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What vitamins should nursing mothers take? What are the best vitamins to take during lactation?

Breastfeeding is also a very important time for a young mother, just like pregnancy. This is a period when a young mother also very actively needs useful substances, because not only her health, but also the health of her baby is on her conscience. This is why vitamins for nursing mothers are so important during this period.

It is very difficult to get all the necessary vitamins from regular food. The body really needs to be nourished with special vitamins. Let's talk about which vitamins will be the most useful for a young mother.

First, let's decide which elements and vitamins are especially important for mothers who breastfeed their babies:

  1. An element such as calcium is extremely important for young mothers.
    A deficiency of this element can cause a woman's hair loss and poor dental and nail health. And sufficient intake of this element into the baby’s body determines the normal development of his musculoskeletal system.
  2. Vitamin D is important for a mother who is breastfeeding, because without it calcium cannot be absorbed.
  3. Nursing mothers very often suffer from a lack of selenium in their bodies.
    The presence of this element keeps the immune system in good shape and saves the body from various inflammations.
  4. If a woman has enough vitamin E after childbirth, then she is not afraid of postpartum depression or muscle weakness.

These are the essential nutrients to take in to keep mom and baby healthy.

Vitamin complexes

There are special multivitamin complexes for young mothers. The range of these complexes in pharmacies is very wide, so how to choose the best of them? Let's look at the most popular ones.

Some experts consider the Elevit multivitamin complex one of the best. It contains 12 vitamins and 7 microelements. All these substances take an active part in the restoration of the female body after childbirth, and also provide the baby with complete breast milk.

Vitrum complexes for nursing mothers are of good quality. They contain 10 vitamins and 3 microelements. This complex is highly recommended for those who are particularly deficient in calcium. These vitamins are very convenient to drink. You only need to take one capsule once a day.

The Alphabet brand also has complexes for young mothers. To drink these capsules correctly you will need more memory. The package contains three types of tablets, which must be taken separately from each other. The first group of tablets contains iron and elements that help it be better absorbed. The second group of tablets are antioxidants (A, E, C, D). And the third group of tablets contains calcium and vitamin D.

Against hair loss

After a pregnant woman finally becomes a mother, changes actively begin to occur in her body. The natural loss of weight that a woman gained during pregnancy begins; unfortunately, the problem of hair loss very often arises. And if the first point regarding weight loss makes a woman very happy, then the second point regarding hair loss makes her incredibly sad.

In order not to be too upset, it is important to understand why this happens. The fact of hair loss indicates that there is a change in hormonal levels in the body, and this is very good.

But in any case, this problem cannot be left to chance. The body needs help. To combat hair loss, you need to take additional beneficial substances. Such additional vitamins against hair loss are D and F.

It is better to try to eat more food that contains these elements. D is found most in chicken eggs, milk, sea fish, and hard cheeses. Most of all you will find unrefined vegetable oils. Corn oil, flaxseed oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil.

You can also take these elements in the form of special supplements.

Why can't you do without vitamins?

As mentioned above, useful substances are needed not only by the young mother, but also by the baby. The fact is that the composition of breast milk is ideally balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and this is completely independent of the woman’s nutrition.

The same cannot be said about the nutrients with which breast milk is enriched. That is why it is so important for mothers to “supply” these beneficial elements into breast milk.

A nursing mother produces approximately 700-900 ml of milk per day. For each such serving of milk, the body consumes 150-250 mg of calcium. Just imagine how the reserves of nutrients in the body are depleted. This is where all the health problems for mother and baby arise if the supply of nutrients is not constantly replenished.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

To further convince you of the importance of taking vitamin complexes for pregnant women, let's turn to the opinion of a now popular doctor - pediatrician Komarovsky. Dr. Komarovsky, although he is quite controversial about taking vitamin complexes, for example, Komarovsky believes that schoolchildren do not have to take them at all.

But, as for complexes for pregnant and nursing mothers, Komarovsky says that their use is necessary. However, as a doctor, Komarovsky insists that the intake of these elements be agreed upon with the nursing mother’s attending physician. Komarovsky is also in favor of taking vitamin formulations for pregnant women.

By the way, many experts believe that a nursing mother can continue taking prenatal supplements. Nutrients for pregnant women are also very rich in composition, and in principle, they can solve the health problems that a nursing mother faces.

Complexes for pregnant women during breastfeeding can be taken according to the same regimen as during pregnancy. If you have pregnancy nutrients that are ideal for you, then this would be ideal.

A proper and balanced diet is important for any living creature. But for a nursing mother it is vital. After all, the extent to which her body is provided with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements affects not only her appearance and well-being, but, more importantly, the health and development of the baby.

What vitamins and minerals are important during lactation?

Try to make your diet high-quality and varied, include more healthy foods to provide the body with the recommended amount of essential minerals and vitamins. Avoid fast food, processed foods and other products loaded with preservatives, flavor enhancers and flavorings.

For the health of the mother and the baby she is breastfeeding, a balanced and varied diet rich in vitamins and microelements is important.

