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Intimate problems. What are the main causes of male infertility?

Doctors call a couple who cannot get pregnant after 12 months of regular sexual activity without using contraception. Of course, this does not mean that these particular men and women are not able to have children, but they are definitely recommended to undergo a full medical examination to determine the causes of infertility.

Modern medical statistics claim that in almost half of all failures in attempts to conceive a child, men are “to blame.”

In order for conception to take place, on the male side it is necessary to ensure the delivery of high-quality healthy sperm to the female egg. Any obstacles or difficulties in carrying out this mission are the causes of infertility in men, of which there can be a large number.

Sperm quality

The very first test that a man will be sent to during this examination will be a spermogram. Without it, there is simply no point in carrying out further measures, because the quality and quantity of male sperm plays a leading role in and is one of the most common causes of infertility in men. To conceive a child, a sufficient amount of sperm with a certain concentration of full-fledged motile sperm is necessary. Multiple disorders of spermatogenesis can lead to decreased fertility:

  • oligospermia - insufficient sperm volume during ejaculation;
  • azoospermia - absence of sperm in semen;
  • necrospermia - a decrease in the activity of spermatozoa present in sufficient quantities in the semen;
  • asthenozoospermia - insufficient number of motile sperm in the ejaculate;
  • oligozoospermia - low concentration of sperm in the ejaculate;
  • teratozoospermia - increased concentration in semen of abnormal sperm with pathologies;
  • anejaculation - absence of normal ejaculation;

In addition to disturbances in the processes of sperm formation, the causes of male infertility can also be impaired secretory functions, as a result of which even good quality sperm cannot be delivered to its destination. Disruption of secretion is facilitated by abnormalities in the structure of the male genital organs, as well as specific male diseases and inflammatory processes.

Male diseases

The male reproductive system is designed in such a way that the development of one disease in the absence of timely and competent treatment quickly involves neighboring organs in the inflammatory process and leads to the development of another. Any of them can cause a decrease in male fertility and even the formation of infertility. An increased danger is posed by specific male diseases (especially pathologies in the testicles), injuries of the testicles and perineum, as well as genitourinary infections and sexually transmitted diseases:

  • varicocele;
  • hydrocele;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • cancer formation;
  • prostatitis;
  • vesiculitis;
  • orchitis;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • syphilis, etc.

It is quite logical that with the development of erectile dysfunction, problems with conceiving children also arise.

A high risk of infertility occurs if a man has had viral mumps (popularly known as mumps). Hormonal disorders also play a role.

In addition, the development of infertility in men can be influenced by radiation and chemical irradiation, and the dilution of certain medications.


There is no doubt that lifestyle, habits and even thinking can greatly affect male fertility. The risk of infertility in a man increases if he frequently abuses alcohol, smokes or takes drugs, eats fatty and unhealthy foods, is malnourished (the diet is unbalanced and poor), is overweight, leads a sedentary lifestyle, rarely has sex, and is exposed to negative factors. environment, including regular overheating and hypothermia. Chronic stress, overwork, exhaustion and nervous disorders, as well as a general decrease in the body's immune defense, also do not benefit fertility.

Other causes of infertility in men

Finally, it is worth noting that very often the causes of infertility in men are combined with each other, so we should talk about their complex. There are often cases when the cause of the inability to conceive a child cannot be identified at all, then they speak of idiopathic infertility.

Unfortunately, the so-called biological one cannot be ruled out, in which the female body produces antibodies to the sperm of a particular man. But even this form of infertility today is not an obstacle to fatherhood. Medicine has made great strides forward - modern reproductive technologies can help you get pregnant and carry a child to term in the vast majority of all cases.

Especially for Elena Kichak

The problem of impaired fertility in men has existed at all times. If previously a diagnosis was a death sentence, now medicine offers many methods of therapy to help restore the functionality of the reproductive system. How do I know if I can have children? This question is asked by men who have been trying to get pregnant with their partner for a long time. Only a medical specialist can answer this question after reviewing the results of a comprehensive diagnosis. There are also some external signs that indicate infertility of the stronger sex.

