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Decreased level of iron in the blood what to do. Serum iron. Iron in the blood, the norm, what does the change in indicators indicate? Reasons for an increase in iron

But what this means, few know. Why does hemoglobin decrease, iron deficiency appears, and what treatment do doctors recommend in this case?

Our expert answers these questions - hematologist Lyudmila Papusha.

below the bar

What is anemia? Nine people out of ten will answer: anemia. This concept has taken root in everyday life so much that no one even thinks about deciphering it. But "little" does not mean that there is not enough blood in your body. With her quantity, everything is just right. Problems with "quality": with anemia, the blood lacks full-fledged erythrocytes - red blood cells. And they contain hemoglobin, which is responsible for the "delivery" of oxygen to every cell of the body's tissues. And if its level is lowered, very unpleasant things happen: organs and tissues experience oxygen starvation, which means they are unable to work at full strength.

Anemia can be a hereditary blood disease, or maybe a temporary "abnormal" condition. For example, when the body is deficient in vitamin B12, folic acid, after an injury with a lot of blood loss, etc. But 90% of anemias are so-called iron deficiency: the name itself suggests that the body lacks iron. Why? Let's try to figure it out.

Both adults and children

With iron deficiency anemia, the balance is disturbed: the loss of iron in the body exceeds its absorption. This happens in children during periods of rapid growth (in the second year of life and during adolescence) or due to infection with worms. Anemia is a frequent companion of pregnant and lactating women, whose iron needs increase dramatically - because you have to "share" it with your child.

But the most common cause of iron deficiency in adults is often recurring small bleeding (from 5-10 ml per day). A variety of diseases can cause them: from bleeding ulcers and hemorrhoids to stomach cancer. In women, the main cause of iron deficiency is uterine bleeding (caused by endometriosis or other gynecological diseases) and heavy menstruation, in men - bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

Often we rob ourselves: fasting days, independent diets - a very short path to iron deficiency.

Explicitly or covertly?

Anemia is not the flu: I got infected and got sick. It develops slowly, and for a long time a person does not even suspect that "the process has started." And it is important to catch anemia at the start, then it will be incomparably easier to deal with it. There are many alarming symptoms of this disease, but it is important to know about the main ones - this is the light color of the tongue and gums, brittle nails, and general weakness. In older people, anemia can cause shortness of breath, heart palpitations, cerebrovascular accidents - darkening in the eyes, tinnitus, dizziness.

Anemia is suspected by a doctor when a patient's complete blood count shows a low level of hemoglobin in the blood and a decrease in the number of red blood cells. But the details are always important, you need to get to the bottom of the reasons that cause such a state. Especially in the elderly - they often "combine" different types of anemia.

Diagnosis begins with blood tests. For example, to establish iron deficiency anemia, you need to check the level of serum iron in the blood. If you suspect a deficiency of vitamin B12 - determine its level in the blood, and if there is a lack of folic acid - its level in the blood serum and red blood cells. But be prepared for the fact that much more tests will be required and you will have to undergo examinations, for example, the stomach and intestines, and the woman will be checked by a gynecologist.

Anemia in adults is always a signal for a doctor to start looking for the underlying disease, because, as a rule, anemia is only his companion.

iron iron strife

It is believed that the best way to raise the level of hemoglobin is to eat more foods containing iron. Old folk recipes advise: cook liver dishes, eat carrots, beets, walnuts, apples, drink pomegranate juice, and you will quickly raise hemoglobin.

Actually it is not. Because iron is different. Indeed, in many fruits and vegetables, there is a lot of iron in legumes, but it is poorly absorbed. As well as from the liver, where iron compounds are presented in the form of complex proteins that are not easy for the body to “pick up”. The best absorbed is the so-called heme iron, which is found only in meat and poultry.

But in order for it to be assimilated, it is also important with what the meat is eaten. For example, if pasta or porridge is a side dish, iron is absorbed much less: cereals contain phytates that bind it. An excellent partner for meat dishes is vegetable side dishes from zucchini, broccoli, onions, greens (they contain substances that stimulate blood formation). Difficulty in the absorption of iron and calcium, so dairy and meat products are poorly compatible.

Fats inhibit blood formation, so fatty meats and fish, and especially fat, are excluded. But butter and any vegetable oil - sunflower, olive, corn, pumpkin, etc. - must be on your table. Do not drink tea immediately after a meal - tannin binds iron, preventing it from being absorbed. And do not get too carried away with coffee - this drink "washes out" iron from the body.

Vitamins, especially C, help the absorption of iron. It is useful to drink orange and tomato juice every day. And eat more fruits and vegetables: the best suppliers of ascorbic acid are black currants, citrus fruits, kiwi, bell peppers. In winter, when the content of vitamin C in fresh fruits and vegetables drops sharply, sauerkraut and rosehip infusion make up for it perfectly.

In letter and in spirit

If hemoglobin remains at the same level or continues to decrease during repeated blood tests, it is necessary to switch to iron supplements. For children, they are available in the form of dragees, capsules, syrups (there are also solutions for injections). For adults - in tablets and injectables. There are monocomponent preparations - that is, those that contain only iron (they are usually prescribed for those who suffer from allergies) and combined ones, where iron is combined with various vitamins that contribute to its better absorption.

The doctor may prescribe injections in cases where the absorption of iron in the intestine is sharply impaired (with inflammatory bowel diseases, severe diarrhea).

But in our country, as a rule, preference is given to tablets. Because, on the one hand, iron “in an injection” is absorbed worse, on the other hand (a paradox!) - you can overdo it with its dosage. Which is also not good. Because iron, once it enters the body, is not excreted from it itself, but lies in the so-called “depots”. Excess spare iron can provoke the development of diabetes, severe liver disease, heart disease, and even breast cancer.

Don't make mistakes!

