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Does your vision deteriorate? Facts and myths about vision: does computer vision deteriorate, is it harmful to look at a solar eclipse, does glasses deteriorate vision…. Vision is just a physical, mechanical process

Working on a personal computer has long become a necessary element of life, tightly integrated into both work and leisure activities.

For some, their main job is connected to a computer, and in this case they can no longer help but spend hours and days on it.

Can vision deteriorate under such conditions? It is not so easy to answer this question unequivocally, because the health of our eyes depends on a huge number of factors.

Why might vision deteriorate?

It’s worth saying right away that the computer itself does not reduce visual acuity, contrary to a widespread myth.

There is nothing obviously harmful to the eyes in the monitor image, and the stories about some harmful electron beams are fiction and an absurd horror story.

Evolutionarily, the eye has already adapted to long and monotonous reading of small text, so small text on the monitor cannot be a harmful factor either.

But how then can we explain the fact that some people who work at a computer have worsening vision? The fact is that although the radiation from this device is not harmful in itself, in the presence of other negative circumstances, it can act as an aggravating factor.

If a person is genetically predisposed to developing myopia, or if he is already old enough for the symptoms of farsightedness to appear, or if he experiences problems with the cardiovascular system, which causes complications in vision.

In all these cases, working at a computer can aggravate and accelerate the degradation of the visual organs.

The blinking mode when working at a computer differs from the usual; on average, the eye blinks three times less often in this case. This leads to its drying out, which is the first negative factor.

Incorrect lighting, when either the screen is too bright compared to the background or, conversely, the surroundings are too bright compared to the screen, is also unpleasant for the eyes.

In the first case, the eyes will get tired of the contrast, and in the second, the screen will be overexposed and the eyes will have to strain to see the image. All this leads to excessive eye strain and accumulation of eye fatigue.

There is a sensation of sand in the eyes, tension, and vision becomes “foggy.” Finally, working too long also does not have a positive effect on the eyes.

In healthy people, this goes away within a few tens of minutes after completing work, but in those who are predisposed to visual impairment, this is an aggravating factor for the accelerated development of eye diseases.

In this case, you need to treat the correct organization of work at the computer with greater care and follow the recommendations below.

And it won’t hurt healthy people to do them, because even without the risk of vision deterioration, constant dry eyes are not pleasant.


Preventive measures for proper organization of the workplace significantly reduce the chance of degradation of the visual organs; they are beneficial for the eyes and the body as a whole.

First of all, you need to set up your monitor. Set the image refresh rate to 75 hertz. On the Windows operating system, this is done in the monitor settings in the control panel.

Keep it clean, regularly wipe it from dust with a special napkin; they are sold in sets in computer stores.

Reducing screen brightness in pursuit of long battery life on a laptop or tablet is a bad idea.

Straining your eyes when trying to see a dim image is too high a price to pay to conserve battery power.

If they are out of your field of vision, then move the monitor or sit further away from it. The optimal distance is 70 centimeters.

It is advisable to work at the computer in a sitting position, not lying down. The light source should not be behind the screen if it is the only one in the room.

Get up from the monitor once an hour and do light exercises. It’s enough just to move your arms and legs, walk around the room, and do breathing exercises.

Also try to blink as often as possible during this time to keep your eyes moisturized. The intake of the optimal amount of fluid into the body also contributes to hydration.

Do not work in front of a monitor at night, try to give yourself a full seven to eight hours of sleep.

Lead an active lifestyle, move more. This will increase the overall tone of the body; you will get tired when working in front of the monitor for much longer. Such measures also help normalize cerebral circulation, and the health of your eyes directly depends on it.

It wouldn't hurt to do regular eye exercises. This includes exercises for changing the focus of the gaze, as well as exercises for tracking moving objects with the gaze.

For an adult, the maximum time spent working on a computer and other electronic devices (phones, tablets) is no more than eight hours. Children 15-18 years old can work 5 hours.

Younger schoolchildren are allowed to spend no more than two hours at the computer. And preschoolers should not be allowed to use gadgets for more than 15 minutes.

This will protect their vision from excessive strain, which is especially harmful during the formation of the eyeball.

To prevent your computer vision from deteriorating, you can additionally use the tips from the following articles:


Do not forget about the need for good nutrition, which will satisfy the body’s need for minerals and vitamins. Vitamins A and B are especially important for the eyes.

