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Treatment of gumboil gums at home. We remove the tumor using pharmaceutical and folk remedies. How dangerous is flux and can it be treated without surgery? Drug treatment of flux

Flux () is an extremely unpleasant inflammation of the oral cavity and one of the most common dental diseases.

The reasons for the appearance can be a variety of factors: any infection, mechanical trauma to the gums, or an inflammatory process between the gum and tooth. and for various reasons bring constant discomfort and pain.

Sometimes it occurs with high fever and weakness, and without timely treatment can lead to serious complications.

If you go to the dentist, there is no opportunity or time to get rid of the tumor and relieve the temperature.

Such help is temporary, but it is useful to use. This is not a reason to cancel a further visit to the doctor. The use of traditional medicine recipes helps to remove swelling, relieve pain and get rid of inflammation.

What to use first

Many folk remedies for gumboil have existed for tens and even hundreds of years, which indicates their effectiveness. They are justified from a medical point of view and are acceptable for use in everyday life:

Decoctions of herbs and herbs

Decoctions eliminate pain and swelling, relieve inflammation, soothe teeth, and have antimicrobial and deodorizing properties. Mouth rinses provide excellent anti-inflammatory results and help speed up the treatment of dental flux.

Herbs such as sage, lemon balm and herbal preparations based on them have an excellent healing effect.

Herbs have a positive effect on pathogens and strengthen the immune system. To combat gumboil, the following recipes are most often used:

Decoctions of calendula flowers, chamomile, sweet clover, cabbage leaf, and calamus will also help get rid of gumboil.

Tincture recipes

Various alcohol tinctures are also widely used in treatment. You can buy them not only in pharmacies, but also make them yourself.

Grind 90 g of propolis and pour in 1/2 liter of vodka. Keep the resulting mixture in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain the tincture and store in a dark container in a cool place. Soak a cotton ball in the tincture and place it between the gum and cheek overnight.

This allows you to remove the swelling in the mouth caused by the flux in one day, the pain will gradually go away. The pain will also decrease if you simply chew propolis throughout the day.

Use of ointments

Often, personally prepared ointments are used to help reduce pain and relieve inflammation. Their use has such positive aspects as safety, therapeutic effectiveness, accessibility, and multifaceted effects on the body.

For severe throbbing pain, soak a cotton pad in onion juice and apply it to the sore spot. Onions, being a natural antibiotic, will quickly remove unfavorable microflora and relieve inflammation and pain.

The most incredible treatment method is applying garlic to the wrist. The method has been proven for centuries, effective, although inexplicable. A paste is prepared from the garlic and spread over a gauze bandage. Apply to the wrist so that the garlic itself does not come into contact with the skin. The main thing is to apply it to the hand opposite the sore gum.

So, there are many possibilities and fairly simple ways to get rid of gumboil. However, this disease is very serious and in the future, in order to avoid complications, it is necessary to consult a dentist.

Few people are happy to visit a doctor such as a dentist. Often you want to postpone a visit to this doctor until an urgent moment. And this position is very dangerous. After all, many diseases would be easier to cure in the initial stages, as long as they do not require a lot of time and money. Flux can signal inflammatory processes in the tooth and gums, but it is not always possible to visit a doctor at this very moment. Therefore, the question of how to remove gumboil on the cheek at home is very relevant.

Before you figure out how to quickly remove gumboil from your cheek, you need to understand what is happening to the body at the moment. After all, treatment should not harm a person, and attempts to remove flux on your own can lead to complications.

Flux is usually called inflammation of the root of a tooth, accompanied by the formation of pus. It can appear as a complication of neglected teeth, dental injuries, or inflammatory processes in the pocket between the tooth and gum. The cause of flux is very often small pieces of food that get into places that are difficult for the brush to reach and remain there. Under the influence of microorganisms, the process of decay begins in them. The resulting pus begins to look for a way out and spreads throughout the entire dental canal. If the periosteum or lower jaw is located in the path of pus, it will begin to accumulate in this place.

The person will begin to feel swelling, pain in the area where the flux appears and a slight increase in temperature. In some cases, the entire half of the face may swell, and not just a piece of the cheek.

Symptoms of flux also include swelling of the lymph nodes located on the neck or behind the ears; weakness; chills; difficulty swallowing.

