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Wise Jewish proverbs. Proverbs about Jews

Wanders around the world, penetrating from one national culture to another, crossing state borders, seas and oceans. Today it is difficult to establish when Jewish proverbs and sayings “Russified”, “Germanized” or “Polished”, but, undoubtedly, the centuries-old wisdom of the “eternal wanderers” influenced the everyday speech of a wide variety of ethnic groups located in both hemispheres of the planet. People who use popular expressions do not always know in what language they were first uttered.

Who is Shlimazzle

The first thing that impresses people with Jewish proverbs is their self-irony. The ability to make fun of oneself is a sign of wisdom, and this is manifested most clearly in folk art. The hero of many sayings is a certain “schlimazle”. This word means, generally speaking, a loser, who is also narrow-minded and has many other personal vices. “Shelma” (the abbreviated designation) can be greedy, stupid, and nothing ever works out for him. If the shlimazzle sells snow, a warm winter occurs; if it sells water, there is a drought. He sometimes speaks well, but it would be better to remain silent. Of two evils, shlimazzle will manage to choose both. He does not live to see success, because he cannot endure troubles, he falls at someone’s feet, and they will certainly step on his head. He tells the half truth, and it turns out to be a lie. In general, if some Jewish proverbs are funny, it is because they contain shlimazzle: you can always make fun of it. The main thing is not to get carried away too much and not become one yourself.

About wisdom

The sayings themselves, used appropriately, are a kind of concentrate of wisdom accumulated over many centuries. It is not surprising that among them a considerable proportion are those that define rationality and, on the contrary, stupidity. It is important that wisdom is not always identified with So, one of the sayings says that the presence of gray hair indicates old age, and not intelligence. However, another states that an elderly person sees worse, but still more. Apparently, the accumulated experience is taking its toll. It is also instructive to not be too sweet (they will eat it), but it is also undesirable to overdo it when it comes to bitterness (they will spit it out). An anti-alcohol theme is also presented: “the secret goes away when the wine comes in.” These beautiful Jewish proverbs may seem too simple, their moral too obvious. But this doesn’t make them any less wise. After all, unfortunately, not everyone follows the obvious rules of behavior.

About family

Sometimes you can hear a common phrase: “Love is gone!” “So that means it never started!” - one of the sayings explains this phenomenon. Jewish proverbs devoted to a lyrical theme are diverse both in topic and in focus. Their range is wide - from romanticism (where there is love, there is no sin, and vice versa) to dry practicality (you cannot make compote from the sweetest love). Who are all brides good for? For the matchmaker! Even an old maid becomes a young wife, after her wedding, of course. What could be holier than mother for a proper Jew? God sends her to where he himself cannot go. But Adam was very lucky: he did not have a mother-in-law. A nasty wife can be worse than rain, because he drives him home, but she, on the contrary, tries to push him out the door.

About words

Jews, as a rule, love to talk. There are few silent people among them; everyone wants to say something smart. Despite the widespread opinion about the universal wisdom of God's chosen people, not everyone achieves this. Jewish proverbs warn of the dangers of excessive verbosity. “Keep quiet if you have nothing to say!” - it seems like nothing special either, and yet if everyone acted like this... “First children are taught to speak, and then to remain silent” is an excellent generalization of pedagogical methods.

A person has one mouth and two ears. This is an anatomical fact. This means you need to listen twice as often as you talk.

And one more thing: you shouldn’t trust someone who readily talks about their troubles but hides their joys. very subtle, and this advice can be useful to everyone.

About money and eternal values

Jewish proverbs and sayings concerning material matters are as varied as any other.

It is worth breaking another established stereotype about some special love of money of Jews and a special commercial streak that is present in almost every Jew from birth. But what do we see? In fact, poverty is not given much attention; it is not considered either a vice or a virtue, at least that is what the Jews who wrote the proverbs thought.

Yes, they love money, but who doesn’t? It's not as good with them as it is bad without them! And a problem that can be solved by paying is not called a problem, but an expense. But it's not about the money, it's about having it. And to do this, you need to not just accumulate them, but gain knowledge with which you can always earn them. It’s easy to carry a smart head on your shoulders, and no one will take it away from you, unless they tear it down, but then it doesn’t matter...