Signs of male infertility

How to find out if a man can have children? All symptoms can be divided into two large groups of signs. The first is external manifestations, the second is subjective internal sensations that allow one to suspect a malfunction in the body. The symptoms of male infertility in the vast majority of clinical pictures go unnoticed for a long period of time. As a rule, until all attempts to get pregnant end in the desired result.

It’s worth knowing: sex hormones and organs of the reproductive system are responsible for male fertility.

When a hormonal imbalance develops due to a disease, external symptoms often appear. Some diseases of the reproductive system that lead to impaired fertility are also visually distinguishable. However, the presence of an external clinic does not always indicate infertility.

The diagnosis is made solely based on the results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

  1. A physique atypical for a man. If a representative of the stronger sex has an anatomical tendency towards a female-type figure, this is a reason to suspect fertility problems. Symptoms are most pronounced in men due to Klinefelter syndrome, a congenital disease. During puberty, there is an accumulation of fatty tissue at the waist, insufficient amount of hair on the body, high stature in combination with narrow shoulders, enlarged mammary glands, small and dense testicles.

  2. The stronger sex, having a “beer belly” or obesity, runs the risk of being infertile. An excess of fatty components in the body leads to the development of azoospermia - a pathological condition due to which there are no sperm in the seminal fluid. Pathology is diagnosed in 25% of men among all cases of morbidity.
  3. The answer to the question of how to find out that you are infertile is to carefully examine your scrotum. Normally, both testicles are the same size. One may be located slightly lower than the other - a variant of the norm. If the scrotum enlarges on one or both sides, an atypical structure is present, the shade of the skin changes - signs of infertility.
  4. The undescended state of one testicle or both testicles indicates impaired fertility, since full spermatogenesis cannot occur in the abdominal cavity. Most often, this pathology is diagnosed in infancy.
  5. Asymmetrical appearance of the scrotum. The formation of a hernia leads to an increase in the size of the scrotum. In everyday life, pathology rarely bothers representatives of the stronger sex, since it does not tend to manifest itself as pain. But the danger is that the growth of the tumor provokes compression of the blood vessels that nourish the soft tissue of the testicles, and accordingly, spermatogenesis is disrupted. Asymmetry of the scrotum can be caused by varicocele disease - dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord.

  6. How can you tell if a man is infertile? A violation can be suspected if there is an insufficient amount of seminal fluid after ejaculation. A small amount of semen for a mature man after 55 years of age is normal, but not for a young man aged 20-35 years.
  7. Hyperemia or swelling of the scrotum. These signs indicate an inflammatory process. In the absence of timely treatment, the reproductive function of men is disrupted. Typically, additional symptoms are present. This is an increase in body temperature, pain in the perineum, general malaise, and enlarged lymph nodes.

How to determine whether a man can have children? Unfortunately, visually identifying pathology is difficult even for the most qualified specialist. You can only suspect some disease or malfunction in the body on your own. In 90% of cases, symptoms of external infertility do not appear. Sometimes the presence of pathology can be suspected by internal discomfort. Many diseases of the reproductive system are accompanied by various symptoms. This is pain in the groin, discomfort during ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, tingling in the anus, etc.

Description of methods for determining infertility

How to determine infertility in a man? To do this, you need to undergo diagnostics. The examination algorithm includes collecting the patient’s medical history and complaints. The doctor studies existing chronic pathologies and a history of surgical interventions. Be sure to ask about the number of sexual partners, whether they are pregnant or not, and their method of contraception. Information about work is also important, since occupations involving chemicals can impair fertility.

Important: at your first visit to the doctor, a visual examination is performed. The doctor assesses the degree of development of secondary sexual characteristics, palpates the testicles of the scrotum, the dilation and tortuosity of the veins of the spermatic cord. A rectal examination of the glandular organ is performed to confirm or refute the presence of inflammatory processes.

An important step in diagnosis is the assessment of reproductive and sexual function. The doctor specifies the number of sexual intercourses per week, the hardness of the penis during an erect state, the nature of ejaculation - early, normal or delayed. Then it is recommended to take a spermogram. To do this, the man submits his seminal fluid to the laboratory. Today, spermogram appears to be the most informative diagnostic method. Sperm testing helps determine the following abnormalities:

  • Low number of active sperm;
  • Lack of sperm in seminal fluid;
  • Reduced number of viable sperm;
  • Low sperm count;
  • Leukocyte surge (infection or inflammation);
  • A large amount of seminal fluid;
  • The presence of 50% of defective sperm, for example, having a doubling of the head, changes in structure, shape, etc.

