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How to learn to see the future? Advice from experienced psychics. "third eye", or how clairvoyants see

Clairvoyance is the ability of a particular person to perceive information that remains inaccessible to perception by most people. How clairvoyance manifests itself - we will talk about this in this material.

Clairvoyance is the inner vision of a person. With clairvoyance, information comes in images, symbols and signs. The usual senses are not involved - the so-called “third eye” is solely responsible for clairvoyance.

Most mediums and psychics use this method of objectively seeing reality. If you have ever observed their work, you may have noticed that when a psychic concentrates on something, he looks away to the side.

At the initial stage of clairvoyance development, the images that a person begins to see are very fleeting and quite difficult to distinguish. It is for this reason that most people are unable to notice them and they are lost.

Also in esoteric literature you can read that if a person has the gift of clairvoyance, he supposedly finds himself in a three-dimensional dimension. In reality, a person who begins to awaken simply receives images of future events, which can come in the form of pictures, sounds, and in some cases words. Each individual interprets them differently.

When you develop your abilities and have sufficient experience, the same images will come to you, which you will learn to understand using your own interpretation scheme. It is important to remember the features of the information that you receive from above; you can even keep a special diary in which you note everything unusual that happens to you. As a result, you will have your own psychic dictionary to interpret the information received through the gift from above.

Signs that indicate clairvoyance

You can determine that you have begun to exhibit psychic abilities by the presence of certain “symptoms”:

  1. One observes the emergence of very vivid, vivid images that are etched into the memory for a long time.
  2. A person may not use a watch, because he always feels the exact time at random.
  3. When such a person is engaged in arranging his home, he always knows in advance exactly where it is best to place this or that object to enhance energy flows.
  4. At the first glance at a person, a novice psychic intuitively senses what diseases he suffers from, even if the latter looks simply wonderful.
  5. During a telephone conversation, a clairvoyant is able to describe his interlocutor even if he has never seen him before.

If you put a “plus” next to at least half of these points, it is likely that you have hidden clairvoyant abilities. Do not under any circumstances try to suppress them!

Many people, when faced with something unknown that cannot be explained logically, get scared and try to isolate themselves from it as much as possible. Therefore, you should not succumb to the provocations of television programs that show us not entirely correct images of clairvoyants with crystal balls in a room filled with smoke. It's time to dispel established stereotypes.

Clairvoyance is merely a faculty of the mind's eye. Turning to this issue from a scientific point of view, it is necessary to mention the area located in the area between the eyebrows (the famous “third eye”), which is connected to the pituitary gland.

Clairvoyants prefer large, open, well-lit spaces. It is important for them to see all the details of what is happening, so that nothing remains “behind the scenes” for them.

When a person is able to develop clairvoyant abilities at a high level, he will be able to use his gift not only to benefit himself, but also to help people around him. Many clairvoyants cooperate with law enforcement agencies, helping to search for missing objects or people, as well as apprehend criminals.

Where does clairvoyance come from - how to protect yourself from scammers

Clairvoyance and clairaudience indicate a person’s contact with other worlds (parallel realities). Each of us has our own Guardian Angel from the moment we are born, but not everyone has the ability to make contact with him and correctly interpret the tips he receives.

But some, especially sensitive people, can still establish a connection with their Guardian Angel, who begins to show (or whisper) about upcoming events of the future or past. With the help of these actions, the Angel seeks to protect his ward from any troubles.

In most cases, the gift of clairvoyance manifests itself in very pure souls at a high level of development. People with such a soul are very compassionate and merciful. It should be noted that every person by nature has certain inclinations for the gift of clairvoyance, but not everyone is able to develop these abilities. Only the Supreme Intelligence determines who is worthy to use such a talent. Old people, disabled people, blind, illiterate children can act as seers... If the Almighty decided to reward a person with superpowers, in this case, close angels will help the person develop this gift.

Angels are able to answer absolutely any questions, but not all information can be shared with strangers, and some information cannot be voiced even to those closest to you. Clairvoyants must adhere to certain restrictions and prohibitions, which must not be violated - otherwise, Higher powers may block the source of superpowers.

Many clairvoyants help heal other people, but they themselves suffer from certain pathologies. For example, the famous seer Vanga spent her entire life helping others, but at the same time she did not see her patients, because at an early age she lost her normal vision due to a natural disaster. And the famous predictor of the future Nostradamus, who foresaw the future of kings and empires, constantly struggled with epilepsy.

Very often, the gift of clairvoyance is revealed to a person after severe trials, physical or mental suffering. Such cases happened very often in Rus' - blessed people, of whom there were a lot, can be called clairvoyants.

The gift of clairvoyance does not come to a person just like that - it must be earned, suffered, tortured in the literal sense of the word. But, having acquired such amazing abilities, a person changes very much - all the delights of worldly life are now in the background for him, from now on his first and main duty becomes helping others, those who need it.

Exercise on how to open your inner vision

You will need to create the necessary atmosphere for it to take place. Prepare a small white candle for this exercise. Then follow these steps:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position so that your body is completely relaxed - eliminate any muscle tension.
  2. Light a candle and place it next to you.
  3. Relax your eye muscles and, without looking up, peer into the flame. At the same time, your eyes will begin to water, then you will need to lower your eyelids and close them with the help of your palms so that pitch darkness appears before you.
  4. Visualize as if the candle flame is now flickering at a point located slightly above the space between your eyebrows. Wait until it disappears.
  5. Sit for some time with your eyes closed and then complete the ritual. Leave the candle to burn out completely.

After this exercise, you can test your psychic abilities in practice. For example, when you are talking on the phone with a stranger, close your eyes and listen to the voice of your interlocutor. Let his intonation and words completely fill your space, push the logical mind into the background, giving full rein to your intuition.

Train yourself regularly using similar practices if you want to learn how to predict the future, helping yourself and the world around you.

Also watch an interesting video on the topic described

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

In recent years, both in Russia and abroad, many people have appeared with so-called paranormal abilities - psychics. Some treat them with great caution and distrust, while others, on the contrary, have completely stopped turning to “normal” doctors, preferring only psychics, treating grandmothers and traditional healers.

But what are these paranormal abilities? By whom and for what are they given? Who are psychics? How do they feel in the world of ordinary people? How are they different from us? And most importantly, how do they diagnose and treat?