Again, it’s much better when a job is looking for you than if the situation is the opposite. Poverty also has its good sides. It is more difficult for a poor person to sin; God protects him from temptations - they, as a rule, are expensive. And it is noteworthy that everyone is smart enough; it is the lack of money that most people complain about.

And whether there are many or few of them, you still need to live. At least out of curiosity. I wonder what will happen next?

All sorts of different things

Jewish proverbs are sometimes very difficult to classify. For example, the statement that a single beard looks much worse than a beardless Jew. What is it about? But it’s enough to remember that there were once pogroms...

Or the saying that people undertake great things out of idleness. And about two people fighting for a hat, and a third one who gets it. And that death from laughter is preferable to death from horror. And that the word “experience” is synonymous with human mistakes. And people from afar all look good.

The irony of Jewish proverbs and sayings is also manifested in a certain pessimism, behind which hope is still discernible. “You shouldn’t complain about the lack of change: you can wait a little and it will get worse.” And then: “It’s better to have some change, even if it’s for the worse, than no change at all.”

You shouldn't joke with God, but the Jews manage to do this too. People anger the Almighty with their sins, and those around them with their benefactors. God behaves like a father, and fate behaves like an evil stepfather. And a prayer-request to him - to help him get up, because a person knows how to fall himself.

In general, Jews composed a lot of proverbs. They concern all aspects of life, therefore, by reading them, you can enrich yourself, at least spiritually, and then depending on your luck. However, you should not believe sources, print or electronic, offering headlines like “35 Jewish Proverbs, the Best and Wisest.” In fact, there are many more of them.

Since ancient times, Russian folk wisdom has been passed down from generation to generation through language

- Fairy tales, epics, proverbs, sayings, jokes, songs - through them the soul of the people is revealed.
- There are rules of conduct, a code of honor, and the distinction between good and evil - everything that needs to be given to a child,
- so that a real moral person can grow out of him.
“That is why the work of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, who preserved this treasure trove of folk wisdom for us, is so valuable.
- Which we will resort to today in order to better understand what happened to the Russian people in Ukraine.
- Yes, and in Russia, although our processes are not so acute yet.

But first, let’s find out how word usage on this topic has varied over the centuries.

- we present graphs of the frequency of use of a number of words in written speech
- frequency is given per million words.

1. Let’s calibrate the instrument using the word “language”

The frequency is expectedly high, 500, the instrument is working properly.

2. Now let’s look at the use of the word “Jew”

The maximum frequency is 35 occurrences per million words.
- We note surges in the use of the word “Jew”:
--- in the era of Peter the Great's reforms and the appearance of the first Jews at court (Shafirov and the jesters)
--- during the era of Catherine’s partition of Poland, which led to the entry of masses of Jews into Russia
--- during the Decembrist uprising.

3. Now let’s look at the use of the word “Jew”

The word “Jew” in the Russian language really began to be used again from the moment of the provocation on Senate Square,
- but we note the first significant peak in the use of this word only towards the end of the 19th century.

4. Another thing with the use of the word “kike”

Pay attention to the amplitude
- Here it is 2 times higher than in 2 previous cases
- That is, In the old days, the word “Jew” was in wide circulation and was used much more often than the words “Jew” or “Jew.”
- Those who wish can see for themselves that the word “Jew” was previously used with almost the same frequency as other everyday words
- A little less often, for example, than the word “knife”, but more often than the word “donkey”.
- And strangely, the maximum use of words in written speech occurs again in 1825!

Until the 1st quarter of the twentieth century, the word “Jew” was in circulation not only orally, but also in writing.

- i.e. already under Soviet rule.
- Consequently, this word was not considered forbidden, and its use was not condemned.

We need to revive the use of the word “kike”

- Not only because it is an old Russian word. Although this alone is enough.
- But the point is that by throwing it out of use, we thereby
- we will deprive ourselves of a solid layer of ancient Russian cultural heritage.
- Expressed in hundreds of proverbs and sayings, some of which we present below
- But there are also songs, epics, etc., where this concept, “Jew,” is one of the meaning-forming ones.
- By the way, the words “Jewish”, “Jewish”, etc. are still used in Orthodox worship.

In Russian, a Jew is not necessarily a Jew.

