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Dream of swimming in water. Swim in muddy water. Modern dream book - you have a good environment

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

success in business; income; lovers swim together - to an unexpected separation.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Sailing on a boat or ship in calm water in a dream portends good luck, and in troubled water it portends trouble. Falling into water in a dream means great danger.

I dreamed about a boat

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are in a boat with other rowers, it means that the company of cheerful people who do not neglect earthly pleasures will bring you a lot of joy. If your boat capsizes, it threatens you with financial ruin, as you will get involved in a tempting but risky venture. If in a dream you become a winner in a speed rowing competition, this means that your beloved will lose interest in your opponent. Once you become a winner, you will easily win women’s hearts, and your affairs will turn out in the most favorable way. If in a dream you are kayaking on calm water, self-confidence will not leave you for a long time, helping your luck. Sailing in a boat with your chosen one promises you an early marriage and a happy life. If you are sailing on stormy waves, the “taming of the shrew” awaits you; and only after that - happiness. If the oar falls into unclean water, expect disappointment in business. A shallow and fast river promises rash and frivolous actions, an easy hobby that will only bring annoyance. In general, seeing water around you is a sign of significant events in the future. In these dreams, it is important to sail through clear and calm waters. If a ship or boat with a bright light on its bow is sailing towards you, everything will be fine if the water is calm. Stormy waves threaten you with worries in reality. A very favorable dream is in which you, alone or with friends, board a ship or board a boat - a series of successes awaits you. Falling overboard is a bad omen, unless you take the dream as a warning.

Why do you dream about a boat?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

sailing with a tailwind - your plan will come out; to be in a boat - hope, short-lived loyalty; (together with whom it is unclear) - change of home, residence; empty - to death or illness; water in a boat - to profit; a sick person in a boat - to death; swim across the river - success in business.

I dreamed of a dolphin

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a dolphin means your tendency to fall under the influence of the new government. This is not a very good dream.

The meaning of a dream about a dolphin

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a dolphin, it means that in sex you lack the thrill of sensations and you are looking for a way to experience them. It also seems to you that you have definitely lost the novelty of the relationship and this has lost its charm. If in a dream you rode a dolphin, it means that in the near future you will make love in the water. Someone else's example will motivate you to do this, since you yourself could not decide on this. But in vain! By the way, water sex gives you an unforgettable experience!

Seeing a dolphin in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Savior and psychopomp, guide of souls in the underworld, savior of shipwrecked people, king of fish. Symbolizes sea power, safety and speed. Two dolphins looking in different directions represent the duality of nature. A dolphin with an anchor means speed and slowness, two dolphins together - the middle between the extremes of “hurry slowly”. In Celtic epic, the dolphin is associated with the worship of springs and the powers of water. In Christianity, this is Christ, the savior of souls, carrying them through the depths of death. A dolphin with an anchor or ship represents the church led by Christ. In Christianity, this symbol sometimes replaces the ark of salvation and rebirth. A dolphin pierced by a trident or chained to an anchor signifies the crucified Christ. The dolphin taking the place of the whale signifies resurrection. Among the Egyptians it is an attribute of Isis. In Ancient Greece, he was a psychopomp who escorted souls to the Isles of the Blessed. It has both lunar and solar characteristics: in connection with Apollo of Delphi, it symbolizes light and the sun; being consonant with the word womb - lunar beginning. Has erotic symbolism if depicted with the “woman of the sea” Aphrodite or Eros. Attribute of the sea lord Poseidon and Dionysus. Naked Tethys swims through the sea on a dolphin. In Minoan culture, it represents power on the seas. In Mithraism it is associated with Mithra, the symbol of light. For the Romans, it symbolizes the journey of the soul through the sea of ​​death to the Isles of the Blessed. In Sumerian-Semitic mythology, the dolphin was used instead of fish in presentations of Ea-Oannes. It is an attribute of Ishtar and dedicated to Atargatis.

Why do you dream about a dolphin?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

stranger's messenger; other people's influences (good or bad depending on the direction they are sailing to).

The meaning of a dream about the ocean

according to Freud's dream book

If you are a man and you dreamed of the ocean, it means that your opportunities in sexual life are limited, although you don’t even know it. Your sexual intercourse is fleeting, and sometimes it doesn’t even come to the point of intercourse. But you recover very quickly and are ready for the next “feat”. You need to learn to delay premature ejaculation, this will help prolong your pleasure and avoid future conflicts with an unsatisfied partner. Incontinence must be combated primarily with the help of special exercises. For a woman, the ocean means great excitement caused by an upcoming date with a person she really likes.

