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Top 10 Smart Small Dogs. The smartest dog breeds. Place – Continental Toy Spaniel – adorable Papillon and Phalen

In this article I will talk about the dog breeds that dog experts have identified as the most intellectually gifted. I will make a list of the top 10 smartest dog breeds bred today. I will also briefly tell you about the original purpose and characteristics of this or that breed.

10 Smartest Dog Breeds in the World

For many centuries, dogs have been faithful companions of people. Some of them love to hunt, others are irreplaceable in pastures, and others are excellent watchdogs. But they are all united by a common quality - boundless love and devotion to their owner. For many years, scientists have been studying the intelligence of large and small dogs and were eventually able to create a ranking of the smartest breeds in the world. Which breed is considered the smartest? Below is a list of the coolest breeds by popularity.

Border Collie

Border Collie

It takes a well-deserved first place. They were bred in the south of Scotland. As a result of a study by scientists of this breed, it was revealed that the dogs are awarded with good memory and concentration. The ancestors of the border collie were exclusively engaged in guarding human homes and herding livestock. Therefore, these dogs are very active and freedom-loving; it will be difficult for them to get along in an ordinary city apartment.

The cost of a puppy of this breed in Russia varies from 4 to 40 thousand rubles, depending on the pedigree.

Pets love children immensely and are ready to play with them for hours; they are considered to be excellent nannies. At the same time, this is a brave animal, selflessly protecting its home and its household. He behaves very warily with strangers. Border collies are easy to train and are able to remember many words and commands.

Dog experts gave second place to the poodle. Today, most people associate pets of this breed with the circus. But if you delve into the history of the breed, you will find out that poodles are excellent hunters, field postmen, guide dogs and bloodhounds. They are also capable of saving a drowning person. France is considered to be the birthplace of the breed.

The cost of a poodle puppy depends on the title of its parents (from 3 to 60 thousand rubles).

– intelligent, affectionate, kind, peace-loving dogs, equally attached to all family members. They remember commands easily and quickly, even a child can do the training, and the curly pet will happily fulfill all requests. Intelligence and loyalty are two main character traits of Poodle dogs.

German Shepherd

German Shepherds are considered a wonderful breed of working dogs. They serve in the police, army, Ministry of Emergency Situations. They are distinguished by loyalty and devotion, ready to save people at the cost of their own lives. German Shepherds are excellent actors; dogs of this breed are loved in films, as they quickly and easily understand what is required of them.

In Russia, German Shepherd puppies cost from 3 thousand rubles.

“Germans” can also be shepherd dogs, guides for the blind, guards, and companions in children's games. They are willful and do not tolerate coercion; you can get what you want from them only with affection and kindness. These pets get along well with children, so they can be an excellent family dog.

Simply created to exist in a large family. These playful fidgets have irrepressible energy for playing with children, and at the same time can be guides for people with poor eyesight. There is not a drop of aggression in them, they easily remember and follow commands.

The cost of a golden retriever puppy in Russia ranges from 14 to 60 thousand rubles.

They have a good sense of smell and are often used in police service. These representatives are smart, obedient, and unpretentious in everyday life.

It attracts dog breeders with its external power, keen sense of smell and vision, coupled with intelligence. Dobermans are used to serving people; they are excellent bloodhounds and guards. It is for these purposes that they are grown in specialized nurseries.

A purebred puppy with all the required documents will cost from 15 to 60 thousand rubles.

When training, the Doberman Pinscher will not tolerate cruelty; an approach to it can only be found through patience and perseverance. They need mandatory training and training, as in their absence they become willful dogs. A Doberman puppy without documents can be purchased for 2.5 thousand rubles.


(Sheltie) is a mini collie. These are beautiful, small dogs with long hair that require regular grooming. They are quick to train and understand their owner at a glance. In ancient times, Shelties were bred to herd livestock, but now they have become lovely pets.

The cost of puppies of this breed ranges from 4 to 40 thousand rubles.