- Jew, this is also a synonym for the word “miser”
- The image, of course, is negative, but real life does not consist of only positive things, does it?
- And in the Russian language the word “Jew” was not necessarily tied to Jews
- A striking example is the famous saying “By birth a nobleman, but by deeds a Jew.”
- So it is necessary to judge people not by their origin, not by their clothes, not by their passport, but by their deeds.
- And it’s not at all clear why the Jews apply the word “Jew” exclusively to themselves?
- Why is a whole layer of our speech culture being compulsively torn away from us?
- There are many generous Jews in the world who donate the money they earn through honest usurious labor.
- to finance various non-profit organizations, various NGOs.
- So not all Jews are misers.
“Therefore, they should not be offended by the Russians’ use of the ancient Slavic word “Jew.”



We walk under the same God with the Jew, but we do not believe in the same God.
All people are like people, one Jew in a yarmulke.
The Jew asks to go to heaven, but he himself is afraid of death.


For a Jew, a soul is worth less than a penny.
The Jew does not know what shame is.
Whatever Ivan repents of, Abram will boast of.
The Jew, like a demon, will never repent.
The Jewish house is like Sodom, and the courtyard is like Gomorrah!
The eye of a Jew knows no shame.


The Jewish synagogue is the dwelling of demons (St. John Chrysostom).
The Jews are visible demons (St. Cyril of Alexandria).
Demons and Jews are the children of Satan.
Even the devil serves as a nanny for the Jew.
To get to know a Jew is to get in touch with a demon.
There is no need for a demon if the Jew is here.
There is no demon in the house - accept the Jew!
Jew in the hut. Angels from the hut


The cry of the Jews crucified Christ.
That’s why the Jew is poor because he doesn’t have God.
God protects the Jew, but the Jew scolds Him.
God also wept from the Jew.
What God pleases is unsuitable for a Jew.
God is with mercy, and the Jew is with daring.
The wisdom of the Jews is the wisdom of Christ.
The Christian tears of the Jew will be shed in hell.


A baptized Jew is like a tamed wolf
A baptized Jew is a forgiven thief.
A baptized Jew is like a reconciled enemy.
A baptized Jew is like a healed horse.
A Jew can get bread with censer.
I am ready to smoke the liquid and incense just to get money.
The Jews say a prayer service, but there is no benefit.
The Jew accepts Christianity if income seduces him.
To achieve benefits, a Jew is always ready to be baptized.


What is sinful to God is funny to the Jew.
Then you make the Jew laugh when you anger God.
If you mess with a Jew, you will accumulate sins.
The Jew does not take by force, but by temptation.
A Jew seduces a Christian woman, but the law prevents him from taking a wife.
Jewish children are like rats in a cage: they will harm good things and corrupt children.
The guy is made like a barn, but he is so shy that he is a Jew!
Wherever there is a Jew, there is a bribe - such is his habit.
The Jew will treat you to vodka and then give you drink.
The Jew already has your penny, but you drink and drink.
The Jew has your penny, but you are also a penny!
For every layman - seven Jews.
You can’t understand a Jew until the sheep’s skin is removed from him.


And by the face you know what to call Abram.
The Jew did not forge his own nose, God gave it to the Jew.
For a Jew from a Christian, all the paysats are monkeys.
Like the Jew, so is his stench.
The Jew has such a face that it suggests itself.
Then the Jews don't even look like us, so we don't make a mistake.


The Jew and the dead will get out of the loop.
A Jew's heels will never get cold.
A Jew, like a goose, does not have cold heels.
The Jew fasts not with his spirit, but with his belly.
The Jews eat food like dogs.
Jews eat like nobles and litter like pigs.
To a shaggy Jew, like a mangy dog, scratches are welcome.
As is the Jew, so is his wife.
You let a Jew into the house for a day, but you can’t kick him out in a year.
The Jew will say that he was beaten, but will not say why.
The scream is like in a Jewish school.
Why did they ring like a Jewish tambourine?
A Jew is like a pig: nothing hurts, but everything groans.
A Jew is like a pig: nothing hurts, but everything squeals.
Although the Jew does not grieve, he still grumbles.
God did not please the Jew either.


It’s hard to live where a Jew can come running.
Next to a Jew there is no living, but howling.
To shelter a Jew is to let a wolf into a stable.
The house was good, but a Jew moved in.
To cook porridge with a Jew is to poison yourself.
I got drunk with the Jew - I was hung over with tears.
Hanging around with a Jew is like messing around in nettles.
I lived with the Jew until there was nothing left.
Just as they live with a Jew, they drink water from the raft.


