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Therapeutic exercises after the treatment of pneumonia. Effective breathing exercises for pneumonia. Other exercise options

Breathing exercises are a set of exercises based on proper breathing in combination with physiotherapy exercises or without it. This gymnastics is aimed at the prevention and treatment of diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and even nervous system.

There are many different methods and sets of exercises, the most famous among them is breathing exercises according to Strelnikova.

Breathing exercises for pneumonia is an excellent addition to conservative therapy and can significantly speed up the patient's recovery process.

What is the effect of breathing exercises

Pneumonia is a disease in which inflammation occurs in the lungs. It is accompanied by respiratory failure and a decrease in the volume of functional tissue, which disrupts the process of gas exchange in the lungs and reduces the supply of oxygen to the brain and other organs.


This causes the development of stagnant processes in the body, exacerbations of chronic diseases occur, and the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. In order to solve these problems as quickly as possible, breathing exercises are connected to drug therapy, which:

  • helps to improve gas exchange and better saturate the blood with oxygen;
  • stimulates lymphatic circulation;
  • trains the respiratory muscles and teaches diaphragmatic breathing;
  • contributes to the drainage function in the lesions, i.e., cleansing the respiratory tract from sputum;
  • increases the depth of inspiration;
  • relieves symptoms of intoxication;
  • improves the general condition and mood of the patient.

In addition, exercise helps to protect yourself from possible and very frequent complications after pneumonia.

Such as:

  • adhesive processes in the lung tissue;
  • emphysema;
  • atelectasis;
  • violation of the shape of the chest.

The basis of the healing effect of respiratory gymnastics is the possibility of arbitrary regulation of the duration and strength of inhalation and exhalation, the ability to hold or force the breath. This is what contributes to the speedy recovery of the patient, the resorption of inflammatory foci and the restoration of his working capacity.

Fundamentals of breathing exercises

You can start breathing exercises if there is no fever, acute symptoms of intoxication, and if laboratory and radiological studies indicate a reverse development of the pathological process.

Also, respiratory gymnastics is contraindicated in case of exhaustion, heart failure, lung oncology, purulent inflammation and at the risk of bleeding. You can start while still on bed rest, gradually moving to classes while sitting, standing in combination with general strengthening exercises.

The first sessions of breathing exercises should not exceed 5-10 minutes. Patients on bed rest should perform exercises lying down, without deepening the breath. After improving the dynamics of recovery, you can lengthen the sessions and connect new exercises.

For effective therapy, it is necessary to bring the duration of classes to 30 minutes, combining breathing exercises with elements of physical therapy, as well as adding additional loads and auxiliary items (dumbbells, ball, gymnastic stick, etc.). Regular breathing exercises after pneumonia will help speed up the rehabilitation process and quickly return the patient to work.

Basic breathing exercises

For the treatment and prevention of pneumonia, a number of special breathing exercises are proposed, in which it is important to follow the technique of execution.

  1. Purifying breath. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and slowly release the air with jerks through the lips, folded with a tube, without puffing out your cheeks.
  2. Breathing with obstacle and count. Take in air with your nose for 3 seconds, then release it through tightly compressed lips. Stretch the exhalation for 6 seconds.
  3. Sound breathing. It trains the lengthening of the exhalation, it is necessary to use only the respiratory muscles. Take a maximum breath and exhale with impulses to pronounce vibrating and whistling sounds (Z, S, F, Ch, F, R, M, N). This exercise relieves bronchospasm.
  4. Tongue Twisters. On exhalation, after a deep breath, it is necessary to pronounce short tongue twisters.

These exercises can be done lying down. For half-bed rest, there are more complex schemes, which are also based on proper breathing with a deep exhalation, but in combination with physical activity.

To date, in the majority of registered clinical cases of pneumonia, physiotherapy exercises have not been prescribed, which, by the way, is, if not of paramount importance in the tactics of managing such patients, then it is definitely capable of significantly reducing the recovery and rehabilitation period. This is most likely due to the fact that in modern clinical guidelines very little importance is given to physiotherapy in principle, not only for diseases of the respiratory tract.

This is not good, because due to this phenomenon, the terms of disability of the population increase, the frequency of complications and chronicity of the process increases. It is for these reasons that the attending physician needs to pay much more attention to the issue of physiotherapeutic treatment of patients. It has been authentically proved that in the event that competent breathing exercises for pneumonia were included in the patient's treatment regimen, the period of his disability was reduced by five to seven days (official statistics).

However, it should be borne in mind that improperly performed breathing exercises for pneumonia can significantly worsen the patient's condition (especially when the physiotherapy complex in adults was started during an exacerbation of the disease).

The need for a complex of exercise therapy for pneumonia was initially predetermined by the pathophysiological mechanism of the inflammatory process. The thing is that pneumonia is a rapidly manifesting disease associated with massive exudation, most often of an infectious nature. It is accompanied by damage to the lower respiratory tract and lung parenchyma. Due to the fact that the progression of the inflammatory process is noted, there is a decrease in the so-called respiratory area, which, naturally, in turn, leads to respiratory failure.

At the molecular level, the pathological process is as follows - due to the resulting tissue compaction, venous blood does not come into contact with oxygen, which is why it remains unsaturated with oxygen. In addition, a vicious circle is formed - the oxygen-poor blood supplied from the focus of inflammation is mixed with arterial blood, which comes from areas of the lung that are not affected by the inflammatory process. This leads to respiratory failure (the most dangerous syndrome in pneumonia), as the total oxygen concentration in the blood will be reduced.

At the reflex level, there is an increase in the number of respiratory movements per minute - a compensatory mechanism aimed at equalizing the gas constancy of the internal environment of the body. However, there is also a negative point here, which forms a vicious circle - due to the fact that the amplitude of chest excursion decreases (due to rapid breathing), and in addition, the strength of coughing movements, the phenomenon of secretory stagnation in the lower respiratory tract develops, with further their obturation (blockage) and the appearance of hypostatic foci of pneumonia. Prolonged hypoventilation of the lung favors the formation of atelectasis of individual sections of the lungs.

The Benefits of Exercise

Proper use of a complex of physiotherapy techniques can significantly reduce this kind of phenomenon, since due to this method of treatment, lymph and blood circulation is significantly stimulated (and locally, which is not unimportant - the inflammatory process in pneumonia has its limits - this is not diffuse inflammation, like phlegmon) , the removal of exudate is accelerated many times, in addition - improved sputum drainage. Since inflammation of the lungs inevitably creates conditions for limiting the function of the affected areas of the lung tissue, impaired local blood circulation with stagnation, excessive sputum production with deterioration in the drainage functions of the lungs. Stagnation will disappear - the respiratory rate will also normalize.

Exercise therapy program for patients with pneumonia

The most important rule when conducting a complex of physiotherapy exercises in a patient with pneumonia is its gradualness. If, however, the patient is immediately given too much load, then it is possible to lead not only to an improvement, but to a significant deterioration in his condition. The optimal start of physiotherapy exercises for pneumonia is respiratory gymnastics for five to ten minutes, nothing more. Again, it is, in principle, allowed only after the patient's condition stabilizes (the temperature will not rise, the respiratory rate will be no more than eighteen per minute).