Table: vitamins for nursing, effects on the body, daily dose

VitaminEffect on the bodyRecommended daily dose
A (retinol)
  • participates in the formation of bones and connective tissues;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • good for the eyes, condition of the skin, hair and teeth of mother and baby.
1.5 mg
B1 (thiamine)
  • necessary for the functioning of the nervous system;
  • participates in carbohydrate metabolism.
15–20 mg
B2 (riboflavin)
  • participates in iron metabolism and the formation of muscles and skeleton;
  • important for the proper functioning of the liver and thyroid gland;
  • maintains hemoglobin balance.
2.2 mg
B6 (cyanocobalamin)good for the nervous system, hematopoiesis and liver4 mcg
B9 (folic acid)
  • improves emotional state;
  • normalizes the functioning of hematopoietic organs;
  • useful for the development of the nervous system.
0.26 mg
B12 (cobalamin)
  • necessary for hematopoiesis;
  • forms nerve fibers;
  • improves appetite in children;
  • increases concentration and reduces irritability;
  • has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
4 mcg
E (tocopherol)participates in the synthesis of lactation hormones.15 mg
C (ascorbic acid)
  • reduces inflammatory reactions;
  • necessary for iron absorption;
  • strengthens connective tissue;
  • increases resistance to infections, bacteria, viruses;
  • has an antioxidant effect on body cells.
100 mcg
D (calciferol)
  • is responsible for the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, i.e. it forms bone tissue and teeth;
  • promotes proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • prevents rickets.
500 IU

Essential Minerals

In addition to vitamins, the diet of a nursing mother should be enriched with minerals necessary for her health and the proper development of the baby.

  • iron - carries oxygen to tissues, participates in the formation of hemoglobin, daily dose - 25 mg;
  • iodine - necessary for the thyroid gland and brain development - 200 mcg;
  • zinc - regulates the baby’s growth, prevents the development of dermatitis, is involved in the production of insulin - 25 mg;
  • phosphorus - affects the formation of bone tissue, kidney and heart function - 1.8 g;
  • calcium is the most important mineral for the formation of teeth, skeleton, nerve cells and internal organs; it is involved in the regulation of heart rate; if it is deficient, a woman’s teeth deteriorate and her hair splits – 200 mg;
  • magnesium - useful for the nervous system, is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and bone formation - up to 450 mcg.

What do Omega 3 fatty acids do?

It is important to receive a sufficient amount of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids during lactation. They ensure the proper development of the baby’s nervous system, are necessary for heart health, and reduce blood cholesterol levels. They are also involved in the formation of connective tissue, the formation of cell membranes and reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Omega-3s are found in vegetable oil, fatty fish, seeds and nuts.

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fatty red fish, nuts and vegetable oil.

How to enrich the body with vitamins

The most physiological and safe way to get everything you need is a reasonable approach to nutrition. The menu of a nursing mother should be balanced and varied.

What foods to include in the diet during lactation

In fact, the diet of a nursing mother is, with very few exceptions, the usual healthy diet recommended by nutritionists to everyone who wants to live long and stay in good shape. It includes:

  1. Meat is a source of proteins and amino acids, which act as building materials for the child’s body. It contains a lot of zinc and iron. It is advisable to choose calf, rabbit, and poultry meat.
  2. Milk, eggs and liver are a source of vitamin A, cobalamin and riboflavin, Omega-3, magnesium and phosphorus.
  3. Fermented milk products contain lacto- and bifidobacteria necessary for normal digestion.
  4. Cereals and legumes - saturate the body with zinc, niacin and vitamin B1.
  5. Green vegetables (cabbage, celery, spinach) - contain calcium and phosphorus, vitamins B2, B6, C.
  6. Nuts are rich in vitamin B6, phosphorus and other microelements, and also contain fats and carbohydrates, which help mom to always be active and cheerful.
  7. Vegetable oil is a source of vitamin E and calciferol, which is beneficial for babies.
  8. Fruits and vegetables are the main source of all vitamins in the diet of a nursing mother, and especially ascorbic acid.

It is important to remember that some healthy foods are strong allergens.. Use with caution:

  • chocolate;
  • red vegetables and fruits;
  • citrus;
  • peanut;
  • shrimps.

Red berries, fruits and vegetables are allergens, so they should be limited or excluded during lactation

Table: nutritional value of the diet for nursing mothers

Photo gallery: healthy products for nursing mothers

Meat is a source of protein and amino acids. Cereals saturate the body with B vitamins. Spinach is rich in vitamins B2, B6, C, and contains a lot of calcium.
The source of calcium is milk and fermented milk products. Nuts are rich in microelements, fats and carbohydrates. The diet of a nursing mother should include a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Eggs are a source of Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and phosphorus Vegetable oil contains a lot of vitamin E and D

Video: diet during lactation

Vitamin complexes

Ensuring that you get all the necessary vitamins and minerals in the required quantities is difficult even with a perfectly balanced diet. This is why doctors recommend taking special complexes for nursing mothers:

  • Femibin Natal Kea 2;
  • Prenatal Nutrients from Solgar.