For pills to work well, it is important to take them correctly. Best of all - in the second half of the day, it is at this time that iron is absorbed more actively. And no later than an hour before meals - once in the intestines, it should be absorbed without contact with food.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the anemia. During the period of taking iron supplements, the stool may be dark in color - this is normal. But sometimes there are constipation or liquefied stools, nausea appears. If such symptoms persist for a long time, it is necessary to change the drug or reduce the dose. If during anemia you caught SARS or influenza, then iron supplements should not be taken during illness.

After a month of treatment, a control blood test is done. If during this time the hemoglobin level has not increased or continues to decrease, the doctor suspends treatment and sends the patient for a new examination, since the diagnosis needs to be clarified - perhaps anemia is not caused by iron deficiency, but by other reasons.

If you smoke a lot, you may be anemic even though your blood test shows that your hemoglobin levels are normal. And this happens because the carbon monoxide contained in cigarettes combines with hemoglobin and forms its special form. Such hemoglobin is not able to carry oxygen. And in order to make up for its lack, the body increases the production of hemoglobin, its level is high, but this is of little use. Therefore, abroad, for example, the level of hemoglobin in smokers is calculated depending on the number of cigarettes smoked per day.

Fatigue, weakness, deterioration of health had to be experienced, probably, by every person, regardless of age. The cause of such ailments is often a low level of iron in the blood.

This microelement is one of the most important components for the body, which regulates many physiological processes, that is, ensures its adequate functioning. Therefore, a deviation from the norm sooner or later affects the body's performance, and in the absence of proper examinations and subsequent therapy, it can cause the development of serious diseases and even death.

At the same time, at the initial stages of pathological changes in the iron content, complex and long-term treatment is not required - it will be possible to manage only with the correction of eating habits. Iron (Fe) is a microelement without which many life processes of the body would be impossible. The most of them known to a wide range of people are oxygen metabolism, hematopoiesis and the maintenance of immunity.

The trace element is one of the most essential components required to ensure normal physiological activity and the health of all cells and tissues. Considering that Fe is not synthesized directly by the cells of the human body, but comes mainly from food, you should know what to do in case of its deficiency or excess.

Iron is the main regulator responsible for sufficient oxygen metabolism, as well as a key element of hemoglobin, a protein compound that is part of erythrocytes (red blood cells). The latter, in turn, perform the function of a kind of vehicle that carries oxygen to all cellular structures of the human body.

With a lack of iron, hemoglobin loses its ability to bind the required amount of oxygen, which leads to so-called starvation and, as a rule, to the development of various pathologies. The next, but no less important duty of hemoglobin is the implementation of the binding of carbon dioxide and its release in the lungs.

It should be noted that hemoglobin contains most of all iron, that is, if its total content is 4 g, then in the described protein it is 2.5 g. The rest of the microelement falls on the bone marrow, spleen, liver and myohemoglobin.

The role of the latter connection can be compared to an oxygen cylinder, providing a supply of oxygen in an emergency, for example, while under water. Regarding the rest of the functions of iron in the body, it should be said that it is also necessary for the implementation of cholesterol metabolism, DNA production, redox reactions and the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

In addition, the trace element is involved in the destruction of toxins and is part of the cytochromes involved in the accumulation of energy resources. And even now, not all the functions of iron are listed, especially when you consider that it is a component of over a hundred enzymes.

Reference! To maintain a sufficient amount of iron in the body, a person needs to consume 10-30 mg per day. The need for it increases in pregnant women and during lactation, as well as after injuries, surgery and in patients with a certain list of serious pathologies.

How to know the level of Fe in the blood?

To find out if the body has enough iron, you need to donate blood for a general or, as it is also called, clinical analysis. But in the form of this study, information on the specific content of the trace element will not be indicated. You can find out the required indicator by assessing the hemoglobin content, which in the document is denoted by the English abbreviation Hb or HGb.

Its concentration is indicated in grams per liter (g/L) or per deciliter (g/dL). If the hemoglobin level is high, then there is an excess of iron in the body, if it is below the norm, then, on the contrary, there is a shortage. Most often, a reduced content of this protein is noted. In most cases, the examination is prescribed by the therapist for certain patient complaints, but analysis is also an integral part of preventive examinations.

Blood for research is taken from a vein in the first half of the day on an empty stomach. On the eve of the diagnosis, heavy food should be excluded, dinner should be light and no later than 20.00 hours. It is also forbidden to drink alcohol, and it is recommended to refrain from intense physical exertion.

Diagnostic results are usually ready in 1-2 business days, but if necessary, most private laboratories can get answers in a few hours. In addition to this method, the iron content is determined in a biochemical blood test. Often, this examination is prescribed as an additional one, if any abnormalities associated with erythrocytes and specifically with hemoglobin are found in the above.

Daily rate

In a healthy adult, hemoglobin contains about 68% of all iron in the body. Other proteins that also have Fe in their composition, which include ferritin (iron depot), myoglobin and transferrin (iron transport), respectively, are distributed 27%, 4% and 0.1% of all microelement reserves.

The human body contains about 4 g of iron, and about 2.5 g of it is concentrated in the blood. In order for all processes in the body to occur at a normal level, the amount of trace element consumed should be as follows:

  • children - 4-18 mg;
  • men - 10 mg;
  • women - 18 mg;
  • pregnant women at 20-40 weeks - 33 mg.

At the same time, 2–2.5 mg of iron can come from food through the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) per day. That is why if a person receives a smaller amount of a microelement from the outside, its intake directly into the cells of the body also decreases. This decrease is the cause of a very common condition - iron deficiency anemia (IDA).

Signs of iron deficiency

It is not difficult to recognize the manifestations of a deficiency of the described trace element, especially if its degree is quite severe. People with low iron levels can be identified by the following list of symptoms.

Changes in the structure of the skin, hair and nails. If the Fe content is lowered, then over time, patients notice dry skin, peeling and the appearance of various defects (for example, cracks). The nails become thin and spoon-shaped concave (koilonychia), often there is a transverse striation. Hair loses its shine, turns gray early, becomes brittle, weak and falls out.