Where are the Jews, expect trouble!
Where the Jew's hut is, the whole village is in trouble.
Zhidovin shinkarit (sells alcohol) - he cooks trouble with a ladle.
The liquid and the trouble - do not spill the water.
There are no roses without thorns, and there are no troubles without Jews.
If you go with a Jew, you will run into trouble.
He sat down to feast with the Jew and stood up alone to grieve.
It’s a sin to turn to a Jew, you’ll have to pay for it.
If only I knew about the Jew, I wouldn’t be moaning now.

11. Jew's treachery

The Jew swears out loud, but privately renounces.
A Jew, like a crow, is no defense for a man.
If the Jew is threatened with recruitment (into the army), he slides abroad.
The Jews love to surrender into captivity, so that they can later sell themselves to the enemy.
Rely on the Jew like spring ice.
Even though the Jew is not a beast, don’t trust him!
To believe a Jew is to measure water with a sieve.


The Jews are city animals (St. Macarius the Great).
A Russian thief is better than a Jew judge.
The Jewish tribe is a weedy seed.
It is not the people who are dying, but the Jews who are destroying.
The Jew lives - he chews bread, but does not reap.
The Jew eats, and the Russian dies.
Expect harm from the Jew.
The Jew drowns himself and drowns others.
Where a Jew passes like a fox, there the chickens will not lay eggs for three years.
To be treated by a Jew is to submit to death.
The corruption lives on from the Jewish potion.
You will win favor with God, but never with a Jew.
The Jew seeks profit from our death.
Don’t expect profit from the Jew, but expect death from him!
The Jew does not walk through the forest, but among people.
The cancer has power in its claw, and the Jew has power in his purse.
A Jew is as strong as his farmhand.
A Jew will grind for a month for a piece.
I profit from Russian death.
The insatiable Jew is fed up with someone else's misfortune.
Every Jew is fed up with our misfortune.
Don't look for the Jew - he will come!
Around the rich Jews, all the men are in patches.
To expect any sense from a Jew is to put your teeth on the shelf!
The Jew bites even without teeth.

Give a Jew a car, he will harness you to a car!
The Jews are rogues, they will only impose fetters.

Give the Jew free rein, he will take him into captivity!

13. Laziness and parasitism of the Jews

The Jew is a fussy slacker, only the sky smokes.
A Jew at work is like a crane in a swamp.
Teach the Jew that the forest should be harrowed.
There is a hare in the work, there are Jews in the food.
The Jew works, but only with his belly.
A Jew is like a sparrow: wherever he sits, he pecks there.
The Jew eats bread, but cannot be baptized.
The Jew waves his tongue, and the man plows at him.
Are the Jews tired of tea, sitting on a man?
The Jew would have eaten the money if the man had not given him bread.
The Jew is like a millstone - whatever falls under it, he grinds.
The Jew, like rust, gnaws at iron.
The Jew is eaten away like a louse in scabs.
A Jew is not a wolf - he doesn’t climb into an empty barn.
And the Jew succeeds like a worm forever.
Jewish hands love other people's works.


If you rub against a Jew, you will become demonic.
Jewish deeds that soot is white.
What fell into the hands of the Jew was lost.
A Jew in action is like a leech in the body.
Whoever follows a Jew will not find good.
I bought it from a Jew famously for my own pennies.
You are praised by the Jew as long as you have capital, but when he robbed you, he drove you out of the house.
The Jew gives, but the fool takes.
Jewish goodness brings no good to anyone.


God does not order you to be friends with a Jew.
God dislikes anyone who is a Jew's friend.
A nobleman by birth, but Jewish by deeds.
Jews do not mix with Samaritans, but they often do with nobles.
Get involved with a Jew and you will become a Jew yourself.
Whoever gives up the friendship of a Jew will not perish from the world.
The love of a Jew is worse than a noose.
You can't buy a Jew with friendship.


Serving a Jew is to the delight of the demon.
Whoever serves a Jew will bring disaster.
To bow to a Jew is to break in half.
To serve a Jew is to betray one's own to the enemy.
The Jewish servants are the ills of all their people.
Indulging a Jew means stealing it yourself.
Whoever buys from a Jew is digging his own grave.
Whoever allows a Jew to do evil, he himself does evil.


