)

Children say hello to Autumn and sing with her.


Here you go guys

Everything that I have in the forest is rich,

Everything I collected

Everything I stored in the summer.

And in the spring, my bunny helpers planted cabbage.

French folk song "Planting Cabbage"

Autumn. For our cabbage to grow well, we need rain.

1st child

Rain, rain, more

Through flowering meadows.

Rain, rain, rain all day

For oats and barley.

2nd child

Let the green wheat

It will start to sprout soon.

3rd child

Rain, rain, water -

There will be a loaf of bread,

There will be rolls, there will be baked goods,

There will be delicious cheesecakes.

(Russian folk chant)

Song about rain (optional)


Let's see now, guys.

What grew in the garden?

Lots of dresses, lots of crunch.

What is her name?.. (Cabbage.)

Yellow side, round side,

Gingerbread man sits on the garden bed,

Rooted firmly to the ground.

What is this?.. (Turnip.)

The red spine is hidden,

Only the top is visible from above.

And you will pick it up cleverly -

And in my hands... (carrot).

One day in the summer under a leaf

A house grew in the garden.

We took it from the ground

And they brought it home to us.

Not a hut or a palace,

And green... (cucumber).

Game "Harvest"

Four children participate: the 1st collects carrots, the 2nd collects potatoes, the 3rd collects tomatoes, the 4th collects cucumbers. The number of vegetables should be the same. The first participant to collect his vegetables in the basket wins.

Autumn. Now let's see what kind of cabbage we have grown.

Staging of a poem by T. Petukhova


Tanned tomato

I started a conversation with the cabbage.


How white are you?

Not tanned at all!


Try to sunbathe

If there are forty-five dresses.

While I'm taking off my dress,

The sun will set.

Autumn. What a wonderful cabbage the bunnies grew! Now I’ll reward them for their good work and give them an autumn bouquet.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Just like that”

(based on the cartoon)

Autumn gives the bunny an autumn bouquet.

Autumn. A bunny runs along the path, rejoicing. Suddenly he sees mice in the clearing getting naughty.

Russian folk melody “Like ours at the gate”

The "mice" children play noise instruments.

Autumn. The hare liked how the mice played in the orchestra, and he gave his autumn bouquet to the smallest mouse. The mouse ran further with the bouquet and met a hedgehog in the forest.


The hedgehog curled up into a bun,

There's no way you'll turn it around.

This is a gray bun -

He has a prickly side.

A. Blinov

Song “Hedgehog” by F. Leshchinskaya

Autumn. The mouse liked the song and gave her autumn bouquet to the hedgehog.

Hedgehog. That's for me?

Mouse. You!

Hedgehog. For what?

Mouse. Just.

Autumn. The hedgehog thanked the mouse for the gift and began to play with it.

Game "Hedgehog and Mice"

Children stand in a circle, in the center of which there is a “hedgehog” child.

The hedgehog is running - stupidly, stupidly, Holding hands, the children walk in a circle.

All prickly, sharp tooth! The “hedgehog” runs in the opposite direction inside the circle.

“Hedgehog, hedgehog, where are you going?

What's the matter with you?"

Hedgehog legs - “Hedgehog” and the children do three springy half-squats.

Knock-knock! Stomp first with the right foot, then with the left.

Hedgehog eyes - Do three half squats.

Lup-loop! Raise your arms bent at the elbows and clench and unclench your fingers twice.

The hedgehog hears - They put their right hand to their right ear (“listen”).

It's quiet everywhere. Place your left hand to your left ear.

Chu, a mouse is scratching in the leaves! They clench and unclench their fingers (“scraping”).

Dance, dance, hedgehog! Children clap their hands, “Hedgehog” dances.

Don't feel sorry for your legs!

You catch your own mice,

Catch up with our children!

Autumn. And here are the bears and their mother bear playing in a forest clearing.

Staging of the song “Merry Little Bears” by E. Poplinova

The role of mother bear can be played by a teacher.

Autumn. Only one bear cub is not dancing. He is afraid of losing the basket of raspberries. He sits and sulks. The hedgehog decided to please him and gave the bear a bouquet.

bear. That's for me?

Hedgehog. You.

Bear. For what?

Hedgehog. Just.

Bear. OK! Thank you!

