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“How to work wherever you want, as much as you want and get a stable income” Scott Fox. How to work wherever you want, as much as you want and get a stable income

How did it happen that in our vaunted age of limitless possibilities, people do things they don’t like? It seems that everything in the material world has been invented to save a person from routine. And we’re not just talking about “smart” technology for eliminating homework. We're talking about the Internet! About the Internet as an escape from the main routine of our lives - office work. Most of us still spend 8 hours every day inside four walls, working for someone else. And we cannot but agree with Scott Fox, who believes that it is high time to stop doing this, since people invented the Internet.

This practical and inspiring book is about how to finally start living that wonderful life of your dreams. All for you - and success stories of several dozen people who managed to radically change their lifestyle by starting their own business on the Internet, and tips on how to build a profitable business without sacrificing material well-being, while working less than in a standard office job.


  • find a profitable niche on the Internet that is close to your interests and skills;
  • choose a business model - blogs, online services, affiliate marketing and even physical products;
  • position yourself as an expert;
  • attract your audience;
  • design a new way of life;
  • find a balance between dreams and profit to realize your ambitions.

Here’s a paradox - in fact, you will still work, but it will be so little and interesting that you will no longer be able to call your favorite thing “work”.

Who is this book for?

For you. If you haven’t yet found a recipe for happiness, mixed with what you love and free time for life, then this is definitely for you.

Book chips

Unlike most books on entrepreneurship, this book is a real find - it contains not only strategies for starting and growing a business, but also useful exercises. They will help you understand what your life goals really are and how best to adjust your business to them.

The book is easy and enjoyable to read, coupled with many specific tips that inspire you to immediately apply the acquired knowledge.

A direct analogue of the acclaimed bestseller “How to Work 4 Hours a Week” by Timothy Ferris, only with an emphasis on business and marketing on the Internet.

Work isn't necessarily something you hate.

HOW DO YOU FEEL on Monday morning? When you hear your alarm clock ringing, do you immediately open your eyes, burning with delight? Are you ready to hit the road with a cheerful step? Are you excited about the prospect of repeating this for many weeks, months and years to come?

I really hope that this is the case, but, unfortunately, the likelihood of this is low. In fact, almost 60% of people in the world don't like their jobs!

You're probably working too hard for too little, hanging out with people you don't like, and doing work you don't care about. At least some of this is true, right?

I don't think it's particularly healthy to spend all your waking hours doing something you don't like and doing it day after day. Work, work, dreaming that, having saved enough money, you will finally leave and get busy doing nothing.

Most self-help books focus on changing your attitude, visualizing wealth, or building relationships. However, the real problem is that most people hate their jobs and do not have enough money to make a living. Most of us devote more time to work than to any other activity. If after work you like to watch TV, sleep, or even waste time on the road home, you only have a couple of hours a day when your children, wife/husband, friends, hobbies can at least somehow count on your attention.

So the point is work. Do you like your job? Are you spending your days doing the work you think you were born to do? Or maybe you at least get a salary that outweighs all the daily frustrations and compromises?

If you've been paying attention to this book, I'm willing to bet your answer is no.

Your job should give you the opportunity to live the life you want, not force you into an unfulfilling lifestyle just so you can pay the bills. Maybe it’s worth creating a lifestyle that you will like, and then you won’t have to put your life on hold until retirement?

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How to work wherever you want, as much as you want and get a stable income

About the book
How did it happen that in our vaunted age of limitless possibilities, people do things they don’t like? It seems that everything in the material world has been invented to save a person from routine. And we’re not just talking about “smart” technology for eliminating homework. We're talking about the Internet! About the Internet as an escape from the main routine of our lives - office work. Most of us still spend 8 hours every day inside four walls, working for someone else. And we cannot but agree with Scott Fox, who believes that it is high time to stop doing this, since people invented the Internet.

This practical and inspiring book is about how to finally start living that wonderful life of your dreams. All for you - and success stories of several dozen people who managed to radically change their lifestyle by starting their own business on the Internet, and tips on how to build a profitable business without sacrificing material well-being, while working less than a standard office job.


  • find a profitable niche on the Internet that is close to your interests and skills;
  • choose a business model - blogs, online services, affiliate marketing and even physical products;
  • position yourself as an expert;
  • attract your audience;
  • design a new way of life;
  • find a balance between dreams and profit to realize your ambitions.
Here is a paradox - in fact, you will still work, but it will be so little and interesting that you will no longer be able to call your favorite thing “work”.

