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Problems of the reproductive system of males. Diseases of the genitourinary system in dogs Inflammation of the labia and vaginal vestibule

It has always been believed that dogs are distinguished by endurance and resistance to negative environmental factors. But, as they say, once a year the stick shoots, so you should be aware of the dangers that can lie in wait for your pet at every turn. Modern veterinary science claims that it is often necessary to meet with deadly diseases in dogs. Do not forget that large dog breeds are much easier to tolerate any disease than decorative small dogs. This is justified by their physiological characteristics. Canine diseases of the reproductive system of males and females directly depend on their breed, habitat and lifestyle.

The friendship of a dog and a man originated in antiquity, but the reason for its occurrence is still a mystery. For several millennia of its existence, people, as you know, managed to tame and make their friend far from one animal, but the dog has always occupied a special place among its winged and four-legged relatives. Why did this happen?

The reproductive system of dogs

Undoubtedly, the most important reason that formed the basis of human and canine friendship is the devotion of the animal. Does humanity know a being whose character would be better? Hardly. Living side by side with humans since ancient times, dogs have learned to forgive us for any mistakes, be it a bad attitude towards an animal or just irritability. The dog is such an understanding and faithful friend that he always answers us with kindness and boundless affection. Is it a purebred dog or taken from the street - there is no difference, because above all is sincere affection for its owner.

Over time, a person began to breed new breeds, embodying in each a set of certain qualities and an even more docile disposition. At the moment, there are about 400 dog breeds in the world that have formed certain groups among themselves. The most important and most numerous group are service dogs, among which the following stand out:

  • watchman (Caucasian Shepherd, Dogo Argentino, Doberman);
  • customs officers (German Shepherd, Labrador);
  • firefighters (spaniel, rottweiler, husky);
  • lifeguards (Newfoundland, St. Bernard);
  • guides (Labrador Retrievers) and many other equally important professions.

Thanks to their boundless loyalty to themselves, their work and people, service dogs have been watching over our safety for many years, often sacrificing their own lives.

Service dogs are true friends and helpers of man

The second group are hunters. It was hunting dogs that were indispensable companions on foot and horseback hunting. The most famous among them are:

  • terriers capable of fishing a nimble beast out of a hole;
  • greyhounds and hounds, with incredible endurance and loud barking for baiting big game;
  • spaniels, known for their sensitive and sharp senses.

In third place is a group of shepherd dogs, in the lists of which you can find the border collie, sennehund, bobtail and some other breeds that are most suitable for working with cattle and just on farms.

The last group is decorative dogs (toy terriers, poodles, chow chows, bulldogs), not intended for a specific service, but capable of becoming a real friend for a person and giving all their affection and love.

Communicating with each other, a dog and a person learn to understand each other, create a strong psychological and emotional connection, feel the mood of each and give such important moments of attention.

Veterinarians are frightened by the fact that owners often neglect vaccinations, considering them just a waste of money. Do not forget about puppies, which are not immune due to the period of formation of the tooth cavity. Old dogs also have a weakened immune system, their body is not able to fight the virus and maintain a normal state at the proper level. Some of the most common animal diseases include:

  1. . One of the most severe viral diseases among dogs. An animal has a chance to become infected from another through contact with saliva. The most common provocation are the inhabitants of the streets from the animal world, they can attack pets while walking. It is not difficult to notice the infection: excessive salivation, refusal of food, wide pupils, dysfunction of the swallowing muscles is also possible. The worst thing is that it is impossible to cure this disease - the dog must be euthanized while it is still safe for others. Also, the owner of this dog needs to visit the hospital to examine their own health.
  2. A plague of carnivores. This disease is known for the fact that its pathogen enters the dog's body through the lungs or food. It can occur in pets from 2 to 11 months. The bitch's milk is significant for puppies in that it contains antibodies against this disease. It's not for nothing that carnivore plague is thought to be largely caused by poor care. Among the most life-threatening seasons are spring and autumn, because it is then that the immunity of animals is weakened. It is difficult to single out specific signs of the disease, because at the beginning, 2-3 weeks, the dog may not give cause for concern. However, here are some of them: fatigue for no reason, lack of appetite, redness of the mucous eyeballs. If these signs are found, you should immediately contact the veterinarian, remember that the acute period of this disease can kill the dog for a couple of days.
  3. Mowing meadow fever. It can occur in decorative animals, the pathogen enters the body of a 2 or 3-year-old pet with water and food. Signs of the disease: reaching a temperature of 42 degrees, refusal to eat, nausea or diarrhea, the dog drips blood from the end. In the absence of help, the pet dies in 3-4. Today, this disease can be cured by surgery. It is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible and provide the necessary treatment.
  4. Viral hepatitis. This disease, which is spread by a virus, often affects puppies under 4 months of age. The reproduction of the virus takes place in the digestive system. The source of the disease can be both animals and people. Signs of infection may include heavy breathing, lethargy, unwillingness to eat, and swelling of the eye bags. The course of the acute form of the disease guarantees the death of the dog on the same day. A visit to the veterinarian with a high degree of probability will help rid the dog of the disease and heal it.
  5. Non-fusion of the external genital organs is diagnosed in the first weeks of a puppy's life. Defects are corrected through surgery, although, as practice shows, the reproductive ability of the animal remains a big question.
  6. Cryptorchidism is a disease of a genetic type, which is characterized by the absence of testes in males. These organs are brought out in males, they are located in the scrotum. It is impossible to cure pathology, it occurs in all breeds.
  7. Inflammation of the genital organs occurs extremely often. At the first stages of development, it should pass on its own, but sometimes, due to certain circumstances, this does not happen. You can become infected through sexual contact, when a harmful microflora, such as a fungus, gets on unprotected surfaces. This disease is characterized by discharge from the genitals. The inflammatory process occurs in males and females. In most cases, dogs enter venereology already at advanced stages of development. Inflammation may be localized to the bladder, and cystitis in dogs is not uncommon.
  8. Venereal sarcoma. This disease affects males and females, whose age ranges from 1-8 years. The risk of developing a tumor increases if the dog leads a wandering lifestyle or comes into contact with such animals. The development of the tumor takes up to 8 months, only after an increase in size do the first signs of the disease appear, which include bloody discharge from the organs of the reproductive system.
  9. Staphylococcosis. The disease is characterized by the appearance on the skin of specific formations in the groin and back. Not infrequently, the disease is accompanied by dermatitis, as well as otitis media, which leads to inflammation of the vagina.

Rabies in dogs is one of the most common diseases.

All these diseases have characteristic symptoms, so the task of the owners is to notice them in time and take appropriate measures. Not all pathologies can be cured, but in some cases it is important to isolate the animal in order to prevent the spread of the disease and protect other inhabitants of the house. It is believed that most diseases occur at an early age, so it is very important to provide proper care and appropriate conditions for the puppy, especially if you are going to feed him yourself. This issue should be considered in more detail.

Sometimes there are situations in which newborn puppies are left without a mother, and then they have to be fed artificially. The best substitute for mother's milk is bitch's milk, bought at the pet store, but this is not always available for some reason. Then the babies are fed either with goat's milk, or 10% cream, or 1% kefir, or a mixture of cow's milk (raw egg yolk whipped with a few drops of lemon juice for 250 grams of milk).

The temperature of the nutrient mixture should be around 37.8 degrees Celsius. Babies, depending on their size, are fed from a bottle with a nipple or from a syringe with a rubber tube - a nozzle. In the first week, puppies are fed every 2 hours, in the second week - every three hours, by the age of one month, the interval between feeding is reduced to 4 - 4.5 hours. For one meal they give 5 - 7 grams of nutrition, increasing the single dose by a couple of grams as the puppies grow. At the age of about two weeks, they begin to feed with scraped raw meat or raw lean minced meat from beef, turkey or chicken. Serving size is about a pea or bean depending on the size of the puppies.

Puppies need good food

You can give high-quality dry food for puppies soaked in water instead of meat. In order to avoid the introduction of new food, a few drops of Nux Vomica are given before the meat. When feeding, puppies should lie in a natural position on the abdomen with a raised head. Care must be taken that the puppies do not swallow too much mixture, and it is not excreted through the nose. After each meal, it is necessary to massage the abdomen with your fingers clockwise for intestinal peristalsis. And then, with a damp cloth or cotton pad, gently rub in the anal area to stimulate defecation. After the toilet, it is necessary to remove the remnants of feces. Feeding puppies without a mother is a very troublesome business, but there is no other way to save little lives and raise healthy babies. If everything is done correctly, then it will be possible to raise a strong and healthy dog, for which any disease will not pose a danger.

