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Use of a dryer for vegetables and fruits. Dryer for vegetables and fruits - drying tips. Different types of nail polishes and the difference in drying speed

During the harvest period, the dryer helps out the housewives a lot. Especially such a unit is in demand when apples or other fruits ripen. If enough preparations are made, the remains of the fruit can be dried and used throughout the year.

The device and principle of operation of the dryer for fruits and vegetables

The dryer consists of a motor block, pallets and a lid. Hot steam comes from below, which is evenly distributed over the baskets, drying the cut pieces. The control button is located at the bottom of the device. There are models with manual temperature settings and devices where there is only a power button. In this case, the steam has a certain temperature set by the manufacturer. Thanks to automatic temperature control and ventilation, food does not burn. Drying occurs without baking and cooking.

How to use the dryer correctly

The fruit and vegetable dryer works simply. It is enough to include it in the diet and the process will go by itself. Some models have built-in automatic shutdown. For example, after 72 hours of continuous operation, the device turns off by itself.

The terms of use are divided into three blocks:

  • Preparation;
  • drying;
  • cleaning and storage of the device.

The quality of drying and the durability of the device depend on the correct use of the device. The rules of operation for almost all models are the same.

Drying preparation

When using the device for the first time, it must be checked and tested. This procedure is carried out so that the products do not absorb foreign odors that may remain after the production of the device. Before drying, do the following:

  • Take the device out of the box, rinse the pallets. Remove all stickers.
  • Place baskets on top of each other. Properly spaced pallets do not have through slots. All of them are tightly pressed together.
  • Connect to the mains and turn on the empty dryer for half an hour by pressing the "ON / OFF" button.
  • Switch off the appliance and let it cool down. After work, there is hot steam inside, which can damage the skin of the hands and face.
  • Dismantle and rinse pallets.

After the manipulations, you can proceed to cutting and laying fruits and vegetables on pallets. Spread the same or immediately different products together. However, it should be remembered that fruits and vegetables absorb neighboring odors.


Pre-cut fruits are laid out on pallets. Pieces should not be too thick - from this they can dry for a long time. It is also not allowed to chop the products too finely - they will fall down through the basket.

The device must be placed on a flat, solid surface. Once the motor unit is installed, follow these steps:

  1. Place the elements firmly on the lower control box.
  2. Place a lid on top.
  3. Switch on the device and leave to dry. Do not remove the cover while the device is in operation.
  4. After completion of work, when the products are dry (after about 15 hours), the device should be turned off with the “On / Off” button. Periodically, it is necessary to monitor the quality of drying so that vegetables and fruits do not dry out. If necessary, pallets can be interchanged.

ATTENTION! It is impossible to remove products immediately after turning off. There is hot steam inside!

Cleaning and storing the instrument

After drying, the device must be washed. Use soapy water for this. If pieces of food stick to the walls, the trays should be pre-soaked in soapy water. The elements of the device are washed by hand, not allowing the use of a dishwasher, since the substances in the powder and rinse aid can be absorbed into the composition of the tray. During the next drying, they will be absorbed into the products.

After washing, all elements are wiped dry and left to dry completely. It is necessary to store the device in a box at the room temperature in assembled form.

A dryer is a convenient device that allows you to quickly process excess products. Dried fruits and vegetables take up much less space in the freezer or refrigerator. Useful substances are preserved better than in various blanks.

Well-groomed hands with a beautiful, spectacular manicure are an integral part of the image of a modern woman. Many girls can not only properly varnish their nails, but even apply patterns of varying complexity to them. But how often do you encounter a situation where time is running out, it's time to go out, and the varnish has not dried at all? We are sure that each of you will remember many such cases. So today we will deal with an important question for any girl: how to quickly dry nails covered with varnish.

Different types of nail polishes and the difference in drying speed

Oh those cosmetics manufacturers! They do not get tired almost every season to surprise us with new products, including products for high-quality manicure. You go into a boutique for nail polish - and your eyes run wide: which one to choose? It's not even about the palette of colors and variety of brands. It's just that now even varnishes have different properties, for example, they strengthen and heal the nail plate, create a protective layer. Yes, and they can dry quickly, and even very quickly. This property is of particular interest to us.

Let's talk in more detail about the different types of varnish that will allow us to make a quality manicure as quickly as possible.