If you try to remove flux at home, you can harm yourself. The membrane holding the purulent focus can break through, and pus can enter the blood or meninges. All this will lead to sepsis and other serious complications. Therefore, only a dentist should treat flux, but you can reduce swelling and relieve pain at home.

Popular folk remedies for rinsing with flux

To remove or reduce gumboil on the cheek at home, folk remedies are used. But it should be remembered that none of these remedies can replace full treatment. Therefore, as soon as the opportunity arises, it is necessary to visit the dentist and remove all accumulated pus. Most often, it helps with gumboil with various decoctions and infusions.

  • Dissolve a teaspoon of salt and soda in a glass of water, and rinse your mouth with the resulting mixture. This method of treatment can cause the flux to mature faster and break through on its own. However, the risk of not removing all the pus or causing infection through the wound is quite high.
  • An herbal rinse can be used to treat flux at home. Green tea and sage are taken one teaspoon at a time and brewed with boiling water. After cooling, the solution is filtered and 20 grams of salt are added to it. The resulting product is used as a mouth rinse. It is important to remember that in order to remove gumboil on the cheek, you should take green tea without additional additives.
  • Common mouthwashes - oak bark, mint, lemon balm, chamomile, sage - are good for treating gumboil. They can be used individually or in combination with each other. The method of preparing a rinse for flux is standard - a teaspoon of dry herb is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused, filtered and ready for use.
  • Alcohol tincture of calendula, diluted in water, can be used both for rinsing during flux, and held on the cheek in the area of ​​​​the sore spot.

When dealing with flux, it is necessary to rinse your mouth approximately 5–6 times a day. The recipes listed above can also be used after opening the flux by a doctor to sanitize the oral cavity and accelerate tissue healing.


Folk remedies as compresses and ointments

You can influence the flux not only from the oral cavity, but also from the outside. There are various recipes for treating flux that will help cope with pain and swelling.

  • The dough, which is made from wholemeal flour and natural honey, helps to remove swelling due to gumboil.
  • To quickly remove or reduce gumboil on the cheek, pine tree resin is wrapped in gauze and applied to the sore spot.
  • Propolis lotions help well with gumboil. It is necessary to dilute propolis with warm boiled water, moisten a cotton pad and apply it to the inflamed area to remove swelling. Just remember that propolis is a strong allergen.
  • A decoction made from plantain or knotweed will help quickly remove or significantly reduce swelling. For 2 cups of boiling water, take a tablespoon of dried herbs. To get rid of gumboil, you should drink half a glass of this decoction twice a day.
  • Among medications, Maraslavin can help remove flux at home. It is applied to cotton wool and placed in the gum area. Every hour it is necessary to repeat the treatment procedure, changing the compress.
  • You can alleviate your condition and remove swelling on your cheek by using ice. A cold compress should be applied briefly to the sore area. It will help lower the temperature and remove swelling due to flux.

Based on honey, you can prepare ointments that will affect not only the diseased area, but also the entire condition of the body as a whole. Take 50 ml of any vegetable oil, boil it over a fire, then add 20 g of propolis to it. The resulting mixture is cooled and subsequently stored in a cool place. Lubricate the inflamed area at least twice a day.

Another recipe is quite strange for tooth pain, but the ancestors believed that it helps, including removing gumboil on the cheek. A clove of garlic is ground into a paste and applied around the wrist to the hand that is on the side opposite to the gumboil. After about half an hour, the patient notices a decrease in the feeling of pain.

If pain is not relieved by compresses and rinsing, you can drink one of:

  • Ketanov,
  • Tempalgin,
  • Spasmalgon.

You should not take more than three tablets per day. If the pain is so severe that these medications do not help, you should consult a doctor immediately.

And in general, the use of folk remedies will help remove pain and gumboil on the cheek, but will not remove pus from the site of inflammation. Therefore, it is necessary not to put off visiting the dentist for too long, so that there are no unpleasant consequences later.

How quickly is flux removed?

Since the tumor is formed due to the accumulation of pus in one place of the cheek, you can get rid of it by ensuring the outflow of pus. Occasionally this happens without the participation of a doctor, but most often the help of a specialist is necessary.

How to remove gumboil on the cheek with medical help?

  1. The dentist makes an incision in the gum.
  2. Releases pus that has accumulated in this place.
  3. To ensure that pus does not continue to accumulate in the same place on the cheek and the incision does not heal, a drainage is placed.
  4. Antibiotics are prescribed to rule out infection.

