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Why is it more profitable to show ads for impressions on VKontakte. Best Pay Per Click Affiliate Programs

VKontakte remains one of the most popular online platforms for promoting small and medium businesses. One of the legal ways to promote is targeted advertising. In this article, we will tell you how to pay for VK advertising. We will tell you what are the differences between paying for impressions and for clicks, and in which cases which method to choose.

Payment for advertising on VKontakte

The thing is, there is no clear answer here. Each method is appropriate in a given situation. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss later.

In addition, when targeting, the recommended price is displayed in the right corner, which only confuses inexperienced advertisers. Those who indicate the recommended rate are not able to fully appreciate the effectiveness of advertising on VKontakte. This is due to the fact that this figure is always overestimated by 2-3 times.

In this situation, the coverage will be less, but perhaps it will be enough for you.

If your ads are slowly unwinding, increase your bid by 1 ruble. Increase until you get the desired result.

Also, do not forget that VKontakte groups all users according to certain criteria, one of which is solvency. And the higher the price you set, the more qualified audience your ads will be shown.

From the foregoing, it follows that paying for advertising on VK is not an easy task. For maximum efficiency and return, you need to be patient. By testing different rates, you will be able to identify the best option for your project. Look for the golden mean between price and audience quality.

But before we start testing, let's understand what is pay per click (CPC) and what is pay per view (CPM).

Per referrals (CPC)

Cost per CLICK is payment only for VK clicks

This method involves paying for each click on an ad, regardless of how many times the ad was shown. It can be shown at least ten times, at least a thousand times, but if only one transition was made, then the money will be withdrawn only for this transition.

For example, you created an advertisement, set up targeting and indicated the price of 1 click - 10 rubles. During the campaign, the ad was shown 2,000 times. At the same time, only 20 clicks were made. Thus, your total budget was 200 rubles.

This method is good because you know exactly how much each click will cost you. This allows you to accurately predict the advertising budget. You know how much money you need and how much you will get from it. But often this method of advertising is more costly in terms of money.

  • If you have a lot of ads and simply do not have time to constantly monitor statistics on them;
  • If you are advertising your product/service to an audience of millions. Here, even with the minimum cost of the transition, impressions will be quickly rolled out;
  • Often in highly competitive niches, paying for clicks will be more profitable than for clicks;
  • If you provide an advertising customization service and you and your client have a clear agreement on KPI for CPC and number of impressions;
  • for various tests. For example, you decide to test both payment methods.

This payment method is available only for ads (those that are displayed on the left side of the site under the main menu). This feature is not available for promotional posts/records.

Per View (CPM)

COST PER MILLE - payment is charged for viewing VK ads.

This method implies payment for 1000 views. It does not matter how many times your ads/posts were clicked. With proper targeting and ad creation, this method is many times cheaper than when paying for clicks.

For example, you set the cost per 1000 impressions - 6 rubles. If at least one person clicks for all these impressions, then the cost of a click will be 6 rubles. If two people click - 3 rubles, if 20 people click - 0.3 rubles.

20 clicks from 1000 impressions are not exorbitant numbers. This is quite realistic to achieve. The main thing is to create a high-quality ad that can attract people's attention, interest them and make them click, as well as correctly set up targeting parameters. To do this, you need to know who your target audience (CA) is, what problems they have, questions, how to hook them, etc. The more precisely you set up the selection criteria, the greater the return.

This method also has its downsides. If you set up ads incorrectly, you can waste your money without getting a single click. Therefore, it is impossible to predict the result, unless you have been advertising for a long time and by experience you were able to find out approximate indicators.

Here you need to constantly monitor statistics and disable ineffective ads. You can raise or lower your bid to increase or decrease the rate at which impressions are rolled out.

  • You know exactly who your target audience is and can set up high-quality targeting;
  • If the cost of a click just rolls over;
  • When it is necessary to show ads to as many people as possible in a short time;
  • If you collect a base for retargeting.

Unlike the previous one, this method can be used to pay for both advertisements and advertisements.

How to pay for advertising in VK?

In order for your ads to start working and be shown to people, you need to top up the balance in your personal account. This is done as follows:

For e-wallets:

For terminals:

Your unique ID of the advertising account is indicated here. You can replenish the balance using payment terminals by specifying this ID. Click the "Details" button to see payment systems through which terminals replenishment is possible. If necessary, you can go to the website of each of the systems and specify the location of the terminals.


Today we talked with you about how to pay for advertising on VKontakte. Now you know the difference between pay-per-click and pay-per-impression, and in which situations which method to choose. Use the most convenient option for you. We hope the article was useful to you.

The topic of making money on affiliate programs has already been touched upon many times, but today we will talk about the best pay-per-click affiliate programs.