The reproductive system of dogs, as in humans, has significant differences between females and males. Therefore, there are diseases that occur exclusively in females, males either act as carriers, or do not react to the disease at all. Consider diseases of the reproductive system in bitches in more detail:

  1. Pyometra. With this disease, pus accumulates in the uterus. The main cause of development is hormonal failure, resulting in such an effect as hyperplasia of the glandular epithelium of the uterine lining. The organ becomes thickened, the production of mucus is activated, which, when microorganisms enter, also acquires a purulent composition. A problem arises a couple of months after estrus, it may appear against the background of false pregnancy. It usually occurs in bitches that have not yet given birth and have experienced problems with the regularity of estrus in the past.
  2. Endometritis. If the cervix opens too much, then the process is accompanied by the release of mucus, blood or even pus. After some time, the condition of the dog should normalize and return to normal. The volume of the abdomen in the animal increases, in the diagnosis, you can notice the increased size of the uterine horn. The dog does not feel well, has problems with movement, experiences increased thirst and lethargy. At the same time, the heartbeat increases, appetite decreases and vomiting appears.
  3. False pregnancy. In another way, this disease can be called a fraudulent pregnancy. It is a consequence of a hormonal imbalance, which disrupts the sexual cycle. In a bitch, the growth of the mammary glands of the uterine horn can be observed, the secretion of milk is activated. The dog prepares a place for childbirth, plays with toys. After 7-14 days, these symptoms disappear, although in the next estrus they may again appear with even greater force.
  4. Inguinal hernia of the uterus. Occurs when the uterine horn enters directly into the inguinal canal. A round swelling forms in the groin area. When pressed, this formation disappears. Treatment is carried out exclusively through surgical intervention. The disease will inevitably lead to the death of the fetus.

Inguinal hernia of the uterus

These diseases have a complex clinical picture and require serious therapy. Without the help of specialists, the dog can expect a slow and painful death. Therefore, at the first sign, you should definitely contact a specialist.

It is believed that dogs that live in apartments are much more likely to suffer from various diseases. This can be explained by the lack of fresh air and active pastime, because limited space does not allow some breeds of dogs to fully realize their physical potential. Therefore, for an apartment, it is better to choose a dog that leads a more apathetic lifestyle, let's take a closer look at the breeds.

Many people at some point in their lives have a desire to get a dog. Someone needs a true friend to brighten up loneliness, someone's children begged to buy them a good friend, and someone just wants to add even more fun and activity to their lives. If you decide to get a dog, but live in an apartment, then choosing a pet is a little more complicated. After all, not all breeds of dogs feel comfortable in a small room. In addition, if you have children, it is necessary to take into account the stress resistance of the breed. To live with children, you need to choose a dog breed with a very balanced and friendly character. An equally important factor when choosing a pet in an apartment is the coat of the animal. The dog should not constantly shed, otherwise it will become a serious test not only for the vacuum cleaner, but also for your nerves.

Stress resistance of a dog is an important factor when choosing a breed.

If you are not a fan of active pastime, but you just want to see faithful eyes nearby, then choose breeds with a more phlegmatic lifestyle. For example, Besset Hound. This is a rather lazy dog ​​that will not tire you with constant jumps and games. Such a dog is unlikely to agree to go down from a high floor without an elevator. You have to take it out by hand. But Bassets have a big advantage: they are incredibly smart. They are perfect for older people and adapt to their lifestyle. Bassets are absolutely non-conflict in their manifestations, they will get along well with children if they do not get them with their games. Basset hound games will be limited to stroking a smart head and enjoying a non-standard appearance. For active pranks with children, it is better to look at another breed of dog, such as a beagle.

Beagles are small dogs. Perfect size for any apartment. The Beagle is an "Englishman" to the marrow of his bones: an intelligent, friendly, smooth-haired dog. This breed of dog will be an ideal companion for a very active and energetic child. The Beagle gets along well not only with children, but also with other pets, even cats. But from such an "explosive mixture of friends" the owners will have to constantly sweep the fragments of vases and look for the necessary small items.

Labrador has a calmer character. Intelligence, patience and energy are ideally combined in this dog. They are easy to train and friendly. Labradors are calm about children's pranks, they even allow you to climb into their mouths. But despite their kind soul, these dogs are excellent guards, protectors of all family members. Labradors are always positive and energetic with their owners. But still, this is a rather large breed of dog, so when buying, it is necessary to pay great attention to the purebred of the breed. After all, only a purebred Labrador cannot be led to aggressive actions towards the owner. This dog breed practically does not shed, which also serves as an additional bonus for apartment owners. But it is worth considering in advance the size of an adult and the dimensions of your apartment.

If you are a lover of fluffy pets, then such a rare breed of dog as the Samoyed is perfect for you. She has a balanced character, long hair does not cause allergies and does not need careful care. But most importantly, this breed of dog feels great even in small spaces. This is ideal for a small city apartment. But it is worth taking note that Samoyeds are very fond of long walks. Therefore, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then this breed of dog will just set your lifestyle in the right direction with daily long walks.

There are many breeds of dogs. Each is individual in its own way, health characteristics and lifestyle. Therefore, before buying, you must carefully study the breed so that it fits all your requirements. And yet, even if you know perfectly well all the features of the chosen breed, it still does not relieve you of the responsibility for raising a pet. This is a lot of work. How you raise a puppy is how he will grow up, regardless of the genetics laid down.

Kidney disease in dogs is recorded more often than in other animals, the likelihood of their occurrence increases with age and is due to anatomical and physiological characteristics. The kidneys of dogs are adapted to excrete the breakdown products of animal protein. In this case, acidic urine is released, in which pathological microorganisms do not multiply. Animals receiving plant foods produce alkaline urine, which favors the development of pathological microflora.

More than 50% of dogs over the age of 8 years show pathological changes in both kidneys on clinical examination, and 80% on histological examination. The causes of the disease, which develops unnoticed over the years, are infections, allergic, chemical and physical effects.

The direct communication of the urinary tubules of the kidney with the pelvis facilitates the spread of infection.

The ureters, bladder and urethra, on the contrary, become inflamed much less frequently, being very resistant to pathological factors and infection.

Symptoms that indicate a disease of the urinary organs:

- syndrome of pain in the urinary organs (includes a combination of the following symptoms: rapid (pollakiuria) or painful (dysuria, stranguria) urination, arching of the back with an arch, desire to lie in a cold place, soreness of the muscles of the back, transient paresis of the pelvic limbs);

- nephrotic syndrome (edema, hypoproteinemia, cylindruria, oliguria);

- uremic syndrome (apathy, anorexia, vomiting, increased blood concentration of urea and creatinine, anuria, recurrent diarrhea, smell of urine from the mouth);

- osteorenal syndrome (osteodystrophy, hypocalcemia, deformity and osteoporosis of bones);

- renal eclampsia syndrome (tonic-clonic convulsions, nephrotic syndrome, episcleral vascular injection).

Features of the urinary system of dogs

The urinary system of dogs includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The latter opens into the organs of the reproductive system, while forming the urogenital canal in males and the urogenital vestibule in females.

The bladder is located on the pubic bones, it is distinguished by its exceptional capacity. As it fills, it descends into the pubic region.

The kidneys of a dog are bean-shaped. These are single-papillary organs, short, thick and smooth, located retroperitoneally (retroperitoneally). The right one is located at the level of 1-3 lumbar vertebrae, forming an impression on the liver. The left one is located at the level of the 2nd-4th lumbar vertebrae, in a standing dog it can be felt in the anterior corner of the hungry fossa.

The papilla of the kidney is comb-shaped, opening into the pelvis, which protrudes noticeably at the anterior and posterior ends of the kidney. Renal lobes 12-17. They are found only by the location of the interlobar vessels. The absence of renal calyces (the urinary tubules of the kidney communicate directly with the pelvis) facilitates the spread of infection from the parenchyma or interstitium to the pelvis and vice versa. In this regard, a significant species feature is the high predisposition of dogs to autoallergies.

