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How to set the date of conception. Favorable days for conceiving a child

The achievements of modern medicine allow a woman not only to live a full sexual life without fear of unwanted pregnancy, but also to calculate the time most favorable for conceiving a child.

How to make a conception calendar

Conception is the process of fusion of an egg and a sperm; it is from this moment that a new life appears and begins to develop. It is impossible to accurately calculate when this great sacrament takes place, but it is possible to determine from a woman’s menstrual cycle the time when this is most likely to happen.

The egg in the female body matures towards the middle of the menstrual cycle. When the egg is mature and ready for fertilization, it is carried into the fallopian tube. This moment is called ovulation.

In order for a person to conceive, sexual intercourse must take place at the earliest - 4 days before ovulation, and at the latest - a day after it. This condition is due to the fact that after sexual intercourse, those sperm that managed to reach the fallopian tube can wait no more than 4 days for the egg to appear there, and then they die. An unfertilized egg can live for 24-72 hours. Therefore, for a planned conception, it is important for a woman to draw up a special calendar and know the most favorable days for sexual intercourse.

To compile such a calendar, a woman must calculate the duration of her menstrual cycle, since the day of ovulation falls approximately in its middle, and best days to conceive are five days: 3 days before ovulation and 2 days immediately after it. Many calendars calculate 4 days before ovulation and 4 after, since the process of releasing the egg can vary in the time interval between three days. Thus it is possible.

You need to count from the first day of your period (that is, inclusive, the days of menstruation). The length of the cycle may vary, so you will have to monitor it for several months, but even in this case, it is quite difficult to calculate the exact period of ovulation.

Therefore, when calculating the time of ovulation, additional methods are used. The most accurate of them is an ultrasound scan during expected ovulation, but this method is not very convenient, since several procedures may be required during each intermenstrual period.

A slightly less accurate, but much more convenient method is an ovulation test, which is sold at the pharmacy.
And the third way is to measure basal temperature (rectal). In order for this method to work, the temperature must be measured in the morning, without getting out of bed, and recorded over several cycles. This method requires patience and discipline, but the accuracy of the results will still be relative.

Thus, the most optimal method for drawing up a conception calendar is the following: calculate your cycle, and then, within 1-2 periods, use an ovulation test to determine the day on which it occurs. If your cycle is stable enough, then after 3-4 periods you will receive an individual and fairly accurate conception calendar.

Calculate favorable days for conception

If you have already compiled a calendar for your menstrual cycle, then you can begin to calculate days favorable for conception. For the most accurate calculation, you will need to have a calendar for at least 3-4 months.

Now calculate the day on which you ovulate. As a rule, with a twenty-eight-day cycle, the release of the egg occurs approximately on the 14th day. In a short cycle of 26 days, ovulation occurs on the 12th day, and in a long cycle (30 days) - on the 16th day. Possible deviation is 3 days. Therefore, to accurately determine the day of egg release, you need to start doing tests approximately 4 days before the expected date.

If the result is negative, continue testing daily until the result is positive. Once it is received, mark the day of ovulation on your calendar. During the next month, begin intimate relations with your partner with the goal of conceiving approximately 4 days before the calculated date of ovulation, sexual intercourse is also desirable on the day the egg is released and within 2 days after it. This recommendation is based on the lifespan of the sperm and egg.

Keep in mind that pregnancy may not occur even with careful calculation of days favorable for conception, since a healthy woman of reproductive age has cycles when the egg does not release from the ovary. In this case, the attempt should be repeated on favorable days of the next period and during sexual intercourse, positions most suitable for fertilization should be used.

Calculate the day when conception occurred if pregnancy has already occurred

Is it possible to calculate the exact day of conception of a child in the case when pregnancy has already occurred? If you are in the habit of keeping a menstrual calendar, then this will not be difficult to do. You just need to find out the date of the first day of the last menstrual cycle.

About halfway through your cycle, you ovulated. Now all you have to do is remember whether you had intimacy with your partner 4 days before ovulation on the day of ovulation or 2 days after it - and you will know the day your child was conceived.