Scottish Shepherds will not tolerate rudeness and cruelty towards themselves, and are wary of strangers. Due to their natural activity, Shelties need long daily walks, otherwise the wallpaper and furniture in the house will suffer from their irrepressible energy.

They occupy an honorable seventh place in the top smartest dog breeds. Their homeland is Newfoundland. These cheerful, active and good-natured giants will come in handy in any family; they simply adore children and eagerly participate in their games and fun.

The price of a Labrador puppy in Russia ranges from 5 to 60 thousand rubles.

Labradors are not at all prone to aggression; they will not bark or growl for no reason. Loving and friendly. They remember all commands fairly quickly, but due to their playful disposition they are a little frivolous and not serious. Labradors are also used in the police service and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The average price of a Papillon puppy in Russia is approximately 25-30 thousand rubles.

Their external distinctive feature is their ears, which resemble the shape of butterfly wings. The Papillon's long coat requires regular brushing. It is difficult for Papillons to be in a confined space, so they are ready to accompany their owner everywhere.

This is the oldest breed of dog. Its roots go deep into history during the times of Ancient Babylon. This is a muscular, strong and athletic dog. Requires mandatory training and regular training.

Depending on the birthplace of their ancestors, Rottweiler puppies cost from 5 to 25 thousand rubles.

They are infinitely loyal to their owner and unfriendly with strangers. Very patient with children and other pets. But at the slightest danger he can become an uncontrollable aggressor. Rottweilers are capable of playing the role of a service dog, a guard dog, and a family dog.

They were bred relatively recently in America for grazing. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their activity, restlessness, love of freedom and affection for their owner. They easily learn new things and are friendly towards children.

The average price of an Australian Shepherd puppy is 15-20 thousand rubles.

Such dogs will not be able to live in a city apartment, as they need space and frequent walks.

Having got a dog of one of the listed breeds, you should not wait for it to demonstrate remarkable mental abilities itself. All pets, no matter what they are, need training and exercise. It is necessary to develop the abilities that nature has endowed them with, so that the animal surprises the owner and others with its talents every day.

Hello, dear readers of our website “I and the World”! Remember in the film “The Diamond Arm”, one of the heroines believes that it is not the dog, but the house manager who is man’s friend. Let’s leave her to her own opinion, and we’ll talk about the smartest dog breeds. Let’s look at the top 10 human friends right now in a photo with names, we’ll tell you about the kindest and most loyal ones, about small decorative dogs, about beautiful and big ones, about friendly and watchful human helpers.

Don’t forget that proper feeding of your dog is the key to your pet’s health. If you feed your dog dry food, choose food with a lot of meat in it.

Some may be surprised, but it turns out that dogs are able to recognize up to 250 words, count to five and add and subtract numbers. Our rating will show a comparison of smart breeds of dogs. This gradation was compiled back in 1994 by Canadian professor Stanley Koren.

Opens the list Australian Shepherd

This breed was bred by Americans in the 20th century to work with livestock. They actively help their owner herd sheep, goats, cows and even poultry. “Australians” love to play actively and are constantly moving. If you keep them in a city apartment, then you need to walk them at least three times a day.

They learn very easily, know many commands and are able to make decisions themselves. On a walk, in their company, you can ride a bike or rollerblade, swim, or go on long hikes. They love to play with children and please their owner. And they just like to be near a person.

In 9th place - Rottweiler

A very ancient breed, bred in Babylon back in the 6th century BC. At that time, Rottweilers helped hunt lions and guard people's homes. A large, even powerful dog, calm, capable of bravely protecting its owner, but rather unfriendly with strangers.

The muscular body is very hardy and in general, this is a very athletic dog, with which you need to constantly train in urban conditions.

They are friendly and get along well with kids, but if there is constant noise and quarrels in the family, they become aggressive.

8th place goes to Papillon

Decorative, small and medium-sized dogs, which are bought specifically for apartments in the city. They have royal ancestors in their family. There is a cartoon about musketeer dogs, probably many remember it. So the little white dog, the queen’s favorite and the beloved of D’Artagnan the dog, is the ancestor of the Papillons. Look at their ears – “Papillon” means “butterfly” in French – does it really look alike?

