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List of lozenges for sore throat. Medicines for sore throats in children under one year of age and older: lozenges, lozenges and other remedies Throat tablets in orange packaging

The cause of discomfort in throat There are bacteria and viruses that are considered the causative agents of various ailments: sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis. Often the pain is caused by unfavorable conditions, hot drinks. Therefore, manufacturers offer such a variety of means to combat the problem. Some drugs soften the mucous membrane, others kill germs, and others relieve pain. For effective treatment, you need to determine the cause of the discomfort and select the appropriate medicine.

We have collected twenty of the most effective remedies, dividing them by release form. On the list the best there are sprays, tablets, lozenges, syrups, preparations for children and even teas. Each nominee has certain properties and advantages over others. An important selection criterion is user reviews, their ratings and recommendations for use.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best sprays for sore throat

3 Aqualor

Helps the immune system fight infection
Country: France
Average price: 385 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Aqualor has a good composition, so it is suitable for children from 6 months. However, it is more often taken adults to effectively help the body. The spray contains extracts of chamomile and aloe vera, which have a strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. They stimulate the immune system, relieve sore throats, and moisturize the throat. The drug is indicated for swelling of the oral cavity and tonsils. He is one of the most best for complex treatment, combined with most medications.

Reviews praise the restorative effect of the spray. A rapid decrease in symptoms is noted, and the discomfort disappears for a while. Some people recommend a preventive remedy during the cold season. However, many people complain about the taste: no one likes the spiciness with herbal notes. Children refuse to open their mouths; there are milder drugs for them. The action is aimed at the symptoms, not the problem, and does not contain any healing ingredients.

2 Balm-spray Faucidol

Best cast
Country Russia
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Faucidol spray balm was created to relieve sore throat due to respiratory diseases. The drug prevents the development of inflammation and reduces the risk of complications. The formula destroys viruses, fungi and microorganisms. The manufacturer has added vitamins, fruits and leaves of currants and blackberries that support weakened immunity. They give spray pleasant taste. The composition is supplemented with myrrh, geranium, lemon oils, known for their antibiotic properties. Chamomile is responsible for tissue regeneration.

Buyers call the spray effective for acute sore throats. They say that it relieves dryness and tickling and helps swallow food. The manufacturer recommends the drug to reduce inflammation of the oral cavity and larynx and fight infections. Unlike most rating remedies, it treats the problem rather than reducing the symptoms. The spray helps people with chronic illnesses. The drug should be used with caution; it is easy to overdo it.

1 Inhalipt spray

Fastest effect, kills bacteria
Country Ukraine
Average price: 103 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Inhalipt spray has the most pronounced antimicrobial effect, it is an effective remedy against bacteria that cause throat diseases. The manufacturer added eucalyptus and mint oils, known for their strong antifungal properties. There is a slight analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Although the spray is officially approved for children over 3 years old, doctors advise using it with caution. Even adults a very small dose is needed.

Reviews praise the product, noting not only the quick relief from uncomfortable sensations, but also the well-thought-out bottle with a dispenser. When traveling, a cap is placed on the spout. Spray recognized as effective for various throat diseases, and the herbal taste with menthol notes makes use pleasant. The drug does not irritate the mouth and is felt for about 15 minutes. The results are visible immediately, the action lasts for 3-4 hours. For treatment, it is necessary to combine the spray with more powerful agents.

The best pills for sore throat

3 Neo-Angin

Effectively cures sore throat
Country: Germany
Average price: 121 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Opens this three the best an effective antiseptic drug Neo-Angin, which is popular in ENT practice. It has an anti-inflammatory and deodorizing effect. The tablets cope well with many infectious diseases and fight fungi. The product relieves irritation of the mucous membranes and slightly dulls the sore throat. As a pleasant bonus, nasal congestion is reduced, making the tablets popular for the flu.

The manufacturer added mint oil and levomenthol, which give a cooling effect. Buyers appreciated the taste; the tablets are easy to dissolve. The discomfort goes away immediately, the drug is indicated for irritation of the mucous membrane. Other unpleasant sensations gradually disappear. Reviews note an antiseptic effect, although the drug alone will not cope with the disease. The tablets change the color of the tongue, which indicates a high content of artificial colors. The composition is a minus of the product; it cannot be called natural.

2 Aroma Evalar

The largest number of healing oils
Country Russia
Average price: 272 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Tablets from Aroma Evalar have the most complex composition, the main share of which is occupied by oils. The manufacturer speaks of the high quality of ingredients with powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties. The drug is effective with weakened immunity, it has a slight antiseptic effect. Lavender essential oil soothes an irritated throat and temporarily relieves discomfort. Tablets are only suitable adults due to the aggressive formula.

Reviews write about the anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is indicated for respiratory diseases; it increases resistance to viruses. The product has a bactericidal effect and is often prescribed by doctors. Peppermint essential oil helps with acute respiratory infections, flu, and chronic bronchitis. However, the price is not encouraging; there are competitors with a similar composition, but many times cheaper. The tablets have many contraindications, and due to the large amount of oils, the risk of allergies increases.

1 Hexoral tabs

Best for immediate symptom relief
Country: France
Average price: 190 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The best pills We consider Hexoral tabs, which have a complex effect: antibacterial and analgesic. It contains chlorhexidine and benzocaine, which quickly relieve symptoms. The drug is indicated to destroy bacteria and reduce sore throat. The formula penetrates the cell membrane and affects the skin membrane. Moreover, the entire process takes only 30 seconds, relief occurs within 2-3 minutes. Over time, the anesthetic effect disappears.

In the reviews they call pills effective for infectious diseases and acute pain. However, they warn about potent ingredients, you need to be careful with the dose. The product should not be taken for a long time, as the sensitivity of bacteria to the formula decreases. Pain relief occurs immediately, during which time you can take a drug aimed at treatment. The product also comes in spray form, but pills deserve more positive reviews.

The best sore throat remedies for children

3 Maxicold

The most powerful medicinal drug
Country Russia
Average price: 168 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Maxicold is the only rated drug that can be given to babies from 3 months. The safest formula has antipyretic properties and is recommended for respiratory diseases, infections, and reactions after vaccinations. U facilities There is a slight analgesic effect that works not only for the throat. It is intended for symptomatic therapy, reducing discomfort, reducing inflammation. It prevents the development of the disease, but cannot cure the problem alone.

Parents write about the high effectiveness of the product, saying that it helps the first time. They compare its effect with Nurofen, noting that the discomfort disappears quickly. The drug is also taken by adults, although the dosage has to be increased, which is expensive. One of the main disadvantages is the unpleasant taste, children they don't like to drink it. The set comes with a spoon, which many people throw away and kids don’t accept it.

2 Superspray

Helps other drugs, relieves symptoms
Country: USA
Average price: 596 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Superspray is considered one of the most effective for complex treatment of the disease. The mint-flavored drug supports the functioning of the throat and helps the immune system. It contains only high-quality natural ingredients that moisturize the mucous membrane and relieve burning sensation. The spray helps with inflammation and sharp pain in the throat. Formula allowed children from a year old, children need very little facilities . Despite the high price, it is consumed slowly and comes out on a budget.

Parents write about the speed of action of the drug, children cough less and stop complaining of discomfort. They note a pleasant sweetish taste with a cooling effect. Children do not refuse to take the drug and feel better. However, it is necessary to spray the throat 5 to 8 times a day; many people forget about it. It does not eliminate the disease, only relieves the symptoms. The lollipops are not sold in Russia; they must be ordered from America.

1 Strepsils

Best for acute pain
Country: UK
Average price: 164 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Strepsils is the best for severe pain, it has antifungal and antiviral properties. At the same time, the uniform remains safe for children; it is permitted for children over 6 years old. There is no sugar in the composition, the ingredients do not have a harmful effect on the teeth. The tablets are shaped like large pink candies and have a pleasant taste. They cannot cure the disease, but they are effective assistant to the main drug. The product is used up quickly, and one course is expensive.