If the great Newton's telephone had rung on his desk, he would have definitely been perplexed: how does this strange polished bone make such sounds? And if he picked up the phone and heard a voice from there, he might begin to look inside the unknown device and look for little talking people there. At the time of this brilliant scientist, electricity, its properties and practical applications had not yet been discovered. Therefore, even such great minds would not have been able to explain then what is now clear to every schoolchild. And so, even now, modern physics is only on the verge of recognizing and explaining such amazing abilities as the transmission of thoughts at a distance (telepathy), vision of the future (proscopy), and extrasensory healing. But facts are stubborn things, and if many phenomena cannot be explained within the framework of generally accepted worldview concepts or contradict them, then you should not immediately dismiss such messages, consider them fiction, falsification, errors, or simply ignore them.

However, just recently the French measured the mass of the soul - a dying person was placed on ultra-high-precision scales. After his death, the body became a little lighter - after all, the soul left the body. But we are, of course, not even talking about milligrams, but about millionths of it. In addition, the so-called Kirlian phenomenon has become quite widely known - under special physical conditions, you can see and photograph a certain glow around the body of an individual - the human biofield. Well, in Moscow there is even a store where equipment is installed that allows you to photograph the aura of any person - the biofield around his head.

Perhaps there is very little time left before scientists fully substantiate anomalous abilities and phenomena. But today, probably, the best people can explain to us who they are psychics, only themselves. So, the president of the International House of Folk Traditions, healer Anatoly OSIPOV, holder of two international class psychic diplomas, answers the questions of an Interfax TIME correspondent.

— Anatoly Ivanovich, when did you feel that you had paranormal abilities? What did you do to become a psychic?

— I would like to start with the fact that the word itself “ psychic" means "oversensitive". Recently, the number of people with such abilities has been constantly increasing. There are often cases when people who have suffered brain injuries, to their surprise, acquire paranormal abilities. This is explained by the fact that some parts of the brain become blocked as a result of injury, while others begin to function more actively. There are also cases where a person became a psychic after suffering clinical death. I can’t say for myself that I was born a psychic, but I had some data of increased sensitivity in early childhood - for example, I heard very distant footsteps of people at a time when others could not hear them. I perceived music pouring out of nowhere, and then my friends could only explain it by saying that “I’m not all at home.” Having reached adulthood, I tried to develop my abilities and worked on myself for a long time, cleansing my body, following the methods of some philosophical esoteric schools. In principle, no knowledge, skills and abilities can be acquired by a person just like that - you have to pay for everything, so working on yourself is necessary not only to achieve the level of a psychic, but also to maintain this level, to improve it. It is impossible to tell about all the operating principles. An important role here is played by cleansing all cells of the human body from so-called toxins, primarily by giving up meat products. In addition, any food, in addition to microelements and energy, carries with it certain information. The cleaner the cell, the more energy-intensive it is and the more energy the person himself has. It can be said that psychic is a person with very strong internal energy.

— Still, can you formulate more clearly how you, psychics, differ from an ordinary person?

— You could say, by the size of the biofield. Each person has his own energy biofield enveloping his flesh. For an ordinary person, this field extends to about 5-6 meters. In a person in a comatose state, the biofield is somewhere around 10-15 centimeters. For psychics it is much more energetic and reaches 9-10 meters or more, the limit of possibilities is unlimited. However, for both psychics and ordinary people, the size of the field is not a constant value; it can vary depending on well-being and spiritual mood.

— It’s very interesting, how do you feel, is the person sick and with what? Do you travel, for example, on the subway and see right through all the people?

— Personally, I don’t see through all human organs, although this is also possible. There are also such finely arranged psychics, which, as you put it, “see illnesses.” Often such psychics only diagnose well, but cannot treat, so they work in tandem with another energetically strong psychic who is an excellent healer. Sometimes one psychic combines these two possibilities at once. I diagnose and treat purely energetically. For the simplest diagnosis, I need my biofield to “touch” the patient’s biofield, that is, I need to be in sufficient proximity to him. Sometimes, with a certain mood, I can, as it were, get into a person with my biofield and feel where and what hurts. Another method is manual. The psychic's hand is the most sensitive instrument. By holding it at a short distance from a person, I can feel the different density of his biofield in different areas. How do I feel? Well, if we try to describe this from the point of view of physics, then imagine that we take two magnets and try to connect them with equally charged poles. The stronger the magnets are, the stronger the opposition between them will be. In fact, the human biofield also has an electromagnetic nature, and the example given is not so crude. Thus, if we imagine that the human biofield is heterogeneous, then when I move my hand (my magnet) along it, I will feel stronger resistance in some places, and less in some places. At the same time, my hand feels a slight tingling, warmth, a feeling of springiness appears - as if another field is resisting me, and I am pressing on it. Where the biofield is weak, these sensations are much less pronounced. It is precisely such areas with a weak biofield that are unfavorable places and indicate a diseased organ.

“Everyone probably remembers very well how the famous hero of the series “Highlander” McCloud energetically recognized “his own people.” Can one psychic immediately “smell” another nearby in this way?

- Yes, sure! The powerful biofield is immediately noticeable; one psychic does not need to tell another that he is a psychic. Often, simply very brave people also have a strong biofield. You know the expression: “The bullet is afraid of the brave!” Indeed, this phenomenon was observed by many warriors. Sometimes a person very confident in himself and in his goal climbed into the most dangerous places. The people running next to him were killed, and not a single shell hit him. The biofield of such people has the ability to deflect bullets from their trajectories.

— Tell us about how the healing process occurs? Are you giving your own energy to the patient?

- No, I don’t give away my energy during the session. Of course, I need to concentrate in a certain way - be it prayer or special concentration, so I tune into some channel of, well, one might say, subtle electromagnetic energy. With the help of this energy, using certain passes with my hands, I seem to smooth out the unevenness of a person’s biofield, restore its healthy appearance, thereby forcing certain human energy centers to become active and the diseased organ to function correctly. For each disease, the duration and number of sessions are different.

— Tell me, after your treatment sessions do you feel worse or weak?

“I don’t feel weak, because, as I already said, I don’t waste my own energy.” However, if I, as it were, enter the patient’s body with my biofield, then I involuntarily experience his pains and disorders. Any, even a traditional, good doctor, when he sympathizes, empathizes with the patient and penetrates him, then an energy exchange occurs between them, and the doctor himself can then get sick. That's why there are so few healthy doctors. After treatment, both the doctor and the psychic must perform some kind of cleansing themselves. In some cases, water or a burning candle helps to eliminate negative consequences, as a talisman, or as the powerful Vanga did - she put a piece of sugar under the pillow. As psychics know, sugar can absorb negative information.

— How did you feel about the famous television shows of Kashpirovsky and Chumak? Why did they stop showing them?

