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Low pain threshold what does this mean. Pain threshold in women and men: what you need to know? Decreased sensitivity to pain

Pain threshold– this is the magnitude of the impact on the sensory organ at which pain occurs. According to another definition, this concept refers to the level of irritation caused to the nervous system at which pain is felt. The pain threshold is individual for each person, because... Sensitivity to pain varies from person to person.

There is also such a thing as pain tolerance level, defined as the maximum amount of pain that a certain person is willing to endure under specific conditions. In this case, neither the pain threshold nor the level of pain tolerance is determined by any parameters of the influences that cause pain.

High and low pain threshold

As already mentioned, everyone has their own pain threshold, i.e. people react differently to the same stimulus. For one person, exposure to a certain force can cause severe pain, while for others it can cause quite tolerable sensations. It is believed that a person’s pain threshold is laid down in genes.

A low pain threshold is when, with minimal impact, a person begins to experience pain, i.e. Such people have a heightened perception of pain. Conversely, if a person has a high threshold for pain sensitivity, then he experiences pain when the impact is strong enough.

According to specialist research, women have a higher pain threshold than men. The maximum pain threshold is reached during. This fact is explained by the fact that the pain threshold is associated not only with the nervous system, but also with hormonal levels. It is regulated by the endocrine system through the production of estrogen hormones. But at the same time, women have increased psychological sensitivity, which leads to the fact that even minimal pain can cause fear and tears.

How to find out and determine your pain threshold?

People who are attentive to their health would do well to have information about their personal pain threshold. Such information may be useful in cases where a person needs to undergo medical intervention accompanied by pain. Knowing the intensity of pain a patient can endure, the doctor will be able to choose the right method of pain relief.

You can determine your pain threshold using a special device - an algesimeter. The essence of its work is that a delicate area of ​​skin (usually between the fingers or toes) is exposed to electric current, pressure or high temperature. With a gradual increase in the intensity of exposure, minimum and maximum sensitivity indicators are established, which will be the interval of pain tolerance. As a result, it is possible to establish what degree of pain sensitivity threshold a person has - very low, low, medium or high.

How to increase the pain threshold?

It has been proven that at different times of the day, under the influence of different emotions and depending on the general physical condition of the body, the pain threshold of the same person can have different values. Consequently, the level of the pain threshold can be “managed” to a certain extent.

There are several ways to temporarily increase your pain threshold:

  1. "Distraction" therapy– inhibition of pain receptors due to the use of “hot” foods – red pepper, horseradish, mustard, ginger, etc.
  2. Changes in hormonal levels by following a diet with an abundance of foods such as eggs, milk, turkey, hazelnuts, bananas, etc., which help increase the level of (happiness hormone) in the body.
  3. Autotraining methods for mobilizing the body's strength– such a strong psycho-emotional excited state, such as anger, helps to increase the pain threshold.
  4. Sex– during lovemaking, a large amount of endorphin hormones are released, which can also dull pain.

And, of course, no one will hit you with strong shocks, but you may still experience some unpleasant sensations. The device records the magnitude of the impact at which you begin to feel pain, then the limit within which you are able to tolerate it. After completing an algesimeter test, a specialist can, with some accuracy, classify you into one of four pain sensitivity groups. Unfortunately, algesimeters are very rare. And if you want to be examined with this device, you need to work hard just to find a clinic that has it.

Everyone has their own pain threshold. That is why it is important to be able to independently determine how susceptible you are to pain. Refer to your memories. Some children begin to cry from any push, while others fall, shaking off their skinned knees, and continue to run without even a squeak. Analyze your attitude towards physical and mental pain and try to classify yourself into one of four pain sensitivity groups (very pain threshold, low, medium and).

Adjustment for your condition. Scientists have proven that at different times of the day, under the influence of different emotions and depending on the state of the body, the pain threshold of the same person can vary significantly. So, if you are in love, you should not bother measuring your own pain tolerance, since your body is under the influence of happiness hormones - endorphins. The pain threshold in this condition increases significantly. But if you are sick, pain sensitivity, on the contrary, increases, and you can experience quite unpleasant sensations due to something that in ordinary life never even caused tickling.


The pain threshold increases significantly under the influence of alcohol, drugs and cold. That is why it is extremely important to carefully monitor your condition and pay attention to any changes if you drank too much or were in the cold for a long time.

Helpful advice

If you have a low pain threshold, this does not mean that there is something wrong with you. Each person is individual, and the reaction to pain is also individual for everyone. Just be aware of your sensitivity when going to the dentist or playing active sports.


  • what is my pain threshold

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, pain is necessary, since it indicates trouble in any organ of the human body. Often pain is the only sign of the onset of a serious illness, which can thus be identified at an early stage and treated. It is not surprising that ancient Greek doctors called pain the “guard dog” of the body: it barked and warned of danger. How can we help people with increased sensitivity to pain?


In some cases, painkillers are necessary (). The list of them is very wide; the most appropriate one, taking into account all the contraindications and characteristics of the patient’s body, must be done by a doctor. This is very important, since for some particularly sensitive people, even a relatively harmless medical procedure without anesthesia can cause serious complications, even painful shock.

There are some types that help reduce pain sensitivity. For example, boxing, martial arts, sambo. The mechanism for reducing sensitivity is that a person constantly experiences pain during, and especially sparring fights, and gradually gets used to it and stops noticing it. In other words, regular dosed pain plays a role here during vaccinations, also helping to develop the body’s protective reaction.

Sometimes self-hypnosis can help. There are special (and quite effective) training methods. By regularly instilling in yourself: “I’m not afraid of pain, I’m not afraid of pain,” you can ensure that pain threshold will change significantly. Self-hypnosis is especially good in combination with meditation, yoga, as well as some physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, acupuncture and massage.

Laughter is also an effective way to reduce sensitivity to pain! Loud, sincere, on the verge of laughter. After all, this increases the flow into the blood, which are responsible for a good mood and at the same time have analgesic properties.

Video on the topic

The pain threshold is the measure of patience that can be called fundamental from the point of view of the resilience of a person’s character. It varies from person to person, but women in general are more susceptible to pain. From the point of view of the theory of evolution, the pain threshold is an atavism that has reached modern man from his ancestors. It is characteristic of all living beings and is controlled by instincts and unconditioned reflexes. But it can and should be trained if you use some technique. Tolerance of pain as a parameter, both physical and psychological, must be trained in both of these planes.

You will need

  • - medium weight sports equipment, for example, weights or dumbbells;
  • - punching bag or punching bag;
  • - sports mat.


Take a round wooden stick and wrap it with a layer of cotton cloth. Select a layer of canvas so that if you hit the elbow hard enough, the pain will be bearable. Rewind or add fabric as you need. Secure it so that it can withstand many impacts without slipping off the stick.

Start hitting yourself first on your arms, as the parts of your body that are most resistant to pain, then on your shoulders, back and stomach. Hit so that there is a little. This effect can be achieved gradually by increasing the force of the blows both from training to training and during each of them. Choose the duration of the blows for each part of the body individually, but try to keep the total training time no less than 15 and no more than 30 minutes. After finishing the exercises, take a walk and regain your breathing. Subsequently, reduce the layer of canvas until you remove it completely.

Pick up weights or dumbbells and do a set of exercises for the whole body. The movements can be completely different. But the complex must include exercises for the legs, abs, back, chest, shoulders, arms, and neck. This part of the workout should last at least half an hour. Once completed, restore your breathing and rest.

Approach the bag or bag and throw punches and kicks. In this case, you need to hit not only with your fist and shin, but also with the edge of your palm, wrist, elbow, inner part of the forearm - with everything you can use to strike. Keep your workout at a moderate pace. During the exercises, watch your breathing, inhaling during the change and exhaling during the impact. Work in this way for 10-15 minutes, then rest and proceed to the next final workout - stretching.

Take any position that is comfortable for you on the mat and begin doing the stretching exercise. As before, they can be completely different. The main thing is to stretch the maximum number of ligaments in all limbs, as well as the spine and neck. After this, take a contrast shower and walk a little to evaluate the work done and recover.


1. Muscle mass is, among other things, a corset that protects internal organs. It is less vulnerable to pain, as is the skin over it, unlike the skin over bone or fat mass. The stronger the muscles, the higher the pain threshold.
2. By training physically, you also train mentally by enduring pain. Resistance to it can also be obtained by using narcotic or psychotropic substances. For example before surgery. But their frequent use causes irreparable harm to health. Moreover, with each technique their effectiveness decreases, and physical exercise and impact training give a very long-lasting effect.

Helpful advice

1. When striking, be careful of your groin, neck and joints. Don't ignore them, but don't hit them too hard either;
2. Strike in such a way as to avoid injury. To do this, when you come into contact with the pear, tense the striking part of your body and clench your fingers.
3. When stretching, achieve the effect of pain, but make sure that it is not excessive.
4. Hot and cold showers also train your pain threshold. Therefore, from time to time, make it more and more contrasting.

A high pain threshold is the dream of every hand-to-hand fighter, because, as you know, it is impossible to learn to fight without getting hit. An increased pain threshold will allow you to endure this “surrender” much less sensitively. We present to your attention 7 exercises to increase the pain threshold. They will also give you better pain control. All suggested exercises are performed with a partner. Although you need a partner to do the exercises, most exercises are easy enough that you can improve your pain threshold at home.


Your partner creates dosed pain sensations for you by pinching and squeezing the pain zones of the trapezius muscle, the muscles of the front surface of the neck, and pain points in the ribs. The exercise is performed until the pain is tolerable for 10 minutes.

Remember: doing the exercise for less than three minutes will not lead to zero results! During execution, you should not strain, squeeze, or hold your breath. You should stand or sit calmly and relaxed. If pain increases, breathe deeper and increase the time of exhalation and inhalation. By the way, these recommendations are universal and also work for the rest of the exercises proposed here.

Military massage helps you get used to the pain and reduce the intensity.


The partners, standing opposite each other, take turns slapping each other in the face with relaxed palms. Don't forget that the palm strike is extremely powerful! Therefore, this exercise should be performed carefully. Slaps are applied only to the cheeks; blows to the ears, jaw, eyes, nose and lips are unacceptable. Increase the strength of the blows gradually, and constantly monitor your mental state. To normalize emotions, after each slap you receive, exhale slowly and relax.

The pain can reach critical levels or even higher. The slap should be loud! A muffled sound is a consequence of a deep error, which indicates that you are hitting your palm with the heel. And this is the place where strong blows are delivered, and the craftsmen break tiles, boards and other hard objects with the heel of their palm. So the right slaps should have a characteristic ringing sound.
Work in this way for at least a minute, and the exercise will bring many benefits.


Your partner should take you by the shoulder and place his fingers on the inside of your elbow. Holding his fingers firmly between the biceps and triceps to the bone, the partner runs along it with an effort towards himself, feeling a thin, tense “string”. You will feel a sharp and severe pain from your elbow to your little finger. The exercise time is at least three minutes, and all this time you must endure rolling along the “string”. Effect: adaptation to influences directly on the nerve trunk.


You hold a hold or submission hold while your opponent delivers quick strikes to the pressure points. The extremely important skill of the bulldog grip is developed, that is, maintaining a grip, despite the active opposition of the enemy. In addition, the skill of working on pain points is developed.

Start working on the point of the hand between the thumb and index finger, closer to the metacarpal bone of the index finger. Then move to the inside of your wrist; the bones of the back of the hand, a point on the inside of the radius, a couple of fingers above the elbow. After a few blows, you will feel the pain increasing, and at the same time your grip will weaken. You need to force yourself to hold the grip tightly by willpower. Tense yourself, clench your teeth, and keep your breathing deep and even - this will help you concentrate.


Emotional release will help you maximize your potential. Shout with your partner at each other.


The basis of the exercise is blows of measured force over almost the entire body. You cannot hit the head, neck and groin, as well as the throat. Along the spine, the left side of the chest. The main task of the person being beaten is to stand, maintaining uniform breathing and without faltering. Almost everyone can take a blow to the torso while exhaling, but few can withstand a blow while inhaling. To do this, as you inhale, tense your torso muscles, forming the so-called chain mail. It is best if the person being beaten closes his eyes - this will eliminate spontaneous preparation for strikes, which is not necessary during execution. In addition to the torso, penetrate the arms, thighs and shins. Execution time: about 3 minutes.


The fighters are surrounded by comrades and engage in pair sparring. The circle tries in every possible way to prevent them, without getting directly involved in the fight: it pinches, pushes, pokes and strikes with a relaxed palm. The exercise helps you get used to pain and control pain in combat conditions.

Medical incantations that pain is the watchdog of health, and therefore important and necessary, offer little comfort to a person who is panic-strickenly afraid of it. He trembles at the thought that he needs to donate blood and go to the dentist. The prospect of undergoing an FGDS or colonoscopy generally drives many of us into a pre-fainting state. And although doctors have long used anesthesia for all sorts of unpleasant procedures, the excuse of a timid patient remains traditional: “But I have a low pain threshold!” But what exactly is this?
Assistant at the Department of Nervous Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenova, candidate of medical sciences Aleksey Alekseev, believes that the pain threshold is not a very specific concept: “What patients and doctors understand by this term is somewhat different. In essence, we are talking about a conditional degree of irritation of the nervous system, above which we feel an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience, in other words, pain. Moreover, in everyday life, the threshold of pain often means the threshold of its tolerance.” According to the head of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of BelMAPO, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ponomarev, this threshold is individual for each of us and depends on many factors:

For example, the hereditary sensitivity of pain receptors plays a role - in choleric people it is lower, so they perceive pain more strongly. And for melancholic people it is higher, and they react less acutely. In addition, the perception of pain depends on external factors. Let’s say, depending on the time of day: migraines or back pain are more severe at night than during the day. Or depending on the time of year - the pain is more pronounced in spring and autumn. But as for stressful situations, they, on the contrary, drown out pain, because they are almost always associated with increased production of adrenaline, which reduces sensitivity to it. Gender, age, how severe pain was endured before, even nationality - all this is also of no small importance.

To this list, scientists also add sleep disturbances, fatigue, hormonal levels, as well as the very degree of motivation of a person at a particular moment in order to resist unpleasant sensations. Let’s say that a religious patient, who has been taught since childhood that this is how sins can be expiated, and a patient with serious spinal cord damage, will perceive pain in their own way, if he is convinced that this is an obligatory indicator of the restoration of nervous structures. The so-called unknown pain, which has not been encountered before, is tolerated worse; familiar or expected pain is better tolerated. Agree, few people complain about discomfort from physical activity in the gym, because this is a kind of symbol of a successful workout. On the other hand, there is such a thing as “sick families,” where everyone in the family is extremely sensitive to unpleasant sensations - both genetics and copying the behavior of elders, who fall into despair from any minor ailment, have an effect here.

In general, psychologists distinguish 4 main types of people in relation to pain.

1. Low pain threshold and low pain tolerance interval. Such people perceive everything very difficult, including physical activity. The slightest pain in the form of an injection, vaccinations are sheer torture for them. They generally do not like to be in society; they prefer loneliness. Before any medical procedure, such people have to be persuaded and use anesthesia to the maximum to avoid painful shock.

2. Low pain threshold and large tolerance range. The main thing for such a person is to adjust himself psychologically, then even with all the painful sensations he is able to endure a lot.

3. High pain threshold and short tolerance interval. When such a patient is faced with painful manipulations, he seems to be completely insensitive. That is, his nerve endings do not react in any way to injections, blows, cuts and other damage to the skin. But here you still need at least psychological support.

4. High pain threshold and large range of pain tolerance. These are persistent tin soldiers who are not afraid of any sensations. As a rule, we are talking about leaders and very confident, successful people.

Today, pain can be measured objectively using various instruments, all kinds of scales. But for a doctor, the main thing is always to assess the patient’s suffering. And this is a subjective feeling in any case. The problem is that very often pain is the equivalent of depression. They both depend on the same neurotransmitter, a chemical produced in the brain. It is the depressive state that explains 8 out of 10 of those complaints for which the cause cannot be established. Antidepressants are indicated for such people, and they are usually treated with analgesics. Not only does this not bring relief, but it can lead to so-called rebound pain, when the abolition of a useless drug in this case causes a new round of suffering.

Pointed question

Is it possible to increase the pain threshold?

If special zones of nerve endings, nociceptors, are constantly impacted with the same or increasing force, this will significantly increase susceptibility to pain. Have you seen how daredevils walk barefoot on glass or lie down on a carpet with needles? The point here is not the height of the pain threshold, but the training of nociceptors.

Tips "SB"

Of course, any pain is a reason to see a doctor. But you can first alleviate your condition.

Psychotherapists recommend “pain-relieving” exercises for personal use. Let's say imagine, describe your pain - what it is like, what it looks like - and try to do something with it. Is your pain like a rubber ball? Then mentally squeeze it in your hand and feel how it restores its shape in response. Another option: switch attention. For example, imagine a panel with buttons, sensors and levers, try to determine which one is responsible for your pain, and try to turn it off.

The more pleasure, the less room for pain. Good nutrition, pleasant experiences, good communication are also analgesics. And don't forget about rhythmic physical activity. If only because it leads to the release of endogenous opioids - painkillers that are produced in the bowels of the body itself.

The tolerance of traumatic factors is determined by the functioning of the central nervous system. The pain threshold depends on the level of irritability of the nerve endings and the feelings that arise from unpleasant influences. This indicator is transmitted at the genetic level, but it can be changed by finding out what parameters determine it. Although women experience the most excruciating pain for a person during childbirth, men in life have a higher degree of tolerance and adaptation.

What is pain threshold

The degree of perception of traumatic effects on the body is related to the level of excitation of the nervous system. The body's subjective response to severe pain determines its threshold for a person. The ability to endure unpleasant sensations is inherent in genes, so this characteristic is individual for everyone. The strength of pain that a person can withstand is also determined by the source of irritation, emotional mood and hormonal levels. In a state of passion or during childbirth, sensitivity decreases due to the instinct of self-preservation and the influence of the endocrine system.

Low pain threshold

The serious danger is shock. A low threshold of pain sensitivity, together with the lack of ability to tolerate unpleasant sensations, makes any traumatic manipulation unbearable. You should always warn the doctor about your threshold to avoid psychological trauma. If the indicators are low, it is not recommended to pierce your ears, get tattoos, or painful cosmetic procedures with injections without using various methods of anesthesia: special creams that are applied to the skin, sprays.

High pain threshold

With this type of sensitivity it is much easier to endure stressful situations for the body. A high pain threshold does not mean that you can subject yourself to serious trials. It is believed that the degree of susceptibility depends on the person’s psychotype. Those who have no fear of physical influences at all are, as a rule, active, extreme, and have leadership qualities.

Pain threshold in women and men

The degree of perception of feelings depends on gender. The role of a man was determined by evolution - a hunter, a defender, a conqueror, who had to endure suffering and endure blows in fights. The male sex hormone, testosterone, has an analgesic effect. In this regard, men have a constant high threshold of sensitivity.

Women have a more vulnerable nervous system due to a larger number of receptors; there is less testosterone in their blood. In addition, historically, representatives of the fair sex were little exposed to negative stimuli from the outside world. This causes a low pain threshold. A woman’s sensitivity directly depends on the period of the menstrual cycle and changes in the time of day. Thus, in the morning and during menstruation, increased vulnerability is observed.

What does it depend on

In addition to gender, a number of internal and external factors influence the pain threshold. Knowing them, you can manage your feelings and sensations. If you have to undergo medical or cosmetic procedures that cause discomfort, you can prepare your body for stress. It is important to consider that the pain threshold may change over time and circumstances. What factors influence this:

  • experienced nervous shock, degree of fatigue;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • diseases of the nervous system, the degree of its training;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • saturating the body with useful substances and vitamins;
  • individual physiological characteristics;
  • the amount of vitamin B necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • psychological mood, psychosomatic characteristics, emotions.

Pain types

There are four types of people based on their tolerance to unpleasant sensations. The first type has a low sensitivity threshold. Such people acutely perceive minor physical and psychological pain. The second type differs from the first in its wide tolerance range. This means that they take pain seriously, but are able to endure suffering. The third type is characterized by a high degree of tolerance and a short interval: when the unpleasant sensations intensify, they immediately give up. The fourth variety calmly endures pain and has a strong reserve of patience.

The fourth type just needs to be mentally attuned to unpleasant sensations, and medical manipulations will be accepted calmly. It will be possible to avoid painful shock during medical procedures if you determine in advance the type to which the patient belongs and select the appropriate anesthesia (aerosol or injection). In addition, it is important for the fourth type to develop a sense of empathy. Children who relate to him may think that since they are not in pain, then others do not suffer either.

How is human pain measured?

In the middle of the last century, scientists set out to develop an objective scale of unpleasant sensations. As a result of a series of 100 experiments, a quantitative estimate from 0 to 10.5 dollars was created. The name of the unit of measurement comes from the Latin name for pain “dolor”. During labor, a woman experiences sensations of intensity equal to 10.5 dollars. For comparison: during the experiments in which the scale was developed, with pain of 8 dollars, the study participants left a second-degree burn on the forehead from the effects of high temperature.

How to find out your pain threshold

On an outpatient basis, the degree of sensitivity is determined using a special device - an algesimeter. There are 4 types of unpleasant sensations: nociception (a physical sensation in which nerve receptors begin to transmit signals to the brain), pain, suffering. This device makes it possible to detect the onset of the action of the stimulus, as well as the interval between the first stage and the last. The pain type of personality is determined by the reaction to the impact and the stages from nociception to a state close to shock.


The algesimeter records the minimum and maximum pain threshold. During the assessment, heat or electricity is applied to the area between the toes and hands, where the skin is most delicate. The minimum threshold implies the pain that already causes discomfort, and the maximum threshold implies the pain within which it can be tolerated. Based on the results, the therapist draws conclusions about the person’s tolerance.

How to increase your pain threshold

To reduce sensitivity, you can influence those factors that determine the threshold of unpleasant sensations. For example, before a traumatic procedure it is recommended to get enough sleep and not drink alcohol or drugs. Tune in to a positive outcome, to the desired result. Regular physical activity and sex increase endurance, strengthen you, and stimulate the production of endorphins, which suppress unpleasant sensations. There are several other home remedies to temporarily increase your pain threshold.