The complex of respiratory gymnastics (starting) is carried out in the prone position. During these exercises, the physiotherapy instructor performs a vibration massage of the chest. Optimal for combination with breathing exercises is the exhalation pronunciation (as long as possible) of the sounds Р, Ж, З, Ш, Ш, С, Ф, Ch. Thus, the effect of breathing exercises can be significantly potentiated.

In the event that the patient has a positive dynamics of the general condition, then it is worth increasing the load of physiotherapy exercises. Mainly, it lies in the fact that the whole complex of breathing exercises is carried out not lying down, but sitting. With further positive dynamics - standing. In addition, the duration of breathing exercises increases, between cycles brisk walking (on a flat surface) is recommended.

It is very important to combine a complex of physiotherapy exercises with other physiotherapeutic methods - mainly with inhalations and KUF of the pharynx and nose.

For inhalation, solutions of mucolytics (ambrobene, lazolvan), antiseptics (dioxidin, decasan) and alkaline mineral water are used. It is recommended to perform after breathing exercises one inhalation of each type three times a day.


Exercise therapy for pneumonia (pneumonia) is shown without fail, however, a set of exercises should be carried out only after stabilization of the general condition of the patient. Of course, there are patients who are in a hurry to work and categorically refuse to stay in the hospital for the entire period necessary for the rehabilitation course. In this case, a set of exercises can be performed in the day hospital mode, its effectiveness will not decrease from this.

Video: Strelnikova's breathing exercises (without further ado and video)

Pneumonia is a serious disease that is fraught with complications. Therefore, the approach to treatment should be comprehensive. One of the stages of therapy is breathing exercises for pneumonia. Simple exercises will help to quickly bring the respiratory system back to normal. You can practice at home. To do this, you need to remember a few basic rules. Detailed information about pneumonia is

Useful qualities of breathing exercises

Exercise therapy for pneumonia solves one of the most important tasks - the restoration of normal breathing. When the muscles contract, they start chemical processes that activate the respiratory function. Breathing exercises help to saturate the blood with oxygen. Among the other positive qualities of such training are:

  • The correct rhythm of the lungs is restored. Breathing becomes even and deep.
  • All muscles of the body are relaxed. This facilitates the breathing process and has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.
  • Regular training allows you to strengthen the muscles related to the respiratory system.
  • Defects of the spine and chest are eliminated.
  • The abdominal muscles become stronger.

Physiotherapy exercises, which include breathing exercises, will help restore poor health, strengthen muscles, and get rid of overexertion.


A set of breathing exercises in some cases can be harmful to health. It should be abandoned if the following symptoms are found:

  • A sharp deterioration in well-being, the appearance of fever.
  • Exacerbation of respiratory failure.
  • Pathology of the cardiovascular system, a previous heart attack or a serious form of arrhythmia.
  • Mental illness.

After suffering pneumonia, you must carefully monitor your health. At first, the load should be minimal. Only after the body gets stronger, you can proceed to intensive training.

A set of physical therapy exercises for adults and children should begin with mandatory breathing exercises. They will help clear the upper bronchi and restore breathing.

If you feel a deterioration in your well-being, then training should be stopped and consult with your doctor.

Exercises for beginners

After suffering pneumonia and bronchitis, it is worth training in a gentle mode. The body is still too weak, and it is not worth overloading it. The starting set of exercises for adults and children is as follows:

  • Breathe in through your nose. In this case, the lips should be compressed. Hold the air in your lungs for three seconds. Exhale through your slightly open mouth. The expiration time should be at least 6 seconds.
  • Get as much air into your lungs as possible. Take a sharp breath. At the same time, try not to puff out your cheeks.
  • With bronchitis, exercises are useful in which it is necessary to pronounce the sounds Ф, Ш, М, Р, Ж and С with a slight vibration. At the same time, the mouth should remain closed.
  • Raise both hands up as you inhale, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat this operation at least 10 times.
  • Connect the hands. While inhaling, raise your arms up. Without opening your hands, turn your palms outward. Slowly return to the starting position. Do at least five such exercises.
  • Taking a deep breath, raise your arms and place them behind your back. Lower back as you exhale.

The complex can be completed by repeating the first exercise. Such training is effective not only for pneumonia, but also for bronchitis. Do it regularly at home. After a week of such classes, you can proceed to the course of basic classes.

Effective Exercises

Among the most effective exercises for bronchitis and after pneumonia in children and adults, the following can be distinguished:

  • Lie down on the floor or bed. Place your hands on your stomach to control your breathing. Breathe in, trying to exhale as long as possible.
  • In the supine position, place your hands behind your back. After that, pushing yourself with your hands, raise your upper body. Make springy bends.
  • Put your hands on your belt. Do springy slopes to the left and right sides. Take a deep breath during each bend.
  • Raise your hands up as you inhale. Bend over with slightly bent knees. After that, take your hands back. Exhale sharply. Repeat the exercise six times.

Such exercises can be used in the treatment of children. Classes can be carried out for prevention.

Strelnikova's method

An effective set of exercises was developed by Professor A.N. Strelnikova. It solves many problems of successful recovery and combines moderate physical activity and breathing exercises. Experts recommend using this complex for severe forms of the disease in adults and children.

The most effective exercises from Strelnikova are:

  • Take a horizontal position. Try to relax all your muscles. Breathe at a rate of 40 breaths per minute.
  • Rotate your hands in both directions.
  • Bend and unbend your feet. At the same time, try to breathe as slowly as possible.
  • Extend your arms along your body. Lift them up slowly. Take a deep breath. Lower your arms and lean forward.

Strelnikova's technique is suitable for the treatment of children. Regular exercise can speed up the healing process. Blood circulation improves, congestion is eliminated, ventilation of the lungs is established. To enhance the effect, Strelnikova's technique must be combined with therapeutic massage.

Breathing exercises after pneumonia is one of the important stages of treatment and full recovery of the lungs.

A similar method of therapy is widely used in the general composition of a useful physical therapy complex or exercise therapy. It can be an effective addition to drug therapy, an immune-boosting regimen, and massage therapy.

Pneumonia is a fairly serious disease.. To fully and effectively recover, you will need to apply a number of specific therapeutic procedures. Among them, breathing exercises after pneumonia at home occupies a special place.

The first few activities are important to carry out under the guidance of a specialist.. Neglecting this rule can lead to the fact that there will be no benefit from gymnastics, and serious harm can be done to an already weakened body.

Classes are not held for such serious health problems as heart or vascular insufficiency, fever, as well as general exhaustion of the body.

Pneumonia, as a disease, refers to acute inflammation of the respiratory parts of the respiratory system.. The process of severe inflammation is accompanied by a rapid accumulation of fluid in the lungs, as there is a significantly increased vascular permeability.

The cause of pneumonia is, as a rule, a certain infectious background.

Pathologies affected in the process of development become very thick, the ability to exchange gases is lost, and the total surface of the respiratory tract is also reduced. All this interferes with full breathing.

Part of the blood that passes through the significantly compacted alveoli remains a special venous one and dilutes the arterial one with its composition. All this further exacerbates the lack of oxygen supply to the body.

After suffering from pneumonia, a person has a general weakening. The amplitude of the chest in the process of breathing decreases, sometimes there is not even enough strength for coughing. All this automatically leads to clogging of the lungs with mucus, the areas of inflammation only increase.