I dreamed about the ocean

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a calm ocean in a dream is good news; a pleasant and successful voyage awaits the sailor. A business man will be pleased with the progress of his affairs, and a young man will enjoy the charm of his beloved. Sailing far in the ocean and hearing the waves crash against the side portends misfortune in business life and a stormy period of quarrels and reproaches in the home circle. Watching from the shore how the ocean waves roll over one another portends your imminent deliverance from the machinations of ill-wishers. If you dream that the ocean either becomes shallow like a river that can be forded, or reveals a terrible abyss of the bottom when the waves recede, this means that prosperity and prosperity will be interspersed in your life with sorrows and difficulties. Sailing on a calm ocean always means favor in all endeavors.

Seeing the ocean in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The ocean is the cradle of all life on Earth. According to Jung, the ocean is a place of creativity, fertility and birth. People feel their evolutionary belonging to the collective forms of life that originated in the ocean. In this regard, the influence of the ideas of Darwinism is easily traced. Moreover, this approach taken by individuals to dream interpretation is imperfect due to the insufficient number of connecting links between its components. For many people, the ocean is associated with types of entertainment such as ship cruises, yachts, and scuba diving, which were not available to people of the past. Perhaps a person who sees the ocean in a dream associates it with entertainment and does not at all perceive it as a source of life and fertility. For some, especially if they cannot swim, the ocean carries a connotation of fear and ill omen. Its endless expanses, combined with the inability to float on water, can be a symbol of the struggle against the insurmountable that you wage in real life.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Life will be the same as the ocean seen in a dream. She will be quiet and peaceful if the ocean is calm, restless if it is stormy.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Is a symbol of birth.

Seeing water in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep fresh lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If a dream contains this significant symbol in any form, it is extremely important to understand its role. Water in dreams is a powerful symbol because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a babbling stream flowing through the meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols create a feeling of fear or anxiety, then the stormy ocean intensifies it. Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. This is a reflection of the human experience with water. At the dawn of humanity, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was a central component of life. People die from thirst much faster than from hunger. It was even more important to know where the water was, because it made it clear where the food was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, fraught with unknown dangers. Travel by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas claimed the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease. Emphasizing the positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a controlled environment almost always causes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to solving problems. If there is a lake in the dream, is the entire shoreline within sight and probable reach? If you dream of a river or stream, have they overflowed their banks, and in your opinion, can they be overcome by ordinary means? These are all examples of managed water. Water represented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a tired traveler, dreaming, suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey is close, at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a boat, slowly gliding along the surface of the water. The sleeper must be anticipating a time of respite from everyday worries or trying to specially create such an opportunity. Uncontrolled water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer finds himself. Quiet, deep water that seems refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the potential danger lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what lies in the depths. The exception to the general statements above are water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the tap is controlled by the dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer does not operate the tap effectively, then we can assume that he feels that he is not in control and is unable to cope with simple circumstances, or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the tap. If the tap is controlled by another person, then we can conclude that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of another. This whim can cause one to feel significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss , lover or other persons significant to you.

Water in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Water is a symbol of life. To see crystal clear water collected in a huge ball - this dream foretells favorable weather, which will bring many benefits for agricultural work. Drinking water and seeing a fly at the bottom of a glass - this dream means a lawsuit, litigation or slander that will change the mood of society and its faith in the future. Walking on water and seeing schools of carp - this dream suggests that relations with Japan will be brought to a critical point, but it will not come to violence or a declaration of war. Walking underwater and talking with dolphins is a harbinger that you will discover a previously unknown nation to the world. Seeing strongly seething water is a sign of the birth of a new teaching or science, a favorable period for discoveries and complex experiments. Seeing water with blood - this dream foreshadows the birth of Scorpio, who will become a great man and declare himself publicly.

I dreamed about water

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing clean water in a dream foretells that a joyful prospect of prosperity and pleasure awaits you. If the water is cloudy, you will be in danger and despondency will take the place of joy. If you see that the water has flooded your house and is rising, this means that you will fight, resist evil, but if you see that the water is decreasing, you will succumb to dangerous influences. If you walk on wet ground and feel that your feet are becoming wet, this portends troubles, illness and poverty, which will force you to solve difficult problems, but you will be able to prevent them with your vigilance. The same interpretation can be applied to the muddy water filling the ship. Falling into troubled water is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes and will be painfully upset about it. Drinking muddy water portends illness, but drinking clean and fresh water is a sign of the favorable completion of the wildest hopes. Playing sports in water means a sudden awakening of love and passion. If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love that will end happily. The following dream and subsequent events in real life are conveyed as follows by a young woman studying dreams: “It is unknown how in a dream I ended up in a boat floating through clear blue water to a pier, which seemed snow-white to me. The next evening I had a delightful guest - a young man who stayed with me beyond the time prescribed by my mother, and I was severely judged for this. The blue water and the beautiful white boat in perspective were symbols of disappointment.