Jew for Jew is always a guarantee.
Jew and Jew know each other, they refer to each other.
The Jew praises the Jew, but the Christians are in trouble.
Troubles, like Jews, walk in lines.
A Jew is like a rat - strong in a pack.
The Jew hanged himself for company.


There is no fish without a bone, and no Jew without anger.
With what the gypsy came at the Jew, he retreated.
Whoever cheats a Jew will not live three days.

19. Flattery and hypocrisy of the Jews

Interest and flattery - I honor the Jew.
If the Jews are kind, they will lead you to the abyss.
The Jew sharpens his lasses and fools people.
If the Jew is Egozit (Yulit) - strive to carry out.
Jewish praise is worse than reproach.
Believe your eyes, not the Jewish speeches.


The truth is that all the lies come from the Jew.
In the Jews of lies, in the fields of rye.
We sow the fields with rye, and the Jews are all around with lies.
The Jew promises a lot, but gives little.
The Jewish tongue always lies, like rubbing a radish.
The Jew has two languages ​​- one annoys God, and the other fools Christians.
The Jew takes the city by deceit.
The Jew is fed up with deception.
You can listen to a Jew, but you can’t believe him.
Then the Jew will not lie when the demon dies.
The Jew is afraid of the truth, like a hare is afraid of a tambourine.
The Jew covers the truth with gold, but it emerges.
Then there will be heaven in the world when the Jew tells the truth.


The Jew is talkative with his tongue, but unclean in his hands.
Every Jew knows that stolen honey is sweeter.
The Jew thinks that he does not steal, but takes his own.
A Jew does not grieve when he steals from us.
Whether I am a thief or not, everything is in order.
Let the Jew into the yard - you won’t know who the thief is!
Where the village is waiting, there constipation is a sacred thing.
If a Jew beckons, he wants yours.
Every Jew is looking into our pocket.


You can never fill a Jew like a bag with holes.
The Jew looks like a fox, but smells like a wolf.
The Jew will send you to the ice, but he himself will go to the honey.
When you cry with joy, the Jew cries with envy.
Whatever a Jew looks at, he immediately withers.
The Jew swindles out a penny and leaves the peasant a louse.
Only a Jew gets by by changing (and only for three days).
The Jew fights with an altyn, but without an altyn he grieves.
The Jews honor the Jewish god Mamon.
According to the Jewish faith, money has no smell.
The Jew counts money even in his sleep.
The Jew is already looking at his grave, and still saving money.
The Jew is already looking to his grave, and trembles over every penny.
A Jew will hang himself for a penny, but still promises us heaven.
Keep a penny so it doesn’t go to the Jew!
Every Jew is selfless in appearance.
Not the Jew who is a Jew, but the Jew who is a Jew.
Like a Jew will deceive - he will wait in his pocket.
Then you and the Jew will get rich when the hair on your palm grows.
And so it happens that a Jew is called a Jew.
Not with gold, like the Jew, but live by prayer!

23. Stinginess of the Jews

You can't get enough rubbish for a Jew like a pit.
And a well-fed Jew always has hungry eyes.
The Jew is not a kazist with a face, but a bag of food.
In the house there is liquid and the porridge is liquid.
The Jew has a demon in his lining, and Satan in his patch.
The Jew must, he doesn’t argue, but he won’t give it back soon.
It is better to lose with a Christian than to find with a Jew.
You will find a Jew, but you will not be divided.
The Jew will share the pears when they grow on the pine tree.
The Jew gave him a cookie; whatever you want, you can buy.
The Jew will give one nothing, and the other less.
The Jew is dying - there is enough all around.
They lived like brothers, but were counted like Jews.
The Jew will please God at the expense of others.

24. The covetousness of the Jews

The Jew sows interest and reaps interest.
Jewish credit does us a lot of harm.
Money paves the way for the Jews.
If you don’t destroy the Jews, you don’t get rid of the surplus!
A Jewish moneylender in hell counts hot dimes with his hands.

Thank you, God, that I don’t have to wait!
The Jews are rogues, they impose fetters.