- The fact is that during such television sessions one psychic affects millions of viewers simultaneously. The audience sees and hears him, but he does not see them. No feedback! This is very dangerous; a doctor or psychic must know what effect his sessions produce directly at the moment. Well, imagine even such a simple case - a setting is given to lower blood pressure, and a hypotonic person accidentally happens to be near the screen - this can even lead to death. Many healers were concerned about this, so the agenda of the 1st Russian Congress of Psychics raised the issue of banning such television sessions. We sent letters to the Ministry of Culture and television and got them cancelled.

— In your opinion, why does the orthodox religion treat psychics cautiously, if not negatively?

— Firstly, the term “psychic” can refer to both a charlatan and a truly powerful healer, but using so-called dark forces. For example, in Russia it is well known psychic Tarasov, but he calls himself a sorcerer, and yet he has a large clientele. Due to some individual characteristics, some people would rather go to a “black magician”, a sorcerer, rather than to a church or a “white” psychic. Secondly, a psychic is a person who is certainly more spiritually developed and has some knowledge hidden for an ordinary person. The Orthodox Church, for example, rejects the laity's vision of God himself. If during confession a parishioner tells the priest that he has seen God or the saints, he will certainly hear that this is supposedly from the evil one, that even Moses was not allowed to see the Almighty, and will receive advice to drive away the visions through fasting and prayer. The Orthodox Church defends age-old dogmas, but humanity changes, evolves, ultimately purifies itself, reaches certain higher states, in which it comes into contact with a more subtle world, and it is possible for it to see God and hear His voice. After all, a priest is a kind of conductor between an ordinary person and God; there are also very strict canons, according to which a priest does not have the right to reveal many sacraments to the laity. But if every parishioner suddenly begins to communicate directly with the Creator, then the need for the Church itself will simply disappear! But the priests themselves, or at least some of them (from the highest spiritual diocese) achieve such states. And I know this for sure, I can at least give the example of Father German from Sergiev Posad.

In addition, probably any psychic will tell you that the Orthodox religion is not the only one that can lead a person to the Kingdom of Heaven. The ways of the Lord are inscrutable - you can come to God by professing Catholicism, Islam, and Buddhism, and by studying in some esoteric schools. The paths are different, the methods are different, the goal is the same! But faith alone is not enough for purification and improvement; knowledge is also necessary! But what kind of knowledge is this, how and where to get it? This question is asked by those who are dissatisfied with simply attending a church service every week. Seek and you will find, and maybe they will find you. It is for this knowledge, for such statements, that the Orthodox Church, to put it mildly, does not like us, even the “white” psychics who heal with prayers.

— It’s probably difficult for you psychics to live among ordinary people?

- In general, yes. After all, a psychic knows a lot that an ordinary person does not know. He doesn’t know about himself, about those around him, about society. It's hard to explain, but the weight of knowledge weighs heavily. I knew people who acquired the ability of clairvoyance, but they were so afraid of such knowledge that they were simply ready to give it up and asked higher powers for it. In recent years, I have been devoting myself not even to healing, but to public peacemaking activities. In principle, every psychic knows his task, given to him from above. I became a member of the Supreme Environmental Council under the Environmental Committee of the Federal Assembly and chairman of Russian and international peace marches. We have already walked through many cities and countries, we plan to go through Chechnya and throughout Europe. Our task is to ensure that a peaceful movement for the benefit of humanity covers the entire Earth.

—Can an ordinary person, if he really wants to, become a psychic?

— In principle, yes, this is possible, since such potential capabilities are inherent in any person. But, as I already mentioned, it is very difficult. You need knowledge and a lot of work on yourself. However, we live in a transitional period from one millennium to another - an era characterized by the appearance of a large number of people with paranormal abilities, people at a higher spiritual level of development. Soon these abilities will begin to be perceived as normal, ordinary. The new coming of Christ is not far off. “...The good seed are the sons of the Kingdom, and the tares are the sons of the evil one,...So it will be at the end of the age: Angels will come out and separate the wicked from among the righteous” (Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 13). I understand these words to mean that the grain is people with new opportunities, the chaff is weeds, people who, before the second coming, were never able to realize their hidden potential.

). So the dark spirits, through the people under their control, apparently proclaimed truth and truth. So, you had to believe them?

But the Lord Himself “forbade them to say that they knew that He was the Christ” ( Luke 4:41). "Shut up and get out of it" ( Mark 1:25), - He usually said to the invisible soothsayer, who spoke through a possessed person. The Savior did not want the truth to be proclaimed with unclean lips, as the Holy Scripture says, “praise is unpleasant in the mouth of a sinner, for it was not sent from the Lord” ( Sir.15:9). After all, dark forces, taking advantage of people’s trust, would certainly mix lies with the truth...

There is a Committee for the Rescue of Youth from Totalitarian Sects in Moscow. One day one of his employees conducted a simple experiment. Taking a photograph of a friend who had died many years ago, she visited ten psychic healers who, according to the advertisement, determined a person’s illness from the photograph. What clairvoyant experts have not diagnosed! Everyone’s conclusion was the same: the deceased must urgently come to them for treatment, and, as they promised, for a certain fee she will receive health.

However, the phenomenon of clairvoyance exists. In the life of F.M. Dostoevsky had one notable incident that occurred in 1877. This is how Dostoevsky’s wife Anna Grigorievna Snitkina describes it: “This autumn, a great admirer of my husband’s talent, the writer Vsevolod Sergeevich Solovyov, visited us quite often. One day, when he came to us, he told his husband that he had met an interesting lady, Mrs. Field, who, having very accurately determined his past life, predicted for him some facts that, to his surprise, had already come true. When Soloviev headed home, my husband, who had been taking a long walk in the evenings, went out with him. The dear husband asked Solovyov whether Mrs. Field lived far away, and, having learned that she lived close, invited him to go see her right away. Soloviev agreed, and they headed to the fortune teller. Mrs. Field, of course, had no idea who her unfamiliar guest was, but what she predicted to Fyodor Mikhailovich came true exactly. Mrs. Field predicted to her husband that in the near future he would be worshiped, great glory, such as he could not even imagine - and this prediction came true at the Pushkin festival! To our great misfortune, her sad prediction that soon her husband would suffer family grief also came true - our dear Alyosha died! Fyodor Mikhailovich told me about the fortune teller’s sad prediction after our loss.”