  1. Plain nail polish is the most common and affordable option. It can be bought at any cosmetic boutique or stall. In order not to harm your nails, give preference to varnishes of well-known companies, although they are more expensive. True, this will not affect the drying speed in any way - such a varnish dries from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the thickness of the layer.
  2. Quick-drying varnish - the name of the species speaks for itself. These products are more expensive than usual, but they also have a drying time of no more than 5 minutes. You need to paint your nails with such a coating as soon as possible, because it begins to harden immediately after application. We recommend that you do not save on quick-drying varnishes and purchase those that contain UV filters so that the coating on the nails does not turn yellow from exposure to sunlight.
  3. The varnish-strengthener is designed to heal the nail plates and protect them from the effects of external factors, including the lacquer coating. The hardener can be used as a varnish if it contains pigment: the product dries in a few minutes and looks great on the nails.
  4. Gel polishes are a fairly popular lately tool not only for painting, but also for strengthening nails. Previously, this procedure was carried out only in salons, now it is available at home. True, painting nails with gel polish cannot be attributed to a quick manicure: the procedure consists of 3 stages, and lasts about two hours, including drying.
  5. Shellac is a relatively new invention that belongs to the category of gel polishes. It features a special application technology and almost instantaneous drying. In addition, user reviews indicate that shellac lasts for a month without losing brightness and integrity. True, high-quality shellac application is possible only in the salon, and girls also gossip that this coating can ruin the nail plates.

Note! The drying speed of the varnish may also depend on its pigmentation. Saturated matte products dry longer, and those that contain a pearlescent or glossy pigment - 2-3 times faster.

At home, we use ordinary and quick-drying varnishes, as well as varnishes-amplifiers. And what is the secret of their quick drying? Everything is very simple: in the thickness of the layer with which you apply varnish on the nail. A thick layer dries for a very long time, and if you apply another one on top of it, the manicure runs the risk of being completely spoiled. Therefore, here is the first advice for you: apply any varnish with a thin layer, wait for it to dry, and then paint again, just as thinly and accurately.

Apply a thin layer of polish on your nails and wait until it dries completely.

Professional products for quick drying of varnish

Advanced fashionistas use all the possibilities of technological progress, including when it comes to manicure. Fortunately, manufacturers of cosmetic products and related products offer many ways to quickly dry nail polish, namely:

  • special coatings for quick drying;
  • sprays;
  • oil dryers;
  • manicure drying-fan;
  • Ultraviolet lamp.

All of them are great for regular varnishes that you most often use at home. For quick-drying varnishes, such products will help to harden even faster if you have very little time. Let's look at them in more detail.

Special lacquer finish

The method of using this clear polish-like product is very simple: apply it in one thin layer on a slightly dried color coating and wait 3-5 minutes. The varnish will not only harden quickly, but will acquire a glossy sheen and additional durability. Now you can easily buy varnish drying in the same place as regular varnish. The most important thing is to opt for products from a trusted manufacturer.

Spray drying

Due to the ease of use and effectiveness of drying sprays have become very popular. A simple spray bottle containing an oil-based liquid will help you significantly speed up the drying of your manicure. Spray freshly painted nails with a spray so that the moisture covers each finger, and wait 5-7 minutes.

In addition to the quick hardening of the varnish, you get another undeniable advantage: the tool takes care of the cuticles and skin of the hands. True, spray drying does not affect the durability of the coating and its durability, but this drawback can be neglected.

Oil dryers

Manicurists have long appreciated the effectiveness and benefits of oil dryers, and now you can use them at home without professional help. You will see a small bottle with a pipette cap in the manicure accessories department - feel free to take it.

The agent is applied 1 drop to each nail almost immediately after painting with varnish. The oil spreads, covering the nail plate with a thin film, and dries the varnish in 2-3 minutes. In addition, it simultaneously cares for the skin of your fingers. The more often you use this product, the less burrs you get.


In nail salons, you have probably seen small fans that run on mains or AA batteries. Now you can buy them for home use. There are models designed for 2 hands, and there are smaller ones on which you need to dry your hands one by one. In any case, the method is very simple: put your hands with freshly painted nails under the fan, and wait a couple of minutes until the varnish hardens under a stream of air.

A fan dryer will help you reduce the time for a manicure if you use gel polish or shellac, and not just the usual coatings.