Let's take a closer look at the features of each drug.

Rating of vitamins for nursing

  1. Elevit Pronatal. The composition includes 12 essential vitamins, 4 minerals and 3 trace elements; there is no iodine, which will have to be taken separately. Another disadvantage is the high price, from 500 rubles for 30 capsules. One capsule per day is enough.

    Elevit Pronatal - a balanced vitamin complex for nursing mothers

  2. Vitrum Prenatal Forte. Contains 12 vitamins and all essential minerals, including iodine. It is important to control your intake due to the large amount of iron. The price of the complex is quite high: from 540 rubles for 30 tablets. Take 1 tablet daily.

    Vitrum Prenatal Forte is fully balanced in terms of daily vitamin and mineral composition

  3. . It is balanced in composition, cheaper than the previous ones (from 300 rubles for 60 tablets, designed for 20 days), but has a complex dosage regimen: the tablets are divided into three groups by color, they must be taken separately, with different meals, which guarantees complete absorption each component.

    Alphabet - Mom’s health is a competent combination of three groups of vitamins and microelements

  4. . The only drug that contains folic acid in active form (Metafolin). The composition also includes docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which belongs to the Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. This substance is indispensable for the formation of cell membranes, which is important for the development of the baby. The form of the drug is capsules in blisters: yellow and pink - a complex of vitamins and minerals. Take 1 yellow and 1 pink capsule once a day. Costs on average 1000 rubles per package.

    Femibion ​​Natal Care 2 is an effective, easy-to-use, but expensive drug

  5. Mom is complimentary. An inexpensive complex (about 250 rubles for 60 tablets), containing 11 essential vitamins and 7 microelements. Take 1 tablet per day.

    The manufacturer Prenatal Nutrients promises 100% of the daily value of vitamins and minerals needed by pregnant and lactating women

    Features of taking vitamin-mineral complexes

    A nursing woman should use any drug only after consulting a doctor and in strict accordance with his recommendations and instructions in the instructions.

    As a rule, any vitamin and mineral supplements, provided the dosage is followed, do not cause side effects, but sometimes allergic reactions are possible:

    • in the mother they manifest themselves as swelling of the fingers, fatigue, skin rash, and upset bowel movements;
    • Infants may exhibit diathesis, the appearance or worsening of intestinal colic, worsening sleep, skin rashes, and tearfulness.

    If negative consequences of taking supplements are noted, you should abandon them.

    You cannot take two drugs at the same time, as the risk of overdose of the components increases.

    Danger of overdose

    The greatest danger for a young mother and newborn is an overdose of vitamins and minerals. It can slow down the baby's growth, lead to developmental disorders and other serious complications.

    The consequence of a long-term overdose of retinol is toxic damage to the liver, excess vitamin D causes early overgrowth of the fontanelle due to bone mineralization, and a lot of iron negatively affects the functioning of most organs of both mother and child.

    Therefore, it is extremely important to take supplements after consulting your doctor and strictly adhere to the daily intake.

    Dr. Komarovsky about vitamins for nursing

    According to Dr. Komarovsky, taking balanced vitamin complexes is a necessity for a nursing mother if she has:

    • nutritional deficiency for various reasons, including natural ones, for example, in the initial stages of lactation;
    • vitamin deficiency diagnosed in a woman by a specialist after laboratory tests, and not by the woman herself;
    • vitamin deficiency in the baby, also confirmed by tests.

    Komarovsky usually advises taking vitamins from October to March. It is important that your doctor prescribe vitamin complexes and not overuse them, but try to enrich your daily diet with healthy foods.

    If a child receives everything he needs through mother’s milk, then it is difficult to dispute the fact that this is the most physiological and rational. There is only one advantage of prescribing vitamins specifically for a child (with completely natural feeding): 3 tablets of Pregnavit per day for a mother are much more expensive than a drop of Multitabs for a child. Hence the algorithm for making the right decision.

    Komarovsky E. O.


On the Internet you can find many recommendations according to which nursing mothers should take vitamins in the form of complex preparations. However, the famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky claims that it is worth taking maintenance medications after childbirth only in cases where the body is weakened by the influence of any negative factors. Vitamins for nursing mothers can be replaced with a normal diet containing all the necessary products.

Indeed, it is better to consume all vitamins in the form of natural compounds, so they will be better absorbed by the body and are guaranteed not to have a toxic effect on it. Any multivitamins can be replaced with a traditional set of vegetables and fruits, which includes the following products:

The list can be continued for quite a long time, but the general direction should be clear to you.

It is necessary to heavily rely on products grown in the garden and on the tree, because they contain not only essential vitamins, but also minerals, trace elements and fiber.

Komarovsky also recommends that a nursing mother consume a small amount of legumes at least a couple of times a week. They contain a lot of magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and selenium, which are vital for the development of the human nervous, endocrine and immune systems.