It would be great if your site is installed on a paid hosting in order to avoid any restrictions. But if you do not have any serious ideas, then it is better to start a regular blog.

Affiliate programs with pay per click (link) will help you monetize absolutely any resource (even groups on social networks and YouTube channels).

As a rule, affiliate programs require certain actions from attracted people: subscriptions, registrations, orders. But there are other systems where money is already paid for clicks on promotional materials.

Current pay-per-click affiliate programs

On videos, profiles and websites, you can place as many ad units as you like to get paid for clicks. This is, in principle, the most common advertising network scheme.

For this reason, the same approach is applied almost everywhere:

Advmaker — — Go to affiliate site =>

One of those networks that allows you to place a block immediately. They pay from 5 kopecks per click, advertisers can set their rates during the auction.

Affiliate with pay per click, similar to the previous one, does not advertise scams. Each webmaster can receive 75% of the money spent by advertisers, payments are instant.


Viboom — Go to affiliate website =>

Another affiliate program optimized for mobile versions of sites. Several formats, you can choose the cost of impressions and clicks, from 50 kopecks. For one click they pay from 50 or more kopecks. – after registration, you need to place a code on the site, and you can start making a profit for each transition to a partner site. There are many formats, mobile traffic is converted, advertisers' rates are pleasing.

To get here, your site must have over 300 visitors per day.

Here you can get money for watching teaser ads on your resource. They pay from 30 kopecks to 1.5 rubles. But for this, the site must have a visit per day from 50 uniques, a prerequisite is the placement of the site on a paid hosting.

Pay Per Click Affiliates- the most popular services that are used even by large companies with contextual advertising. In order to start earning through them, promote your resource, and then proceed to monetization.

Attracted a visitor - earned!

1. BestChange

In addition, we can single out another pay-per-click affiliate program that did not fail and did not cause inconvenience - BestChange.


Thanks to her, for each click we get 4 cents.

"But it's so small!" you may object. But that's not all.

It also pays money for other actions, for example:

  • if a person then returned to the site, registered as a partner (your commission from his income is 15%),
  • if your referral brought another partner (from the referral - 15%, and from the secondary referral 5%).

2. Short

For this type of earnings, many services have been created, you can find other, more interesting options.

On Short, it is very convenient to create short links, and when the user clicks on the link, he will be on a specialized site, where he will be shown a stub with advertising material.

This service was also personally tested, so we advise you to work with it too.

Thanks to this method, you can get a nice bonus at the end of the month.

3. Target

Financial websites and blogs work with adsmmgp, each click costs 17 cents. You will not find anywhere else an affiliate program that pays so much per click. You can add any financial sites and sites with SEO traffic there.

Help for SEO bloggers: Blogs and sites with SEO topics are accepted here.

Brief statistics:

  1. Advertising formats: context and teaser advertising.
  2. Site moderation - up to 3 working days.
  3. Currency - dollar.
  4. Withdrawal from $30 (WebMoney, Yandex.Money, PerfectMoney, Qiwi, Bitcoin, Wallet One, Visa/MasterCard and Payeer).
  5. Expensive clack cost up to 20 cents!

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."


One day my friend decided to get rid of her amphibian and asked to sell it to some neighbor grandmother. So I didn't sell my first and last turtle when I was eight.

I took 5 rubles for the services, bought a pack of crackers with them and had a picnic with the animal in the field behind the house. This is where my activities ended. For what reason, I don’t even remember, but in the evening Tortilla returned to her former owner, who demanded her money back.

If I could rewind time, then I would answer her what I will tell you now. You have to spend money wisely. Especially when it comes to your advertising campaign. In this case, the stakes are higher, and it will no longer be possible to ask for something to be returned.

It's time to talk about how to choose the right payment model, prioritize and count on maximum efficiency.

The miser pays twice, the unenlightened the same. And whoever reads this article will give money for exactly what he needs.

Who is who in online advertising: what are clicks and impressions

For everything in this life you have to pay. Have you heard this terrible saying?

As for life, I'm not entirely sure. There are many things that we got for free - a digging stick, traffic jams, lack of sleep (I personally did not pay extra for bags under my eyes).

But for the miracles that advertising gives you (brand awareness, increased conversion and traffic, envy of competitors, increased sales to heaven and much, much more), you really have to fork out.

There are many payment models, all of them are effective for different cases and are suitable for the implementation of certain goals.

This time we will talk about two options:for clicks and impressions.

  • What is the first system?

Pay per click belongs to the field of contextual advertising.

Let's say you sell glazed curds. You order an advertising campaign, place ads and choose a payment model for clicks.

The user is browsing the Internet, looking at a photo of cats and suddenly sees your banner or text ad. His heart stops, his temples beat, his hands reach for the mouse and he makes a click on it. Goes to your site and gets closer to the purchase. Now this is your person. That is what you will pay for.