25. enslavement by Jews

Where a Jew gallops, there a man cries.
A man doesn’t even eat bread, but a Jew will eat a man.
The locusts will devour the harvest, and the Jew will tear off his last shirt.
You hang around naked with a Jew.
What kind of Jews are you can guess when you yourself are hungry.
In Rus' they didn’t die of hunger until the Jews stopped them.
The best Jew is an evil villain to us.
If you fall into the hands of a Jew, you will suffer torment.
To whom God is not Lord, the Lord is a Jew.
The Jew ruined him and enslaved him for life.
There is someone to tolerate the Jew, but there is no one to complain to.
If a Jew gave it to you, then you will owe him for the rest of your life.
Better your own hut than a Jewish ward.
Give the Jew a car, he will harness you to a car!
He who gives freedom to the Jew sells himself.
Give the Jew free rein, he will take you into captivity!
A Swede's bayonet, a Frenchman's, and a Jew's on the neck?


The Jew is flattering in poverty, impudent in equality, a monster in power.
Call a Jew a brother, he will take after his father.
Give the Jew free rein, he will want more!
If you don’t give the Jews free rein, you won’t meet a bitter fate.
If you don’t give in to the Jew, he has no power!
Just as a Jew takes up the pipe, there is no desire to dance.


To coddle a Jew is not to coddle him.
It’s easier to devour a goat alive than to transform a Jew.
You can't beat all the scab out of a lousy Jew.
Koshchei (Kosh) the immortal - the eternal Jew kosher.
A leech will pump and fall off, but a liquid will never.
The Jew will stop sucking blood when he gets tired of breathing.
There are no good Jews, just like there are no good rats.


I would say a word, but the Jew is not far away!
Pray to God and beware of the Jews!
A Jew is not afraid until he is born.
A Jew is only good in the grave.
A dead Jew won't bite anyone.
Fear the Jew more than the fire: the water will put out the fire, and the Jew will strangle you!
It was not the Jew who killed, but fear that crushed him.


So that trouble does not come to Rus', do not go bankrupt from the Jew!
Don’t take Jewish goods into your house and don’t talk to a Jew!
I don’t bow to the Jew: I’m waiting for my harvest.
To rid a Jew of limelight, you must not do business with him.
When the Jew showed up in the village, tie his tongue and let the dogs off the chain!
The Jew is afraid of Epiphany water and the village club.
The Jew is one bad thing, that is why he is cool (punishment).
With a holy fist and on the Jewish neck.
If you hit a Jew in the face, you will raise a howl all over the world.
If you want to live, then drive the Jew!
You can't drive a Jew out by beating.
Don't hit the Jew with a club, but hit him with a ruble!
Drive out the Jew not with a hammer, but with hunger!
The Jews, like mosquitoes, bite for the time being.
It's good where there are no Jews.
Then heaven will come when there are no Jews.
So that God does not become angry, do not let the Jew enter the door!
Drive the Jew not into the village, but drive him within yourself!
Whatever God's will is for us, woe to the Jews.
Be wise not with the Jewish mind, but with God’s judgment!
Keeping away from the Jews is half the salvation.

All peoples have their own special worldview, and this is best reflected in sayings and proverbs. There are many legends about the wisdom of the Jewish people, and this is all for a reason! Here are some witty Jewish proverbs on various topics that capture its essence:

Intelligence and stupidity

God gave man two ears and one mouth so that he would listen more and talk less.

Everyone complains about the lack of money, but no one complains about the lack of intelligence.

It is more difficult to remain silent well than to speak well.

Don't be sweet - otherwise they will eat you. Don't be bitter, otherwise you'll be spat out.

The deaf man heard the dumb man say that the blind man saw the lame man run very quickly.


Gray hair is a sign of old age, not wisdom.

As a person ages, he sees worse, but more.

Experience is the word people use to describe their mistakes.

When an old maid gets married, she immediately turns into a young wife.

If life doesn't change for the better, wait - it will change for the worse.


It's not as good with money as it is bad without it.

If a problem can be solved with money, it's not a problem, it's an expense.

If charity cost nothing, everyone would be a philanthropist.

God protects the poor at least from costly sins.

When there is no money, they take on great things.


Parents teach children to talk, children teach parents to be silent.

God can't be everywhere at once - that's why he created mothers

Those who do not have children raise them well.

Eggs may be much smarter than chickens, but they quickly go rotten.

Men would do more if women talked less.


It's better to die of laughter than of fear.

God! Help me get on my feet - I can fall myself.

A person should live at least for the sake of curiosity.

Proverbs about Jews

This is what the common Russian people said and say about Jews (almost all proverbs are taken from the book V. Korchagina "The trial of the academician"):

Devils and Jews are the children of Satan.