Ultraviolet lamp

Until recently, constant companions of all manicure masters are ultraviolet lamps. Currently, they are available for sale at a very affordable price. True, they are mainly used for drying gel and shellac coatings. Experience has shown that UV lamps do not speed up the curing of conventional or fast drying varnishes very much.

Home effective remedies and methods

If for some reason you didn’t have special equipment at hand, and you really need to dry the varnish quickly, time-tested folk methods will come to the rescue. Our mothers used them in their youth, when there were no newfangled sprays, oils, quick-drying coatings and UV lamps!

First of all, it is very important to properly prepare the nails for painting:

  • Carefully remove the old varnish with a special liquid.
  • Sand the nail plate with a soft buff.
  • Wash your hands with soap and dry.
  • Degrease each nail by rubbing it with alcohol or nail polish remover.

After that, you can apply varnish. And to make it dry faster, choose any of the methods below.

The most common mistakes: what not to do

  1. Prepare the tools or items that you will use to dry the varnish so that they are at your fingertips in a timely manner. It's not the best idea to reach your hands with freshly painted nails in the closet for a hair dryer or spray-dryer, draw water into a bowl, uncork a bottle of oil. The whole manicure is down the drain, and the hands are up to the elbow in varnish.
  2. The older the polish, the longer it takes to dry. If you want the manicure to be of high quality and dry quickly, throw away the old varnish without regrets, no matter how dear it is to you. The new remedy will not cause you problems due to the changed concentration.
  3. The same applies to too thick varnish. It lays down too thick a layer, which takes a very long time to dry completely. Dilute the thickened varnish, or rather replace it with another, more liquid one.
  4. Before painting your nails, do not use hand cream, cuticle care product, or other similar substances. Nails must be completely dry and free of grease.
  5. Do not dry your nails with hot air.

Video tutorial: how to quickly and effectively dry nail polish

I now understand that in order to dry quickly, it is necessary to cover with drying on top, but for some reason they came across some unsuccessful ones. Of the latter, drying Lumene not only did not dry faster, it somehow perversely completely softened the varnish. Moreover, after 5 hours everything was very well smeared, as if freshly made up :d47 faster than its counterparts d060.gif). I also tried to dry the nail polish with a hair dryer icon_mrgreen.gif Yeah, it dried up, but it's not an option for permanent use, because the skin on the hands dries very much.


And it is also very important not to paint layer by layer. Make up with one layer, let it dry, and only then paint your nails with a second layer! It will be much faster than painting all at once.

Vasilisa, Moscow


just an air freshener, sprinkle on your nails, it works like a fixer, it dries very quickly, I always do this

Ksenia Salnikova


As you can see, beauty does not always require sacrifice. The varnish on your nails will dry faster than you read this article, the main thing is to do everything according to the rules. All means and methods are available, they do not require you to spend a lot of money. Or maybe you have your own version of quick-drying nail polish? Share with us in the comments. Good luck!

You can buy cheap in season. If you know how to dry them with dryers for vegetables and fruits(dehydrator), it will be possible to stock them up for a year in advance.

... seven times cheaper than freezing. Sure, it's not as cheap as the sun, but still, we can't all live in California! If you need a big Dryer If you need Dryer large capacity, try the wood-fired chimney model designed by an international team...