The book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles describes a very instructive story that clearly reveals the nature of clairvoyance. We are talking about one of the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul, when he came to the city of Philippi. Paul was accompanied by the evangelist Luke, who therefore narrates in the first person: “It happened that when we were going to a house of prayer, we met a certain maid possessed by a spirit of divination, who through divination brought great income to her masters” ( Acts 16:16). It is directly stated here that obsession can manifest itself not only in inappropriate behavior, terrible body movements or unreasonable sounds, but also in the specious form of divination, that is, in clairvoyance. “Walking after Paul and after us, she shouted, saying: these men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation. She did this for many days" ( Acts 16:17-18). It would seem that in order to win people over to one’s side one must use the prophecy of an authoritative clairvoyant who spoke the obvious truth. How does the holy apostle react? “Paul, being indignant, turned and said to the spirit: in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her. And the spirit left at that same hour" ( Acts 16:18). The holy apostle definitely stops clairvoyance for the sake of freedom of both his preaching and the possessed person from the dark, evil spirit. The result was persecution of Paul by the masters of the clairvoyant servant, who from that time on lost the income from her divinations. However, this was much better than accepting demonic helpfulness.

So, from the text of Holy Scripture it is clear that predictions can come from demons. It is important to take into account that demons, unlike angels, do not know the true future of a person. After all, God can reveal the future to angels, but the insight given by the Holy Spirit is inaccessible to demons. Therefore, demons cannot truly predict and prophesy. But fallen spirits, by their very nature, have a more subtle intuitive sense, they know human psychology and actions very well, they see the current life situation, they know how to make logical assumptions about the consequences, therefore dark spirits do not so much see as they analyze the possible future of a person, they report this to a spiritualist or soothsayer, and he passes it on to his visitor. In addition, they can predict what they themselves will then arrange with their dark influence.

St. Anthony the Great explained how demons can pretend to be soothsayers: “They often say a few days in advance that the brethren will come, and they actually come. The demons do this not out of concern for those who listen to them, but in order to arouse in them faith in themselves and then, having already subjugated them to themselves, destroy them... What is surprising if someone, having a body, the subtlest of the human body, and seeing those who have entered the path, precedes them in the procession and announces about them?.. Sometimes they eloquently announce the water in the Nile River, seeing that there was a lot of rain in the Ethiopian countries, and knowing that they cause flooding in the river; before the water comes to Egypt, they run there and predict... This is how pagan prophecies arose, this is how people have long been misled by demons.”

Relying on clairvoyants has often failed superstitious people. Saint Cyprian of Carthage, in his treatise “On the Vanity of Idols,” provides information about Roman consuls who believed favorable predictions of victory for them, entered into battle, but in the end some were killed and others were taken prisoner. On the contrary, consul Caesar directly ignored the prophecies that forbade sailing to Africa before winter, arrived safely and won. The Roman historian Suetonius provides information about how a representative of the lower class, Telephus, planned to attack Emperor Augustus and the Senate only because he was seduced by a prophecy that promised him supreme power.

The words of St. John Chrysostom are very appropriate here: “Prophecy is primarily the work of God, which demons cannot even imitate, no matter how much they intensify. There may still be some seduction in miracles, but predicting the future with accuracy is characteristic of only one Eternal Being. If demons ever did this, it was only to deceive the foolish, and therefore their prophecy is always easy to expose as a lie.”

A clear illustration of this truth is an example recorded by the pre-revolutionary author, priest Grigory Dyachenko: “Two sisters on the night of Holy Easter wanted to know about their future. They decided to listen under the windows at the end of the village. Suddenly they imagined a funeral procession and the eldest of them lying in a coffin. The younger one ran home in fright, and the older sister immediately fell to the ground unconscious. She went crazy and was ill for three months. Now she is already an old woman of about seventy. And all the time after this misfortune, with her admonitions, she dissuaded many young girls and women from unreasonable temptations - to torture the unknown future.”

But how should we react to the fact that there is some truth in the predictions? According to St. John Chrysostom, “such is one of the tricks of the devil that he always mixes error with the truth itself, embellishing it with various semblances of truth, so that it is all the more easy to deceive the gullible.” By turning to clairvoyants, fortune-tellers, spiritualists and all other similar seers, we risk falling under the influence of the forces of evil, which will certainly cause harm. For example, in the 19th century, spiritualism in the form of fortune telling was very developed, and St. Philaret of Moscow describes one similar case in a letter to the abbot of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Rev. Anthony (Medvedev): “The fortune teller treated a girl in the direction of the table, but she was getting worse. Finally he asked the table what it meant. The table said that the girl would die in a few days and then be resurrected in three days. The girl died, but did not resurrect, and the fortune teller and his sister, who participated in the same thing, were damaged in their minds... I advised taking him to St. Sergius and turning to you so that you could arrange for prayers to be performed over him.”

One of our contemporary women, possessing the “gift” of clairvoyance, who even dared to help the police in investigating crimes, assured that she was in contact with the souls of the deceased, and therefore those who died from criminals allegedly themselves tell the details of their death, even showing the location of their bodies (if such were considered lost). Among the many “revelations” that she had, the clairvoyant singled out one: once she saw the soul of Lenin, walking towards her with a smile. The seer asked the leader of the revolution a burning question: “Where are you now? In heaven? “No,” he replied. "In hell?" – she asked. “No,” he said again. “So where are you?” – the seer was surprised. "Here on earth." - "But why?" - “Because they don’t bury me.”

This example clearly shows that occult revelations are accompanied by obvious superstition. They are inseparable from each other, just as the decay of a corpse is inseparable from the stench emanating from it. Man naively thinks that the soul remains here only because his body is not buried in the ground, as if the immortal soul is endlessly attached to the unburied body. Invisible tempters are interested in such delusions, ready to “reveal” anything for the sake of our destruction, except for what will bring salvation to our soul.

For the most part, people turn to clairvoyants because they want to know their future. This curiosity to know the future in itself reveals the deep folly of man. No matter how such curiosity is justified, its spiritual reasons are hidden in the reluctance to live in the present, because a person is accustomed to wasting time, wasting himself on vanity and nonsense. Saint Basil the Great taught: “Do not be curious about the future, but use the present to your advantage. For what benefit is it to you to anticipate knowledge? If the future brings you something good, it will come, although you did not foreknow it. And if it is sorrowful, what gain is it for you to languish in sorrow in advance? Do you want to make sure of the future? Fulfill what is prescribed by the Gospel law and expect to enjoy benefits (that is, spiritual benefits in the Kingdom of God for fulfilling the commandments on earth. - V.D.).”

Appeal to astrologers, fortune tellers, palmists, clairvoyants, etc. is connected with the common misconception that the future is viewed as a pre-written, ready-made history. The future is likened to a text sealed in an envelope, which cannot be opened by an ordinary person, but which can be read with the help of secret knowledge - as if opening the envelope slightly and peeking at what is there. In fact, the picture of our existence is completely different. The future is unknown not because we cannot read it, but because it simply does not exist, because it is shaped by our real life. This text is not at all sealed from the eyes of those who want to know, but is written in daily life. The future is not known to us for the important reason that a person is endowed with free will, and since he is free in his actions, there is no strictly prescribed future. Of course, God revealed something from the future of people. But this is not due to the fact that God has prepared an unchangeable, predetermined fate for people, but because He is outside our limited world, and the depths of our hearts, our free decisions and wills are open to His all-penetrating gaze. Thus, the Lord God knows which person to call to a certain path in life. There is God's plan for the life of each of us, but real destiny is made up of our personal interaction with Divine Providence, response to God's call or unwillingness to respond, and God's attempts to lead us to salvation. All this creates our future path in life.