If your diet is poor and does not contain enough vitamins, then make up for this deficiency by consuming pharmaceutical products. Standard complexes such as Revit or Complivit work well.

To moisturize your eyes, you can instill (several times a day) artificial tears and similar medications. If visual acuity decreases, then you need to use medications that correspond to your diagnosis.

So, with myopia (the most common consequence of working at a computer), Emoxipin, Taufon, Quinax will help you. But do not rush to start taking any medications at the first signs of vision deterioration.

First, be sure to consult a doctor - it is likely that your vision has become worse due to vitamin deficiency or ordinary overexertion, and then you will not necessarily need to undergo drug therapy.

If the visual impairment is too great and continues to worsen despite the observance of preventive measures, then only surgical intervention and vision correction will help.

This picture shows the correct body position in which the eyes will not get so tired from working at a computer monitor:


A computer cannot damage vision, it does not have any negative effect on the eyes, the radiation from its screen is ordinary light radiation, no different from other light sources.

At the same time, some features of working behind it can lead to increased eye fatigue and dryness. This is due to the fact that a person rarely blinks while working, sits too close and spends too much time in front of a screen.

If there is a predisposition to eye diseases, this may become a contributing factor to their development.

In this case, it is important to strictly follow the rules of working at the computer, do eye exercises and not let your eyes dry out. Then the computer will remain a safe and useful tool for you.

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Millions of people around the world suffer from various visual pathologies. To improve the quality of vision in case of myopia and other refractive errors, glasses and lenses are used. There is a myth that long-term use of optics is bad for eye health. Let's consider whether it is possible to wear contact lenses and spectacle correction products for a long time.

How do correction products “work”?

Correction products are an integral attribute of people with myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism and other refractive errors. Contact lenses and glasses work on the same principle. They shift the errant focusing point of the rays to the center of the retina by changing the strength of their refraction. In patients with myopia, the focal point is in front of the retina, so they cannot see distant objects clearly. People with hypermetropia, on the contrary, cannot see close objects in detail, since the focus is located behind the retina. With astigmatism, there is a deformation of the spherical shape of the cornea or lens (depending on the type of disease), so the patient sees objects around him distortedly at different distances. After 40 years, various age-related processes begin to occur in the human body, which partially affect all systems, including the visual. As a result, presbyopia, or age-related farsightedness, develops due to a decrease in the elasticity of the lens. In this case, special multifocal lenses or progressive glasses that have several optical zones are used. They allow you to focus at different distances and eliminate the need to use several correction tools at once.

When wearing contact correction devices, vision deteriorates: the reasons for this phenomenon

Many people wonder whether they can wear lenses for a long time. And this is not surprising, because the topic of the safety of their use is often discussed on forums. Ophthalmologists claim that long-term use of these optical products is safe for the health of the patient’s eyes, provided they are selected correctly. Lenses with too high positive or too low negative diopters can cause excessive eye fatigue and even contribute to the progression of the disease.

With correctly selected optical power, the focusing point moves exactly to the center of the retina. If you choose the wrong dioptres, “overcorrection” or “undercorrection” will occur, in which the patient’s visual apparatus is either subject to increased loads or operates in its usual incorrect mode (in the presence of visual pathology). Professionally selected lenses improve vision without negatively affecting eye health. Ophthalmologists claim that correction means do not worsen the performance of the visual system when worn for a long time, nor do they improve it. Lenses only correct the perception of the image, shifting the focus to the required distance according to the same principle as glasses. However, if the optics are chosen incorrectly, vision can actually deteriorate.

The selection of optical products should be carried out in the office of an ophthalmologist after a thorough examination of the visual system. When choosing ophthalmic products, it is important to consider not only diopters (optical power), but also other parameters. For example, the diameter and centering index are responsible for the ease of fitting of the optics on the eye. The radius of curvature and lens design should also be considered. Spherical models are used to correct myopia and farsightedness, toric models are used to correct astigmatism, and multifocal models are used to improve vision in presbyopia. In addition, when selecting optics, the specialist takes into account its operating mode and replacement schedule.

It is often discussed on forums that vision deteriorates due to lenses when worn for a long time, linking this with the appearance of various complications: redness, itching, burning and “sand” in the eyes, as well as other uncomfortable phenomena. In the vast majority of cases, they occur when the rules of use are not followed: untimely or improper care with the solution, wearing after the expiration date, as well as when using lenses for a longer time than the wearing mode allows.