Complexity: light

Required time: average 8-12 hours to dry

How to use the dryer for vegetables and fruits

  1. Take the best quality fresh fruits and vegetables. Overripe, bruised and simply bad foods will not be good for drying.
  2. Peel and cut all vegetables and fruits, making sure that all slices have the same thickness. This way everything is guaranteed to dry at an even rate.
  3. If necessary, drizzle apples, pears and other fruits prone to oxidation with citrus juice or ascorbic acid. This will help preserve the color of the fruit before, during and after the drying process.
  4. Blanch broccoli, cauliflower, celery, carrots, corn, peas, and potatoes to speed up drying time and to maintain color. Three to five minutes in boiling water should be enough.
  5. Optional: Add salt, sugar and spices for taste.
  6. Now load the fruits in slices onto the fruit and vegetable dryer trays, being careful not to overlap them, as this will slow down the drying process.
  7. Turn on the fruit and vegetable dryer immediately after loading to start the process of removing water. Please refer to the user manual for the required time for the process, on average the process takes 8-12 hours.
  8. When the drying time has passed, check fruits and vegetables carefully for dryness. To do this, simply remove the slice from the fruit and vegetable dryer, let it cool, and then feel it with your fingers. If the slice is dry to the touch, it has been properly dried. To further assess dryness, cut a few pieces of fruit down the middle and check the cuts for drops of moisture. If there are any, the fruit is not yet dry enough, it still needs to be dried.
  9. Pieces of fruits and vegetables should be cooled for 30-60 minutes or until completely cool, which can be checked by touch, before packaging.
  10. Dried fruits need more conditioning before they are ready for storage. Place them in loosely packed jars and shake once a day for 7-10 days to evenly distribute the remaining moisture between the dried parts. If condensation appears in the jar, the fruits must be returned to the dryer for vegetables and fruits for further drying.
  11. Place all dried foods in airtight containers or freezer bags and store in a cool, dry and dark place.
  1. Dry fruits and vegetables as soon as possible after harvest.
  2. Do not add fresh fruits and vegetables to partially dried ones.
  3. Drying time will vary depending on the thickness of the slices, the amount of water in fruits and vegetables, temperature, humidity and altitude. Keep a log to track and record drying times for various products.
  4. When stored properly, dried fruits and vegetables can generally be consumed throughout the year.
  5. Ascorbic acid can be purchased at grocery stores and pharmacies and is available in powder and

Coating nails with varnish requires a certain time for drying: sometimes it takes as much as 10-15 minutes. And at this time, the slightest movement or touch can completely ruin the manicure. But there are various ways to dry the varnish much faster, and they will be discussed in the article.

Ways to quickly dry varnish

Manicurists use a number of tools and devices to quickly dry varnish coatings.

Drying nails with a manicure fan

The most convenient way to dry the varnish is to apply special fan-dryer. It is a small device that runs on batteries or an outlet. The sizes of fans are different: small, for one hand, more voluminous, for two hands at once.

After covering the nails with decor, the hand is placed in the fan hole, the device is turned on, after which it starts to supply air to the nails and quickly dries the varnish.

The huge advantage of the fan is its low cost, combined with efficiency and long service life, so if you often use varnishes at home, you should think about such a useful purchase.

The people have their own “answer” to professionals - a few simple ways to speed up the drying of the coating on the nail plate at home. Let's take a closer look at these methods.

Hair dryer

A regular hair dryer is a great way to quickly dry the flooring at home. To prevent damage, you must install the device on lowest temperature, then put your hand with a freshly applied coating on it.

In no case should you use hot air: it can soften the varnish and ruin the manicure. For the same reason, varnish is not dried under a table lamp. Instead of a hair dryer, air flow from a domestic fan or air conditioner is also suitable.

Cold water

Since lacquer hardens fastest on cooling, you can speed up the process by dipping your hands into cold water. To do this, you can let the cold water drain from the tap so that it becomes ice cold, or add it to a bowl of water. several ice cubes(this method is especially good for the summer season).

Hands are carefully immersed in a bath of cold water. For complete solidification of the decor in water, you need no more than 4 minutes. You should not keep your hands under the tap: the varnish that has not yet hardened can “move out” under running water.

Hair fixation spray

Another old and quite reliable way - spray on painted nails with hairspray. This method will not only help reduce the drying time of the varnish, but also extend the life of the manicure. Choose a strong hold varnish, then the result will be much more effective.

Vegetable oil

A useful and effective drying method is to apply olive or sunflower oil to the coating. To perform it is necessary draw oil into a pipette, then drip on each nail. Rinse off the oil carefully In 5 minutes. In parallel with fixing the manicure, you can perfectly nourish the cuticle (you need to use cold-pressed oil).

How to dry a manicure with oil, the video will show:


In order for the varnish to dry quickly, you need to put a bottle with it into the freezer literally for 5 minutes. After application, it will dry an order of magnitude faster, and when this method is combined with cooling under a stream of air from a fan, it will be possible to enjoy a manicure in 2-3 minutes.