That is why it is not recommended to tear an abscess on the cheek at home - the risk of infection is very high. And most likely it will not be possible to carry out the correct manipulations, which means that the pus will continue to accumulate, and the flux will continue to bother the person. Antibiotics, which the dentist will prescribe after opening the gumboil, are not able to independently rid a person of pus. They are effective only if the abscess on the cheek has already been opened. At this stage, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Tsifran,
  • Doxycycline,
  • Lincomycin,
  • Ampioks,
  • Amoxiclav.

Very often, when a gumboil occurs, the doctor does not immediately advise removing it, but first recommends trying to relieve swelling and reduce pain. And only in very advanced cases does it immediately reveal suppuration on the cheek. In addition to opening the flux, the doctor may prescribe other treatment, for example, rinsing the mouth with special medications.

  1. Chlorhexidine works well to remove swelling and is also an antiseptic. For flux treatment to be effective, you need to rinse your mouth every 2-3 hours.
  2. Rotokan is a concentrated preparation, so before rinsing it must be diluted with water. It contains chamomile, calendula and sage, so it is good for treating swelling, including flux.
  3. A well-known antibacterial agent is 3% hydrogen peroxide. To rinse, it must be diluted with water in the same proportion.
  4. Betadine contains iodine, so it helps disinfect the incision and promotes the drainage of pus from the cheek. It is necessary to dilute with water.

To treat the symptoms of flux, the drugs Ketonal, Nimesil, Naklofen are used; MetrogilDent and Levomikol ointments. The drug Diazolin helps very well with flux, because it is not only an antiallergic agent, but also fights those pathogens that cause the formation of pus.

If you have gumboil on your cheek, you should not try to remove it yourself. Treating flux at home can cause blood poisoning and only worsen the patient's condition. You should also know that the inflamed area should not be heated, otherwise the pus may leave the sac in which it is located and spread further. If the flux is not treated, then the complication will be not only an unauthorized breakthrough, but also phlegmon - a purulent inflammation that has no clear boundaries and can spread to the entire jaw.

The article was verified by practicing family doctor Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya.

Flux on the gums is a dangerous disease. If its symptoms are ignored, the inflammatory process can spread to the chin, temporal and jaw areas, as well as affect the cheeks and ears. Flux in an advanced form can provoke the development of an abscess, phlegmon and osteomyelitis.

If a purulent formation ruptures, blood poisoning may begin, which can threaten the patient’s life. In order to prevent these consequences, at the first manifestations of the disease, you must immediately begin to eliminate it. There are many effective ways to treat flux using folk remedies. However, any of the treatment methods used must be agreed upon with a doctor.

What is gumboil and why does it appear on the gums?

Flux (periostitis) is a purulent inflammation that affects the subgingival and subperiosteal area of ​​the jaw. Visually, it appears as a formation on the gum filled with pus (we recommend reading: how can you pull pus out of the gum and prevent it from reappearing?). For clarity, the photo shows an image of the described phenomenon.

The etiology of the development of the purulent process is infectious in nature. There are several reasons that provoke infection in the periosteal area:

  • caries (see also: how to treat caries in adults at home?);
  • marginal periodontitis – inflammation of the marginal gum;
  • stomatitis – damage to gingival tissue, mucous membranes of the cheeks, lips, palate;
  • cyst;
  • chronic infection as a result of constant inflammation in the ears, nose, pharynx and larynx;
  • fractures of the crown of a tooth or root;
  • unsatisfactory quality of dental treatment.

Flux is a serious and dangerous pathology. To prevent its development, you need to treat oral diseases in a timely manner, entrust dental procedures to an experienced and highly qualified doctor, and also prevent a decrease in the body’s defenses.

Symptoms and consequences

The disease initially manifests itself only as inflammation. After a few days, pus begins to form. The severity of the symptoms of the pathology depends on the state of the immune system and the individual characteristics of the patient’s jaw structure. Characteristic signs of flux include:

If the inflammatory process affects the upper tooth, severe swelling of the lip and cheek occurs, and the pain can spread to the area of ​​the eye, temple or ear. If the inflammation affects the lower jaw, the lower part of the cheek swells and the lymph nodes become enlarged. In such cases, self-treatment at home is ineffective.

At the serous stage of the disease, symptoms are less pronounced than with the formation of pus. If you notice signs of gumboil, you should immediately contact your dentist.