If you start this process, that is, limit yourself to taking medications and not doing gymnastics, the patient may experience a collapse. Such a loss of airiness can be quite dangerous.

You can prevent such unpleasant phenomena with the help of effective breathing exercises..

Breathing exercises for pneumonia reduce the risk of occurrence and development of serious complications.

Breathing exercises for pneumonia in children and adults are based on the methodical performance of certain exercises.

After a course of such gymnastics, there is a significant improvement in the general condition. This is achieved through the following processes occurring in the body:

  1. Strengthening the process of blood supply.
  2. Drainage of accumulated lymph.
  3. The exudate dissolves very quickly.
  4. There is a rapid discharge of sputum.
  5. A fairly good breathing rhythm is established, the amplitude of chest movements increases.
  6. The volume of the lungs increases, respectively, the process of gas exchange in the alveoli normalizes.

There are many benefits to breathing exercises.. If you accompany this procedure with therapeutic massage, you can significantly speed up the process of recovery and recovery from pneumonia.

According to research, even a relatively healthy person is more prone to superficial shallow breathing. It is based on constant stress and hypotension. Such breathing often leads to stagnant processes in the lower parts of the lungs.

It is for this reason that a set of breathing exercises is optimally suited not only during rehabilitation after pneumonia, but also for completely healthy people as an effective prevention of colds and runny nose.

As soon as a person's general condition improves significantly, the febrile state disappears, special exercises can be started. You need to start with the easiest version of the respiratory complex, which is carried out in the prone position..

The very first exercises can be as follows. The patient takes a relaxed position of the body and in this state inhales air through the nose.

This process is carried out for three seconds, and then exhalation is made through compressed lips. The lips are compressed in order to provide an obstacle for the effective escape of oxygen.

Very useful in the recovery process after pneumonia, special cleansing exercises. The bulk of the exercises with it is carried out as follows.

The patient after a perfect exhalation stops the breathing process for about three seconds. After that, the air is released through the mouth with small pushes.

In order for a set of recovery exercises after pneumonia to bring a positive result, it is worth following certain rules for their implementation.

Here are the most basic of them, which must be taken into account in the process of recovery gymnastics:

Gymnastics at any stage should be completely stopped if there has been a sharp deterioration in health, as well as an increase in body temperature.

In many modern medical institutions, a special complex is often used, which makes it possible to optimally combine exercise therapy, as well as exercises related to breathing.

This complex was developed by Professor Strelnikova specifically in order to maximize the overall time of rehabilitation and recovery.

The use of its complex makes it possible to activate the general lymphatic supply of the lungs in a relatively short time, as well as significantly improve blood flow.

At the same time, the development of inflammatory processes improves drainage processes in the body, including in the lungs, which in turn effectively prevents various congestion and complications that are dangerous to health.

Properly performed gymnastics according to Strelnikova after suffering pneumonia makes it possible to quickly restore the work of the diaphragm. If you combine gymnastics with a light massage of the chest.

Restorative breathing exercises after suffering pneumonia is carried out in the supine position, while the arms should be extended along the body.

Here is the sequence of actions that must be strictly followed:

In the process of recovery and restoration of the body, the load must be gradually increased. This is done through repetitions. Gradually, the course is supplemented by exercises in a sitting position, then standing.

Breathing exercises must be alternated with physical activity so that the body gradually adapts to movements and activities.

Regardless of the complexity of the complex produced, breathing exercises should be approximately twice as much. In this case, the total exercise time should be brought up to 10-15 minutes.

At the final stage of recovery, the average number of repetitions should be 5-6 times. To achieve a positive result per day, you need to perform at least 9 approaches. On average, the course lasts from 3 days to one week.

Parents of frequently ill children often face such a disease as pneumonia. It is for this reason that correct breathing exercises are more than useful for children.

There is little that can be demanded from children, but it is still possible to carry out some movements. Here are a few of them:

  1. In a standing position, you can ask the baby to do tilts back and forth and to the sides.
  2. With upcoming coughing fits, you can massage the chest. This will facilitate the process of sputum discharge.

For kids who are a little older, it is already easier to explain how breathing exercises are performed.. It will not be difficult for them to carry out the above exercises, breathe correctly at the same time and move correctly.

If the baby does not have the strength to carry out certain movements and exercises, you can try to pronounce tongue twisters. The longer they are, the greater the effect can be achieved.

The process of recovery and recovery of the body after pneumonia in humans is almost always accompanied by a cough. This is a necessary mechanism for the body, which contributes to the effective cleansing of the bronchi.

Inflammation of the lungs is accompanied by the accumulation of a large amount of mucus, and coughing is caused very rarely, respectively, the process of cleansing the respiratory system is inhibited.

If at least the weakest cough urges are present, they must be strengthened with the help of special exercises.

Here is one of the most effective. You need to try to cough as much as possible and take a very deep breath.. It is necessary to hold your breath for a few seconds and at this time to produce a light vibration massage of the chest.

When exhaling, you need to press on the lower chest.


Breathing exercises are able to have a unique beneficial effect on the human body.

Despite this, it is important to consult a specialist first, as there are quite a few contraindications for its implementation.

Among them are:

  • severely depleted general condition of the body;
  • acute and chronic cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • the development of a feverish state;
  • the presence of shortness of breath, characteristic of a state of rest, as well as the rapid progression of general respiratory failure;
  • mental illness that prevents patients from performing the prescribed exercises correctly.

Summing up

Properly structured physiotherapy exercises and breathing exercises should be an important part of the entire treatment. If you do everything correctly and regularly, you can avoid quite serious complications and significantly reduce the total rehabilitation time.

Breathing exercises effectively increase immunity in adults and children. The main metabolic processes are significantly improved, the heart and blood vessels work much better, fatigue is effectively relieved and depressive states completely go away.

Despite the large number of advantages, before doing gymnastics, you should definitely consult with a specialist, as there are certain contraindications.

Special breathing exercises for pneumonia are very useful for people who fall ill in old age. At this time, they are no longer so active, they move less than in their youth, the metabolic processes in the body are not as dynamic as we would like. Breathing exercises prescribed by a specialist doctor allow an elderly person to feel much better and cope with the disease faster.

Even if the patient suffers severe pneumonia and does not get out of bed, breathing exercises will not harm him. On the contrary, they will increase the tone of the patient, enrich the blood with oxygen, give strength and vigor. No need to be afraid to resort to the help of such a workout, you can start it at any stage of pneumonia.

The benefits of breathing exercises for pneumonia

As you know, pneumonia is the formation of a focus of inflammation in the lungs, as a result of which it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe, his metabolism slows down, and oxygen deficiency is observed in the blood. Breathing exercises are designed to bring breathing back to normal.

Its various techniques provide maximum support to the lungs, have a beneficial effect on lymph circulation, and help blood flow more actively through the vessels. In addition, the chest muscles begin to work intensively. Such improvements in the body lead the elderly patient to recovery and prevent the development of concomitant diseases and complications.

