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Drops and tablets with vitamins for the eyes: what is suitable for children and adults? Children's eye vitamins in tablets, drops, fruits and vegetables Syrup to improve vision for children

Vitamins are organic elements that play an important role in the functioning of the human body. Most of them are ingested with food or in the form of synthesized vitamin complexes. If there is insufficient supply of vitamins, the functioning of all organs and systems occurs.

A lack of vitamins is especially dangerous for a child’s body. Vitamin deficiency can cause retardation in physical development, slower growth, and decreased mental abilities. For this reason, many schoolchildren and children attending preschool institutions are diagnosed with visual impairments. To avoid such problems, children should be given medications to prevent eye diseases.

Vitamins and microelements necessary for a child to maintain and restore vision

Most organic compounds from the group of vitamins affect the quality of visual functions. However, some of them are of particular importance, because... with their deficiency, a significant decrease in visual functions occurs:

In addition to vitamins, microelements are also of great importance for humans. The presence of substances such as:

No less significant are fluorine, potassium, vitamin E, PP, because they maintain the quality and acuity of vision. People often do not receive the required amount of these biological elements from food.

Indications for taking eye vitamins for children

Doctors prescribe vitamin complexes to children to maintain and improve the quality of vision. The lack of vitamins is especially acute in winter, therefore, the risk of vision diseases in children increases.

Modern medicine makes it possible to compensate for the absence or deficiency of vitamins with the help of special multivitamin preparations developed taking into account daily needs depending on the age of the child. Taking your child the recommended dose of vitamins every day allows you to:

  • prevent visual impairment;
  • slow down the progression of eye diseases;
  • improve the quality of vision in low light conditions, at night;
  • protect mucous membranes;
  • eliminate tearing;
  • improve blood supply to the organs of vision.

You should take products containing elements beneficial for the eyes if certain symptoms appear. Vitamin supplements are prescribed if the following symptoms are present:

Preparations that include microelements and vitamins should be used as part of complex therapy for eye diseases. A child with myopia will benefit from supplements containing calcium and vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6. If the baby suffers from farsightedness, you should give him medications that contain vitamins A, B12, selenium, lutein and zinc.

When is the use of vitamins contraindicated?

Complexes with vitamins do not have any serious contraindications. The restrictions apply only to those children who, due to the individual characteristics of the body, cannot tolerate certain components included in the preparations.

In some cases, the use of vitamins of various groups is limited by the age of the children. When the use of vitamin supplements is unacceptable, it is necessary to ensure that these substances are delivered to the child’s body through food.

Forms of vitamins for vision for children of different ages

Vitamin products for the eyes, sold through pharmacies, are a complex of several compounds necessary to improve and maintain normal functions of the visual organ. In addition, there are products aimed at treating specific eye diseases, such as cataracts. Vitamin supplements come in several forms:

  • drops;
  • pills;
  • ampoules.

Liquid drip products are very popular. This is due to their rapid action and tangible effect. However, doctors have mixed opinions regarding eye drops, since their use often causes irritation of the cornea. Drops are usually used when there is excessive visual strain, for example, when working at a computer. They also help with increased sensitivity and irritability of the eyes.

Vitamin supplements in ampoules are not as popular as tablets; they contain components that are essential for the eyes and additional substances that are important for certain eye diseases. The course of injections and their dosage is determined by the doctor, based on data on the stage of the disease, the age of the child and the characteristics of his body.

List of the best vitamin preparations for children's vision and eye diseases

To choose a suitable treatment complex for your child, you should seek help from a doctor. He will conduct a preliminary diagnosis, determine which vitamins the baby needs in larger quantities, and which ones should not be prescribed in order to prevent oversaturation of the child’s body. Recommended vitamin products for preserving eye function and improving the functioning of visual structures, developed for children:

NameAmount of vitaminsNumber of mineralsDosage formAge when you can start taking the drug (years)
Pikovit9 - Syrup1
Pikovit11 8 Chewable tablets3-4
Pikovit10 2 Lozenges4
Vitrum (Kids)12 10 Chewable tablets4
Vitrum (Vision)Beta-carotene, lutein, zinc, copper, zeaxanthin, vitamin CPills12
Multitabs11 Pills4
Alphabet Optikum13 10 Pills14
Blueberry Forte EvalarVitamins B + C + blueberry extract, zincPills3
Slezavit6 4 Capsules3
OftalmoVit7 3 Capsules14
Blueberry Forte with lutein Pharm-proVitamin C + blueberry extract, carotenoidsCapsules3
blueberry9 Combined with blueberries and potassium iodideGel3
Vita Bears Focus+3 2 Chewable lozenges3
Kavit Junior lutein11 2 Chewing plates3
Alphabet “Our Baby”11 5 Powder1,5
Polivit Baby9 - SolutionNo restrictions

Vitamins for prevention

To avoid problems with the organs of vision, you need to monitor their health from childhood. It is not difficult to prevent a decrease in the quality of vision and deterioration of visual functions if you ensure that the child’s body receives the optimal amount of vitamins. Particular attention should be paid to children who are predisposed to visual impairment.

The best way to saturate the body with vitamins is to eat foods daily that contain many of the most important substances for the eyes. Below is a list that allows you to determine the daily requirement of each vitamin, as well as find out which foods contain them:

Prevention of diseases is always easier than treatment. Human health is established from early childhood, and the eyes require special attention.

Vitamins are organic compounds important for human life and health. Most vitamins are not produced independently in the body and enter it with food or in the form of special medications. A lack of nutrients provokes disruption of the functioning of all organs and systems. In childhood, vitamin deficiency causes delays in growth, mental and physical development.

Today there are a large number of problems associated with children's health. One of the most pressing is visual impairment. Statistics show that in civilized countries, approximately 20% of preschool children are regular patients of ophthalmologists, and the number of schoolchildren who have vision problems increases to 30%. This situation is caused by various reasons, which include poor nutrition, which is not enriched with the required amount of nutrients.

Taking eye vitamins for children helps:

  • reducing the manifestations of ophthalmological diseases;
  • preventing vision impairment;
  • improving night vision;
  • improving the condition of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • reducing headaches caused by poor blood circulation in the brain.

Minerals and vitamins for eyes for children

The following substances are of great importance for the prevention of ophthalmic diseases in children and optimization of the situation with existing vision problems:

  • Vitamin A: improves visual acuity, normalizes night vision, protects eyes from infections. Vitamin A is found in broccoli, carrots, liver, milk, eggs. A lack of vitamin A may be indicated by dry mucous membranes of the eyes, skin, and decreased visual acuity in the evening and at night.
  • Vitamin B2: maintains visual acuity, reduces eye fatigue, promotes vision adaptation in the dark. Vitamin B2 is rich in dairy and meat products, yeast, green vegetables, and cereals. Vitamin B2 deficiency is manifested by headaches, pain in the corners of the mouth, pain in the eyes, and general weakness.
  • Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) is necessary to protect the eyes from infections. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, black currants, sweet peppers, rose hips, strawberries, and leafy vegetables. Signs of vitamin C deficiency include gum inflammation, decreased immunity, and poor wound healing.
  • Vitamin D promotes the deposition of phosphorus and calcium to strengthen bones. Large amounts of vitamin D are found in fatty fish, egg yolks, and are also produced by the body. Vitamin D deficiency results in rickets and decreased bone hardness.
  • Vitamin E removes free radicals from the body, prevents and reduces the disorders caused by them. Vitamin E is found in whole grains, nuts and vegetable oils. A sign of vitamin E deficiency is an increased tendency to bleed.

Specifics of using children's eye vitamins

Preventing a problem is much easier than solving it. This also applies to the prevention of eye diseases, which involves a number of measures. The following recommendations should be followed:

  • enrich the child’s diet with foods rich in nutrients necessary to maintain visual health;
  • provide the required level of lighting;
  • do special exercises for the eyes;
  • regulate the amount of time your child spends in front of a TV or computer screen;
  • pay attention to the child’s posture;
  • monitor the distance from the book or screen to your eyes.

It is much more difficult for residents of large cities to fulfill the first point of these recommendations, since the quality of food in stores and markets is questionable. Storage conditions and periods, specific processing, violation of production standards significantly reduce the amount of nutrients in products. For this reason, many pediatricians recommend that children take a special balanced complex of vitamins. It supports the body during growth, prevents and stops the development of most diseases. However, you should not take any medications without consulting your doctor. Even useful substances such as vitamins have their own specific uses. And in case of overdose, adverse consequences may occur.