Mucosal disorders. Glossitis develops - inflammation of the tongue, accompanied by atrophy of the taste buds. Iron deficiency in most cases leads to heititis - the formation of cracks in the corners of the mouth, and is also a factor that increases the likelihood of caries and periodontal disease. The lack of a trace element often causes atrophic gastritis, atrophy of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and esophagus, which leads to dysphagia (impaired function of swallowing food).

Perversion of taste. People in whose body there is a lack of iron have a pronounced desire to eat chalk, tooth powder, ice, starch, coal, clay, sand, raw minced meat and dough, cereals.

In addition, such patients begin to like unusual smells - gasoline, acetone, fuel oil, naphthalene, varnishes, kerosene, rubber and damp earth.

The acquisition of the sclera of the eyes of a blue tint. It is also one of the characteristic signs of low iron content. The sclera or the outer albumin of the eye becomes bluish due to the fact that iron deficiency causes corneal dystrophy, and the vascular network of the eye, which is not normally visible, begins to shine through.

Muscular hypotension is a decrease in tone. In most cases, this symptom extends to all muscle structures. Because of this, some patients have impaired urination up to command urges, such as the inability to restrain themselves from coughing, sneezing, laughing, and also bedwetting.

In addition, with a decrease in the level of the trace element, muscle pain is noted. In children, the lack of Fe causes a delay in motor and intellectual development. Also, its deficiency leads to dysfunction of the immune system, that is, a decrease in the efficiency of protective mechanisms.

With a reduced content of iron in the blood, the sclera acquire a bluish tint.

Why does iron deficiency occur?

The lack of a microelement occurs due to the excess of the amount excreted from the body over the intake, and gradually this condition develops into IDA.

Among women

The causes of anemia can be very diverse, and first of all, the risk category includes females. Their daily iron requirement is almost twice that of men, and during childbearing it doubles.

This is due to hormonal changes occurring during this period, which lead to fluid retention, thereby artificially increasing blood volume, and as a result, reducing hemoglobin levels. The body has to turn to its own iron stores, which are found in the liver, muscle tissues and bone marrow.

In addition, for the full formation of the embryo, a certain amount of Fe is also needed, and it is the maternal organism that supplies it. But in women, pregnancy is far from the only cause of iron deficiency.

During one menstruation, about 80 ml of blood is normally lost, and with the appearance of various abnormalities associated with the organs of the reproductive system, uterine bleeding often occurs, leading to significant blood loss. The result of such disorders, as a rule, is iron deficiency anemia.

The next reason leading to IDA in the weak half of humanity is lactation. The child receives everything necessary, including trace elements and, in particular, iron from mother's milk, which can lead to a significant decrease in the substance, and if it is insufficiently replenished, to serious diseases.

A separate problem, especially recently, has become various newfangled diets, vegetarianism and veganism, which is also a common cause of iron deficiency. Of course, the described element is also present in plant foods, but it is much less than in products of animal origin, and it is much more difficult for the body to assimilate it.

The main source is meat and offal, so they must be present in the diet. Women who consciously refuse meat food put themselves at great risk, along with the desired harmony and beauty, to also get iron deficiency anemia. And such a disease, not only will it have to be treated, it also adversely affects the appearance, as a result of which the skin, hair and nails will require special attention for recovery.

The menopause is also considered no less dangerous for females, since at this time there is a noticeable decline in hormone production, as a result of which the absorption of iron is worse.

In men

Men of the stronger half require less iron, and they very rarely refuse meat or fish, the so-called main sources of Fe. In addition, they are not threatened by the loss of a trace element due to the bearing and birth of a child. To avoid IDA, they only need to replenish the daily physiological losses of the microelement that occur with regular desquamation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and do not exceed 1 mg per day.

At the same time, for men, factors that lower the level of iron in the body are various injuries that they are exposed to during specific professional activities, extreme sports, etc. Also, in athletes, Fe deficiency can form during excessive loads that require a greater consumption of trace elements and other nutrients , including iron.

In children

Very often there is a reduced level of the described trace element in the blood of children, and it can appear at any age. In a baby under one year old who receives breast milk, a lack of Fe can develop due to a lack of it in the mother's body, and in twins or premature babies, iron stores are consumed even faster.

In addition, iron deficiency is often observed in an infant who is bottle-fed. Other common factors in childhood iron deficiency include poor nutrition, helminthic infestations, vitamin C deficiency, thyroid dysfunction, and malabsorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Anemia in a child can proceed in a latent form and go unnoticed for years, without leading to severe manifestations. During accelerated growth at 2-4 years and in puberty, children also often become victims of IDA, which is explained by the global restructuring of the body and perturbations in its main systems.

During these periods, the child needs to fully eat, get enough vitamins to minimize the possible risks of developing various diseases. Iron deficiency in childhood can cause many deviations in the formation of the central nervous system.

Such children often lag behind their peers in development, their working capacity and attention deteriorate, the quality of learning and immunity decrease. At the same time, there is an increase in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections, chronic adenoiditis, tonsillitis, etc.

Reference! According to WHO, approximately 600 million people worldwide suffer from iron deficiency anemia. A latent form of iron deficiency occurs in one third of the European population.

Correction methods

If a disease that caused iron deficiency is detected, one should be very scrupulous in its treatment and follow all the doctor's recommendations. There are several ways to increase the level of iron in the blood, and they are often prescribed in combination to achieve a quick result.

Taking iron supplements

In a severe form of the pathology, when the symptoms are clearly expressed, and any delay can lead to dangerous complications, drugs containing Fe must be prescribed. They include bivalent or trivalent iron. The first form of the trace element is better absorbed and absorbed by the cells of the body, so it is the main component of drugs used for oral administration.