Lenses impair vision: when is this possible?

    Diopters (optical power) are incorrectly selected;

    Other parameters have been selected incorrectly (radius of curvature, diameter, centering index, etc.);

    The wearing regimen and replacement schedule are not followed;

    The optics are not properly maintained.

Can I wear glasses for a long time?

Eyeglass correction devices also “work” on the principle of shifting the focus point to the center of the retina. Therefore, as in the case of contact lenses, it is extremely important to correctly select the power of spectacle lenses, measured in diopters, and other parameters. Such optical products will be safe for eye health. The myth that vision deteriorates when wearing glasses for a long time has become widespread due to the incorrect method of selecting optics. In the past, some ophthalmologists practiced incomplete correction, which resulted in the focus being located near the center of the retina, so the person could not see one hundred percent. In this way, doctors tried to “force” the patient’s visual system to independently correct the refraction. However, as a result of research, it was proven that this method only contributed to the progression of the existing refractive error. This is where the opinion came from that glasses caused vision deterioration.

One of the most large-scale experiments on this topic was conducted in Malaysia in 2002. It involved 94 children with various visual pathologies, who were divided into 2 groups. In one of them, the glasses were chosen correctly and provided 100% vision, and in the second, they had weaker diopters than required. According to the research results, it was found that children who used weaker glasses experienced a deterioration in the quality of vision without optics. While in the first research group, refractive indexes did not change. Thus, we can conclude that properly selected glasses, like contact lenses, do not have a negative impact on the visual system. If your vision has deteriorated after wearing optics for a long time, the first thing to do is contact an ophthalmologist and make sure that the correct correction means are selected.

Can I wear contact lenses for a long time?

Perhaps the only drawback of one-day vision devices is their relatively high cost, which is why many people with visual pathologies choose planned replacement models. They are designed to be worn for 14 days or more. These optical products allow you to enjoy clear vision and comfortable wearing. Their production predominantly uses soft silicone hydrogel and hydrogel materials with optimal oxygen permeability and moisture content. The wearing mode directly depends on these parameters. Some lenses must be removed before going to bed (daytime mode), while others can be left on the eyes at night (flexible mode) or even worn for several days (extended and continuous). However, it is worth considering that all planned replacement models require systematic maintenance. This is due to the fact that during operation, various microorganisms appear on their surface, as well as deposits, small fractions of dirt and dust. Lenses with a service life of more than 1 month require additional enzyme cleaning. It is aimed at removing deep protein, lipid and other deposits. We recommend that you pay attention to such scheduled replacement models as Alcon Air Optix Aqua (for 1 month), CooperVision Biomedics 55 Evolution UV (for 1 month) and Johnson & Johnson Acuvue 2 (for 2 weeks).

How long can you wear lenses?

    One-day wear is worn for 1 day, after which the products must be disposed of;

    Planned replacement models with daytime wear are worn throughout the day, after which they must be removed and cleaned before bed;

    Models of planned replacement with a flexible wearing mode are worn during the day and, if necessary, left overnight, after which they must be removed and cleaned;

    Planned replacement lenses with extended wear can be used continuously for up to 7 days. Cleaning should be done as often as possible.

    Products with continuous wearing mode can be used without removing for up to 30 days (after consultation with an ophthalmologist).

What to do if your vision deteriorates while wearing lenses?

The first thing you should do is see an ophthalmologist and undergo a comprehensive eye examination. If you have already been to an appointment, it is advisable to be examined by another specialist and compare the results of the studies. Some patients mistakenly believe that their vision has deteriorated, as they experience discomfort when wearing optics. Often this phenomenon occurs during the adaptation period, when the lenses are perceived by the human body as a foreign object and a process of rejection is observed. In this case, to alleviate the patient’s condition, the use of moisturizing drops is prescribed. They wet the surface of the optics and reduce friction with the cornea. If during the examination it turns out that vision has indeed deteriorated, it is worth checking whether the means of contact correction (diopters and other parameters) were selected correctly. If necessary, replace the optics with a new pair that matches the correct prescription.

Are you looking for where you can profitably order lenses from global brands? We recommend that you evaluate all the advantages of purchasing goods online on the online store website. Our assortment includes top products from well-known manufacturers. Delivery of the order is carried out as quickly as possible to all regions of Russia.

We receive the lion's share of information about the world around us through visual perception, so the first question when vision suddenly deteriorates is: “What to do?”

There are two main reasons leading to decreased vision: any disease or conditions of our life that not only worsen eye health, but also provoke the development of a variety of ailments.

Why does vision deteriorate?

As a rule, we ourselves are to blame for our perceptions, not fulfilling basic safety standards in relation to our basic knowledge of the world around us. The eye can be called a high-precision instrument that should be treated with care and precision.

Mostly, the problems are associated with the constant use of a computer, tablet and other gadgets that we use at work, at home, in transport and generally wherever possible. Let's figure out why vision from a computer worsens, what to do in such cases, how to help your eyes.


The main cause of eye problems is constant tension, leading to overwork of the organ. Prolonged work at the computer without the necessary rest in such cases, improper lighting of the workplace, even just reading in transport - all this leads to increased eye fatigue. As a result, vision deteriorates.

What to do in such a situation? Drastically change your habits and give your eyes a rest. As a form of such relaxation, a special one has long been developed that allows them to relax.

  • Unfavorable environmental conditions, smoking and alcoholism undermine eye health just as well as computers.
  • Our passion for fast food, chips and other products of the food industry, made from unknown materials, is unlikely to benefit the body.
  • Excessive use of dietary supplements and medications will again not bring anything good.
  • Constant stressful situations, mental and physical stress also do not contribute to the normal functioning of the body as a whole, and therefore the eyes in particular.
  • Viral and can also lead to decreased visual acuity.

Aging of eye tissue

Unfortunately, over time we do not get younger, so all tissues of the body are subject to aging, including the retina of the eyes. The pigment contained in it begins to deteriorate, as a result of which vision deteriorates. What to do after 40 years, when you already feel the approach of old age? Of course, it is impossible to stop the process, but it is quite possible to help the eyes. Even if you do not experience any problems with your vision, and your vision is still almost perfect, it still makes sense to help it continue to remain in this condition. Make it a rule to use “live” vitamins that are beneficial for the health of your eyes.

Moreover, the importance of such substances has long been proven, and all products containing the maximum amount of useful components are well known. These are blueberries that can be consumed fresh, prepared or dried. Cherries, carrots, garlic, parsley and other vegetables today are quite available fresh at any time of the year, but they contain the largest amount of useful substances that not only heal, but also prevent aging of eye tissue.

Diseases leading to vision impairment

Not only modern technology and the proximity of old age are to blame for the decline in vision, although today this is perhaps the main cause of problems. There are a sufficient number of diseases that cause vision impairment. What to do when your eyes suddenly stop seeing well, and instead of a clear picture there is a veil? This is already a cause for serious concern, since such a sharp change in visual perception indicates a serious illness that can lead not only to a significant decrease in vision, but also to its complete loss. If your vision has suddenly deteriorated, what should you do? You should immediately consult a doctor without postponing the visit until later. In some situations, such as a detached retina or a burn, delay can lead to blindness.


If your vision begins to deteriorate, what to do next is quite clear. It is necessary to exclude from your life those factors that can affect eye health:

  • First, review your diet and abstain or completely abandon bad habits.
  • Try to limit your time spent on the computer, TV and other gadgets. Take medications and dietary supplements only on the recommendation of a doctor and do not self-medicate.
  • Go in for sports to generally strengthen the body, not forgetting about gymnastics for the eyes.
  • In addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you should consult an ophthalmologist to rule out a more serious disease.

If you follow these simple rules, which will be useful for the entire body as a whole, your eyes will appreciate such care. They will see clearly and clearly for a long time, both near and far.

No you can not. Exercise helps, but not much.

Refractive errors (myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism) can only be corrected with exercises. These diseases have many causes, including genetic ones. It is impossible to cure this with complexes alone. Treating short-sightedness.

Exercise is a good way to relieve muscle tension and get rid of headaches, dry eyes and other symptoms of fatigue. Exercise improves blood flow to the retina and helps train the eye muscles.

Vladimir Zolotarev, ophthalmologist, head of Essilor Academy Russia

  • Look out the window at objects that are located far away.
  • Move your eyes in different directions.
  • Blink.

Such simple tasks are not annoying, and you don’t need to specially allocate time in your schedule for them. It is enough to take a break from hard work once every two hours. But even this is not possible for everyone.

In cases of retinal detachment or recovery from eye surgery, active stimulation of blood circulation can lead to deterioration of vision. In addition, exercises are not recommended for inflammatory eye diseases, so that along with tear fluid and other secretions, the infection does not spread to healthy tissues.

Vladimir Zolotarev

Correcting refractive errors requires the use of glasses, contacts, medications and surgery along with exercises.

Myth 2. Glasses only make things worse

Not true. Supporters of this myth believe that if you don’t put stress on your eyes and make life easier with glasses, your eyes will “relax” and vision problems will increase.

The myth comes from the incomplete correction technique that was popular in previous years. Previously, ophthalmologists believed that wearing weak glasses and spending a lot of time without them would help train the eyes and improve vision.

Rano Ibragimova, ophthalmologist, specialist at Essilor Academy Russia

Because of this approach, many are afraid to change glasses for stronger ones, put their children at the first desk, take glasses only for special occasions, and the rest of the time they prefer to painfully strain their eyes, trying to train them this way.

Practice has shown that this approach not only does not stop the progression of myopia, but can even provoke it due to excessive tension in the eye muscles.

Rano Ibragimova

If it's time to correct your vision, pick up glasses and don't aggravate the condition.

And sunglasses are useful even for those who do not have vision problems. Ultraviolet radiation leads to the development of cataracts and age-related maculopathy, so wear filter glasses on sunny days in both summer and winter. Glasses do not have to be black. The main thing is that they filter UVA and UVB radiation.

Myth 3. You need to eat carrots and blueberries

Life hacker, why carrots won’t save your eyes. Indeed, without vitamins A and C, vision begins to deteriorate. Therefore, carrots with carotenes (precursors of vitamin A) and vitamin C are useful. But to bring yourself to vitamin deficiency, you need to try hard.

Blueberries contain lutein and vitamins, but no one can say with certainty how much there is and how much you can absorb. It's the same story with other foods that are good for the eyes: green leafy vegetables (they also contain lutein), legumes, salmon.

In general, diet affects vision in unexpected ways. For example, obesity increases the risk of glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy (because excess weight is associated with type 2 diabetes).

Myth 4. Modern screens do not damage your eyesight.

Although screens are better now than before, the eyes still suffer. Why exactly - explained Vladimir Zolotarev: “The principle of operation of all gadgets, except books with electronic ink, is as follows: they emit rays of the visible spectrum, thanks to this we see the image on the screen. This spectrum includes short-wavelength blue-violet rays, which are most dangerous to the eyes. They are dispersed in the structures of the eye, thereby having a negative impact on the quality of vision and worsening the contrast of the image.

Long-term exposure to this light causes symptoms of visual fatigue: blurred vision and eye strain, redness, pain in the brow ridges, and can subsequently lead to retinal damage.”

That is, whatever one may say, even the most modern screens harm us. Lovers of books (regular and electronic) have fewer problems. But even these people must stop reading to look out the window.

Myth 5. Glasses with perforations will help restore vision.

If you wear black glasses with many small holes, the image before your eyes will be clearer, that is, your vision will temporarily improve slightly.

When directly used, these glasses increase clarity of vision due to the fact that focused beams of light enter the retina through many holes in the dark plates.

Rano Ibragimova

Unfortunately, this is not enough. As Rano Ibragimova notes, there is still little convincing scientific data to judge the therapeutic effect of these glasses. It is better to give preference to lenses that block blue-violet light.

Myth 6. As long as I can see normally, I don’t need to see a doctor.

Myopia and farsightedness are not the worst visual impairments, especially if they do not progress. Much more dangerous are retinal detachment or glaucoma - diseases that do not make themselves known for a long time or are manifested by symptoms that do not seem fatal.

For example, signs of impairment may include blurred vision, pain in the eyes, headache and excessive production of tears, as well as a desire to reduce the usual distance from the eyes to a book or monitor.

Vladimir Zolotarev

These signs are a reason to consult a doctor and have your eyes examined. According to WHO, 80% of all visual impairments are preventable. But for this you need to regularly visit the doctor and evaluate your condition. Regularly - about once a year.