The Jew is flattering in poverty, impudent in equality, a monster in power.

Don't look for the Jew - he will come.

A Jew is not a wolf - he will not climb into an empty barn.

You can never fill a Jew like a bag with holes.

A baptized Jew is like a forgiven thief.

To achieve benefits, a Jew is always ready to be baptized.

The Jews love to surrender into captivity, so that they can later sell themselves to the enemy.

A Jew is like a pig: nothing hurts, but everything groans.

The Jew will say that he was beaten, but he won’t say why.

Jewish children are worse than rats in a cage: they will harm good things and corrupt children.

Even though the Jew is not a beast, don’t trust him.

I want to believe that water is measured with a sieve.

The Jew has two languages ​​- one annoys God, and the other fools people.

The Jew is fed up with deception.

The Jew is afraid of the truth, like a hare is afraid of a tambourine.

To get to know a Jew is to get in touch with the devil.

A Jew in action is like a leech in the body.

As long as you have capital, you are praised by the Jew; just as he robbed you, he drove you out of the house.

Whoever buys from a Jew is digging his own grave.

Don’t take Jewish goods into your house and don’t tell the Jew the truth.

You will find a Jew, but you will not be divided.

The Jew ruined him and enslaved him for life.

A Russian thief is better than a Jewish judge.

Whoever serves a Jew will not escape trouble.

It is easier to devour a goat alive than to transform a Jew.

Serves as a nanny for the Jew and the devil.

The locusts will devour the harvest, and the Jew will tear off the last shirt.

The Jew will treat you to vodka and then give you a drink.

Where a Jew gallops, there a man cries.

Around the rich Jews, all the men are in patches.

To be treated by a Jew is to submit to death.

A Jew is like a crow - no defense for a peasant.

Beware of the Jew more than fire: water will put out the fire, and the Jew will strangle you.

Where there is a Jew's hut, there is trouble for the whole village.

So that God does not become angry, do not let the Jew enter the door.

Jew in the hut, angels from the hut.

A Jew is like a rat - strong in a pack.

There is no fish without a bone, and no Jew without anger.

He who gives freedom to a Jew sells himself.

Give a Jew a car, you'll spend the rest of your life dragging a car for him.

The love of a Jew is worse than a noose.

If you hit a Jew in the face, you will raise a howl all over the world.

A Jew is only good in the grave.

If you want to live, drive away the Jew.

Russians with a bipod, and Jews with a spoon.

If you don't know how to sew with gold, hit the Jew with a hammer.

A Jew is like coal: if it doesn’t burn, it gets dirty.

Talk to a Jew about getting drunk.

Once I lied, I became a Jew forever.

You can’t keep up with the Jewish language even barefoot.

I am waiting in secret, and he is all over the world.

Make friends with the Jew, but hold on to the ax.

The spark of the carcass before the fire, the liquid of the soul before the blow.

If you want peace with the Jews, prepare for battle.

The Jew feasts on weekdays, the Russian grieves on holidays.

There is honey on the tongue of a Jew, and ice under the tongue.

The Jew wags his tail and bares his teeth.

Don't let the thief near the field, and the Jews near Russia.

He who is afraid of a Jew is a small bird. But whoever chopped up a Jew was ruined by fear.

The Jew is menacing behind the mountains, and more menacing is behind his shoulders.

How many Jews - so many enemies.

The Jew and the pitchfork have a gun.

Jews and devils are of the same wool.

If you love a Jew, you are destroying your homeland.

Please note the following, dear reader. No other people devotes as many proverbs and sayings as the Jews. There are more of them than proverbs and sayings dedicated to other nations and peoples combined. What about the attitude towards Jews? Russians do not have a single proverb that says something good about Jews. None at all. And this is over many centuries of communication with them.

What features stand out in proverbs and sayings as the most typical for Jews? Everything is strictly according to the Talmud: arrogance, flattery, irrepressible greed, hypocrisy, bribery, deception, dishonesty in both senses, duplicity, immorality, lack of spirituality, cruelty, mercilessness, rat habits, inability for sincere friendship and love.

Naturally, the liquid-communist censorship tried to erase all these proverbs from folklore (they can only be found in pre-revolutionary publications). But it didn't work out for them. These proverbs are still in use today.