Autumn. The bear decided to get home quickly, but he came across busy squirrels.

"Dance of the Squirrels"

Sl. M. Sadovsky

Music M. Kartushina

The sun is hot, shine!

You are my mushrooms sushi!

Oh, what a bitter cold

You need dried mushroom! (2 times)

This hat is a bitch -

The result is a cap.

And behind it a leg

I'll dry it a little. (2 times)

I jump tirelessly

I want to find a hundred mushrooms

It will be in the winter cold

I feel warmer with them. (2 times)

And I'll pick up some nuts

By the stream in a steep ravine,

I'll be there without haste

Autumn. It’s a pity for the bear to give a bouquet to the squirrels. He began to back away and bumped into the squirrel himself, and immediately hid the basket behind his back.

Squirrel. It's all for me?

bear(holds out a bouquet). You!

Squirrel. For what?

Bear. Just!

Squirrel. Thank you very much!

bear(holds out the basket). Here, take some raspberries.

Squirrel. Thank you!

Autumn. Oh yes, Mishka, how generous he has become! Well done! Not greedy at all!

Round dance to the “Song-exercise” by M. Lazarev

Autumn treats the children to fruit, says goodbye and leaves.

Goals and objectives:

    Expand knowledge about autumn as a season.

    Create a festive mood and emotional uplift in children.

    Strengthen song and dance skills, ideas about vegetables, and the characteristics of the autumn period.

    Cultivate a love for nature.

    Continue to develop in children a sense of collectivism and a friendly attitude towards each other and towards adults.

(Children and the presenter, to the music of B. Mokrousov “Autumn Leaves”, enter the hall, stand in a line in the children’s hands, two leaves each).

Presenter: - Autumn again, birds again

They are in a hurry to fly to a warm region.

And again an autumn holiday

He comes to our kindergarten.

Autumn is a very beautiful and slightly sad time of year. But today we will not be sad. We will organize a real holiday with songs and dances in honor of the golden sorceress of autumn.

Presenter: Guys, let's sing a song about autumn, she will hear us and come to visit us. You agree with me.

Children: Yes!

Presenter: That's good.

Children sing the song "Autumn." at the end they throw the leaves on the carpet and sit down on the chairs.

Autumn enters


Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all.

I am Golden Autumn.

I came today, children,
Celebrate the holiday with you,
And through the forest after me

The mischievous rain was rushing down.
Showed me off a little

And all the paths got wet.


Hello, autumn!

Hello, autumn!

It's good that you came

We, Autumn, will ask you,

What did you bring as a gift?

Autumn . I brought you flour.

Children . So there will be pies.

Autumn . I brought you some buckwheat.

Children . The porridge will be in the oven.

Autumn . I brought you some vegetables.

Children . Both for soup and cabbage soup.

Autumn . And apples are like honey!

Children . For jam and compote!

Presenter: Autumn is generous and beautiful. Let's say autumn...

Children. "Thank you!".

Autumn : And also on an autumn day. I'll rain on you!

Presenter: There is no need to water us with cold autumn rain, we will get wet and get sick. Let's play a game instead.

Autumn: Fine. Tell me quickly, how much rain do you know?
Game "How much rain do we know?"
How much rain do we know? (we spread our arms to the sides)
Count quickly! (counting fingers)
Rain with wind (we shake our hands above our heads),
Mushroom rain (we make a “house” above our heads),
Rain with a rainbow-arc (“draw” a rainbow above your head)!
Rain with sun (hands up, palms open),
Rain and hail (stomped with feet),
Rain with quiet leaves falling (we slowly squat, lower our arms down)!

Autumn: Well done.
Presenter: Yes, guys, Autumn is a wonderful time of year! In the forest, the cool sun shines through the branches, and it’s so quiet that if you listen, you’ll hear the leaves falling...

(A dance is performed with autumn leaves, at the end of which the children leave the leaves on the floor and sit down.)

Autumn: Hurry up, guys, hurry up,
Remove the carpet of leaves.

(Children collect leaves in an autumn basket)

Presenter : And now, guys,

I will tell you and Autumn riddles,

Tell me in order -

What's growing in the garden?

Presenter : Wow, I scared you!...Who are you?

Scarecrow. I am the Garden Scarecrow, a watchman in the garden, I know everything about all vegetables and I myself will tell you riddles!