Treatment of flux by a doctor

If treatment of flux with folk remedies does not produce a positive result, you should not postpone visiting a doctor (we recommend reading: what to do if flux appears on the gum in order to quickly cure it?). Treatment in a clinical setting involves several methods: conservative therapy and surgical intervention. The first method is used only at the initial stage of the disease and consists of relieving symptoms using antibiotic therapy. In this case, as a rule, it is possible to save the tooth, but for this the only condition must be met - elimination of the inflammatory process.

Periostitis in its advanced form can only be eliminated through surgery. In this case, you can cure gumboil in one of the following ways:

The doctor decides on the possibility of saving the affected tooth individually in each specific case. It depends on the degree of the disease, the condition of the patient’s oral cavity and the characteristics of his body. The video shows an example of an operation to eliminate flux.

How to get rid of a tumor at home?

When using traditional medicine, it should be borne in mind that they help only at the initial stage of periostitis. In advanced forms of the disease, treatment at home will not bring the expected effect. In some cases, eliminating pain and inflammation on your own can significantly aggravate the problem, so you need to understand that treatment at home can be extremely dangerous.

At home, you can numb the inflamed area and remove swelling and pus using various rinses with tinctures and decoctions using medicinal plants and ingredients of natural origin, such as soda and salt. In order to remove the symptoms of gumboil, you can also use various compresses and ointments (we recommend reading: dental gumboil: how to quickly relieve swelling?).


If your inflamed gums are very painful, rinsing will help relieve pain and inflammation:
(we recommend reading: what to do if your gums are swollen and start to hurt?)

These remedies allow you to quickly relieve pain. However, as noted earlier, they should be used only in the initial stages of the disease.


If the flux has just appeared, its symptoms can be combated with the help of medications. The use of any drug must be agreed with a doctor. To ensure that periostitis passes quickly, adult patients are usually prescribed antibiotics such as:

Along with these drugs, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are used: Diazolin, Diclofenac, Nimesil. When using these medications, it is strictly not recommended to violate the prescribed dosage. Otherwise, serious consequences may develop, including death. In addition, it is forbidden to drink alcohol during antibiotic therapy.


In order for the flux to break through as soon as possible, you should rub various ointments into the affected area (we recommend reading: is it possible to remove a tooth with flux and will it do any harm?). To speed up the process of drainage of pus and relieve inflammation, the following are used:

These drugs can be purchased at any pharmacy at an affordable price. However, before using them, you should make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the ointments.


There are a large number of varieties of compresses that relieve the symptoms of periostitis. Applying to the affected area helps to effectively relieve pain and inflammation:

Is it possible to remove a tumor in 1 day?

It will be possible to eliminate the tumor in one day only if you start treatment at the earliest stages of the development of periostitis. However, in most cases this is practically impossible. When pus forms, eliminating the symptoms of the disease is not limited to one day; it will take much more time.

How to cure flux in a child?

In cases where we are talking about the development of flux in a child, you should not endanger his health and try to eliminate the disease yourself (see also: what to do when flux develops?). If you detect symptoms of periostitis in your baby, you should consult a doctor in any case. Treatment of children is always of a special nature, since not all drugs and therapeutic methods used by adults are suitable for them. Parents must realize that they are responsible for the health and life of the child.

You have a toothache, but for some reason you don’t go to the doctor. Day two, and then, one “beautiful” morning you wake up, go to the mirror and... Oh, God, your cheek is swollen! Congratulations, it's FLUS. The medical name for the flux is periostitis. Toothache is accompanied by swelling caused by inflammation of the periosteum. In some cases, the nose and lips swell. Your temperature may rise.

Flux can be acute or chronic. During the acute course of the disease, body temperature rises. The patient feels severe, often throbbing pain in the tooth area. The cheek is swollen on the side of the gumboil. Headache is also a constant companion of flux.

If the flux has become chronic, there is no acute pain, it becomes aching, but constant. The swelling is pronounced and rises upward or, conversely, moves downward. Often there is a feeling of a sore throat.

As you understand, flux is a serious disease that requires immediate medical attention, otherwise complications may arise. But if this is not possible here and now, then you can provide first aid to yourself or someone close to you at home, thereby easing the condition and holding out until a visit to the dentist.