Let us repeat that many people, unfortunately, are in the wrong position. They are curious about the future, while the present is no longer interesting. The essence of this is that a person scatters himself in sins, all kinds of vain affairs, therefore in the present he does not experience the fullness of life, but in the future he believes in at least some hope for diversity and success and therefore wants to look there in advance. But you must turn your gaze, first of all, to God, in whose hands is a person’s present, and his future, and even the past: for repentance of past sins, the Lord blots them out, thereby arranging the best future for a person and making the present happier .

Valery Dukhanin


Dostoevskaya A.G. Memoirs. M., 2002. P. 293. We consider it necessary to provide a more detailed description of this event from “Memoirs of F. M. Dostoevsky” by the writer Vsevolod Solovyov, who accompanied Dostoevsky to the fortune teller. Here, a feature characteristic of clairvoyant occultists is clearly attested: “revelations” are presented in the most general terms, without specifics, vaguely, blurry and insinuatingly, with an admixture of many absurdities. However, Dostoevsky himself did not think so. What is absolutely certain is that in guessing the true events there was also a lot of falsehood mixed in. Here's a short version of the story:

“After sitting until four hours, I was about to leave, when suddenly he (Dostoevsky) stopped me and asked:

- Yes, I almost forgot... Do you know the French fortune teller Field?

“Several years ago,” I answered, “an old lady I knew, who then lived in Moscow, begged me to visit this Field, show her her photographic portrait, listen to what she had to say, and then tell her. The old woman assured me that this Field could not be called an ordinary fortune teller, that she was a wonderful fortune teller; at the same time, she conveyed to me many interesting cases of her prophecies coming true. I was little interested in these stories, but, wanting to fulfill the promise I made to the venerable old lady, having arrived in St. Petersburg, I immediately went with her portrait to this French woman.

- So what? What impression did she make on you? – Dostoevsky asked lively and with visible interest.

- Strange. This is a small, lively old woman with some special, black eyes and an extraordinary gift of speech. She completely started talking to me and interested me, because she very accurately and definitely described the character of my friend, whose portrait I came with...

“Didn’t you ask her anything about yourself?”

- I asked. She predicted for me for more than an hour, talked a lot of nonsense, but among this nonsense she also said things that, as it seemed to me then, could not happen in any way and which, nevertheless, happened to me in all the smallest details that she predicted. I visited her again, and she again told me a lot of nonsense and a lot of truth. In any case, she is an interesting woman, and I think she has moments of inspiration.

- Well... Yes, all this is exactly what I’ve heard about her more than once... Do you know her address? Let's go now, I want to know what she will tell me!..

We set off. Field lived in the same house and took us in. Fyodor Mikhailovich was very serious. He asked her to predict for him in my presence. But the Frenchwoman resolutely refused: it was not in her rules.

“In that case, there’s nothing to do,” he whispered to me, “but I give you my word, without holding back, to tell you everything she tells me.”

I was left waiting in the tiny living room and was bored for more than an hour. Finally Dostoevsky came out. He was excited, his eyes sparkled.

- Let's go, let's go! – he mysteriously whispered to me.

We got out and set off on foot. He walked in silence for several minutes, head down. Then he suddenly stopped, grabbed my hand and spoke:

– Yes, she is an interesting woman, and I am glad that we went to her. She may have lied, but I haven’t felt such a strong impression in a long time. Oh, how she knows how to draw people! If only you knew how she told me my situation!

- What did she tell you? After all, you gave me your word to tell everything without hiding!

– And I’ll tell you, just don’t spread it among strangers for a long time; maybe she lied about everything, it will turn out stupid...

He told me everything she told him about his various family circumstances. Then it turned out that more than half did not come true, but some did come true. She told him, among other things, that in the spring he would have death in the house. And although there was a lot of nonsense in the details of this prediction, death actually happened that same spring: his little son died, whose sudden death greatly shocked him. But the point is not this, but other predictions. Not knowing who he was and not being able to determine his activities, Field predicted great fame for him, which would begin soon.

“She said,” he said, “that such fame and honor awaited me that I could never even dream of.” If I believe her, they will carry me in their arms, shower me with flowers - and all this will increase every year, and I will die at the height of this glory... But, my dear, maybe she is a liar, only an interesting... interesting liar! But now I’ll still be waiting for this glory, and that’s comforting!

“It’s good that she predicted your glory,” I remarked, “but she also predicted family grief...

– Yes, and now I think that it will probably happen. I'm telling you: she made a very strong impression on me. After all, others speak in generalities, more or less cleverly, but now you notice the quackery, every prediction can be turned one way or another - well, with her everything is clear, definite. Interesting woman!..

I left him in a very excited state. Returning home, I found my brother at my place, that same evening Apollo Nikolaevich Maikov was with me, and since they were both close to Fyodor Mikhailovich and I knew that what he reported would not be spread, I decided to tell them the details of the prediction, made by a French woman. Then Fyodor Mikhailovich himself told someone about this prediction. He did not have to wait long for its fulfillment: universal sympathy and ardent worship of the youth came suddenly, intensifying every day, expressed by noisy applause, offering wreaths and flowers. Dostoevsky achieved such popularity as had never before befallen a Russian writer... And he died at the height of this fame..."

Athanasius the Great, Saint. Life of our Venerable Father Anthony // Athanasius the Great, Saint. Creations. T. 3. M., 1994. pp. 205–206.

See: Suetonius Gaius Tranquillus. About the life of the Caesars. St. Petersburg, 1998. P. 53.

John Chrysostom, saint. Conversations on the Gospel of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian // John Chrysostom, saint. Complete collection of creations. T. 8. Book. 1. M., 2002. P. 127.

Dyachenko Grigory, archpriest. Spiritual world. Stories and reflections leading to recognition of the existence of the spiritual world. M, 1900. P. 325–326.

John Chrysostom, saint. Interpretation of St. Matthew the Evangelist // St. John Chrysostom. Complete collection of creations. T. 7. Book. 2. St. Petersburg, 1901. P. 481.