Bladder: 1 - bottom, 2 - caudal artery, 3 - median ligament.

Reproductive system of the female

The ovaries of an adult female are flattened and smooth, about 2 cm in diameter. Located in the bag at the level of the 3rd-4th lumbar vertebra. The bag is a fold of the serous membrane, in it, hiding the ovary, adipose tissue can accumulate.

The fallopian tube (about 3 mm in diameter, 4-10 cm long) almost surrounds the ovary in the infundibulum and, slightly bending, flows into the uterine horn.

The uterus is bicornuate. Straight horns, 10-15 cm long, 0.5-1 cm thick, diverge in a V-shape. The right horn may be longer than the left. Pregnancy (58-65 days) takes place in the horns. The body is thin-walled, 4-6 times shorter than the horns, has an internal septum (up to 1.5 cm deep). The neck is thick-walled, with longitudinal and transverse folds, with a vaginal portion. The non-pregnant uterus is located partly in the pelvic cavity (under the rectum and above the bladder), partly in the pubic region.

The vagina is 10-14 cm long, 1.5 cm wide. Under the mucous membrane in the urogenital vestibule there is a cavernous body, when filled with blood during mating, it greatly narrows the lumen of the vestibule - a steam bulb. The vestibular glands may be absent in the ventral wall. The labia of the vulva have the appearance of rollers with an acute ventral angle.

The clitoris is strongly developed, its body is immersed in the wall of the vestibule, the head is hidden in the prepuce of the clitoris.

male reproductive system

The penis is straight with a long, cylindrical head. At the base of the head is the bone os penis; in large dogs, its length is up to 8-10 cm. In front, it is built up with cartilage or fibrous tissue. Its upper edge is convex, below there is a groove for the urogenital canal. Cavernous bodies are well developed in the penis and urogenital canal. The bone is covered by the spongy body of the head, and at the caudal end of the head by the bulb of the penis. Blood from the spongy body enters the bulb and into the internal pudendal veins. The latter are compressed by the constrictor muscle: this makes it difficult for the outflow of blood during intercourse, increasing its duration in dogs.

At the base of the head, on the leaves of the prepuce, there are lymphatic follicles and a corolla from the preputial glands. The urogenital canal opens at the end of the head.

The dog's crotch is short. The scrotum is located caudoventral to the ischial tuberosities, close to the anus. The testicles are round-elliptical in shape. The mediastinum is well developed, lying closer to the center. 14-17 vas deferens go into the head of the appendage.

Testis appendage with thickened, well-developed head and tail, large.

The spermatic cord is directed obliquely, long. In the vas deferens, only the posterior part of the prostate gland is developed from the accessory glands. It is yellowish in color, dense, large, consists of two lobes separated by a weak furrow. Vesicular and bulbous parts of the prostate are absent.


Penis (continued)


Nephritis is a rapidly occurring inflammation of the renal parenchyma of an immunoallergic nature with a predominant lesion of the glomerular vessels (glomerulonephritis) and the transition of inflammation to the interstitial tissue. According to the course, nephritis is acute and chronic, according to localization - diffuse and focal. 57% of all kidney diseases are due to nephritis.


Acute nephritis can occur after the transfer of viral or bacterial infections (distemper, viral hepatitis, canine parvovirus enteritis, colibacillosis), as well as with leptospirosis, due to poisoning, hypothermia, trauma and other causes. The development of nephritis is promoted by foci of chronic infection (tonsillitis, pyometra). Sensitizing factors are stress, the nature of feeding, living conditions, hypothermia of dogs, which changes the course of immunological reactions and causes a reflex violation of the blood supply to the kidneys.

The causative agents of the disease and their toxins are introduced into the kidneys by the hematogenous route and cause primary damage to the kidney tissue. Factors contributing to the retention and damage of the glomeruli by microbes and toxins: nephrotoxins, products of improper metabolism, drugs and irritants, some plants, as well as spoiled feed.

Altered proteins cause the production of appropriate antibodies in the reticuloendothelial system. The latter, forming complexes with antigens, are fixed in the renal glomeruli (secondary lesion). Inflammation extends to the interstitial tissue (interstitial nephritis), tubules, walls of the pelvis and the entire kidney.

In acute diffuse glomerulonephritis, both kidneys are affected, vessels of other organs and tissues are involved in the process, but urinary function disorders dominate.


At the onset of the disease, depression, an increase in body temperature up to 40 ° C, violent vomiting and short-term paresis of the pelvic limbs are observed; appetite decreases. Dogs often adopt an unnatural position to urinate. Urine is cloudy, from light red to brown, usually of high density, contains many leukocytes, erythrocytes, tubular epithelium, casts and salts.

In the acute phase of glomerulonephritis, oliguria, hematuria and proteinuria are found, bilateral enlargement of the kidneys on radiographs. Palpation of the kidneys in the lumbar region causes anxiety in animals. There are swelling of the abdomen, intermaxillary space, thighs, eyelids, dyspeptic symptoms, pale mucous membranes. Thirst intensifies. Register hypertrophy and expansion of the left ventricle of the heart with a hard tense or weakened pulse and an accent of the second tone on the aorta; increased diastolic tone, systolic murmurs, blood stasis in the small circle. There is cyanosis of the mucous membranes, increased venous pressure.

On the part of the respiratory organs, shortness of breath, congestive moist rales are noted.

Blood contains a lot of water, its density is reduced. In severe cases, symptoms of azotemic uremia occur (drowsiness, pupillary constriction, complete refusal to feed, convulsions).

Acute nephritis can last 1-2 weeks and end in recovery or death. If the disease drags on for a long time, it can turn into a chronic form of diffuse nephritis.


The most characteristic symptoms are the sudden appearance of proteinuria in combination with hypertension and edema.

In the differential diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude pyelitis, urocystitis, urolithiasis. Nephrosis, as a rule, occurs without hematuria, cardiac hypertrophy, and increased blood pressure. Chronic nephritis differs from acute nephritis in the duration of the course and in the often alternating stages of improvement and deterioration in the condition of patients.

Assign a protein-rich diet, cephalosporin antibiotics (but with indications of urea in the blood over 25 mmol / l - only nitrofuran preparations).

Prednisolone, eufillin and strophanthin. Intravenous drip - mannitol and reopoliglyukin (in cases of severe oliguria). With azotemia, peritoneal dialysis is performed.


Bronchitis and bronchopneumonia are possible as a result of overflow of the system of the small circle with blood.


Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the renal pelvis and kidneys.


The disease occurs due to hematogenous entry of the infectious agent from a purulent focus; an ascending route of its entry from purulent foci in the urinary tract and genital organs is possible, and a lymphogenous one - from the intestines.

Sensitizing factors are increased pressure in the pelvis and urinary tract, impaired blood circulation in the kidneys, as well as various kinds of hypothermia.


Symptoms depend on whether the lesion is unilateral or bilateral.

In the acute course of the disease, fever, loss of appetite, exhaustion, increased heart rate and respiration are noted. Increased sensitivity to palpation in the kidney area, register painful and frequent urination.

Urine is turbid, contains up to 2% protein, as well as blood and grayish-yellowish, mucopurulent clots. In its sediment - renal epithelium, purulent bodies. Neutrophilic leukocytosis is recorded in the blood. Decreased density of urine. A purulent mass is released from the vagina.

Sometimes the disease proceeds at lightning speed: depression, collapse and death within 12 hours. In acute course - from one day to three weeks, ends with death or chronicity.

See jade.


Chronic pyelonephritis in most cases turns into nephrosis or nephrosclerosis.


1 - healthy kidney,

2 - the line connecting the tops of the sinuses of the pelvis, forms a uniform oval-convex contour parallel to the surface of the kidney,

3 - pyelitis and hydronephrosis of the kidney,

4 - the line connecting the tops of the sinuses of the pelvis, forms an uneven contour with retractions,

5 - pyelectasis due to accumulation of fluid,

6 - the place of obturation of the lumen of the ureter


Nephrosis is a metabolic-dystrophic disease of the kidneys of a non-inflammatory type with a predominant degenerative change in the tubules of the medulla.