Treatment of gumboil with folk remedies


Rinsing is the most affordable method of treatment

The first and simplest thing you can do is rinse.

Furacilin solution

Take a look at your home medicine cabinet, you will probably find furatsilin there - an excellent antiseptic. With its help you will disinfect, relieve swelling and thereby pacify the pain a little. Crush two tablets and dissolve them in a glass of water. Rinse your mouth every two hours.

Herbal rinses

  • Rinsing with the following infusion also relieves inflammation and pain. Mix nettle and sage, 10 g each, with crushed calamus roots and oak bark, also taken 10 g each. Boil a liter of water and immediately pour into the prepared mixture. After two hours, the strained infusion is ready for use.
  • Frequent rinsing and infusion of chamomile - 15 g, sage - 20 g, calamus rhizomes - 10 g help well. Prepare the infusion according to the recipe described above.
  • The treatment of flux cannot be done without calendula. Leave three pinches of flowers in 3 cups of boiling water for 1 hour. After an hour of infusion, start rinsing.
  • Every hour, traditional medicine recommends rinsing with an infusion of a large spoon of St. John's wort, a teaspoon of crushed oak bark and a spoon of sage. Leave the herbs brewed in a liter of boiling water to infuse for an hour and a half.
  • Traditional healers did not ignore the birch tree. For the infusion you will need a mixture prepared from birch buds taken in equal parts, periwinkle and mint leaves, and angelica. Pour three tablespoons of a mixture of medicinal plants with a liter of boiling water for one hour.

  • Two teaspoons of sage leaf and iris root, pour half a liter of boiling water, leave on the stove for a quarter of an hour. Set aside, after thirty minutes the infusion is ready.
  • High-quality, without aromatic additives, green tea and sage, take equal parts and pour boiling water. After 30 minutes, add a third of a teaspoon of salt. Mix everything and use it to rinse your mouth frequently.
  • The following rinse is not herbal, but is very often recommended in emergency situations. In addition to the disinfecting effect, it relieves pain. Everything is very simple. In a glass of warm boiled water, stir a spoonful of soda and a spoonful of salt until completely dissolved. Use for frequent rinsing.
  • Grind the yellow locust pods. Half a glass of prepared pods should be boiled in half a liter of water for 10 minutes. Leave the broth for another 30 minutes. Strain and use for rinsing.
  • Twenty grams of rue are brewed in 250 ml of boiling water. After twenty minutes, rinse your mouth with the infusion of rue herb.
  • Make some “crappy wine.” Take the trouble and grate the horseradish root on a fine grater. Pour two spoons of horseradish into two glasses of dry wine. Leave for four hours. Strain the wine. Rinse your mouth with it throughout the day. If you did everything correctly, the next day you will forget about the flux.

Ointments for flux

  • To prepare this ointment, you need to find... a large rusty nail. You can easily buy linden honey. Place the honey in an enamel saucepan and heat until very hot. Heat the nail red-hot and immediately dip it in honey so that it is completely covered with it. You will notice black foam rising to the surface. Set the saucepan aside to cool. Then the most important thing is that this black foam will be your ointment. Carefully remove it. In the evening, before bed, after oral hygiene, smear the gum around the sore tooth. The remedy is strange, but they say it helps a lot.
  • Another recipe for medicinal ointment. It is not surprising, but you will have to tinker with the preparation. Heat a glass of refined vegetable oil in a bathhouse. Add a piece of wax, approximately 5x3 cm, to the oil and heat until the wax dissolves. Grind half a boiled egg yolk and gradually add it to the oil-wax mixture. Leave to steam for another five minutes. Cool slightly and strain through a fine cloth. Apply to the inflamed gum twice a day. Store in a cool place. Warm before use.