You should definitely eat meat, which is an excellent source of protein, but after giving birth it is better to avoid fatty and fried foods. Nursing mothers need to steam meat, and also limit themselves to poultry and lean beef, completely avoiding pork. After childbirth, it is also better to eat a small amount of fish, but avoid seafood for a reason that will be discussed in detail below.

Komarovsky talks about the need to use various coarse cereals, as they cleanse the intestines of a nursing mother, thereby preventing the formation of toxins in her body that negatively affect the quality of breast milk.

Any multivitamin, including the well-known drug Elevit, contains a large amount of calcium, which is necessary for both mother and baby. To avoid taking synthetic vitamins, it is recommended to drink more cow's milk after childbirth. However, Dr. Komarovsky says that this is the wrong decision, because pure milk in its original form is poorly absorbed by the adult body. Instead, nursing mothers should take fermented milk products and cottage cheese, as they break down much faster in the gastrointestinal tract and help improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Pediatrician Komarovsky also claims that taking Elevit and other synthetic vitamins to prevent rickets is not worth it, since the required amount of group D nutrients can be obtained by the body in another way. It is best to provide the baby with the opportunity to sunbathe a couple of weeks after birth, and with such treatment he will receive a considerable amount of vitamin D3.

In addition, a nursing mother should eat more cod liver, fish oil in its pure form, you can also eat raw yolks, lean beef and butter.

What is better to refuse?

To find out which substances primarily harm a child, you do not need to understand the intricacies of biochemistry - these are alcohol, nicotine and narcotic drugs. It is especially dangerous to take them immediately after childbirth, since the entry of such toxins into breast milk in the first weeks causes irreparable damage to the baby’s nervous system and can even cause cerebral palsy.

It is possible to understand which products are prohibited for consumption by a nursing mother without considering intoxicants.

Of course, they do not contain much less vitamins than Elevit, but they also give breast milk an unpleasant taste, which is why most children refuse to take natural food. The same recommendations apply to hot peppers.

After giving birth, it is advised to stop eating all seafood except fish, as they are the strongest allergens. You should not drink strong coffee and green tea, because they can upset the child's digestion. He is often allergic to strawberries, chocolate and peanuts. Citrus fruits can cause an abnormal reaction in the body of mother and child - it is worth limiting the consumption of the fruits themselves, as well as drinks based on them.

In addition, Dr. Komarovsky advises not to get carried away with vitamin preparations, an example of which is Elevit, because an excess of even the most beneficial substances can cause intoxication and a number of allergic reactions in the baby.

Optimal Nutritional Supplements

If you nevertheless decide to take vitamins in the form of dietary supplements or follow the recommendations of your pediatrician, you should know which medications are best to take. The above-mentioned Elevit allows you to get the recommended doses of vitamins D3, A, C, E, PP, necessary for nursing mothers. However, it contains quite a few trace elements and minerals, the need for which will have to be replenished separately. The dosage is equal to one tablet per day every day during the period of breastfeeding the baby.

If you need to find out which drugs contain the full range of useful substances, you should pay attention not to Elevit, but to Pregnavit or Vitrum Prenatal Forte. They also include all the vitamins mentioned above, but the peculiarity of such nutritional supplements is the inclusion of a wide range of minerals necessary for the child’s body immediately after childbirth:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • chromium.

Thanks to this, the normalization of the development of all systems of the baby’s body is achieved, as well as the prevention of the development of many dangerous diseases. It is also worth drinking these vitamins daily, taking 1 Vitrum tablet or 3 Pregnavit capsules.

A good option is also the Alphabet Mom’s Health vitamins, which are completely similar in content to the best drugs mentioned above. However, their composition is selected in such a way that the food additive produces a synergistic effect - each substance significantly increases the strength of the other. In addition, the dosage, which involves taking one tablet every 4-6 hours, helps create the optimal amount of reserves of each mineral and trace element in the body, which allows for ideal health of mother and child.

Of course, the list of vitamin preparations does not end there, but the remedies described are the most effective and have the minimum number of side effects.

This is the end of a difficult period in the life of a woman who was planning to become a mother. Childbirth is over, lactation is established. The question arises about restoring oneself after pregnancy and childbirth. During this period, how can you not harm the baby and the mother recover, support breastfeeding and not cause an allergic reaction in the baby? Multivitamins will come to the rescue.

When is it necessary to take vitamins while breastfeeding?

The safest and healthiest food for a baby is breast milk. It is sterile, has an optimal temperature and is always ready for use. A mother and her baby are one. What the mother will have “on the table” today depends on how she herself will look in the future and how the child will feel.

Breast milk is the best that nature has given for baby nutrition.

Nature has decreed that if a child does not have enough vitamins and nutrients, he will take them from his mother. And if a nursing woman does not eat a balanced diet, her diet lacks vitamins and microelements, then her health and the baby’s body suffers. Vitamin deficiency gradually develops. A disease in which the body lacks one or more vitamins.