It will be more difficult to determine the day of conception if you do not keep a calendar and cannot remember the date of the start of the last menstrual cycle before pregnancy. In this case, we can advise you to buy a pregnancy test, which shows not only the presence of pregnancy, but also its duration. To be more confident, also undergo an ultrasound scan, compare the test results with the ultrasound results, and calculate the date of conception.

There is an obstetric pregnancy period and an embryonic period. Obstetricians calculate the date from the last menstrual period. Embryonic, that is, the actual period of pregnancy, from the day of conception. Therefore, the difference may be about 2 weeks. The obstetric period is longer than the actual one - embryonic, because during the first day of menstruation, the birth of a new life is unlikely to occur.

When a woman plans to get pregnant and give birth to a baby, she dreams of seeing the coveted “two lines” on the test, but how to determine the day favorable for conceiving a child?

It’s worth saying right away that you won’t be able to establish the 100% exact date of conception of the baby before the day, but you can determine the day of ovulation in order to plan a pregnancy, and then wait for signs of pregnancy or test results. How to find out the exact day of ovulation in order to plan a pregnancy with a high probability? Let's figure out together how to determine the day of conception of a child!

When you want to find out what are the most favorable and most likely days for conceiving a child, you will need to calculate the day of ovulation as accurately as possible. Today there are a large number of ways to establish this point:

  1. The simplest and most common way to “calculate” ovulation is by basal temperature. Ovulation will occur after the temperature drop, which is observed 24 hours before the release of the egg from the follicle. Here we can note a decrease in basal temperature by 0.1-0.2 degrees. When ovulation occurs, the basal temperature rises by 0.2-0.5 degrees and exceeds 37 degrees.
  2. According to ovulatory syndrome. There are women who, during the period of ovulation, experience nagging pain in the area of ​​the active ovary, which is quite sensitive and noticeable. Therefore, some women experience short-term malaise and discomfort during ovulation.
  3. According to the nature of the mucus that is released from the vagina. If in the first phase of the cycle the vaginal mucus is thick and sticky, then before the egg begins to ovulate, it becomes transparent and viscous and resembles the white of a chicken egg. In some cases, the release of an egg ready for fertilization from the follicle is associated with damage to the blood vessels, so a woman notices small bloody impurities in the vaginal discharge in the middle of the cycle.
  4. Using the folliculometry method. In this case, ultrasound is used to monitor how the egg matures. This method allows you to accurately calculate the day when the egg ovulates.
  5. Using a special ovulation test. Many modern women are aware of what a pregnancy test is and have used it. So, the ovulation test works on a similar principle, but the reaction occurs to an increase in the concentration of LH - luteinizing hormone, the so-called fertility hormone.

A visit to a gynecologist will also help resolve this issue, since the doctor, during an examination on the chair, can quite accurately determine the approaching ovulation. If you want to accurately calculate this day, you can use several of the above methods at the same time.

To conceive a child, nature “gives” several days

Even if you know exactly when the last sexual intercourse occurred, after which the long-awaited pregnancy occurred, it is impossible to say that this particular day is the date when the child was conceived. As you know, sperm can take several days to reach the egg, and one day may not be enough for fertilization. In addition, the sperm that arrives at the “meeting field” may be left out of work, since the egg has not yet left the follicle.

It happens that sperm are "waiting for ovulation by being nearby." Experts say that, from a theoretical point of view, conception of a baby can occur from sexual intercourse that occurs both a few days before ovulation and a couple of days after it occurs.

Having discovered the signs or learned the results of a pregnancy test, a woman is in seventh heaven, because now the unforgettable time of bearing a child begins, filled with the special meaning of the speedy birth of the baby. The importance of pregnancy in a woman’s life is difficult to overestimate, but it often happens that the expectant mother did not keep track of the moment of conception, and now wants to find out when this wonderful event happened, keep in mind, calculating and finding out the day of conception with an accuracy of the day is not so and easy.