The development of nephrosis is associated with intoxication of the body and metabolic disorders (feed intoxication; violations of protein, fat, mineral and vitamin metabolism; poisoning with organochlorine compounds, phosphorus, arsenic; complications in some purulent-septic processes). Often nephrosis develops as a complication of nephritis and pyelonephritis.

When excreted through the kidneys, endotoxins cause degenerative changes in the tubular epithelium (up to necrosis). Circulatory disorders in the kidneys develop. There are large losses of protein in the urine (up to 2.5-15 g per day) as a result of impaired tubular reabsorption. In this regard, the content of albumin in the plasma decreases, which causes edema, and the content of lipoproteins and cholesterol increases.


Common symptoms: loss of appetite, weight loss, gastrointestinal disorders. Signs of renal failure are recorded: swelling of the eyelids, limbs, weakening of cardiac function (frequent pulse, small filling and small wave), increased nervous excitability and the appearance of tonic-clonic convulsions.

Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by four main clinical symptoms: proteinuria, cylindruria, ascites and edema, cachexia.

With a mild course of the disease, urination decreases, urine contains protein; in the sediment there are degenerate cells of the renal epithelium, erythrocytes and leukocytes. The number of erythrocytes in the blood is reduced.

In severe nephrosis, renal failure develops with signs of uremia. Improvement is accompanied by polyuria. Urine is light, low density, contains a small amount of protein.

When the renal glomeruli are involved in the process, nitrogen retention occurs.

The therapy is not successful. With nephrotic syndrome, the introduction of prednisolone is recommended; it improves the general condition. Ascites is eliminated by drip infusion of mannitol. Alvezin and retabolil are prescribed to normalize protein metabolism. Antibiotics and vitamin B 12 are used as a symptomatic remedy against a developing infection.

Urolithiasis disease

This disease is accompanied by the formation of sand deposits and urinary stones of different chemical composition in the renal pelvis, bladder or urethra. The disease is characterized by its development after the fourth year of the animal's life, but, as an exception, pathology can also occur in the first year (in puppies up to 3 months of age, when the metabolism is especially intense). The disease is more common in females.


The reasons for the formation of stones in the bladder are infections, impaired acid-base balance and salt metabolism, the activity of the parathyroid glands, lack of retinol and calciferol in the diet, imported feed, top dressing. An important role in the formation of stones in dogs is played by microorganisms (hemolytic streptococcus, staphylococci, shell bacteria).

The disease is predominantly found in dogs of chondrodystrophic breeds: they are characterized by disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism (hyperparathyroidism); in male dachshunds - due to a violation of their cystine metabolism. Dalmatian dogs often form uric acid stones: in their body it is difficult for them to transport uric acid to the liver in sufficient quantities to convert it into allantoin.

In dogs, stones of mixed origin are formed in the following order of occurrence: urates, phosphates, oxalates, cystine, carbonates, uric acid. Phosphate stones and sand are formed very quickly. Sometimes gallstones are found at the same time.


Stone formation in the urinary tract is accompanied by inflammation in the organs of urination and a violation of urine output. In patients, appetite decreases or disappears, depression, drowsiness are possible. With the formation of a stone in the renal pelvis, symptoms of pyelitis may appear. After active movements of the animal, hematuria is detected.

In the latent period of the course (before the occurrence of blockage of the urinary tract), there are still no pronounced clinical signs of urolithiasis, but the results of laboratory tests of urine and blood indicate its presence.

With blockage, the disease is manifested by urinary colic, frequent urge to urinate that is not amenable to therapy, anxiety, violation of the act of urination or anuria, and a change in the composition of the urine. The disease often proceeds as pyelonephritis or cystitis.

Colic is manifested by bouts of intense anxiety. The animal squeals, groans, assumes a position for urination, the pulse and respiration rate increases, and the temperature rises. The duration of the attacks is up to several hours. Between attacks, a sharp depression is recorded, the dog lies indifferently, rises and moves with difficulty.

Urine is turbid, with an admixture of urinary sand, its color is dark, with a reddish tinge (admixture of blood), is excreted with difficulty, in small portions, drops. With complete blockage of the urethra, anuria is recorded.

Palpation of the kidneys and bladder is painful. The lower wall of the abdomen is tense and protrudes. The bladder in volume is sharply increased.

The disease is acute and leads to the death of the animal.


Cystitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the bladder mucosa. Urocystitis is an inflammation of the bladder and urethral mucosa.

The disease can be primary and secondary.


An important role in the etiology is played by Escherichia coli and Proteus present in the urine. Urinary retention causes its stagnation and decomposition, and primary cystitis develops. A common cause of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder is its injury by helminths, urinary stones or sand. Hypothermia of animals, especially in the groin and abdomen, also contributes to the development of the disease.

Over time, inflammation leads to pathological growth of the epithelium of the bladder mucosa, thickening of its walls. Ulcerative defects (ulcerative cystitis) or complete necrosis of the walls of the bladder (gangrenous cystitis) may form.


Note frequent urination. With the progression of inflammation, pollakiuria is accompanied by soreness. Apathy, fever, anorexia, vomiting are possible. The daily amount of urine excreted can be reduced. Urine dark yellow or reddish, with ammonia, and with purulent inflammation and with a cadaverous odor, sometimes outwardly resembles pus; in its last portions, an admixture of blood is found, often in the form of clots. In the future, the urge to urinate becomes continuous, although urine is not excreted or is excreted in drops. In such cases, the dogs are very worried; their pain increases.

A thickened, painful bladder is palpated through the abdominal wall. Sometimes, as a result of blockage of the urethra by products of inflammation, it is filled with urine. Laboratory at the beginning of the disease in the urine detect acidic pH, then alkaline, protein, red blood cells and bacteria.

In the urine sediment there are many leukocytes, epithelial cells of the bladder.

Catarrhal cystitis with timely treatment ends with recovery.


Urocystitis must be differentiated from pyelitis, urethritis and urolithiasis.

Differentiate from pyelonephritis according to the localization of pain. In addition, with pyelonephritis, urination is painless, and blood is found in the third urine sample.

Plentiful drink, heat on the abdomen. To acidify urine and activate diuresis, it is recommended to add a decoction of horsetail to the water. Colic is removed with baralgin, antibiotics are additionally prescribed for 10 days.

In chronic cystitis, UHF diathermy is prescribed: 10 sessions every other day.


Inflammation of the bladder with delayed treatment is complicated by the formation of ulcers, necrosis, paracystitis, inflammation of the renal pelvis and nephritis.

Diseases of the female genital area

During the time from one ovulation to another, some physiological changes occur in the genital apparatus of females, the totality of which is called the sexual cycle. There are four periods in the sexual cycle.

Proestrum - the period of the onset of estrus, lasts 7-10 days. The release of estrogen into the blood - estrone and estradiol - causes hyperplasia of the tissues of the reproductive apparatus, preparing them for the perception of eggs. Bloody mucous discharge from the vagina is the result of leakage of blood from the capillaries of the endometrium. The labia are edematous, the mucous membrane of the vagina is hyperemic, the pharynx of the cervix is ​​ajar. The female develops sexual desire, but she does not let the males in yet.

Estrus - the period of estrus, lasts 5-10 days. During this period, the female admits the male, experiencing strong sexual arousal. Discharge from the vagina is colorless, the cervical canal is open, the mucous membrane is hyperemic and covered with mucus. From the 9th to the 12th day from the start of estrus, every 3 hours, mature follicles are opened and oocytes are released - ovulation. Each oocyte remains in the ovary for several hours after ovulation, then descends through the fallopian tubes and turns into a mature egg.

Metoestrum - the 3rd period, lasting 30-60 days. Sexual arousal stops. The secretion of mucus from the vagina decreases, the swelling of the labia decreases. In place of bursting follicles, under the influence of luteinizing hormone (gonadotropin), small yellow bodies are formed. They begin to produce progesterone, which inhibits further ovulation and causes restructuring of the uterine mucosa. Unfertilized eggs are destroyed.

Anestrum is a dormant period lasting 90-130 days. The female has no sexual desire.

The mucous membrane of the vagina is dry and anemic. The yellow bodies atrophy, lose their yellow color and are called white bodies at this time. By the end of this phase, under the influence of gonadotropin, the growth and maturation of follicles in the ovaries resume.