I would like to note one more thing. In pre-revolutionary publications "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" Vladimir Dahl gives the concept of the word “Jew” - the most negative one. And Vladimir Dal was a great and honest man, incapable of any perversion. By profession he was a doctor. Pushkin died in his arms. Regarding the Jews, Vladimir Dal also cites several proverbs and sayings.

In the Soviet publications of Vladimir Dahl there are no words “Jew” and “Jew”. Why? Yes, because under Vladimir Dal the word “kike” was in use. The people did not know the word "Jew". That’s why Vladimir Dal doesn’t highlight it in his dictionary. In Soviet publications, the word “Jew” was thrown out, but Vladimir Dahl did not use the word “Jew”. In the end, it turned out to be neither one nor the other. Although the word "Jew" has been known for more than a thousand years. For example, in Russian epics Khazaria is called "great Jew".

Jews- an ancient people of Semitic origin living in many countries of the world. At the end of the 19th century, Jews living abroad laid the foundation for Zionism, a movement for the formation of a Jewish state in Palestine. Jews began to emigrate to this territory, which caused tension between them and the Palestinian Arabs. The Jewish State of Israel has existed since 1948. In subsequent years, immigrants to the country brought their many talents and crafts to the country. New technologies and farming methods have developed in Israel. The total number of Jews in the world is about 13 million people, of which about 40% live in Israel. Israel is part of the historical region of Palestine. Nowadays, the word "Palestine" refers to most of Israel, but ancient Palestine extended much further to the east. Palestine is called the Holy Land, where both the Jewish and Christian faiths originated. The traditional religion of Jews is Judaism.


D Both hands serve one head.

The mind does not depend on the beard.

The hunchback is forced to wear his hump.

Don't throw a stone into the well you drank from.

Low doors will teach you to bend over.

A bucket goes into the well, followed by a rope.

In a dispute, you need to listen to both sides.

An awl came out of the bag.

A fool believes every word.

In trouble, the leg does not limp.

A hungry dog ​​eats stones.

It's unpleasant to hear the advice of a fool.

Pride that dines with vanity dines with poverty.

Two One wallet makes more noise than a hundred coins. (Hebrew)

The most beautiful face is the face of a friend.

If you don’t go to the dentist today, you will run tomorrow. (modern)

It's never too late to marry and die.

It's unpleasant to see a rip in your clothes.

And the ruler needs advice.

The end for a thief is hanging.

Stupidity is written on the face.

Those who climb too high can only fly down.

Whoever gives should not remember this, whoever takes should not forget about it. (Hebrew)

He who is honest in perut is honest in dinar. (Hebrew)

If you sell honey, you will lick it.

It is better to subsist on bread and water than to overeat on chicken and hide from creditors.

Do not rejoice at the fall of your enemy, but do not rush to help him rise.

The eyes are all-seeing, but sometimes you should close them.

It is impossible for two kings to wear the same crown. (Hebrew)

There were quite a few foals whose skin was used as chaprak* for their mother (*chaprak - bedding for a saddle) (Hebrew)

He who cannot endure the bad will not live to see the good.

It was not for nothing that the starling went to the raven.

Those who wait for a nice day will get it.

Neither cursing nor laughter can change the world.

Rub yourself on the pot and you will turn black.

Run after the cat - he will lead you to the roof.

Never trust a person who hides all his joys from you.

They say about all the brides that they are beauties, about all the dead - that they were good people.

If you untie one rope, many will be untied. (Hebrew)

It's a long way from the lips to the heart.

A gift is given to a person in order to bring him closer, and alms are given to get rid of him.

The homely bird has a beautiful song.

Guard for me and I will guard for you.

Let the grapes pray for the well-being of their vines.

The heart is sharper than the eyes.

Strive only for the good: the bad will come on its own.

Where there are no people, try to be human.

If your beard is on fire, your mouth is also hot.

A believing Jew has no questions, and an unbeliever has no answers.

When they knock on the table, the scissors respond.

A tethered goat grazes in place.

Steal even from a thief, and you will get a taste for theft. (Hebrew)

Ten reasons are less convincing than one.

A person is nothing more than a person, and sometimes even less.

The lamb said to the sheep, “Your butt is showing.”

An honest person sleeps peacefully at night, a dishonest person suffers from insomnia.

It is easy to survive other people's misfortunes.

When a cold stone is struck, a hot spark flies out.


On this page: wise folk Jewish proverbs and sayings.