Such drugs are intended to be taken with food at the same time, and doctors resort to prescribing them in most cases of anemia. The dosage is calculated according to the principle of 2 mg/kg of human body weight. These funds allow you to raise the concentration of iron very quickly, and in a few days there has been an increase in hemoglobin, and, consequently, an improvement in the patient's condition. A month later, his indicator returns to normal values.

You should be aware that drugs of this action cannot be canceled on their own without consulting a doctor, since the effect must be fixed. This group includes drugs made on the basis of potent substances, such as ferrous sulfate, globiron-N, ferrous fumarate, haemofer (iron chloride), etc. These drugs are taken exclusively as prescribed by a specialist, since they have a certain list of contraindications.

If a person has a history of diseases of the digestive system or suffers from hypersensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract and cannot, because of this, take pills containing Fe, then he is prescribed injectable forms of drugs. Also, infusion solutions with the inclusion of the required amount of iron are prescribed for severe anemia, when you need to act as quickly as possible.

It should be remembered that the daily amount of the microelement in injections should not exceed 10 mg. As a rule, preparations based on Fe gluconate, Fe (III) hydroxide and others are used, which are selected individually in each case.

Ferrum Lek - a drug with a high iron content

Dietary supplements and vitamin complexes

In addition, for the treatment of IDA, non-drugs are successfully used, which contain vitamins and various microelements, including ferrous iron. Basically, these are vitamins that go well with Fe (A, B, C, D, E). According to the amount of iron content in these complexes, they are divided into preparations for adults, children and pregnant women.

Most often, such drugs are produced in the form of dragees, and it is recommended to use them 1 or 2 times a day after meals with a small amount of water. Dietary supplements or dietary supplements containing iron are another non-drug remedy that can quickly increase the amount of the described element. These are peculiar compositions of substances necessary for the body.

To date, dietary supplements are available in pills, tablets, capsules, powders, bars, solutions, lozenges, etc. They can be used as a food supplement, and some are already included in certain products. Iron, which is part of such dietary supplements, is quickly and easily absorbed by the body and actively enters into metabolic processes.

Diet high in Fe

With a not very advanced form of IDA, you can increase the iron in the blood without the use of drugs and dietary supplements. They can be successfully replaced by products containing a large amount of this trace element. First of all, these are liver (beef and pork), other offal, meat (beef, turkey, rabbit) and fish.

Plant products also have an iron-enhancing effect - oatmeal and buckwheat, dried fruits, nuts, legumes, peaches, blueberries, bran, spinach, etc. For optimal absorption of the trace element, it is recommended to combine meat and fish dishes with vegetable side dishes. They should be washed down with drinks high in vitamin C, for example, citrus or tomato juice or compote.

Attention! It should be remembered that tannin interferes with the absorption of Fe, therefore, to increase its level, coffee and tea are not recommended to be combined with iron-containing foods.

Main sources of iron

Folk remedies

With all the variety of all kinds of medicines and dietary supplements, many patients do not refuse well-proven methods of alternative medicine, that is, recipes used by distant ancestors. It is unlikely that it will be possible to raise the level of iron as quickly as medicines with folk remedies, but it will be a consistent and stable process, the result of which will be fixed for a long time.

The most common, and also simple recipe for IDA, is the morning intake of 100 g of grated carrots seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream. Radish also raises iron in the blood well. It should be grated, and 2-3 teaspoons consumed 5-6 times a day with water. In parallel, it is recommended to take 20 mustard seeds once a day.

Such treatment lasts at least a month, after a certain time it can be repeated for preventive purposes. The infusion of mountain ash also has a useful property, for the preparation of which you need to pour 2 teaspoons of fruits with 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for about an hour. The resulting infusion should be drunk throughout the day in 3-4 doses.


Based on the statistics, which indicate the prevalence of iron deficiency among the population of not only Russia, but also other countries, you should carefully take care of the quality of your diet.

Do not torture the body with various diets that are far from a balanced diet, and at the first sign of pathology, go to the hospital for a blood test and a specialist consultation. After all, like most other diseases, IDA in the early stages is treated very quickly and inexpensively for the patient.

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The human body contains almost all the elements of the table of D. I. Mendeleev, but not all of them carry such biological significance as iron. Iron in the blood is most concentrated in red blood cells- namely, in their important component - hemoglobin: heme (Fe ++) + protein (globin).

A certain amount of this chemical element is permanently present in plasma and tissues - as a complex compound with protein and in the composition of hemosiderin. In the body of an adult, it should normally be from 4 to 7 grams of iron.. The loss of an element for any reason entails an iron deficiency condition called anemia. To identify this pathology in laboratory diagnostics, such a study is provided as the determination of serum iron, or iron in the blood, as the patients themselves say.

The rate of iron in the body

In the blood serum, iron is found in combination with a protein that binds and transports it - transferrin (25% Fe). Usually, the reason for calculating the concentration of an element in the blood serum (serum iron) is a low level of hemoglobin, which, as you know, is one of the main parameters.

The level of iron in the blood fluctuates during the day, its average concentration for men and women is different and is: 14.30 - 25.10 µmol per liter of male blood and 10.70 - 21.50 µmol / l in the female half. Such differences are most due to the menstrual cycle, which affects only persons of a certain sex. With age, the differences are erased, the amount of the element decreases in both men and women, and iron deficiency can be observed to the same extent in both sexes. The rate of iron in the blood of infants, as well as children and adults, males and females, is different, therefore, to make it more convenient for the reader, it is better to present it in the form of a small table:

Meanwhile, it should be borne in mind that, like other biochemical indicators, the normal level of iron in the blood in different sources may vary slightly. In addition, we consider it useful to remind the reader of the rules for passing the analysis:

  • They donate blood on an empty stomach (it is desirable to starve for 12 hours);
  • One week before the study, tablets for the treatment of IDA are canceled;
  • After a blood transfusion, the analysis is postponed for several days.

To determine the level of iron in the blood, serum is used as a biological material, that is, blood is taken without an anticoagulant in a dry new a test tube that never comes into contact with detergents.