Most men are addicted to tobacco and alcohol. This, of course, negatively affects the functioning of the lungs and negatively affects breathing. If a man, moreover, is over 60 years old, and even fell ill with pneumonia, he cannot count on a quick recovery with the help of medications alone. Regularly performed breathing exercises will improve diaphragmatic breathing, since during their implementation the diaphragm is 100% involved. Thanks to this, venous blood comes to the heart, coming from the legs and from the abdominal cavity. The heart begins to function with renewed vigor, digestion improves.

Use with caution: contraindications

It is important to remember: breathing training after pneumonia is not indicated in all cases; only a specialist doctor can prescribe it when he examines and diagnoses the patient.

Often, breathing exercises are prescribed in parallel with exercise therapy and special massage. You can do exercises with pneumonia only after the patient's body temperature returns to normal. If there is a fever or poisoning of the body, breathing exercises should be abandoned.

Exercises for pneumonia are prescribed after receiving the results of tests from the laboratory, according to which it becomes clear that the process of pneumonia has gone in the opposite direction. This should be confirmed by an x-ray. The patient should not suffer from heart failure, his blood vessels should be in order. If a person is very weak during illness, emaciated, if he has a confirmed oncological disease, immunodeficiency is noted, breathing exercises are strictly prohibited for such a patient.

First steps of training

Often patients resort to the help of breathing exercises when they are still lying, unable to get up. However, in this case, you need to be careful. The depth of breathing should not be too deep so that the chest is not very tense, especially on the side where the infected lung is located. The doctor instructs the patient to breathe infrequently, calmly, in no case bothering the chest. At first, classes should be given no more than 10 minutes.

In the future, as the patient's condition improves, exercises are allowed in a sitting position, then standing. Preference is given to training aimed at ventilating the inflamed areas of the lungs. Along with these exercises, the specialist prescribes to the patient some techniques from the physical therapy. One approach should not exceed 20 minutes in time. Gradually, the time increases to 30 minutes, and when the patient can already get up and walk, he is allowed to walk outside, where he must actively breathe using the diaphragm.

Breathing exercises

During breathing exercises, you should breathe rhythmically, the exhalation should be longer than the inhalation. No need to strain the muscles of the body. Only the muscles responsible for breathing should be fully engaged. In the process of exhalation, it is recommended to pronounce the sounds: “Sh-sh-sh-sh”, “Zh-zh-zh”, “Rrr”, “Ch-ch-ch”. Reception helps to eliminate spasm of the bronchi. In addition to these sounds, “Mmm” and “N-n-n” help well if you pronounce them on the exhale with your mouth closed. You can exhale, folding your lips into a tube, or you can exhale through the nostril of the nose.

Reading tongue twisters also leads to recovery. They must also be spoken on the exhale, while it is impossible to break the breath. Well, if the tongue twister is long and complex. When it becomes clear that the pneumonia is receding, the patient is allowed to proceed to such methods of breathing exercises as inflating a balloon, blowing out candles. At the same time, the lungs function with greater strength, which positively affects their condition.

Exercise therapy for pneumonia is an effective method in the fight against the disease. Specially designed training complexes can significantly reduce the recovery time and reduce the rehabilitation period.

Light gymnastics with pneumonia has a beneficial effect on the affected organs. Such exercises allow you to achieve the following effect:

  • reduce the risk of complications after the disease;
  • improve the functioning of the respiratory tract;
  • avoid pulmonary insufficiency;
  • help lung tissue regeneration;
  • remove phlegm and toxins from inflammation;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • normalize breathing;
  • relieve spasms of the bronchi;
  • remove the inflammatory process;
  • restore lung ventilation.

Basic rules for doing classes

In order for exercise therapy to effectively help with pneumonia, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • in the acute form of inflammation, perform exercises only with the permission of the attending physician;
  • classes should start with a minimum load;
  • exercise therapy should not be performed with pulmonary insufficiency, elevated temperature and signs of intoxication of the body;
  • the load on the lungs should be increased gradually;
  • do not overexert yourself when doing gymnastics.

Note! Excessive physical activity in pneumonia can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition.

A set of exercises

Consider exemplary complexes of exercise therapy for adults and children.

For adults

Exercise during illness

  1. We sit down on a chair. Eight times we alternate deep breaths with shallow ones. Then we spread our arms to the sides and perform six times in a calm rhythm. Then 12 times walking in place, while breathing is arbitrary.
  2. We get up, while the shoulders should be relaxed. We calmly walk around the room for two minutes, breathing in an arbitrary rhythm. After that, we raise our hands and with each deep breath we turn our hands to the sides. We do it six times. We get up on our toes eight times, breathe in an arbitrary rhythm.
  3. The position is the same. We lean forward seven times and reach with our palms to the fingertips. We breathe spontaneously.
  4. We sit down on a chair. We alternately raise and lower our hands 6 times, while breathing superficially. Then 10 times we simultaneously squeeze the fingers and toes, slowing down breathing with each compression.

Exercise after recovery

  1. Sitting on a chair, breathe deeply with slowing down on each exhalation. We repeat 5 times.
  2. The position is the same. Ten times we perform rotation with our feet, simulating cycling. We breathe deeply.
  3. Walk in place for two minutes, while the legs should be shoulder-width apart. Then to the legs we add raising the arms up and to the sides. Do two minutes, breathe deeply.
  4. Exercise is done near the gymnastic ladder. We turn sideways to her, one hand on the crossbar. We bend down six times to the stairs, while raising our free hand. We breathe in a random rhythm.

For children

Exercise therapy for pneumonia in children is carried out according to the Strelnikov method, such a therapeutic set of exercises is especially popular with children, since each exercise has its own name, it can also be illustrated with pictures for better memorization.

  1. palms. This movement is a warm-up, it is performed in order to prepare the child's body for exercise therapy. The baby takes 4 quick breaths through the nose, exhaling slowly to relax the muscles of the abdomen and chest. When performing, it is necessary to bend your arms at the elbow and clench your fists with each breath.
  2. Shoulder straps. Hands are clenched into fists on the stomach. The child takes eight sharp, short breaths, on each of which the hands are sharply lowered down. Then five seconds of respite, and again repeat the lesson.
  3. Pump. The movement is similar to the previous one. Eight breaths are also taken, only instead of extending the arms, it is necessary to bend over and reach with your palms to the tips of your toes, such a movement is carried out on each exhalation.

    Important! When performing this task, parents should pay attention to contraindications: frequent bouts of dizziness, spinal pathologies, prolapse of internal organs, increased intracranial pressure.

  4. Cat. It is done while standing, while the legs are together. With each breath, the child crouches, turning the torso to the right and left alternately. Performed eight times, respite, again eight times.
  5. Grab yourself by the shoulders. 8 breathing movements are also done, on each the baby hugs his shoulders. Hands should be kept parallel.
  6. Pendulum. It is done while standing, while the upper limbs wrap around the shoulders. Breathing movements are performed, while the child's body should sway alternately to the left, right, forward, backward. It is carried out six times.
  7. Ears. The movement is similar to the previous one, only along with swaying to the side, head tilts are performed. Repeat six times.
  8. roll. Eight breathing movements are made (inhale, exhale), while exhaling it is necessary to transfer weight from one leg to another.

Exercise therapy used for pneumonia, on the first day after recovery, consists of the first three exercises. To avoid dizziness in the baby, they can be performed while sitting.