Autumn: Okay, Scarecrow, tell your riddles!

Riddles (riddled by the Scarecrow).

1. They threw the golden feathers off Yegorushka,

Made Yegorushka cry without grief. (onion)

2. Above the ground there is grass, under the ground there is a scarlet head. (beet)

3. Alena dressed up in her green sundress,

Her hair is curled thickly, and her name is...(cabbage)

4. How they grew in our garden bed

Well done people are growing in the garden -


5. And in this garden bed there are long riddles.

In this garden bed, Santa Claus hides his red nose in the summer. (carrot).

Scarecrow. Well done guys, you know the riddles well.

Presenter: Thank you scarecrow for your interesting riddles.

Scarecrow. But I have a problem, the vegetables quarreled among themselves, maybe you can resolve the dispute?

Presenter: Guys, can we help the scarecrow?

Children: Yes!

(Children read poetry. The children have hats with pictures of vegetables on their heads.)

Scarecrow: Blue eggplants, red tomatoes
They start a long and serious argument.
Which of them, vegetables, is both tastier and more useful?
Who will be more useful to everyone in case of all illnesses?
A pea popped out - what a braggart!
Polka dots (fun). Sema
I'm such a good little green boy!
If I want, I’ll treat everyone to peas.
Scarecrow: Blushing with offense, the beets grumbled:
Beet(important). Violet.
Let me say a word,
Listen first:
You need beets for borscht
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself -
There is no better beet!
Cabbage(interrupting). Olya
You beetroot, shut up!
Cabbage soup is made from cabbage!
And how delicious
Cabbage pies!
Trickster Bunnies
They love stalks.
I'll treat the kids
Sweet stalk.

Cucumber(perky). Venya
You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber!
And a fresh cucumber
Everyone will like it, of course!
It crunches on the teeth, crunches...
I can treat you!
Radish:(modestly). Anya
I am a ruddy radish.
I bow to you very low.
Why praise yourself?
I'm already known to everyone!
Carrot(coquettishly). Matvey B.
The story about me is not long.
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice and nibble on carrots -
Then, my friend, you will be strong,
strong, dexterous!
Scarecrow: Here the tomato pouted and said sternly:
Tomato: Don't talk nonsense, carrot.Matvey M.
Shut up a little!
The most delicious and enjoyable
Of course, tomato juice!
Presenter: There are a lot of vitamins in it.
We happily drink it!
Potato: I, potato, am so modest.Light and Peace
She didn't say a word.
But everyone needs potatoes:
Both big and small.
Eggplant: Eggplant caviar is so tasty and healthy...Matvey P.
Scarecrow: It’s time to end the argument, it’s useless to argue!
What are you arguing about, friends?
Eggplant: Which one of us is from vegetables?Matvey P.
Everyone is tastier and more necessary?
Who with all the diseases
Will it be better for everyone?
Scarecrow: To be healthy and strong,
You need to love vegetables
All without exception!
There is no doubt about it.
Each has its own benefit and taste,
And I don’t dare decide
Which one of you tastes better?
Which one of you is more needed?

The kids say everything . All useful, all necessary and all important.

Scarecrow: Thank you guys for resolving the dispute and now I’ll go to the garden, I have a lot more to do there. Goodbye!

(The scarecrow leaves).

Autumn: Guys, I didn’t come to you alone, but with my little friends, meet the five gnomes.

(Dance of the gnomes to the song “Motley Cap” by Georgy Struve)

Presenter: Now the boys and I will go into the forest to pick mushrooms, take baskets and collect mushrooms.

Children dance in a circle with baskets and collect mushrooms (younger group).

Presenter . Look guys, what mushrooms are basking in the sun here. You know what they are called.

Children : (No).

Presenter: Well, tell me about the mushrooms about yourself. Better yet, sing.


1st mushroom (Venya).

The month in the sky is like a basket,

You play, play, accordion,

I, a fungus, climbed onto a stump

And I play all day.

Plays the harmonica.

2nd mushroom (Violet).

Cute little creatures

They are dancing in the clearing.

They don't spare the heels,

Have fun for all mushroom pickers!

Plays spoons.

3rd mushroom (Matvey).

Like ours, honey mushrooms

A whole kindergarten has grown up.

All sons and daughters

Hiding in the leaves.