Vitamins for the eyes that you can buy at the pharmacy

What else can you do?

In addition to eye vitamins, to improve vision in children, ophthalmologists recommend the use of special devices that train and improve blood supply to the eyeball and adjacent tissues. If previously this method of vision restoration was available only in specialized eye clinics (due to the bulkiness and high cost of the devices), now, with the development of technology, almost everyone can afford to purchase such devices for use at home for the whole family - the devices have become compact , easy to use and affordable.

The most popular and effective devices for home use

Sidorenko glasses (AMBO-01)- the most advanced device for self-use by the patient for various eye diseases. Combines color pulse therapy and vacuum massage. Can be used both in children (from 3 years old) and in elderly patients.

Vizulon- a modern color pulse therapy device, with several programs, which allows it to be used not only for the prevention and complex treatment of vision diseases, but also for pathologies of the nervous system (migraines, insomnia, etc.). Available in several colors.

The most famous and popular eye device based on color pulse therapy methods. It has been produced for about 10 years and is well known to both patients and doctors. It is characterized by low price and ease of use.

A child's visual system must be taken seriously. After all, it is in childhood that the retina, eye muscles, lens and other components of a normally functioning eye develop. Children's vision has a load no less than that of an adult: kids need not only to explore the world around them, but also to learn to read, write, draw... Therefore, to prevent future problems, you need to give your child children's eye vitamins. They come in drops and also in tablets, which can be used by children of all ages.

Eye vitamins for children in drops provide an excellent effect, supporting the normal structure of eye tissue. They also help cope with active forms of farsightedness and myopia, glaucoma, cataracts and retinal dystrophy.

For children from 10 to 11 years of age, medications in drops are best suited, because they no longer have problems with eye drops, like children do.

Children's eye drops, the most popular nowadays:

  • "Okovit with blueberries." The complex supports the normal development of the child’s visual organs from the first days of life. It is an excellent way to avoid farsightedness, nearsightedness and cataracts.
  • "Vezioned." The active substance of the drug is beta-carotene, vitamins B and E, plus blueberry extract. Drops are a preventive drug against various eye diseases. They also perfectly relieve tension in the eye muscles.
  • "Mirtilene Forte". These are Italian eye drops that are recommended for the prevention of pathologies of the eye muscles and retina. Can be used by children over 6 years old.
  • “Strix”, “Blueberry Forte”, “Biovit Blueberry”. These blueberry vitamins are excellent remedies that are used to prevent farsightedness and myopia in children.
  • "Andruzen Forte". Great for young patients diagnosed with glaucoma or cataracts.

Note that blueberries are contained in almost all children's eye vitamins. The beneficial properties of this berry have been clinically proven. We recommend eating blueberries with children in the summer to prevent various diseases of the visual system.

Attention: before using children's vitamin drops, you should consult an ophthalmologist; he will help you decide on the appropriate drug and its dosage.

Tablets (from infancy)

Among the best eye vitamins for children in tablets is Vitrum Vision. This is a drug with lutein, which helps the child's eyes reduce stress. Among vitamin complexes, Alphabet Optikum is considered the best.

  • The best vitamins for infants are Polivit Baby.
  • For babies over one year old, ophthalmologists advise taking Pikovit, Sana-Sol, Our Baby and Alphabet.
  • Alphabet Optikum is perfect for teenagers, and Vitrum Vision for children over 12 years old.

On the medicine market you can find many supplements that are indicated for improving vision. Their effectiveness, compared to vitamin complexes, is controversial. Therefore, the choice of vitamin tablets or dietary supplements should be made only after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

For myopia

The process of overcoming myopia in a child is quite complex. Treatment needs to be approached comprehensively, combining medication and eye exercises, using glasses prescribed by the doctor, eating a balanced diet, and walking in nature more often.

The main vitamin that children with myopia should consume is retinol (vitamin A). It is required for the development of the retina and the correct transmission of images to the brain. Note that vitamin A must be taken together with butter or vegetable oil so that the body can fully absorb it.

  • B1 improves the activity of the optic nerves.
  • B2 ensures good oxygen exchange and also nourishes the optic nerves. But a side effect may occur: the eyelids turn red and performance decreases.
  • B6 relieves eye strain. It is also recommended to use it to prevent visual impairment.