Therapeutic compresses

  • Boil a glass of water, add a pinch of sage and place one mustard plaster in the water. After half an hour, the infusion can be used for a therapeutic compress.
  • Apply a slightly boiled and, of course, cooled cabbage leaf to the inflamed area. This compress prevents purulent formation.
  • Squeeze the juice from the onions using any method. A cotton swab soaked in it and applied to the site of the flux is very helpful in relieving the condition, as it has a disinfecting property.
  • The next compress is placed between the gum and cheek for three hours. Pour a teaspoon of soda into a piece of wide bandage, collect it in a tampon and tie it with thread. Lightly wet with water and apply.
  • A mixture of 1 tsp will relieve pain from flux. sugar, the same amount of salt and half a teaspoon of black pepper. Moisten everything with five drops of 3% vinegar or rum and heat until thickened. Cool slightly and apply to the gums.
  • Knead the yellow clay with lemon juice and a little water until it forms a dough. Make a cake and apply it to the sore spot. Leave for an hour, then rinse with warm water. After an hour, apply a fresh one.
  • The Canadian coffee tree, or bunduk, also grows in Russia. To treat gumboil, its fruits, which have the shape of a pod, are used. The pulp is removed from the pod and applied to the gumboil.
  • Everyone knows about the extractive and bactericidal properties of aloe. Therefore, it is logical to apply a cut piece of aloe leaf to the flux. For the same purposes, use Kalanchoe leaves.
  • The so-called “dead water” also helps. Before use, dissolve a spoonful of salt in a liter of water. Rinse your mouth with a solution of salty “dead water” and apply compresses.
  • In addition, take half a glass of “dead water” orally after waking up and before going to bed. But in this case, no salt.
  • Almost every housewife has spicy cloves. But few people know that it can relieve pain from inflamed gumboil. Take a few cloves and crush them. Apply the resulting powder between the cheek and gum and the pain will soon subside.
  • Wrap a small piece of blue clay in one layer of bandage and apply it to the gumboil. At first you will feel severe pain, but soon it will begin to subside and the swelling will noticeably decrease.
  • Lightly moisten the yellow clay with water and add a little sea salt. Make a cake and tie it to the sore cheek. Leave it on all night. In the morning you will feel a noticeable improvement.
  • Grind the aloe leaf and a little celandine. Grind to a paste. Wrap in gauze, folded several times and apply to the problem area. Keep it for one and a half hours. Make three compresses of aloe and celandine per day.
  • Baked onions have an analgesic effect. The onion needs to be cut into two halves, separate the slices from each other and put in the oven. Bake until translucent. Apply baked onion slices to the inflamed gum. Change after half an hour.

Propolis against flux

  • Pour 15 ml of propolis tincture into half a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth. Propolis has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. In addition, it is a good pain reliever.
  • If you apply a compress of propolis tincture at night, the effect will be the same.
  • You can use natural propolis. Chew a piece of propolis as often as possible, preferably all day. When the propolis has already been “chewed”, do not throw it away, swallow it.

This is all we wanted to tell you about treating flux at home, but you need to warn us... Home treatment can only be carried out if there is no purulent inflammation. All compresses and rinses should be warm, not hot. Heating flux is strictly prohibited! This will cause serious complications. If the compress is external, that is, you apply it to the cheek, do not tighten the bandage tightly so as not to disrupt blood circulation.

And as soon as possible, contact your dentist.

Video - Treatment of flux at home

Many people know that flux on the gums is a very unpleasant phenomenon, which cannot always be quickly treated at home. The disease can affect both adults and children.

Flux indicates existing inflammationdamage to nearby tissues by inflammatory processes during dental diseases. In this case, an abscess of the periosteum occurs.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of this problem are:

  • strong;
  • sore gums;
  • swollen formation.

In the absence of medical measures, the formation can spread to the entire lower part, starting from the ear area.

These phenomena can be prevented by obtaining qualified medical advice. The doctor will prescribe the patient a number of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. In cases where the swollen area reaches a large size, the pus is removed through the intervention of a surgeon.

Flux can occur with the development of acute carious lesions. The formation of purulent foci occurs in the area of ​​the tooth root, which is why the pain has a pulsating character.

The course of the disease in an acute form is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane and nearby tissue formations around the problematic tooth.

Use of antibiotics for flux

Antibiotic medications are necessary to remove infectious bacteria, eliminate hyperthermia, and reduce the size of the swollen area. After surgical procedures, the dental specialist prescribes a series of tablets that eliminate bacteria in the accumulated lesion, as well as to separate purulent formations.

Treatment of flux on an inflamed gum in an adult is possible at home. But, often, in order to quickly recover, you have to take drugs with a wide range of effects:

  1. Biseptol has long been a well-known drug on the Russian market.
  2. Amoxiclav recommended for use in combination with other antibiotics.
  3. Bacteriostatic drug Lincomycin.
  4. Combined Ampiox.
  5. Semi-synthetic Doxycycline.