Then, as the child recovers and taking into account the condition of the child, the remaining movements are added one at a time. The purpose of performing gymnastics during such a period is to restore breathing after an illness.


Consider contraindications for exercise therapy:

  • an unruptured abscess in the lungs;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • asthma;
  • respiratory failure;
  • hemoptysis;
  • heat;
  • pathologies of a mental nature;
  • the presence of fluid in the pleura;
  • lung atelectasis.

Exercise therapy for pneumonia is one of the most effective methods of therapy. In this case, gymnastics must be used in combination with medical treatment with physiotherapy. If you follow all the doctor's recommendations, then with the help of physiotherapy exercises you can significantly speed up recovery and reduce the rehabilitation period.

Therapeutic exercise (LFK) is a method of reflex action on various organs and systems, as well as the body as a whole, in which the use of physical exercises to correct morphological and functional disorders caused by diseases and (or) their consequences is based on the clear purposefulness of these exercises, their repeatability and, as a rule, a gradual increase in load.

With the development of a pathological process in the body, as is known, some adaptive mechanisms are spontaneously formed (involvement of additional respiratory muscles in the act of breathing, changes in the biomechanics of respiration, the work of the cardiovascular system, the morphological composition of the blood, etc.) aimed at satisfying oxygen demands.

One of the tasks of exercise therapy is to stimulate the development of those compensatory mechanisms that will be most effective for a given patient with a specific disease and stage of its development.

It is known that at rest a person uses only 20-25% of the respiratory surface of the lungs, the remaining 75-80% are included only in case of increased demands on the body. This indicates the presence of large reserves of the external respiration apparatus, which can be used in pathological conditions.

Constant training of muscle tissue with physical exercises helps to increase muscle strength, normalize their elastic properties after a pathological process. All this is of great importance in the regulation of the function of the respiratory apparatus, since the smooth muscles of the respiratory system play an essential role both in the act of external respiration and in the self-purification of the airways from harmful elements in the implementation of the so-called motor function of the bronchi. Consequently, the movements of the bronchi are inseparable from the act of breathing. Muscle contraction, shortening and constriction of the bronchi begins with the smallest bronchi and spreads towards the large bronchi and trachea, this contributes to the expulsion of air (exhalation) and the removal of harmful particles from the lungs and deep bronchi towards the trachea. With forced breathing, these movements of the bronchi are more energetic. Given this, when drawing up a method of breathing exercises, it is necessary to be guided by the rule: to achieve deep rhythmic breathing in the patient with an emphasis on maximum exhalation. Without a sufficient increase in the strength of the respiratory muscles, as dynamic spirographic studies of the function of external respiration show, it is impossible to achieve a significant improvement in the functional state of the respiratory apparatus.

Regular performance of breathing exercises in combination with exercises of a general developmental nature helps prevent the formation of mucous, purulent plugs, atelectasis and hypoventilation of the lungs. Teaching in the process of exercise therapy the correct deep rhythmic breathing and the art of coughing on exhalation leads to the fact that with the help of coughing, the contents of the bronchi are carried out to the trachea with a powerful stream of air. In addition, the concussion of the chest, caused by coughing and supported by pressure on the chest in synchrony with cough shocks, accelerates the flow of sputum from the bronchi. Under these conditions, particles of dense pathological contents adhering to the walls of the bronchi are easily separated, and the patency of the bronchi improves. In addition to contraction of the muscles of the bronchopulmonary segments, when coughing, the muscles of the chest contract reflexively, which also helps to strengthen and deepen breathing, and, consequently, improve lung ventilation and self-purification of the bronchi.

Thus, the effect of exercise therapy is aimed at maximizing the restoration of the functional capacity of the bronchi by releasing them from mucopurulent contents, as well as activating blood and lymph circulation and increasing the reserves of the external respiration apparatus. In addition to the special effect of breathing and physical exercises, exercise therapy exercises have a psychotherapeutic effect, positively affect the mood and emotional state of the patient; they are able not only to change the general reactivity of the organism, but also to increase the resistance and resistance of the respiratory system to adverse environmental conditions.

Tasks of exercise therapy for pneumonia:

1) increase blood and lymph circulation in the lungs so that the exudate resolves faster and sputum is released;

2) prevent complications (pulmonary atherosclerosis, adhesions in the pleural cavity);

3) normalize tissue metabolism to eliminate intoxication of the body;

4) restore normal breathing and adapt the body to physical stress;

5) improve neuro-psychic and general condition.

Before proceeding to the description of the methodology of exercise therapy, the following should be noted:

Physical rehabilitation should be carried out for a long time, continuously, purposefully influencing the main pathogenetic mechanisms of the disease;

The choice of methodology, means and forms of exercise therapy depends on the nature of the disease, the presence of chronic cor pulmonale, the degree and type of respiratory dysfunction, exercise tolerance, individual characteristics of the patient;

It is necessary to strictly differentiate the purpose of the motor regimen, proceeding to each subsequent one only if the patient has good (adequate) tolerance to physical activity of the previous regimen;

Recovery of disturbed respiratory functions is not a sustainable process and requires constant training; understanding of this by the patient (after explanations by the attending physician) largely stimulates his active participation in the treatment and ensures the success of rehabilitation measures.

Contraindications to the appointment of exercise therapy are:

Severe general condition of the patient;

Body temperature above 37.5°C;

Heart rate (HR) more than 100 bpm;

Acute respiratory failure;

Increase in respiratory, cardiovascular insufficiency;

Pulmonary heart failure III degree;

Bleeding and hemoptysis;

Expressed signs of overload of the right heart on the electrocardiogram (ECG).

With lobar pneumonia, exercise therapy can be done when the temperature drops to 37.5 ° C and if the heartbeat is not rapid.

With focal pneumonia at normal or subfebrile temperature.

Three motor modes are used: sparing, sparing-training and training.

In the I period (bed rest, sparing motor mode), classes are carried out in the initial position lying on the back, include general developmental exercises that promote chest movements in different directions, for the abdominal muscles and breathing exercises.

Initially, elementary gymnastic exercises for the limbs, torso with a small amplitude, breathing exercises in the prone position are recommended. The patient is recommended to lie on a healthy side 3-4 times a day. This position improves aeration of the diseased lung. To reduce the formation of adhesions in the diaphragmatic-costal angle, it is recommended to lie on a healthy side with a roller under the chest. The position on the back reduces the formation of adhesions between the diaphragmatic pleura and the posterior chest wall, the position on the back - between the diaphragmatic pleura and the anterior chest wall.

Gentle motor mode

Complete self-service. Air baths, tempering procedures. Mandatory afternoon rest, as well as rest after physical exertion.

Tasks of exercise therapy

Preservation of the stability of functional capabilities and neuropsychic status of the patient

Improving the mechanisms of the respiratory act, drainage of the bronchi, improving the performance of external respiration.

An increase in the reserves of the cardiovascular system, an increase in the physical performance of the patient.

Improvement of trophism and functional state of the neuromotor apparatus.

Restoration of strength and emotional tone of the patient.

Forms and means of exercise therapy

LH in the hall (30 min). Exercises for all muscle groups, static and dynamic breathing.

Massage according to indications.

I.p. any.