Plays the tambourine.

4th mushroom (Olya).

Make way, people!

The fly agaric is coming!

Sings. The apron is new,

Maple leaf

It's time for me, guys,

I'll pack up and leave

Visit the Fly Agaric!

Dancing, mushrooms playing.

5-mushroom ( Matvey P)

Cleverly hide in the forest

I have a habit

And I look like a fox

Red chanterelle mushroom.

All. The little ones grew in the thicket,

Putting on bright caps,

Mushroom pickers walked there in a crowd,

And took them home! All!

Presenter . And now, dear friends,

It's time for us to sing for Autumn!

(Song about autumn. ... children's words and music: S. Nasaulenko)

Autumn : Thank you dancers, thank you singers,

We had a lot of fun today!

Autumn: (brings out a large mushroom)

A big mushroom grew in my forest,

And he, guys, is not easy.

Here for all the guys

Gifts from autumn are lying around.

In autumn, all children are treated to apples.

Presenter: Guys, let's thank Autumn and say goodbye to it.

Autumn: Goodbye, goodbye! Wave goodbye.

Well, next year I will come to visit you again!

Autumn is leaving.

Attention! The article provides audio files for conducting classes in kindergarten.

The script for the Autumn Festival was prepared by music director Galina Leonidovna Popova, MBDOU of the city of Kurgan “Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 45″ DOLPHIN. Autumn Festival in kindergarten COLORFUL AUTUMN is intended for older preschoolers.

Scenario for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.


- Good afternoon, dear friends!
This is not the first time in this hall
We are celebrating the autumn holiday,
And today it's time for fun!

Presenter: — Autumn can be different: cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts. We all love autumn for its generosity, for its beauty, for its rare but glorious days. We admire its colors every day.

1st child:

-Who is in our park today?
Did you paint the leaves?
And spins them around and blows them off the branches?

All: - It's autumn!

2nd child:

— Autumn collects colors
In your treasured chest.
Locks it tightly
That chest is on a hook!

Presenter: — Autumn, just don’t be stingy, share your colors with us.

Children sing the song “Autumn, one, two, three.”

Presenter: “She showed us two paints, and you have quite a few of them on your palette.” Tell us about the others, the colors are different.


— To color the mushrooms along the path,
Red and white for the fly agaric,
I saw a mushroom growing by the fence,
I paint trees and branches brown,
And white mushrooms are tight berets.
Various colors for russula -
Let the world be joyful, like in a fairy tale!

7th child:

- We’ll find a hundred mushrooms in the forest,
Let's go around the clearing.
We won’t take you in the box
Pale toadstool.

8th child:

- We will search all the oak trees,
Fir trees and aspens,
And good mushrooms
Let's collect them in baskets.

Presenter: — You guys and I will go with you on the train to pick mushrooms.

Children dance the “Mushroom Train” dance.


Caps of mushrooms, vegetables, fruits and animals for the holidays can be purchased at the educational toy store “Kindergarten” (detsad-shop.ru) at low prices and with delivery. Excellent quality from a Russian manufacturer!

9th child: - There are a hundred honey mushrooms on the stump.

All: - It's very crowded here!

9th child:

- they scream. –
Call a mushroom picker
Collect honey mushrooms from stumps.

Autumn: - You go to the forest to pick mushrooms, collect everything in a basket.

The game “Mushrooms and Mushroom Pickers” from the magazine “Musical Palette” is being played.

Presenter:— What colors do you still have on your palette? Tell me, because we are friends.


— I took the palette under my arm,
I poured some cheerful colors into a bottle:
She went out into the street, waved her brush -
The blue sky was filled with clouds.
She waved again and stood around
Gray grass, and a river, and a meadow...
I also draw in orange -
The leaf that flew away with the last greetings
And yellow - grass and weeping willow,
And the prankish maple has a lush mane.

10th child:

- Autumn leaves
As if they are spinning in a dance
And a colorful carpet
They lie down on the ground.
Colorful autumn
We don't need anything else
Autumn is wonderful!
And a little sad.

Children perform an autumn round dance.

TEXT: Round dance “Leaves - boats”

Autumn is colorful (They dance in a circle.)
Appeared in the city
Colored the leaves
All in crimson gold.


Like a small boat (Swing in pairs.),
The leaf is spinning

Yellow moth.