These dwarf dogs have exceptional intelligence, so they should not be considered a living toy. They constantly frolic, explore the world around them, catch fish in the pond, and butterflies and dragonflies in the park.

And the best part is that they can guess the owner’s mood. If you want to calmly read the newspaper, a playful dog will immediately sit next to you and calmly wait for you to free yourself.

In 7th place – Labrador Retriever

Labrador's homeland is Newfoundland, and they were brought to Great Britain by sailors whose dogs helped them pull nets out of the water. They love to work and frolic in bodies of water. A strong, healthy man constantly charges everyone with cheerfulness and optimism. They are loyal and kind, therefore they create an atmosphere of peace and happiness around themselves. Young families are trying to adopt these peace-loving Labradors. They cannot stand loneliness and if they are left alone for a long time, they run away to look for their owner.

They are able to be friends with everyone: cats, mice, children, even the postman and janitor. They are ready to let everyone into the house - for the sake of friendship. That's how loving they are! They are easy to learn, but due to their playfulness they are often distracted.

6th place went to the Scottish Sheepdog (Sheltie)

The Sheltie is a miniature collie. If you love Collie dogs, but you can’t get one because of their large size, buy a Scottish Shepherd. These are beautiful and small pets. But if you think that it will only be a decoration for the apartment, then you are mistaken. Shelties are quite unfriendly and do not like to be flirted with.

But they are easy to train. Reacts quickly to everything and acts intelligently in any situation. While waiting for an order, he carefully looks only into the eyes of the owner. She grasps everything on the spot, it is enough to show what is right and what is wrong. Under no circumstances should you beat them, otherwise they will become angry or, on the contrary, cowardly.

The middle of the ranking is occupied by the Doberman Pinscher

This is a breed of working dog bred in Germany. Dobermans are quite intelligent and extraordinary individuals - they have pride and nobility.

They constantly need to be trained, otherwise they will grow up uncontrollable, doing whatever they want. But with constant attention from the owner, they are ready to give him all their love and tenderness.

In nurseries, Dobermans are bred to guard production facilities and then they are simply guard dogs. But if you bring them home, never leave them alone for a long time.

In 4th place – Golden Retriever

Calm and sensitive, they easily learn everything new. Able to work constantly. In any difficult situation, they are able to help out not only the owner, but also his children, strangers and even other dogs. Retrievers are often trained as guide dogs for the blind. The reviews from such people are only positive: they won’t give up, won’t get distracted, and won’t suddenly rush after the cat.

Very useful for families with children with mental problems: with their calm nature, pets have a good effect on the condition of such children. For a home outside the city, this is the best breed.

3rd place – German Shepherd

Many people believe that German Shepherds are descended from wild wolves. Whether this is so, nature is silent about this. Directors love to cast them in films because they understand perfectly well what is required of them.

They can be used both for security purposes and for living in families. And when working with police officers they are simply irreplaceable. Border guards try to use German Shepherds to protect borders. They can work with shepherds, protecting their flocks. They get along well with children and are excellent guides for the blind. All this is a German Shepherd.

2nd place belongs to Poodle

If you think that Poodles are lap dogs or are only capable of jumping around in the circus and performing funny tricks, we will disappoint you. Poodles are very smart. They swim beautifully and are capable of saving a person. These curly-haired pets may seem like calm cuties, but large breeds can be loyal protectors.

Small breed poodles get along well in families with children, although it takes time to get used to if they are adopted as adults. And thanks to their sharp mind, they are able to learn quickly and easily. He understands commands perfectly, but if he is treated poorly, he can hold a grudge for a long time.

1st place is rightfully given to the Border Collie dog breed

This breed is considered the smartest in the world. These cute dogs were bred in the southern part of Scotland. They turned out to be surprisingly hardy, fast when running and very smart. Unpretentious, loyal, capable of moving a lot. Indispensable for shepherds, ready to work all day long without getting tired.