The functions of iron in the blood and the biological significance of the element

Why is so much attention riveted to iron in the blood, why is this element classified as a vital component, and why can a living organism do without it? It's all about the functions that iron performs:

  1. Concentrated in the blood ferrum (heme hemoglobin) is involved in the respiration of tissues;
  2. The trace element located in the muscles (in the composition) ensures the normal activity of skeletal muscles.

The main functions of iron in the blood coincide with one of the main tasks of the blood itself and the content contained in it. Blood (erythrocytes and hemoglobin) takes oxygen from the external environment into the lungs and transports it to the most remote corners of the human body, and carbon dioxide formed as a result of tissue respiration is carried out for removal from the body.

scheme: myshared, Efremova S.A.

In this way, iron plays a key role in the respiratory activity of hemoglobin, moreover, this applies only to the divalent ion (Fe++) . The conversion of ferrous iron to ferric iron and the formation of a very strong compound called methemoglobin (MetHb) occurs under the influence of strong oxidizing agents. Degeneratively altered erythrocytes containing MetHb begin to break down (), therefore, they cannot perform their respiratory functions - a state sets in for body tissues acute hypoxia.

A person himself cannot synthesize this chemical element; food products bring iron to his body: meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. However, it is difficult for us to absorb iron from plant sources, but vegetables and fruits containing large amounts of ascorbic acid increase the absorption of the trace element from animal products by 2-3 times.

Fe is absorbed in the duodenum and along the small intestine, and iron deficiency in the body contributes to increased absorption, and an excess causes a blockage of this process. The large intestine does not absorb iron. During the day, we absorb an average of 2-2.5 mg of Fe, however, the female body of this element needs almost 2 times more than the male body, because monthly losses are quite noticeable (1 mg of iron is lost from 2 ml of blood).

Increased content

The increased content of iron in, exactly, as well as the lack of an element in the serum, indicates certain pathological conditions of the body.

Given that we have a mechanism that prevents the absorption of excess amounts of iron, an increase in it may be due to the formation of ferrum as a result of pathological reactions somewhere in the body (increased breakdown of red blood cells and the release of iron ions) or a breakdown in the mechanism that regulates intake. An increase in iron levels makes one suspect:

  • different origin (, aplastic,);
  • Excessive absorption in the gastrointestinal tract in violation of the limiting mechanism (hemochromatosis).
  • caused by multiple blood transfusions or an overdose of ferrum-containing drugs used for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency conditions (intramuscular or intravenous administration).
  • Failure of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow at the stage of iron incorporation into erythrocyte precursor cells (sideroahrestic anemia, lead poisoning, use of oral contraceptives).
  • Liver damage (viral and acute hepatitis of any origin, acute liver necrosis, chronic cholecystitis, various hepatopathy).

When determining iron in the blood, one should keep in mind the cases when the patient received iron-containing preparations in tablets for a long time (2-3 months).

Lack of iron in the body

Due to the fact that we do not produce this microelement ourselves, we often do not look at the nutrition and composition of the consumed products (if only it was tasty), over time our body begins to experience iron deficiency.

The lack of Fe is accompanied by various symptoms of anemia: dizziness, flies before the eyes, pallor and dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails and many other troubles. The reduced value of iron in the blood can be the result of many reasons:

  1. Alimentary deficiency, which develops as a result of a low intake of an element with food (a preference for vegetarianism or, conversely, a passion for fatty foods that do not contain iron, or a transition to a dairy diet that contains calcium and prevents the absorption of Fe).
  2. The high needs of the body for any microelements (children under 2 years of age, adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers) lead to a reduced content of them in the blood (this concerns iron in the first place).
  3. Iron deficiency anemia as a result of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that prevent the normal absorption of iron in the intestine: gastritis with reduced secretion, enteritis, enterocolitis, neoplasms in the stomach and intestines, surgical interventions with resection of the stomach or small intestine (resorption deficiency).
  4. Redistributive deficiency against the background of inflammatory, purulent-septic and other infections, fast-growing tumors, osteomyelitis (absorption of iron from plasma by cellular elements of the mononuclear phagocytic system) - in the blood test, the amount of Fe will, of course, be reduced.
  5. Excessive accumulation of hemosiderin in the tissues of the internal organs (hemosiderosis) leads to a low level of iron in the plasma, which is very noticeable when examining the patient's serum.
  6. Lack of erythropoietin production in the kidneys as a manifestation of chronic renal failure (CRF) or other kidney pathology.
  7. Increased excretion of iron in the urine in nephrotic syndrome.
  8. The reason for the low content of iron in the blood and the development of IDA can be prolonged bleeding (nose, gums, during menstruation, from hemorrhoids, etc.).
  9. Active hematopoiesis with significant use of the element.
  10. Cirrhosis, liver cancer. Other malignant and some benign (uterine fibroids) tumors.
  11. Stagnation of bile in the biliary tract (cholestasis) with the development of obstructive jaundice.
  12. Lack of ascorbic acid in the diet, which promotes the absorption of iron from other foods.

How to raise?

In order to increase the level of iron in the blood, you need to accurately identify the cause of its decrease. After all, you can consume as many microelements as you like with food, but all efforts will be in vain if their absorption is disturbed.

Thus, we will only provide transit through the gastrointestinal tract, but we will not find out the true reason for the low content of Fe in the body, therefore first you need to undergo a comprehensive examination and listen to the recommendations of the attending physician.

And we can only advise to increase with the help of a diet rich in iron:

  • The use of meat products (veal, beef, hot lamb, rabbit meat). Poultry meat is not particularly rich in the element, but if you choose, then turkey and goose are better. Pork fat contains absolutely no iron, so it should not be considered.
  • There is a lot of Fe in the liver of various animals, which is not surprising, it is a hematopoietic organ, but at the same time, the liver is a detoxification organ, so excessive passion can be unhealthy.
  • There is little or no iron in the eggs, but they have a high content of vitamins B12, B1 and phospholipids.

  • Buckwheat is recognized as the best cereal for the treatment of IDA.
  • Cottage cheese, cheeses, milk, white bread, being calcium-containing foods, inhibit the absorption of iron, so these foods should be consumed separately from a diet aimed at combating low levels of ferrum.
  • To increase the absorption of the element in the intestine, you will have to dilute the protein diet with vegetables and fruits containing ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It is concentrated in large quantities in citrus fruits (lemon, orange) and sauerkraut. In addition, some plant foods are themselves rich in iron (apples, prunes, peas, beans, spinach), but iron is absorbed very limitedly from food of non-animal origin.

When increasing iron through diet, you do not need to be afraid that it will become too much. This will not happen, because we have a mechanism that will not allow excessive increase, of course, if it works correctly.

Video: story about iron and iron deficiency anemia

Any person far from medicine, looking at a sheet of results of a general blood test, wonders what it means - serum iron is below normal, as evidenced by this indicator, is its deficiency dangerous?

The function of iron in the blood

Blood is the main element in the human body, which has the largest number of functions and obligations. Blood provides cells with nutrients, removes metabolic end products, participates in thermoregulation, and is a link between all human organs.

However, its most important function is the saturation of each cell with oxygen, without which their life and normal functioning is impossible. And it is in this process that serum iron is involved.

In addition, iron ensures the process of hematopoiesis, the normal functioning of cells, regulates immunobiological processes and redox reactions.

In its pure form, iron is not found in the blood, but it is part of hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes, and myeloenzymes. Some of it is in the spleen, liver and bone marrow in the form of a so-called reserve. And up to 80% of the total iron is part of hemoglobin. It is precisely in the composition of the latter that it is responsible for hematopoiesis, oxygenation of cells and regulation of the immune system.

Iron levels are directly affected by a person's diet.

This is mainly beef, liver, buckwheat, legumes and eggs. In addition to iron-containing foods, you need to eat foods containing vitamin C, which promotes the absorption of iron.

Blood test

The level of iron is able to change during the day, and in the morning its concentration is the highest. It also depends on the gender of the person, in men the level is higher. In women, its content is lower, often depending on the menstrual cycle. Also, its indicator is directly affected by stress, overwork and lack of proper sleep.

The normal level of content in men is fixed in the range from 11.64 to 30.43, in women - 8.95-30.43 µmol / liter. In children under one year old and from one to 14 years old, this figure is 7.16-17.90 and 8.95-21.48, respectively.

The content of iron in the blood is checked by biochemical analysis of venous blood. It is recommended to collect blood for analysis in the morning, on an empty stomach, preferably between 7 and 10 hours. The correctness of the result can be affected even by one iron-containing tablet taken the day before, testosterone or aspirin in large doses, the use of vitamin B12, contraceptive tablets and alcohol.

Such a blood test is prescribed if a person has severe fatigue, depression, general weakness, lack of appetite, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, dryness and pallor of the skin, disruption of the immune system. In addition, there is fragility of hair and nails, cracks in the corners of the mouth, impaired taste and smell, and fever.

Reasons for changing the indicator

A low level of iron in a person's blood depends on many factors, both external and internal. First of all, this is an unbalanced diet, poor diet, vegetarianism. No wonder they say: we are what we eat. For normal life, people should consume with food all the fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and most importantly, iron they need.

Beef and liver are the main iron-containing foods available to mankind.

Their lack or refusal to eat should be replaced by other products that can saturate the body with iron. It can be beans, apples, fish oil, fresh herbs.

In addition, there are a number of internal diseases, the result of which is low iron in the blood.

Since the intake of this element occurs mainly through the digestive system, namely the duodenum, its low level may be due to various diseases of this zone. Any inflammatory process in the intestines can reduce the absorption of useful trace elements, and as a result, there is a shortage of iron.

With intensive growth in adolescents and children, the level of iron in the blood drops sharply, as a result, the reserves of this element are borrowed from the liver and bone marrow, which leads to general depletion.

You need to carefully monitor the level of serum iron in pregnant and lactating women, since it is during this period that the mother's body gives all the important components to the formation and feeding of the child.

Few people know, but cancer, internal bleeding, ulcers and gastritis can lead to iron deficiency.


The main and most common consequence of a lack of iron in the blood is anemia. This blood disease is directly related to the level of hemoglobin, in other words, red blood cells. They transport oxygen and important trace elements throughout the body. Anemia in children is often caused by the consumption of large amounts of dairy products that prevent iron absorption, accelerated growth. The main symptoms of anemia are fatigue, headache, lethargy, dizziness. If not diagnosed in time, anemia in children and the elderly can even lead to death.

Another very dangerous consequence of iron deficiency is the weakening of the immune system.

In this case, the blood serum loses its ability to inform certain organs in time about violations in their work, which leads to the inability of the body to resist infections. This can lead to the development of chronic diseases of the respiratory organs, tuberculosis, shortness of breath.

Iron deficiency can cause a drop in blood pressure, which leads to frequent dizziness, weakness, muscle atrophy, and heart rhythm disturbances.

How to increase serum iron in the blood

If, after a biochemical blood test, a lack of iron in the blood was detected, the attending physician should conduct a detailed examination of the patient, interview him, and, if necessary, prescribe additional tests. It is important to make an accurate diagnosis in time and carry out timely treatment so that irreversible processes in the body as a whole and in organs in particular do not occur.

With a decrease in iron due to improper and unbalanced nutrition, it is worth thinking about the diet, drinking iron-containing tablets, and excluding dairy products from the diet.

If it turns out that the problem is in the intestines, it is very important to localize the disease, eliminate it and the consequences. In general, conventional medical treatment is sufficient, in extreme cases, surgical intervention is resorted to.

It is important to monitor both iron and hemoglobin levels in toddlers, adolescents, and the elderly. This category should regularly take a blood test for the timely diagnosis of anemia and other diseases. In children, due to their active growth, a lack of oxygen can lead to rather complex deviations, developmental delays, and growth retardation. With a decrease in the level of this microelement, it is imperative to include liver, apples, nuts in their diet, reduce the amount of dairy products, but not completely exclude them, since they are the main sources of calcium needed for the formation and growth of bone mass.

In elderly people, limited in health and activity, even if the level of iron is slightly lowered, this can lead to irreparable changes in the brain and heart muscle.

The same can be said about pregnant women. The consumption of iron-containing products of this category of the population should be doubled, and monitoring of its indicators should be carried out fairly regularly. As in other cases, you should eat right, drink vitamins for pregnant women, and constantly visit a doctor.

With a normal lifestyle, a balanced diet, the exclusion of alcohol and other harmful substances, careful monitoring of one's condition, the full absorption of iron and its accumulation in the body are guaranteed.

In contact with

Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder in the world, affecting over 30% of the world's population!

Thus, the medical scientific and practical journal Lechechchiy Vrach reports that in the regions of the Russian Federation there has been a clear trend towards an increase in the frequency of iron deficiency states (IDS) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in women, especially pregnant women, and young children.

The effect of iron deficiency anemia on the development of pregnancy, and then on the passage of childbirth, on possible pathologies of the fetus and newborn child is noted.

Of course, most people suffering from nutritional deficiencies are in third world countries, but this, as we have already seen, is also significantly common in industrialized countries. And the main reason for this is our malnutrition, which leads not only to iron deficiency but also to serious diseases.

Women need to be especially vigilant when it comes to their iron levels.

Just think! … According to WHO, 700 million people in the world (up to 20% of the population) suffer from iron deficiency. Most often this disease occurs in children, adolescents and women of childbearing age. Explicit or latent iron deficiency is recorded in 30% of all women and half of young children. The frequency of iron deficiency in pregnant women ranges from 21 to 80%.

This should be worrying...

If you are iron deficient, it can significantly affect your quality of life and your overall well-being. But once you know what it is, all the symptoms and causes of it, you can easily solve this common problem of nutrient deficiencies, including iron.

What is iron deficiency?

In simple terms, this is a lack of the mineral iron in the body. But why is it so important?...

Iron is needed for the production of hemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that transports oxygen throughout the body and carbon dioxide.

If you are deficient in iron, your body must work harder to get the energy it needs to transport the same oxygen. Imagine, you need to supply every cell of your body with it.

Otherwise, the lack of iron in the body will eventually lead to reduced red blood cell production and iron deficiency anemia. And that's not all.

According to the website about a healthy lifestyle, the most famous consequence of iron deficiency is anemia.

First of all, its lack negatively affects the immune system, a person begins to get tired faster, the ability to learn worsens in children, and endurance decreases. In many cases, stomach cancer has been linked to a lack of iron in the body, the researchers report.

But then what is the daily dose and causes of iron deficiency in the body? ...

Daily dose of iron in the body

As the medical aid magazine points out, the daily rate of iron for a person is calculated based on the individual characteristics of his body: weight, gender, age, health status. Below are some examples of calculations:

The daily iron requirement for children depends on their age:

  • in the first year of life - from 4 milligrams per day at the age of 0-3 months to 10 milligrams at the age of 7-12 months;
  • at the age of 1-6 years - 10 milligrams;
  • at the age of 7-10 years - 12 milligrams;
  • at the age of 11-17 years - 15 milligrams in boys and 18 milligrams in girls.

The daily requirement for iron in an adult varies significantly depending on gender:

  • for men - 10 milligrams per day;
  • girls and women of the childbearing period, due to regular menstrual blood loss, need to receive 18-20 milligrams of iron;
  • during pregnancy and lactation, the need for this element almost doubles.

Causes of iron deficiency in the body

One of the US clinics, as well as the medical portal EuroLab, list the following main causes of iron deficiency in the human body:

  • Blood loss- it can occur as a result of gastrointestinal bleeding, peptic ulcer or colorectal cancer; or due to heavy menstrual periods.
  • Lack of iron in your diet is if you are not getting enough iron from the food you eat.
  • Inability to absorb iron are intestinal disorders such as celiac disease or those associated with bowel surgery. They can also affect your body's ability to absorb nutrients from digested food.
  • Pregnancy- this is probably the most joyful reason for many women. But remember that during pregnancy, women need to take in more iron than usual to boost their levels and those of their baby. It is very important!

Well, as if everything is probably clear, except for the most important thing - how to understand that you suffer from an iron deficiency, what are the main signs of iron deficiency in the body?

Let's figure it out together...

Signs of iron deficiency in the body

So let's list some of the signs of low iron, or iron deficiency anemia.


Are you exhausted, feeling weak and often irritable?

I'm not saying that you may not get enough sleep because you went to bed late. This refers to continuous fatigue that lasts for several weeks or even months.

Prolonged fatigue is one of the main symptoms of iron deficiency.

Fatigue occurs because the body does not have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to its parts and organs.

Of course, fatigue can be the result of many other causes besides iron deficiency. This can be: alcohol abuse, medications, too much caffeine intake, psychological stress at work or depression, as well as other medical problems.

Fatigue can also be due to a lack of such an important mineral as magnesium, which is involved in most biochemical reactions in the body. A lack of this mineral can often even lead to death.

But, fatigue can be caused and an excess of iron in blood.

Do you want to eat sand?

It is usually associated with pregnancy, although it is actually common among young children.

Although this craving for sand has not been fully investigated, experts are already drawing some conclusions that it is a lack of iron in the body (anemia) or zinc. Many forums point to the same reasons.

Skin and Eye Problems

It turns out that sometimes pale skin can tell you that you do not have enough iron in your body.

Anemia is one of the most common causes of pale skin.

In some cases, due to an iron deficiency, you may experience cracked skin near the corners of your mouth or even an irritating skin condition that causes itching.

Iron deficiency can even affect your eye color!

restless leg syndrome

As the medical journal points out, restless leg syndrome has several names that you may also come across: Willis' disease, Ekbom's disease.

All these conditions lead to very unpleasant sensations in the legs or arms and make you constantly move, resulting in sleep disturbance. The most interesting thing is that these movements cause relief.

This picture is attributed to neurological diseases, which indicates a lack of iron or anemia.

Anxiety, stress and depression

Iron deficiency can contribute to the development or exacerbation of each of the following anxiety disorders: depression, stress, constant anxiety.

One study in Japan showed that the absence or low amount of vitamin B6 and iron in the body affects the body with panic conditions so severely that the participants in the experiments even eventually required emergency care.

Who would have thought? …

So know this: B vitamins and iron play an important role in the production of the hormone serotonin serotonin, which regulates both mood and sleep. .

Another study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed a strong relationship between iron deficiency and anxiety and depression in new mothers. Moreover, an additional dose of iron resulted in a 25% improvement in these symptoms.

Take note of this information!

feeling cold

If you are, even now, the only person in the room who sits huddled in a warm sweater, you should think about it. Perhaps you just do not have enough iron.

So in the United States, an experiment was conducted in which six women took part, whose diet was poor in iron for six months. Their resistance to cold was measured by the time they sat in their bathing suit in a cold room and left when they began to shiver.

The same women then ate iron-rich foods for 100 days. Then they were asked to go into the same cold room again in a bathing suit. They were not only able to withstand the cold on 8 minutes more this time, but their core body surface temperature dropped to only half what they had in the first experiment.

Of course, feeling cold can be related to many other symptoms, including your diet, which is low in healthy fats. Keep this in mind for the future.

Hair loss and brittle nails are the cause of iron deficiency.

Remember, you often have to remove entire tufts of hair from your comb after head care. So right? … But sometimes it takes on a scary look.

In fact, iron deficiency is one of the main causes for hair loss in women, along with thyroid problems, as well as a lack of certain other minerals in the diet.

The reason is simple: iron deficiency, especially when anemia progresses, leads to a state where our body simply survives. Instead of supplying our hair with oxygen, we sometimes just kill it.

The good news for you is that this condition is easily treated by adding iron-rich foods to your meal plan.

Watch your nails too. Their health is also iron deficient.

O about 60% of women complain about the condition of their hair and spend huge amounts on their treatment, while the main cause of brittle ends is most often inside us.

The leading physician of the American clinic, Ruben Bogin, notes that often the cause of hair deterioration in young girls is a lack of iron in the body. He explains this by the fact that when health problems arise, the body immediately mobilizes, “getting rid of” everything superfluous: it reduces the nutrition of nails, hair, etc., which leads to a deterioration in their condition.

Dizziness due to iron deficiency

Although most people think that dizziness is a common thing due to heredity, it can actually mean completely different .

This uncomfortable sensation can sometimes be a side effect of an iron deficiency.

This is because dizziness is the result of poor oxygen supply to the brain. Namely, iron, as we already know, is necessary for the effective supply of oxygen to various parts of the body.

Diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency

If any of the above symptoms are close to you, then you may have an iron deficiency. The best way to find out is to go to the doctor for a blood test.

They may prescribe medications or certain vitamins and supplements. Therefore, in this case, it will be important for you to follow the advice of a doctor.

But as the medical portal advises, with iron deficiency anemia, it is necessary to pass additional blood tests for iron. These include: serum iron, ferritin, total serum iron-binding capacity (TIBC) and transferrin. According to all these indicators, the doctor can determine not only the type of anemia, but also its latent form even before the onset of symptoms.

If the results are normal and you do not experience the symptoms that we talked about above, then this indicates a good level of iron in your body.

To solve this problem, you will also most likely have to take care of your diet. Look to some iron-rich foods. …

Diet foods rich in iron

There are actually two different types of iron:

  • derived from animal products
  • derived from plant food sources that forms the bulk of most dietary sources of iron

Foods that are most rich (3.5 mg or more) in iron include:

  • 100 gr. beef or chicken liver
  • 100 gr. shellfish, such as mussels and oysters
  • A cup of cooked beans, which are also great sources of fiber
  • Half a cup of tofu
  • 100 gr. pumpkin or sesame seeds

Good sources of iron (2.1 mg or more) include:

  • 100 gr. canned sardines in oil
  • 100 gr. boiled beef or turkey
  • half a cup of canned beans, red beans, or chickpeas
  • one medium baked potato
  • one medium stalk of broccoli
  • a cup of dried apricots

Other sources (0.7 mg or more) of iron are:

  • 100 gr. chicken breast
  • 100 gr. fish: halibut, haddock, salmon, tuna or other red fish
  • 100 gr. nuts: walnuts, pistachios, almonds, sometimes called the healthiest food on earth, or cashews
  • a cup of spinach
  • a cup of durum wheat pasta or brown rice
  • medium green pepper

When your diet is rich in low iron foods, you may be at risk. This is especially true for overweight vegetarian women or pregnant women!

Want to know the secret to getting more iron from your diet?

It's quite simple!

Add more foods that are sources of vitamin C to your iron-rich meal plan. Add more citrus fruits (lemon, lime, orange) and of course some green vegetables.

You can simply squeeze some lemon juice into your green salad or pour over steamed fish. You can also steam your favorite broccoli and add some nuts or seeds to it.

Final thoughts...

As you can see, iron deficiency is a pretty serious ailment that affects millions around the world. It can sometimes lead to dire consequences. Therefore, if you feel some signs of iron deficiency in the body, try to resolve them quickly.

And as always, to solve this problem, you may just need to start taking care of your nutrition. Especially it is worth paying attention to this for pregnant women. After all, not only your life depends on you, but also the life of your child and his health.

Include more of those iron-rich foods that we talked about and especially a lot of green vegetables. They do not only contain iron. Remember that they also contain vitamin C, which helps the absorption of iron.