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Sample of filling out form t 12 3 page. Filling out a time sheet: an important document for calculating wages

A time sheet is the main document containing information about the number of appearances and absences for work of each employee of the company. It is transferred to the accounting department. And based on the data, wages are calculated and calculated.

The law provides for 2 unified report forms: T-12 – for filling out manually; T-13 – for automatic control of actually worked time (via a turnstile).

Data is entered every working day. At the end of the month, the total of attendances and absences of each employee is calculated. Report generation can be simplified by automating the filling of some cells using Excel. Let's see how.

Filling in input data with Excel functions

Forms T-12 and T-13 have almost the same composition of details.

Download the time sheet:

In the header of page 2 of the form (using T-13 as an example), fill in the name of the organization and structural unit. Just like in the constituent documents.

We enter the document number manually. In the “Date of Compilation” column, set the TODAY function. To do this, select a cell. Find the one you need in the list of functions and click OK twice.

In the “Reporting period” column, indicate the first and last day of the reporting month.

We allocate a field outside the timesheet. This is where we will work. This is the OPERATOR field. First, let's make our own calendar for the reporting month.

Red field – dates. On the green field he puts down ones if the day is a day off. In cell T2 we put one if the timesheet is compiled for a full month.

Now let's determine how many working days there are in a month. We do this on the operational field. Insert the formula =COUNTIF(D3:R4;"") into the desired cell. The COUNTIF function counts the number of non-blank cells in the range specified in parentheses.

We manually enter the serial number, full name and specialty of the organization’s employees. Plus a personnel number. We take information from employees’ personal cards.

Timesheet automation using formulas

The first sheet of the form contains symbols for recording working time, digital and alphabetic. The point of automation using Excel is that when entering a designation, the number of hours is displayed.

For example, let's take the following options:

  • On a weekend;
  • I – attendance (working day);
  • OT – vacation;
  • K – business trip;
  • B – sick leave.

First, let's use the Select function. It will allow you to set the desired value in the cell. At this stage, we will need the calendar that was compiled in the Operator Field. If a day falls on a day off, “B” appears on the timesheet. Worker – “I”. Example: =CHOICE(D$3+1,"I","B"). It is enough to enter the formula in one cell. Then “hook” it to the lower right corner and move it along the entire line. It turns out like this:

Now we’ll make sure that people have “eights” on turnout days. Let's use the "If" function. Select the first cell in the row under the legend. “Insert function” – “If”. Function arguments: logical expression – address of the cell being converted (cell above) = “B”. "If true" - "" or "0". If this day is truly a day off – 0 working hours. “If false” – 8 (without quotes). Example: =IF(AW24="B";"";8). “Catch” the lower right corner of the cell with the formula and multiply it throughout the entire row. It turns out like this:

You need to do the same work for the second half of the month. It is enough to copy the formulas and change the cells they refer to. Result:

Now let’s summarize: count the number of appearances of each employee. The “COUNTIF” formula will help. The range for analysis is the entire series for which we want to get the result. The criterion is the presence in the cells of the letter “I” (appearance) or “K” (business trip). Example: . As a result, we get the number of working days for a particular employee.

Let's calculate the number of working hours. There are two ways. Using the “Sum” function - simple, but not effective enough. More complicated, but more reliable - by using the “COUNTIF” function. Example formula: . Where AW25:DA25 is the range, the first and last cells of the row with the number of hours. The criterion for the working day (“I”) is “=8”. For a business trip – “=K” (in our example, 10 hours are paid). The result after introducing the formula.

Every employer is required to keep records of the time worked by employees. In the article, read about how to fill out a working time sheet using the T-12 form, download a sample of filling out the form in Word and Excel

Read our article:

How to fill out a work time sheet T-12

The unified form T-12 was approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation (Resolution No. 1 of 01/05/2004) and is a table in two parts: “Accounting for working hours” and “Settlements with personnel for wages”. However, in practice, the second part of the table is not actually used, since the functions of timesheets and payment calculations lie in different departments of the enterprise. However, the unified form T-12 is the main document when paying employees.

When you can’t do without the T-13 uniform,

Responsibility for the availability and correct execution of the T-12 report card lies with the employer, and management appoints someone responsible for maintaining it. Traditionally, this refers to the job responsibilities of a personnel specialist or department head. After filling out the timesheet, it must be signed. This is done by both the one who fills it out and those who accept the report card - the head of the organization or division and the head of the personnel department.

Read also:

The “header” of the timesheet is intended for the organization’s details, including OKUD and OKPO codes, the start date of filling out the timesheet and the period. Depending on the number and structure of the enterprise, the time sheet can be the same for all employees, or compiled separately for each department.

Since the T-12 form is designed to be filled out monthly, the timesheet number corresponds in order to the order of the calendar month. The date of compilation is the last day of the month, and the filling period is the month from the first to the last day.

The number of sheets in the timesheet depends on the number of employees whose working hours, attendance and absences are recorded in the T-12 form. Each employee is assigned two lines. The top line is for coding, the bottom line is for recording hours worked.

Read also:

Coding is a generally accepted convenient method of shortening the names of basic work situations, designed to save employees time on filling out and processing timesheets.

The letter codes are intuitive and easy to remember. So, for example, “I” is showing up for work, “B” is a certificate of temporary incapacity for work (sick leave), etc. After the situation is clarified (for example, an employee fell ill and after recovery brought a certificate of incapacity for work), clarifications are made to the report card.

Digital codes can also be used. A list of codes with their decoding is always printed on the first sheet of the T-12 form.

The T-12 report card can be filled out using two methods; the choice depends on which method is more comfortable for the employer.

The continuous registration method implies that marks are entered into the report card daily. For example, employee Ivanov worked 6 hours on August 15, 2017, the timekeeper will enter information on him on this date “I (work attendance code” 6).