Vitamin C is an excellent natural antioxidant that strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation and oxygen exchange in the organs of vision.

Myopia occurs due to the elongation of the eyeball. And calcium in case of myopia promotes the stability of the connective tissue of the eyes.

Children with myopia should take vitamins for at least one quarter. After which the body rests for a month, then the course of vitamin therapy is repeated again.

We remind you that for advice on vitamins for vision, you should contact your ophthalmologist.

Fortified foods and signs of vitamin deficiency

There are many products that can improve vision. They contain the following vitamins and microelements:

  • Milk, carrots, eggs, broccoli are a storehouse of vitamin A. It is needed to improve visual acuity, especially in the dark. Signs of deficiency: dry eye mucosa, night blindness.
  • Spinach, kiwi, and celery are rich in lutein. They are especially useful for children aged 5 - 6 years. Signs of deficiency: clouding of the lens and destruction of the retina.
  • Meats, dairy products, leafy green vegetables, yeast and grains contain vitamin B2 (riboflavin). It reduces tension in the eye muscles, improves visual acuity and adaptation at dusk. Signs of deficiency: loss of appetite, pain in the eyes, inflammation of the oral mucosa, weakness.
  • Black currants, rose hips, strawberries, citrus fruits, and sweet peppers contain vitamin C (ascorbic acid). It improves eye immunity, preventing the development of eye infections. A lack of vitamin C manifests itself in a decrease in general immunity, bleeding gums, and poor healing of abrasions and cuts.

  • A complete, balanced diet, from which the child will receive useful microelements, vitamins and minerals for the proper development of the visual organs.
  • Distribute your visual load evenly. If the child has worked out for twenty minutes, then let him get up, look out the window at distant objects, and do gymnastics for the body and eyes. Blood circulation and oxygen exchange will improve, and the child’s vision will not be affected.
  • Provide the place where the child is studying with sufficient lighting. It is recommended to use “warm” light, which will be distributed evenly over the entire area.
  • Teach your child not to rub his eyes with dirty hands to avoid infection.
  • Walk with your child for at least two hours a day, let him run and jump in the fresh air.
  • Protect your child's eyes from bright sunlight. Give him special children's glasses.


Parents should provide their child with a diet rich in microelements and vitamins to improve vision and prevent various diseases.

If you already have any vision problems, or require additional vitamin complexes, contact your ophthalmologist so that he can prescribe the right drug and its dosage for your child.

Decreased vision in childhood is a common problem in the modern world. Parents' comprehensive approach to the health of their children's eyes can partially preserve vision and prevent its deterioration. A visit to the ophthalmologist should be the first task in solving the problem. Eye vitamins for children will also help maintain sharp vision.

Almost all vitamins, in one way or another, affect visual acuity.

Essential vitamins

Basic vitamins, the deficiency of which leads to decreased vision function in children, are presented below.

  1. Vitamin A(retinol) is rightfully considered the main vitamin affecting vision. The lack of this vitamin in the body is the cause of “night blindness” (reduced visual acuity at dusk), frequent inflammatory diseases of the eyelids and leads to deterioration. Vitamin A is found in all orange-colored fruits and vegetables, as well as parsley, liver and tomatoes. It should be remembered that vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, so it is best absorbed if you pour vegetable and fruit salads with vegetable oil.
  2. B vitamins: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B12 (cyanocobalamin) - a group of vitamins, without which the proper functioning of the entire nervous system, including the functioning of the optic nerves, is impossible. The source of these vitamins is wholemeal bread, rice, liver, fish, yeast.
  3. Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) has a direct effect on the wall of blood vessels, strengthening them. The vitamin is found in black currants, rose hips, parsley, sorrel, and citrus fruits. A form of vitamin C is available in the form of pills or effervescent tablets at the pharmacy.
  4. Vitamin D(cholecalciferol, ergocalciferol) is a vitamin whose main function is to strengthen eye tissue. Its use is indicated for progressive myopia. The source of this vitamin is directly from the sun's rays (synthesis in the body occurs through tanning), seaweed, oil, fish, and forest mushrooms. A decrease in the production of this vitamin is observed in children in northern regions and in winter, when sunny days are shorter. Fat-soluble and water-soluble forms of vitamin D are available in drops in pharmacies.