It is almost impossible to calculate the exact date when the child was conceived if the pregnancy has already been confirmed. Of course, if you have an irregular sex life and you remember exactly the dates of sexual intercourse, then it is possible to determine this moment with day-to-day accuracy. But there will not be a 100 percent probability due to the fact that conception is possible only during the period when the egg has ovulated. Few women in the same period of the cycle spend time calculating ovulation over several months in order to make a rough prediction on which days it will happen.

If a woman kept an ovulation calendar, that is, she regularly tracked the moments when an egg was released from the ovary into the fallopian tube as a result of the rupture of a mature follicle, then she can know the dates when ovulation occurred quite accurately and ultimately find out the day of conception. It is necessary to subtract two weeks from the date on which the first day of menstruation is expected to occur, that is, 14 days. It is generally accepted that ovulation occurs, if we take the average value, 14 days before the start of the next menstruation. If you have a standard cycle of 28 days, then ovulation actually occurs on the 14th day of the cycle. If the cycle is longer and is 31 days, then on the 17th day, and when it is 25 days, then on the 11th day, but all the same, such calculations are considered conditional. The secret is that the ovulation process is associated with many factors that cannot be predicted when calculating the approximate date of conception.

To determine a more accurate date of conception, you can go for an ultrasound examination of the fetus, and there, after conducting the examination, a specialist doctor will be able to tell you the approximate gestational age, although this date also cannot be considered 100% accurate.

Finding out the date of birth by the date of conception is very simple if there are no hormonal imbalances in the woman’s body and the fetus is healthy. Also, by this date you can almost certainly find out the gender of the expected child. Scientists have not figured out how this table works, but ninety percent of the time it tells the truth. How to find out the date of conception? Every woman should know and be able to do this thing, because it is extremely important. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the methods that will help establish the truth.

Date of conception: what is it?

This is the day when the fusion of male (sperm) and female (ovum) reproductive cells occurred. This is possible at the moments of ovulation, when the female cell enters the abdominal cavity from the ovary, but the duration of this period is extremely short, it lasts only two days. Pregnancy can occur exactly in these two days or 2-3 days before, but after that it is no longer possible. The fact is that sperm can exist in the female body for up to three days, and the likelihood that one of them will wait in the wings is extremely high.

Why is it necessary to know the date?

This is extremely important to know, as you can find out the gestational age. Based on the date of conception, doctors can determine a more accurate date of birth, and expectant mothers, using the tablet that we will present in further content, will determine in advance the sex of the baby. You need to know the date to undergo the necessary examinations, which are done on certain weeks. In addition, in the first weeks of pregnancy the fetus is very vulnerable, and during this period it is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Any girl should understand how to find out the date of conception. Pregnancy is not always planned, and situations arise when a woman decides to terminate it. It is important to perform the procedure before seven to reduce the risk of complications and side effects.

Since calculating the day of conception directly depends on the day of ovulation, the calculation rules will be useful to those women who are planning to have a baby. Using the calculator, you can certainly find out the most suitable day for intimacy in order to get pregnant or, on the contrary, to avoid it.

Finally, knowing the date is important when disputes about paternity arise. Of course, you can take DNA tests, but this is an expensive procedure, and it requires both the baby and the father, and the second may not always be present.

How to tell if pregnancy has occurred?

If you miss your period (you are late), this may be a sign that conception has occurred. Before the delay occurs, you can take a blood test that will show the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that increases sharply during pregnancy.

If there are no periods, then a test is purchased. The presence of a negative answer does not guarantee the absence of a fetus; the test may simply be faulty, or your period is still too short, and the hormone has not had time to be produced in the required quantity.

If the tests consistently show a negative result, contact your antenatal clinic to see a gynecologist; you may have a hormonal imbalance.

We calculate the day of fertilization according to the menstrual cycle

You can find out the date of conception from your periods, but it will not be the most accurate, since the calculation of the period is carried out from (the beginning of) the last menstruation. It’s not a fact that you could have gotten pregnant then. Fertilization could occur before (and this happens, but rarely) or after the last menstruation. So, if you judge by menstruation, as doctors do, then the period is counted from the first, but not the final day of the last menstruation. Subtract three months from this date, add seven days, this way you can find out the expected day of birth. It won’t be accurate either, since everyone’s cycles are different, and the date of conception still remains in question.