Who is this book for?

For you. If you haven’t yet found a recipe for happiness, mixed with what you love and free time for life, then this is definitely for you.

Book chips

Unlike most books on entrepreneurship, this book is a real find - it contains not only strategies for starting and growing a business, but also useful exercises. They will help you understand what your life goals really are and how best to adjust your business to them.

The book is easy and enjoyable to read, coupled with many specific tips that inspire you to immediately apply the acquired knowledge.

A direct analogue of the acclaimed bestseller “How to Work 4 Hours a Week” by Timothy Ferris, only with an emphasis on business and marketing on the Internet.

Work isn't necessarily something you hate

HOW DO YOU FEEL on Monday morning? When you hear your alarm clock ringing, do you immediately open your eyes, burning with delight? Are you ready to hit the road with a cheerful step? Are you excited about the prospect of repeating this for many weeks, months and years to come?

I really hope that this is the case, but, unfortunately, the likelihood of this is low. In fact, almost 60% of people in the world don't like their jobs!

You're probably working too hard for too little, hanging out with people you don't like, and doing work you don't care about. At least some of this is true, right?

I don't think it's particularly healthy to spend all your waking hours doing something you don't like and doing it day after day. Work, work, dreaming that, having saved enough money, you will finally leave and do nothing.

Most self-help books focus on changing your attitude, visualizing wealth, or building relationships. However, the real problem is that most people hate their jobs and do not have enough money to make a living. Most of us devote more time to work than to any other activity. If after work you like to watch TV, sleep, or even waste time on the road home, you only have a couple of hours a day when your children, wife/husband, friends, hobbies can at least somehow count on your attention.

So, it's a matter of work. Do you like your job? Are you spending your days doing the work you think you were born to do? Or maybe you at least get a salary that outweighs all the daily frustrations and compromises?

If you've been paying attention to this book, I'm willing to bet your answer is no.

Your job should give you the opportunity to live the life you want, not force you into an unfulfilling lifestyle just so you can pay the bills.
Maybe it’s worth creating a lifestyle that you will like, and then you won’t have to put your life on hold until retirement?

Scott Fox

How to work wherever you want, as much as you want and get a stable income

Published with permission from AMACOM, a division of the American Management Association, International

© C. Scott Fedewa, 2012. Published by AMACOM, a division of the American Management Association, International, New York. All rights reserved

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (www.litres.ru)

Platform: how to become visible on the Internet

Hyatt Michael

Startup for $100

Chris Guilbeault

Foreword from the publishing partner

Having extensive experience in creating and developing businesses on the Internet, we are convinced that working on the Internet is, first of all, working for yourself. It doesn’t matter where you live: everyone has the same opportunities for earning money, and each of you can find something to your liking. How does it work, where to start, what to choose, where to move? We are confident that this book will give you answers to many of these questions.

Let us note on our own the advantages of the Internet as a place of work and business.

There is no need to walk or travel to this job. Computer at home - we work at home. If you took your laptop on a tourist trip, your work “went” with you. Do the math: if you spend an hour and a half a day getting from home to the office and back for 5 days a week, 50 work weeks a year is 375 hours, more than two weeks a year! Time that could have been spent on a great vacation is spent simply getting to the place where you need to earn money for that vacation.

You have a wide choice of professions. If you live in a small town where your job options are limited to a few companies, you likely have few opportunities for self-fulfillment. Even a good specialist may not be in demand. The Internet gives you endless opportunities to develop in your field and create your own business.

You can significantly increase your income. In many areas of activity, earning a high income in a traditional job is difficult to achieve. But the earnings of those working on the Internet are on average higher than those of representatives of non-online professions.

And all this is called in one word - independence. You live where you want, work as much as you want, when you want and how you want. And you earn... I just want to write “as much as you want.” But you don’t earn as much as you want, but, as in non-network life, as much as you can. The amount of income depends on the chosen business and your experience.

We believe that this book will be the beginning of your online career, and we are always ready to help in promoting your project.

Enjoy reading!

SeoPult.ru team

To my father, who dedicated his life and career to helping others and taught me to do the same.

Meet Internet Millionaires

Internet business as a lifestyle - enjoy life and work less. Internet millionaires will never go back to the office!