Essential microelements

Basic microelements and biologically active substances for improving vision are presented below.

  • Lutein. A special pigment whose main function is to protect the retina. Its maximum amount is located in the macula (the area of ​​the retina responsible for central vision). Performs two functions: absorbing rays of the blue-violet part of the spectrum and neutralizing oxidizing agents and free radicals. Sources of lutein include spinach, eggs, citrus fruits, corn, carrots, and sweet peppers.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Their main functions in the human body are the production of tissue hormones eicosanoids, the formation of cell membranes and the creation of energy reserves. The source is sea fish.
  • Calcium. A necessary element in strengthening eye tissue. Sources include dairy products, sesame seeds and green vegetables.
  • Zinc and selenium. Increases the absorption of vitamin A and stabilizes cell membranes. Source: mussels, oysters, onions and garlic.
  • For high visual acuity you also need potassium, fluorine, PP vitamins, vitamin K and E.

Not all vitamins and microelements are easily absorbed in the daily dose that each individual body needs, especially in the winter months. The lack of such important components does not have the best effect and leads to visual impairment in children.

Taking vitamin supplements, especially in winter and spring, helps provide the body with everything it needs and preserves vision.

The development of pharmacology has made it possible for doctors to select vitamin complexes individually for each child, depending on the needs of different age groups.

"SlezaVit" for children from 3 years old

“SlezaVit” is a dietary supplement that contains lutein, zeaxanthin, copper, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, B vitamins, and chromium. The manufacturer is Adifarm LTD for World Medicine Ophthalmix LTD, Bulgaria/UK.

The drug is prescribed to normalize the vitamin and mineral balance in various eye diseases, and also as an antioxidant in degenerative eye diseases.

The tendency to allergic reactions (urticaria, angioedema, allergic dermatitis) is an absolute contraindication.

While taking the drug, urine turns intense yellow, which is due to the presence of riboflavin (vitamin B2) in the drug. This should not be regarded as a side reaction!

Price in pharmacies: from 650 rubles.

vitamins for vision

"Strix" and "Strix-Kids" for children from 4 years old

Children's eye vitamins "Strix-Kids", containing beta-carotene and blueberry extract, are prescribed to children with prolonged visual stress.

The manufacturer is Ferrosan (Denmark). The rules for taking the drug are as follows.

  1. The recommended dosage regimen for Strix for children over 7 years of age is 1 tablet once a day with a small amount of water.
  2. "Strix Kids" (chewable tablets) are prescribed to children 4-6 years old, 1 tablet once a day, chewing thoroughly.
  3. Course of taking the drug: 1-2 months.

The tendency to develop allergic reactions (urticaria, Quincke's edema, allergic dermatitis) to any of the components of this drug is an absolute contraindication.

Allergic reactions to the complex drug (contact dermatitis, urticaria) should be considered as a side effect of the drug.

Strix forte tab. 500 mg No. 30

A complex vitamin and mineral preparation containing lutein, zeaxanthin, blueberry extract, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B2. Manufacturer UNIPHARM INC, USA.

The prescription of the drug for prolonged visual loads, in persons with refractive errors (myopia, farsightedness), retinopathy, degenerative processes of the retina, before and after surgical interventions in order to stimulate regenerative processes in the body is justified.

The use of the drug is permitted for children over 12 years of age and adults according to the following regimen: 1 tablet 2 times a day after meals. Course - 3 months.

A tendency to allergic reactions (urticaria, angioedema, allergic dermatitis) to any of the components of this drug is an absolute contraindication for use.

Adverse reactions: nausea, weakness, gastrointestinal disorders, allergic reactions to the drug - may be possible side effects of the drug.

vitamins for vision

Dietary supplement containing lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C. Manufacturer: Queisser Pharma, Germany.

The drug is prescribed for the purpose of normalizing metabolism, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, antioxidant protection of the eyes in case of twilight adaptation disorders, degenerative processes in the body, refractive errors, as well as for the purpose of preoperative preparation to stimulate regeneration processes.

The use of the drug is permitted for children over 12 years of age and adults according to the following scheme: 1 tablet 1 time per day after meals. Course - 1 month.

The tendency to allergic reactions (urticaria, Quincke's edema, allergic dermatitis) is an absolute contraindication for use.