The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • rapid fatigue, even if the woman gets enough sleep and rest;
  • indigestion, which is accompanied by constipation;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • rapid mood swings, irritability;
  • hair loss;
  • paleness and flaking of the skin;
  • deterioration of the condition of nails and teeth.

To treat vitamin deficiency, the first thing that comes to mind is to start eating “for two.” But a nursing mother needs to increase her diet by only 300–500 calories, diversify it with vitamins and minerals. Therefore, a balanced diet will come to the rescue.

Natural vitamins for a balanced diet

Vitamins and microelements for feeding a nursing woman

During lactation, a woman eats small portions 5-6 times a day, foods rich in vitamins and microelements.

Video: opinion of nutritionist Natalya Samoilenko on proper nutrition during lactation

Table: basic vitamins that are included in the daily diet of a nursing woman

Name Benefit Products
AImproves vision, makes skin elastic, strengthens immunityMeat, liver, cheese
B vitaminsImproves the activity of the central nervous system, prevents the development of anemiaLiver, cheese, cereals
WITHAntioxidant, strengthens blood vessels, enhances the body's protective functionsCitrus fruits, cauliflower, beans
ERejuvenates the body, slows down the aging processVegetable oil, milk
DPrevention of rickets, strengthening bone tissueVegetable oil, egg yolk
RRImproves memory and concentration, heart and pancreas functionNuts, meat, fish
CalciumParticipates in blood clotting, is a building material for bones, teeth, hair and nailsCheese, cottage cheese, milk
PhosphorusForms bone tissue, participates in cell divisionFish, cottage cheese
MagnesiumHelps strengthen the immune system, normalizes blood pressureNuts, buckwheat
IronIt is a component of hemoglobin and is involved in blood formationLiver, nuts, cereals
ZincPrevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes, ensures strong teeth and bonesMeat, cereals, nuts
IodineNecessary for thyroid functionSeaweed, fish

Multivitamins to help mom

But modern products are not properly enriched with vitamins and microelements. At the same time, there are a number of vitamins that disappear during heat treatment, for example, vitamin C. And some foods rich in vitamins cause an allergic reaction and should not be eaten. Therefore, when breastfeeding, it is necessary to take multivitamin complexes. But this does not mean that you can buy multivitamins on the recommendation of a friend or neighbor who has already fed or is breastfeeding. A nursing mother has no right to prescribe vitamins to herself. It is necessary to find out which specific vitamin is missing. Vitamin complexes are prescribed by the attending physician after a thorough examination.

Vitamins to increase lactation

As a rule, a woman breastfeeds her child until she is two years old. And often there is a shortage of milk. There are many ways to help increase lactation. But it is worth approaching this problem comprehensively.

  • drink 2–2.5 liters of liquid;
  • put the baby to the breast as soon as required;
  • sleep with the baby, not forgetting about night feeding.

And start taking ready-made multivitamins. Frequently prescribed drugs to increase breast milk are: Apilak, Mlekoin and Lactogon.

I took Apilak. Instant tablets are easy to use and have a pleasant honey taste. The composition of the drug includes bee royal jelly. When taking the pills, breast milk increased after 3 days. As prescribed by the doctor, I took a course of 2 tablets per day for 2 weeks. Fortunately, my baby and I did not have an allergic reaction.

Vitamins to boost immunity

What is immunity? This is the body’s ability to resist viruses, bacteria, and harmful microorganisms. For a nursing mother, boosting immunity is extremely important. Vitamins A, C, B, E will come to the rescue. They help produce antibodies to fight viruses and increase the body's resistance. In folk medicine, herbal preparations are used, which include: echinacea, chamomile, celandine, and sage.

To improve immunity, you need to take vitamins A, C, B, E

The most common medications are: Vitrum Prenatal, Supradin, Alphabet Mom's Health, Multi Tabs.

My breastfeeding period occurred during a cold period of time. To protect himself and the baby from viruses, the doctor prescribed Vitrum Prenatal vitamins. This complex contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals, balanced with each other. I am not very organized, so it was convenient for me to take vitamins once a day, for a course of 30 days. Multivitamins worked perfectly and protected the body from overwork.

Vitamins for diabetes in a nursing mother

If a mother has diabetes, she can breastfeed her baby.

Diabetes mellitus is not a death sentence for the birth of a child and further breastfeeding. The mother feeds the baby without fear that the disease will be transmitted to him. During this period, the woman adheres to diet and insulin therapy. She keeps essential snacks and a water bottle on hand to help treat hypoglycemia at the first sign. Chromium is also included in the diet of diabetics to help the body regulate carbohydrate metabolism.

For women with diabetes, vitamin complexes have been developed, such as Doppelherz, Alphabet, Complivit.

My sister suffers from latent diabetes. Every time he takes blood tests. Follows a diet. Limits himself in sweets. The doctor prescribed her to take Alphabet diabetes vitamins in a strict order. She said that now they are one of the best. They also cost a little, but they contain a lot of vitamins.