Christine– writes a vibrant and lively blog straight from a beautiful vineyard located in the south of France (Chapter 10).

Dave– turned his passion for remote-controlled airplanes into a profitable business, becoming a bona fide YouTube star (Chapter 12).

Al– uses the professional knowledge gained from his previous job to produce a newsletter that is more successful than that of his former employer (Chapter 9).

Giancarlo– while still a college student, he founded a simple online business without his own products (Chapter 15).

Christin– left the office, retaining some of the clients and projects as a freelancer (Chapter 17).

Rob- an amazing hobby helped him quit his job, create a virtual community of more than 100 thousand people, and make money from it (Chapter 13).

Ann– Her significant success in Internet marketing allowed her husband and son to quit their jobs and start working with her from home (Chapter 16).

Three brothers from Germany– became billionaires simply by copying fashionable ideas from US startups and implementing them themselves (Chapter 18).

And many more inspiring examples - successful Internet projects from Internet millionaires.

Introduction. Work isn't necessarily something you hate

How are you feeling on Monday morning? When you hear the alarm ringing, do you immediately open your eyes burning with delight? Are you ready to hit the road with a cheerful step? Are you excited about the prospect of waking up like this for weeks, months, years?

I really hope that this is the case, but, unfortunately, the likelihood of this is low. In fact, according to one study, almost 60 percent of people in the world dislike their jobs! The Conference Board recently recorded the highest levels of job dissatisfaction among Americans in the 20 years it has been conducting these surveys.

You're probably working too hard for too little, hanging out with people you don't like, and doing work you don't care about. At least partly this is true, isn't it?

I don't think it's particularly helpful to spend all your waking hours doing something you don't like and doing it day after day. Work, work, dreaming that, having saved enough money, you will finally leave and get busy doing nothing.

Most self-help books focus on changing your attitude, visualizing wealth, or building relationships. However, the real problem is that most people hate their jobs and do not have enough money to make a living. Most of us devote more time to work than to any other activity. If after work you like to watch TV, sleep, or even spend this time on the road home, you only have a couple of hours a day when your children, wife/husband, friends, hobbies, church can at least somehow count on your attention.

So, it's a matter of work. Do you like your job? Are you spending your days doing something you think you were born to do? Or at least get a salary that outweighs all the daily disappointments and compromises?

I'm rereading Scott Fox's book. Despite the fact that I have been working this way for a long time, I constantly find and read such books. Some of them are definitely designed for those who are still far from working on their own. They consider it the height of stability to work in a large company with regular salary payments, reliable career growth, a friendly team and the prospect of a salary increase next month by as much as 7%!

Other publications are aimed at a more prepared audience. That is, the authors of such books do not have to talk at length about the delights of working independently for yourself. The audience is ready and expects specific “recipes for self-enrichment” from writers.

Book " How to work wherever you want, as much as you want and get a stable income" combines a focus on both audiences. That is, in my opinion, it is interesting both for completely beginning Internet millionaires, and for those who already have their own business, but want to refresh their business ideas. Unlike many other books that motivate us to work for ourselves, this reflects a very interesting and unusual approach to what should form the basis of your future business.

This is a very unusual and interesting approach. After all, when many people mention the words “own business,” they immediately picture in their heads either a car wash, or a small cafe, or even a trading and purchasing company. Of course, we all need car washes, catering outlets and other goods and services that come to the market with the help of individual entrepreneurs.

One of the main ideas expressed in the book is that business should be done in an area that is personally interesting to you. Otherwise, your own business becomes just a “job” and brings nothing but constant employment, irritation and frayed nerves.

In the book " How to work wherever you want, as much as you want and get a stable income"There are a dozen examples of real people who succeeded and became millionaires thanks to their hobbies. Someone made model airplanes. Someone ran their own blog and got so promoted that now they have no problems with finances. Each of the businessmen mentioned in the book started started his own business long before he realized it and began to make some profit.

Now imagine the following. You take up some hobby of yours (you have a hobby, right?) and begin to devote more and more time to it. You start taking him more and more seriously. You listen less and less to idle ordinary people that “this is all nonsense, it’s time to grow up and get down to real business.” You begin to connect with other people who are interested in the same hobby.