Planning a pregnancy

Every girl should keep a menstrual cycle calendar, regardless of whether she has had sexual intercourse in her life. The calendar will help track delays, which may indicate not only pregnancy, but also hormonal imbalances.

A calendar can help calculate the optimal periods for conceiving a child. As a rule, ovulation always occurs in the middle of the MC, which is calculated from the first day (beginning) of the last menstruation to the first day of the upcoming one and ranges from 28 to 30 days. Accordingly, we choose the middle for conception - three days, two of which will definitely be the dates of ovulation. The remaining days before and after are considered “useless,” but there have still been many cases when pregnancy occurred during those periods, so using the calendar for “safety” is not recommended.

The calendar will help you plan the baby's gender. As a rule, girls are born after intimacy, which occurred a couple of days before ovulation. During this period, male cells are less active and remain the most resilient and strong, which guarantees the female sex. If sexual intercourse took place during the days of ovulation, then it will be a boy, because the egg will be fertilized not by the hardiest, but by the most active.

Electronic test

How to find out the exact date of conception if you have an irregular cycle and you are at a loss? A convenient, relatively new development - an electronic test - will help. How to find out the date of conception of a child using this device? It is extremely simple to use, just like a regular test that only shows stripes. The electronic test will indicate an approximate, but still quite truthful period, just subtract the number of days, and a more accurate date of conception will be determined. Look at your cycle in your calendar, “try on” the date calculated using the test, and correct the calculation by moving the date to the day of ovulation.


It is quite difficult to find out the date of conception by ultrasound, since this procedure is only necessary to confirm the obstetric “verdict”. Your day of conception will still be set to the day your last period began.

It is easy to find out the due date by the date of conception. Establishing the due date is much more difficult; it is calculated based on many factors. This is an obstetric guess for the day of conception, forty weeks are counted from it. The baby can be born at the 37th, 42nd, or 28th week. An ultrasound will also not indicate reliable dates of birth, only the period in which the baby is expected to be born. The weight of the fetus, the first movement and many other factors are also taken into account.

Is it possible to find out the date of conception by date of birth?

When the baby has already been born, you can find out, again, the estimated date of conception. Why is this necessary? Many people want to know this simply for the sake of curiosity, but for some it helps in determining paternity.

So, remove a week from your date of birth and add three months. Add two weeks to the resulting result again. This will be the estimated date of conception, and you will be able to verify the correctness of your belief about the father or refute it.

So, we have become familiar with the methods of how to find out the date of conception. Is it possible to determine the gender of the unborn baby using it? How to plan the birth of a son or daughter, focusing on the days of ovulation?

How to find out gender?

On the Internet, on the advice of friends and relatives, many couples want to find out the sex of the child. By date of conception, by blood type, by positions used - there are so many methods! Whether to trust them or not is a purely personal matter, but you can still try. It is easier to find out the gender of the child by the date of conception; for this, tables were created by the sages of the East. Some of them, such as the Chinese one, are more than seven centuries old and are kept in museums. You don’t need to go to Beijing to look at this sign; we bring it to your attention in this publication.

How to find out the sex of a child by date of conception: table from China

This tablet will help you plan the sex of your child or determine it before an ultrasound. The upper numbers are the month of conception, going from top to bottom are the age of the expectant mother. The letters at the intersection represent the meaning of gender. To use the table correctly, you need to add nine months to your age, because the Chinese count it not from birth, but from the month of conception.

We have already written how to find out the date of conception; what is important here is not the specific day, but the month in which ovulation occurred and fertilization occurred. Accordingly, in order to find out in advance who will be born and plan it, this table will help, because you can never be one hundred percent sure that conception has occurred or will occur on a specific day.

