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Complications of hormonal contraception. Do side effects of hormonal contraceptives kill? What are the consequences of contraceptive drugs for women?

Contraception is not only protection against unwanted pregnancy, but also a way to maintain health and the opportunity to give birth to the desired healthy child.

Family planning is a contraceptive priority. Currently, the choice of modern contraceptive methods is very large. It is best to seek advice from a specialist on choosing a contraceptive method, rather than trying to choose them yourself, since each method has its own contraindications and side effects, which depend on the woman’s age.

Incorrectly selected methods of contraception can not only be useless, but also cause complications in the hormonal, genitourinary, cardiovascular systems, as well as the gastrointestinal tract and other systems and organs of a woman. The essence of hormonal contraception is the use of synthetic estrogen and progestogen or only progestogen components, which are analogues of a woman’s natural sex hormones. Hormonal contraception is an effective and most common method of birth control.

There is the following classification of hormonal contraceptives:

  • combined estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives;
  • progestin contraceptives:
  • oral contraceptives containing microdoses of gestagens (mini-pills);
  • injection;
  • implants;
  • vaginal rings with estrogens and gestagens.
Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are available in the form of tablets containing estrogen and progestin components. They are the most effective means of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

As a result of the action of these contraceptives, growth, development of follicles and ovulation are simply not possible. Progestogens increase the viscosity of cervical mucus, making it impassable for sperm, and gestagens slow down the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes and the movement of the egg through them, as a result of which implantation of the fertilized egg, if fertilization does occur, becomes impossible.

Combined contraceptives, depending on the level of ethinyl estradiol, are divided into high-dose (they are not used now), low-dose, micro-dose.

Side effects and complications.
A small percentage are women who, when taking these contraceptives in the first months of use, experience nausea, vomiting, swelling, dizziness, heavy bleeding during menstruation, irritability, depression, increased fatigue, and decreased libido. Now such symptoms are considered in the form of the body’s adaptation to the drugs; they usually disappear by the end of the third month of constant use.

A more serious side effect of taking combined oral contraceptives is the effect on the hemostatic system. The estrogen component included in COCs increases the risk of coronary and cerebral thrombosis. However, this applies only to women at risk, namely women over 35 years of age, smokers, obesity, arterial hypertension, etc. It has been proven that the use of these contraceptives does not affect the hemostatic system of healthy women.

Under the influence of estrogen, blood sugar levels increase, resulting in latent forms of diabetes. Gestagens have a negative effect on fat metabolism, as a result, with an increase in cholesterol levels, the risk of developing atherosclerosis and vascular diseases increases. The effect of modern third-generation COCs, which contain gestagens, is exactly the opposite, that is, it does not disrupt lipid metabolism, but protects the vascular walls. An increase in body weight under the influence of gestagens is not observed when taking modern COCs. Acne and various rashes are possible when taking gestagens with a pronounced androgenic effect. The modern highly selective gestagens used, on the contrary, have not only a contraceptive, but also a therapeutic effect. Remember that combined oral contraceptives cause swelling of the cornea of ​​the eye, which causes some discomfort for those who use contact lenses.

With long-term use of combined oral contraceptives, the vaginal microflora changes, which contributes to the development of bacterial vaginosis and vaginal candidiasis. The use of these contraceptives is a risk factor for the transition of cervical dysplasia (if any) to carcinoma. Women taking COCs must undergo cervical smears for medical examination. Any component included in the COC may cause an allergic reaction. The most common and frequent side effect of COC use is uterine bleeding.

The causes of bleeding may be a lack of hormones for a particular patient (estrogens - when bleeding appears in the first half of the cycle, gestagens - in the second half). In most cases, such bleeding disappears on its own within the first 3 months of taking COCs and does not require their discontinuation. COCs do not have any adverse effect on a woman's fertility. It recovers within the first three months, from the day you stop taking contraceptives. With the occasional use of COCs in the early stages of pregnancy, no side effects were identified, and no negative effects on the fetus were observed.

The hormone-containing coating is also used in the form of a vaginal ring - Nova-Ring. A method of preventing pregnancy using hormonal contraception is the constant release of hormones by a ring that is located in the vagina. An easily compressible ring, consisting of a substance that does not cause allergies, is inserted into the vagina (the insertion method is no different from that for inserting a diaphragm). While in the vagina, the complex system of Nova-Ring membranes continuously releases estrogens and the progesterone metabolite in a dose that ensures a stable hormonal background on which contraception is based.