On the tree


Review of vitamin and mineral complexes

Vitamin complexes are available in large quantities in our pharmacies. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Table: popular multivitamins

NameComposition of vitamins and mineralsDaily doseAdvantagesFlaws
  • 10 vitamins: A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, folic acid;
  • 3 minerals: iron, calcium, zinc
1 tablet after mealsincreased content of such microelements:
  • calcium, which helps strengthen nails and hair;
  • iron - increase hemoglobin;
  • zinc, which helps normalize a child’s weight
  • high content of vitamin A;
  • the composition does not contain panthenolic acid, which strengthens the immune system and reduces inflammatory processes;
  • missing elements: iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, selenium
Complimentary Mom
  • 11 vitamins: A, E, B1, B2, B6, C, PP, folic acid, panthenolic acid, B12, D;
  • 7 minerals: phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, magnesium, calcium
1 tablet during or immediately after breakfast
  • an inexpensive domestic drug, specially designed for Russian women;
  • vitamins are recommended for women who eat a balanced and healthy diet, as a preventative drug
  • insufficient dosage of vitamins A, D, folic acid and microelements magnesium and calcium;
  • no iodine
  • 13 vitamins: D, C, B1, B2, B6, A, E, B12, PP, K, H, folic acid, panthenolic acid;
  • 11 minerals: calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iodine, phosphorus, selenium, molybdenum, chromium, and also contains taurine
1 tablet 3 times a day with an interval of 4–6 hours
  • improves the absorption of vitamin B12, iron and calcium, thanks to the distribution of vitamins and microelements in different tablets;
  • the composition contains sufficient doses of phosphorus and Ca, which are needed to maintain good condition of teeth and bones;
  • supplied with selenium, which supports the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improves vision;
  • contains chromium, which ensures normal blood sugar levels
  • complex regimen;
  • dyes are present;
  • the course lasts 20 days
  • 12 vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, H, panthenolic acid, folic acid, PP;
  • 8 minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, copper, zinc, molybdenum
1 tablet per day with meals
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • participates in collagen synthesis;
  • increases immunity;
  • improves vascular condition
  • high price;
  • a large dosage of vitamins A, C and B groups can cause an allergic reaction;
  • insufficient dosages of folic acid and vitamin E, which affect the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, can cause disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • no iodine, potassium, selenium
  • 12 vitamins: A, C, D, E, B1, B2, PP, B6, B12, folic acid, H, panthenolic acid;
  • 11 minerals: calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, sodium, potassium
4 tablets per day
  • natural vitamin complex;
  • increased calcium and iron content prevents the development of anemia and develops bone tissue;
  • eliminates fatigue
  • taking a large number of tablets of a fairly impressive size;
  • unpleasant pungent odor;
  • high price;
  • poor availability in pharmacies
  • 11 vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, PP, folic and pantathenic acids;
  • 9 minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, selenium, iodine
1 tablet with meals
  • inexpensive basic vitamin and mineral complex;
  • contains: chromium, selenium, iodine;
  • optimally contains magnesium and calcium, which eliminate chronic fatigue, nervousness and sleep problems
  • reduced doses of folic acid and vitamin D, which prevent the development of rickets;
  • there is no vitamin H, necessary for normal intestinal function, and vitamin K, which is responsible for the functioning of the gallbladder;
  • no phosphorus - an essential mineral for the development of the nervous and circulatory systems
  • 13 vitamins: Omega-3, E, D, A, C, panthenolic acid, B1, B2, B6, PP, B12, folic acid, H;
  • 5 minerals: iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iodine
1 tablet immediately after meals
  • an additional source of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • value for money
  • contains a lower dose of vitamins and minerals than most similar complexes;
  • reduced daily dose of calcium and magnesium;
  • no selenium, chromium, manganese, copper

Photo gallery: vitamin complexes for nursing mothers

Vitamins Vitrum Prenatal with 10 vitamins and 3 minerals Vitamins Complivit mom with 11 vitamins and 7 minerals Vitamins Alphabet mom's health with 13 vitamins and 11 minerals
Vitamins Supradin with 12 vitamins and 8 minerals
Vitamins Solgar Prenatal with 12 vitamins and 11 minerals Vitamins Multi Tabs Perinatal with 11 vitamins and 9 minerals Vitamins Doppelherz with 13 vitamins and 5 minerals

There are a number of vitamin complexes that are aimed at replenishing one or more vitamins and minerals in the diet of a nursing woman.

Aevit are soft gelatin capsules that contain a high dosage of vitamins A and E, which is not always useful when breastfeeding. The drug is prescribed by a doctor for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for unbalanced nutrition. If you do not exceed the daily dose of 1 capsule per day and drink it for a month, then vitamins can be used during lactation. But it should be remembered that vitamin A tends to accumulate in the body and increase the risk of various complications. In acceptable doses, vitamins A and E are found in complex vitamins for nursing mothers.