The pace is medium and fast. The ratio of exercise and general developmental exercises is 1:2, elements of active muscle relaxation are preserved. In the presence of bronchiectasis, special exercises are performed in postural positions according to the localization of the lesion, including pauses for rest and sputum production.

No more than 20 sessions continuously

Assessment of the patient's well-being, physical data, respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure, dynamic spirography, spirometry, Stange and Genche tests before and after LH, massage and walking. In the absence of contraindications, bicycle ergometry to determine exercise tolerance.

ECG control with concomitant coronary artery disease.

In the II period (half-bed rest, sparing-training motor mode), exercises are performed in the initial positions sitting and standing.

When the condition improves, the exercises are performed mainly while standing, the number of exercises for the upper and lower extremities, the trunk increases, and breathing exercises become more difficult. To prevent the formation of pleural adhesions, exercises are introduced that increase the mobility of the chest.

Gentle-training motor mode

Characteristics of the motor mode

Complete self-service. Sedentary games. Walks, air baths, extensive use of tempering procedures.

Tasks of exercise therapy

Further activation of the reserve capabilities of the external respiration apparatus and the cardiovascular system.

Preservation and increase of physical performance.

Improving voluntary control of breathing during exercise, consolidating the skills of full breathing.

Strengthening the respiratory muscles, increasing the mobility of the chest, spine, improving posture.

Further increase in tolerance to physical activity, increase in the efficiency of the respiratory apparatus.

Increasing the body's resistance to the action of adverse environmental factors, low temperatures, humidity, etc.

Stabilization of the psycho-emotional state of the patient.

Forms and means of exercise therapy

Morning hygienic gymnastics with elements of auto-training and self-massage (20 min).

LH in the hall (35-40 min). Exercises for all muscle groups, static and dynamic breathing, draining. Gymnastics using equipment, exercise equipment (rowing machine, bicycle ergometer, treadmill, expander). Exercises with effort and tension are possible with the obligatory subsequent relaxation of the muscles involved.

LH in the pool, dosed swimming (20 min).

Terrenkur (climbing angle 5-10 °).


Massage according to indications.

I.p. any. The pace is medium and fast, the range of motion is full. The number of repetitions is up to 10-12 times. The ratio of breathing and general developmental exercises is 1:3. All the most stressful exercises should be performed on exhalation, to ensure that the correct ratio of respiratory and motor phases is maintained during exercise. In the presence of bronchiectasis, classes begin and end with postural positions, combined with special breathing exercises that facilitate sputum production.

Exercises in water to strengthen the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle, chest, back and abdomen, to increase the mobility of the chest and spine. Breathing training with exhalation resistance elements. Relaxation of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, auto-training elements - relaxation on foam circles.

Walking speed 4.5-5 km/h with variable acceleration. When walking up the stairs, the speed is arbitrary.

Only in good weather, in the absence of a headwind (no more than 30 minutes), with stops for rest and relaxation of the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle and legs.

Functional control methods

See walking mode + ECG in the pool with concomitant coronary artery disease, the study of the functions of external respiration and central hemodynamics before and after HT in the pool.

In the III period (training motor mode), exercises are performed in various initial positions, with and without objects, on the gymnastic wall, while walking.

Training motor mode

Characteristics of the motor mode

Walking on flat and rough terrain in any weather. Gymnastics in production. hardening procedures

Tasks of exercise therapy

Further training and intensification of the function of external respiration, gas exchange, blood circulation in the small circle and the body as a whole.


Strengthening adaptive mechanisms, increasing the body's resistance, reducing meteorological lability.

Complete stabilization of the condition and an increase in the duration of remission.

Forms and means of exercise therapy

Morning hygienic gymnastics (25–30 min).

LG in the hall. The LH complex is supplemented by exercises with the inclusion of resistances and weights.

LH in the pool, dosed swimming (30 min).

Dosed walking on flat and rough (climb angle 10–15 °) terrain up to 3–4 km per day, provided that the correct rhythm and depth of breathing are maintained.

Depending on the season, cycling or skiing, elements of outdoor games, badminton, tennis and tennis.

Massage of the chest and shoulder girdle according to indications.

I.p. any. When performing DM and relaxation exercises, the pace is slow,

for general developing - medium and fast. The ratio between them is 1:4.

Widespread use of various projectiles, simulators.

Walking speed 5 km/h with variable acceleration without elements of competition. It is allowed to build a load according to the scheme: walking - physical exercises - walking - running - walking with a jog of 2–3 segments of 100–150 m.

Skiing lessons should be carried out in the temperature range of 3-20°C. In conditions of poor visibility (snowfall, fog, hoarfrost, etc.), with strong winds, classes are prohibited.

Functional control methods

See Gentle-Training Mode

Therapeutic physical culture (LFK) is actively used to restore and improve the condition of patients in case of various diseases, including pneumonia. Despite the presence of numerous medications and physiotherapy methods, exercise therapy remains one of the most popular and effective means on the path to full recovery. In the case of pneumonia, exercise therapy is an important element in the therapy and rehabilitation of the patient.

The goal of exercise therapy

The classical set of exercises of therapeutic physical culture is aimed at the speedy recovery of the patient and reducing the risk of complications.

The goals of the standard complex:

  1. Restoration of the functional work of the respiratory system.
  2. Prevention of lung failure.
  3. Strengthening blood microcirculation in the tissues of the lungs.
  4. Acceleration of the process of regeneration of the surface of the lungs.

Therapeutic exercises help to improve the blood supply to the tissues of the body and prevent the development of stagnant processes.

In the case of pneumonia, there is a general compaction of lung tissue, impaired blood circulation and damage to the main functions of air exchange in the alveoli. That is why exercise therapy remains an important element of therapy that prevents the development of pathological processes.

There is also a specialized exercise therapy course aimed at providing the necessary breathing volume. The goals of this complex include activities for:

  • restoration of stable ventilation of lung tissue;
  • restoration of the full operation of the diaphragm;
  • stimulation of the drainage functions of the organ.

After undergoing therapy in combination with measures and a medication course, the patient is able to fully recover from the disease. The result of therapy depends on the general condition of the patient, the stage of pneumonia and the methods of treatment used.

The positive effect of breathing exercises

With the development of inflammatory processes, there is a decrease in the functional capacity of the lungs, a violation of the activity of the alveoli, bronchi and gas exchange processes. The lack of oxygen can provoke irreversible processes in the body, including exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The positive effect of exercise therapy during the period of pneumonia is explained by the ability to:

  1. stimulate the cleansing of the lung tissue from the accumulated pathogenic fluid;
  2. restore the natural oxygen supply of tissues and organs;
  3. improve the mechanism of lymphatic drainage;
  4. to renew the muscular support of the respiratory organs;
  5. strengthen the immune system and resistance to pathogenic flora;
  6. reduce the risk of severe complications of pneumonia.

Stimulation of the respiratory system during the period of the physical culture complex contributes to the restoration of natural processes in the body.