If there is a suspicion of sexually transmitted infections, additional tests are prescribed. These include a smear from the urethral canal, PCR diagnostics to determine the type of specific pathogenic microorganism. A bacterial culture of the seminal fluid is also carried out (if bacteria or a large number of leukocytes are found in the semen), and prostatic juice is examined.

How to check for infertility in men? Often disorders are associated with hormonal imbalance in the male body. Hormonal studies are carried out to determine the concentration of testosterone, FSH, LH, prolactin, estradiol. The content of free radicals is assessed - excessive production damages the sperm membrane, impairs their motility, which reduces fertilizing ability.

For information: an important stage in diagnosing male infertility is the study of the acrosomal reaction - when the sperm comes into contact with the egg, chemical transformations are observed on its head, which allow it to dissolve the shell of the egg and, accordingly, penetrate inside. The acrosomal reaction occurs exclusively in sperm with normal morphology.

Electron microscopic examination of sperm and cytogenetic analyzes make it possible to detect the pathology of sperm structure, evaluate the contents of seminal fluid plasma, and determine the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of chromosomes. When chromosomal abnormalities are detected, genetic counseling is required to understand the cause of infertility.

How to test for infertility? In addition to the tests described above, instrumental diagnostics are recommended for men:

  1. X-ray of the skull, sella turcica (manipulations are necessary to exclude a tumor process in the pituitary gland).
  2. Ultrasound transrectally and transabdominally. The structure and consistency of the testicles, epididymis, glandular organs, the condition of the seminal vesicles, and vas deferens are assessed.
  3. Dopplerography of the scrotum.
  4. Thermography of the scrotum (determines varicose veins).
  5. Testicular biopsy examination. This manipulation is carried out against the background of an idiopathic decrease in active sperm with normal testicular size and FGS concentration.

If an immunological type of male infertility is suspected, a study of antisperm bodies is performed. Their presence indicates that the immune system produces specific antibodies that mistake germ cells for foreign objects. Additional tests include the Shuvarsky analysis (helps determine the immune conflict at the level of the cervical canal) and the Kurzrock-Miller test.

Several years ago, California scientists developed a test for male infertility that is performed at home. It is presented in the form of a sperm chip. It contains “bridges” of electrodes that are filled with liquid. A few drops of seed should be placed into the chip. After that, the device tracks each sperm “swimming under the bridge” and then determines their number. The price of such a new product varies from $50 to $80.

How to determine infertility in men at home?

    You would also ask whether cancer can be detected at home.

    You can determine infertility in a man by going through a series of procedures

    In addition, men should be examined by a specialist to determine infertility.

    Doctors at home can be. But there are no devices

    So how to determine infertility in a man at home? it is forbidden

    Just guess. But an accurate diagnosis is one thing, but an assumption is a finger in the sky.

    Infertility in men at home can only be assumed. This is indicated by thick, stretchy sperm released in small quantities after orgasm, or by its absence altogether. This may be minor pain in the lower abdomen after hard work, which may indicate a varicocele. Infertility may be indicated by a false urge to urinate, especially at night, which indicates inflammation of the prostate gland, which is blocking the ureter. A very serious symptom is the fact that your partner does not use protection during sexual intercourse and does not become pregnant within a year.

    This also includes diabetes mellitus, decreased activity, growth of the abdomen and breasts. This all indicates a decrease in testosterone in a man’s blood and an increase in female hormones.

    If such symptoms are present, and even against the background of some kind of discharge, you need to contact an andrologist for consultation and a serious examination. It is easier for a man to be tested for infertility than for a woman, but you can’t find out anything one hundred percent at home. Moreover, all this may be a temporary phenomenon.

    Such a serious question as how to have a child cannot be solved at home; you must immediately run to the doctor! If you are unable to have a child, then both of you need to be checked, and not assume that one of you is infertile. After all, the reason to start treatment is important. I speak from my own example. My husband and I couldn’t have a child for quite a long time; everyone assumed who the problem was. But we finally decided and came here demografia-besplodie-v-mire.ru for advice, where specialists helped us, telling us where to go with our problem. If there is a problem, you need to solve it not at home yourself, but leave this matter to the doctors! And in any case, it wouldn’t hurt for both of them to get checked, that’s for sure.