The sky has become lower, (Slowly they lower their hands down through their sides with “lanterns.”)
It's colder outside
The leaves swayed (Palms raised on different sides, stomps in a circle.)
On autumn puddles. (Stompers from the circle.)


Like a small boat (They sway in pairs.)
The leaf is spinning.
Through an autumn puddle (They circle around in pairs.)
Yellow moth.

Yellow and red (Spin.)
The leaves are spinning
They play with the wind
They are not afraid to fall. (Sit down.)


Like a small boat (Swing in pairs.)
The leaf is spinning
In an autumn puddle (They circle in pairs at a pace.)
Yellow moth.

The clouds in the sky are frowning, (They dance in a circle.)
There are puddles on the asphalt,
There's nowhere for us to hide
From the autumn cold.


Like a small boat (They go to the chairs.)
The leaf is spinning
Through an autumn puddle
Yellow moth.


- Today I came to us with an Autumn palette,
And she brought a rainbow of colors with her.


- But everyone says that I am very generous,
When the harvest time comes,
Today I want to treat my friends,
And I can give you a fruit basket.

Autumn treats children with fruit to the music.


- And now it's time to say goodbye,
After all, everything comes to a time -
Winter is coming!

Autumn leaves the hall to the music, the children go to the group.

1st child:

-Who is in our park today?
Did you paint the leaves?
And spins them around and blows them off the branches?

All: - It's autumn!

2nd child:

— Autumn collects colors
In your treasured chest.
Locks it tightly
That chest is on a hook!

3rd child:

— Autumn on the palette
Mixes paints:
Yellow color is for linden,
for rowan - red.

4th child:

— Ocher of all shades
For alder and willow -
All the trees will
To look nice.

5th child:

- The wind blew,
Dried the leaves
So that the rain is cold
The beauty was not washed away.

6th child:

“It’s a sad time right now.”
A flock of sad cranes
It stretches to the south in the morning.

7th child:

- We’ll find a hundred mushrooms in the forest,
Let's go around the clearing.
We won’t take you in the box
Pale toadstool.

8th child:

- We will search all the oak trees,
Fir trees and aspens
And good mushrooms
Let's collect them in baskets.

9th child: - There are a hundred honey mushrooms on the stump.

All: - It's very crowded here!

9th child:

- they scream. –
Call a mushroom picker
Collect honey mushrooms from stumps.

10th child:

- Autumn leaves
As if they are spinning in a dance
And a colorful carpet
They lie on the ground
Colorful autumn
We don't need anything else
Autumn is wonderful!
And a little sad.

* APPENDIX: Dance “Let’s go through the raspberries to the garden”

Development - music director of the highest qualification category Pushkova E.V., municipal preschool educational institution of the second category “Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 4 “Sun”
urban district ZATO Svetly, Saratov region"

A drop of rain fell on the rowan bunches.
A maple leaf circles above the ground..
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise,
And again she put on a golden outfit !

What do children usually expect in kindergarten? Of course, a holiday! Holidays in kindergarten are joy, fun, celebration that is shared by adults and children. They become a bright event in a child’s life and remain in the memory for a long time. In addition, the holiday is an important means of artistic education. This is where children's taste is formed. Artistic, musical and literary material, colorful decoration of the room and costumes contribute to the development of a sense of beauty in children.

Even if there is no significant date on the calendar, why not have a holiday in honor of another event, for example, the onset of Autumn?

On November 10 and 11, 2016, festive events dedicated to Autumn were held at MDOU No. 3.

“Autumn, Autumn, we invite you to visit us!” - That was the name of our autumn holiday, in which children from the junior to preparatory groups took an active part. It was slushy and cold outside, but there was a warm, friendly atmosphere in our hall. The children danced in a circle, sang songs about autumn, played fun games, and read poems. At the festival, children reincarnated as different heroes.

Children's autumn holidays are a sea of ​​smiles and fun, because although they say that autumn is a sad time, children, like no one else, are able to enjoy the golden fallen leaves under their feet and the rain, under which it is so interesting to walk under an umbrella, wearing rubber boots and wearing a raincoat. That's why the autumn holiday in kindergarten is one of the children's favorites!

For photographs from the holiday, see the section "Holidays and Entertainment. Golden Autumn."