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Public speech on the topic of the profession of veterinarian. Pros and cons of being a veterinarian

Veterinary Worker Day is a Russian national professional holiday for veterinary workers, which is celebrated in Russia every year on August 31

Contained in sections:

  • Professions. Getting to know the professions and work of adults. Career guidance for preschoolers

Showing publications 1-10 of 43.
All sections | Vet. Getting to know the profession

Introduction to the profession of veterinarian. Lesson notes based on K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Aibolit” Profession Veterinarian The profession of a veterinarian has long been honorable. In ancient times, a person who knew how to cure livestock from diseases enjoyed great respect, because not only the material well-being of people, but even life often depended on him. Animals were expensive and...

“Doctor and veterinarian” project activity within the framework of the SDP “Professions” Methodological development. Subject: Short term project Subject: "Professions"Doctor and vet» " Preparatory group Project made up: Vasilyeva Elena Leonidovna Timing project: 1 week Direction and genre of execution project: Creative, Information and research. Relevance:...

Vet. Let's get acquainted with the profession - GCD for the development of coherent speech for children of the senior group "Veterinarian"

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Summary of the lesson “Veterinarian Profession” in the preparatory group Goal: To form in children primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person; initial life and health protection skills. Expand children's understanding of the profession of a veterinarian. Continue to improve the dialogical form of speech....

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Scenario of the educational situation “Veterinary clinic” in the senior group for the whole day Group: senior Topic: “Veterinary clinic” Joint educational activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Educational activities in special moments MORNING: Situational conversation: “Announcement “I will give puppies of different breeds to...

Vet. Let's get acquainted with the profession - Summary of educational activities for speech development using a role-playing game for older preschoolers "Veterinary Clinic"

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As part of the project “Career Guidance. Let’s start with the nursery,” a meeting of children of the 1st and 2nd nursery, as well as the younger groups (teachers Sukhareva O.B., Smirnova A.V., Kovalenko E.V.) took place with Tanya Sh’s mother, Natalya Sergeevna. Natalya Sergeevna works as a veterinarian, she told...

The need for a specialist who could treat animals has appeared since man began to domesticate them. In modern society, the profession of a veterinarian is still necessary and important. It is this specialist that people turn to when their pets become ill. If there are no veterinarians, there will simply be no one to treat cats and dogs.

A little history

As already emphasized, the veterinarian profession has a long history. Initially, animal healers used decoctions and infusions of herbs to combat illnesses. People of the above profession were required to accompany armies and travel with caravans.

Since the veterinary service had not yet formed into an independent structure, in ancient times epidemics often broke out on the planet, as a result of which livestock died en masse, which had a negative impact on demography, since people simply died from hunger.

As a result, veterinary schools began to be formed in the Middle Ages. In Russia, the veterinarian profession began to emerge thanks to Tsar Peter I, who invited several foreign animal healers to work in our country. As a result, Russian specialists adopted experience from their Western colleagues.

What is remarkable about this profession?

The profession of a veterinarian is a relevant and in demand type of activity. The main task of a specialist in healing our little brothers is to treat diseases and carry out procedures such as sterilization, castration, childbirth, insemination, vaccinations, and so on.

In villages and villages, veterinarians are also involved in monitoring the use of harmful chemicals that can find their way into pet food mixtures. Moreover, people of the above profession carry out mandatory control of food products (milk, meat, etc.), which subsequently end up on the shelves of grocery stores.

Currently, there is a veterinary office in almost every locality. Of course, in large cities, veterinary services are a more extensive and organized structure than in the periphery.

Today a person can apply to both public and private ones. Recently, commercial structures have begun to open quite often. However, a private veterinarian often tries to delay the treatment process, guided solely by selfish motives. In order not to throw money down the drain, first check the reputation of the veterinary institution where you intend to seek help.

What qualities should a veterinarian have?

Naturally, every healer is simply obliged to love animals. Such qualities as altruism and endurance should not be alien to him. Without this, it will be very difficult to provide quality assistance to your four-legged friend: perform gastric lavage or stitch up a lacerated wound. At the same time, the veterinarian’s sense of sentimentality is relegated to the background. He must have nerves of steel, he must show maximum composure and be able to quickly make decisions in unforeseen situations.

A true professional is capable of not only treating dogs and cats in a bright and spacious office, he is always ready for technically dangerous and not always pleasant procedures.

In addition to this, he must be a good psychologist, since animals cannot convey their experiences and complaints through means, and the veterinarian’s task is to “read” them.

What else should a veterinarian know?

A doctor treating our little brothers must keep medical records of animals. He is obliged to make an accurate diagnosis and select the correct treatment for his four-legged friend. An experienced veterinarian can also conduct laboratory tests.

How to choose a veterinary clinic

Many pet owners believe that if a veterinary institution charges high prices for its services, it means that it employs first-class specialists. In fact, this is far from the case. You should first of all pay attention to how long the clinic has been on the veterinary services market and whether its doctors have sufficient experience.