Contraindications to exercise therapy for pneumonia

Contraindications for conducting therapeutic physical culture in pneumonia include:

  • lung abscess;
  • abscess of the lung before the breakthrough of the bronchi;
  • decompensated circulatory failure (develops after myocardial infarction or other serious pathologies of the circulatory system);
  • the presence of blood in the outgoing sputum masses, hemoptysis;
  • signs of fever;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • respiratory failure of the 3rd degree;
  • violations of mental processes leading to the impossibility of contact between the patient and the exercise therapy instructor;
  • complete atherosclerosis of the lung;
  • shortness of breath at rest when using short-acting beta-agonists;
  • accumulation of a large volume of fluid in the pleural cavity;
  • weak state of the body, exhaustion;
  • high body temperature.

In the event of the presence of these contraindications, treatment therapy is changed to completely cure a person of a factor that prevents exercise therapy, or to replace physical exercises with another method of exposure.

initial load

  • gradual increase in load;
  • in the case of bed rest, the exercises are carried out without deep breathing and loads on the chest, the complex is performed slowly with rare breaths, the total duration does not exceed 10 minutes;
  • after the patient is able to perform a sitting set of exercises, you can start exercises in the "standing" position, the total duration of the complexes should not exceed 20 minutes;
  • subject to the regimen at the time of discharge, the patient will be able to perform the entire range of breathing exercises, the total duration of which reaches 30 minutes.

Nevertheless, you need to start exercising carefully, following the recommendations of your doctor.

At the initial stage, the set of exercises for breathing in case of pneumonia includes:

  1. A cleansing form of breathing exercise, prescribed according to the individual parameters of the patient. To perform, the most appropriate force of diaphragmatic inspiration is calculated, the patient holds his breath for up to 10 seconds, after which he performs a gradual maximum possible exhalation, consisting of several short portions.
  2. Voice exercises are carried out due to a deep diaphragmatic inhalation and sequential exit through the mouth, accompanied by an audible exclamation (“Ha!” sound). After the exclamation, it is recommended to close the lips. It is performed in the amount of 5 times, after completing the approach, the patient must be returned to the exercise to cleanse the breath.
  3. The patient should take a deep breath and hold the breath. Then you need to completely relax your arms and upper limb belt, stretch your arms along the body and squeeze your fingers. The patient strains his arms and draws his hands folded into fists to his shoulders, then spreads his upper limbs to the sides. At the end, you should return your hands to their previous position, pulling them along the body.
  4. After taking the initial position of the body, you should completely relax and exhale through the mouth. Do a cleansing exercise.

Exercises are aimed at restoring the activity of the muscles involved in the process of natural human respiration. Thus, the goal of gymnastics is the implementation of the complex, taking into account individual capabilities.

A set of dynamic exercises

After the patient is able to perform the full range of exercises of the initial stage, methods are added to the course of therapeutic exercises to improve the nutrition of the blood vessels of the respiratory organs.

The features of the initial stage of exercise therapy include:

  • exercises affect the activity of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, trunk and lower extremities;
  • in the case of the use of exercise therapy in relation to children for the treatment of pneumonia, one should be as attentive as possible to the condition of the child and not rush to increase the loads and duration of the set of exercises;
  • if the condition of an adult is assessed by the doctor as good, it is possible to add exercises with dumbbells, a wall for gymnastics or a bench (self-expansion of the complex is not recommended);
  • any level of the dynamic complex should include walking, the time of which is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the individual indicators of the patient.

Exercise performance depends on the extent of lung damage. If during the period of illness only the left lung was damaged, a set of exercises for restoring and stimulating breathing will follow the course necessary for left-sided, upper lobe pneumonia.

This training system includes:

  1. The patient should lie on a healthy side and stretch his arms along the body.
  2. Then it is necessary to take a breath, during which the patient raises his hand, and the instructor conducting the complex presses in the chest area. On the recommendation of a doctor, the speed of exercise can increase.
  3. The patient lies on the healthy side on the exercise roller, inhales and pulls the knee to the chest, while the instructor applies pressure to the chest area.
  4. Each exercise is performed 5 times, the general complex is repeated 8 times (depending on the condition of the person).
  5. The course of exercise therapy lasts from 4 days or more.

The transition to the next stage and the increase in loads is carried out only as prescribed by the doctor and instructor.

Drainage actions

Drainage exercises are an integral part of exercise therapy during the treatment of pneumonia.

The features of the methodology include factors:

  • position of the patient on the bed - on the back with a raised pelvis (body position contributes to the exit and movement of sputum masses in the bronchi);
  • a set of drainage exercises is prohibited in case of injury to the ribs, spine or the presence of fractures of the bones of the skull;
  • for greater efficiency, a complex of exercise therapy should be combined with a massage that promotes the removal of sputum masses;
  • massage should be entrusted to an experienced master;
  • a set of exercises is recommended to continue even after complete recovery to stimulate the paired work of the respiratory organs.

An experienced master performs up to 200 manipulations per minute, which contributes to the active release of sputum masses.

The exercises of the complex include:

  1. In a prone position with legs raised 15-20 cm from the bed (it is advisable to put something under them).
  2. Performing vibrational movements in the chest during inhalation.
  3. Sharp contraction of the lower chest during exhalation.
  4. To restore breathing after exercise, it is recommended to slowly take a deep breath, hold your breath, and then exhale slowly.

The drainage complex allows for the prevention of fluid accumulation in the pleural region and the development of respiratory failure.

Therapeutic exercise during the period of recovery from pneumonia

Physical therapy classes should be used not only during the period of treatment, but also actively adhere to a set of classes during rehabilitation. Complete completion of the course helps to reduce the risk of developing relapses of pneumonia and other diseases, infection with which is possible due to a decrease in immunity.

The main exercises during the rehabilitation period after pneumonia include:

  1. A person needs to stand up straight, put his feet shoulder-width apart, hands on his belt. Perform tilts to the right and left. Slowly raise your arms above your head while inhaling. Lower your arms as you exhale.
  2. For the second exercise, the person can sit on a chair. Then the patient relaxes his hands and, raising them up, compresses his palms into a fist. Simultaneously with the fingers on the hands, the toes are compressed. Breathing during exercise is slow. After a short stop, the hands return to their original position.
  3. Having risen from a chair, the person straightens up, lowers his arms along the body and leans forward. For full performance, you need to lower your hands and touch the fingers of your right hand to your left leg. Breathing during the exercise should be calm and even.

The duration and number of exercises in the complex is determined by the patient's condition at the time of discharge and the general characteristics of the disease.

It is also possible to perform gymnastic breathing exercises using a simulator ladder.

For the implementation of the complex it is necessary:

  1. Turn sideways towards the stairs.
  2. Take hold of the ladder.
  3. Lean forward and raise your free hand up.

It is believed that the complex with the use of stairs well stimulates breathing in the morning. Tilts are best done before the first meal.

Rules for strengthening gymnastic loads

The rules for strengthening gymnastic loads of exercise therapy include:

  1. Strengthening the load is carried out only after consulting a specialist, confirming the success of the previous stage and the good condition of the patient.
  2. The exercises that make up the complex are selected taking into account the area affected by the disease (in the case of an infiltrate on the left side, the complex develops the work of the left of the paired organs).
  3. The set of exercises includes exercises for the upper and lower half of the human body.
  4. The total duration of the complex should not exceed 10 minutes, with the permission of the instructor, the complex is extended to 20 minutes (maximum).