  • What is interesting about the second model?

Pay per impression is the realm of display advertising. Needed to create an image, brand effect.

I can move my ears (seriously). I decide to make money on this and launch advertising of my training courses on the network. I choose payment for showing my mega-cool banner and wait for an influx of interested people.

The user still sits on the Internet and looks at the cats, sees my offer and either comes to my site or not. But the main thing is different - he found out that I can move my ears, he found out that I teach this in my lessons, he saw the name of my company, my stylish ad. That's what I'll pay for.

This advertising model is called Cost-Per-Mille () - payment for 1000 impressions. Moreover, the user to whom your ad is shown can be one, if you do not set a limit on the number of impressions to different uniques.

Site owners and negligent Internet advertising specialists do not always rationally select its type. They suffer losses and grieve. To save you from unnecessary worries and stress, I will tell you more about each model, with pros, cons and examples. Everything as you like.

Payment for impressions: saw, paid

In this case, it doesn't matter if the user saw your banner, whether he reacted to it, clicked or didn't click.

In order not to lose money, a lot of attention will need to be paid to the appearance of the ad and the setting. The main reason why advertising and the user cannot meet lies precisely in the wrong parameters for its display. Make sure that the banner appears only in the visible areas of PC and smartphone screens, especially since this is easy to adjust.

If everything is done correctly, then the users you need will not only see the offer, but will click on it, providing you with cheap traffic.

Such a campaign is beneficial for those who own advertising platforms, because their income can be predicted and measured. But no one provides advertisers with any guarantees. Either trust or verify. For example, how traffic increased to determine the effectiveness of the enterprise.

Although it must be understood that this metric is not sufficient to give some kind of comprehensive assessment of the campaign.

However, how can such a model be useful and, most importantly, to whom?

  • For those who need branding

You will have an increase in traffic, but this is not certain, it may not be there at all. But your brand is 100% known. Yes, such ads will take time to influence the minds of users and provoke them into some kind of action, providing you with an increase in requests for the brand. But such a delayed effect is very effective.

No wonder payment for shows came to us from television.

Remember how in the video of a well-known mayonnaise manufacturer, a happy family gathers at the table, generously pouring everything they can with this sauce. The father, played by Gosha Kutsenko, carefully hugs his wife and children. All joyful and healthy, gobbling up dinner for both cheeks.

Even if for some reason you never bought this product, you still know the slogan, logo, brand chips.

On the Internet, everything works the same way as on TV. Only here it is best to use banners that make you attract attention and interest the user. we tell you a few secrets on how to upgrade your display banner, which can become a powerful attraction tool.

  • For those who are thinking about remarketing or retargeting

If you want to remind yourself of users who visited your resource, but are not mature enough for serious purchases, you can choose a payment model for showing your ads. Sometimes one reminder is enough to complete any action.

  • To those promoting any free offers

The very word “free” increases the CTR, so imagine when it is written on the banner that appears. Well, how can you not be interested.

Now let's talk about where to place ads, with payment for impressions:

  • On major thematic blogs

If you are promoting your resource for the delivery of land from Australia, which is great for planting violets, run banners on floriculture blogs.

  • On specialized sites

The same. Do you sell winter tires? Welcome to automotive sites.

  • In social media groups with a small number of active followers

Ivan Tseluev

Pay Per Click: Click If You Dare

If you choose CPC, then you pay for each user who clicks on your ad.

This model is necessary for those who dream of high rates of targeted traffic. After all, only those who are interested in you are attracted to the resource.

Remember how in childhood the "horns" delivered to a classmate were considered a sign of love? In this case, a click is a sign of interest.

In addition to this, what is remarkable about payment for transitions?

Yes, you only pay for clicks, but don't forget that big traffic doesn't always equal big conversions.

If you place ads on special platforms, then you can independently target the ad in such a way that it is shown only to the audience you need. Yandex.Direct, Google AdWords and Begun have great potential in this regard. You can use several types of targeting:

  • Geographical

Let's say you have your own oriental sweets store that operates throughout Russia. But now you are launching a unique promotion of 2 Turkish Delights for the price of one, but only for residents of St. Petersburg. In this case, it is enough to correctly set up geographic targeting so that users of this locality see your offer and be sure to click on it.

  • Temporal

With it, you can set your ads to appear at specific time intervals.

For example, you own a food delivery service that delivers from 10.00 to 23.00. In this case, it is very convenient to set up the display of your ads to potential customers exactly at the time of delivery.

  • Behavioral

This type of targeting will help track the behavior of your potential customers. By carefully analyzing their requests and actions on various thematic sites, the system will offer them exactly those goods or services that may be of interest to them.