Affectionate and playful, but not distracted if required for business. They become very attached to their owners and serve them faithfully. It’s funny when, having done something in the house, they hide the “traces of the crime.” With strangers he shows politeness and detachment until he feels that there is no danger. But as soon as the guest begins to raise his voice, he is able to drive the stranger out the door. Such pets should be kept not in the city, but in private ones, because... they need constant movement and freedom.

We present a dozen smart dog breeds with photographs and their characters. If you want to have a dog in your home and have not yet decided on the breed, review this article again and we are sure that you will make the right choice.

According to research conducted by scientists at the University of British Columbia led by Stanley Coren, which was based on intelligence, obedience and speed of learning, the list of the ten smartest dog breeds is as follows.

A hardy herding breed of dog, artificially bred in Australia for driving livestock over long distances, but today is often used as a guard dog. These dogs are very loyal to their owner, they are smart and quick-witted and easy to train. Currently, representatives of the breed are not so numerous, but their popularity is growing.


The Sheltie is a herding dog breed that is believed to have originated in the mid-fifteenth century in the Shetland Islands, an archipelago located approximately 80 km off the coast of Scotland. Dogs of this breed are very intelligent, friendly, energetic and alert. They have the manners of a noble animal, and are also endowed with a sense of responsibility and guilt. Treats strangers with distrust and reserve. Very often, they prefer to communicate with people than with other dogs.

The Golden Retriever is a fairly large and hardy dog ​​breed with excellent memory and sense of smell. It was developed in Great Britain in the 19th century. Initially used for hunting mainly waterfowl. The typical Golden Retriever is described as a kind, friendly, playful and confident dog that gets along well with other animals and children. Amenable to training. Loves water. It has a trusting and gentle character, and also very rarely barks, so it is not suitable as a guard dog.

Third on the list of the ten smartest dog breeds is the German Shepherd, a working dog breed that originated in Germany. It was originally bred for herding sheep, but today it is widely used as a service and detection dog, a guard dog, and also a dog for the family. This is a balanced, active, curious, very intelligent and obedient dog breed that gets along well with children.

The Poodle is a breed of primarily decorative dog, presumably bred in Germany. Currently, the poodle is the most common domestic dog breed, but in the past, these dogs were excellent guards, hunters and shepherds. They are very smart, energetic, sociable, attentive and easy to train, which is why they are often used as a circus dog.

The Border Collie is a herding dog breed developed in Great Britain. Considered the smartest dog breed in the world. They have a good temperament. Very loyal to their owner. They are easy to train and try their best to please their owner. Get along well with other animals. For normal development, this breed requires regular mental and physical exercise, and the dog must be constantly busy with something.

In this article we will analyze the top 10 most intelligent and loyal dogs of different weight categories.

The desire to have a four-legged friend sooner or later visits almost every person, however, not many people understand that when they bring home an animal, they, in principle, bring a new family member who will definitely need care, care and attention.

Dogs can rightfully be considered the most popular pets. Someone is looking for a faithful companion, while others need a smart dog who will be able to learn dozens of commands without any problems. However, there are dog breeds that contain both of these qualities.

Top 10 most intelligent and loyal dogs in the world from small breeds: photos, names of breeds, rating

It is important to immediately note the fact that the devotion of a four-legged dog depends not so much on the breed, but on its character and how its owners treat it.

  1. The Russian toy takes 1st place in our ranking. This dog breed has proven itself to be incredibly friendly and sociable pets. This dog is a true companion who will not leave your side day or night. Having chosen an owner, he will be devoted to him and will carry this feeling throughout his life, because these dogs are not characterized by a change of owners. The breed is very active and you need to be prepared for this. With the arrival of a Russian Toy puppy in the house, everything changes, because the dog needs constant attention and care.
  2. The toy poodle took 2nd place. This dog is an exact copy of a regular poodle, but in a smaller form. These four-legged animals have good intellectual abilities, so they can be trained without any problems. Despite its relatively small size and friendliness, such a dog will always protect its owners, in particular small children. It is important to say that the toy poodle is a self-sufficient dog, and therefore will always require attention and respect.