Ointments for flux edema

The use of creamy compositions and liniments is necessary to relieve swelling, reduce the size of swollen tissue and promote the beginning of the removal of purulent formations. Compositions of medical ointments should be used only after a medical examination - attempting to cure periostitis on your own can aggravate the course of the disease.

The use of the following drugs can help reduce the inflamed area of ​​the periosteum:

  1. Levomekol, the application of which kills bacteria in inflamed areas. This antimicrobial drug contains methyluracil.
  2. Mix the combination of streptocidal and ichthyol ointments on a piece of gauze and apply to the swollen area.
  3. Gel composition of anti-inflammatory action Metrogyl denta, rubbed into the mucous membrane and relieving swelling and visible symptoms of the disease.

Mouth rinses

To relieve swelling after surgery and speed up the healing process, you should rinse your mouth with a variety of infusions and solutions:

  • baking soda has long been used in the treatment of inflammation of the jaw area - the solution helps to break up the purulent accumulation. A teaspoon of powder should be dissolved in 100 ml of water, the temperature of which exceeds room temperature. You need to rinse your mouth with the resulting soda solution 4 times a day;
  • a ready-made liquid solution of Miramistin, which does not need to be diluted. To rinse the gums, 15 ml of the drug is used, the procedure should be carried out 2 times a day;
  • To rinse the mouth after eating, use pharmaceutical alcohol essence of propolis, diluted with water;
  • Pour half a liter of boiling water into a thermos, take a tablespoon each of dried oak bark, sage and St. John's wort. Infuse a tightly closed container for an hour. After straining, place on the aching tooth. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day;
  • pour hot boiling water over a collection of sage and green tea with added salt and consume warm;
  • add chamomile, calendula and birch buds mixed in equal proportions into an enamel container, add a liter of water, and boil. Leave for half an hour.


Herbs for the treatment of periostitis

Linden decoction

To quickly cure gumboil on an adult’s inflamed gums, it is recommended to prepare it at home from linden flowers.

To do this, put 4 tablespoons of the flowers of this plant in a shallow enamel pan, and, adding 500 ml of boiling water, cook over low heat for half an hour.

It is necessary to rinse your mouth with a strained decoction, in which there should be no fragments of plant material left. The infusion should be used daily 4 times a day. Continue the treatment course for 10 days.

Alcohol infusion of calendula

This tincture, intended for rinsing, can be made at home or purchased at any pharmacy. Method for preparing alcoholic calendula: 2 tablespoons of dried marigolds mixed with 200 ml of vodka, stir and leave for a week in a cold place.

Ready solution: a tablespoon of the resulting liquid, diluted in a glass of water at room temperature.

You should rinse your mouth with alcohol tincture of calendula 4 times a day. In acute cases of the disease, accompanied by suppuration processes, the number of procedures increases to 10 times a day. After a three-day treatment course, the number of procedures is reduced to 4 per day. This therapy lasts 10 days.

Below we will look at how you can quickly cure flux on an inflamed gum and what to use at home to relieve pain in adults.

How to cure gumboil with salt and iodine

Iodine, used to treat purulent formations, can be found in any home medicine cabinet. In this case, the composition is used for double-sided lubrication of the affected area.

Method for preparing a rinse solution: dilute 250 ml of boiled water with 1 teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda.

Dilute the composition with a couple of drops of iodine solution. The rinsing procedure should be carried out hourly.

Anti-inflammatory compress

The main goal in case of periostitis is to relieve the source of inflammation. Using improvised means, you can make medicinal compresses based on onion, cabbage, beet or potato. Gauze soaked in the resulting juice is applied to the site of inflammation for half an hour. It is recommended to add sugar to onion.

You can make a cabbage compress by scalding and mashing a fresh cabbage leaf until you obtain juice. Apply a cabbage compress for 20 minutes, then apply onion or potato juice to the surface of the gums.

NOTE. The duration of treatment using each of the presented types of compress is 5 days. Procedures are carried out 4 times a day. If there is no improvement on the third day, you should contact your dentist.

All of the above methods of treating periostitis are effective in alleviating the symptoms of this disease.

However, high-quality treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist qualified in the field of dentistry, often with the forced adoption of measures such as surgery.

To avoid sepsis, which can occur as a serious complication, consulting a doctor is necessary. Periostitis can be cured only by opening the festering abscess and implementing therapeutic measures of a medicinal nature.