    Infertility is determined by the motility of spermatozoa, and this can only be determined in laboratory conditions.

    At home, you can only make children, and if making them does not work out, then through practice the problem will become clear on its own.

    If you have been trying to get pregnant from a man for a long time, but it just doesn’t work. Then, in this case, you should definitely see a doctor. And it’s better not to delay, because now everything is being treated!

    At home, one can only assume that a man is infertile. It is necessary to find out what defects he might have had at birth in the sexual sphere, for example, undescended testicles. If so, were they treated? There may have been infectious diseases in childhood, for example mumps and its complication - orchitis.

    The appearance of the semen may change, showing irregular lumps or stringy threads.

    Secondary infertility occurs from stressful situations, work in a chemically aggressive environment. Infertility can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases leading to inflammation of the prostate, varicocele, endocrine diseases or even diabetes.

    Doctors believe that if a woman does not use contraception for a year and not all tests are in order, and pregnancy does not occur, then the man should think about visiting a doctor for an examination.

    To find out at home whether a man is capable of impregnating a woman, you can buy a regular microscope or rent it somewhere, for example, in a laboratory or even in a biology class at school. After sex, take a drop of sperm from the vagina and place it between two glass objects. You can even do this in the bathroom so that the man doesn’t find out anything. This is how sperm motility is determined in laboratories. This is what the picture will look like:

    Now, if the sperm are immobile, then there is no possibility of getting pregnant. The degree of motility is determined as a percentage of all sperm in the field of view. At least 30% of them must be mobile. The presence of degenerative, ugly forms of sperm should also alert you. This may indicate the presence of certain diseases of the male genital area.

    That is, at home you can only verify the complete immobility of sperm. In other cases, you need to take the sperm to specialists. After all, even with sperm motility, they may be defective due to the presence of genetic diseases and are not capable of fertilization.

    Without informing the man, you can take a condom with sperm for analysis. Sperm remain viable for several hours if kept at body temperature. I tied a condom, put it in my bra and off to the laboratory. It’s more reliable this way.

    It is better, of course, to take a Kruger spermogram, but at home you can check sperm fertility using the SpermCheck test


    This is for those who cannot drag their husband to the doctor. He will see the test results and run. ?

    You know, I’m not a doctor and I won’t give you an exact answer to your question right now, but I can say one thing.


    Only he will sort everything out for you and determine whether there is infertility or not.

Contrary to the widespread belief that the cause of childlessness, as a rule, lies in the woman, more than 40% of childless marriages become so precisely because of a malfunction of the male genitourinary system. How to understand that a man is infertile? Let's try to answer this question.

Sexual activity and infertility

According to doctors, male infertility is the inability of a sexually mature man to conceive a child. Moreover, this pathology has nothing to do with the ability of representatives of the stronger sex to sexually satisfy women.

It should be understood that the presence of an erection does not mean that the male reproductive cells contained in the sperm are viable and active. That is why the detection of male infertility is carried out on the basis of a complete examination of the patient.

Diagnosis of male infertility

The results of a spermogram will help you understand how many sperm are in a man’s sperm, how active and viable they are

The results obtained during the study will help to understand how many sperm are in a man’s sperm, how active and viable they are, and also to identify the causative agents of certain diseases in the ejaculate, if any.

Based on the results of a spermogram, the following forms of infertility can be identified in men:

  • secretory, caused by the presence of insufficiently active sperm that are unable to reach the egg and, accordingly, fertilize it (therapy in this case is carried out with medications);
  • obstructive, caused by the presence of obstacles to the movement of germ cells resulting from injury and inflammation (treatment in this case is usually performed surgically);
  • immunological, caused by specific antibodies produced by the male body and preventing conception (treatment in this case is carried out comprehensively and involves an additional MAR test).

Diagnosis of male infertility at home

The question of how to determine infertility in men at home worries many of those representatives of the stronger sex who, for one reason or another, cannot or do not want to go to the doctor.

