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Why is there pinkish discharge? Pink discharge during pregnancy. What diseases cause discharge?

Discharge in girls, as a rule, begins a year before menstruation and lasts throughout their lives. They can tell you a lot about a woman’s health, taking into account their smell, color and consistency. It is because of this that doctors recommend undergoing a gynecological examination twice a year.

Moreover, the volume and properties depend on sexual activity, phase and duration of the menstrual cycle. However, it should also be taken into account that pathological discharge is the main symptom of gynecological diseases.

Thus, the discharge should not be abundant, mucous, and should not have an odor or cause itching. If a woman is healthy, the number of leukocytes in her smear should not exceed the number of rods.

However, many women experience that their discharge turns pink. So, let's see if this is something to be afraid of and what can cause it.

What causes pink discharge

Many women get scared when they see that they have pink, streaky discharge. However, do not panic prematurely. First, let's figure out why they arise. So:

  • Taking strong medications that affect hormonal levels.
  • If you have pink discharge in the middle of your cycle, this indicates a hormonal decline before your period. In this case there is no problem. This only serves as a signal that ovulation has taken place.
  • Sometimes bleeding may appear in women who have an IUD. This indicates that this method of contraception is not suitable for you.
  • It may also indicate that your thyroid gland is too weak.

If none of the above reasons are suitable, then we can only assume the presence of infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, malignant or benign tumors.

Most often, pink discharge appears due to polyps, malignant neoplasms, fibroids, or infections.

What to do?

If you find pink discharge and at the same time feel itching in the perineum, abdominal pain, and the discharge itself has an unpleasant odor, immediately consult a doctor. After all, the sooner you start treatment, the faster you will get rid of the problem. And remember, only by taking the necessary medications in a timely manner can you avoid complications.

Many women try to abstain from sex during this period, as they believe that this will only worsen their condition. However, in fact, sexual activity cannot in any way affect the discharge. If you have insufficient secretion, use lubricant. Thanks to this, you will avoid damage to the uterine os and microcracks in the vagina.

And remember, you should be careful about your health, because otherwise you risk developing a disease, which will make it very difficult to cure.

However, we need to talk separately about pink discharge during pregnancy, since during this period the woman’s body is completely rebuilt.

Pink discharge during pregnancy

Very often, the changes that occur in a woman during pregnancy have slightly unusual manifestations. However, here you should take into account saturation, consistency and frequency.

Doctors say that the slight presence of blood is explained by the fact that the genitals during this period are very sensitive and amenable to active blood supply. Therefore, if you notice pale pink discharge, but do not have any unpleasant symptoms, do not worry. This is not a warning sign and they will go away on their own in a few hours.

Also, if you have such discharge at the beginning of pregnancy, look at the menstrual calendar. Indeed, in this period, the body, as before, adjusts to menstruation and the uterus may bleed a little due to microorganisms.

But if the discharge is dark pink with a brown tint, this is an alarming signal. After all, the brown color appears due to the fact that the blood has clotted and the body has begun to get rid of it. Sometimes this process can occur as a result of the appearance of a hematoma. Therefore, in this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will examine you and prescribe hormonal medications and necessary vitamins.

And finally, remember, don’t start panicking in advance. In almost all European countries, women treat the appearance of pink spots with a degree of negligence. But in order to make sure that there is no threat of miscarriage, consult a doctor. After all, only he, having examined you and taken the necessary tests, can accurately determine whether this is normal discharge or whether it is alarming signals, thanks to which undesirable consequences can be prevented.

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Questions and answers on: pink discharge and itching

2013-11-14 14:34:29

Alexandra asks:

My boyfriend and I recently underwent treatment for chlamydia. Once I was treated with a full course of antibiotics and everything that the doctor prescribed, I took tests, the guy was fine, but they told me that I didn’t complete the treatment (we had sex with a condom), I went through another course of treatment, this time with different drugs, I haven’t taken a test yet , everything returned to normal, no discharge or pain, but recently after sex pale pink discharge and itching appeared. Is it still chlamydia?

2013-11-12 16:19:54

Oksana asks:

Hello, today I noticed pale pink discharge, no smell, itching, burning, no pain. There's still a week left until my period. I had an ultrasound a month ago, they wrote signs of genital infantilism of the 1st degree. The gynecologist said that I most likely won’t be able to have children. I’m 31 years old, 6 years ago I had an ectopic, one tube is no longer there. Now they have scheduled an ultrasound check on the 6th day of the cycle, but this discharge... what if she’s still pregnant? I made an appointment for Friday and have to wait another 3 days) could this discharge be a sign of pregnancy or am I deceiving myself?

Answers Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna:

Do you have cervical erosion? Pale pink discharge may be due to it. Infantilism of the 1st degree is not a problem; thanks to the use of progesterone, the uterus can be grown to normal size. If one fallopian tube is patent, you can get pregnant. To confirm or refute the fact of pregnancy, you can donate blood for hCG.

2013-01-04 08:36:30

Victoria asks:

Hello, please tell me, I still have 1.5 weeks until my period, pink discharge started, there was itching, I bought clotrimazole suppositories, the itching went away but there is no discharge for 4 days now, and there is no pleasant sensation in the lower abdomen, what could it be?

Answers Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

This may be a violation of the CMC and one of the signs of an oncological process; it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to find out the cause of bloody vaginal discharge.

2011-10-13 17:33:10

Irina asks:

Hello, I have a cheesy brown-pink discharge and itching. Please tell me what this could be?


Hello Irina! You will find a detailed description of the reasons leading to the appearance of unusual vaginal discharge, accompanied by itching, in the article on our medical portal. Take care of your health!

2016-03-11 20:04:46

Galina asks:

Hello. There was vaginal itching, no discharge. After taking Tenidozol, pink discharge appeared the next day. What could this be and is it possible for itching to occur after shower gel?

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello, Galina! Vaginal itching could be a symptom of an allergic reaction to body wash. However, to find out for sure the cause of the itching, it is best to undergo an examination by a gynecologist. Stay healthy!

2016-02-15 17:42:49

Anna asks:

Hello! Please help me, I’m 4 days late, we’re trying to get pregnant, but the test is negative, on the third day I’m worried about itching (no burning), although it’s already starting to subside and periodically there’s pink discharge, there’s no smell of any kind. The itching appeared a day after I had been in the bath for a long time...

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Anna! To determine the cause of the delay, it is rational for you to undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs. The itching is most likely due to bacterial vaginosis or thrush. You should contact a gynecologist for examination to take smears for flora and cytology, as well as for colposcopy (periodic pink discharge may be associated with the presence of cervical erosion).

2015-10-07 14:02:04

Nina asks:

Hello! I'm 32, two children. There were no problems with gynecological health before. One sexual partner.
Recently, severe discharge and itching began, and my breasts became very inflamed. After menstruation, my breasts stopped hurting, and my discharge changed; it became pink with a metallic smell.
I don’t have the opportunity to visit a gynecologist in the next 2 months, so I ask for your advice.
Thank you in advance for your answer!

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Nina! I do not advise you to self-medicate, and even virtually. Heavy discharge and itching may indicate candidiasis (thrush), for example, or bacterial vaginosis. Pink discharge can be observed with cervical erosion. You need to go for an examination to a gynecologist, who will take smears for flora and cytology, perform a colposcopy and make a diagnosis based on objective examinations.

2014-10-06 11:18:36

Money asks:

Hello! On the head of the penis after unprotected intercourse, pink spots appear and disappear (2-5 days), like a rash, and sometimes singly. They don't bother me at all. There is no discharge, no itching, they are only visible visually. I donated blood for serious diseases - the answer is negative, everything is normal. What could it be?

Answers Zhiravetsky Taras Mironovich:

Good afternoon, Money! It’s as sick as herpes and candidiasis. Diagnosis requires a smear. And then, based on the results, go for a consultation with a urologist. All the best!

2014-09-01 21:03:20

Julia asks:

Hello, I’m 24 years old, the following situation happened, a month ago I was bathing in a river, after 4 days my period came, it always comes clearly, it came for 2 days, it went fine, the other 5 were smeared with brown, it went on for 7 days after which discomfort (itching) began, but not inside, but how on top of the vagina before this, not long ago, I went to the gynecologist, had a smear, everything is fine, only there is erosion after this itching, I was advised clatrimazole, yesterday I put it on, a strong burning sensation inside began to pull in the stomach, I just discovered pink discharge, I have never seen anything like this, I am very worried about what it is, as well as Yesterday my husband was found with a spot on the head of his penis, like a callus, the surface is smooth inside, there is nothing to worry about, we didn’t pick up something terrible, and what is this discharge???

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello Julia! Detailed information about the possible causes of unusual vaginal discharge in girls and women is contained in the popular science article on our medical portal. The exact cause of vaginal discharge can only be determined after examination and examination by a gynecologist during a face-to-face consultation. Your husband also needs to be examined by visiting a urologist. Take care of your health!

Normally, women should experience any bleeding only during menstruation. An exception is ovulatory bleeding - scanty pink discharge in the middle of the cycle, which indicates the movement of a mature egg, which corresponds to the period of ovulation. But the reasons may also lie in inflammation, infectious diseases, tumors and other pathologies.

The main sign of ovulatory bleeding is the appearance of a slightly pinkish color in normal leucorrhoea. In this case, the pink discharge becomes colorless again on the 2nd–3rd day. This condition indicates that ovulation has occurred - a favorable phase for conceiving a child.

The reasons for the change in the color of the discharge lie in the fact that the follicular membrane is ruptured, the capillaries are damaged, a small amount of blood mixes with the mucus, coloring it a mild pink color.

Also, spotting pinkish discharge may appear in the middle of the cycle normally when taking hormonal-based contraceptives. Typically, such phenomena accompany taking OCs only in the first 3–4 months until hormonal levels stabilize.

Less commonly, discharge with drops of blood may occur after sexual intercourse. This indicates injury to the mucous membrane as a result of excessive friction, when the production of secretions in the vagina is disrupted. Find out more in our article on the website.

However, only a specialist can figure out whether mucus mixed with blood is normal or pathological.

Common Causes of Pink Discharge

Slightly pinkish discharge, especially one-time discharge, is unlikely to be a symptom of a serious illness. Most often this occurs when capillaries rupture due to injury to the vaginal mucosa after sexual intercourse, improper use of tampons, or douching.

If a similar phenomenon occurs regularly in the middle of the cycle, the reasons may be more serious. Mucus with impurities can be released in small quantities due to disorders in the thyroid gland or hormonal imbalance.

Also, pinkish mucus can be observed during ovulation, the presence of cervical erosion, and in the early stages of pregnancy.

After sex

During intense sexual contact, trauma to the internal mucous membrane can cause damage to the capillaries and cause the appearance of pale pink discharge.

In addition, any careless impact damages the mucous membranes and can cause the appearance of leucorrhoea mixed with blood, for example:

  • improper insertion or wearing of a tampon;
  • gynecological examination.

In this case, bleeding means that wounds have appeared on the surface of the mucous membrane. Accordingly, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse for some time so that the tissues of the vaginal lining are restored.

The regular appearance of such mucus after sexual intercourse may indicate the presence of cervical erosion or polyps. In this case, mucus will appear every time, like snot with blood, as well as pain, discomfort after sexual intercourse and other unpleasant symptoms.

Regardless of the day of the cycle

In some cases, pink discharge appears on any day of the cycle. This does not indicate the onset of ovulation, but the presence of hidden inflammatory processes and other pathologies:

  • STDs – accompanied by burning, painful sensations;
  • uterine inflammatory processes - can be asymptomatic and become the cause;
  • malignant or benign tumors - the result may be pink leucorrhoea without reference to a specific day of the cycle;
  • ectopic pregnancy - can manifest itself with pinkish discharge on any day of the menstrual cycle.

The combination of pink discharge with other signs of pathology (pulling or sharp pain, rise in temperature, disruption of the menstrual cycle) requires a detailed examination and identification of the cause of this condition.

Candidiasis colpitis

The inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa of an infectious nature is called colpitis. The causative agents are viruses - mycoplasma, trichomonas, ureaplasma. Symptoms:

  • pink cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • appearance, characterized by cheesy discharge, itching;
  • discomfort in the intimate area;
  • soreness in the lower abdomen.

Curd-like discharge in women with characteristic flakes indicates candidiasis. If there is a thick greenish tint, trichomoniasis is diagnosed.

Colpitis of a bacterial nature manifests itself as discharge of a homogeneous structure, foamy, white-pink or almost colorless.

Almost always, the development of colpitis disrupts the concentration of lactobacilli and contributes to the development of vaginal dysbiosis. For this reason, it itches in the intimate area, irritation and pain appear, scratching the skin can be injured, and a secondary bacterial infection often occurs.

Bacterial vaginosis

A non-inflammatory infectious disease that affects the vagina and disrupts the normal microflora is bacterial vaginosis. Often occurs against the background of prolonged wearing of an intrauterine device, uncontrolled use of antibiotics and drugs containing hormones. It remains asymptomatic for a long time.

Main features:

  • pink discharge with an unpleasant odor is observed on any day of the cycle;
  • depending on the severity of the lesion, the color of the mucus can vary from almost colorless or pinkish to yellow-gray;
  • the volume of leaking mucus reaches 20 ml per day (at a norm of a maximum of 10 ml);
  • As the disease progresses, the discharge thickens, foam, flakes, foreign inclusions, and clots appear.

The smell of these fragrances is specific - reminiscent of rotten fish. Therefore, bacterial vaginosis can be determined even by external examination.

Cervical pathology

Cervical erosion is often virtually asymptomatic. As a rule, the main and only manifestation is the presence of scanty light pink discharge on different days of the cycle. In some cases, they may become darker in color, which indicates the addition of other diseases against the background of damage to the cervix.

The cause of leucorrhoea with blood impurities is injury by erosion of the mucous membrane. The appearance of drops of blood in the secretion indicates extensive damage to the endometrium. More often, discharge is observed not in the middle of the cycle, but three or more days before the start of menstruation under the influence of increased blood circulation from an increase in mucosal tissue.

Erosion also causes the release of reddish mucus during routine manipulations - using a diaphragm, intrauterine devices, gynecological examination, sexual intercourse, using tampons, ultrasound, douching or inserting vaginal suppositories.

The appearance of pain or discomfort indicates the addition of other diseases, such as cervical endometriosis, fibroids, fibroids, and polyps.

Intrauterine devices

When using barrier contraceptives, it is also common to observe intermenstrual slightly pink or reddish leucorrhoea from the vagina.

If an IUD is inserted, undesirable effects may last for a maximum of 1–2 weeks. At the end of this period, the condition should return to normal.

Some symptoms that occur after installation of the IUD require consultation with a doctor:

  • leucorrhoea appears not with a pink tint, but with a scarlet or brown color - the beginning of bleeding;
  • there is a delay in menstruation - even with an IUD there is still a small risk of pregnancy, including ectopic;
  • unpleasant or unusual smell of mucus - infection;
  • painful sensations in the groin or lower abdomen - displacement of the spiral.

Wearing a uterine device also requires compliance with certain rules. After the period specified in the instructions has expired, the spiral must be replaced. In addition, the barrier protection agent is a foreign body in the body, and therefore can cause rejection, manifested by pain and constant intermenstrual release of mucus with blood.

If any leucorrhoea with drops of blood appears, it is necessary to monitor its regularity, volume and accompanying symptoms. A single pinkish mucus more often indicates injury to the mucous membrane, and regular scanty bleeding, coupled with pain, odor, and itching require diagnosis and selection of treatment.

During pregnancy, a woman's body experiences serious hormonal and psychological changes. Sometimes pregnant women observe symptoms that are uncharacteristic of the usual condition and begin to worry about it. One of these symptoms is the presence of pinkish discharge during pregnancy. Discharge can be of different shades - brown, scarlet, pink, white, colorless - and have a different reason for its appearance.

In this article we will try to consider the most frequently encountered questions. Is it dangerous? What is the cause of these symptoms? What do we have to do?

Don't panic prematurely. Pale pink discharge during pregnancy does not always indicate the presence of any pathology. Hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, as a result of which an increase in the release of certain hormones is observed. They change the structure of the pelvic organs, making their walls more loose and susceptible to damage.

The presence of a developing fetus increases blood supply to the pelvic organs. Therefore, any microcracks in the mucous membrane of the vagina or uterus can change the color of the discharge. Depending on the content of red blood cells in the discharge, their color also changes.

As a rule, light pink discharge during pregnancy does not pose any danger and indicates a small amount of blood in the mucus. This is a normal physiological process that indicates a restructuring of a woman’s body. In this way, preparation for prolonged gestation occurs.

However, more intense coloration of the secretion may indicate serious pathological processes in the body of a pregnant woman. In cases where the discharge becomes more abundant, intense and its color becomes darker, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. In such cases, the risk increases sharply. Or this indicates severe infectious processes that have arisen in the female body. There is a risk of developing oncological processes, for example. In any case, if symptoms that bother you occur, you should immediately contact a medical facility.


What are the causes of these symptoms?

  • Light pink discharge may occur due to the presence of a microcrack in the mucous membrane of the birth canal.
  • Pink discharge during pregnancy is caused by a slightly larger number of red blood cells in the mucus.
  • Brown discharge during pregnancy indicates the presence of coagulated blood clots, which the body itself gradually gets rid of. This may be a hematoma located in the cavity of the birth canal.
  • Sometimes the causes of discharge can be injuries. A visit to a specialist may cause a small amount of secretion. It occurs due to the traumatic impact that occurs as a result of taking a smear. The damaged vaginal mucosa bleeds; subsequently, this blood gets into the mucus taken for analysis.
  • Sexual intercourse can provoke bleeding due to the same damaging effects.
  • Light discharge may appear in the background.
  • Infectious processes are the most common cause of unpleasant discharge.

Pink discharge in the early stages

If pregnancy occurs at the moment when your period should have arrived, specific discharge appears. Pink discharge at the beginning of pregnancy is associated with insufficient amounts of the hormone. This is observed in approximately a ninth of all pregnant women - the frequency of occurrence of such a symptom.

Pink discharge from the uterus

A lack of the hormone progesterone triggers the mechanism of partial rejection of the upper epithelium of the uterus - the endometrium. A similar thing occurs when menstruation occurs. The difference is that in the second case, endometrial detachment occurs completely, and during pregnancy this process is partial. If there is no pain in the lower abdomen and the tone of the uterus is preserved, then there is no need to worry about such discharge. However, it is still worth contacting a specialist.

Some doctors classify pale discharge as a sign of a successful pregnancy. As a rule, they appear against the background of an ongoing delay in the menstrual cycle. Such discharge no longer occurs at 9 weeks of pregnancy. To confirm conception, it is necessary to conduct a test, a positive result of which is a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Brown discharge

Brown discharge with a pinkish tint may appear as a result of the formation of a hematoma and detachment of the ovum. Such a symptom carries a high risk of miscarriage and requires immediate medical attention.

A woman experiences abdominal pain, often of a girdling nature, malaise, weakness, fainting, frequent dizziness, and the spots turn scarlet. These symptoms may indicate development, possibly with the presence of rupture of the fallopian tubes. In this state, every minute has a high degree of importance. Possible consequences for a woman’s body depend on the speed of medical care. Therefore, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible.

Late discharge

The presence of different shades of discharge, from and until the end of pregnancy (including the period of childbirth), in all cases indicates the presence of severe pathological processes. Normally they shouldn't exist. Even pinkish discharge in a small volume may indicate the processes of placental abruption.

White-pink discharge that occurs after sexual intercourse during pregnancy indicates the possible presence of erosive lesions of the cervix.

What symptoms indicate late miscarriage?

  • Discharge of clear or faint pink mucus.
  • Sharp, unbearable pain that is observed in the lower abdomen. Often it extends to the lumbar region.
  • Elevated.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, numbness in the pubic area.

The same symptoms may indicate. In any case, you need to consult a doctor.

Discharge before childbirth

The presence of pink discharge before childbirth is most often a variant of the norm. There is such a thing as . This is a lump of mucus that closes the cervical canal throughout pregnancy. Before birth, it becomes soft, decreases in size and moves away. The mucus plug can have a different color range, but most often it is pink, sometimes brown.

From 38 to 40 weeks of pregnancy, pink discharge is stretchy, thick mucus, which indicates the imminent onset of labor. As a rule, another week passes, after which contractions begin. Thus, this kind of discharge should not scare you. If you notice such a secret, then tell your doctor who you are seeing about it. Most likely, he will tell you to prepare for childbirth.

It’s another matter when the discharge has brighter colors and is highly intense. A similar secretion can be released during placental abruption, which we discussed above. In this case, call an ambulance without delay.

White-pink discharge

White-pink discharge in the early stages of pregnancy may be of a nature. It occurs as a result of the implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity. In this case, the epithelial layer of the organ, the endometrium, is damaged. Bleeding occurs, which determines the color of the secreted mucus. As a rule, such discharge is characterized by a dirty pink or cream color, a one-time occurrence, and lasts about several hours. After them, a delay in menstruation occurs, which indicates the beginning of pregnancy.

What to do?

The first thing to do is call an ambulance. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances. You only need highly qualified assistance, which can only be provided in a medical institution. You can take a painkiller to ease the woman's condition. And remember, you cannot ignore the symptoms you observe. You should immediately contact a gynecologist who will advise you on all sorts of issues.

Use panty liners with a surface made of cotton or plain white fabric. This will help you control the discharge itself and differentiate between certain conditions, the symptoms of which you already know.

Pink discharge during pregnancy is a common physiological process that occurs in the body of the expectant mother due to hormonal changes. Constant monitoring of secretions is a fundamental measure to prevent the development of pathology. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to changes in the body of a pregnant woman and immediately talk about them to the leading gynecologist. This will help you save both your own life and the life of your child.

Useful video about discharge during pregnancy

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Red discharge from a woman’s genital tract is normal only during menstruation.

In other cases, as a rule, we are talking about some kind of pathology (with the exception of the scanty pink-red discharge that appears in some women at the time of ovulation). Therefore, the appearance of this symptom should serve as a signal for consultation with a gynecologist.

Causes of red discharge in women

The most likely causes of red discharge in a woman depend on her age. According to statistics, in young girls (aged 12-15 years) their appearance is most often due to functional hormonal disorders.

Over time, they lead to dysfunctional bleeding. In rare cases, the cause of spotting at a young age may be ovarian tumors that have hormonal activity.

For young girls with menstrual irregularities, an ultrasound examination is recommended.

During reproductive age, the list of conditions when red discharge (but not menstruation) appears expands.

A similar symptom may indicate a number of diseases:

  • Uterine fibroids, especially its submucosal forms, disrupting the process of myometrial contraction;
  • Cervical erosion (it can be caused by injury, infection and hormonal imbalance);
  • (local growths of the inner layer);
  • Ovarian cyst, accompanied by the formation of hormones that stimulate endometrial growth;
  • Endometriosis, characterized by the presence of lesions in the body that undergo cyclic changes, like the uterus, which leads to the release of blood from them.

If red discharge appears in women over 45 years of age, this may be the first sign of a malignant tumor of the uterus or its cervix.

Only after neoplasms have been excluded can polyps and uterine fibroids be considered as the cause of bleeding. The reverse approach is incorrect, because can lead to diagnostic errors when serious life-threatening diseases are missed.

A similar principle is followed in women who have stopped menstruation (menopausal age).

What does their red discharge mean?

In this age group, the risk of cancer is even higher. Therefore, cancer of the uterus and its cervix is ​​considered the primary cause.

The second place is occupied by arterial hypertension, in which blood vessels are affected, and against the background of another increase in pressure, they rupture. This leads to bleeding during menopause in the absence of any gynecological pathology.

Quite often, women ask the question: “Why does red discharge after menstruation continue or appear again”? This causes them discomfort, incl. and in the intimate sphere.

The main reasons leading to prolonged blood loss are varied. They may be:

  • (Asherman's syndrome, developing after curettage of the uterus);
  • Chronic inflammatory process of the uterine mucosa (most often it is a consequence of urogenital infection and is manifested by red and white discharge due to the admixture of leukocytes in it);
  • Endocervicosis (this is the second name for cervical erosion);
  • Polycystic ovaries, characterized by increased production of testosterone;
  • Hypothyroidism – decreased thyroid function is accompanied by persistence (long-term existence) of the corpus luteum.

Red discharge during pregnancy in most cases indicates a complicated course of pregnancy, which can pose a threat to the intrauterine fetus.

A variant of the norm is the appearance of so-called “implantation bleeding.” This is the presence of SCARY bloody discharge at the time of implantation of the egg into the endometrium.

This condition is not observed in all pregnant women. Often, when such a symptom appears, the woman does not even know that she is in an “interesting” position. Therefore, young patients with such complaints are recommended to take a pregnancy test.

Red discharge during early pregnancy may indicate a number of complications:

  • Threat of interruption (miscarriage);
  • Low location (in the area of ​​the uterine cervix) of placental tissue;
  • Erosion on the cervix (in this case the risk to the fetus is minimal).

Bloody discharge in the second half of pregnancy is a sign of:

  • Changes in the cervix that occur when there is a threat of premature birth;
  • Detachment of normally located placental tissue;
  • Detachment of the presenting (low-lying) placenta.

In addition to these reasons, bright red discharge seen on a pregnant woman’s underwear may be a consequence of hemorrhoids or an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system (urethritis, vaginitis).

To conduct a differential diagnosis, the gynecologist performs a vaginal examination and a number of additional examinations:

  • Microscopy of vaginal secretion;
  • General clinical urine analysis;
    A general clinical blood test to determine the level of hemoglobin (a low value indicates a chronic, recurring nature of blood discharge);
  • Ultrasound examination assessing the length of the neck and its diameter.

Depending on the established diagnosis, further treatment is carried out.

If there is a threat of interruption, medications are prescribed that reduce the tone of the uterus and correct hormonal imbalances. Detachment of placental tissue requires the prescription of hemostatic and antispasmodic drugs.

Periodically bleeding erosion is not treated during pregnancy. Its treatment should be carried out 1.5 months after birth, when the cervix returns to its normal state after involutive processes.

Usually, either cryodestruction (exposure to low temperatures) or coagulation with electric current is performed. In pregnant women, exposure to these physical factors can negatively affect the development of the fetus.