It is worth remembering that the listed classes of therapeutic physical culture are aimed at restoring the functional ability of the respiratory system. Exceeding the norm indicated by the attending physician can not only violate the technique, but also lead to an undesirable result for the entire treatment of pneumonia.


Exercise therapy for pneumonia is a complex of necessary physical activities, the action of which is aimed at reducing the risk of complications and eliminating pathological disorders during the rehabilitation period. Compliance with the instructions of the attending physician and attentive attitude to one's health can significantly speed up recovery.

Therapeutic exercise refers to additional methods of treatment, its action is effective only in combination with the main procedures and a course of medications.

is an inflammatory disease of the lungs. It can occur against the background of infection with certain viruses or bacteria, and also develop as a result of complications after other illnesses. The treatment of pneumonia requires a systematic approach. One of the stages of the treatment of pneumonia is breathing exercises, used as part of exercise therapy. It allows you to speed up the process of lung recovery and avoid the development of complications.

Why you need to do gymnastics

Regular breathing exercises for pneumonia allows you to accelerate, weakened during the illness. Being engaged in physiotherapy exercises in combination with the implementation of the respiratory complex, the ventilation of the lung tissue improves. The following positive effects are also achieved:

  • impaired lung functions are restored;
  • the body gradually adapts to physical activity;
  • increases the body's resistance to infection;
  • the risk of developing complications in the form of adhesions, accumulation of mucus and pus in the lungs and bronchi, chest deformities is minimized.

Regular breathing exercises improve blood and lymph flow. As a result, the exudate is resorbed and the discharge of mucus from the lungs and bronchi improves.

Performing special exercises for pneumonia will help restore the normal rhythm of breathing, increase the range of motion of the diaphragm and chest. After a course of regular exercise, the respiratory volume and gas exchange in the lungs are restored.

It should be noted that the formation occurs after the acute period of pneumonia has passed. Regular exercise will ensure an uninterrupted supply of oxygen to the tissues affected by pneumonia.

In some cases, treatment classes are not carried out

Respiratory gymnastics is an important stage of treatment, which is always included in the program of complex therapeutic measures. However, you can start exercising only after obtaining permission from your doctor.

There are several pathological conditions in which this procedure is contraindicated. These include:

  • extreme exhaustion of the body;
  • heart failure;
  • heat;
  • severe shortness of breath, disturbing even at rest;
  • mental illness that prevents proper exercise.

You can not start breathing exercises in the acute stage of pneumonia. Gymnastics is recommended only after the patient's condition improves.

Rules for conducting classes

Pneumonia is a serious disease that causes severe intoxication and respiratory failure. As a result, the body's resources are greatly depleted. Therefore, it is necessary to start performing exercises with pneumonia with minimal loads. In case of physical overstrain, instead of the expected improvement in well-being, a significant deterioration in the condition may occur.

Breathing exercises should be performed before exercise therapy and only if the body temperature is close to normal. Before performing the procedure for pneumonia, it is necessary to assess the respiratory rate: it should be no more than 60 breaths per minute.

Before performing the main set of exercises for pneumonia, you need to prepare. To do this, in the supine position, the patient performs an extended breath, during which the instructor conducts a light vibration massage. This procedure will clear the small bronchi of mucus.

If, with pneumonia, an inflammatory process develops in one lung, respiratory exercises are performed while lying on the affected side. This method will immobilize the affected lung and reduce pain. If in the process of training the patient becomes worse, it is necessary to stop them.

Preparatory complex of medical classes

After improving the condition, you can begin to perform the simplest breathing exercises. The prescription for bed rest will not become a hindrance, since the gymnastic complex provides for classes in a lying position.

Exercise 1. The patient needs to relax as much as possible and take 40 to 60 breaths and exhalations.

Exercise 2. Lying on your back, perform circular movements with your hands.

Exercise 3. In a supine position, inhale to raise both hands above your head, as you exhale, lower down.

Exercise 4. 8 times to perform flexion movements with the feet.

Exercise 5. In the starting position, while inhaling, spread your arms to the sides, keeping them parallel to the floor. On exhalation, the hands come back.

Exercise 6. This breathing exercise is not tied to breathing. To perform it, you need to place your hands on your belt and alternately pull your legs to your stomach, bending them at the knees, but without taking your feet off the bed.

Exercise 7 . Rest your elbows on the bed with bent arms. While inhaling, slowly bend the chest up without lifting the back of the head. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

Exercise 8 . At this stage, you should take a breather by repeating the first exercise.

Initial treatment course

Exercise 1. Close your hands in the castle and raise up. On the inhale, turn them with your palms outward, on the exhale, return to the starting position.

Exercise 2. Without reference to breathing, alternately take your legs to the sides, keeping them parallel to the floor.

Exercise 3. Relax by repeating the first exercise.

Exercise 4. Alternately, with each hand, while inhaling, reach for an object located outside the bed. As you exhale, return your hands to their original position.

Exercise 5. Put both hands on your shoulders, while inhaling spreading them to the sides. On exhalation, the hands come back.

Exercise 6. Rest, consisting in the repetition of the first exercise.

Exercise 7. Without reference to breathing, slowly raise alternately straightened legs.

Exercise 8. As you inhale, alternately raise your hands up, winding them behind your head. On exhalation, the hands return to their original position.

Each breathing exercise, with the exception of the first, must be repeated 3-4 times. To complete gymnastics aimed at eliminating respiratory failure, you need to intense inhalations and exhalations.

Complex of medium complexity

You can begin to perform this complex only when the body adapts to physical exertion. Further, other exercises are added, performed in a sitting and standing position. The duration of each lesson should not exceed 15 minutes. With the improvement of well-being, physiotherapy exercises can be carried out up to 3 times a day. After pneumonia, the risk of developing complications increases not only in the form of respiratory failure, but also in the form of atelectasis, a pathological condition in which the whole lung or part of it is turned off from gas exchange. In this case, the patient should be placed on the healthy side. And classes should be conducted with the direct participation of the instructor.

Exercise 1:

  • the patient stretches his arms along the body, lying on a healthy side;
  • while inhaling, the upper hand must be raised up;
  • on exhalation, the hand falls, and the instructor at this time presses on the area located above the diseased lung.
  • taking the same starting position, you need to take a deep breath, bending the leg at the knee and pulling it to the stomach;
  • on exhalation, the leg comes back;
  • the methodologist repeats the previous steps.

Expectoration Complex

Cough is perceived by people as a sign of illness. Indeed, the appearance of a cough indicates a malfunction in the body, in particular, a clogged bronchi. In pneumonia, the bronchi become filled with mucus, and the cough acts as a cleansing procedure. But a weakened body does not always cope with pushing the accumulated sputum out. Breathing exercises can help with this.

Before performing the procedure for pneumonia, the patient needs to cough thoroughly. Then take a deep breath and hold your breath for a few seconds. During periods of breath holding, a vibration massage of the chest is done. On exhalation, a pressing movement is made on the lower part of the chest.

Breathing exercises as a symbol of health

Physiotherapy exercises in combination with breathing exercises is an integral part of therapeutic measures for pneumonia. Compliance with all the rules in the process of training will speed up the healing process and shorten the recovery period. Regular exercise minimizes the risk of developing serious complications that often accompany pneumonia.