To dry and fix the nail coating, a minute after application, you can rinse your hands in cold water with vinegar(for 0.5 liters of water - a spoonful of table vinegar 9%). This will also speed up the drying of the decor.

professional tools

To the means for quick drying of varnish coatings, which are used by professionals, quite suitable for home use, include:

  • Spray drying
  • Lacquer drying
  • Oil Coatings

You can buy these tools in stores for professionals or in online stores. The most reliable method is to dry the varnish by applying a special coating on top - varnish drying. In appearance, it is an ordinary transparent varnish, which fixes the decorative coating. Drying varnish is applied a minute after the main decor in one layer. The top coat will not only dry the varnish without problems in a couple of minutes, but also extend its wear time.

Drying sprays- a convenient way to quickly dry the coating. There are oil-based and oil-free sprays available. After applying the varnish, you can almost immediately sprinkle the nails with a spray that will dry the coating in 4-5 minutes. Such drying does not make the decor more resistant, but it perfectly nourishes the cuticle and skin of the hands.

Oil drying in the form of drops are also very popular. The principle and procedure of their action is the same as that of ordinary edible oil. The product is dripped onto each nail after applying a decorative coating, 1 drop each, so that it dries faster.

If you apply oil drying constantly, they will significantly improve the condition of the nails and the skin around them.

To make the coating dry faster, you need to follow a number of useful recommendations:

Manicure done in thin layers

Professional Quick Dry Coatings

Almost all well-known brands producing accessories and cosmetics for nails produce special drying coatings. Among them, the most popular are:

Drying varnish "Smart enamel"

  • Top drying Sec dry (Orly)- suitable for manicure, pedicure, available in the form of varnish with a brush
  • Super dry off "Smart enamel"– dries the coating in 2-3 minutes
  • Drying Complete by Sally Hansen– costs more than Smart Enamel, but works great
  • Quick drying spray (Avon) gives an elegant gloss, the varnish dries with it for about 5 minutes
  • Top drying Instant Dry (Chatte Noire)- one of the best dryers, makes manicure comfortable and fast
  • drip drying Flash Dry (Orly) dries the varnish, gives a flawless shine to the coating

To make a manicure faster, which is important for most women, simple home remedies will help - oil, cold, fan. But it is more reliable to purchase a good cosmetic product - drying - and use it for a long time and with great convenience.

The question regarding how to choose a dryer for vegetables and fruits is relevant for housewives who stock up. There are different models with their own features, pros and cons. It is important to know how to properly use such devices.

Fruit dryer

If we focus on the type of control, then all such devices (dehydrators) can be divided into electronic and mechanical models. In the first case, you can accurately set the temperature and use many functions, but the mechanics are more reliable and affordable. An electric dryer for fruits and vegetables may differ in the way it works, as well as have various useful additions to the design, which you should consider when choosing.

Infrared dryer for vegetables and fruits

The models of this group are more modern, so they include an infrared emitter in the design. The evaporation of water from fruits and vegetables occurs under the influence of infrared rays, which is similar to the effect of solar heat, but there is no negative effect of ultraviolet radiation. The device is able to heat the air no more than 40-60 °. Unusual is the tablecloth-shaped infrared fruit dryer, which is affordable and can be used both for food processing and for heating the room.

Choose devices with an IR emitter for the following advantages:

  • up to 80-95% of useful substances are preserved;
  • practically does not change the aroma and color of the fruit after processing;
  • economical consumption of electricity;
  • shorter processing period;
  • finished products can be stored for up to two years.

When figuring out how to choose a suitable dryer for vegetables and fruits, you need to point out the disadvantages of infrared devices:

  • high price;
  • products must be necessarily sliced;
  • it will not work well to dry;
  • the download size is small.

Convection dryer for vegetables and fruits

There are devices inside which there is a fan that drives heated air. The temperature rises due to the presence of an electric heating element, so the maximum value is + 80 ° C. Fruit juices evaporate as a result of the action of hot air masses. Describing how to choose a dryer for vegetables and fruits, we note that there are models without fans that use natural convection. The price is lower, but the efficiency and processing time are lower.

Confection electric fruit dryer is popular among housewives, due to such advantages:

  • wide model range;
  • large capacity (up to 6 kg);
  • can be used for drying meat and fish;
  • affordable cost.

When choosing a unit, it is worth mentioning the existing disadvantages, which include:

  • increased noise;
  • high temperature reduces the amount of nutrients;
  • increased consumption of electrical energy;
  • fruits can change color and aroma.