Why do you dream about water?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

drink clean, cold - fortunately, health; cloudy, warm - to illness; walking in troubled waters is a disappointment for the better; immersion in water - getting into a difficult personal situation; plunge headlong - avoid danger; getting wet is a shame in love, betrayal and collapse of personal plans; wash your face - to joy, liberation; pour - to shame, mistake; watering - to loss; looking at the waterfall is a terrible encounter; splashed on the head - unexpected passion; drawing water - grief; drawing water from the River means money from someone; from a well - unfortunately; drinking warm water - to chagrin, illness; seeing something underwater is the past; pops up - renewal of relationships or litigation, regret about the past; see scoop; (flowing from a well) - loss of property; unhappiness with loved ones; (flows from where it is not supposed to flow) - troubles depending on the location of the leak: from the wall - troubles from the husband or in the family; from the ceiling - from the authorities; from under the floor - troubles from enemies or betrayal of friends; from the pipes - slander and slander against the sleeping person.

Why do you dream about water?

according to Vanga's dream book

Water is a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, evolution, renewal, washing away sins and oblivion. In a dream, drinking clean cold water - in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection in a new quality, along with many people around you. If you dreamed that water was pouring on you from above, then this is an omen of an impending wave of cosmic influence, which is unreasonable to resist. If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world. Seeing muddy water is a sign of trouble, complexity of situations and relationships with people. Show kindness and patience, otherwise you will stain your soul with unworthy impressions. If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, then in reality expect a stream of news, one of which will radically change your sense of self and relationships with people. Drowning in water means in reality resisting the natural course of events, as a result of which your health will be damaged and your life will be shortened. Seeing circles or ripples on the surface of water in a dream means you will have difficulty withstanding the coming changes, but by surviving this stormy event, you will gain power over yourself and other people.

Swim in a dream- Swimming in a stormy, raging sea portends a quick struggle, in which it will be necessary to show willpower and strength of character.
Swim in dirty, muddy water in a dream- intrigue and gossip around you will create a lot of trouble, ruin your reputation and relationships with people around you.
In your dream, you swim easily, with pleasure, confidently and actively - this suggests that in reality you will become a successful person in business, conquering everyone with your ingenuity and speed of reactions. The essence of your personality is such that you will achieve what you want in almost any endeavor.
Seeing someone sailing in a boat- a dream about the loss of close friends.
If you dreamed that you had to swim, then anxiety and joy await you.
If in a dream you had to sail on a ship, steamship or boat, this is a sign that unexpected troubles and difficulties await you, but they will definitely pay off, this is also a quarrel with close friends and people.
If in a dream you dreamed that you were swimming- this means that your road to success will be easy and simple, you have already built a foundation for yourself to achieve your goals. Now is a favorable time for career growth; you need to make a little effort, and your superiors will notice you and allow you to do more interesting and serious work. Financial well-being also awaits you.
If in a dream you had to fight waves and currents, on the contrary, the road to happiness will be difficult. And, if you want to get to the end, you will have to work hard.
If the water in which you swim in a dream is clean, shiny and transparent, it means that in the near future everything in your real life will go well. It will be easy for you to carry out serious assignments, your mind will be clear, your thoughts will not be overloaded with side thoughts.
If you are swimming on a sunny, clear day, then this dream may portend you success and overcoming difficulties and unpleasant situations.
If the situation is the opposite, and in a dream you see yourself swimming “with your last breath”, with great difficulty, then in reality you will not be able to achieve your goals.
Swim with all your strength, feel tired- troubles will undermine your self-confidence, disrupt your plans and ruin your mood for a long time.
When in a dream you see that you are swimming in dirty or muddy water, this means that troubles, misunderstandings, and obstacles await you in life on the way to fulfilling your dreams.
However, the result will justify the means.
Swim in foamy water- they want to confuse or deceive you, to take advantage of your good intentions.
Swimming with someone in a race foreshadows a difficult struggle for happiness in real life.
Swim towards the shore- the dream suggests that in real life it’s time to settle down, start a family or think about a career. A thoughtless and riotous lifestyle will not lead you to anything good.
Swim in a dream quickly, actively and confidently- to success and achievements at work, good changes, to family happiness and well-being.
Sailing on a boat in a dream on a cloudy, rainy day- difficulties await you.
Swim feet first in a dream- this means that what seems to you to be moving forward is actually stopping. You need to change your beliefs and attitude towards the world and others in order to continue moving forward. Your conservatism prevents you from letting something new into your life that could bring you a lot of joy.
Swimming or swimming in a clean, transparent body of water promises a bright future, the implementation of plans, an easy life without sorrows and worries.
Swim at great depths in a dream- you have a lot to learn and a lot to work on in reality, a favorable time for self-improvement and increasing your potential. However, you should not go too far in arguing and defending your interests in the service; you may find yourself out of favor with your colleagues or superiors.
Swim in a race with someone- be careful, your extreme ambition can destroy you, swim next to someone - well-wishers and friends will help you in a difficult situation.
Swimming is hard, against the current, against the waves, predicts a difficult road for you, but it is quite passable. You will have to put a lot of effort into this.
Swim and then drown in a dream- may predict that you need to decisively end your relationship with a certain person you know.
Drowning in a dream- a dream foreshadows a threat to your life, a danger of injury or injury in reality.
Swimming well and easily in a dream means a good period awaits you for the development of your career and profession.