Possible table errors

Many couples plan everything, and pregnancy is no exception. It is important for parents that the baby is born in summer or winter, and therefore they choose the date of conception themselves. Many people don’t care whether it’s a son or a daughter, but there are still people who intend to give birth to a baby of a certain gender. This may be due to the fact that there are already three sons, and I want to finally braid my daughter’s hair and buy her elegant dresses. You can’t trust the table one hundred percent, and now we’ll tell you why.

It’s easy to find out your gender by the date of conception with a table if your ovulation occurs in the middle of the month or at the end. If it occurs in the first days of the month, then there can be a huge difference. As we have already written, male reproductive cells can live in the female uterus for up to several days. If sexual intercourse occurred in the last days of the month, and not in the first, then there is a high probability that fertilization will occur in the next month.

Parents can find out more accurate information about the sex of the baby from the results of an ultrasound scan, but this study can sometimes provide incorrect information.

Grandmother's method of gender recognition

People of the older generation are able to determine the gender of the unborn baby just by looking at the mother. They say that girls take away their beauty, but boys add it! If you have pimples, the contours of your face are blurred, then most likely you will give birth to a daughter. If the skin has become healthier in appearance, acne has disappeared, the contours of the face have become clearer, then expect a son!

You can also look at the tummy. Boys live in straight, straight bellies. If you look at the expectant mother from the back, the pregnancy will not be noticeable, since the entire belly has leaned forward. Girls distribute their belly to the sides, it does not protrude forward much, but it spreads well to the sides!

You can also follow your desires. Boys are less whimsical, and you won’t want to try fresh watermelon in the middle of winter, and even at night. This is for example. If you notice that there is a need to eat something that you would not normally consume, you can assume that you are expecting the birth of a daughter.

We hope that this publication will not only be interesting, but also useful. We wish you and your little ones great health, and this is more important than gender!

Pregnancy begins with the fusion of male and female reproductive cells. The likelihood of conceiving a child depends entirely on whether the meeting of the egg and sperm occurs in the right place and at the right time. To carry out sexual intercourse in order to conceive a child, it is necessary to determine the most favorable period for conceiving a child.

The most suitable moment for conception is the time of ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovary). Female reproductive cells (eggs) are in an active state for a fairly short period of time during which fertilization must occur to conceive a child. The most favorable period for conception is when ovulation is about to begin. If you correctly calculate what day ovulation occurs, a woman’s chances of getting pregnant increase significantly.

To determine the most favorable period for conception, various methods are used, which, however, cannot provide a 100% guarantee of fertilization. After all, for conception a favorable coincidence of various circumstances is necessary and, in most cases, a healthy married couple needs from six months to a year to conceive.

Calendar method for determining ovulation

Using this method, the couple has sexual intercourse during the part of the menstrual cycle when the woman is most likely to conceive, i.e. when there is an egg in her body that is capable of fertilization. However, unlike menstruation, ovulation has no obvious signs, and its definition is quite arbitrary.

With regular menstruation

It is known that the egg matures approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and, therefore, ovulation directly depends on its duration. With a cycle duration of 28 days, ovulation usually occurs on days 14-15 of the cycle, but can occur on any day from the 13th to the 17th day - this gives a period of 5 days when the possibility of getting pregnant is especially great. Since sperm can live for 3-4 days, 4 days before this period are also favorable for conceiving a child. And since the egg also has a certain period of viability (about a day) after ovulation, one more day is added to the 5-day period. The result is 10 days (from the 9th to the 18th day of the cycle inclusive), during which the probability of becoming pregnant is maximum. If the menstrual cycle is shorter (21-24 days), then ovulation occurs earlier - on days 10-12; if the cycle is long (32-35 days), then ovulation usually occurs on days 16-18 from the start of menstruation. The length of the cycle is not important if menstruation occurs regularly. In any case, the favorable time for conception is 10 days, counting 20 days before the start of the next menstruation.

For irregular menstruation

But in most cases the cycle is not strictly constant; the difference in its duration is 3-7 days, and this shifts the maturation period of the egg (changes the date of ovulation).

In this case, the woman should carefully record the duration of each cycle and determine the shortest and longest cycle based on the results of the previous year's records. The following calculations are made:

A) 19 is subtracted from the number of days of the longest cycle;

B) 10 is subtracted from the number of days of the longest cycle.