Suddenly you will notice that you have surpassed many of them in developing your hobby and can give advice, teach, help people develop with you. Suddenly, you find that people are willing to listen to you and follow your advice, because in the eyes of any beginner, you will be an expert. Bringing together a community of interested people is now easier than ever. There is the Internet, social networks, where you will definitely be noticed, you just have to take up your hobby headlong.

And finally, you begin to slowly offer your community some paid services. First, the little things, simple tips. And the earnings accordingly will be completely ridiculous. Further more. At some point, you will suddenly find yourself in the role of an expert who advises, gives advice, shares experience and answers questions.

In this case, you just start working wherever you want, as much as you want. And you can’t call it work, because... it’s your hobby. You do it because you are interested in it, you like it. And if they also pay for it!

The special value of the book is that it contains a number of exercises that will help you start thinking in the right direction. That is, if you are still an employee, you will not become an independent entrepreneur immediately as soon as you finish reading. But you will have the opportunity to begin a gradual turn towards a more convenient, interesting and high-quality life. You know, a heavy self-propelled barge moving along the river at full speed also does not begin to turn immediately, as soon as the rudder is turned. This is an inertial process, similar to what will happen to you as you read and do the exercises. These exercises distinguish Scott Fox's book from similar publications. It's worth reading with pencil and paper, jotting down great thoughts from time to time, doing the exercises, and getting ready to take a quantum leap in the right direction.

How to work wherever you want, as much as you want and get a stable income Fox Scott

Your Journal of Internet Millionaire Ideas

Now, on your way to becoming an Internet millionaire, you will learn to think analytically and identify business opportunities in the world around you. Unfortunately, insight doesn't always strike us in convenient moments—great new ideas can come to you while you're driving, in the grocery store, in the bathroom. This can even happen in the middle of the night. It's best to write down these thoughts as soon as they arise, so it's important to get into the habit of writing down everything that comes to mind. Don't be embarrassed to listen to your inner voices. Not all ideas will be good, but you should write them down. Even the most obvious ideas at first glance will be erased from your memory as soon as you are distracted.

So one of my main keys to success is a simple notebook.

I keep a stack of paper by my bed and, when I wake up, I’m often surprised and delighted to find illegible notes—new business ideas. I think you should follow my example. You can use any old notebook or buy a special notebook. Always keep your Idea Journal handy. You might want to have a large Journal for your desk and another smaller one to put in your bag, take with you in the car, or keep on your bedside table. (A couple of years ago, my wife even gave me a tablet for taking notes underwater. It's amazing how often valuable ideas come to me while I'm in the shower!) You can capture your ideas using your cell phone, using audio recording apps, or leaving voice messages for yourself. However, be sure to transcribe your notes later and enter them into your notebook. You need to collect all your ideas in one place where you can easily view them and get inspiration for their further development.

Every time I mention your Internet Millionaire Idea Journal, grab a notepad and write down your ideas and answers to the questions in the book. As you move from chapter to chapter and try to carefully complete each exercise, you will notice how the pages of your notebook fill with ideas that can change your life.

Lifestyle Modeling Exercises: Part One

To begin the process of thinking about “redesigning” your lifestyle, consider answering the following questions. Be sure to write them down in the Internet Millionaire Idea Journal so that you can refine your strategy over time.


How much money do I want to have?

How much money do I really need each year?

How will my financial situation change if I start working from home?

If I didn't have to work, I would devote my time

These five favorite activities.

These five favorite places.

If a thousand fans gave me $100 every year, what would I do for them?

Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph:

My ideal day starts at __ o'clock in the city of ___________.

I wake up and start my day with ________. Then I ________ ______________. By lunchtime I had already done ____________________,

AND ________________. I was able to do this by working with _______________, _________________ and _________________. In addition, before bedtime I have time to ________________________________, ________________ and _______________, as well as to help _____________________________ in the matter of __________________________________.

Questions about your current lifestyle

Why do you live here? Would you like to change this?

What unfair restrictions have you placed on your life and behavior?

What actions do you repeat day after day only because they are established habits and in fact there is no need for them?

Which of the constant reasons for self-flagellation and self-doubt are unfair?

What patterns of your behavior that emerged as a result of reactions to childhood events or other life situations should have been left in the past a long time ago?

How could you change your lifestyle to work through these issues and increase happiness in your daily life?

You can give multiple answers to each question, write them down in your Idea Journal, and return to them from time to time. The better you describe your personal life goals, the more material we will have to work with to model your lifestyle.

by Fox Scott

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