In addition, look at how technically equipped it is, how modern its equipment is. Also analyze the sanitary and epidemiological situation: dust, poorly washed floors and dirt on the tiles are a sign that it is better to refuse service in this establishment.

Among other things, the clinic should be located as close to home as possible and operate 24 hours a day.

Make your choice of a veterinary institution in advance, and not when there is an urgent need to help the animal.

How much do veterinarians earn?

The standard salary for an animal doctor in a government agency varies from 10,000 rubles to 25,000 rubles per month.

The cost of a consultation with a private veterinarian averages from 500 to 1,500 rubles. The salary of a veterinarian in a commercial clinic is from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles per month.

I want to become a veterinarian

Prospects for the profession

Some people are interested in what heights in their careers an animal healer can achieve. Most of the students, already in their senior years, become orderlies in clinics and hospitals that treat animals on a professional basis. This helps them gain the necessary work experience that is required when applying for jobs after graduating. The highest level of the career ladder for an animal doctor is the chief physician of a veterinary institution.

A veterinarian is a special medical specialty that involves medicine not for humans, but for animals (veterinary medicine). The same applies to agriculture. A veterinarian studies many more disciplines than a medical doctor. The list of animals that are required to study their anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, microbiology, etc. includes: horse, large and small cattle, pig, dog, cat, rabbit, mouse, poultry, camel, etc. In addition to general disciplines, veterinarian knows also private ones - private physiology (for example, dogs), diseases of bees and fish, as well as veterinary and sanitary examination of animal raw materials (leather, fur, meat, milk, fish, etc.).

Veterinarian (Veterinarian, Paramedic) is a specialist with higher or secondary specialized education involved in the treatment of animals (veterinary medicine) and related duties.


Treatment and prevention of animal diseases,

Carrying out various medical and cosmetic procedures, including operations, veterinary and sanitary control during the production and sale of livestock products.

The main task of a veterinarian is the treatment and prevention of animal diseases, vaccinations, vaccinations. A veterinarian can also examine food products and confirm their suitability for consumption and sale. The veterinarian has irregular working hours; at any time of the day he has to go to a sick animal that needs help and cannot be transported.

The list of animals that must be studied by a veterinarian includes horses, large and small cattle, pigs, dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, poultry, camels, etc. Veterinarians study their anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and microbiology. In addition to general disciplines, a veterinarian must know private ones - private physiology (for example, dogs), diseases of bees and fish, as well as veterinary and sanitary examination of animal raw materials (skin, fur, meat, milk, fish, etc.)

Work can be carried out in a specially equipped room (clinic, laboratory), at home or outdoors. During the work process, medical instruments, medications, and chemical reagents are usually used.

Personal qualities

Developed observation, memory, logical thinking, patience and a friendly attitude towards animals. The attending and operating veterinarian must have strong and dexterous hands to restrain animals and perform procedures.

For veterinary doctors, the main professionally important qualities are: persistence and consistency in demonstrating professional requirements, responsibility and integrity in the performance of official duty, since as a result of non-compliance with sanitary requirements, consumers of low-quality products may suffer.

Required qualities:

Absolute and boundless love for animals

Ability to make quick decisions in non-standard situations


Physical strength and endurance

Medical restrictions

Allergies to animals and medications, physical disabilities that interfere with examinations and procedures.

Qualification requirements

A veterinarian must have a higher specialized education. A veterinarian must have such qualities as honesty, responsibility, determination, attentiveness, accuracy, patience, physical endurance, kindness and, of course, an unlimited love for animals.

Veterinarians work:

In veterinary clinics;

At veterinary stations;

In the markets;

In zoos;

At agricultural enterprises.

Veterinarian salaries are generally not very high and there are few career prospects. Most likely, you will have to start as an assistant veterinarian, then, after a couple of years, with the acquisition of work experience, you will become an independent veterinarian. A veterinarian can conduct a private practice, but here the income will be unstable and will depend on the number of patients, work experience, type and complexity of the problem.


Describing everything a veterinarian needs to know is not easy. The profession, of course, is ancient; much of it is based on traditional methods of treatment. But the modern world does not tolerate only herbalists and healers.

Today, a veterinarian needs to know not at all folk legends about the proportions in which to mix plantain and coltsfoot to cure an upset stomach in a horse, but the anatomy and physiology of animals. Knowledge of the latest trends and innovations in pharmaceutical science will also be required.

What does a veterinarian need to know when applying to an educational institution?

If you want to enroll in training for this profession, first of all, what a veterinarian needs to know are school subjects: biology, chemistry, mathematics and Russian. After all, it is the results of these subjects that will be taken into account when entering a university, and knowledge on them will be very useful in the learning process. Of course, biology is the first and main thing a veterinarian needs to know. But chemistry is also important in order to better understand the processes occurring in the body, the effect of drugs on it, and the mechanisms of cell interaction.