  3. 3rd place goes to the Chihuahua. This breed of dog is distinguished by its special mobility and kindness. There are a lot of stereotypical opinions that the Chihuahua is an exclusively decorative dog that is not capable of anything else. However, this opinion is false. Dogs of this breed are very smart and obedient, and with proper upbringing and training, they will definitely show these qualities. If there are children in the house, then choosing this particular breed will be very justified, since Chihuahuas are great with kids and know how to entertain them.

  4. In 4th place is the Maltese dog. The Maltese, as this dog breed is also called, is a very beautiful and intelligent dog. The dog is very energetic and active, loves games and attention. The dog is distinguished by the fact that it is quite strongly attached to its owners.

  5. 5th place goes to the Japanese Spaniel. This breed is one of the most ancient when it comes to small dogs. Even in ancient times, the Japanese spaniel was a very popular dog, so almost every person respected at that time had such a dog. In addition to the fact that these four-legged animals are incredibly cute, they are also quite smart. Dogs of this breed can master about 30 or even more commands without any problems.

  6. This position is occupied by the Pomeranian Spitz. Cute furry babies very quickly become attached to their owner and home, so it is very difficult for them to endure separation from family members. Dogs of this breed are very active and hardy, they love to frolic and play. Despite the fact that the four-legged dogs of this breed look more like a toy than a living dog, they are distinguished by their intelligence and resourcefulness.

  7. In 7th place is the Yorkshire Terrier. Another miniature dog breed. Four-legged animals of this breed are also considered companions, so only those who need a devoted and faithful friend should have them. Such a dog understands his owner at just one glance, and only his own laziness or desire to play at that moment can prevent him from fulfilling the given command.

  8. This place goes to dogs of the Griffon breed. The appearance of these dogs is very impressive. These four-legged dogs are characterized as very brave, active and loyal dogs. Griffons can also boast of good behavior and manners, because they never make noise and always listen to the owner’s commands.

  9. In 9th place are dogs of the French lapdog breed. The character of these dogs is very soft and flexible. Lapdogs always sense their owner's mood very well and, if possible, try to improve it. The breed is particularly sensitive, understanding and loyal. These four-legged animals know how to be friends and get along with other pets. It is important to draw the attention of everyone who wants to get such a dog to the fact that this breed does not tolerate loneliness at all.

  10. And our rating will be completed by a Papillon dog. These dogs are distinguished by their beautiful appearance and docile character. This breed is great for families with small children, as these four-legged dogs know how to get along with kids. A dog of this breed is distinguished by its intelligence and loyalty. Papillons quickly adapt to the family and have a very hard time being separated from their owners.

Top 10 most intelligent and loyal dogs in the world from medium breeds: photos, names of breeds, rating

Medium breed dogs are no less popular than small dogs. They can also be kept in a house or apartment if desired, without causing damage to either the premises or the animal itself.

Medium breeds include dogs whose weight ranges from 12 to 25 kg:

  1. In 1st place is the Border Collie. Dogs of this breed are unusually smart and obedient, but only if you immediately explain to them the rules of the “game”. Since these four-legged animals are independent and self-sufficient animals, they make independent decisions without problems and know how to act correctly in different situations. Collies love children very much and cope well with them, acting as “nannies” in these relationships. The breed is unpretentious in care, however, it still likes to demand attention to its person.

  2. Sheltie takes 2nd place. These dogs love an active lifestyle; sitting still is not an easy task for them. This dog loves attention very much, but at the same time knows how to keep himself busy. If there are children in the house, then the Sheltie will become their best friend, as she loves children and knows how to protect them. Dogs of this breed are capable of small tricks and pranks, but only if their energy does not find the right direction. Therefore, once you get such a dog, you will have to walk him a lot and give him physical activity.