In your dream you were swimming and now you want to know what your dream means? We will tell you what it means to swim in a dream.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

The dream in which you are swimming is a symbol of the implementation of your plans. Expect their successful implementation.

If you swam in the ocean, then you should be more attentive in life in order to be ready to withstand the troubles that may fall on you. Swim in the river - pleasure awaits you in life. But if you are in love, then the dream hints to you that you need to have a more sober view of many things.

Swimming in the sea - this image promises the fulfillment of your desires. Swimming in the pool - you will see old acquaintances, and perhaps start a new romance. To see a man in a dream, to swim with him in the pool - if with an acquaintance, then your subconscious is projecting hidden sympathy for him, and if a stranger is with you, a new relationship awaits you.

Swimming in clean water in a dream - such a dream promises career growth, and also indicates that you are in peace of mind. But if the water was dirty, then in life you will have to do things that will leave a negative imprint on your soul. Carefully weigh all offers, especially from new acquaintances. Swimmed in warm water - very soon you will have a long-awaited rest; the water was cold - a prediction of troubles, try not to agree to dubious requests for help.

Ancient Russian dream book

Swimming in water - this image promises joy and pleasure.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Swimming in a dream - business and financial success awaits you in life, and if you swam with your partner - sudden separation, perhaps for some time.

Azar's Dream Book

This dream book interprets the meaning of “swimming in water” as a harbinger of peace in life and success in business.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Anyone who sees himself floating in a dream is promised good luck in life.


Swimming - this process symbolizes success. If you plunged into water in a dream, you will be disappointed in someone or something. Swimming underwater - something will disturb you.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Swimming in clean water means worries will pass you by, and if the water is cloudy, then troubles cannot be avoided. Drowning in a dream means big problems; if you see someone swimming, your endeavors will be successful.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Swim in a calm, unclouded sea - fortune will smile on you in life; the sea was warm - expect monetary profit. And if there was mud in the sea, someone is going to spread gossip about you.

Newest dream book

If you had a dream in which you had to swim in stormy water, several promising things will appear on the horizon; swimming in clean water is a sign of good health, and dirty water promises poor health.

Russian dream book

Swim: dream book. Swimming with your beloved partner - pleasant events await you, perhaps even marriage. If you swam confidently in a dream, good luck in life will bring you joy; if something prevented you from swimming, you will be greatly disappointed.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Swimming in a dream means redoing many important things soon in life.

Swimming in a dream is a wonderful dream if the sleeper experiences positive emotions or pleasure from swimming.
Swimming calmly alone is a symbol of inner harmony and serenity.
Swimming confidently towards someone or something means moving towards your goal. If something interferes with the dreamer or he fails to overcome some obstacle on the water, then in reality one should also expect obstacles.

As the dream book says, swimming in the water with your lover means that in reality the relationship will bring joy and pleasure. If a woman is swimming with a stranger, then the dream foreshadows a romantic meeting and the prospect of a pleasant love relationship. In general, swimming together in a dream has a pronounced connotation of eroticism if no incidents occur on the water.

According to the dream book, swimming in clear water in a dream is a good omen. The dream foretells good luck on the personal front, and if the pool is also filled to the brim, then financial success.