We can say that the main disadvantage is a lot of competition in contextual advertising systems. That is why the cost of a click can increase.

Who benefits from the pay-per-click model

  • Those whose audience is too wide. If you don't know if all the people who fit your targeting criteria will like your product, then use CPC. Only those who are really interested in your offer will click.
  • For those who are not confident in their target audience. Are you launching a new product, but don't know how users will react to it? Start paying for referrals to analyze the situation.
  • For those who want to keep their campaign costs under control. Everything is simple. Paid money - got clicks.

When to choose SRS

  • When you want to get a sale from advertising.

Summing up

It's hard to say which is better pay for clicks or for impressions. As you can see, both models have their own characteristics and are suitable for achieving different results.

To understand which one to choose, you will need to clearly define the goals and objectives of a particular advertising campaign, and only then try to calculate the effectiveness and benefits. All this requires knowledge and experience, so if in doubt, entrust the choice to online advertising specialists or read our articles to develop your business on your own.

Pay per click or per impression.

Someone works focusing on clicks, someone on impressions, but nevertheless, this is an eternal topic for disputes - what is more profitable than clicks or impressions.

I use two payment formats, and let's tell you what logic I derived for myself:

Pay per click.

Simple and clear - put 1000 rubles, got 300 clicks. In this case, we do not care about the number of impressions or CTP (I have ads with an insignificant CSTR, and 3k clicks for 3 rubles). Most of my impression ads are spinning with a PAGE of 0.02. You pay only for those people who are interested in your product.

The main problem is that it’s not always possible to make a click cheap - you put up 4 rubles - ads don’t rotate, 5 rubles - ads don’t rotate, 8 rubles - barely. And if the standard methods didn’t help us at the same time - like making 20 different ads so that at least something hooked the user, he clicked on the ad and thereby increased the rate of its impressions, then we convert ads into payment for impressions.

When I use pay per click:

1. With a very wide audience - if I understand that my product is potentially interesting for athletes, but not for all 400 thousand people that fall under my targeting criteria. A large audience - we set pay-per-clicks. Let only those who are interested in the product click.

2. If I am unsure of my target audience. With disputable audiences, when I don’t know in advance whether my product will be interesting to this audience and I want to check the result, I also put clicks.

Pay for impressions.

Theoretically, it allows you to save money if your product or service is really interesting, and you know how to create “delicious ads”. Cons - you need to monitor the indicators, you can spend a LOT of money for nothing.

In this case, it is also important who the ads are aimed at and how the ads look. If ads and a product are interesting to your target audience, ads are clicked, CTP grows, and you get cheap traffic. When paying for impressions, you need to try to make the CTP higher than at least 0.03%, otherwise it turns out to be inappropriately expensive, it is desirable to have a CTP of 0.06%, then you will really save money.

When I use pay-per-impression:

1. When I am confident in my target audience - if I know that the target audience that I have targeted is interested in my product (audience of competitors, similar communities, etc.) and they will definitely click.

2. When my audience is less than 30k people - well, here I just made a rule for myself that if there are few people, then it is more profitable to put impressions than clicks.

3. When there is a lot of competition and pay-per-click ads don't work. In this case, paying for impressions will be more useful.

Again, both options need to be tested. If you have a wide audience - make 7 ads for clicks, 3 for impressions. Run and check the result.

Are you confident in your target audience? Make 7 ads for impressions, 3 for clicks - check the result.

RLU is one of the short link affiliate programs that pay for referrals.

In our times, this way of working on the Internet, like making money on a file hosting service, is getting harder and harder. This is due to the fact that users increasingly prefer to download torrents.

This method is convenient and logical. But, despite this, you can still make money on a file hosting service. The same method is suitable for monetizing all forums, and also for journalists who prefer to post.

Pay per Click: An Overview of the Affiliate Program for Websites

This method consists in the fact that there is such an affiliate program as RLU, which pays for referrals. This is very efficient and convenient. In fact, this is a great way to make money online. In fact, this is making money from the air.

No one promises to pay a lot, but this is definitely enough for the basic needs of a resident of our problem. There were a lot of similar affiliate programs a few years ago, but now there are very few of them left.

How to make money on the Internet is becoming clearer and clearer. And working on the Internet is getting easier. RLU pays its users for unique user transitions on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The final cost per click depends on the quality and number of users who create and serve ads, as well as other unique conditions.

Affiliate programs are now competing with each other for the most favorable terms of cooperation for webmasters. In this affiliate program, the average price is 48 rubles per 1000 visitors.

The minimum withdrawal amount is 50 rubles on WebMoney, and you can withdraw money once a week. Thanks to this and similar affiliate programs, business on the Internet is made accessible to beginners.


Current analogues for bourgeois:

SHORTEST - mainstream traffic

ADFLY - mainstream

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