  3. The Australian Shepherd takes 3rd place. Dogs of this breed have proven themselves to be good shepherds. But this is not the only thing that made this breed famous. These four-legged animals are very loyal and devoted friends. There is an important point in raising these dogs that cannot be ignored under any circumstances: the animal must be taught from childhood, because if the dog is not taught commands and obedience, its instincts will take over. In this case, the dog will act as a shepherd in your house: bite your legs and collect all things in one secluded place.

  4. The 4th position is occupied by the beagle. These dogs are very lively and differ in that they cannot sit still. Always happy to play with children and owners. Four-legged animals are distinguished by their courage; if necessary, they will protect their owners and are well trained. It is important to know that dogs of this breed need long walks and active exercise.

  5. 5th place goes to dachshund dogs. Dachshunds are willful dogs that do not like to be forced to do anything, so these pets cannot be trained through force. Despite this, in general they respond well to training and learn quite quickly. At home, the dog behaves very calmly and tries to be with its owner all the time.

  6. In 6th place is the French bulldog. These four-legged animals are highly trainable and know how to listen to their owner, however, they need to be trained from childhood, because their playful nature can take over. Even a trained and trained dog will play pranks from time to time, because that’s his temperament. These pets get along well with children and accept them. They love their owner very much and are often jealous of other animals, and sometimes even people.

  7. This position belongs to the Welsh Corgi. The dog is very sociable and very rarely causes trouble for its owner. The four-legged animals of this breed are distinguished by their prudence and seriousness. At the right moment, they will easily come to the aid of a person and will not leave him in trouble. Welsh Corgis are able to sense the state of their owner and react to changes in his mood.

  8. 8th place is occupied by the American Cocker Spaniel. These dogs are among the most loyal and intelligent. The Cocker Spaniel is a very sensitive dog that always chooses its owner. This animal is very active and sociable, knows how to get along with children and other animals, although sometimes it can be jealous of them. Since this breed of dog is a hunting dog, we can say with confidence that, if necessary, such a pet will be able to protect its owner.

  9. The 9th position is occupied by a breed called the Boston Terrier. This small dog has a very stubborn character. Having brought such a miracle into the house, it is necessary to immediately set all the boundaries and show him who is boss in the house. You also need to train your dog from childhood. Representatives of this breed are very lively and cheerful, they love games and children.

  10. 10th place belongs to the Russian spaniel. Dogs of this breed have a very interesting character. They love their owner very much and quickly become attached to the house, but these are not the animals that will allow you to “squeeze” them whenever you want, so immediately take this fact into account. This dog needs daily care and exercise, otherwise it will begin to get rid of excess energy through excessive pampering.

These, of course, are not all breeds of smart and loyal dogs. There are also a huge number of other, no less well-mannered and noble breeds. Remember, almost any dog ​​will make you happy if you are sufficiently involved in its upbringing.

Top 10 most intelligent and loyal large breed dogs in the world: photos, names of breeds, rating

  1. The German Shepherd will top our rating. These dogs gained their popularity quite a long time ago and have not lost it to this day. Representatives of this breed are incredibly smart and loyal. Quadrupeds are distinguished by obedience and balance. The Shepherd always knows its place in the house and never pretends to take the place of leader. These dogs love children very much and are ready to give their lives if necessary for their owner. Shepherds learn easily and quickly, but your pet needs to be trained from childhood.

  2. 2nd place went to the Golden Retriever. These dogs are distinguished by their great generosity and kindness. These pets are very caring and understanding. They love their owner and unquestioningly listen to his commands. The Golden Retriever is an ideal dog for family people. After all, such a dog will protect you, lift your spirits, and look after your children. These four-legged animals are distinguished by the fact that they do not know how to show aggression at all and show this side only in case of real danger.

  3. Labrador takes 3rd place. Representatives of this breed are good-natured dogs that have proven themselves as hunters, guides and nannies. The four-legged animals are very active and love games and children. They will never offend their owner or other family members. Pets can be trained quickly and easily.