Many veterinarians, chuckling, say that a veterinarian will diagnose a person faster than a general practitioner, because a veterinarian is a general practitioner and studies absolutely all aspects of healing at a university. After all, the volume that a veterinarian needs to know is enormous. They have no specialization, and every doctor must be ready to perform any medical action. A veterinarian and a therapist, a surgeon, an obstetrician, a cosmetologist, a nutritionist, a dentist, an ophthalmologist, and a traumatologist at the same time.

A veterinarian must know everything and have basic knowledge in all areas of medicine. The breadth of a veterinarian's horizons will give odds to a human doctor. Some division by specialization exists only in large cities, where there are many veterinary clinics and the doctor has the opportunity to focus on one area, for example, dentistry.

What should a veterinarian know?

A qualified veterinarian must be able to treat anyone, not only domestic animals (cats, dogs, parrots or snakes), but also farm animals (cows, horses, goats, birds, bees and fish, and even ostriches, there are also ostrich farms in Russia).

What else does a veterinarian need to know?

Anatomy is an interesting science about the structure of the body of a living creature, how animals differ from each other. Physiology tells how the animal’s body works, what physiological life processes take place in it, what is the nature of nerve impulses, how the blood circulation process occurs, and much more. These are the basic disciplines that a veterinarian needs to know; without them it is impossible to become a doctor.

But beyond that, future veterinarians need to know a little bit about everything. Also, a student who wants to become a good specialist must also read scientific literature. Of course, veterinary faculties also have practical classes.

In addition to everything that a veterinarian needs to know theoretically, a true professional is shaped by experience. The more extensive and versatile this practical experience is, the better the veterinarian will be, and the better his demand on the labor market will be. After all, only a wealthy person can work out of altruistic motives, and there are not many of them. The majority still need to live on something.

A good veterinarian not only treats pets, but also teaches their owners how to properly handle their pets. Therefore, the veterinarian also needs to know psychological science. This is especially important when communicating with owners of exotic animals, since in our country there are almost no veterinarians who treat diseases of such animals.

There is so much a veterinarian needs to know and be able to do, but the main thing a veterinarian needs is, of course, a great love for animals and a desire to help them, this will help to overcome all difficulties, of which there will be many, and become a good doctor.

The profession of a veterinarian is very necessary and in demand and brings not only difficulties, but also very often gives joyful moments. These are the moments when the doctor sees the result of his labors - a rescued pet and the joyful smiles of its owners.

Details Updated: 01/23/2019 19:26 Published: 05/09/2017 14:24

A veterinarian is a doctor who treats various animals.

History of the profession:

The origins of this profession go back to the times when people domesticated the first animals, the treatment of which fell on the shoulders of healers and skilled observers of wildlife. During the period when horses and pack animals gained strategic importance, without which both armies and trade caravans could not do, the importance of the veterinarian profession increased greatly.

The first veterinary schools appeared in the Middle Ages. Mostly, they were opened on the territory of existing medical institutions.

Features of the profession:

Today, this profession is in average demand in the labor market. The veterinarian is a specialist who deals with more than just cute pets. Experienced professionals are able to provide qualified assistance even to exotic animals and predators.

Veterinary clinics often employ specialists with narrower profiles. It is better for the future veterinarian to decide on a direction in the first days of study. Based on your interests and personal preferences, you can choose specialties such as traumatology, surgery, ophthalmology, etc.

Before choosing this profession, it is worth considering that veterinarian job It is not suitable for everyone, as it involves frequent visits to the patient’s home and business trips. People who constantly experience discomfort from frequent travel are better off choosing a different type of activity.

Profession veterinarian has its visible advantages and disadvantages. Work in this field is suitable for people who truly love animals and sincerely want to help them. At the same time, the doctor must be extremely careful, because there is a risk of getting a bite or a scratch from a frightened animal during the examination, or a disease carried by his ward.


The veterinarian is a specialist who treats and prevents many diseases and performs various types of surgical interventions. He must also provide qualified assistance to animals during childbirth, using the method of euthanasia to relieve pets from suffering who have no chance of further recovery.

Specialists in this profile also monitor the quality of animal products sold in markets and stores. In the event of the slightest discrepancy with the fixed GOST standards, veterinarians issue a conclusion according to which the product will be recognized as hazardous to health. In the future, such goods are not allowed for sale, and are then confiscated.

Important qualities:

No allergies to wool;
- love to the animals;
- responsibility;
- ability to remember a lot of information;
- fine motor skills are well developed;
- self-control;
- ability to act coherently in emergency situations;
- endurance;
- stress resistance.

Skills and knowledge:

Veterinarian job is impossible without knowledge of the physiology and types of animal diseases, key methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. Additionally, a good specialist should know the features of proper maintenance of almost all types of living creatures.

Prospects and career:

The Association of Veterinarians emphasizes that graduates of specialized educational institutions are required to begin their careers as assistants. Getting such a job while studying will not be difficult.