A significant advantage of this introduction of hormones into the body is that there is no need to take combined oral contraceptives every day, and hormones in this manner do not enter the body into the liver.

The effectiveness of the method is quite high. The Pearl index is 0.6. observed pregnancies (6 per 1100 women) are determined by a violation of the method used.

Complications when taking hormonal contraceptives. Due to the use of new low- and micro-dose COCs containing highly selective gestogens, side effects are rare. A small percentage of women taking COCs may experience discomfort during the first three months of use due to the metabolic effects of sex steroids. Some women experience nausea, vomiting, swelling, dizziness, heavy menstrual-like bleeding, irritability, depression, increased fatigue, decreased libido, headache, migraine, and engorgement of the mammary glands. These signs are considered as symptoms of adaptation; they usually do not require the prescription of corrective agents and disappear on their own by the end of the 3rd month of regular use of the drug.

The most serious complication when taking hormonal contraceptives is a change in the blood coagulation system: increased formation and activation of fibrinogen, thrombin, factors VII and X, which increases the risk of developing venous thrombosis in the coronary and cerebral vessels, as well as thromboembolism. The possibility of thrombotic changes depends on the dose of ethinyl estradiol included in the hormonal contraceptive.

Risk factors for the development of coagulation disorders under the influence of hormonal contraceptives include age over 35 years, arterial hypertension, obesity, and varicose veins.

Contraindications to the use of combined oral contraceptives are:

  • acute deep vein thrombosis, thromboembolism;
  • severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • liver diseases;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases; vascular diseases of the brain; bleeding from the genital tract of unknown etiology;
  • severe arterial hypertension (blood pressure above 180/110 mm Hg);
  • migraine with focal neurological symptoms;
  • lactation (estrogens pass into breast milk).

Conditions requiring immediate discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives:

  • sudden severe headache;
  • sudden impairment of vision, coordination, speech, loss of sensation in the limbs;
  • acute chest pain, unexplained shortness of breath, hemoptysis;
  • acute abdominal pain, especially prolonged;
  • sudden pain in the legs;
  • significant increase in blood pressure;
  • itching, jaundice;
  • skin rash.

The effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives is extremely high - the Pearl index is 0.05-0.5.

Those who firmly believe in the harmlessness of hormonal contraceptives are not recommended to read this article - you will find too much negativity in it. At the same time, knowing the consequences of taking hormonal medications to prevent unwanted pregnancy is necessary and very important for every woman. Own information, even if it concerns such an unpleasant aspect as , vital. Only in this case can you protect yourself from serious illnesses and disruptions in the normal functioning of all body systems, which can result from the use of artificial hormones.

First, some general information. When a person is healthy, when all organs and systems are working normally, all processes in his body are regulated. Consequently, the hormonal background is also in order, since hormones are produced in the required quantities.

Harm of hormonal contraceptives lies in the fact that they rudely interfere with this mechanism, fine-tuned by nature itself. And as we know, any violent intervention from the outside cannot but cause negative reactions, consequences, and changes.

The use of hormonal contraceptives for several years leads to rapid aging of the entire body, which in the future becomes impossible to prevent and stop. But the most severe consequences of taking birth control pills are suffered after the end of the course. The body “gets used” to artificial hormones, and when their quantity decreases sharply, the entire hormonal system as a whole experiences severe stress. All the forces of a woman’s body are now aimed at restoring the ideal balance, but, unfortunately, it is no longer possible to return to the original state. Therefore, after such shocks, the functions of the body completely deteriorate.

Hormones suppress the maturation and release of the egg, damage the functions of the ovaries (sex glands), and inhibit the regulatory functions of the hypothalamus. That is, natural connections are grossly violated and in their place there appear connections of artificial interaction between all parts of the genitourinary (primarily) system. As a result, the ovaries become smaller, the blood vessels in them narrow, and the supply of nutrients decreases. It becomes impossible for the ovaries to function normally. Exactly the same changes take place in all other parts of the female reproductive system.

Under the influence of contraceptive drugs, changes occur in the uterine mucosa that can lead to precancerous diseases. The tissue structure of the cervix can become so damaged that it causes the formation of cancerous tumors. Any deviation in the functioning of the genital organs is certainly reflected in the structure of the tissues of the mammary glands, as a result of which the risk of adenomas, nodular and diffuse mastopathy, and breast cancer increases.

Harm of hormonal contraceptives oral administration is also observed when they enter the gastrointestinal tract. The tablets become an irritant for the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, resulting in the development of gastritis, ulcers, and duodenitis. The natural flora of the gastrointestinal tract is noticeably disrupted, which leads to diseases such as dysbiosis and colitis.