Allergic reactions to the complex drug (contact dermatitis, urticaria) should be considered as a side effect of the drug.

Doppelhertz active eye vitamins with chromium, zinc and selenium caps. 1350 mg No. 30

It should be noted that in patients with refractive errors (, hypermetropia), drugs can only be used in complex treatment and do not replace spectacle correction. In patients with dystrophic diseases of the cornea and retina, these drugs are aimed at preserving and maintaining healthy areas of the eye and are a small part of complex treatment.

It should be remembered that before using any drug, you should consult with your doctor, since not only a lack of vitamins leads to diseases, but also their excess!

Vitamins, micro- and macroelements help the functioning of the whole body, including the eyes. Nutrients are especially important in childhood, when the child develops and grows.

Vitamins for normal eye function:

Vitamin Beneficial features Daily norm
(retinol) One of the most important vitamins for vision, is responsible for the eyes’ ability to see at dusk, improves the reaction to light stimuli and contrasts Up to 1 year - 400 mcg
1-3 years - 450 mcg
4-6 years - 500 mcg
7-10 years - 700 mcg
(ascorbic acid) Increases the tone of the eye muscles, has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and capillaries, improves blood circulation and relieves eye fatigue 0-6 months - 30 mg
6 months-1 year - 35 mg
1-3 years - 40 mg
4-10 years - 45 mg
(tocopherol) Prevents retinal detachment and capillary fragility 0-6 months - 3 IU
6 months-1 year - 4 IU
1-3 years - 6 IU
4-10 years - 7 IU
B2 (riboflavin) Acts together with vitamin A. Participates in the creation of purple and activation of the synthesis of flavin nucleotides, improves color perception of the eyes, and has a beneficial effect on the visual areas of the brain 0-6 months - 0.5 mg
6 months-1 year - 0.6 mg
1-3 years - 0.9 mg
4-6 years - 1 mg
7-10 years - 1.4 mg
(rutin) Prevents capillary fragility and strengthens blood vessels 25-30 mg per day
Boosts eye immunity, relieves inflammatory processes in the cornea and fiber 0-3 years - 10 mcg
4-10 years - 2.5 mcg

Substances called carotenoids bring enormous benefits to eye health:

Substance Beneficial features
Beta carotene It is provitamin A. The body accumulates beta-carotene only in the amount it needs, which eliminates the possibility of an overdose of the substance. Performs many functions in the body - prevents the development of infectious, viral, cardiovascular, and oncological diseases, protects against the harmful effects of radiation and other undesirable conditions (high air temperature, harmful solar radiation, etc.)
Lutein Protects and prevents age-related changes in the eyes
Lycopene Prevents the development of cataracts, improves the condition of the choroid
Zeaxanthin Helps with fundus function

The following elements help with eye function:

  • Zinc. Promotes better absorption of vitamin A, normalizes the functioning of the optic nerve. Its deficiency provokes a reduction in the myelin layer of nerve cells and leads to the development of optical neuropathy and retinal ischemia.
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids. They prevent the development of cataracts, prevent corneal dryness, and regulate the outflow of intraocular fluid.

The daily need for vitamins and other useful substances varies depending on the place of residence, nutrition, gender, age and state of health of a person. An excess of vitamins is just as dangerous as a deficiency and can lead to health problems. Hypervitaminosis is especially dangerous in childhood.

What can a lack of vitamins lead to?

Vitamin deficiency can lead to undesirable consequences and increases the risk of disease.

Negative consequences of hypovitaminosis in children:

If any eye problems occur in children, you should consult a doctor for advice.

The development of hypovitaminosis can be prevented by proper nutrition and taking vitamin supplements.

Myopia and farsightedness in children

The causes of diseases in children such as nearsightedness (myopia) and farsightedness (hypermetropia) can be:

  • heredity, unfavorable conditions, eye strain;
  • deficiency of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

If you suspect poor vision in a child, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist

Vitamins for vision for children and other useful substances for myopia:

  • Calcium. Improves the condition of connective tissue and prevents the eyeball from becoming deformed.
  • B vitamins. Help the nervous system cope with its functions.
  • Vitamin E. Improves vision.
  • Vitamin C and B2. Stop the development of the disease.
  • Omega-3. Helps in the treatment of myopia, improves vision.