Letters from Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow to the abbot of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, Archimandrite Anthony. T. 3. M., 1884. P. 299. Currently, a session on spiritualism looks somewhat different. Typically, participants sit at the table in such a way as to create a closed circle. According to the rules of magic, there should be no crosses, icons or other shrines on all those present, as well as in the room itself, otherwise a conversation with the other world will not work. All hands are brought to a saucer located in the center of the table, which, after asking a question, begins to move towards the letters placed around the saucer. Spiritualists believe that they communicate with the dead; in fact, this is an ordinary form of seduction by dark spirits. In the 19th century, the table made a certain knocking noise. This is how Saint Theophan the Recluse writes about spiritualism: “What is spiritualism? - Demons. Demons are fooling... One beauty wrote from St. Petersburg that someone began to practice spiritualism in front of her, wanting to show her the wonder of spiritualism. And she began to read “May God rise again.” He sat and sat... to no avail, and confessed: “No, it won’t work, you’re an unbeliever.” She is a true believer, and does not believe in spiritualist demonic tricks. In the Caucasus, there was such a case that a pious family became interested in spiritualism: the husband, the wife, the husband’s brother and someone else... and they began to obtain revelations... Finally, some strong contradiction was encountered in the testimony. They are to torture the one who spoke. He turns away, but unsuccessfully. One of those present addressed him with the following speech: “We conjure you in the name of the true God, tell us: who are you?” He answered: “I am a demon.” - “Why are you fooling us?” “In the hope,” he answered, “to lead you to either false thoughts or unkind deeds”... Since then, the family has said goodbye to spiritualism” (Theophan the Recluse, saint. Manuscripts from the cell. M., 2008. P. 646 ).

Basil the Great, Saint. Creations. Part 1. Sergiev Posad, 1900. P. 259.

Victor Rogozhkin 14.06.2016

The "third eye" has been talked about for a long time. And not only in the east. Remember the fairy tale about Tiny little girl: “Sleep the little eye, sleep the other one, sleep the third one...”

Clairvoyants have always aroused interest, awe and fear. Rulers always consulted with such people and... often sent them to the scaffold and the stake when the predictions came true.

Nowadays, even the orthodox scientists have come to terms with the effect of being able to read information from IPs: the predictions of Vasily Nemchin, Michel Nostradamus, Vanga... gradually knocked down the arrogance of the most inveterate nihilists, and serious scientific publications on this topic appeared. Let us also try to understand this difficult question at first glance: how clairvoyants actually see.

At the end of the past century, the American Center for Brain Research, having spent several billion dollars on research, came to the conclusion that the ancient scientists were right - a person does not think with the brain, but with some external field structure (mental plane); the brain and central nervous system perform only the role of a kind of switchboard.

Our physical plane, the physical body, is a four-dimensional volumetric resonator that perceives information not only with the senses known to orthodox science, but also with every cell, every molecule and elementary particle entering the body. At the same time, taking into account the properties of higher metric spaces, time and distance do not play any role.

The time factor is a property of our four-dimensional space. Only here the time flow shows the direction of yesterday - today - tomorrow. Starting from the astral plane, the time flow becomes a multidimensional Field of Events, where everything happens simultaneously. In the astral-mental plane, the concepts of past, present and future are absent. This opens up the possibility of the astral-mental plane reading information through the individual from the entire Field of Events.

Remember the situation with the soldiers on the forest path. Something similar happens with clairvoyants. The ability of free astral-mental access to Information Fields allows them to view the entire Field of Events. This ability is not something unique. All people must, even must, have sensory abilities. There are no psychics! This term itself is at least stupid, like other terms: biofield, healing, etc.

Doctors say that only 4% of human brain cells are used. The remaining 96% is a certain safety margin, it is not clear what it is intended for. For those who claim this, it may be true. In nature, nothing is created just like that. There are no rudiments! For example, the appendix on the astral plane is the master generator of the entire immune system. Removal of the appendix in this embodiment provokes the possibility of AIDS in the next incarnation cycle.

4% of our brain cells are, as it were, a block of self-preservation of the physical plane, what in esoteric philosophy is called the human ego. The ego is responsible for the possibility of realizing the natality of birth (an astrological natal chart is like a kind of technical passport according to which our multidimensional essence can realize itself in the physical plane of four-dimensional space).

The remaining 96% of brain cells provide the connection between the ego and the astral-mental plane. For the majority of people, this relationship is blocked by the action of an external alien Implementation Program. However, almost all newborn children do not have this blockage and many children have free astral-mental vision. Almost all parents face this. For example, a child is afraid to sleep alone in a room. He complains to his mother that a scary grandmother is standing in the corner of the room and he is afraid of her. The child simply sees the astral plane of the former owner of the apartment who died and was not released into the next incarnation. Or another situation. The child seems to be playing alone in the room. At the same time, he communicates with someone, talks. And this someone is a brownie. Remember Lafanya from the cartoon. Brownies usually look like this. Naturally, the mother, “blind” in the astral-mental “range,” with fright, pulls her child to the psychiatrist, who kindly: “You have a tranquilizer on you, little doll, eat it. Sleep the little eye, sleep the other one, sleep the third one! Don’t you see now? Well done! Stomp on.” into the common “flock of slain sheep.” Anesthesia during surgical interventions is used for the same purposes - the astral plane is completely detached from the physical and reverse restoration does not occur without energy-informational correction.

The “third eye” is a normal state for any person! Christ told people: “You are sinners because you are blind. And if you think that you have sight, then you will remain sinners forever!” How stupid are all kinds of “teachers” and “gurus” who claim that the “third eye” is open only to the highly spiritual and advanced! This is what you can open. But this one lacks spirituality, let him walk blind. I wonder what kind of ruler they use to measure this very spirituality? A person either has spirituality or is completely absent. Unfortunately, for most people, the astral-mental plane is completely blocked; there is no connection between the ego and the multidimensional essence. These people actually represent biomass - the raw material of the Capacity Removal program by "brothers in mind." Most of them, having undergone medical and biological experiments of rotational seizures, are biorobots and carry out on Earth a program recorded on implanted microchip implants. In the Bible they were called “not recorded in the Book of Fate” - Information Fields. However, they can also be helped to normalize, but more on that later.

In the esotericism of the East there is a conditional gradation of vision with the “third eye”. The lowest level is a video camera: I see, but I don’t know what I see, and even more so, I don’t understand. Further levels follow: I see and understand, I see and know... And then - a sharp jump: I don’t see, but I know!

In order to understand how this very vision actually works, let us remember the drawing of the Pyramid of Multidimensionality and consider Fig. 39.