The liver, pancreas, kidneys - all these important organs also fall under the negative influence of artificial hormones. Under the influence of toxic substances, which, in fact, are hormonal contraceptives, these organs are destroyed, which causes the occurrence of cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver adenoma, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, and diabetes.

Next, the composition of the blood changes, its coagulability increases, and thromboembolism begins. As a result, the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke increases even at a young age. As a result of long-term use of hormonal drugs, the condition of the blood vessels worsens, which automatically leads to hypertension, increased blood pressure, etc. The functioning of the urinary and endocrine systems is disrupted. The functions of the thyroid gland become completely imbalanced, and noticeable changes occur in the functioning of the immunological system.

Under the influence of hormonal contraceptives, metabolism is disrupted, which means rapid weight gain occurs. The nervous system is also affected, which affects the woman’s normal sleep and behavior. This manifests itself in insomnia, irritability, unreasonable aggression, frequent depression, and headaches.

Everything we have talked about is far from a complete picture of all possible negative changes occurring in a woman’s body under the influence of hormonal drugs. Of course, in some cases, when hormones are prescribed as a treatment for serious illnesses or as a means to treat infertility, their use is justified. As for hormonal contraceptive drugs, you need to think seven times before choosing this particular method of birth control for yourself.

Many women, trying to insure themselves against an unplanned pregnancy, take hormonal drugs, as a result of which they begin to develop serious health problems.

What consequences from contraceptive drugs can occur in women?

Long-term use of hormonal drugs provokes disruption of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Their effect on the nervous system leads to an imbalance in the mechanisms of wakefulness and sleep, which manifests itself in irritability, insomnia, headaches, aggressiveness, and deep depression. After taking birth control pills, a woman’s optic nerve often becomes inflamed, her vision deteriorates, and her eyes become swollen.

Long-term exposure to contraceptive drugs leads to changes in blood sugar levels. Tissues gradually lose their sensitivity to insulin, resulting in the development of diseases such as pancreatitis and diabetes.

Effects of oral contraceptives on organs

The consequences of taking contraceptives can manifest themselves in liver dysfunction. Acting as a detoxifier, the liver neutralizes harmful substances introduced along with hormonal drugs. Gradually wearing out, the organ loses its ability to neutralize poisons, which provokes the occurrence of cholecystitis, hepatitis, and liver adenoma.

The consequences of taking contraceptives also manifest themselves in dysfunction of other organs. The stomach suffers from the effects of hormonal drugs. The protective film does not withstand the aggressive effects of the drug and is destroyed, which entails thinning of the walls of the stomach and the occurrence of diseases such as duodenitis, gastritis, ulcers, and dysbacteriosis.

The urinary system is also negatively affected by synthetic contraceptives. The consequences of taking birth control pills can lead to cystitis and kidney disease. Long-term use of contraceptives can lead to thyroid dysfunction. There is a change in the concentration of hormones, which entails disruption of the ovaries.

Negative consequences of taking contraceptives that affect the reproductive system

Hormonal contraception has a negative impact on the female reproductive system. Artificial hormones provoke:

  1. weakening of ovarian function, which leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  2. suppression of the endometrium, which entails the occurrence of tumors and uterine bleeding.

Taking contraceptive hormonal drugs leads to the fact that the reproductive system gradually atrophies as unnecessary (if the drugs are taken for more than 5 years). A woman who decides to conceive a baby, but takes hormonal pills for at least a few months, is at risk of premature birth and late miscarriages.

How do oral contraceptives affect body weight?

Taking hormonal contraceptives may subsequently lead to slight weight gain. In the body of even a healthy woman, under the influence of drugs, a hormonal imbalance occurs, and if the patient has a history of problems with the thyroid gland, then weight gain can be significant. Synthetic hormones suppress the body's own glands and interfere with the body's metabolic processes.

The consequences of long-term use of contraceptives lead to the development of a stable depressive state. Women are increasingly experiencing bad moods, irritation and even nervous breakdowns. A stable dependence on the drug occurs: the female body requires the use of a contraceptive to maintain hormonal balance.

Femininity and youth

Long-term exposure to synthetic hormonal agents causes premature ovarian hypofunction. They decrease in size and their hormonal activity is inhibited. The consequences of birth control pills lead to the active synthesis of male hormones. A woman develops masculine traits and loses her femininity.

With the onset of menopause, a woman stops artificially “defending herself” from unwanted conception. After stopping oral synthetic contraceptives, her body begins to age rapidly. He no longer receives the hormones he needs for normal functioning. The consequences of taking birth control pills lead to the fact that a woman’s health deteriorates, her body weakens, and fatigue occurs quickly.

How do oral contraceptives affect heredity?

Taking hormonal drugs by the mother has a negative impact on the future female generation. Often in girls, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and endocrine diseases occur. The consequences of birth control pills can manifest themselves as follows: having conceived a child, it becomes difficult for young women to carry a pregnancy to term normally, and there is a risk of developing a defective fetus.

Before starting to take hormonal pills, a woman must consult a doctor and, after weighing all the negative aspects, as well as the consequences of taking birth control pills, make a decision.

Oral contraception is considered the most effective method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Every year, new contraceptive drugs are developed that have virtually no side effects. But many women, knowing the consequences of taking birth control pills, prefer other methods of contraception. They explain this choice by their reluctance to get health problems and interfere with the body’s natural hormonal processes.

A gynecologist will help you choose a method of contraception on an individual basis.

The effectiveness of taking oral contraceptives in preventing unwanted conception is undeniable. Therefore, before categorically rejecting such a method of protection, it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons. Modern oral contraceptive pills have the minimum possible list of side effects, so their effectiveness is much higher and more significant than the unpleasant consequences. As a rule, COCs correct the hormonal status of patients, however, such changes almost always benefit women.

  1. The mechanism of action of the tablets is realized at the cellular level, because gestagens and estrogens block receptor functions in a woman’s reproductive structures. As a result of this effect, ovulation is inhibited. Due to a decrease in the production of pituitary hormones (FSH and LH), the maturation and development of female germ cells is suppressed.
  2. Contraceptives also affect the uterine body, more precisely, its internal endometrial layer, in which a kind of atrophy occurs. Therefore, if it happens that a female cell nevertheless matures, leaves the ovary and is fertilized, then it will no longer be able to implant into the uterine endometrium.
  3. In addition, oral contraceptive pills change the properties of cervical mucus, increasing its viscosity. Due to such changes, the uterine cavity is protected from the penetration of sperm into it.
  4. COCs also affect the fallopian tubes, reducing their contractile capabilities, which significantly complicates the passage of the germ cell through these channels, making it almost impossible.

The effect of oral contraception is most clearly expressed in ovulatory inhibition. These drugs lead to the creation of a new, artificial monthly cycle in the female body, and they suppress the normal, natural one. In fact, the reproductive system functions according to a feedback mechanism, when pituitary hormones are produced due to a decrease in estrogen-progestogen production. That is, if a sufficient amount of progestin and estrogen hormones enters the body from the outside, the pituitary gland stops producing tropic hormonal substances. As a result, the growth and development of female germ cells stops.

You should not take any medications yourself, as this can cause irreparable harm to your health.

It is impossible to say for sure how much the patient’s hormonal background will change while taking oral contraception, since the body is individual. The degree of changes depends on the amount of adipose tissue and weight, as well as on the content of SSG (sex-binding globulin) in the blood, which is responsible for binding and transporting estradiol and testosterone. It is not advisable to conduct studies of estrogens and progesterone hormones when taking oral contraceptives. When taking high-dose contraceptives, the patient’s hormonal background acquires “pregnant” indicators, but if low-dose drugs were taken, then these indicators will still be higher than normal, but lower than when carrying a child.

The effect of oral contraception on the patient’s body

As a rule, when any hormonal substance enters the body, the activity of the entire system malfunctions, connections and interactions between intraorganic structures and glandular organs are disrupted. As a result, the processes of stress resistance, immune defense and self-regulation lose stability, and immune endocrine and nervous system structures begin to function in a hyper-stress mode. Amid such intense activity, a disruption soon occurs.

Instead of interacting optimally and productively with each other, internal organs and glandular structures establish artificial, rough connections that function forcedly. That is, the body is subjected to functional violence. If the patient takes any hormonal medications, the intrasecreting glands stop producing these hormones on their own. It is quite understandable why do extra work if the hormone is present in the body in the required quantities. If such a picture does not last long, then everything is still fixable, but with a long-term disturbance, drying out of the glandular body can occur, its atrophy, and, accordingly, problems arise in the functioning of all structures that depend on this gland.

Under the influence of taking oral contraceptive drugs, a woman’s normal monthly cycle disappears. The patient regularly experiences withdrawal bleeding, however, it has nothing to do with menstruation, since the woman actually does not have a menstrual cycle. The female cycle is very sensitive to intraorganic changes; it is the cyclical nature of processes in the body that ensures the full functioning of all systems, and not only reproductive ones.

If there is a disorder in the functioning of organs and systems in the body, then the body will need a lot of effort to maintain normal functioning. As a result, all systems get used to working hard under stress. When taking contraceptives for a long time and constantly, you cannot count on maintaining a normal female cycle in the future.

What consequences may arise if canceled?

Almost every woman knows about the potential harm of birth control pills. But today, pharmaceutical companies are massively promoting drugs from the mini-pill category among young girls and women. The annotation states that they contain only small doses of progesterone hormone, so there is no need to worry about adverse reactions such as serious hormonal imbalance when taking them. But this is not true at all.

Attention! Mini-pills do not in any way guarantee the absence of adverse reactions, and their mechanism of action is practically no different from COCs. As a result of taking these “safe” contraceptives, the body receives a signal about the state of pregnancy for a long time. And all the time. But the female body does not have such resources to be able to bear a child for several years.

While taking the mini-pill, egg maturation and conception are also blocked, the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones is suppressed, which negatively affects the activity of other endocrine glands. If you look at the problem from the other side, the use of contraceptives can have both negative and positive consequences.


Properly selected pills have a beneficial effect on the female body

Positive effects when taking contraceptive pills include the absence of ovulation. Over the course of a month, the uterine body prepares to receive the egg, but it does not mature. Normally, when menstruation occurs, there is a sharp drop in hormonal levels, which is a stress factor for the body. When taking COC drugs, ovulation does not occur, the ovaries rest, so the uterus is not subject to monthly stress.

Another positive aspect of taking contraceptive pills is the absence of hormonal surges, which ensures the elimination of PMS, which is also closely associated with strong fluctuations in hormonal levels. The absence of premenstrual syndrome ensures a woman’s nervous system stability, eliminating the likelihood of conflicts that often occur against the background of PMS.

According to many gynecologists, hormonal contraception allows you to regulate your periods. Yes, when taking COCs, monthly bleeding actually becomes regular, and its abundance and duration are noticeably reduced. In addition, oral contraceptives minimize the risk of developing ovarian and uterine tumor processes and reduce the frequency of inflammatory pathologies.

It cannot be denied that taking pills that prevent conception prevents the development of osteoporosis, which develops against the background of estrogen deficiency. COCs do contain estrogen. In addition, COCs have a therapeutic effect against pathologies caused by androgen excess. Contraceptives suppress androgen secretion, eliminating fairly common problems such as acne, alopecia, oily skin or hirsutism.


As for the undesirable consequences of using oral contraception, they are generally due to the estrogen effect on the female body. Taking these drugs does not cause pathologies, however, they can provoke various exacerbations and complications of existing predispositions to certain hormone-dependent diseases. Although, if you maintain a healthy lifestyle, limit alcohol and give up cigarettes, then the negative consequences of taking contraception will be minimal. Such consequences include:

Such reactions are not obligatory and do not occur in all patients. If some of them do arise, they usually neutralize on their own after a couple of months, until the body gets used to the drugs being taken.

Is it possible to become dependent on COCs?

With uncontrolled and long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, ovarian atrophy can develop, which will only progress over time. Against the background of such a complication, a woman will not be able to give up oral contraceptives, as she will become dependent on them. Hormonal substances of synthetic origin are so naturally integrated into intraorganic metabolic processes that they suppress the activity of glandular organs. Therefore, if you refuse hormonal contraception, the body will begin to experience an acute deficiency of hormonal substances, which is much more dangerous than taking COCs. It’s just that the body, or more precisely, its glands, have forgotten how to function fully, so the abolition of contraceptives becomes a serious problem for many girls.

As a result, women continue to take contraceptives, not so much to prevent conception (it becomes impossible due to ovarian atrophy), but to avoid the onset of rapid and early aging of the body. Therefore, when deciding on the use of hormonal oral contraception, it is necessary to contact a highly qualified specialist who will competently select the drug and determine the safe timing of its use. Self-prescription of such medications can result in irreversible consequences.

Should I take contraceptive pills or not?

Undoubtedly, every girl/woman must decide for herself whether to take hormonal contraceptives or not. If you have already decided to use oral contraceptives for a while, then you need to select pills only according to the recommendations of a practicing gynecologist, and not at your own request. Before taking COCs, it is imperative to undergo an examination, take a smear and blood test, and undergo ultrasound diagnostics for possible tumor processes. Only based on the tests will the doctor be able to select the right drug.