For farsightedness, doctors prescribe the following useful substances:

  • Lutein. Nourishes the fundus of the eye, improves vision.
  • Zinc. Improves the absorption of vitamin A and B2.
  • Selenium. Improves visual acuity and color rendering.
  • Blueberry. Improves vision and blood circulation in the eyes, relieves fatigue.

Nutrition for eye health

Health largely depends on human nutrition. Children especially need proper nutrition.

What foods should children and teenagers eat for eye health?

Vitamin A - butter, egg yolks, milk, cream, apricots, pumpkin, carrots B vitamins - vegetables, wheat, nuts, lettuce, dates, grapes, blueberries
Vitamin C - citrus fruits, black currants, rose hips, cranberries, any fresh fruits and vegetables Vitamin P - citruses, cherries, olives
Vitamin D - fatty fish, mushrooms, yeast, cheese Vitamin E - legumes, vegetable oil
Essential fatty acids - fatty sea fish, nuts, sunflower seeds Lutein - spinach, zucchini, broccoli, blackcurrant, raspberry, cherry, blueberry
Zeaxanthin - pumpkin, corn, mango, peach, melon Zinc - oysters, beef, nuts, eggs, sesame seeds

In order to prevent vitamin deficiency and health problems in a child, it is necessary to provide him with a nutritious and varied diet. You need to eat cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish every day, drink fresh natural juices, cocoa, and give your child peeled seeds and nuts. A new product, especially seafood, eggs, red vegetables and fruits, must be introduced gradually to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions. You also need to be careful with fatty foods (eg butter, nuts, legumes) and feed them in limited quantities. By eating properly, the child will receive all the necessary nutrients, which will promote normal development, growth and prevent many diseases.

Children's vitamin preparations for visual acuity

Vitamin preparations for children help fill the deficiency of useful elements. Only a doctor should prescribe them, taking into account the diagnosis, general condition of the child, weight, gender and age.

Popular eye vitamins for children:

A drug Release form Age category Compound
Pikovit Syrup;
Chewable tablets;
Syrup - from a year; Chewable tablets - from 3-4 years;
Lozenges - from 4 years
Syrup - 9 vitamins;
Chewable tablets - 11 vitamins and 8 minerals;
Lozenges - 10 vitamins and 2 minerals
Vitrum Kids Chewable tablets From 4 years old 12 vitamins and 10 minerals
Vitrum Vision Pills From the age of 12 Beta-carotene, lutein, zinc, copper, zeaxanthin, vitamin C
Multitabs Classic Pills From 4 years old 11 vitamins
Alphabet Optikum Pills From the age of 14 13 vitamins, 10 minerals, blueberry, lutein, lycopene
Blueberry Forte Evalar Pills From 3 years Vitamins C, group B, blueberry extract, zinc
Slezavit Capsules From 3 years 6 vitamins, 4 minerals, blueberry, lutein, zeaxanthin
OftalmoVit Capsules From the age of 14 7 vitamins, selenium, zinc, carotenoids
Blueberry Forte with lutein Pharm-pro Capsules From 3 years Blueberry extract, carotenoids, vitamin C
blueberry Gel From 3 years 9 vitamins, blueberries, potassium iodate
Vita Bears Focus+ Chewable lozenges From 3 years 3 vitamins, blueberries, zinc
Kavit Junior lutein Chewable lozenges From 3 years 11 vitamins, calcium, lutein
Alphabet Our baby Powder in sachet From 1.5 years 11 vitamins, 5 minerals
Polivit Baby Solution From birth 9 vitamins

For children over 10 years of age and adolescents, eye drops with vitamins are suitable for preventing eye diseases and improving vision:

  • Okovit with blueberries;
  • Vezioned;
  • Mirtilene Forte;
  • Strix;
  • Blueberry Forte;
  • Biovit Blueberry;
  • Andruzen Forte.

Before using eye drops, children should consult an ophthalmologist.


There are no special contraindications to the use of vitamin complexes. It is prohibited to take medications if you are hypersensitive. Also, some vitamin products have age restrictions.

Some factors that affect vision (for example, genetics) are beyond our control. You need to monitor your diet, avoid vitamin deficiencies, prohibit watching TV and playing on the computer for a long time, provide comfortable and proper conditions for reading, drawing and doing homework.

You can watch the video below about the features of baby food that promotes eye health.