Parents note the visible effect of the tablets, but warn about the temporary effect. It is recommended to give them before bedtime so that the child falls asleep without a sore throat. They praise the pleasant taste, children do not refuse to accept them. The product relieves dryness and irritation. However, some are confused by the strong strawberry aroma; it contains artificial ingredients. The drug is almost identical to the adult version, but is more expensive. Therefore, it is more profitable for older children to purchase the option for parents.

The best lozenges for a sore throat


The most natural complete composition
Country: USA
Average price: 393 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

RICOLA has an unusual fresh taste with herbal notes; it not only moisturizes the mucous membranes, but also eliminates nasal congestion. The manufacturer writes about natural ingredients that are collected and processed in one day. This allows them to maintain their effectiveness. The lollipops have undergone strict quality control, and their effectiveness has been proven by research. They are taken to temporarily relieve cough, irritation of the larynx and bronchi. They are suitable in the first stages of the disease and relieve discomfort.

The manufacturer warns that if you have a chronic cough, asthma or emphysema, you should not take the lollipops. For some reason, they are not recommended for active smokers; users are advised to consult a doctor. Although the ingredients are simple, not aggressive. The main substance is menthol, supplemented with honey and pine extract. Lollipops serve as an emergency measure for acute pain and dry throat, complement the main treatment.

2 Gorpils

Pleasant taste, fast action
Country: India
Average price: 91 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Gorpils is one of the best remedies for pain in the throat, the manufacturer has added antibacterial and antifungal components. The drug is considered effective in preventing problems. It pierces the nose, moisturizes the mucous membrane, and relieves inflammation. There are 24 lozenges in a blister; you can eat up to 8 pieces a day, although 6 are enough for many. The composition is enriched with mint and eucalyptus oils, which eliminate irritation of the respiratory tract. However, there are flavorings and a decent amount of sugar.

Reviews say that the effect is felt from the first use. The lollipops seem to envelop the oral cavity, and the sore throat stops. The effect lasts several hours, during which time it is necessary to take the remedy. The drug does not stand out in its composition or result, but at a low cost it has an excellent effect. It is allowed to be given to children; the formula has virtually no contraindications. One course lasts 1-2 weeks; you should not take lozenges constantly.

1 Be healthy!

The most affordable effective drug
Country Russia
Average price: 49 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The Russian manufacturer produces the most inexpensive, but very effective lozenges for sore throat. There are 9 pieces in one blister; there are no instructions for use in the package. Means It has a yellow tint and a lemon aroma; it tastes like refreshing candy. The manufacturer recommends taking the drug for adults and children in the initial stages of the disease, when there are no serious problems. It helps the main treatment, removes burning, inflammation, and dryness.

Reviews call the lollipops effective. They praise the pleasant sweet and sour taste, mint and lemon are felt. The product has virtually no contraindications; it contains no aggressive substances. Nothing medicinal, just pain-relieving and soothing ingredients. The manufacturer has added oils and honey to moisturize the mucous membrane; lollipops are especially useful for problems with swallowing. They will not cure the disease, but the symptoms will go away for a few hours.

The best syrups for sore throat

3 Kashlevitis

Helps with dry cough
Country Russia
Average price: 97 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.3

Kashlevitis is a natural preparation based on medicinal plants and vitamins, designed to strengthen the immune system and help the body cope with the disease. It is indicated for dry and wet coughs, to eliminate burning and dryness. Due to the large number of active ingredients, the drug is prohibited for use by children and pregnant women. One course lasts several weeks; syrup is not suitable for prevention. The product has quality certificates, its effectiveness has been proven by research.

Reviews warn that the composition contains a small amount of alcohol. The syrup tastes very sweet, grassy, ​​and difficult to drink. The base is thyme, which lasts a long time in the mouth. Despite the natural ingredients, synthetic substances are also added. Buyers recommend syrup to prevent phlegm and reduce the risk of complications. The drug has an excellent effect on the mucous membrane of the throat, it hurts less, inflammation goes away.

2 Dr. Theiss

Excellent against cough and phlegm
Country: Germany
Average price: 246 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

German syrup is aimed at treating respiratory diseases, getting rid of cough and phlegm. The drug can be given to children from one year old; it contains no harmful substances. The drug should be taken with caution by pregnant women and women during lactation. The syrup has a pleasant smell and taste, even a child can easily drink the medicine. Relief occurs within a few hours, the effect lasts the whole day.

Reviews recommend the drug for dry cough. They write that within 3 days it becomes moist and the throat softens. Within a week, the cough disappears and the respiratory tract feels better. One course lasts up to a month and is expensive. Parents write that the drug is prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of acute respiratory infections and tracheitis; it replaces syrups containing plantain. The product does not help with wet coughs and cannot be used as the main treatment. But it is loved by adherents of natural preparations, as an excellent replacement for synthetic syrups.

1 Syrup Breath

The best comprehensive throat care
Country Russia
Average price: 291 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The first among the best syrups was a drug with a natural complex composition that affects the problem, not the symptoms. The formula is enriched with vitamins, biological substances and microelements that soothe an irritated throat and kill bacteria and fungus. Pine buds have an antiseptic effect, essential oils and flavonoids lubricate the mucous membrane and help swallow. Menthol is known for its soothing properties and gives the syrup a pleasant taste. The formula eliminates swelling and relaxes the muscles of the bronchi.

Reviews call the drug the most effective for liquefying and releasing mucus, resulting in coughing. Plantain and linden have a regenerating effect. Medicinal plants support the immune system and help the body cope with the disease. The drug has no contraindications, only individual intolerance. Although it should be given to children with great caution.

The best teas for sore throat

3 Fitera herbal tea

Preventive complex effect
Country Russia
Average price: 72 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The group of the most effective teas opens with a remedy for Fether, recommended for the prevention of diseases. The drug has medicinal properties, the composition is enriched with vitamins and nutrients. The components remove toxins and have a diuretic effect. Normalize work throat , quickly relieve discomfort. Tea improves the functioning of all organs of the respiratory system, affects the heart, liver and kidneys. It is not recommended for children or people with allergies.

The drug is produced in a special bag made of moisture-proof paper, thanks to which it retains freshness and aroma for a long time. The box is packed in mica, as soon as you open the pack, you immediately smell the scent of ginger and lemon. Users have different opinions about the taste; it is very rich and stays on the tongue for a long time. Although the composition is natural, it also contains flavorings. Tea is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. It is not recommended to drink it regularly; the risk of overdose is high.

2 Antiangin

Helps the immune system cope with illness
Country Russia
Average price: 120 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Antiangin, as the name suggests, promotes rapid recovery from the disease, reduces symptoms and the risk of complications. The tea is enriched with herbal mixture and is approved for use by adults and children. It increases the body's defenses and is one of the the most powerful antiviral natural remedies. Has a slight anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling of the larynx, moisturizes throat . Tea reduces fever and helps the body cope with the disease.

Reviews praise the pleasant and natural aroma; there are no synthetic fragrances. They say that tea does not get boring and has no contraindications. It is not crushed into powder, leaves and flowers are visible. You can feel thyme and fireweed, and there is an aftertaste of rose. The drug provides vitamins and protects against diseases, helping to cope with the existing problem. However, you should not get carried away with the drug due to the risk of overdose. There is a high probability of personal intolerance to the ingredients.

1 Tea drink Healthy throat

Treatment with folk remedies
Country Russia
Average price: 86 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The leading place in the group is occupied by a tea drink based on sage leaves, which have an astringent, anti-inflammatory, and disinfectant effect. The composition is supplemented with medicinal herbs that relieve discomfort. Tea helps with high fever and has a diuretic effect. It can be given to children for a calming effect. St. John's wort is known for its hemostatic properties and helps with coughs. Pine buds kill viruses and disinfect the throat.

Reviews talk about an immediate softening effect and removal of phlegm. Tea strengthens the body, helps not only pain in the throat. Mint leaves reduce fermentation processes and remove the feeling of heaviness after illness. The composition is enriched with vitamins that have an antidepressant effect. Tea has a pleasant taste and aroma and is used in the treatment of diseases. Only not everyone likes the diuretic effect, as does the huge number of aggressive ingredients.

With the onset of the cold winter season, a problem arises among children and adults associated with the appearance of a sore throat. It can be short-term or become a harbinger of colds and infectious diseases. Lozenges for sore throat are a common way to combat this problem. Modern manufacturers delight consumers with new products every year, but are such candies really the most effective? To answer the question, you need to understand their composition and principle of operation.

Nomination place Name of product price
The best sprays (aerosols) for sore throat 1 Hexetidine (Hexoral, Maxicold Lor) 173 RUR
2 Yox 279 ₽
3 Ingalipt 117 RUR
4 Proposol – propolis extract 162 RUR
5 Miramistin 232 RUR
The best tablets, lozenges and lozenges for sore throat 1 Neo-angin 138 RUR
2 Faringosept 147 ₽
3 Septolete 146 RUR
4 Grammidin 311 RUR
5 Lysobacter 255 ₽
2 Furacilin 55 RUR
3 Kameton 54 RUR

6 Septolete

A good medical product in the form of lozenges with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Suitable for use by adults and children. Thanks to the appropriately chosen composition, health lollipops have a systemic effect - disinfectant, antibacterial, fungicidal, analgesic. Thanks to this, lozenges help with sore throat, regardless of the pathogen. Additionally, mint and eucalyptus oils included in the composition refresh, simplify breathing, and very quickly reduce the feeling of pain.

Most reviews about the drug are good; doctors often prescribe it as part of a comprehensive treatment. According to users, this is a very effective drug that helps cope with even severe sore throat. The only negative is the unpleasant medicinal taste of the candies.

How and when is it better to use absorbable tablets Sage, Lizobakt, Faringosept, Grammidin, Eucalyptus, Imudon, Falimint Hexoral Chlorophyllipt, Lazolvan for sore throat and cough?

All cough lozenges are used at different time intervals, as well as before or after meals, depending on the composition. Because the breakdown of some active components requires a complete absence of gastric juice, while for others it is the other way around. Therefore, before using any drug, you must study the instructions in detail and follow the doctor’s recommendations. After all, in the best case, you will not achieve the desired effect, and in the worst case, you will provoke the occurrence of diarrhea, gastritis, ulcers, dizziness and other unpleasant consequences.

  • The drugs Faringosept, Chlorophyllipt and Septefril must be dissolved in 1 tablet. every 3-4 hours. Faringosept works thanks to the ambazone contained in it, which reduces inflammation. The main component of Chlorophyllipt is a thick chlorophyllipt extract, but it also contains ethanol, therefore it is contraindicated for people suffering from alcoholism. Septefril acts with the help of the active component - decamethoxin.
  • Grammidin lozenges are used 1 piece every 3-4 hours. The positive effect is achieved thanks to Gramicidin C, which promotes the removal of sputum.
  • Falimint lozenges should be used 1-2 tablets, 3-5 times a day. Contains acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene. With its help, the body's protective properties are activated, and phlegm is released.
  • Imudon and Hexoral should be used 1 tablet each. every 3 hours (maximum 8 pieces per day). Imudon consists of a complex of bacterial lysates that kill the virus. And Hexoral contains chlorhexedine dihydrochloride, which has a disinfecting effect.
  • Lazolvan is consumed during meals, and it should be washed down with plenty of water. For adults, the dosage is 1 piece 3 times a day. After 3 days, take 2 tablets. twice a day. The drug acts with the help of the active component – ​​ambroxol hydrochloride, which has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

Lozenges for the throat

  • Lizobact is taken 2 tablets. 3-4 times a day for patients over 12 years of age. Children's dose aged 7-12 years: 1 piece 4 times a day. Lysobact consists of lysozyme hydrochloride and pyridoxine, which have an antiviral effect.
  • Sage and Eucalyptus use 6 tablets each. per day with breaks of 2 hours for people over 15 years old. At the age of 10-15 years: 4 lozenges every 3 hours, and for children from 5 to 10 years old - 3 lozenges per day 4 hours after the previous dose. Sage and Eucalyptus contain a high concentration of beneficial substances from plants of the same name. They have an antifungal, antiviral, and disinfecting effect, and also relieve irritation from the mucous membranes of the throat.

As you have probably already seen, today there are a huge number of different lozenges and lozenges that can relieve sore throat, sore throat and even cough. They all differ from each other in composition, method of application, indications and contraindications, respectively, as well as price. That is why, before starting to take any tablets and lozenges, we recommend that you consult your doctor or at least carefully read the instructions for the drug.

Top 10 best lozenges for sore throat

Lollipops with antiseptic

The pharmaceutical industry produces the following antiseptic lollipops:

Septolete Neo (cherry, lemon or apple)

Compound: cetylpyridinium Contraindications: automatic transmission How to use: 1 tab. at 2-3 hours, maximum 8 t./day Price: 220 RUR/18 tab.


At the core: antiseptic acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene, which also has an anesthetic effect Contraindications: automatic transmission Carefully– for diabetes: 1 tablet = 0.03 bread unit How to drink: up to 10 p./day Price: 25 dragees/220-250 RUR


Main component: ambazon How to use: 3-5 t./24h. Price: regular: 120 rubles for 10 pieces of ice, 170 rubles for 20 pieces. With cinnamon, mint, lemon – 180 r/20 ice.

Lollipops for sore throat - which ones are better?

When it comes to the inflammatory process occurring on the walls of the pharynx, among the effective remedies for the disease one cannot help but highlight special sucking lollipops. A significant advantage of this remedy for sore throat is the minimal list of contraindications. Sucking candies will not have a serious effect on medications prescribed by your doctor. However, when purchasing such drugs, you should keep in mind that some manufacturers often disguise ordinary candies as medicine.

  • Cough lozenges: instructions for use
  • Medicine for sore throat for adults and children
  • A child has a sore throat - possible causes and treatment


  • Ingredients: 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol, amylmetacresol.
  • Indications: candies with menthol and eucalyptus are intended for the treatment of cough and sore throat against the background of infectious and inflammatory diseases. “Strepsils with honey and lemon”, as well as “Original” and with vitamin C are used for the symptomatic treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases. The lemon-flavored, sugar-free preparation is used as an antiseptic to relieve sore throats.
  • Application: sucking tablets are approved for use by children aged six years and older. When the first symptoms of a sore throat occur, you should dissolve one lozenge every two to three hours. The maximum daily dosage is 12 pieces. The duration of treatment depends entirely on the clinical picture.
  • Average price: 175 rub.


  • Ingredients: essential oils of peppermint, fragrant cloves, Chinese cinnamon, narrow-leaved and broad-leaved lavender, sage, nutmeg, lemon balm, anise, thyme, lemon.
  • Indications: the product is used for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. In addition, lollipops help with motion sickness in transport, and are also used in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and gums. Carmolis tablets are used by sports physicians to increase inspiratory volume during fatigue, anxiety, and decreased performance. Lollipops are an effective remedy for sore throats.
  • Application: lozenges should be dissolved every two hours. The maximum permissible daily dosage is 10 tablets.
  • Average price – 182 rubles.


  • Ingredients: amylmetacresol, 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol.
  • Indications: lollipops are indicated for use when symptoms of infectious and inflammatory diseases occur in the mouth and throat.
  • Application: for adults it is recommended to dissolve one tablet every two hours. The maximum daily dosage is 8 lozenges.
  • Average price: 95 rub.


  • Ingredients: gramicidin C dihydrochloride, cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate.
  • Indications: the drug is used in the presence of pharyngitis, sore throat, gingivitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis.
  • Application: lozenges should be taken after meals. Immediately after dissolving the tablets, you should not eat or drink for one to two hours. For adults and children over 12 years of age, it is allowed to take one tablet three to four times a day. For children from 4 to 12 years old, take one tablet once or twice.
  • Average price: 190 rub.

Inexpensive medicines for sore throat

Are there really no remedies for sore throat that do not require any significant financial costs, or at least are very accessible and cheap? Of course there are, and these are gargles. Let's look at the most popular prescription recipes, which you can purchase at a pharmacy or prepare yourself at home.

Rinse with table salt and iodine tincture

Everyone in the household has regular table salt and five percent iodine tincture. If you take one teaspoon of salt per glass of hot water, add three drops of iodine, stir, and slowly gargle with the resulting solution every one and a half to two hours for one to two days, then it is quite possible to eliminate acute pain syndrome in uncomplicated cases.

The explanation of the action is very simple. Table salt, being in a fairly concentrated solution, begins to draw water from the surface of the swollen tonsils and the oral mucosa. This reduces swelling and irritation of pain receptors. It’s not for nothing that bandages with hypertonic salt solution have long been successfully used in surgery to treat open and festering wounds

Iodine performs a disinfectant and antimicrobial function, and in case of iodine intolerance, thyroid pathology, or taking iodine-containing medications, it can be replaced with another surface antiseptic - a few drops of brilliant green solution.

Should I add baking soda? Many people add baking soda along with salt. In fact, soda, as a product exhibiting basic (alkaline) properties, helps loosen the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and the surface of the tonsils. A looser surface is a convenient substrate for the mechanical retention of plaque and microbial cells on it, and it is better to avoid the appearance of such ready-made environments for the development of microorganisms. Therefore, it is better to do without soda.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this method is the absolute cheapness and availability of the starting materials, the ability to regulate the frequency of rinsing yourself, but the disadvantage is the need to prepare the procedure, warm the water, and prepare a new portion for rinsing each time. The amount of iodine should not exceed three drops per glass of water, and this water should never be swallowed, even by accident. The dose of iodine contained in the tincture is actually very large, and in no case should the tincture be used to treat iodine deficiency, as is sometimes recommended by various newspapers. There are special vitamin complexes or medications for this.


Furacilin is sold in pharmacies in the form of small yellow tablets for external use and for preparing a solution. The active substance is called nitrofural, and is a drug of the nitrofuran series. One tablet weighing 0.2 g is diluted in 100 ml of hot water, that is, in half a standard glass. In order to prepare the solution for future use, it is advisable to immediately buy one package of 10 tablets and dilute them in 1 liter of water. The Irbit Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant offers a package of 10 tablets of Furacilin at a price that starts from 3 rubles. It is hardly possible to find a more affordable medicine on sale.

As a result, you will receive a 0.2% solution of furatsilin, and gargle with acute sore throat 4 times a day, between meals and water, using one glass or 200 ml of a warm, almost hot solution. The course of treatment is about 5 days. It is advisable to use the prepared solution completely within 3 days, and it is better to store it in a cool place and well closed, in a glass container rather than in a plastic container.

Of course, you can also purchase a ready-made solution of furatsilin for external use at the pharmacy, which is sold in sterile 400 ml bottles. One bottle costs about 200 rubles. The whole advantage of this finished dosage form is that it is sterile, and also that it is not prepared by you, but by other people. And yet, if you compare 3 rubles. and 400 rubles, it turns out that one bottle of furatsilin turns out to be the most expensive remedy in the entire rating of drugs for combating sore throat.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this product and method is the extremely low cost of furatsilin, its fairly high efficiency and effect on streptococci and staphylococci, anaerobic microorganisms and all the main representatives of pathogenic flora that cause damage to the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. Negative aspects include the ban on gargling for children under 3 years of age, when the baby does not know how to gargle, as well as intolerance to nitrofurans, which can manifest itself in the form of an allergic rash, nausea and throat irritation.


It is known that one of the fastest-acting and most effective remedies for treating a sore throat are sprays and aerosols. Which aerosol is the most affordable for citizens of the Russian Federation? Are there products that cost less than 100 rubles and are packaged in aerosol form? Yes, there is such a remedy. This is Kameton. It contains camphor with a cooling effect, eucalyptus oil, levomenthol and chlorobutanol.

Cameton is a disinfectant and antiseptic drug; it must be used for all inflammatory and infectious diseases of the oral cavity, which are accompanied by swelling, pain, hyperemia of the mucous membranes and their redness. In addition, Cameton is indicated for use in rhinitis and sinusitis. The product must be sprayed in the oral cavity, and, if necessary, in the nasal cavity during inhalation.

The frequency of use is 3 to 4 times a day. This spray is dosed, that is, if you press the valve once, 100 mg of the drug will be sprayed from the bottle, which is very convenient and equals one therapeutic dose. Kameton is produced in the form of an aerosol in a 45 ml can by the domestic manufacturer Vips-med, at a price of 55 rubles. As for the 20 ml spray in a spray bottle, its price is 38 rubles. per package.

Advantages and disadvantages

Convenient form, dosed aerosol spray mode, and low price have made Kameton very popular. Side effects such as allergic reactions and skin rashes are very rare, and there are no systemic effects because the drug does not enter the bloodstream. Cameton can be used in complex therapy. It is not recommended for use in children under 5 years of age, not because they will be harmed by the medication, but simply because they may not be comfortable handling aerosol cans without adult supervision and may pose a known hazard. It is also not recommended to use Cameton for pregnant and lactating women, but only because sufficient observational experience has not been accumulated.

9 Eucalyptus-M

These lozenges contain two key active ingredients - menthol and eucalyptus oil. In addition to them, a large list of other plant elements can be identified in the composition. This homeopathic remedy has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, disinfectant effect, and will help to very quickly reduce even a severe sore throat. Doctors often recommend this drug for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Eucalyptus lozenges have been tested for years and are very loved by customers. Many people regularly keep them in their first aid kit in case of illness, as they are confident that they can primarily help relieve pain and make breathing easier. The taste is not for everyone - cold due to menthol and eucalyptus, but knowing the effectiveness of the product, consumers do not think much about its taste. Lollipops have one more advantage - they are very low cost.

Absorbable tablets for sore throat and cough for pregnant women: list, application

Carrying a baby is an extremely important and responsible period in a woman’s life. Unfortunately, during 9 months of pregnancy, most expectant mothers manage to suffer from more than one disease, and throat ailments are far from last on this list.

For pregnant women, there is not a large selection of drugs approved for use. After all, seemingly harmless cough drops may contain too high a concentration of various substances, which in the future may negatively affect the development of the child. For example, pregnant women are contraindicated:

  • Medicines containing antibiotics
  • Mustard plasters
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures
  • Hot foot baths
  • Inhalation if fever is present
  • Cough preparations containing high concentrations of chemical elements: ACC, Bronholitin, Pertussin, Linkas

Pregnancy pills

If you experience a sore throat or cough, you should visit a physician to prescribe treatment, as well as to avoid further complications. Acceptable lollipops include:

  • Faringosept (it is also allowed to be used during lactation; dissolve 3-5 lozenges daily before meals 30 minutes)
  • Chlorophyllipt (can be used with breastfeeding milk in consultation with a doctor; 1 tablet every 4-5 hours)
  • Isla (use up to 6 tablets per day according to the instructions)
  • Licorice lollipops (dissolve up to 6 pieces per day)
  • Breast collection No. 4 in the form of lozenges (1 piece 4 times a day; there are no contraindications, because the composition contains only natural ingredients)
  • Mucaltin (use 1-2 pieces three times a day)
  • Lizobakt (3-4 times a day, 1-2 pieces; no contraindications)

6 Septolete

The widest spectrum of action Country: Slovenia Average price: 205 rub. Rating (2019): 4.7

An effective drug in the form of lozenges with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Suitable for use by adults and children. Thanks to the optimally selected composition, medicinal lozenges have a complex effect - antiseptic, bactericidal, fungicidal, analgesic. Therefore, lozenges help with sore throat, regardless of the pathogen. Additionally, mint and eucalyptus oils included in the composition refresh, make breathing easier, and instantly reduce pain.

Most reviews about the drug are good; doctors often prescribe it as part of complex treatment. According to users, this is a very effective drug that helps cope with even severe sore throat. The only drawback is the unpleasant medicinal taste of the candies.

Cheap drugs for sore throat

Inexpensive lozenges for sore throat are the following:

  • Bobs lollipops 10 pieces – 20-35 rubles;
  • Canvas 10 pieces – 50 rubles;
  • Adjisept – 70 rubles/pack;
  • Suprima-Lor – 90-110 rubles.

Cheap lollipops are:

  • Sage (Verbena) candies 60 grams – 60 rubles;
  • licorice candies 60 g – 40-75 rubles;
  • “The power of four herbs” 50 g – 60 rub.

An ENT doctor or therapist (for children - a pediatrician) should still tell you which tablets you need when you have a sore throat based on an examination. Self-medication can lead to the spread of infection from the throat into the blood, and untreated bacterial tonsillitis can, moreover, be complicated by heart disease (due to rheumatism) or severe kidney disease. If the sore throat is caused by bacterial (usually staphylococcal) flora, then taking local remedies alone will not prevent the development of phlegmon (impregnation with pus) of the fatty tissue surrounding the tonsils.

The first symptom of a cold or acute respiratory disease is a sharp sore throat, which sometimes prevents a person from getting enough sleep and eating. A sore, sore throat can also cause coughing attacks, so even at the first symptoms of redness in the throat, it is necessary to begin treatment, especially since choosing the right remedy is not difficult. Today, a lot of drugs are produced to help an irritated throat - from inhalation solutions to sprays. However, the price of drugs does not always remain affordable, and the purchase of an effective drug is sometimes affordable. Budget lozenges with healing ingredients that will have antibacterial, antiseptic and analgesic effects can come to the rescue.

Lozenges for sore throat

The main positive difference between lollipops and other drugs is their surface action, without entering the bloodstream, which minimizes side effects from use.


Prevents the spread of pathogenic organisms.


Relieve pain by blocking nerve conduction.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

They fight inflammation well and relieve pain well.

Herbal remedies

Soothe an irritated throat and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

When choosing a particular product, you should carefully study the instructions and strictly follow the instructions for the greatest effectiveness of the products.

Also, do not forget that taking lollipops should not be too long, because despite the pleasant taste, these are medicines with potent substances.

If inflammation of the larynx persists after taking a course of medications, it is recommended to consult a medical specialist.

Sore throat and sore throat are the main symptoms that occur in the vast majority of cases of the onset of colds.

They cause a lot of discomfort both to adults, causing decreased ability to work and malaise, and to small patients who begin to be capricious and cry.

Throat lozenges can help relieve this condition. They quickly eliminate the negative symptoms of painful sensations, although they have a short-term effect and their use alone is not enough to cope with the manifestation of the disease.

Throat tablets are a medicinal product that provides local therapy, relieving the feeling of pain and discomfort in the form of soreness or tingling that occurs at the first stage of the inflammatory process of the upper respiratory organs.

Their therapeutic effect is based on the destruction of cell membranes of pathogenic microflora, which disrupts the process of their growth and reproduction.

They have a great advantage over other drugs, being fast-acting, and have a therapeutic effect without penetrating into the systemic bloodstream. This feature allows you to minimize the possibility of side effects.

In addition, due to their pleasant taste, they do not cause disgust when prescribed in childhood.

The disadvantages of this dosage form include:

  • Superficial action (does not penetrate into the deep tissues of the tonsils).
  • The resulting positive effect disappears very quickly in the absence of complex therapy.
  • Children can be given tablets only from the age of three, and lozenges from the age of 5.
  • In some cases, due to the presence of natural components in the composition, allergic reactions occur.
  • May have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

Situation when prescribing throat tablets would be justified:

  • Acute inflammatory processes with the development of pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis.
  • Development of acute or exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis.
  • Candidiasis of the oral cavity, stomatitis.
  • Inflammatory processes of the gums and tongue.

Types of throat tablets

Depending on the medicinal composition, throat tablets are divided into the following types:

  1. With natural ingredients. The main ingredients of such tablets are components of natural origin. They can be extracts from chamomile, sage, licorice or ginger inflorescences. The use of this dosage form eliminates the inflammatory process and moisturizes the mucous membranes, relieving the feeling of dryness and soreness in the throat.
  2. Throat tablets with antiseptics. The components make it possible to destroy both bacterial and viral infections.
  3. Lollipops and tablet forms with anesthetic. The main advantage of these drugs for the throat is the rapid elimination of pain when swallowing, but they do not have therapeutic effectiveness against pathogenic pathogens. In addition, they have contraindications, which is why they are not prescribed if the cause of pain is a chemical irritant or injury.
  4. Throat tablets with antibacterial agents. They can be used if bacterial pathogens play a major role in the pathogenesis of the disease. But they are not effective against viral and fungal infections. Thoughtless or independent use can cause the destruction of beneficial microflora of the oral cavity. This explains their prescription only by a doctor.
  5. Lollipops and tablets with a medicinal composition that is aimed at increasing the immune status of the body. During their use, both local and general immunity increases. In this case, the patient’s natural defenses are restored, which allows them to quickly cope with the infection.
  6. Throat tablets based on homeopathy. They provide a double effect, relieving the symptoms of inflammation and eliminating the feeling of pain when swallowing, but do not affect pathogenic microflora.
  7. Tablets with combined action. Therapeutic effectiveness is ensured by a combination of several active ingredients. Most often, this is a remedy that relieves the severity of inflammation, plus an antiseptic or a dosage form that relieves swelling of tissues.

Tablets and throat lozenges based on natural ingredients

The main feature of drugs with natural ingredients is their low toxicity, which allows them to be prescribed during the period when a woman is pregnant and in childhood.

This group includes the following types of drugs:

  • Sage lollipops. The main medicinal component is Sage extract. Its presence provides an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect, due to which the symptoms of the inflammatory process are eliminated and attacks of dry cough are relieved. Prescribed for asthmatic cough, bronchitis, pharyngitis or tonsillitis. They can also be used in the initial stages of colds. In pediatrics they are used only when the child is 5 years old. For adult patients, the recommended dosage is two tablets with an interval of 2 hours; in adolescence, the daily dose should not exceed four lozenges. From 5 to 9 years old, it is allowed to dissolve 3 lozenges per day. The price may differ depending on the region of Russia. She is within from 80 to 130 rub.
  • Liquorice. The therapeutic effect is ensured by the presence of a natural component of Licorice root. In addition to relieving soreness and sore throat, taking the tablet allows you to clear your throat, which relieves pain behind the chest. It also helps to reduce the viscosity of sputum, which makes it easier to secrete. It will be safe if you use no more than 6 lozenges per day. Price may vary within from 35 to 50 rub.
  • Doctor Mom. It has several main ingredients (Licorice, Ginger, Menthol). Relieves local irritation, simultaneously developing an expectorant effect and eliminating the symptoms of inflammation. Patients respond well to these tablets when treating laryngitis, pharyngitis, and tracheobronchitis. The therapeutic dose is one lozenge with an interval of 2 to 3 hours, but the dosage should not exceed 10 tablets per day. The average course of therapy can range from 2 weeks to 20 days. In the pharmacy chain the price is 130 rub.
  • Dr. Theiss. It has different release forms, which contain honey, menthol, ascorbic acid with lemon or linden, sage in combination with orange. It has a lot of positive properties that provide antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, while simultaneously relieving the feeling of irritation and sore throat. This allows the tablets to be used in all cases of development of the inflammatory process in the respiratory system. For both adults and children, the dosage should not exceed 5 lozenges in 24 hours. The use of the drug is prohibited in all trimesters of pregnancy, and during the period when a woman is breastfeeding her baby. Pharmacy cost is within from 70 to 115 rub.
  • Hols. The main components that ensure the therapeutic effectiveness of these throat tablets are Eucalyptus oil in combination with Menthol. Prescribed in all cases of bronchospasm, relieving the symptoms of dry cough. In addition, it makes nasal breathing easier. It is allowed to take at intervals of 2 hours, but the daily dosage is limited to taking 10 tablets. In the pharmacy chain you will have to pay for one package from 40 to 50 rub.
  • Travisil. Throat tablets with a powerful medicinal composition of natural origin. These include Liquorice, Acacia bark, Turmeric, Basil rhizome and seeds. Eliminates the symptoms of cough of infectious origin and osmotic origin. Recommended dose three times a day at regular intervals. Exceeding the frequency of use on your own can cause an allergic process. Pharmacy costs may vary from 110 to 130 rub.
  • Chlorophyllipt. Eucalyptus leaf extract is the main active ingredient that provides a bactericidal effect, causing the death of pathogenic microorganisms. Positive dynamics are observed in the treatment of not only tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis, it is used for diseases of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis and sinusitis). It is also successfully used in the treatment of aphthous stomatitis of the oral cavity. Depending on the disease, a throat tablet is prescribed at intervals of 4 hours. The recommended course should not exceed 7 days. In some cases, negative consequences may occur in the form of skin rashes such as urticaria. In Russia, the average pharmacy price is 120 rub.
  • Tonsilgon N. The presence of marshmallow and oak bark components, chamomile and medicinal dandelion inflorescences, walnut leaves and yarrow herb in the tablets makes it possible to eliminate the severity of the inflammatory process in the throat. Systematic use helps relieve inflammation of the tonsils and paranasal sinuses. During the acute period of the disease, the frequency of use should not exceed 5 to 6 times per day, one tablet at a time. When the disease subsides, up to 3 tablets are used per day. A package containing 50 tablets has a price 340 rub.

Throat tablets containing an antiseptic

The main indication for the use of this dosage form is diseases of the ENT organs.

Drugs with an antiseptic composition that are most often prescribed.


Indications and dosage

Pharyngitis, laryngitis or sore throat.

Throat tablets after 12 years can be used at regular intervals (two or three hours), up to 8 times a day.

For children over 4 years of age, this dose is reduced to 6 lozenges per day.

Can be used with caution in all trimesters of pregnancy.

18 tablets will have a price within 220 rub.


It has three unique qualities:

  • Provides local anesthesia.
  • Eliminates the feeling of pain.
  • Eliminates pathogenic pathogens due to its antiseptic effect.

Due to this, coughing is reduced, and the resulting coolness in the oral cavity relieves the feeling of irritation and sore throat. It is recommended for use in case of inflammatory processes of the velopharyngeal ring, as well as in the case of the development of dental pathologies (gingivitis or stomatitis).

During one day, the frequency of use should not exceed 2 tablets per single dose. The maximum dose within 24 hours is 10 lozenges.

A package containing 25 tablets can have a price ranging from 220 to 250 rubles.


The throat tablets contain Ambazona monohydrate in a concentration of 10 mg. Effective against many pathogenic microflora, including staphylococci, which have become resistant to antibacterial drugs. It is used in all cases of treatment and prevention of inflammatory processes that affect the mucous epithelium lining the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract.

The average daily dose should not exceed 5 tablets, which are best dissolved at regular intervals. The children's dosage is 3 throat tablets per day.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the pharmacy cost for 20 tablets does not exceed 165 rub.

Throat tablets causing local anesthesia

These medications can not only relieve the inflammation process, but also induce an anesthesia effect that significantly alleviates the patient’s condition.

In this case it is prescribed:

  • Anti-angina. The drug has good effectiveness in the development of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis or gingivitis. The tablets can be taken six times throughout the day. In this case, it is necessary to observe equal intervals of time. In pediatrics, it can be prescribed when the child is 5 years old. Women who are expecting the birth of a child are not prescribed pills in the first trimester of pregnancy. The average price does not exceed 160 rubles for 20 pieces. Due to the fact that the drug contains Chlorhexidine diacetate and Tetracaine hydrochloride, a double effect occurs:
    • The first component eliminates the source of inflammation in the mouth and throat.
    • The second reduces pain during the act of swallowing
  • Grammidin Neo. It contains 3 milligrams of Gramicidin S. It is particularly effective against most infectious pathogens. Helps eliminate the unpleasant sensation of soreness in the throat when swallowing. By increasing the process of salivation, it cleanses the oral cavity of harmful microorganisms. To maintain the therapeutic effect, it is used after each meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner). It is not recommended to independently exceed the therapeutic course, which is 6 days. A pack containing 18 tablets has a price 250 rub.

Lozenges containing an antibacterial agent

To destroy pathogenic microflora, the drug is most often prescribed Grammidin. Its therapeutic effect can cause the death of bacterial microflora due to the effect on its walls, as a result of which the metabolic processes of pathogenic microorganisms are disrupted.

Positive dynamics are observed in acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis or laryngitis. A positive effect in the treatment of dental diseases (periodontal disease, gingivitis or stomatitis) was also noted.

To complete the therapeutic effect, antibiotic tablets for the throat are taken after breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner in the amount of 2 pieces. The course is 6 days.

The price in Russia may differ significantly, depending on the region, and fluctuate within from 180 to 250 rub.

Homeopathy remedies for sore throat

This category of drugs causes heated debate about their effectiveness. Most practitioners are of the opinion that they are best used as a preventive measure. However, there are adherents of this treatment method.

The therapeutic effect is provided by the following composition:

  • Phytolacca americana.
  • Capsicum.
  • Guaiacum.

These throat tablets are prescribed when symptoms of nasopharyngitis, stomatitis, laryngitis or tonsillitis appear. It is absolutely contraindicated in children under 14 years of age, in any trimester of pregnancy, or when breastfeeding a newborn.

The first day of use allows the drug to be absorbed under the tongue every 2 or 3 hours. It is recommended to use three tablet forms within 2 days. In order for the tablet to have the desired effect, you should not eat or drink liquids for an hour after it.

The price is 358 rub.

Throat tablets that increase local immunity

For this purpose, medication is most often prescribed Immudon.

The level of local immunity is normalized due to the presence in the preparation of a mixture of bacterial lysates, under the influence of which the synthesis of lysozyme increases and phagocytosis is activated.

Imudon throat tablets are used in all cases of infectious processes in the oral cavity and nasopharynx.

In addition, it eliminates the problem of oral dysbiosis and erosions that arose as a consequence of wearing dentures.

Approved for use from the age of three.

To maintain the therapeutic concentration of the medication, 8 tablets are drunk throughout the day at regular intervals. 10 days is the optimal period for treating inflammatory diseases. In pediatrics, for children from 3 to 12 years old, the dose in 24 hours should not exceed 6 tablets.

To purchase a drug in a pharmacy chain, you need to pay 420 rub.

Lozenges for the throat with a combined effect

List of the most popular combined action throat tablets:

  • Septolete D. A variation of this form of Septolete differs from others in that it can be taken if the patient is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. This is due to the fact that the composition does not contain sugar, and Maltitol is used to replace it. For children from 4 to 10 years old, it is 6 lozenges per day, which should be dissolved at regular intervals. 8 tablets within 24 hours are allowed to be used in adolescence and adult patients. Price Ot 140 to 200 rub. Lozenges containing eucalyptus oil, Levomenthol and peppermint oil extract.
    Thanks to this tandem, the following therapeutic actions occur:
    • Bacterial pathogens, viral and fungal infections are destroyed.
    • The feeling of soreness in the throat is relieved and the symptoms of irritation are eliminated due to the action of Menthol and Peppermint.
    • The production of mucous secretion is reduced under the influence of Eucalyptus oil. Due to this, signs of pharyngitis, acute and chronic tonsillitis, stomatitis and gingivitis are eliminated.
  • Septolete Total. A more advanced form than regular Septolete throat tablets. Covers a wider range of diseases and can be used as a prophylactic after tooth extraction to prevent the development of inflammation in the oral cavity. It is also used to relieve a sore throat, pain when swallowing, or when there is purulent plaque on the tonsils. To maintain the therapeutic concentration and ensure the proper therapeutic effect, one tablet is taken 5 times a day with an interval of at least 2 hours. Therapy that lasted 4 days and did not lead to positive results necessitates contacting a doctor. The price does not exceed 260 rub.
  • Hexoral Tabs. At the same time it has antibacterial and anesthetic properties. The medicinal composition provides the presence of Chlorhexidine dihydrochloride, Thymol and Benzocaine. Prescribed in all cases when there is a need to eliminate pain and sore throat against the background of a strong cough with the appearance of hoarseness. Used for cough caused by smoking habit. It can be used as a medicine to relieve inflammation in the gums in dental practice (for stomatitis or gingivitis). Price from 170 rub. The maximum permissible dose is 8 tablets, the intake of which is evenly distributed throughout the day. After eliminating the negative symptoms, it is recommended to continue dissolving the lozenges for several days.
  • Strepsils Intensive. The main advantage of Strepsils Intensive is its ability to relieve sore throat. But it has a big disadvantage, since it does not have a bactericidal effect. This creates the need to combine it with other drugs. Pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, makes it impossible to use this dosage form due to the fact that during this period the circulatory system of the unborn baby is being formed. From 350 to 370 rub. The medicine should not be taken for more than 3 days. The usual dose is one tablet at regular intervals with 8 times of application.

Lozenges to relieve sore throat

To relieve the symptoms of pain that occurs as a result of inflammatory processes, the following types of drugs are used:

  • Lysobacter. Lysozyme and Pyridoxine are two chemical components that provide the therapeutic effect of the drug. The first component has a destructive effect on the cellular structure of bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens. Pyridoxine restores the oral mucosa. The use of this dosage form allows you to eliminate the negative manifestations of respiratory tract disease and dental problems. Three times a day, two tablets, this is an adult dose of the drug. For a child, the dosage is halved (one tablet after breakfast, lunch and dinner). Depending on the region of Russia, the price may fluctuate from 300 to 320 rub.
  • Tantum Verde. The main constituent chemical compound is benzydamine hydrochloride. The optimal prescription would be for symptoms of pharyngitis, tonsillitis or tonsillitis, acute calculous inflammation of the glands that produce saliva. It can also be used in case of improper oral hygiene, which results in the formation of cracks and microtraumas with disruption of the integrity of the mucous epithelium. Eliminates the negative manifestations of thrush in the mouth, which is a consequence of prolonged or ill-considered antibacterial therapy. In order to maintain therapeutic effectiveness, one tablet is prescribed 3 times a day. The cost is 240 rub.
  • Laripront. Use is allowed for ENT diseases, dental pathologies, and during the rehabilitation period after surgical therapy on the sinuses. Use three times a day, an hour before or after meals. In a commercial or state pharmacy, the drug is dispensed at a cost not exceeding 220 rub.
    The unique composition (Lysozyme plus Dequalinium chloride) allows not only to relieve a sore throat, but also to produce the following effect:
    • Suppress microbial reproduction of pathogenic infections, stopping their growth and development.
    • Destroy viral infection.
    • Reduce the viscosity of secreted sputum, easing the patient's condition.
    • Relieve the severity of inflammation on the mucous epithelium of the oral cavity.

Safe lozenges and throat lozenges during pregnancy and pediatrics

The period when a woman is carrying a child and childhood is a situation when, in the first case, the body’s protective barrier decreases, and in the second, throat diseases occur due to immature immunity.

In this case, throat tablets are prescribed taking into account their minimal toxic effects. Contraindications and the possibility of side effects are especially taken into account.

List of medications for absorption under the tongue that are allowed in the treatment of pregnant women and children

Name Use during pregnancy Use in children
Hexoral tabs

No From 4 years old
Doctor Mom Yes From 3 years

Which drugs for treating the throat are the best and which are inexpensive?

According to patient reviews and the opinion of practicing specialists, a group of medications can be distinguished to relieve symptoms of inflammation in the throat, which are prescribed more often than other drugs.

This list includes the following types of dosage forms:

  1. Lysobacter. It occupies a leading position, as it is taken during all trimesters of pregnancy and has the ability to increase the immune status of the body.
  2. Eliminating signs of an inflammatory process in the throat does not have a toxic effect on the development of the fetus, and does not cause restrictions when breastfeeding the baby.
  3. Strepsils. It is popular, despite the possibility of developing some side effects.
  4. Tantum Verde. At the same time, it relieves pain, inflammation and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora.
  5. Faringosept. A time-tested medicine with low toxicity.

List of the most popular drugs due to their inexpensive prices:

  • Neo-angina. Both state and commercial pharmacies dispense this medicine at a price 150 rub.
  • Faringosept. 10 tablets will cost the buyer 80 rub.
  • Sebidin. 170 rub.– this is the maximum cost for a package of twenty tablets.
  • Septolete. Price within 120 rub.
  • Theraflu. The maximum price per package can be 200 rub.

Lozenges and throat tablets can relieve the patient's condition in a short period of time. In most cases, they are well tolerated by patients and do not cause serious consequences or adverse reactions.

But they are not used as monotherapy, but are used in complex treatment. This is explained by their inability to penetrate deep into tissues, and as a result their action is superficial.

Despite the fact that they are widely available and you do not need a prescription form to purchase them, their use must be agreed with your doctor so as not to cause side effects and allergic reactions.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can see many medicines at affordable prices. They differ in chemical composition, properties and characteristics, but all drugs for treating the throat work locally, with virtually no systemic effect on the body. And their effectiveness has been proven for more than one generation.

Types of tablets

The drugs differ in the nature of their action.


Antiseptic throat lozenges are recommended for disinfecting the oropharynx. Their prescription is justified not only for viral and bacterial infections, but also in the presence of other pathogens in the throat (for example, fungal flora).

Preparations with immunomodulatory properties - Imudon, Isla.


There are several types of throat lozenges.


They must be administered orally, kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. Chewing the drug is not recommended. After resorption of the tablet, it is not advisable to drink or eat for an hour so that the remedy has time to complete its task.

Absorbable throat tablets - Falinimint, Strepsils, Septolete.

Used internally

Drugs for the treatment of the throat, which are intended for internal use, are NSAIDs for fever, pain and inflammation (Paracetamol, Nurofen), antibiotics (Sumamed, Azithromycin), antihistamines for inflammation and swelling (Zyrtec, Suprastin). The prescription of these drugs is carried out by a doctor in order to avoid the development of complications.

For rinsing

A medicine known to many, on the basis of which a solution for gargling is prepared, is tablets. Nitrofuran, which is the active component of this drug, works locally, providing antibacterial and antimicrobial effects.

On herbs

Among the natural preparations for the treatment of throat, Tonsilgon can be distinguished. This product is of completely natural origin and contains chamomile, horsetail, oak bark, marshmallow, yarrow, and dandelion.

Herbal preparations have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects and have a positive effect on the immune system.


Almost all dissolving tablets for the treatment of throat infections have an enveloping effect. When using them, already in the first minutes the cutting and tearing pain sensations are softened, and irritation in the throat goes away. The composition of the drugs varies significantly, since each has its own active components.

Most often, the basis of absorbable tablets is amylmetacresol, ambazone, lysozyme, and dichlorobenzyl alcohol. These substances eliminate pain and inflammation, kill pathogenic flora. Many tablets contain vitamin C, which stimulates immune function, as well as essential oils and anesthetics.

Good absorbable drugs, along with and, effectively help in the fight against unpleasant cold symptoms.

Review of the most popular

Let us give examples of the most popular drugs and give their brief descriptions.


Lozenges for throat diseases with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Active ingredients: biclotymol, enoxolone, lysozyme hydrochloride.


  • angina;
  • tonsillitis;

The drug is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age; during pregnancy and lactation it is prescribed under strict indications.

Hexaliz, like other throat tablets, is kept in the mouth until dissolved. Adults are recommended to take a tablet every 2 hours, but not more than 8 per day. Children over 6 years old: take a tablet every 4 hours.

Side effects include an allergic reaction, oral dysbiosis after prolonged use of the drug.


Local antibiotic widely used in otolaryngology. The active substance is gramicidin C.


  • angina;
  • tonsillitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis.

Contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 4 years of age.

Adults and teenagers should take 2 tablets, and children 4-12 years old should take 1 tablet 4 times a day.

Allergies are common side effects.


Antiseptic throat lozenges that have a bactericidal, fungistatic and weak analgesic effect.

The active ingredients are dequalinium chloride and dibucaine hydrochloride.


  • angina;
  • oral candidiasis;
  • laryngitis;
  • stomatitis.

The drug is contraindicated in the presence of hypersensitivity to its components.

Decathylene can be prescribed to pregnant women under medical supervision.

It is necessary to slowly dissolve one Decatylene tablet every 2 hours until the acute symptoms of the disease disappear, then the interval can be increased.

Side effects of the drug are unknown.


A local drug with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Active ingredients: levomenthol, mint oil, eucalyptus oil, thymol.


  • angina;
  • laryngitis;
  • tonsillitis.

Contraindicated in children under 4 years of age; prescribed with caution during pregnancy.

According to the instructions, the drug should be taken 1 piece every 2 hours. The daily number of lozenges should not exceed 4 for children aged 4-12 years and 8 for adults.

Side effects include the development of diarrhea and allergies.


Bacteriostatic antimicrobial drug of the sulfonamide group for external, local and systemic use.

The active ingredient is sulfonamide.

Indications: tonsillitis and other throat infections.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • age up to 6 years.

Mode of application:

  • 1 tablet or 0.5 tsp. Dissolve the finished Streptocide powder in a glass of water and gargle.
  • Dissolve 1 tablet until dissolved in the mouth. You can use no more than 6 tablets per day.

The development of allergies and headaches were noted as side effects.


A bacteriostatic drug prescribed for throat diseases.

The active ingredient is ambazone.

Indications: throat infections.

Contraindicated for the treatment of children under 3 years of age.

There is insufficient data on how ambazon affects pregnancy and the developing fetus, so expectant mothers should avoid using the drug.

Mode of application:

  • Children 3-7 years old - one tablet 3 times a day.
  • Children over 7 years of age and adults - one tablet up to 5 times a day.

The use of the drug may cause allergies.


Local antiseptic and analgesic, often prescribed in ENT practice.

The active ingredient is hexethidine.

Indications: throat infections.

Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. Prescribed with caution during pregnancy.

You must take a tablet up to 8 times a day.

While taking Hexoral, a temporary disturbance of taste and the development of allergies are possible.


A local drug that has an analgesic and antiseptic effect, as well as a slight local anesthetic effect.

The active ingredient is acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene.

Indications: throat infections.

Contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 5 years of age.

It is necessary to dissolve one tablet several times a day (no more than 10 tablets).

Allergy development is possible.


A combined drug prescribed for the local treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Active ingredients: dextromethorphan, phenylephrine hydrochloride, pheniramine maleate.

Indications: throat infections.

Contraindicated for children under 7 years of age. Prescribed with caution during pregnancy.

Children over 7 years of age and adults take a lozenge every 3 hours, but no more than 8 lozenges per day.

Side effects:

  • allergy;
  • headache.


A herbal preparation that has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, a local anesthetic.

Active ingredients: licorice, ginger, turmeric, peppermint, emblica.


  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • gingivitis.

Contraindicated in children under 5 years of age. The use of the drug in pregnant and lactating mothers has not been studied.

An allergic reaction may develop.


An immunostimulating agent used in otolaryngology.

The active substance is bacterial lysates.

Indications: throat infections.


  • children under 3 years old;
  • pregnancy;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Mode of application:

  • Children 3-14 years old - 6 tablets per day with an interval of 1-2 hours.
  • Children over 14 years of age and adults - 8 tablets per day.

Side effects: allergies, less often - increased body temperature.


A combined drug that has antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

The active components are dequalinium chloride and lysozyme hydrochloride.


  • angina;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis.

The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to its components.

It can be used during pregnancy under medical supervision.

Side effects include allergies.


Local antiseptic for treating throat.

The active substances are pyridoxine hydrochloride and lysozyme hydrochloride.

Indications: throat infections.


  • child's age up to 3 years;
  • lactose intolerance.

It is possible to prescribe Lizobact for pregnant women.

Mode of application:

  • Children 3-12 years old: - one tablet 3 times a day.
  • Children over 12 years old and adults - 2 tablets three times a day.

Allergy development is possible.


A combined antiseptic that has analgesic, antimicrobial and antifungal effects.

Active substances - amylmetacresol, dichlorobenzyl alcohol.

Indications: Oropharyngeal infections.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 5 years of age. Only a doctor can prescribe Strepsils to pregnant women.

The development of dyspeptic disorders (digestive disorders) is possible.


Combined antiseptic tablets for sore throat.

The active substance is amylmetacresol.


  • tonsillitis;
  • angina;
  • pharyngitis.

According to the instructions, you need to take a lollipop every 2-3 hours, but no more than 8 pieces per day.

The drug can trigger the development of allergies.


An antimicrobial drug with activity against pathogenic flora.

The active substance is nitrofuran.

Indications: oral infections.

The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to nitrofurans.

Furacilin is safe for expectant mothers and children, the main thing is not to swallow the medicinal solution while gargling.

To prepare a solution of Furacilin, take 1 tablet of the drug per 100 ml of hot water. You can gargle every 2 hours until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Side effects include allergies.

Doctor Mom

Combined herbal medicine with antiseptic and analgesic effects.

Active ingredients: licorice, ginger, emblica.

Indications: throat infections.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age and pregnant women.

The instructions suggest taking a lozenge every 2 hours until symptoms subside.

While taking lozenges, a hypersensitivity reaction may develop.


A complex drug that has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects.

The active ingredient is Irish moss.

Indications: infections of the ENT organs.

Contraindicated in children under 4 years of age and pregnant women.

Isla throat tablets for children 4-12 years old are prescribed 1 piece every 2 hours, but not more than 6 per day. Teenagers and adults can take no more than 12 tablets per day.

Allergy development is possible.


A product with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.

Active ingredients: levomenthol, eucalyptus oil.


  • angina;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis, etc.


  • children under 8 years old;
  • stenosing laryngitis;
  • diabetes.

The drug is prescribed with caution during pregnancy.

In the absence of contraindications, you can take one tablet of the drug three times a day.

Allergies are a common side effect.

With propolis

Good anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving throat tablets of natural origin.

Active ingredients: propolis, vitamin C, burdock extract.

Indications: throat infections.

Preparations with propolis are contraindicated in case of intolerance to beekeeping products.

Mode of application:

  • children under 10 years of age and pregnant women - 1 tablet;
  • adults - 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Allergy development is possible.

With sage

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

The active ingredient is sage oil.

Indications: throat diseases.


  • children under 5 years old;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • liver diseases;
  • diabetes.

If there are no contraindications, take 1 tablet of the drug with sage every 2 hours, but no more than 6 tablets per day.

A hypersensitivity reaction may develop.

With eucalyptus

Antiseptic anti-inflammatory agent.

The active ingredient is sage leaf extract, levomenthol.

Indications: throat infections.


  • children under 8 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

According to the instructions, for throat diseases you need to take 3 tablets a day.

There is a risk of developing allergies.


A natural remedy for treating the throat based on eucalyptus.

The active substance is eucalyptus chlorophyll extract.

Indications: throat infections.

The drug is contraindicated in case of individual hypersensitivity to its components.

As with other drugs described above, allergies may develop when taking Chlorophyllipt.

Why can't you take a lot of throat lozenges?

Independent uncontrolled treatment, even despite the relative safety of the drug, increases the possibility of developing side effects.

How to choose the most suitable tablets?

In almost every pharmacy you can find dozens of different types of absorbable tablets for sale. They differ in composition, mechanism of action, contraindications, but most contain one antiseptic and anesthetic component.

When choosing tablets for the treatment of the throat, it is important to consider the indications for their use, age restrictions, and the presence of contraindications. The choice of drug should be made by a doctor, since its action must be supplemented with complex medications.

Timely consultation with a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease is the key to effective treatment and prevention of complications. Infection from any source can spread throughout the body, lingering on its organs and systems. That is why throat infections need to be treated, and lozenges will be one of the links in successful therapy.

Useful video about treating a sore throat