The number (A) means the first day on which conception can occur, counting from the beginning of the last menstruation. Number (B) gives the last day for conception. So, if the shortest cycle lasted 25 days, and the longest - 29, we get:

A) 25-19=6 and B) 29-10=19.

Thus, the days from the 6th to the 19th day inclusive from the beginning of the last menstruation should be considered favorable for fertilization. However, 15% of women have such irregular menstrual cycles that the calendar method cannot be used.

And even with a perfectly rhythmic cycle, ovulation does not always occur in the middle of the cycle, depending on various reasons that are difficult to take into account. There is an assumption that under the influence of sexual intercourse, taking a number of medications, especially hormonal drugs, additional ovulation may occur on any day of the menstrual cycle or the moment of its onset may change. And finally, sperm can remain fertilized for longer than 4 days, so even if intercourse occurs 4 days before ovulation, in rare cases the egg will still be fertilized. This is why the calendar method, based only on calculating dates, is not very effective.

Temperature method for determining ovulation

More accurately, compared to the calendar method, ovulation can be determined using the temperature method. Typically, a woman’s temperature rises sharply on the day of ovulation - by 0.6 ° C (due to an increase in the content of the hormone progesterone). This jump in temperature can be easily recorded using a thermometer and recording the results of pre-ovulation temperature measurements.

Immediately at the moment the temperature rises, the period of probable fertilization has most likely come to an end (in addition, the increased level of progesterone, which causes an increase in temperature, makes the cervical mucosa unfavorable for the penetration of sperm). This makes it possible to determine unfavorable days for conception in the period after ovulation - from the moment the temperature rises until the next menstruation inclusive. However, after the next menstruation, it is impossible to determine favorable days, since it is not known when the next ovulation will occur.

The essence of the method is to measure the temperature in the rectum (basal temperature). The temperature is measured in the morning, immediately after sleep, at the same time, without getting out of bed, with a thermometer inserted 5 cm into the rectum; measurement time 10 minutes. When measured daily, a graph of basal temperature is obtained, in which before ovulation the temperature is less than 37.0 ° C (usually 36.5-36.7 ° C), and after - above 37.0 ° C (37.0-37.2 ° C), the day before the temperature rise is the time of ovulation. If measurements are taken over a period of 3 months, the day of ovulation can be determined in advance with fairly high accuracy. A few days (5-7) before the temperature jump are most favorable for conception.

Cervical mucus analysis method

Another method, based on the menstrual cycle, involves analyzing the mucous membrane of the cervix. This method, in combination with the calendar method, can help determine the unfavorable days for conception between menstruation and ovulation.

Throughout the menstrual cycle, changes occur in the composition of the mucus on the cervix and its quantity. A sample of mucus is taken with a finger or a speculum inserted into the vagina. Approximately three days after the end of menstruation, there is usually no mucus. These days the possibility of getting pregnant is negligible. When mucus appears, it is thick and white, then it becomes more transparent and liquid and remains that way for two days (peak). The most favorable days for conception are considered to be the days from the first appearance of mucus to the 4-day period after the peak. You should consult your doctor about using this method.

Combined method for determining days favorable for conception

All of the above methods for determining ovulation do not give an accurate result. Especially if a woman does not have a regular menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs irregularly or additionally. Therefore, it is preferable to use several methods for determining ovulation at once to obtain a more reliable and accurate picture.

Method based on saliva crystallization

This method of determining ovulation is based on the fact that after menstruation the concentration of specific female sex hormones such as estrogens gradually begins to increase. Their concentration gradually increases during the first half of the menstrual cycle and reaches its highest value at the time of ovulation.

An increase in estrogen levels leads to an increase in the content of chlorides (NaCl, KCl, CaCl, MgCl) in saliva 2-3 days before ovulation. An increased concentration of salts in saliva leads to its crystallization when it dries.

It is necessary to monitor the changes occurring within several (5-6) days before the expected date of ovulation. Consistent and systematic analysis makes it possible to observe changes that occur in the structure of saliva during drying, depending on the approach to the day of egg release. The higher the salt concentration, the more clearly a crystalline structure is observed, resembling a fern leaf in appearance. Therefore, when examining dried saliva through a microscope on the day of ovulation, you can see patterns similar to fern leaves.

This method is quite reliable and economical, provided you have a good microscope. The reliability of the saliva crystallization test for determining the day of ovulation is quite high. Currently, there are even special mini-microscopes for sale for calculating the day of ovulation based on changes in saliva.

Ovulation tests (available at pharmacies)

Tests for determining ovulation are similar in principle to tests for diagnosing pregnancy. They are small strips with two indicators. Which, upon contact with urine or saliva, change their color depending on the concentration of the hormone. As the moment of ovulation approaches, a sharp increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone occurs in a woman’s body, which in turn leads to the release of an egg from the follicle - ovulation. An increase in the level of this hormone in urine or saliva is the basis of these tests. Tests must be carried out daily, starting 5-6 days before expected ovulation, strictly following the instructions. Ovulation occurs within 24 hours after receiving the first positive result. Since ovulation is determined over several days, five tests are sold in one kit. Two indicator lines colored equally intensely indicate a peak in hormone concentration and the imminent onset of ovulation. This means that the next 2-3 days are the most optimal time to conceive a child. However, this method, like pregnancy tests, does not exclude errors, so it is recommended to combine this method with others, for example, temperature.

Ultrasound monitoring

The most accurate method for determining the approach of ovulation and the fact that it has occurred is ultrasound monitoring. This method allows you to observe the development and growth of the follicle and, based on these data, predict the date or even see the release of the egg - ovulation. Ultrasound monitoring is performed by a doctor in a hospital. Approximately 6-7 days after menstruation, using the vaginal sensor of an ultrasound machine, observation begins to see whether the follicles are maturing and in which ovary. Over the next few days, periodic examinations are carried out to obtain data on the growth of follicles, it is determined whether there is a dominant follicle (which will ovulate) and other indicators that make it possible to predict with a high degree of probability the approximate date of ovulation. This method is reliable, but not very convenient for a woman, because it is necessary to constantly undergo frequent examinations in the hospital, but on the other hand, with the help of ultrasound it is possible to identify failures in the ovulation process.

Thus, many methods, or better yet a combination of them, in our time allow a woman to determine the date of ovulation with high accuracy. This allows you to determine the most favorable days for conceiving a child.

The birth of a new life has been considered a sacrament since ancient times. Some still decide that it is not worth interfering in the affairs of God, while others are trying to determine the day of conception, since there may be various reasons for this.

How to determine the date of fertilization?

The simplest and oldest method of determining the day a child is conceived is the method. To do this, it is enough to know the exact number of days in the menstrual cycle and subtract the duration of the luteal phase from this figure. This is the period when ovulation occurs, the meeting of the sperm with the egg, its implantation into the walls of the uterus and further development. In 90% of cases it lasts 14 days.

For example, consider a cycle that consists of 29 days: 29 – 14 = 15. So, ovulation occurred on the 15th day of the menstrual cycle. This means that fertilization occurred on that day or the next, because A female egg lives no more than 48 hours. To the question whether it is possible to determine the day of conception using this method, for girls whose menstruation is irregular, the answer will be negative, because It is not possible to find out the exact number of days in the cycle when conception occurred.

Is it possible to determine the day of conception using an ultrasound scan? This is one of the difficult questions. Ultrasound examination is more aimed at studying the development of the fetus at the appropriate time. The doctor will examine the baby and, based on the information received and the date of the last menstruation, will diagnose pregnancy. In order to calculate the date of expected ovulation, and therefore conception, based on these data, it is enough to subtract two weeks from it.

So, it is possible to determine the exact date of conception, but it should be remembered that there is almost always an error and, as a rule, it ranges from 2-3 days to a week. The ultrasound method is also not 100% reliable, although the opinion of a specialist in this field may play a certain role in confirming the date calculated by the calendar method.