And this is not surprising. Until recently, men who did not visit a qualified specialist could only assume that they were infertile due to certain unpleasant sensations or a long absence of pregnancy against the background of regular sex.
However, today everything has changed. a man became possible at home.

An original new product from US scientists - SpermCheck Fertility test strips allow you to study male sperm without leaving home

How to understand that a man is infertile in this case? An original new product from US scientists, SpermCheck Fertility test strips allow you to study male sperm without leaving your home.

How to determine with their help? To conduct the study, a man just needs to collect sperm through masturbation and mix a small amount of it with a special reagent included in the kit. The mixture obtained as a result of these actions must be applied to the test strip, and then, after some time, the result must be assessed.

Indirect signs of male infertility

In addition to the results of laboratory tests, indirect signs can also indicate problems in men.

How to find out about infertility in this case? First of all, attention should be paid to the condition of the seminal fluid. If there are serious problems, it usually changes its consistency. In addition, an orgasm without ejaculate should alert a man. and find out how experts recommend treating...

Whatever one may say, every woman wants to have children, but the realization of this comes at different times and under different circumstances. Do you agree that there is nothing better than the smile of your own child, the opportunity to choose a trouser dress for him, to caress him and provide him with all the best?

But such happiness is not available to everyone, because according to statistics, many women face the problem of infertility.

How can you find out if you are one of this numbers and understand whether you will be able to have a child at the right time in your life? It turns out that there is a certain list of signs, the presence of which signals the probable inability to get pregnant. Otherwise, there is no cause for concern. What are these symptoms? Read below.

Difficulty with menstruation

Menstruation is a cyclic, incredibly complex and multi-stage natural process, the slightest "malfunction" which is quite capable of causing difficulties with procreation.

Alarming violations of the standard menstrual cycle include:

  • copious or scanty bleeding;
  • irregular periods;
  • amenorrhea – complete absence of monthly bleeding;
  • severe pain during menstruation, which may be a signal of developing endometriosis or a cyst in the ovaries.

Hormonal imbalances

The desired pregnancy may not occur due to the increased production of male sex hormones - androgens. If such a pathology occurs, then a woman will notice it by the greasiness and oiliness of the skin, constant acne, excessive hair growth in unwanted places and a roughening voice. The worst consequence of androgyny is polycystic ovaries, which slowly fill with cysts—cavities filled with fluids rather than eggs ready for fertilization.

oozing nipples

Discharge from the nipples also makes it possible to find out in advance whether a woman can become pregnant. If there are any, then we can talk about hyperprolactinemia - a serious hormonal disorder, which is based on an increased concentration of the hormone prolactin in the blood.

Sudden changes in body weight

A woman whose weight is constantly changing, and quite dramatically, should also ask herself the question: “how do I know if I can have children in the future?”.

And that’s all, because pronounced thinness, which comes immediately after severe excess weight (and vice versa), makes serious adjustments to the ovulation processes. For example, the same anorexia provokes a complete absence of menstruation, and obesity becomes a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome.

Sexual infections and intimate problems

Family planning should always begin with a comprehensive examination of the body of the expectant mother and her sexual partner. And all because on the way to fertilization there may be numerous obstacles in the form of the same infections or undiagnosed STDs. For example, chlamydia damages the fallopian tubes and causes inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

Pain during sex is also a reason to contact an antenatal clinic with a question. "can I get pregnant", since it is a signal of hidden inflammation and infections.

How and where can you find out about the state of your women's health?

The most logical thing would be to choose a good gynecologist who will conduct a comprehensive examination of your body, and the reproductive system in particular. You can contact either a public or private specialist, which completely depends on your financial situation and moral beliefs.

Unconventional ways to find out whether a woman can have children in the future are as follows:

  • You can master the basics of palmistry and read from your hand the whole truth about whether you are capable of having one or more children. “Baby lines” are located under the little finger, and if they are deep and clearly visible, then the baby will be born healthy and will live happily all his life. An intermittent and unclear line means the child will be born, but will be sickly and die early, if not even during gestation. This same method may be the answer to how to find out whether your man can have children from you or at all. But, since male representatives do not have the ability to give birth, the lines on the hands only show how many heirs he will be tied to by blood ties. This means that you can find out how many children he will have in life, from you, or from other women. Again, palmistry makes it possible to know the potential number of children, while modern people can regulate them through contraception and medication;
  • You can also try telling fortunes on your wedding ring. It is suspended by a thread and held above an open palm. When the decoration starts to swing, you need to track its trajectory. For example, if it draws circles, then a girl will be born, a boy will sway from side to side, if it will stand still, there is no point in dreaming about an heir.