Vitamins Aevit with a high content of vitamin A and E

Vitamin E - jelly capsules that help in metabolism, prevent anemia, saturate tissues with oxygen, while stimulating the formation of new capillaries. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is a women’s vitamin that prolongs skin youth and is part of complex vitamins prescribed to nursing mothers. The recommended dose is 15 mg.

Vitamin E for youthful and beautiful skin

Folic acid (vitamin B9) must be in the diet of a woman who is breastfeeding. This water-soluble vitamin ensures the normal development and growth of the circulatory and immune systems, increases the body's performance, and improves the condition of teeth and nails. Prescribed for the prevention and treatment of anemia, depression, insomnia, dermatitis, 1 tablet per day.

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. The daily dose during lactation is 80 mg. Vitamin C is necessary for the formation of collagen, strengthening bone tissue and the walls of blood vessels. The drug improves immunity, which is so necessary for every woman after childbirth. Included in all vitamin complexes. However, an overdose of vitamin C often causes an allergic reaction and leads to blood clotting disorders.

Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant

Ascorutin is a drug that contains ascorbic acid and rutoside. These substances reduce capillary permeability, help in the fight against acute respiratory diseases, and exhibit strong anti-inflammatory effects. The drug is prescribed 1-2 tablets per day to a nursing woman with varicose veins and heavy bleeding.

Ascorutin - vitamins containing ascorbic acid and rutoside

Vitamin D - tablets that mother and baby need during lactation. The shortage is especially acute in the autumn-winter period and for residents of the northern regions of the country. The drug is necessary for normal bone development, preventing rickets, increasing immunity, and improving vision. This vitamin prevents the growth of cancer cells and normalizes blood clotting. Available in both tablets and solution. The daily dose is only one drop.

Vitamin D prevents rickets

Neuromultivitis - B vitamins, which are aimed at treating neurological diseases, stimulating the metabolism of the central nervous system and regenerating nervous tissue. If the doctor has prescribed Neuromultivit, then breastfeeding should be stopped while taking the drug due to the lack of data on safe use during lactation.

Neuromulvit - B vitamins

Ferrum Lek is an iron-containing preparation. Prescribed to nursing mothers to prevent iron deficiency and treat anemia. Iron is present in any vitamin complex; it is an important component of hemoglobin. Available in the form of tablets, syrup and injections. Take the drug after meals, 1-3 tablets per day.

Vitamins Ferrum Lek - iron-containing preparation

Omega 3 (fish oil) is a dietary supplement of animal origin. Available in the form of capsules or solution. For a nursing woman, the drug is prescribed by a doctor for the treatment and prevention of rickets and anemia. Omega-3 ensures the functioning of the cardiovascular system and is involved in the development of the child’s brain. Helps calcium and phosphorus be better absorbed in the body. The disadvantages of this drug include a specific smell and taste. The daily dose of the drug is 1 capsule 3 times a day.

Fish oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus

Revit - synthetic vitamins C, B1, B2, A. A cheap drug that comes in the form of pills. During breastfeeding, a woman is recommended to take 1 tablet 3 times a day, 10–15 minutes after meals. The drug prevents the development of hypovitaminosis, improves vision, and helps participate in metabolic processes. It is characterized by a low composition of vitamins and the absence of microelements, which are necessary for nursing mothers.

Vitamins Revit, which includes vitamins C, B1, B2, A

Retinol is a vitamin that replenishes vitamin A deficiency. Nursing women are prescribed for the treatment of infectious diseases, eye and skin diseases. This vitamin tends to accumulate in the liver; in case of overdose, it is toxic and disrupts the function of vitamin D, so it is better to take it as part of a vitamin-mineral complex for nursing mothers, where it is in the correct dosage.

Retinol - a means to replenish vitamin A in the mother’s body

After pregnancy and childbirth, every young mother faces many problems, such as unhealthy teeth and gums, dry skin, brittle nails and hair loss. All these negative factors are a consequence of vitamin deficiency. Vitamin deficiency develops against the backdrop of the fact that a pregnant woman’s body gives all the beneficial vitamins, macro- and microelements to the developing fetus.

If a woman took vitamin complexes during her pregnancy, then there is a high probability that there will be fewer undesirable consequences. But pay attention to the fact that a woman’s body needs vitamins not only during gestation, but also after pregnancy.

Today in our article we will talk about vitamins after childbirth while breastfeeding. What multivitamin complexes are recommended to be preferred?

Vitamins for nursing mothers: importance for women and children

A newborn, who has rapidly changed his environment, remains in a state of stress for some time after birth. It is during this period that active waste occurs all reserves of useful substances that the fetus accumulated within itself during its intrauterine stay. Against this background, the likelihood of being attacked by viruses and infections increases significantly, and the small organism becomes more vulnerable.

That is why nutrition of a newborn is an extremely important issue. Breast milk is the ideal food for babies. This product is fully absorbed by the child’s body, as a result of which it receives all the necessary nutrients that contribute to full development and growth. But what is the connection between breastfeeding and vitamins? The dependence is direct, since taking vitamins while breastfeeding enriches milk with useful substances.