But cloudy, polluted water in a pool in a dream is a symbol of failure, according to the dream book; swimming in dirty water means that in real life you will encounter illness or trouble at work.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, swimming in muddy water or a river means illness. Swimming in a stormy river or in a stormy sea is a sign of nervous shock.
If swimming in a dream is difficult, and there is not enough strength to stay on the surface of the water, then difficulty or disappointment is obvious ahead.

Scuba diving - what does it mean to dream of swimming underwater - means a difficult task that must be completed in a short time. The dream does not bode well if the sleeper does not experience any shocks underwater. Otherwise, this business (project) is associated with great risk.
Looking at the world from under water is a sign of support from loved ones.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, swimming in a pool in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing success and good luck. However, for a more accurate interpretation, it is important to remember the state of the water and the environment.

So, if a girl or a single guy happened to swim in a pool in a dream, then in reality you can expect new acquaintances of a romantic nature. Moreover, the new feeling may turn out to be so strong that it completely captures the dreamer, and things at work or at school may get worse.

Did you happen to swim with fish in a dream? This means that an interesting period lies ahead in life, full of new acquaintances. However, if in a dream the dreamer experiences an unpleasant feeling from being close to fish, then the dream suggests that the person is tired of being in the public eye and wants to be alone

If you had to swim with dolphins in a dream, then in life you can expect an invitation to participate in a serious project or big profits.

Did you happen to swim in salt water in a dream? This means that you can expect serious changes in life. According to the interpretation of the dream book, swimming in the sea with calm water in a dream is a sign that foreshadows the fulfillment of desires and the easy achievement of goals. But if the sea is rough and stormy, then the road to happiness will be very difficult.

In addition, swimming in a rough sea in a dream can predict major family quarrels in the future. And scuba diving in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in life the dreamer is trying to find out something that he does not need to know. Such a dream is a warning that you need to stop in your search for information, otherwise the information received can seriously change a person’s life and not for the better.

If swimming in the sea in a dream foreshadows serious changes, then if the dreamer happened to swim in the ocean, then life-changing changes can be expected that will completely upend the usual life.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, swimming in a river with a calm current and clean water means a prosperous and joyful life. If you had to swim along a mountain river in a dream, then the events of life can spin the dreamer in such a way that little will depend on his actions

For single people, a dream in which they happened to swim in a lake with clean and warm water foreshadows the creation of a family or a fateful acquaintance. But if the water in the lake is cloudy, then a new romantic acquaintance may end in severe disappointment. According to the interpretation of the dream book, swimming in cold water or swimming in an ice hole in winter in a dream means experiencing a serious emotional shock in life.

If in a dream you had to swim in a swamp, then in life the dreamer will be drawn into a relationship with a person from whom it will be difficult to get rid of. If sailing in a dream was very difficult, then the dreamer can expect betrayal from a friend whom he unconditionally trusted.

In a dream, sailing on a boat on calm water means that in real life life will turn out safely and successfully. Swimming on stormy waves portends restlessness and anxiety. If there are several people in the boat, then the dreamer will have to spend a lot of time in the company of interesting and cheerful people. But if the boat capsizes while sailing, then the dream foreshadows financial losses due to participation in a dubious enterprise. If in a dream you had to swim quickly, then in reality you can expect a quick change of events

If you had to swim naked in a dream, then the dream foretells health and pleasure, if there was no negative emotional connotation. But if the dreamer was ashamed of his nakedness, then in life one can expect to end up in a shameful story.

Material wealth and complete well-being are foreshadowed by a dream in which the dreamer is swimming in milk, but swimming in chocolate foreshadows love passion and carnal joys.

Thus, a dream in which you happened to swim in clear water always predicts good changes and good luck. But swimming in a muddy or dirty environment is not a good sign, foreshadowing illness and trouble.

Dream Interpretation on another topic:

> > > Why dream of swimming in water in a dream

Why do you dream of swimming in water?

Here you can figure out Why do you dream of swimming in water in a dream? and understand how to use the information obtained.

You can relax, because what you dream about swimming in water most often translates positive events and situations into reality. But not everything is so smooth if you decide to swim in dirty mud or swampy areas. This action hints at a complex illness or a long period of recovery. In addition, a person materializes nearby, whose main goal is to destroy your reputation. This will not be just gossip, but a real accusation of fraud. He can’t prove anything, but he can’t restore the nervous system.

It is unusual if you decide to dive directly in clothes, because this is a signal of an approaching illness. In other options, the plot is beneficial to the sleeper. It will be extremely positive to enjoy the process itself, because it will make you richer in material terms. Positive changes in career growth will also begin. If you have been single for a long time, you will soon go on a date.