  4. 4th place honorably goes to Newfoundland dogs. These dogs make excellent family four-legged dogs. The character of these pets simply cannot but delight. Balance, flexibility, patience and courage - all this is about this breed. Newfoundlands are dogs that quickly become attached to their owner, family and home, as well as other pets who live with them. Representatives of this breed cannot stand long separation from their family. If necessary, such a dog will easily protect the owner and other family members, although in a calm environment this breed does not even bark.

  5. This position is occupied by the Saint Bernard breed. The character of these animals is sometimes surprising: balanced, reasonable, understanding and calm. It is quite difficult to anger such a dog, with the exception of situations in which the owners of the animals are threatened by something. In such cases, the St. Bernard will run to save its owner without hesitation. These four-legged dogs are attached to children and other family members and love spending time together. These dogs are easy to train, but despite their unquestioning obedience, they always act very carefully and carefully.

  6. In 6th place are Doberman dogs. Representatives of this breed have a very capricious and serious character, so they need to be raised responsibly from childhood. If you manage to win over the animal, in return you will receive its love, care and protection. Children are treated with caution and are not shown much love, so if there are children in the house, you must clearly let the dog know that the child is more important than her.

  7. The Rottweiler takes 7th place. It must be said right away that these dogs are very dangerous and need training from a very early age - from 2 months. These pets listen only to their owner, and only if he is an authority for them. However, if this dog has already chosen its owner, it will be his best friend and reliable protector. Such a dog is ready to protect to the death. If there are children in the family, then the dog needs to be raised in such a way that it clearly understands that the child is the most important in the house, and disobedience in this regard will result in serious punishment.

  8. In 8th place is Akita Inu. These dogs are very loyal protectors. The dog loves and protects his owner, but in a calm environment he will not even bark. It can be trained easily and quickly, however, this four-legged animal must be trained from childhood. If there are other animals in the house, then the Akita will easily find a common language with them.

  9. 9th place goes to the pit bull. Of course, the opinion about this breed is very ambiguous. There are a huge number of cases of pit bulls attacking people, but it is important to note the fact that a trained dog is unlikely to behave this way. Moreover, these four-legged animals were originally intended to be nannies and this is in their blood. Pit bulls are loyal, devoted dogs that require attention and proper care. If you create the right conditions for this dog, you will never regret having him.

  10. And our rating is completed by Boxer dogs. In skillful hands, such dogs turn into excellent guards and loyal friends. The devotion of Boxers is truly amazing: in case of danger and necessity, they will rush to the defense of their owner without any doubt. You shouldn’t hide the fact that boxers are still darlings, so without active pastime and regular exercise, they will certainly “delight” you with some trick, like torn curtains.

Top 10 most intelligent and loyal dogs in the world among breeds for keeping in an apartment: photos, names of breeds, rating

Unfortunately, not every dog ​​can be kept in an apartment or house, because each breed of dog has its own character, disposition and needs. When choosing a pet to keep in an apartment, you should pay attention to what it needs and what breed it is. It would also be a good idea to pay attention to the size of an adult pet, because a large dog needs a large territory.

  1. Yorkshire Terrier. This dog is more than perfect for an apartment. A cheerful and sociable dog will not let you get bored, and you can keep him even in the smallest apartment.

  2. Chihuahua. We have already talked about dogs of this breed earlier. Their size and requirements are also suitable for keeping at home.

  3. Toy Terrier. The little cheerful and fidgety guy gets used to living in an apartment or a house well, however, he requires constant attention, cannot stand loneliness and is prone to committing minor mischief if he is alone at home.

  4. Jack Russell Terrier. You can have such a pet in an apartment, but you need to be prepared for the fact that this four-legged animal loves active recreation. Dogs train well, but due to their activity, they often require long-term training.

  5. Pug. These dogs are distinguished by their sociability and ability to find a common language with others. They love children and active games. If they don't pay attention to themselves, they can become mischievous. Having chosen its owner from among all the household members, the pug will always try to show its feelings for him and protect him.

