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Horse and Goat. Business relationships and friendship

The Eastern calendar was developed many centuries ago by one of the Japanese emperors, Huang Di. His system consisted of 60 cycles, which exists and today it has also gained recognition in many cities and regions. The article discusses a topic of interest - 2009 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope?

According to the Chinese calendar, each year has a symbol for a specific living creature. People who were born in 2009 are endowed with hard work and perseverance; it remains to find out which of the animals has these traits most pronounced. 2009 – who?

2009 according to the eastern calendar - Earth Ox. This animal, like no other, is endowed with the positive qualities of analytics, perseverance, perseverance, determination, constancy, willpower and diligence. We learned about this from cave paintings, which depicted an earthen bull as an angry and furious beast, but at the same time it is brave, fair and strong. He is not easy to carry out, he is calculating and cold, calm in unexpected and emergency situations. Based on these qualities, you should not think that he is an evil and unfriendly person; he also has a lot of good sides: fair, measured, honest, decent. Nobility and intelligence also have their place.

Main character traits

The character traits of a person born in 2009 Earth Ox are mostly positive. Unlike others, he is especially endowed with diligence, endurance, hard work, modesty and desire. He will make a strict, but demanding and fair leader who will hate lies and cunning in terms of work. He is most often respected; for a person born this year, the most suitable zodiac sign is Gemini or Pisces; in their characteristics you can also notice calmness and regularity. Also, the birth months of September or May are best suited for this person; the character of such people will be minimally endowed with negative qualities. Lucky color is blue. At work, he will work harder than anyone, thereby earning recognition from his colleagues and superiors.

Personal qualities

Speaking about the earthen bull, it is necessary to mention the years belonging to this intrepid animal - these are only 1949 and 2009, since the calculation takes place every 60 years. Since this symbol is prone to complex and calculating professions, such as accountant, politician and economist, astrology emphasizes 2 zodiac types of people: extrovert and introvert. In the first case, the person is very sociable and pleasant to talk to; in most situations, he positions himself as the life of the party. In the second case, he is withdrawn into himself, practically does not let anyone in, loves to read, meditate, and enjoys other activities alone. He is often perceived as a person with complexes due to his unfriendliness. In any case, the power of the earth is felt in the bull, so it is ideal if this person is endowed with the element of earth. They are also suitable for professions related to construction, ecology, and agricultural activities.

Bull men most often find themselves in business, try and do everything for its prosperity. But they extremely dislike changes in life. They are very timid and wary of any changes, even changing schools in childhood. From a young age, bull boys are already well-read and intelligent, love to study, and impress teachers. But they also want to gain recognition and respect from their classmates, so they often take different actions, which upsets their parents. During adolescence, the bull child practically bypasses the problems of adolescence, and he does not bring difficulties to his loved ones.

But he wants justice in all situations, which is what he is disappointed in. In adulthood, a man is overcome by the difficulties of choice. He thinks for a long time about making decisions, but his choice is always correct.

Female bull

What character traits does the bull woman have? The eastern horoscope will help with this. The astro forecast says that such a representative of the fair sex is very economical and hardworking. She is a model of femininity and a homemaker. She does an excellent job of coping with all her responsibilities: raising children, cooking, meeting her beloved man, and fulfilling marital duties. Like the bull man, she is quite conservative: she loves everything traditional and is reluctant to deviate from the foundations. This also reveals her reluctance to change. She loves when everything goes calmly and measuredly, steadily and as usual. Bull women are secretive and do not prefer to stand out and show true emotions.

Compatibility of the Ox with other symbols

The compatibility of characters according to the Chinese calendar is important, because this way you can find out who is worth starting a relationship with, and who you don’t even need to waste your time on.

  1. Rat. This symbol of 2008 is very cunning and resourceful. He knows how to make friends and communicate only with people like himself who are capable of deceit. A rat is unlikely to have a good relationship with a bull, since they simply do not suit each other. They have few common interests, so friendship, and especially relationships, will be a mistake.
  2. Bull. A symbol identical to the Ox will become support and support in any relationship. Astrologers assure: they will get along easily and will be reliable partners.
  3. Tiger. Here the situation is more complicated. These symbols find it most difficult to communicate, make friends and live together. They are both persistent and strong, and will try to surpass their partner, so they will face eternal hostility, disputes and quarrels.
  4. Rabbit. This symbol is gentle and affectionate. The Rabbit and the Ox are not a bad couple; in a relationship they will understand and support each other.
  5. The Dragon. This sign always wants to be the center of attention, to be bright and extravagant. If the Ox is an introvert, he will not like it due to the discrepancy between common interests.
  6. Snake. This symbol is too keen on romance, but the Ox does not welcome this, and will always suppress it. Because of this, conflicts arise. But if the Snake can control his emotions and not show passionate feelings, then the union will be quite harmonious.
  7. Horse. It is unlikely that these two characters will make a strong couple, since they are completely different people. The Horse loves risk and excitement, while the Ox is cold and hates change.
  8. Goat. A person born in the year of the Slavic Goat is dreamy and romantic. The Ox is calculating and pragmatic. You can have such relationships, but not for a long time.
  9. Monkey. At first glance it may seem that this symbol is sweet and kind, but this is not so. Such people love to mock the feelings of others, as will happen in the case of the Ox. Union is not desirable.
  10. Rooster. Both signs are perfect for each other, there will be no quarrels or conflicts in the relationship, they will harmoniously complement each other.
  11. Dog. In relationships, these people will have one problem: incompatibility of interests and goals in the future. One wants love and understanding, while the other is obsessed with work and career growth.
  12. Pig. These symbols are more or less suitable for each other, but such an alliance is fragile: the Pig loves to have fun and get only pleasure from life, but the Ox does not accept this.

People born between the dates of January 26, 2009 and February 13, 2010 belong to the Earth Ox sign according to the Eastern Calendar. They are characterized as people who have enormous opportunities for realization, who love and know how to work. It is believed that these people will always know how to use their knowledge and skills for their own benefit. People born in this year are characterized by cold calculations. According to the eastern calendar, 2009 is the year of people who are guided by cold logic in all their affairs. These people rarely lie, preferring to say everything directly and avoid misunderstandings.

Year of the Earth Ox

Hard work, ambition and ambition help them achieve most of their goals. Earth Oxen are able to work for days on end if they clearly see their goal. They are confident with money, and this is another factor that contributes to business success. A well-known saying says that you need to keep your head cold, but still, Earth Oxen born in 2009 should rely more on their feelings, heart, and intuition.

The main characteristics of the year are Strength and Creation. People born in the year of the Yellow Earth Ox are consistent in their actions and faithful to their habits. They are not easily led astray. They do not tolerate intrigue and behind-the-scenes games. They are responsible, disciplined and taciturn, inspire confidence and have mastery in their field.

According to the eastern horoscope, the Yellow Earth Ox protects those born in 2009. Under the influence of the Earth element, they are least inclined to engage in non-material matters. They honestly believe that everything in life is achieved only through hard daily work. They are conservative, it is very difficult for them to change anything, it is very difficult for them to agree to innovations. They are resilient and withstand all the hardships that come their way in life.

The Earth Ox is distinguished by loyalty to dear people, straightforwardness and some dryness. Oxen are characterized by honesty, authority and calmness, which evokes deep respect among others. Generally, people consider the point of view of a person born in 2009.

Spiritual development

2009 is the year of which animal? Year of the Ox: horoscope

October 11, 2014

The Eastern calendar was compiled during the reign of Emperor Huang Di in Japan. It was a 60-year cycle system that is still preserved today and is respected in some countries. According to the eastern calendar, every year “belongs” to a certain animal. The “Mistress” of 2014 is considered to be the Wooden Horse, distinguished by its hard work and ambition. But let's go back a few years and remember 2009. What animal did he personify according to the eastern calendar?

Symbol of 2009

People born during this period of time are traditionally endowed with hard work, determination and cold calculation. Which of the animals of the eastern calendar has these qualities most clearly expressed? Let's find out: 2009 is the year of which animal? According to the eastern calendar, this period was ruled by the Earth Bull, distinguished by perseverance, patience and excellent analytical skills. The Ox has long been a symbol of fertility. Ancient peoples worshiped this animal and asked it for vitality. Rock paintings conveyed to descendants images of fierce wild bulls, reflecting the strength, courage and high sexual potential of the animal. In the intellectual aspect, the Ox denoted “old water” - slow and calmly flowing. Therefore, the Bull Man is characterized by calmness, measuredness, intelligence, wisdom and secrecy (he keeps his experiences to himself). These are friendly, open, honest people who enjoy well-deserved respect and almost always enjoy authority. Among some eastern peoples, the Bull is still the incarnation of God on Earth.

Basic character traits

The Year of the Ox 2009 symbolizes the cosmic element Earth, which is why its color is yellowish (coffee). This year has been lucky for people whose character is dominated by practicality and a pragmatic approach. A person born in the year of the Earth Ox is distinguished by modesty, diligence, patience and endurance. Outwardly, such people may seem like plebeians: pedantic, silent, slow. In fact, behind their folksy appearance lies an analytical mind. The Earth Ox is purposeful: he analyzes the situation perfectly and confidently moves towards his goal, while others give up halfway. He knows that to achieve happiness you need to work furiously and selflessly. The Earth Ox is not particularly easy to climb. But external calm does not mean that this person has no feelings. If the Ox is greatly offended or angry, he will remember this for a long time, and may even begin to take revenge. His life usually passes calmly, even monotonously. But thanks to their calmness and strength of character, such people become sweet and pleasant interlocutors and interesting friends. The Earth Ox is always devoted to his family and friends.

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Personal qualities

Along with the question “2009 is the year of which animal?” many are interested in the personal qualities of a person born during this period. But before characterizing the Earth Ox, it is necessary to clarify which years “belong” to him. These are 1949 and 2009.
The Earth Ox represents duty and perseverance. Such people become independent early and from a young age begin to show interest in many areas: art, society, politics, economics. Astrologers distinguish 2 types of Oxen:

  • communicative;
  • closed.

The First Ox is extravagant, talkative, affable and friendly. We can safely say about him that he is the soul of the company. The second type is often perceived by others as a person with certain complexes. In fact, the strangeness of such Bulls is that they often philosophize, think about the problems of existence, and even meditate. But in any Earth Ox the power of the earth is felt. These are born plowmen-workers who want to build a house full of happiness for themselves and their family.

Ox man

This is a conservative who works for the prosperity of his business, beloved family or state. Those born in the year of the Ox do not like change. They are wary of any changes in society and legislation. The Ox Man is not a supporter of democracy, but adheres to monarchical principles. In the family, he prefers to be a sovereign ruler who cares about the welfare of his relatives. The Ox man loves walks in the fresh air. He often connects his life with nature.

Ox woman

What qualities does a woman born in the year of the Ox have? The horoscope compiled by professional astrologers says that she is an excellent homemaker. The Ox Woman is a wonderful housewife; She often plays a leading role in the family. She is focused on motherhood, family and her children. The Ox woman wants to be proud of her child, so she can spend a lot of time raising him to be a worthy person. She is a caring, hardworking, neat housewife who loves harmony and order to reign in her home. But the Ox woman is often conservative: she prefers traditional principles and is not original. These are women who do not strive to stand out from the crowd, but prefer to hide their advantages. They love calmness and restraint in everything, including feelings.

Compatibility of the Ox with other signs of the Zodiac (Rat-Snake)

Many people are looking for an answer to the question: “2009 is the year of which animal?” The compatibility horoscope of the Ox with other zodiac signs is also relevant.

  • Rat. The dexterous and agile Rats confuse the Ox. They rarely become good friends due to the lack of common interests. How the personal life of such partners will develop depends on the behavior of the Rat.
  • Bull. Both partners are reliable; they have a lot in common. In their personal lives, they will be happy and get along well under one roof.
  • Tiger. It is impossible for such people to live together. Both partners are too strong personalities. Tiger is bright, emotional, ambitious and desperate. The bull does not like this and will try to “destroy” his partner.
  • Rabbit. This is a good union that will bring harmony to both.
  • The Dragon. This is a lover of glitter that the Ox does not trust. The Dragon is too bright and eccentric a personality for the Ox. Conflicts between them are inevitable, and friendship will not be strong.
  • Snake. An ambiguous union. If the Snake skillfully disguises his romantic hobbies, then the marriage can be long and lasting. Friendship here is stable and lasting; both partners are interested in each other.

Compatibility of the Ox with other signs of the Zodiac (Horse-Pig)

  • Horse. This is a risky and gambling person. And Bull is a conservative. The union rarely becomes successful and lasting.
  • Goat. It is difficult for the Ox to tolerate the excessive fantasies of the Goat. Relationships and friendship between them are possible, but for a short time.
  • Monkey. She will bring the Ox a lot of suffering. The monkey will make fun of his partner, laugh, and he will not stand it, although he is very impressed by the behavior of his partner.
  • Rooster. Friendship is ideal here, as are personal relationships.
  • Dog. The ideologies of these partners are opposite; They have different life goals and objectives, so it is difficult for them to find a common language.
  • Pig. Both partners sympathize with each other, but their union is short-lived. The Pig loves entertainment and pleasure, and the Ox is characterized by restraint in everything.

Fate of the Bull

The answer to the question “2009 is the year of which animal?” found. It remains to be seen what fate awaits the Earth Bull. Eastern astrology says that the life path of the Ox Man depends on the time and period of his birth. A bull born in winter complains less about the difficulties and vicissitudes of fate. And summer Oxen have to work harder to achieve their goals. In general, the life path of these people is not difficult. In the second third of life, many Oxen are struck by personal tragedy. The third part of their earthly journey also adds many difficulties and challenges to them. But if the Bulls overcome them, they can count on a decent old age.

Year of the yellow earthen ox

Element: Earth

Yellow color

Your main trait is devotion and constancy. You do not like change and do not strive to go beyond your circle. In work, as in love, a calm environment, stability and constancy are crucial for you.

You are friendly, decent, but can be too straightforward and direct. Learn not to lash out: sincerity is not appropriate in every situation, especially when it comes to love.

Sometimes you are too jealous and tend to dramatize the situation: more trust in loved ones will not hurt you, especially if you really love your loved one.

Character traits

  • Endurance;
  • Diligence;
  • Strategic thinking;
  • Realism;
  • Independence.

Distinctive features

Thick eyebrows and a flat stomach.

Suitable areas of activity

  • Supervisor.

Eastern calendar compatibility table

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Neutral type of relationship

Such people will be able to create harmonious and strong relationships. But achieving harmony is possible only with mutual understanding, otherwise relationships are very easy to destroy. Be considerate of each other and everything will be fine.

Constant friction in relationships

Partners tend to play with each other and get on each other's nerves. The duration of a relationship depends only on the mutual desire to be together.


Partners will be happy together, but at the same time they will constantly move forward. If this sounds like you, then you have every chance of creating a wonderful and strong relationship.

Complete harmony

One of the most beautiful combinations. The family relationships of these people will be harmonious, happy, and calm to the envy of others.

Open confrontation

Such people will constantly conflict, even if they do not want to spoil the relationship. It is very difficult for partners to understand each other and not provoke conflicts.

Conflict combination

Partners will have to overcome many obstacles and show a lot of patience to maintain peace. For the relationship to be long-lasting and useful, both you and your partner need to put in a lot of effort, constantly adapting to each other.


Ups and downs will constantly alternate, as will quarrels and periods of reconciliation. If you can get through difficult periods, the relationship will become harmonious and you can build a happy future.

Rat, bull, tiger, rabbit (cat), sheep (goat), snake, horse, dragon, rooster, dog, pig - they were given one year each in the eastern calendar. What year is 2009 according to the horoscope? Read on to find out the answer. Each animal of the calendar has characteristic qualities that largely determine its future fate. By carefully studying them, you can avoid rash actions and decide to take risks at the right time. But it is worth remembering that the horoscope is designed for most people, but there are those who are not subject to horoscopes.

2009 according to the eastern calendar: the year of the Earth Ox

In this article you will learn:

What year is 2009 according to the eastern calendar?

This is the year of the Earth Ox. They are distinguished by their composure of mind, responsibility and full understanding of their goal. They adequately assess their capabilities, but at the same time always strive for the best. Such qualities help them achieve success in business. As a rule, bulls do not experience financial difficulties throughout their lives.

The Earth Ox has excellent leadership qualities; he is able to lead people. People around them admire their sincerity.

Integrity and the ability to come to the rescue at any moment are some of our strengths. That is why many acquaintances try to ask the Earth Bulls for advice, relying on their prudence.

It is believed that Oxen are bearers of a calm and easy-going character. Therefore, you can find a common language with them from the first minute of communication; they are always open and positive. But sometimes their character shows stubbornness and a little aggression. In most cases, this is a response to the opponent’s incorrect behavior.

2009 anyone? This is the year of independent and persistent people who are ready to work day and night to achieve their goal. They will always come to the rescue and give advice, and in some situations they are ready to take responsibility and lead people.

Features of the Earth Ox sign according to the Chinese calendar

Even from an early age, Bulls look older than their peers. It's not just about appearance, but also about character. They reason like adults who are not prone to rash actions.

Bulls are people who prefer theory to practice. If any idea arises in their head, they will begin to implement it in the near future.

They can rarely obey anyone, preferring independence in everything. Bulls are devoted to their work, but if they are not alone, they can put pressure on their subordinates.

The eastern horoscope Ox says that it will not be easy to achieve success in love affairs. Bulls need a partner with goals to grow and develop. They will not tolerate deception, trying to take revenge in a variety of ways. In a relationship with the Ox, romance, passion and a clear understanding of serious intentions should be intertwined.

In anger, the Bull is scary and dangerous. He loses self-control and is capable of terrible acts. But he quickly moves away and tries to apologize for all the bad things he did. But still, you shouldn’t piss off the Earth Bulls. In that short period of time when they lose control, irreparable things can happen.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Earth Ox

  • The main advantages of Earth Bulls are leadership, a cool mind, responsibility, and the ability to always come to the rescue and give advice. Bulls are sociable people. At first glance, they may seem closed and uncommunicative, but upon closer contact they will turn out to be very interesting people.
  • Earth bulls will be a good support in the family. They will be able to take responsibility for making important decisions and will try to support their family in abundance.
  • A negative trait of Bulls is the ability to be aggressive. It is better not to piss off such people. In moments of temper, they are capable of destroying what they have achieved for many years.
  • Many may consider Oxen to be dry and insensitive people. This can become a major problem in family relationships. If the Bulls manage to eradicate this deficiency, life will go like clockwork.
  • The years of the Ox according to the Chinese horoscope predict a long and happy life for this sign if such people are more open and sincere.
Published: 2016-08-10, Modified: 2016-11-23,