A rare or, conversely, often recurring estrus, the appearance of pathological vaginal discharge, an increase in the volume of the abdomen and increased thirst, an increase and deformation of the labia, symmetrical alopecia, and pseudolactation indicate a disease of the female genital apparatus.


Anostria is the absence of estrus as a result of congenital or acquired hypofunction of the ovaries.


The reasons are insufficient production of hormones by the anterior pituitary gland and the thyroid gland, poor living conditions for the animal.


The absence of estrus is possible with anostria of puberty, youthful, postpartum and galloping. Anostria of puberty is the absence of estrus at 14-18 months of age. Anostria after the first or second estrus - youthful, after childbirth - postpartum.

Jumping anostria is said to occur when more than 10 months pass between two heats.

Females are treated early in the year or in the fall, when they usually go into estrus. Do injections of estrogens in small doses, (stimulation of the production of gonadotropins). Large doses inhibit the synthesis of gonadotropins. From the 4th to the 8th day after the appearance of signs of estrus, serum (menopausal) gonadotropin is additionally administered every other day. The first estrus often proceeds without ovulation: fertilization will occur only in the subsequent estrus. If this method is not successful, then the treatment is not resumed.


Estradiol - 4 injections of 0.1-0.6 mg every third day.

Serum gonadotropin - 25-50 IU.


Subostria is a mild estrus.


Estrus appears at the usual time, but proceeds with abundant discharge of mucus from the vagina without swelling of the labia. Palpation of the uterus causes its contraction.

Enter serum gonadotropin 2 times with an interval of 3 days. The female is recommended to be mated 4 days after the last injection. With the ineffectiveness of treatment, estrogens are additionally administered.

Prolonged estrus

Prolonged estrus is an endocrine functional disorder associated with morphological changes in the genitals; characterized by an increase in the duration of the proestrum or estrus phase.

Follicular cysts develop from Graafian follicles. The diameter of the cysts is from 1 to 5 centimeters, they merge into groups with a diameter of up to 10 centimeters. Follicular cysts are clinically manifested by prolonged estrus with bloody discharge from the vagina, breast hyperplasia and fibroleiomyoma of the genital organs.

From unovulated mature follicles and corpus luteum, cavities - cysts - can form in the ovary.


Normally, the phases of the sexual cycle replace one another, the release of the next hormone into the blood causes the production of the next. Prolonged estrus causes an overproduction of estrogens (chronic estrogen poisoning is a species feature of dogs and is caused by low metabolism of these hormones by the liver). Most common in boxers and small poodles.

An excess of hormones leads to morphological changes in the corresponding organs and to a breakdown in their functions (prolongation of the estrus period).


Prolonged sexual attraction, prolonged estrus, skin lesions, pseudolactation.

Radiographically, it is sometimes possible to detect small radiopaque shadows (sclerotic ovaries). Large ovarian cysts are very rare.

There are four types of prolonged estrus.

Type 1. Prolonged proestrum period (more than 21 days). Males become excited upon contact. In the female, the labia are swollen, the mucous membrane is edematous and hyperemic, watery-red discharge from the vagina.

Type 2. Prolonged proestrum period. Males are not excited. In middle-aged females, swelling of the labia, slight red-brown vaginal discharge, severe skin itching, and black acanthosis of the skin of the genitals are recorded.

Type 3. Extended estrus period (more than 12 days). The symptoms are the same as in type 2, but the vaginal discharge is not bloody red, but mucous, and the skin is not as badly affected. Register pseudolactation, thirst, increased ESR and leukocytosis.

Type 4. Elongated early meteostrum. Females of 10-12 months of age are ill immediately after a normal estrus.

The disease is characterized by swelling of the labia, serous-mucous or purulent discharge from the vagina, an increase in the uterus. The dog is very thirsty, there is no appetite, the coat is dull, tousled.

Type 1. Enter 0.01-0.02 mg of estradiol and after 24 hours 100-500 IU of hCG.

Type 2. A single injection of 50-100 IU hCG.

Type 3. Therapy is similar to type 2 estrus, but in combination with a 10-day course of antibiotic therapy (gentamicin - 2 mg / kg, carbenicillin - 100 mg / kg).

Type 4. The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics for 10 days (ampicillin, oxacillin 30 mg/kg) is indicated.




By the nature of the exudate and the manifestation of the disease, catarrhal, purulent-catarrhal and latent endometritis are distinguished.


The disease is based on an endocrine disorder that causes an increase in the level of estrogen in the blood. This causes pathological hyperplasia of the endometrium and its glands, leads to a change in the walls of blood vessels. The presence of nonspecific microflora in the uterine cavity causes damage to the endometrium and chronic endometritis.

Chronic catarrhal endometritis develops from acute postpartum endometritis, as a result of infection after coitus. The uterine cavity is cleaned through the open cervical canal. Chronic purulent-catarrhal endometritis is a complication of chronic catarrhal, or develops from acute postpartum purulent-catarrhal endometritis.

Chronic latent endometritis is a type of chronic catarrhal with mild structural changes in the uterine mucosa.


Chronic catarrhal endometritis: secretions from the genital organs of cloudy flaky mucus are recorded, often mixed with blood; striped hyperemia of the vaginal mucosa; the cervix is ​​open. On palpation through the abdominal wall, the motor function of the uterus is reduced. Sexual cycles are not broken. After mating, fertilization does not occur.

With purulent-catarrhal endometritis, mucopurulent exudate with an admixture of blood is released from the genital organs, which is detected by palpation through the abdominal wall and reveals an increase in the uterus without rigidity with fluctuation.

The mucous membranes of the vagina and the mouth of the cervix are strongly hyperemic, edematous. Sexual cycles are broken.

With latent endometritis, sexual cycles are not disturbed, but after mating, fertilization does not occur. The cervix opens during estrus.


The diagnosis of latent endometritis can be established by a laboratory express method for sulfur-containing amino acids, which are found in mucus during inflammation.

Good feeding and maintenance, exercise.

Sinestrol and antibiotics are administered intramuscularly for 3-4 days. The uterus is massaged through the abdominal wall in the direction from the chest to the pelvis 2 times a day for 5-8 days. Tissue preparations are injected under the skin 2-3 times with an interval of 7 days. With hidden endometritis, they are limited to the use of tissue preparations and uterine massage.

Douching of the uterus with disinfectant solutions is contraindicated!

Since the occurrence of endometritis is associated with an increased level of estrogen, the use of drugs that inhibit ovulation is indicated.




Sinestrol 1% solution - 0.2-1.5 ml 2 times with an interval of 24-48 hours.

Penicillin - 3-4 times a day for 3-4 days.

Narcolut - 2.5-5 mg for 5 months (do not give in the proestrum: the risk of pyometra!).


Pyometra is a polysystemic disease characterized by the accumulation of exudate in the uterine cavity against the background of purulent inflammation of its mucous membrane.

Pyometra develops in dogs in 80% of cases after multiple manifestations of false pregnancy.


This disease develops as a result of hormonal disorders from chronic catarrhal and purulent-catarrhal endometritis. During the period of metoestruma, the corpus luteum actively secretes progesterone, the secretion of the uterine glands increases, uterine contractions are suppressed, and the cervical canal is closed by a strongly overgrown and swollen mucous membrane.

Fluid accumulates in the uterine cavity, with the accumulation of microbes, it undergoes purulent decay due to the migration of leukocytes into it from the mucous membrane.


The sexual cycles are disturbed, the general condition of the animal worsens, there may be lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, the volume of the abdomen increases, sometimes the temperature rises, sometimes a purulent exudate with an admixture of blood is released from the genital slit.

Clinically, there is a small pyometra, when there is swelling of the labia and profuse discharge of pus, as well as a large pyometra, in which there are no described symptoms.

Palpation through the abdominal wall determines the increase in the horns of the uterus.

Laboratory establish an increase in ESR, leukocytosis, monocytosis, anemia, hypoalbuminemia, hyperglobulinemia, azotemia, acidosis, elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase, creatinine, urea.

The contents of the uterus contain aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms.

With the help of x-rays, you can observe an increase in the horns of the uterus, ultrasound reveals the presence of fluid inside. The body and horns of the uterus descend into the abdominal cavity.

Treatment is operative. The removal of the uterus through an incision in the abdominal wall is practiced, since once a disease has arisen, despite a possible improvement, it recurs after estrus.


With a significant accumulation of pus in the uterine cavity, its walls can burst. Purulent masses, getting into the abdominal cavity, cause the development of diffuse peritonitis.

Pathologies of pregnancy and the postpartum period

Vaginal prolapse is observed in the second half of pregnancy with feeding errors and lack of exercise. It is caused by an increase in intra-abdominal pressure in combination with relaxation of the vestibular sphincter and stretching of the perineal tissue. Partial prolapse of the vagina is manifested by protrusion of the upper wall, observed during lying down and does not affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

Vaginal prolapse

false pregnancy

False pregnancy is a pathology characterized by physiological and mental changes in the dog's body.


Every time after estrus, hormonal changes occur in the dog's body, regardless of whether it was mated or not. The cause of a false pregnancy is the formation of a corpus luteum during estrus.


Symptoms appear on the 5-8th week after the end of estrus. The dog has all the signs of pregnancy, up to toxicosis. There is swelling of the mammary glands with further lactation. The dog is reluctant to go outside, shows anxiety, drags toys to its place, putting them under the nipples, takes the position of a nursing mother.

First of all, in no case should you indulge the dog - you should take away from her toys that she takes for her puppies. Dairy products should be excluded from the dog's diet. Expressing milk from the nipples is not recommended.

As a drug treatment, parenteral administration of indirect and direct prolactin inhibitors is prescribed: naloxone - a morphine antagonist (0.01 mg / kg of animal body weight 1-2 times a day until visible results); bromocriptine is a prolactin inhibitor (0.01 mg/kg of animal body weight 1 time per day until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear). A side effect of the use of drugs of both groups can be nausea and vomiting, therefore, 30-40 minutes before the administration of the therapeutic drug, the dog is given one of the antiemetics - metoclopramide, cerucal, raglan: 1 tablet once 30-40 minutes before the start of the main treatment.

If the dog has an intensive milk supply, it is necessary to inject camphor (1 ml subcutaneously 3 times a day for 1-2 days), give the dog bromcamphor tablets (1 tablet 2 times a day for a week. To avoid mastitis, rub milk glands with camphor alcohol or oil.

If after all the procedures the mammary glands remain hard, hot and red, you should consult a doctor.

Toxicosis of pregnancy

Toxicosis is a painful condition that occurs in connection with changes in the body caused by pregnancy.


Most often, toxicosis occurs as a result of minor deviations in the state of health of a pregnant dog.


Symptoms of toxicosis appear on the 20-22nd day after mating and are expressed in apathy, periodic nausea and vomiting.

There is a change in appetite: the dog either refuses to eat, or, conversely, begins to eat too much and greedily.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the diet of feeding the dog. It is recommended to give additional vegetables (beets, carrots, tomatoes, onions, garlic, etc.).

In case of refusal to eat, do not force feed the dog, most likely, after a few days, the appetite will be restored. In case of an increase in appetite, additional daily feeding can be introduced without changing the main amount of food consumed (with the exception of added vegetables). You can not overfeed the dog (just like underfeeding). In case of uncontrollable vomiting, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

postpartum eclampsia

Postpartum eclampsia is an acute nervous disease that manifests itself with sudden seizures and tonic-clonic convulsions.


The reasons have not yet been clarified. According to the existing hypothesis, the disease is a consequence of autointoxication or anaphylaxis due to the absorption of colostrum proteins or decaying lochia, anemia or hyperemia of the brain.


In the postpartum period, less often during childbirth, the dog has anxiety and muscle cramps, eyes roll back, foamy saliva flows. Often the animal loses consciousness, reacts to external stimuli with an increase in the attack.

The attack lasts 5-30 minutes, then the dog jumps up, looking around, but immediately calms down. In the intervals between attacks, no signs of the disease appear. Attacks are repeated after a few hours, then suddenly stop.

The animal is given complete rest. Enter subcutaneously caffeine-sodium benzoate (20% solution 0.5-1 ml) or hydrochloric morphine (1% solution 1-3 ml).

If the female has eclampsia during childbirth, measures must be taken to complete the birth.

Date: December 18, 2014


Bazhina D.V. – graduate student

FGOU VPO Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, Kirov

Every year more and more people get pets - cats and dogs. A huge variety of breeds - from simple mongrels to rare breeds. Very often, pet owners turn to veterinary clinics for help for their pets. Most of them come with complaints of diseases of the reproductive system.

Purulent-inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs of carnivores have been and continue to be one of the urgent problems of modern veterinary gynecology. In recent years, due to the increase in the number of inflammatory diseases in females, more and more attention is paid to finding the best ways to solve this problem.

The problem under study is relevant for dogs and cats kept at home, and for bitches actively used in breeding in kennels. The maintenance of dogs and cats in apartments, the lack of the necessary exercise, the forced control of sexual cycles and pregnancy seriously affect the gynecological condition of the animal.

As a result of the analysis of the literature on this topic, the following can be distinguished.

All diseases of the reproductive system can be divided into:

  • Vaginal diseases
  • Diseases of the uterus
  • Ovarian diseases
  • Neoplasms of the reproductive system of dogs and cats

Diseases of the vagina.

Vulvitis - inflammation of the vulva (external genital organs of the female).

Vulvovaginitis is an inflammation of the vulva and vagina. The disease occurs due to mechanical effects and the development of microflora, as well as hormonal disorders. With these diseases, the external genital organs of the female swell, the skin and mucous membranes turn red, bloody or mucopurulent discharge is possible.

This disease occurs with hormonal disorders, after childbirth with injuries, infection in the genital tract.

Vaginal prolapse (vaginal prolapse). This condition usually occurs during estrus and is associated with increased secretion of hormones, which leads to swelling of the vaginal mucosa. From the swollen loop, a tumor-like formation appears, which irritates and leads to the formation of ulcers on the mucosa. At the beginning of the disease, a slight protrusion of the vagina may appear only at times, especially during the act of urination, or be repeated with each emptying. The mucous membrane of the prolapsed part of the vagina dries up over time, is injured, bleeds, undergoes ulceration and necrosis.

Diseases of the uterus.

Diseases of the uterus are divided into chronic and acute. Chronic diseases include endometritis, glandular cystic hyperplasia, and sometimes hydro- and hemometra.

Endometritis is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus. According to the nature of the exudate and the manifestation of the disease, chronic catarrhal, chronic purulent-catarrhal and chronic latent endometritis are distinguished.

Common clinical signs are as follows:

Abundant discharge of mucopurulent or bloody nature;

Gradual increase in the volume of the abdomen;

Lethargy, feeling unwell;

increased thirst;

Increased amount of urine;


Decreased appetite and vomiting.

Chronic purulent-catarrhal endometritis develops from acute postpartum purulent-catarrhal or as a complication of chronic catarrhal endometritis. Mucopurulent exudate with an admixture of blood is released from the genital organs. The uterus is enlarged without rigidity with fluctuation, which is detected by palpation through the abdominal wall. The mucous membrane of the vagina and the mouth of the cervix are edematous, strongly hyperemic. Sexual cycles are broken.

Chronic catarrhal endometritis develops, as a rule, from acute postpartum endometritis, after coition as a result of infection. At the same time, there are discharges from the genital organs of cloudy flaky mucus, in dogs often with an admixture of blood. In the vagina, banded hyperemia of the mucous membrane and mucous exudate are found; the cervix is ​​open. The motor function of the uterus is reduced or not noted at all on palpation through the abdominal wall. Sexual cycles are not broken. After mating, fertilization in the animal does not occur.

Chronic latent endometritis is a type of chronic catarrhal with mild structural changes in the uterine mucosa.
With this disease, the sexual cycles are not disturbed and after mating, fertilization does not occur. The cervix is ​​closed and opens during estrus.

Pyometra (endometritis-pyometra complex, glandular-cystic hyperplasia - endometritis-pyometra complex) is a disease of adult dogs and cats, characterized by inflammation of the uterine mucosa with accumulation of pus in its cavity, as a rule, develops in the luteal phase of the sexual cycle. Most authors associate the occurrence of pyometra with hormonal changes with simultaneous intrauterine infection.

This disease develops from chronic catarrhal and purulent-catarrhal endometritis when the cervical canal is closed by a strongly overgrown and swollen mucous membrane. At the same time, the sexual cycles are disturbed, the abdomen increases, the general condition of the animal worsens, sometimes the body temperature rises, sometimes purulent exudate is released from the genital gap, in dogs, as a rule, with a small admixture of blood.
In animals with pyometra, a tense bladder is found on palpation, which can be confused with an overflowing bladder. For differential diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out catheterization of the bladder.

Ovarian diseases .

Most often, both cats and dogs develop cysts on the ovaries.

Cysts are cavities formed in the ovary from unovulated mature follicles, corpus luteum, etc.

Follicular cysts develop from Graafian follicles. The diameter of individual cysts is from 1 to 5 centimeters, they can also merge into groups with a diameter of up to 10 centimeters. At the same time, the cysts that form them are small and are not connected by cavities with other cysts.

Clinically, follicular cysts are manifested by prolonged estrus with bloody discharge from the vagina, breast hyperplasia and fibroleiomyoma of the genital organs.

In cats, excess estrogen can cause prolonged estrus, nymphomania, and aggressiveness.

Luteal cysts differ from follicular cysts in that their inner surface is lined with a layer of luteal tissue. They are rich in progesterone.

(photo taken in the veterinary clinic "True friend")

According to the physiological effect on the body, they do not differ from the corpus luteum of the sexual cycle.

Follicular and luteal cysts are formed in the absence of ovulation due to insufficient secretion of luteinizing hormone at the beginning of estrus. The follicles develop rapidly, but do not ovulate, but continue to grow. Then, depending on the action of the luteinizing factor, the formation of a luteal or follicular cyst occurs.

A corpus luteum cyst forms from the corpus luteum after ovulation. Such cysts make up about 2% of all cases of cysts. Their diameter is 1.5-3 cm in diameter. They contain cavities filled with progesterone.

They are not pathological formations.

Paraovarian cysts develop from remnants of the mesonephric (Wolfian) or paramesonephric ducts. They are more common in dogs than cats and are located between the ovary and the uterine horn.

Neoplasms of the reproductive system of dogs and cats. Tumors of the external genitalia and vagina. These tumors usually occur in the urogenital vestibule and in the vagina itself. Benign tumors are characterized by a round shape, a smooth surface and often hang on a leg, while malignant neoplasms are often characterized by the discharge of bloody mucus from the genital slit. The animal often licks the vulva.
Symptoms: in addition to those indicated, restless behavior, frequent urination are characteristic.

Tumors of the uterus. This type of neoplasm is relatively rare. The disease is often asymptomatic, and the doctor makes the diagnosis after detecting the tumor by palpation.

Tumors of the ovaries. These tumors are more common than uterine tumors.
Symptoms: the animal loses weight, the coat loses its luster, the hairline is tousled.

As a result of the analysis of the data collected by me during the period from June to December 2014, the following can be distinguished.

During this period, 12 dogs and 4 cats were identified with diseases of the reproductive system.

With clinical signs of vaginitis, one dog was identified - a miniature pinscher, Belka, age 9 years. Each estrus in this dog is observed the development of vulvitis, which is manifested by swelling, hyperemia of the skin and mucous membranes. Muco-bloody secretions are secreted from the vagina, which cause anxiety and pain to the animal. According to the ultrasound diagnostics, an additional diagnosis was made - chronic endometritis.

In most cases, cats have chronic latent endometritis. In dogs, in turn, chronic purulent-catheral endometritis manifests itself more often.

As a result of the analysis of data on diseases of the uterus in dogs, 4 out of 12 showed clinical signs of pyometra, which were confirmed after hysterectomy. Two dogs had the most severe general condition with fever up to 40ºC. Blood-purulent discharge from the vagina was observed in a small amount. An increase in the uterine horns during an ultrasound examination with an accumulation of exudate inside. In most cases, in dogs with endometritis and pyometra, the clinical symptoms are: fever, purulent discharge from the vagina. Purulent discharge from the vagina is not always observed, since the cervix may be closed. The absence of discharge can make the diagnosis difficult, so additional investigations such as ultrasound are required.

The reasons for the development of pyometra can be: endometrial hyperplasia, which is caused by progesterone; bacterial infection of the uterus. These diseases are predisposed not only to giving birth animals, but also to animals that have never given birth. The reason for this may be the incorrect use of hormonal drugs in the control of estrus in animals.

Thus, the following can be distinguished: the most common diseases of the reproductive system in cats in the first place are latent chronic endometritis, in the second place - pyometra.

In dogs, endometritis is most common, and pyometra is less common. The most severe disease is pyometra.

The reasons for the development of diseases can also be improper maintenance, feeding, lack of exercise, the use of hormonal drugs in the correction of sexual behavior, and disturbances in the hormonal level of animals.


  1. Allen V. E. Complete course of obstetrics and gynecology of dogs. (Second edition revised and enlarged by Gary KW England.) / Per. from English. O. Suvorov. - M .: Aquarium-Print LLC, 2006. - S. 171-191.
  2. Nimand H.G., Suter P.F. Diseases of dogs. A practical guide for veterinarians (organization of a veterinary clinic, examination, diagnosis of diseases, treatment) 8th ed. / Per. with German, 2nd edition. - M.: "Aquarium-Print", 2008. - S. 624 -649.
  3. http://kinlib.ru/

Problems of the reproductive system of males

Prostate disease in dogs.

This category of diseases includes a number of pathologies: swelling of the prostate, benign hypertrophy (enlargement) of the prostate gland, prostatitis, prostate adenoma.
All these diseases are actually stages of one pathological process.
Unlike humans, dogs do not have a clear age predisposition to inflammation of the prostate gland: it can occur in males even at the age of 6-8 months. Adult and old males suffer more often. All these diseases cause a lot of anxiety to animals and their owners. Often, dogs are brought to the doctor with a violation of the act of urination and requests to treat the kidneys or bladder. Upon closer examination, the cause of such violations lies elsewhere.

Blood discharge can be observed with a fairly wide range of diseases of the urinary or genital area. We can only help you to some extent orient yourself on the basis of the nature of the discharge, but not make a diagnosis.
So, blood at the beginning of urination (in the first fraction of urine, and then urine looks normal) is observed in diseases of the ureter, penis, prostate (prostate).
Blood at the end of urination appears in diseases of the bladder or prostate.
In the absence of urination disorders, blood may indicate kidney disease. So there are many options, and you need to understand very specifically.


Edema of the prostate most often develops against the background of stagnation of blood in the gland with prolonged excitation. This usually occurs during estrus in females. On the walk, the male sniffs the tags with the smell of an estrus female, and his hormonal levels reflexively change, blood flow to the genitals increases. If the effect of the smell continues for a long time (an empty female in an apartment, with neighbors, in a house, etc.), then blood stagnation develops in the prostate gland and organs of the small
pelvis. It increases in volume and can cause urination disorders such as: frequent urination, urinary retention in the bladder, painful urination. Cases are described when, in the presence of an estrus female in the immediate vicinity, males begin to urinate blood. Edema of the prostate - a disease in the early stages is most often reversible.

The cold factor as a cause of prostatitis has also not been confirmed in dogs.
The infectious nature of inflammation of the prostate in male dogs has not yet been proven, although it is widely discussed in scientific circles. The most likely and common cause of prostatitis in males today is considered to be an imbalance of sex hormones.
At the same time, the prostate gland enlarges, its blood circulation worsens, and favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of microbes in it.
One of the main causes of prostatitis is non-specific inflammation spreading from the urinary tract. Of great importance in the development of prostatitis are hidden infections of the genitourinary system, such as chlamydia, mycoplasmosis.
Other causes of prostatitis include frequent hypothermia, lack of mating or too frequent mating, the presence of a focus of inflammation in the body.

In the etiology of inflammation, the leading place is occupied by Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, less often by other microorganisms (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci, mycoplasmas, Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacter, Pasteurella, Hemophilus). In the secret of the inflamed prostate gland, anaerobic flora is extremely rarely found. The causative agent of specific prostatitis is usually Br. canis.


Caused mainly by an enlarged prostate gland: difficulties with defecation (tenesmus, constipation, ribbon-like feces) are observed much more often than problems with urination. Often the tail, with a typical indentation in the dorsal part, is separated at the base from the anus. With an increase in the prostate gland, one- or two-sided perineal hernia may occur.
If, under the influence of its weight, the prostate gland has moved into the abdominal cavity, then it cannot be completely probed rectally.

Clinical signs.

One of the most common signs of prostatitis in male dogs is involuntary discharge of blood from the urethra (drops, regardless of urination).
It should, however, distinguish between the source of bleeding: it is from the opening of the urethra, and not from the prepuce.
In the acute period of prostatitis, there may be a slight increase in temperature and lethargy of the animal, although more often the dog feels fine.
Hypertrophy can be so pronounced that the prostate compresses the urinary canal. Against this background, urinary retention occurs in the bladder, the animal urinates for a long time, with a weak and intermittent stream, males stop raising their hind legs when urinating. The bladder does not empty completely, which leads to its persistent stretching and a decrease in wall tone.

With a significant increase in the size of the prostate gland, defecation disorders sometimes occur: defecation is difficult, feces of a normal consistency, but noticeably reduced in diameter (as if flattened) - ribbon-like feces
1. With prostatitis in dogs, a characteristic swelling appears between the anus and the scrotum (this is what can be seen during a visual examination)
2. On palpation, a tumor/induration larger than 3 cm in diameter is palpable

To make a correct diagnosis, a detailed history is required, including both specific symptoms and the condition of the animal as a whole. Here you need to pay attention to factors such as the cause and degree of development of symptoms since they were discovered, whether the dog defecates and urinates normally. Systemic signs include lethargy, anorexia, vomiting, lameness, or altered gait, as well as the amount of water consumed and the amount of urine produced.

Last edited by a moderator: 18 Feb 2016

Diseases of the genital area of ​​male dogs

Definition. Balanoposthitis - inflammation of the skin of the glans penis and preputial sac.
Causes and development of the disease. The disease occurs due to the development of microflora. As a result, a mucopurulent secret is formed, the skin of the glans penis and prepuce swells. Inflammation can spread to the urethra with the development of urethritis (see).
Clinical signs. Males constantly lick prepuce.
The hair at the end of the penis is glued together with a mucopurulent secretion, which is easier to detect when the head of the penis is exposed.
Sometimes erosions form on the skin, it swells.
Treatment. The preputial sac is washed with antiseptic solutions: 0.5-2% potassium permanganate solution, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Then the head of the penis and prepuce are lubricated from the inside and outside with ointments containing antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory components ("Lorinden C", "Gioksizon", "Kortomycetin", "Dermozolon"). Lubrication is repeated 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.


Definition. Orchiepididymitis - inflammation of the testicle and epididymis.
Causes and development of the disease. The disease occurs due to injury and exposure to infectious agents, such as Brucella canis, rickettsiae, staphylococci and streptococci. In case of accumulation of fluid in the cavity of the scrotum, dropsy of the testicle occurs.
Clinical signs. There is a unilateral or bilateral enlargement of the testicles, redness of the skin, fever. The testicle may or may not be painful. With dropsy of the testicle, there is a sharp increase in the volume of the scrotum, spreading upward to the groin.
Treatment. In case of traumatic orchiepididymitis, the dog is given rest, analgesics (acetylsalicylic acid, analgin), antihistamines (diphenhydramine, diprazine), glucocorticoids (prednisolone, dexamethasone) are prescribed. With orchiepididymitis of unknown etiology, a course of therapy with tetracycline, doxycycline hydrochloride in combination with biseptol, rifampicin or ampicillin is additionally prescribed.
In case of traumatic crushing of the testicle, as well as a severe purulent lesion, it is removed. With dropsy of the testicle, a puncture is performed.
Prevention has not been developed.

Definition. Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland.
Prostate adenoma is an enlargement of the prostate gland.
Causes and development of the disease. Prostatitis occurs due to the multiplication of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora (E.coli, Pseudomonas, Streptococcus, Proteus) in the prostate gland.
Prostate adenoma occurs due to hormonal disorders, as well as from unexplained causes. Older dogs are more commonly affected. As a result of inflammatory edema, suppuration, an increase in the volume of the prostate gland, sexual function decreases, sexual desire decreases, and difficulties in urination may occur.
Both diseases contribute to the occurrence of diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs.
Clinical signs. Difficulties in urination are observed. Urine is excreted drop by drop. With prostatitis, low-grade fever, the appearance of pus and blood in the urine and ejaculate are possible. Palpation through the rectum reveals an enlarged prostate gland. Abdominal palpation reveals an overflowing bladder.
Diagnosis is based on clinical signs.
Treatment. With prostatitis, broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents are prescribed for 2-3 weeks: biseptol, tetracycline, doxycycline hydrochloride, chloramphenicol, abaktal, ofloxacin. At the same time, it is useful to use antispasmodic and analgesic drugs such as baralgin, spazmalgin, trigan.
With adenoma in old age, estrogens are prescribed for 2-3 months. Theoretically possible surgical treatment - adenectomy.
Prevention. Timely treatment of diseases of the genitourinary organs is necessary. Indoor dogs should be walked at least 3 times a day.


Increased sexual excitability occurs in males, starting from 4 months of age. It is manifested by frequent erections of the penis, attempts to copulate with a female, a person, other animals, inanimate objects. As a rule, attempts do not end with ejaculation. This behavior sometimes frightens dog owners. Treatment is not required. Objects that are objects of sexual desire should be seized, and attempts to copulate with animate objects should be gently suppressed. Increased excitability of males, smelling the secretions of a female in heat, and manifested by the desire to get close to the female, the desire to run away, frequent urination, also does not require correction.

Kuzmin A.A. "Diseases of dogs. Handbook of a practical doctor"

Many, if not most, reproductive diseases in bitches are life threatening. Therefore, if the owners are not going to breed, it is advisable for bitches to be spayed at an early age.

Vaginitis can be due to a bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma, a viral infection, or an anatomical abnormality in the dog's urinary tract. With vaginitis, the dog intensively licks his vulva. The mucous membrane of the vagina is inflamed.

Diagnosis and treatment
The diagnosis is established on the basis of a visual examination of the vulva and vagina and culture results from the vaginal mucosa. Testing is also carried out to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics.

Treatment is by flushing the female's external genital tract with a dilute solution of an antiseptic such as chlorhexidine and antibiotics. Serious anatomical anomalies are corrected surgically.

Some puppies have a sticky, yellowish-green vaginal discharge that is present before the first estrus.

Such vaginitis is called juvenile; it does not cause discomfort in the animal.

The vulva is washed with a diluted saline solution or a diluted antiseptic solution. Allocations stop after the first estrus. Therefore, if you do not plan to have puppies from your dog, it should be spayed three months after the first estrus.

In the early stages of estrus, when the dog's reproductive system is under the influence of estrogen, there is a thickening of the lining of the uterus and a noticeable thickening of the vulva.

This hyperplasia of the vaginal wall is usually accompanied by swelling in the perineal region, but sometimes the vaginal mucosa is so thickened that it protrudes from the vulva, which greatly disturbs the dog and encourages him to intensively lick the vulva.

In severe cases, hyperplasia can develop so much that vaginal prolapse occurs—the vagina protrudes from the vulva as a doughnut-shaped ring of pink tissue. Vaginal prolapse can also occur when dogs "tied" during mating are separated before the male's bulbourethral gland has shrunk.

Hyperplasia and prolapse of the vagina are most often observed during estrus and rarely with rectal obstruction.

Diagnosis is based on a visual examination of the dog's vagina.

It is usually treated by keeping the vaginal tissue moist with jelly or liquid paraffin. Antibiotic ointment is used to prevent bacterial infection.

A vaginal polyp is a neoplasm on the vaginal mucosa that can be either benign or malignant. Vaginal polyps are usually classified as fibromas, fibromyomas, or sarcomas.

The diagnosis is established on the basis of a visual examination of the vagina and the results of a biopsy of the neoplasm.

Treatment is by surgical removal.

Tumors of the ovaries, uterus, cervix, and vagina are uncommon; first of all, because during the sterilization of bitches, in most cases, all tissues in which tumors can develop are removed.

An operation is performed - ovariohysterectomy, including the cervix. The secondary development of such tumors is rare.

Prevention measures
Spaying a bitch before her first heat prevents the development of mammary tumors. Spaying after several heats does not eliminate the risk of developing such tumors.