  6. Pekingese. Very often this particular breed is taken into an apartment, because the size of the dog is quite suitable for this. However, you need to know that the breed is extremely demanding in care and does not really like children.

  7. Shih Tzu. This decorative dog is very attached to its family and owners, so it always needs attention and care. Representatives of this breed treat children well, just like other pets. This breed is trainable.

    Shih Tzu

  8. Poodle. Such dogs will be excellent companions and real family members. The poodle knows how to be obedient and understanding, but at the same time loves attention and various games. Four-legged animals are trainable and love to perform tricks and different tasks.

  9. English bulldog. These are calm dogs that know how to be devoted to their family. Knows how to tolerate children's antics and get along with very young children. If desired, they can be trained and trained well.

  10. Dachshund. This breed is also suitable for living in an apartment. It is important that the owner can pay enough attention to such a pet and provide proper care.

When choosing a dog for your home or apartment, give preference to small breeds that do not require daily jogging or heavy physical activity.

The lists of loyal and intelligent dogs can be continued for a very long time, however, the four-legged dogs mentioned in our ratings are in greatest demand.

When choosing a dog, it is important to understand that almost any pet can be trained and trained; this just requires your attention, desire and responsible attitude towards the animal. Well, your pet’s devotion to you largely depends on your attitude towards him, so love your four-legged animals and take care of them.

Video: TOP 10 smartest dogs in the world

Behavioral biologist Frans de Waal argues that people tend to judge animals through the prism of their own ideas about intelligence and therefore often make mistakes. He's absolutely right - this is why there is no simple way to assess the intelligence level of a dog breed. This problem was solved in 1990 by psychologist Stanley Coren, who conducted a large-scale study of almost all breeds. In the first category, the researcher identified dogs with excellent learning abilities: they understand commands in less than 5 repetitions, and command execution the first time is possible in 95% of cases. Are you looking for a reliable and smart friend? Take a closer look at the dogs on this list.

  • Australian Cattle Dog

    10th place

    The Australians specifically bred a dog that would be able to handle a large flock of sheep in different conditions. Such a load requires high intelligence: herding dogs are highly trainable and instantly understand the owner’s orders.

  • Rottweiler

    9th place

    It's hard to believe, but this massive dog with the appearance of a first-class fighter is very smart. The combination of intelligence and strength makes Rottweilers ideal working dogs.


    8th place

    Small dogs are usually perceived as weak, cowardly and narrow-minded creatures. The Papillon is not like that at all: the dog is smarter, stronger and even tougher than it seems. The dog learns new commands very quickly and is able to rush to the defense of its owner without flinching its tail.

    Labrador Retriever

    7th place

    An ideal dog for a family with children. Labradors are famous for their good nature, but in an unpleasant situation the dog will show himself to be a strong and merciless fighter. The high level of intelligence allows Labradors to be used in the police - they learn quickly and easily adapt to new conditions.


    6th place

    The Scottish Sheepdog is often confused with the Collie. The breeds are indeed similar, but the Sheltie is smarter and more organized than its relatives. Decorative appearance is not a hindrance to a fighting character: Shelties are considered strong and confident dogs.


    5th place

    For some reason, the myth about the stupidity of Dobermans is still shared by many. This is not true - Dobermans just need training. Without it, a smart and strong dog will grow into an uncontrollable impudent person who uses his mind to come up with new pranks.

    Golden retriever

    4th place

    The dream of every child on the planet. Good-natured handsome dogs learn very quickly and therefore are often used by rescuers and police officers. This breed is also an excellent guide dog: the golden retriever understands responsibilities within a matter of days and closely monitors its helpless owner.

    German Shepherd

    3rd place

    Another victim of unfounded rumors. German Shepherds have been used so often as working dogs that people have come to perceive the breed as dull but efficient. In reality, the German Shepherd is one of the three smartest dog breeds in the whole world.