The astral-mental plane of a person perceives information from the Event Field through the Information Fields. This information is projected onto all levels of information carriers of the Pyramid of Multidimensionality: the nucleons in such and such molecules have turned their spin; the molecules, in turn, slightly changed their shape, which resulted in a change in volumetric resonance, and the cell generated an electrical impulse. This impulse travels through the central nervous system to the brain - to the very 96% of cells that form the image of the perceived information. This image is perceived by our ego - 4% of cells. The perception of an image of information is multifaceted: a thought appears, a person hears a voice or sees an image. So-called clairvoyance is just a small part of the perception of information. Let's take a closer look at how this happens.

An electrical impulse from the brain is sent to the retina of the eyes. The rods and cones are excited - a virtual image is formed, which, in turn, is again perceived by the cones and rods of the retina. An electrical impulse travels along the optic nerve to the visual center of the brain, and the image of the perceived information is recognized. Beginners look with their eyes closed. As you gain experience, there is no need to close your eyes. Almost everyone can remember their childhood visions, until medicine and the zombifying education system covered your “third eye.”

So, clairvoyance is not seeing through walls or through the patient's tissues. Clairvoyance is a free relationship between the ego of the physical plane and the astral-mental plane of the multidimensional essence of a person. The "third eye" is our entire physical body.

The level of information perception directly depends on intellectual abilities. The more a person knows, the easier it is for him to understand what he sees. Let me give you one example. A female healer turned to the ENIO Center for help. She underwent appropriate training and had been practicing for many years, possessing good clairvoyance. However, somewhere in the work I made a mistake. She was constantly tormented both day and night by nightmarish visions - entities of the so-called lower astral plane. The woman asked to close her “third eye” because she was tired of all this. However, during the energy-informational correction, we took a different path: we began to look in the individual entrepreneur for the reason why this happened to her. During the correction, employees, in particular, perceived the following images. One saw a huge panel with light bulbs, some of which were not lit, and when asked in her mental plan what needed to be done, she saw that she needed to screw in the extinguished light bulbs. Another employee took the image of a heating device called a “goat” and illegally used by workers on construction sites - an asbestos pipe with a heating coil wound around it. The spiral in the perceived image was all twisted, as is usually the case in real life. This employee, when asked what needs to be done to normalize the patient, saw three options: turn off the heater completely, fill it with water, or normalize the resistance of the coil along its entire length. Even this figurative perception helped to form the thought form necessary for the patient’s normalization - she stopped having nightmares and began to work normally.

After the correction, the employees literally attacked me. What kind of work is this, supposedly, of the “third eye”, what is this vision of some light bulbs and “goats” instead of real information. But what did they mean by real information? Well, they could see that in the glia of the brain in such and such a molecule, such and such a specific nucleon changed its spin to the opposite one, as a result of which the interconnections of the synapses were disrupted. This led to a disruption in the healer’s normal perception. But the staff at that moment had no idea about glia, synapses, or nucleons. Therefore, their mental plane adapted the information to the level of ego intelligence. Naturally, the higher a person’s intellectual abilities, the higher the level of information perception.

Almost every day we have to deal with the fact that after energy-informational correction, patients’ astral-mental vision begins to work perfectly. For many, this vision works normally without correction all their lives, but they did not even mean it, not knowing that this is the so-called “third eye”. Most people simply don’t know how to use it! An unfortunate Indian yogi abstains from everything for twenty years and meditates to see the aura. Our pie seller at the market simply diagnoses, finds what is missing and gives the names and addresses of her mistresses... And all sorts of “scammers” force narrow-minded people hungry for easy money to fork out money.

What is called the “third eye” is the whole complex of information perception: clairvoyance, telepathy, dreaming, intuition...

This also includes working with dowsing frames and a pendulum. Let's consider, for example, using the Pyramid of Multidimensionality to work with a pendulum. If the operator does not have visualization of mental images, his mental plane, in response to the ego’s request, “outputs” multidimensional information in binary codes to the right and left through the astral plane. The operator himself sets the sign value of these codes. If the pendulum rotates clockwise, it means “yes”; if it rotates counterclockwise, it means “no”. The two-dimensional information of the three-dimensional rotation of the pendulum is visually perceived by the operator and translated into four-dimensional images. This closes the question-answer chain.

Often, when a clairvoyant or operator is working with a pendulum or dowsing frame, you can hear: “They showed me... They told me... This is real information, and this is “misconception”...” This approach not only seems to relieve responsibility for what was seen and communicated information, but also opens up the possibility of real zombification by other mental plans and egregorial programs.

Any information from the Information Fields should be perceived and filtered only by your own mental plane and adapted to the level of perception by your ego. Therefore, it is more expedient to say: “I see... I perceived the information... I am sure that this is so...” This is how you will block the passage of misinformation.

Experience of working with groups of clairvoyants to solve a specific problem made it possible to understand that in this case it is impossible to highlight the importance and primacy of information perceived by one or another eniocorrector. Remember fig. 1 "Chamomile of knowledge".

Information is multidimensional. For our ego’s perception, the mental plane adapts information. In this case, inevitably, some information is lost due to our four-dimensional thinking.

Therefore, when considering serious complex programs, it is necessary to combine the efforts of a group of clairvoyants and superposition of the information they perceive.

To understand a foreign language, you need a dictionary of translation terms. Without this you will not understand anything. A similar situation is true in the case of astral-mental perception of multidimensional information. In order for a clairvoyant to perceive a clear image, a translation “dictionary” is needed. This is the whole difficulty - not only to see, but also to understand what it is. Such a “dictionary” has been created for thousands of years, but there is still no adequacy in the perceived information. For example, some authors claim that the “astral double” is located above a person’s head and is located upside down. Others are upside down and underfoot.

Consider the following illustrative example. Ants, from the point of view of orthodox science, can be considered “flat creatures” - they perceive mainly two-dimensional information - forward - backward, right - left. Let's imagine that the ants have their own scientists and they are studying the stump of a cut tree. In their steps, the ants measured the height and width of the stump and counted the annual rings. In the future, as they gain experience, they will be able to identify a particular tree.

However, the way of thinking will not allow the scientist ants to understand what a living intelligent tree was, from which the stump remained, and, moreover, what a forest is. These concepts lie beyond the scope of the worldview of ants, and to perceive this information, an “expansion of consciousness” is necessary.

Something similar happens when studying multidimensional cause-and-effect relationships in the energy-information exchange of the Universe. Often our ego does not have an adequate “dictionary” for translating multidimensional information into generally accepted terms. Therefore, when faced with another new program, a clairvoyant (hereinafter referred to as an eniocorrector; the term “clairvoyant” sounds too philistine) usually first perceives information in a simplified form: light - dark, good - bad, dangerous - safe, etc. When A group of eniocorrectors may have completely different perceptions of this. Gradually, with a multi-perspective study of the program, the generalized mental plan of the group (in a way, an egregor) begins to form a certain conditional image, which leads to the adequacy of the perception of information by eniocorrectors up to a complete coincidence of what they saw.

However, it is not an end in itself for everyone to see the same thing - there is a danger of missing, even minor, projections of information. When a group works, everyone perceives one or another information plan. Combining the mental images of this information allows the formation of a generalized mental plan of the thought form necessary for carrying out the correction.

Let's summarize this chapter: the “third eye” is the entire multifaceted perception of multidimensional information by all projections of the essence. What is commonly called a person is just a four-dimensional volumetric resonator that allows this entity to cognize and change this world in one direction or another.

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The Third Eye has been talked about for a long time. And not only in the East. Remember the fairy tale about Tiny little girl: “Sleep the little eye, sleep the other one, sleep the third one...”.
Clairvoyants have always aroused not only interest, but also awe and fear. Rulers always consulted with such people and often sent them to the scaffold and the stake when the predictions came true.
Nowadays, even the orthodoxies of science have come to terms with the effect of being able to read information from Information Fields (IF): the predictions of Vasily Nemchin, Michel Nostardamus, Vanga have gradually knocked down the arrogance of the most inveterate nihilists, and serious scientific publications on this topic have appeared. Let us also look into this difficult, at first glance, question: how do clairvoyants actually see?
At the end of the past century, the American Center for Brain Research, having spent several billion dollars on research, came to the conclusion that ancient scientists were right - a person does not think with the brain, but with some external field structure (mental plane), and the brain and central nervous system act as a kind of switch .
Our physical plane, the physical body, is a four-dimensional volumetric resonator that perceives information not only with the well-known sense organs, but also with every cell, every molecule and elementary particle entering the body. In this case, time and distance do not play any role.
The time factor is a property of our four-dimensional space. Only here the time flow shows the direction “yesterday—today—tomorrow.” Starting from the astral plane, the time flow becomes a multidimensional Field of Events, where everything happens simultaneously. On the astral-mental plane, the concepts of “past”, “present”, “future” are absent. This opens up the possibility of the astral-mental plane reading information through the individual from the entire Field of Events. This ability is not something unique. All people potentially have sensory abilities.
Doctors say that only 4% of human brain cells are used. The remaining 96% is a certain safety margin, it is not clear what it is intended for. For those who claim this, it may be true. But in nature nothing is created just like that. For example, the appendix on the astral plane is the master generator of the entire immune system. 4% of our brain cells are, as it were, a block of self-preservation on the physical plane, what is called a person’s ego, his consciousness. The remaining 96% of brain cells provide the connection between the ego and the astral-mental plane. For the majority of people, this relationship is blocked both by alien programs and internal negativity (actions, thoughts, idealizations, lack of love in the heart, and much more).
However, almost all newborn children do not have this blockage, and children have free astral-mental vision. Many parents face this. For example, a child is afraid to sleep in a room alone because a scary grandmother is standing in the corner, and he is afraid of her. The child simply sees the astral plane of the deceased former owner of the apartment. Caring parents take their child to the doctor, and he prescribes calming drops. The child no longer sees anything, and no wonder: under the influence of light tranquilizers, his vision was closed, i.e. the connection between 4% and 96% was blocked. During surgical interventions when anesthesia is used, the astral plane is completely torn off from the physical body, and reverse restoration, with rare exceptions, does not occur without energy-informational correction.
I had a patient who described her condition like this:
“I have a feeling that I seem to be suspended somewhere, I exist on my own, and my physical body is on its own.”
Her recovery also took a very long time (this is the reason). After the correction session, she completely connected with her body and her health quickly improved.
The third eye is a normal phenomenon for any person. Christ told people:
“You are sinners because you are blind. If you think that you are sighted, then you will remain sinners forever!”
In the esotericism of the East there is a conditional gradation of vision with the Third Eye. The lowest level: I see, but I do not know and do not understand what I see. The following are the levels: I see and understand, I see and know. And the highest level - I don’t see, but I know!
Let's take a closer look at how the process of accepting and processing information in the brain actually occurs. The astral-mental plane of a person perceives information from the Event Field through Information Fields. This information is projected onto all levels of information carriers of the Pyramid of Multidimensionality: nucleons in such and such molecules have turned their spin; the molecules, in turn, slightly changed their shape, which resulted in a change in volumetric resonance and the cell generated an electrical impulse. This impulse travels through the central nervous system to the brain - to the very 96% of cells that form the image of the perceived information. An electrical impulse from the brain is sent to the retina of the eyes. The rods and cones are excited - a virtual image is formed, which, in turn, is again perceived by the retina. An electrical impulse travels along the optic nerve to the visual center of the brain, and the image of the perceived information is recognized.
Beginners look with their eyes closed. As you gain experience, there is no need to close your eyes.

So, clairvoyance is not seeing through walls or through the patient's tissue. Clairvoyance is a free relationship between the physical plane ego and the astral-mental plane of human multidimensionality.
The level of information perception directly depends on intellectual abilities. The more a person knows, the easier it is for him to understand what he sees. If a person does not have information about any ongoing process, then he will perceive the information in the form of an image. What is called the “third eye” is the whole complex of information perception: clairvoyance, telepathy, dreaming, intuition...
Many people are unaware that they are using the Third Eye. One patient was very surprised when she was told that her Third Eye was open: “I didn’t even know. I usually stand and look at people passing by. This one is well-fed, this one won’t eat this, but this one will buy it. Then I shout: “The pies are hot! Why yell in vain..."
Any information from the Information Fields must be perceived and filtered by our own mental plane and adapted to the level of perception of our ego. In this case, some information is inevitably lost due to our four-dimensional thinking. Therefore, when considering complex situations, it is necessary to combine the efforts of a group of clairvoyants. Since our ego often lacks an adequate “dictionary” for translating multidimensional information into generally accepted terms, a clairvoyant usually perceives it in a simplified form: light-dark, good-bad, dangerous-safe, etc. Moreover, a group of clairvoyants may have completely different perceptions. Combining mental images of this information allows you to form a generalized image.
In my practice, I observe cases when, after the necessary eniocorrection, the patient’s Third Eye begins to work perfectly. Sometimes this requires one session, sometimes ten - it all depends on the level of “slagging”. We cleanse his astral-mental plane, work through some situations through awareness, restore the connection between the ego and the astral-mental plane - and the person becomes much more “sighted”.
Let's summarize: The third eye is the entire multidimensional perception of multidimensional information by all projections of the essence. What is commonly called a person is just a four-dimensional volumetric resonator that allows this entity to cognize and change the world in one direction or another.