Male infertility

You should not think that the stronger half of humanity is not concerned about the issue of procreation. And if everything is fine with his partner, then the question arises of where and how to find out whether a man is capable of fertilization.

  • Pay attention to the consistency and quantity of sperm. If there is not enough of it, or the liquid comes out in lumps, then you need to get checked urgently;
  • Diabetes and unhealthy obesity are also considered indirect signs of infertility;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen or when urinating, prostatitis and decreased sexual activity can also be causes for concern.

Again, doing home self-diagnosis is not the best solution, and a man should take the issue tormenting him more seriously “Where and from whom can I find out if I can have children?”. You can get the answer by conducting clinical or laboratory tests conducted in private and public clinics.

Mikhail, thanks for the new video. There is a question. I think that many “who have seen the light” are concerned about it to one degree or another. What should a man do who would like to have his own children? I don’t have any special knowledge of Russian family law. From here I see this option: give birth without an official marriage, and then adopt a child. At least there is such an example among close friends. What would you advise to do in such cases?

Mikhail, after watching your cast, I finally understood the main thing that offends you most in my articles: references to the fact that someone succeeded in building a family, and the extension of this to all men... right?

Mikhail, I agree with almost everything you said. Moreover, almost everything you say is in Novoselov’s textbook, only in different words, and I won’t argue with that. Yes, living with a woman is dangerous, troublesome, and almost always the game is not worth the trouble - cohabitation with a woman violates Seleznev’s Main Principle, and therefore one should refrain from it. The only question is what are you forgetting to say.

Children. I have asked this question many times, but the answer has been nothing but prevarication. But attempts to avoid answering this question greatly undermine the credibility of everything that you or supporters of views similar to yours say.

Therefore, once again I will risk asking directly: should a modern man avoid having children, or does a modern man have a relatively safe opportunity to leave offspring?

Omega Memoirs:

Why should I be scared to take on such responsibility?

You shouldn't take responsibility.

I’m trying to tell you that when campaigning for something, you won’t be able to answer only convenient questions, and answer uncomfortable questions “think for yourself.” Almost everything you say is correct. But it is obvious that the issue of childbearing will still arise for the vast majority of men. After all, the instinct to leave behind offspring (the instinct to defuse) is one of the three basic instincts, along with the instinct of self-preservation and satisfying hunger. So you will have to answer it. Either you will answer, or someone will answer for you. It’s good if the one who is responsible for you advises you to hide your assets and take your income into the shadows, and let the woman know that if anything happens, she will fly with her bare ass into the cold with alimony of 3,000 rubles (and that’s exactly what you yourself did? ). Or maybe they will answer:

So, option one is the easiest to implement, but also the most unsafe. This is to find a reliable woman whom you have known for many years, know her well, know her family well. In this case, you can take a risk

and all your campaigning is in vain.

A. Hello Mikhail. I would like to hear your opinion (in the form of a cast, if possible) on this topic: Is it necessary for a man to have children? Our own, both within the legal framework, and within the framework of moral and ethical principles, from the point of view of religion. I’m 30 years old, all my friends already have children, but I never wanted them and don’t want them. You talked quite a lot about other people's children in your castes. Thank you for your attention.

Michael. Hello. I won’t be able to record the cast soon, if at all, so I’ll answer here - if you don’t want it, you don’t need it. This is your personal business.

A. Thank you for your answer!

Michael. If possible, please rephrase the question? The word “required” is confusing. There is no such law, but, I understand, you don’t mean the law?

A. Yes, not the law. This refers to public opinion. That the person is already an adult, he needs a family, children.

Mikhail. If a person is morally self-sufficient and not subject to manipulation, he does not care about public and other opinions, he lives by his own goals and interests.

A. Yes, apparently so. Thanks a lot.