Dryer for fruits and vegetables with timer

One of the most useful design elements of dehydrators is a timer, thanks to which the device will automatically turn off after a predetermined period of time. The fruit dehydrator with a timer can be safely left on when there are no people in the room. This feature is useful in that the fruits after processing will not be overdried. There are models that allow the purchase of a separate timer.

Homemade fruit dryer

Craftsmen can make a dryer with their own hands to save money, so the most popular are devices that run on electricity, wood and the sun. Of these options, only a do-it-yourself electric fruit dehydrator can work out of control. The other two options require the presence of a person, since the adjustment of the inflow and removal of air is carried out only by sliding gate valves.

How to choose an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits?

  1. Lower heating element. Describing how to choose a fruit dryer, we note that devices with such a position of the heating element quickly and evenly dry the fruits, but there is a risk of juice getting on the heater, which can cause damage and even a short circuit.
  2. Upper heating element. The service life of this option is higher, but the problem is that warm air may not reach the lower tiers, so you will have to constantly change the trays for even drying.
  3. Side heater. If you are interested in how to choose a dryer for vegetables and fruits of good quality, then please note that in such models the heating will be uniform and reach all tiers, but the dimensions will be large.

Drying capacity for vegetables and fruits

The drying speed and the amount of food that can be processed in one cycle is affected by the power of the heating element. If you do not know how to choose a dehydrator for vegetables and fruits, then consider the following points:

  1. Compact models with indicators of 150-250 W are not designed for processing a large number of fruits, so they are not suitable for winter harvesting. If you plan to make only chips or several servings in the dryer, then this is a great choice.
  2. Units with a power of 350-600 watts are universal. These are handy multi-level dryers that can process a lot of food.
  3. Large industrial appliances have a power of 1 kW. It is not advisable to buy them for home use.

Temperature dryer for vegetables and fruits

You need to choose a device not only in order to dry the fruits in a short period of time, but also to keep as many useful substances as possible in them. To do this, it is best to carry out the process at temperatures that are close to natural conditions. Please note when choosing that the normal range for an IR dryer is -40-60°C. It is recommended to choose models with multiple temperature settings in order to adapt the device to different products. The best dehydrator for vegetables and fruits of the convective type should have the following modes: gentle, medium and high.

Drying trays for vegetables and fruits

Among the presented assortment of such devices, you can find options with a different number of trays from 2 to 20. From 0.5 to 2 kg of fruits can be laid out on one tier, it all depends on the size and shape of the dehydrator. There is a fruit dryer with a tray for marshmallows, meat and fish, as well as herbs and flowers. They can come in a set or they can be selected separately.

At the same time, different types of products can be dried in a device with several trays, but it is better not to mix anything on one tier so as not to spoil the taste. Explaining how to choose a good dryer for vegetables and fruits, we note that it is better to take a device in which you can adjust the height of the tiers, which will allow you to dry whole fruits of different sizes. Buy large units only if you plan to process a lot of products so as not to waste electricity.

Dryers for vegetables and fruits - rating of the best

Equipment is presented in stores from different manufacturers. For a convenient choice, they can be divided into classes, focusing on the price.

  1. Elite. Fruit and vegetable dryers are often topped by high-quality devices from the following brands: Ezidri, Rawmid and Rommelsbacher. Dehydrators have excellent design, are reliable and functional.
  2. Average. In this price range, IR dryers of the Dachnik brand are popular. As for models with convection, the most popular are VolTera and BelOMO.
  3. Economy. Good reviews from dryers of such brands: Veterok, Rotor and Sukhovey. Among Chinese devices, we can distinguish such manufacturers: Supra, Scarlett, Smile.

How to dry fruit in an electric dryer?

Each device is accompanied by instructions, which indicate how to properly use it and carry out drying. Use dehydrators for drying fruits according to the following rules:

  1. Wash the fruits, remove the seeds, and cut the pulp directly with the peel into pieces. Keep in mind that the smaller the pieces, the faster they will dry.
  2. To keep dried fruits longer, after slicing, first pour boiling water over them, and then rinse in cold water.
  3. When drying whole fruits, be sure to pierce them with a toothpick in several places so that the juice comes out.
  4. If you want to increase the concentration of vitamin C in fruits, then they can be soaked in ascorbic acid for 20 minutes.
  5. Put the prepared fruits in an even layer in the pan. Put it in the dryer, choose the time and temperature.