The reverse method is a method of recording deviations. With it, only those situations that deviate from the normal workflow are included in the timesheet. This could be absenteeism, sick leave, overtime, etc. And regular work shifts, unlike the continuous registration method, are not entered and are assumed by default.

Read also:

The time worked (in days and hours) is calculated 2 times a month based on three results: the first half of the month, the second, and the total for the past month.

Let's look at filling out the timesheet according to the T-12 form, cell by cell.

  • Cells 1-3 are intended for personalized data: employee number in order, full name and position, personnel number.
  • Cell 4 records attendance and absence from work for the first half of the month separately for each day.
  • Cell 5 is intended for summing up the turnout for the first half of the month.
  • 6 and 7 - the same, but with the second half of the month.
  • Cells 8-17 are needed for the results of the month as a whole.
  • 8 – total number of days worked per month;
  • 9 - the same, but hours;
  • 10-13 – respectively, the number of hours per month worked overtime, on night shifts, on weekends;
  • 14 – the number of days per month when the employee did not show up for work;
  • 15 and 16 – code of absence from work and the number of hours/days not worked due to this absence.
  • 17 – total number of holidays and weekends;


The number of working days and hours must match!

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The time sheet in form No. T-12 is used in the following cases:
- to record the use of working time by employees of the organization, regardless of their category;
- to monitor employees’ compliance with the established working hours;
- to obtain data on hours worked;
- for payroll calculation.

Information from this document is also used to compile statistical reporting on labor.
The unified form was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

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How to correctly fill out forms T-12 and T-13

An authorized person is responsible for maintaining the timesheet. The report card is drawn up in one copy, signed by the head of the structural unit and the HR employee. Next, the document is sent to the accounting department, which uses the time sheet as the basis for calculating wages to employees.

To reflect the use of working time for each day in columns 4 to 18 and 20 to 35, two lines are allocated: one to indicate the type of working time spent, the other to record the number of hours for them. A list of symbols for types of working time costs is given on the first pages of form No. T-12 (see form and sample above).

The report card in form No. T-13 is used in conditions of automated data processing.
This form uses the same symbols as in form No. T-12.
Columns 7, 8, 10 and 11 indicate the payment type codes below and corresponding accounts for cost areas.

Payment type codes:
- 2000 (salary, travel allowances and other official benefits),
- 2012 (vacation pay),
- 2300 (temporary disability benefit).

Corresponding accounting accounts:
- 20 (wages for workers of main production),
- 23 (payment of labor to employees of auxiliary production),
- 26 (wages for management personnel),
- 44 (payment of labor to employees engaged in trading activities or sales operations finished products).

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Time sheet must be carried out no matter how large the enterprise. After all, it is on the basis of this document that you can calculate the working hours of each employee. If there is no such document, the charges, according to the law, are not justified. This means that labor costs will not reduce your tax-free income.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, it has been approved, according to which the accounting of such expenses is carried out manually. There is even a salary for a specialist who can keep this report card. But, most managers of even large enterprises consider it irrational to introduce another staffing position, therefore this responsibility is assigned to an employee of the HR department, an accountant or the head of a structural unit. This responsibility may be assigned to him by a separate order or specified in the employee’s employment contract.

Form T-12: filling out

First page of the report card.

1. Here the name of the enterprise is indicated, which must strictly comply with the constituent documents.

2. If the enterprise has a structural unit, its name must be indicated in the corresponding column.

3. The document number is noted, then the date of its preparation. Here they usually put the last day of the month for which the document is drawn up.

4. The reporting period is in most cases the period from the first to the last day of the month in question.

Second page of the report card.

1. First of all, in the appropriate column we write down the serial number of the employee about whom we provide information.

2. Information about the employee himself should be transferred from his personal card, this avoids errors and misunderstandings.

The timesheet must be kept for a month, and the number of hours worked by each employee is calculated on the last day.

3. Information about the time worked per day must be displayed in two columns: the fourth and sixth. They are split into two separate lines. At the top, indicate the cost code for the time worked (it is taken from the first page of this document); at the bottom – the duration of time that corresponds to the specified code (in hours and minutes).

4. Intermediate results are written in the fifth and seventh columns. The top line should indicate the number of days worked during this period; at the bottom - the number of hours that were worked during these days.

When filling out a working time sheet, it is taken into account in two ways. The first is the complete registration method (registration of appearances/no-appearances). The second is the method of recording deviations (we are talking about no-shows, lateness, hours worked overtime, etc.). If accounting is kept in days, then when indicating information about no-shows, the lower columns are left empty, and the corresponding codes are entered in the upper ones.

1. Columns eight through seventeen are filled out at the end of each month, counting the number of working days and hours. The time that the employee was absent from the workplace is excluded. These are days of business trips, sick leave, weekends, absenteeism, etc.

2. When filling out the eighth column, it is enough to add the data from the top lines of the seventh and fifth.

3. When filling in the ninth, we add up the numbers from the bottom lines five and seven.

4. The days when the employee did not show up to the workplace are counted separately. They are reflected in columns fourteen to sixteen.

5. The reason for non-appearance is indicated by the code assigned to it; it must be written in the fifteenth column. The code can be viewed on the first page of the document.

6. The seventeenth column is data on the number of days off for each employee.

Third page of the report card.

Columns eighteen to twenty-two provide information about one type of payment for all employees, as well as about the corresponding account.

From eighteenth to thirty-fourth - information about different types of payment and corresponding accounts for each employee.

It should be noted that the third page, like the fourth, must be filled out by the accounting department.

The document is drawn up in only one copy. After which it must be signed by the director of the structural unit, an employee of the human resources department. Then, the time sheet must be submitted to the accounting department.