Minerals and vitamins during breastfeeding: which are most important?

When breastfeeding, the mother’s body experiences an acute deficiency of the following beneficial vitamins and minerals:

It is necessary to be aware of the fact that not only the mother’s body needs useful substances, but also the body of the newborn child. Therefore, it is extremely important to provide the mother’s body with all the necessary nutrients so that when breastfeeding the baby receives all the necessary substances for its full development.

Vitamins during lactation: how to properly enrich the body?

Let's look at two main ways to replenish deficiency of nutrients in the body:

  1. Not only balanced, but also high-quality nutrition.
  2. A complex of minerals and vitamins that are designed specifically for women after childbirth and during breastfeeding.

Particular attention should be paid to the first way to rationally organize your diet.

Of course, the developed tables and diagrams can serve as a guide when preparing meals, however, young mothers face a number of difficulties that they should definitely pay attention to:

In all cases, without exception In addition to the basic diet, it is necessary to include vitamins during pregnancy and after childbirth.

The daily requirement of a mother during lactation for foods containing vitamins

Vitamin Daily norm What products do they contain?
Iodine 0.1 - 0.2 mg seaweed, seaweed, fish and other seafood
Zinc 25 mg cheese, eggs, liver, meat, seafood, fish
Iron 25 mg buckwheat, oatmeal, poultry, rabbit, lamb, pork, beef
Magnesium 450 mg strawberries, raspberries, almonds, sea fish, barley and buckwheat
Phosphorus 1.8 g cabbage, liver, meat, bread, milk, cereals, nuts, fish
Calcium 1.2 - 2 g parsley, celery, cabbage, cherries, strawberries, egg yolks, cottage cheese, cheese, milk
D3 or cholecalciferol 12.5 mg butter, liver, eggs, fish
E or tocopherol 15 mg lettuce, liver, eggs, sunflower oil
C or ascorbic acid 75 - 100 mg potatoes, sauerkraut, vegetables, berries, fruits
PP or nicotinic acid 18 - 25 mg mushrooms, meat, beans, pineapple, buckwheat, rye bread
B12 or cyanocobalimin 2.8 mg seafood, fish, cheese, milk, liver, meat
B6 or pyridoxine 2 - 2.2 mg spinach, eggs, fish, meat, cabbage, hazelnuts, walnuts, potatoes
B2 or riboflavin 2.2 mg mushrooms, yeast, eggs, milk, liver
B1 or thiamine 1 - 1.5 mg beef, pork, liver, cereals, spinach, legumes and wheat bread
A or retinol 1.2 - 2.8 mg eggs, milk, cheese, butter, grapes, peaches, legumes (soybeans, peas), yellow and green vegetables (pumpkin, peppers, carrots and others)

What vitamin complexes are best to choose during lactation?

Today, there are several brands of vitamins for mothers who are breastfeeding. Let's look at the most popular among them:

Elevit Pronatal


  • Ease of use - 1 tablet per day;
  • The composition includes all the necessary nutrients.


  • High price;
  • May cause an allergic reaction.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte



A complex enriched with iron can cause constipation in mother and child.

Alphabet - Mom's health


  • Excellent vitamin and mineral composition;
  • Taking vitamins separately allows for their maximum absorption by the body;
  • Affordable price.


  • One package is enough for only 20 days;
  • Inconvenient dosage regimen - you should take three different tablets a day, with different vitamin compositions.

Please note that drugs that have a large number of positive reviews are not always suitable for a young mother during lactation. It is recommended to first consult with your doctor, who will allow you, based on the individual characteristics of the woman. choose the necessary vitamins, and also calculate their dosage.

How to take vitamins correctly for a woman who is breastfeeding?

All vitamin complexes are packaged with instructions for use, which describe the dosage regimen in detail. Please note that a woman who has given birth or is breastfeeding does not always experience a deficiency of nutrients. Sometimes it is enough to limit yourself to taking certain minerals and vitamins. In such cases, the attending physician prescribes a certain drug, the use of which is aimed at replenishing the deficiency of a certain nutrient that the body lacks for its full functioning. It is possible that these could be injections, capsules or tablets. The treatment regimen should be developed by a doctor based on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

What is the danger of an overdose of vitamins for a newborn?

Every young mother during lactation strives to provide her child with the best. In order for breast milk to be enriched with useful substances, a woman may overdo it with taking vitamin complexes . There is an excess of certain substances in the adult body may not be reflected at all, but for a newborn this can threaten the development of serious pathologies:

  • An excess of iron can cause toxic damage to the tissues of internal organs and systems, and chronic constipation can develop against its background.
  • Excess calcium and vitamin D in the body contributes to the formation of disorders in the formation of cranial bones, and also negatively affects the activity of the brain.
  • Excess vitamin A has a destructive effect on a vital organ - the liver.

Myths about multivitamins

Taking medications, especially during lactation, should be strictly discussed with your doctor. Before, how to buy multivitamin complexes, let's dispel the main myths concerning them: