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Prayer to hire a matron. Prayer to find a good job for my husband

Looking for a job... Sometimes they can be more tiring than the work itself! Sometimes long, fruitless searches cause bewilderment and then despair. Really - why? Why me, who meets all the employer’s requirements. don't take it? Of course, there can be many reasons, there are many recommendations on how to look, how best to present yourself, all this needs to be kept in mind. But the main recommendation is to contact the Higher Powers.

Who to pray to find a job?

There are several saints in Orthodoxy, contacting whom promises a quick placement in exactly the job you need. Like any important matter, your job search should begin with a short prayer to the Lord:

The most common prayer is to Saint Tryphon, a helper in job searches:

You should read this prayer every morning, before you start searching, calling and sending out resumes, and before going for an interview, although the effectiveness of the prayer does not depend at all on the frequency of repetition, but on sincerity and deep faith in help. Of course, you need to visit the church, pray at the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God, and serve a prayer service. Cleansing the soul, opening the heart to the word of God is necessary for more effective, “smart” prayer.

They also pray to Saint Spyridon for a successful job placement, who helps solve material problems:

Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg know about the beautiful saints - Matrona of Moscow and Xenia of Petersburg. Of course, you can pray to them in any locality, but those who can visit their resting places and venerate the icons know about truly miraculous cases of the fulfillment of the most secret desires expressed in the prayers of these saints. They are prayed to in all life situations, and they do not leave their attention. Them praying to find a job, and most succeed.

To be sure to get a job, you need to know a few short prayers-spells. This is not witchcraft, just sayings that many people use. They will give you confidence, which will serve as a big plus when talking with employers, and will not let you get discouraged if you fail.

If you are afraid of an interview, before entering the room you need to say:

“O Lord, bless King David and all his meekness.”

You have found a suitable job, but you doubt that you will be hired. When heading to the employer, read 3 times:

When going to an interview, you need to have small money in your pocket in coins so that the total amount is an even number, and if on the way you see a beggar (but not a gypsy!) give him the whole handful of coins with the words: “Help, Lord, so that I can continue to (could) help good people.” And don't forget to bring a bay leaf! Put it in your pocket or purse.

Good luck with your device and great career success!

Every job candidate may face employment problems. Often, even the support of influential people and an impeccable resume do not help in such a situation. However, the applicant is able to enlist the assistance of higher powers and turn to them with a request for a highly paid position. The Orthodox prayer to be hired is offered to the Lord himself or to His saints.


Orthodox prayers

Orthodox prayers regarding employment are divided into:

  1. Prayers for finding a job. In this case, they turn to the Lord, Seraphim of Sarov or Matrona of Moscow.
  2. Before the interview. In such a situation, they ask the Guardian Angel for help.
  3. After the interview, they pray to the Lord for final employment.
  4. To improve the situation at work, they ask for help from Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Pleasant, Saints Boris and Gleb, as well as Tryphon of Vyatka.

You can ask the saints for help in your work for yourself, your family members and your loved ones.

To find a high paying job

Before looking for a new highly paid position, they pray to Seraphim of Sarov. Those who have already turned to the saint for help testify that the vacancy itself finds the person praying and it will not be the only one.

Also, in order to be hired, the applicant should read to the Lord.

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov in order to get a job Prayer to the Lord for finding a job

You can help your husband so that he quickly gets a job he likes by praying to the Holy Great Martyr Matrona of Moscow. She is asked for help in finding a job for spiritual salvation and growth, about a merciful employer.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow about work

After employment, with the help of prayer you should:

  • order a rite of thanksgiving prayer in the church;
  • defend the service;
  • make a contribution to the church (tithe from the first salary).

Before the interview

They ask the Guardian Angel for strength and confidence when applying for a job. You need to contact him in the evening, the day before the interview.

To do this you will need:

  1. Seclude yourself in a room.
  2. Light a church candle.
  3. Contact the Angel with a request in any form
  4. End the ritual with prayer.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel before an interview

After the interview

When you come home after the interview, you must follow these instructions:

  1. Retreat to some place.
  2. Light a church candle.
  3. Concentrate on the job you want.
  4. After this, you should read the prayer three times.

Prayer to the Lord after an interview

According to reviews, this conspiracy will help sway the employer’s opinion to the right side.

For well-being at work

To reduce tension in the team and promote well-being, ask for help and intercession from Jesus Christ, while:

  1. It is better to read a prayer every morning before leaving for work or before going to bed.
  2. If you read a prayer in the evening, it is important to thank the higher powers for your day. This should be done in any case, even if the day is not a success.
  3. It is recommended to turn to Christ before important projects.

Prayer to Jesus Christ for well-being at work

By reading this powerful prayer, you can strengthen your position in your career, make it easier to advance in your career and be more noticeable to your superiors.

Strong prayer to Saint Tryphon for troubles at work

Prayer to Tryphon has powerful magic and helps to effectively solve work problems.

Reading rules:

  1. It is recommended to contact the saint daily.
  2. You need to pray with a pure heart, without envy and selfishness.
  3. You can read the spell at any time, looking at the image of the saint or holding it in your head.
  4. For maximum effectiveness, you must first place a candle in the church.
  5. It is also advisable to attend prayer services in honor of Saint Tryphon throughout the year (the day of his memory is especially important for Orthodox Christians - February 14).

Strong prayer to Tryphon for troubles at work

Prayer from an evil boss, envious people and ill-wishers at work

This prayer is read to the Great Martyrs Boris and Gleb.

Contacting these saints will help:

  • solve problems with envious people;
  • isolate yourself from ill-wishers;
  • improve relationships within the team and with management.

They ask Matrona of Moscow for a good boss and better relationships at work.

Prayer to Boris and Gleb from envious people at work Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for a good boss

Prayer to help Nicholas the Wonderworker in his work

Today it is very difficult to find. The majority of Russian residents will agree with this. Sometimes it's not just about doing a good job. It is impossible to find any at all. What should those who, for example, were laid off due to the liquidation of an enterprise or bankruptcy of a company, do? It's no secret that it can be quite difficult for young people who have graduated from universities to get a job in their specialty.

Sometimes, not finding a suitable job, even the most active job seekers give up. Meanwhile, people who believe in mystical powers believe that the situation can be improved by reading some kind of conspiracy or performing a certain ritual. A huge number of similar magical remedies have been invented over the centuries. Nowadays, many people use spells and prayers for work (that is, they pronounce certain words, according to magicians, that promote employment).

What it is?

The broadest definition of conspiracy was given by E. Velmezova. She is a fairly well-known researcher of Slavic cultures today. According to its formulation, a conspiracy is a verbal folk art existing both in written and oral form, characterized by the following features:

  • the presence of a certain magical power;
  • individual nature of performance;
  • a certain order of actions;
  • keeping the ritual secret.

Perhaps a conspiracy to get a new job, just like any other, can really be a way out of a difficult situation.

Where did the popular belief come from?

There is no clear answer to the question of the origin of this type of folk art. It is believed that conspiracies appeared:

  • as a result of the peculiarities of perception of the world;
  • as a consequence of their religious worldviews;
  • due to the peculiarities of the human psyche itself. (This is confirmed by the fact that among many peoples, despite the difference in mentality and language, the structure of the conspiracy is exactly the same.)

Some researchers (for example, A.N. Afanasyev and F.I. Buslaev) attribute their appearance to myths and legends about the ancient gods. However, when pronouncing a spell to get hired, you should not confuse it with prayer at all. These concepts, although similar, are not identical. Conspiracies have practically fallen out of general use. Prayers, as a subject of “communication” with God, have been preserved to this day. Their emotional and semantic load is fundamentally different. Prayer, as everyone knows, presupposes, first of all, complete humility before the Creator. The conspiracy is, rather, an echo of those times when man was considered the master of the elements. By investing a little of our energy in certain words, we want to get the desired result.

First option

So, before you is a conspiracy to get hired. Before the interview, you should say to yourself or read the following words: “I’m going to the boyars, it’s not for nothing that I work. I want to contract - it will be useful to the owner. Let them feed you plenty, pay you regularly, swear in moderation, and lead by example. Lord, help, show the way, bless you on the road! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Second way

There is another quite effective conspiracy. To get hired, you need to say the following words at the boss’s door before the interview: “As soon as I enter the door, I will find good luck and recognition. Today I will definitely get the place that I really want.” The mechanism of this conspiracy, like any other, is, of course, unknown. Perhaps these words act exclusively on the subconscious of the person pronouncing them. Or maybe they have some influence on those who will make a decision about Or words constructed in a certain order change the situation as a whole in favor of the one who said them? Be that as it may, many people believe in the effectiveness of the ancient, established set of magic words.

Strong conspiracy to work

If you have not yet found a place for yourself, you need to say slightly different words. In this case, you should use a coin and a white (or red) handkerchief. Without these accessories nothing will work. This is one example of a conspiracy performed in combination with a ritual. It is believed that such actions are more effective than conventional ones. In general, this is a fairly strong conspiracy. To be hired, you need to say it in the evening. That is, on the eve of the day when the newspaper with hiring advertisements should be published. The coin must be placed in the handkerchief with the tails facing up. Looking at her, you should say: “Luck is with me like the stars with the moon. I don’t complain about anything and I’ll find a place for myself. I’m a good guy, I’m good at any job. I’ll get used to any job, I’ll be useful in any business. As the sun rises in the sky, so my place comes to me. And everything will work out for me, and gold will increase.”

Ritual for getting a good place

A conspiracy to find a job is a fairly effective means. However, if you wish, you can try to perform a certain ritual. Perhaps he will be the one to help. To complete this you will need a figurine of an Egyptian griffin. They perform the ritual if a job with good pay or a promotion is needed. It can also be done if you want a salary increase. A griffin figurine is easy to purchase in an esoteric store. If you still have nowhere to buy it, you can simply find an image on the Internet and print it. If you don’t have a printer, you can download a large drawing that spans the entire width and height of the monitor.

The right hand should be placed on the forehead of the mythical figure, and the left hand on its tongue. After this, you need to say the words three times: “O divine animal, be the patron of your true admirer (name). Open the way to profits for me and bring me well-deserved wealth. Let it be so!" Such a ritual can work no worse than a regular conspiracy to find a job. You may get even more than you expected. However, after saying these words, you need to go to the store and buy gifts for relatives. Under no circumstances should you skimp on this. It is believed that the griffin should see your generosity and lack of psychological dependence on money.

To get a job, you can use any suitable plot. To get a good place, you should read either one of the ones presented here, or all of them at once. The main thing is to do this seriously, with respect for unknown forces. Otherwise nothing will work.

Work plays a huge role in the life of every person. Therefore, when troubles begin in the business sphere, it causes a lot of everyday inconvenience. In such cases, you must definitely pray in order to harmonize the atmosphere around you.

Prayer for work can be used in any difficult situation that is associated with events in the business sphere. For example, prayer can be very effective when searching for a suitable job. You should also turn to the Higher Powers if you want to climb the career ladder. It is important to offer prayer for work near the icon. You should also remember about sincerity when praying, faith must be present in the soul, and all other additional attributes will allow you to create the right environment.

Orthodox prayers for good luck and success in business at work

In Orthodoxy there are many prayers that are used to attract good luck in work. Also, some of them have special powers and help you find a good job. It is very important to repent of your sins before reading a prayer for a good job.

If you are looking for a new good job, then you should turn to Saint Seraphim of Swarovsk with prayer. The peculiarity of such a prayer appeal is that after it practically nothing will need to be done, since the work itself will find you. Moreover, several suitable vacancies will soon appear on the horizon, so you will have the right to choose.

The prayer sounds like this:

“All-merciful Father Saint Seraphim, I, the Servant of God, turn to you with a sincere request! I pray and appeal to your mercy. Ask God for forgiveness for my sins, known and unknown. Help, Father Seraphim, in solving my life problems. Guide me on the true path and do not let me succumb to devilish temptations. Support my aspirations to become a respectable person and choose the right good path in life, so that my parents are proud of me. Help me, the Servant of God (proper name), find a new good and well-paid job as soon as possible, so that I can live in abundance and fully provide for my family. Show your mercy and help me, Venerable Seraphim, for you are a real protector of those who ask you and an assistant in worldly affairs, a protector from all troubles and misfortunes. Pray to the Lord God for us. Amen".

Prayer before an interview

If you have to go for an interview, then in order to be hired, you should read a special prayer. You need to turn to your Guardian Angel in such a prayer. As a rule, you need to offer prayer words to your heavenly protector the night before. To do this, you should retire to a separate room and light a church candle.

You need to first explain in your own words the reasons why you want to get this particular job. It is very important not to be distracted by anything in the process of contacting the Guardian Angel.

This prayer should end with the following words:

“My Guardian Angel, I call you with me, go ahead of me, and I will follow you.”

It is noteworthy that such a prayerful appeal to the Guardian Angel always gives confidence and calms. With its help, you can properly prepare for the interview.

Prayer after an interview

After the interview, as a rule, the employer does not immediately inform the applicant about his decision. Therefore, in order to incline his choice in your favor, you should read another prayer when you come home.

Again, you definitely need to retire to a separate room and light a church candle.

Thinking only about the desired job, you need to say the following prayer words with deep feeling:

“Lord God, Almighty and All-Merciful, hear me and help me. I, the Servant of God (my own name), am about to undertake the serious work of contracting. So I ask for your consent so that I can dress up in your clothes and reliably isolate myself from troubles with prayer to you. I hope to help you with your help and get this job. Help me, Lord Almighty, with your holy word and blessing. Encourage me and give me strength so that I can successfully cope with the most difficult tasks. So that the bosses respect me, and I don’t feel afraid of them. Grant me confidence in my abilities and in my rightness. So that my cause was just, and this work was intended for me and not for anyone else. Amen".

After such a prayer, a call will soon follow notifying you that you have been hired for a new job.

Prayer that everything will be fine and prosperous at work

There are many prayers with which you can improve your business situation. It is advisable to contact the Higher Powers about success in work every day. This can be done both in the morning and in the evening. Only in the second case should you definitely thank God for your day, regardless of whether it was successful or not. You should also remember that it is necessary to read a prayer for good luck in work before any important task. This will not only allow you to achieve the desired result, but will also strengthen your position, which will contribute to career growth.

“Our Lord, All-Merciful and Almighty, Savior of the human race, Jesus Christ, son of God. I ask for your blessing, I, the Servant of God (proper name), for hard work for good. Help me establish myself in the work field and complete all the tasks assigned to me efficiently and on time. Don't let me make serious mistakes and don't let me make offensive mistakes. May all my actions be successful and lead to a positive result. Let my work progress and my salary increase. Let relationships with colleagues develop successfully, and let my boss not swear at me. Save and preserve from adversity and failure. Amen".

The Great Martyr Saint Tryphon is held in great esteem by Orthodox believers. During his lifetime, his miraculous work became widely known throughout the world. He saved entire villages from destruction and various disasters and cleansed souls from demonic influence. Today, people often offer prayers to him for protection from devilish temptations and for help in obtaining material benefits. If you pray to this Saint every day, then you can reliably protect yourself from any troubles in the business sphere. And even if problems arise, which is quite natural, they will be easy to solve.

Those who are planning to turn to Saint Tryphon for help in their work need to remember that during his lifetime he was a hard worker and often took on the hardest work. Therefore, being in the heavenly palaces, he helps only those who work honestly and strive to achieve well-being in life in an honest way.

“Holy Great Martyr Tryphon! I, the Servant of God (my own name), ask for help and support, for I know that to many who turn to you, you have become a reliable helper and suppliant before the Lord. I bow my head before your holy face and sincerely pray. Do not leave my prayer unattended, hear my sincere words. Beg for me forgiveness before the Almighty and All-Merciful Lord for all my sins, for which I sincerely repent and admit that I committed them out of my own foolishness and inexperience. I know you and honor you, because I know your good worldly deeds and the fact that you renounced everything to serve the Lord. Show your miraculousness for me, who sincerely calls for help and support. Help me in my work and protect me from all sorts of troubles, do not let me experience lack of money and poverty. Let your colleagues at work be kind and your boss accommodating. Let my work path be without any obstacles, help ensure that all work tasks are resolved positively, bring good income and moral satisfaction. Do not let me succumb to devilish temptations and make mistakes, deliver me from thoughts of bad and wrong actions. I promise that I will glorify your deeds in prayers for the glory of the Lord. Amen".

Prayer from an evil boss, envious people and ill-wishers at work

Very often, many people have an unfavorable atmosphere at work. The reason for this may be an evil boss, the presence of ill-wishers and envious people. A special prayer will help resolve this situation and improve relationships.

The prayer appeal directed to Saints Gleb and Boris is considered especially strong. They are the protectors from various human failures. Prayer will help resolve existing conflicts and harmonize relationships between management and work colleagues.

The prayer text reads as follows:

“Oh, holy duo, Boris and Gleb, who served with faith and love the Savior of the human race, Jesus Christ! Hear my request, the Servant of God (proper name) who bows before your image. Intercede before Christ for the well-being of my life. Help me keep my soul pure, save me from unbelief and deception, protect me from all devilish temptations. Don't let me become embittered and tame all the anger that exists around me. I ask you to help me in my work and save me from troubles, for I sincerely repent of my sins, known and unknown, and I will ask forgiveness for them in prayers before our Almighty and All-Merciful Lord. Amen".

A prayer for help in work, which contains an appeal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, is always good support. You can pray not only in church, but also at home; it is very important to do this in front of the icon of the Saint in a secluded place with a lit church candle. You should not let anyone know that you are asking the Saint for help. This can only be done when you achieve real success. And, of course, you should remember that prayer can be effective if your soul is clean of evil thoughts and envious feelings.

It is recommended to read the following prayer addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker before starting any work.

The prayer text reads as follows:

“Heavenly King, Lord God, Comforter, True for the soul, You are everywhere and in everything, forgive all my sins and fill my soul with purity, save and preserve me from evil spirits and devilish temptations. I address myself, the Servant of God (proper name) to the Pleasant of God, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. During your life, you were famous for your good deeds and helped all those who suffered. So bless me for my undertaking and help me, a sinner and repentant of my known and unknown sins, committed out of my own foolishness, to complete my work for the glory of God. I fall before your image and ask you to beg for me from the Lord God for forgiveness and the granting of strength to me to do godly deeds. Amen".

To resolve global issues in the business sphere, this prayer should be read on St. Nicholas Day, December 19 or May 22. You can supplement the above prayer in your own words by expressing specific requests.

Prayer for work and money to Matrona

Saint Matrona of Moscow always helps those who work hard.

A prayer request to her may sound like this:

“Our Holy Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, I, the Servant of God (my own name), turn to you for help and support. Hear me and do not leave my prayer unheeded. Help me establish myself in my work to improve my well-being. Do not refuse my request, for work gives salvation to the soul and helps to resist devilish temptations. Help me grow rich for good, without wasting my spiritual strength on worldly problems. Let me preserve my sincere faith and purity of soul. Make sure that my employer respects me and does not violate God’s commandments. So that I can devote time to glorifying the Lord Almighty on weekends and holidays. Ask God, the All-Merciful and All-Good, to help me resist the evil machinations of Judas and sinful temptations, and also to forgive my sins that were committed by me due to my lack of understanding. May my righteous work be my salvation and give me hope for eternal life after death in Heaven. Amen".

Prayers for work addressed to God and the holy martyrs help to find a job and receive a decent salary. Each type of professional activity has its own patron in heaven, from whom you should ask for help in achieving success, rapid career growth and gaining financial independence. But if a person has not decided on his calling, you can pray to various saints: Nicholas the Wonderworker, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, Matrona of Moscow, the holy martyr Tryphon, as well as the Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos.

Prayer requests to the Lord God and the Mother of God

It helps to find a decent job by reading the “Our Father” prayer, as well as the following prayer words: “Lord Jesus, our heavenly Father! Grant Your servant (name) a job to my liking, so that I can (can) self-actualize and demonstrate all my abilities and talents, which You gave me at birth, which will give me incredible joy and consolation, will become my outlet and calling. Help me to benefit my neighbors with my work and give me strength for every day, so that I can work tirelessly and with great zeal. Yours. Amen."

Prayer to the Lord God for finding a suitable job:

A prayer of thanks after finding a job, which must be read before the start of the first day of work: “Heavenly King, Comforter, Lord Almighty, save the soul of Your sinful servant (name) and cleanse it from all filth. Bless, God, and help Your servant (name) to the unworthy and sinful to begin the work for Thy glory and honor. Jesus Christ, Almighty God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on me, Thy servant (name), and grant vital energy and strength to complete the righteous work begun forever and ever. ".

Appeal to the Mother of God: “O Lady, Most Holy Lady Theotokos! With faith, fear and great love in my heart, I turn, falling before Your icon, I pray to You, Merciful Mother of Almighty God and His son Jesus Christ, may you protect our country and keep it in piety will confirm all the Holy powers. Virgin Mary, help me find a job and deliver me from evil thoughts and selfish people, reward me according to my deep faith, forgive all my sins and transgressions, help me find the work of my whole life, which will benefit humanity and me in the form spiritual growth and material benefits. Thank you for Your mercy and for hearing all my prayers. I trust in You, Most Holy Theotokos, and in the Lord God and Your son Jesus Christ, crucified on the cross for us, the unworthy. him and the Holy Spirit Amen."

You can say a prayer for employment in your own words, which come from the heart, and be sure to thank the Lord God after reading the prayer words. You need to turn to the Almighty powers regularly in order to implement your plans in the near future and receive God's blessing in your work.

Strong prayers for employment to various saints

You can ask for help in your work not only from the Savior and the Virgin Mary, but also from various saints.

Nikolai Ugodnik

When turning to a saint with a request to find a new money job that will be to a person’s liking, you need to know several nuances:

  • Visualize your dream job in great detail while reading the prayer.
  • Contact Nicholas the Wonderworker only with an open soul and a pure heart.
  • Do not talk about your requests to the Higher Powers until the person praying finds the desired job with a good salary. Otherwise, prayers for obtaining a decent profession in the near future will remain unanswered.

The text of the prayer to Saint Nicholas, which must be read in front of his icon at home or in a church: “I pray you, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, help me in finding a job, so that there are no obstacles and difficulties in my path and I, God’s servant (name), do not need in money, and my work was adequately paid. Miracle Worker Nikolai, hear my prayers and get rid of evil and greedy people, so that the team will be pleasant and friendly at the new job, so that no one will envy and do mean things to each other, so that the bosses will not steal the money. paid on time. Let it be so forever and ever.”

If a person was fired from his previous job without a good reason or competitors ruined their own business, you should not hold anger and hatred in your heart towards these people. You need to forgive the offenders, turning to the saint for help.

A strong prayer for good luck in work: “Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, deliver my soul from flattery and envy, black thoughts and the fierce malice of bad people. If the matter is not resolved according to the damned intent, then do not punish my enemies, but bestow upon them peace of mind and good luck. If there is soot of sin on me, the servant of God (name) sincerely repents and asks for miraculous help in his righteous work. Grant me work according to my conscience and decent payment, may my good endeavors always be successfully completed. "

Martyr Tryphon

Prayer to the holy martyr Tryphon about finding his calling: “Holy martyr Tryphon, you help everyone in need, help me find a worthy and righteous job. Forgive all my sins and dishonorable actions, the Almighty Lord has endowed you with miraculous power that helps the servants of God - I beg you, send me your grace and help me get a job I love. Just as you saved the people from Kampsada from inevitable death, so save me from poverty and lack of money, a bad boss and unemployment, may my work path be cloudless and bright, may it bring moral satisfaction and satisfaction. financial prosperity. Do not allow me to make mistakes, unkind, dishonest actions. I promise to honor you, holy martyr, until my last breath, and I will give you honor and glory.”

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Strong prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for finding a good job:

Matrona of Moscow

Prayer words to Matrona of Moscow for getting a well-paid job: “Our blessed and holy mother Matronushka, with your holy prayers help God’s servant (name) get a new job, convenient for salvation and for spiritual growth, so that God’s servant (name) can become rich not only financially , but also spiritually. Help me find a peaceful and good-natured employer who does not violate the commandments of the Lord God and does not force him to work on holy holidays and Sundays. May the Almighty Lord protect the servant of God (name) from all temptation and evil in his work place, yes. This work will be for salvation, for the benefit of the Fatherland and the temple of God, and for the joy of the parents of the servant of God (name).

Seraphim of Sarov

Text of the prayer for quick employment: “All-merciful Father Seraphim! I appeal to you and pray for help for the servant of God (name). Forgive me all my sins and help, Father Seraphim, in solving life’s problems and difficulties. Please guide me on the path true and righteous, so that I become (become) a respectable and worthy person who moves in the right direction and brings benefit to others every day. Father Seraphim, help, I pray, the servant of God (name)! work, so that there will always be prosperity in our house and we will not know need and disaster, so that my soul will be calm and easy. May it be so by your mercy, Reverend Seraphim, holy intercessor and helper in worldly affairs, requests and troubles of all kinds. “Have mercy and save us sinners! Ask for us from the Almighty and Almighty God.”

Ksenia of Petersburg

Blessed Ksenia is addressed with the following prayerful words about finding a good job as soon as possible: “O blessed and holy martyr Ksenia! You lived under the protection of the Most High God, strengthened and led by the Mother of God, thirst and hunger, heat and cold, persecution and reproach you endured, O mother Ksenia, you received the gift of miracles and clairvoyance from the Lord God. The Holy Church glorifies you, as I pray, servant of God (name), for finding spiritual and financial peace of mind, send down good and worthy work, so that the work brings benefit and joy, deliver from it. protect deceitful and envious people from conspiracies and evil human cunning, help them receive a good salary for righteous work and give strength to God’s servant (name). I send thanks to you and all the holy martyrs forever and ever.”

If you sincerely ask with faith in your soul and with a pure heart, the Higher Powers will definitely help you find what you want.