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We put the newborn to sleep correctly in the crib after feeding. Features of placing infants

It is believed that only 20% of infants can fall asleep without the help of adults. In practice, this figure is probably much lower, because... question " how to put a baby to sleep" is very common among parents.

How to properly put a baby to sleep

Before putting your baby to bed, pay attention to the following points:

  • the room must be ventilated;
  • the air temperature should preferably not be more than 23 degrees and less than 20;
  • the child’s clothing is loose, without rough seams, fasteners or overhead decorative elements that can cause discomfort to the baby during sleep;
  • The child himself wants to sleep: he rubs his eyes with his fists, yawns, and becomes slower.

How to put a baby to sleep: easy ways

To begin with, we will present the most common and easy methods that will answer the question of how to quickly put a baby to sleep.

Flaw: Suitable for very young children, it later causes physical inconvenience for the mother: the child’s weight gain affects both the back and arms.

Falling asleep at the end of feeding

If a baby is breastfed or even formula-fed, in the end the baby often calmly falls asleep on his own, then you don’t have to think about how to put the baby to sleep.

Flaw: very often, after finishing feeding, and especially if it is necessary to move the baby, sleep instantly disappears. In addition, this method works as long as you are breastfeeding.

Swaddling or creating a cozy “nest”

Flaw: Suitable only for very young children.


The babies were next to their mother for 9 months, and now falling asleep next to them is a great pleasure for them. On the one hand, this is convenient: especially during night feedings, but it is better to try not to resort to it or do it when absolutely necessary.

Flaw: it is difficult to wean the child, the likelihood of waking up or touching the child during sleep, as well as inconvenience for the father.

Other ways to put your baby to sleep at night

1. Bathing your baby before bed: A warm bath most often has a calming effect on the baby.

2.Baby massage: Sometimes massage relaxes the child, and falling asleep occurs more calmly. You can read how to massage a newborn in the article.

3. Falling asleep with a toy: the soft toy can sleep with its mother for a few days beforehand, because The mother's smell, when next to the baby, will calm him down.

4. Monotonous noise, music, lullaby. A fairly simple and effective way to quickly put your baby to sleep. For some reason, little children love the noise of a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, or washing machine. If your baby is also one of them, use this to your advantage: record the sounds on your phone and listen to them before bed.

Another option: choose musical compositions that your child falls asleep to. Sometimes it may be a melody that is unexpected for you. The main thing to understand is that you just need to develop a habit.

If you don’t want to turn on the equipment every time, you can sing a lullaby to the baby yourself: the mother’s voice always works flawlessly.

Flaw: except the mother, no one can put the baby to sleep.

5. Carrying out rituals. This method is suitable for slightly older children, not earlier than 6-7, or even 9-10 months, since the child should already understand what you want to achieve from him. The ritual essentially involves a series of sequential actions that you will perform before putting your baby to bed for the night. In terms of time, this should not take more than half an hour; it is important that the actions are the same. What exactly it will be, choose at your convenience.

For example:

  • swim in the bathroom;
  • read a fairy tale
  • sing a lullaby.
  • swim in the bathroom;
  • watch a short cartoon;
  • lie in bed with a soft toy.

Getting your baby to fall asleep alone

As your baby grows, you can add methods that will make your life easier in the long run. They will require time and patience from the parents, but sooner or later the child will have to develop the habit of going to bed on their own, so as soon as you decide to do this, you can use these tips on how to properly put your baby to bed:

1. "Timer"

The baby eats before going to bed, after which the mother shows him the clock and says that when the bell rings, the milk will run out. Strictly on call, namely after 10 minutes, the mother takes the baby off the breast and puts him in the crib. Try to react calmly to crying and screaming, soothe him with your voice, stroke him, but under no circumstances pick him up.

2. "Leaving the Room"

If your baby shows signs of fatigue, you need to put him in his crib. Then exit the room. If you hear the sound of crying, wait at least 3 minutes, go in and try to calm him down without picking him up. If you can’t calm him down with stroking and words for 3-5 minutes, take him in your arms, and then, without waiting for the child to completely fall asleep, return him to bed again.

The method really requires patience and is not the most humane. At first, it can take up to 1 hour to put the baby to sleep and take up to two weeks for the baby to get used to it.

3. Gradual training to sleep independently

Each mother will have her own best way to put her baby to sleep, because all babies are different. Try different methods to find the perfect one for your baby. And remember that in addition to the above techniques, your mood and the situation in the house are also important, since the child reacts very sharply to the screams and quarrels of adults.

Author of the publication: Valeria Samoilova

With the birth of a child, a young family faces many different problems. Sleeping for a baby can be called one of the most difficult. We will tell you how to properly put a newborn to sleep, what conditions the baby needs for quality and comfortable rest.

The importance of quality rest for a baby

In the first weeks of life, the baby sleeps a large amount of time. A baby can sleep for about 20 hours a day. Rest at night and during the day has the following meaning for a little man:

  • in a dream, children grow up and develop;
  • the baby’s strength spent during the day is restored;
  • during rest, the nervous system is strengthened;
  • A newborn in a dream accumulates strength for the next busy day;
  • the information received by the baby during the day is processed.

Parents are obliged to create conditions for their child to have quality day and night rest. In addition to the necessary conditions, it is important to learn how to properly put a newborn baby to sleep.

What time should I put it to bed?

The smaller the newborn, the more time he needs to sleep. To figure out how long to put a baby to bed, you need to know the rest standards for children of a particular age period.

There are certain sleep norms for babies in the first weeks of life and in subsequent months:

  • Babies from 1 month to 3 months can sleep for a long time. The total amount of sleep day and night reaches from 15 to 18 hours. And newborns can sleep for 20 hours, waking up only for feeding. For newborn babies, it is necessary to create a daily routine and adhere to certain hours of rest and feeding. If parents do not help the baby decide on the time to fall asleep, then the baby will fall asleep and wake up chaotically, which will not be beneficial. In this age period, parents must determine for themselves what time to put their newborn to bed so that he feels comfortable;
  • in the period from 3 to 6 months, it is advisable to prepare for night rest from 7 pm, and at 8 pm the baby should already be asleep. Normal sleep for children during this period lasts until about 7 am. A tiny baby may wake up to be fed.

You need to put your baby to bed at night at the same time so that the baby develops a habit. To help your baby, enter the following mandatory actions before bed:

  1. bathing;
  2. create specific lighting in the nursery;
  3. take care of silence by eliminating extraneous sounds in the apartment;
  4. To ensure that the newborn sleeps longer in the first half of the night, feed him more closely in the evening.

Important: for normal, high-quality sleep, the bedtime ritual itself is important.

Sleep during the day

The baby needs rest both at night and during the day. To properly put a newborn baby to sleep during the day, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Cover the nursery window with loose curtains. You should not create a feeling of rest at night during the day. It is necessary for the newborn to distinguish between sleep during the day and at night;
  2. try to create a calm, cozy atmosphere before falling asleep, eliminating extraneous noise and other irritating factors;
  3. Put your baby to bed at the same time every day. A newborn from 1 to 3 months sleeps up to 3 times a day;
  4. Before bedtime, feed your baby, but not too tightly. The more a newborn eats, the longer he will sleep. The main rest time should be at night;
  5. you can sing a lullaby, or turn on quiet, calm music;
  6. You can put your newborn to sleep outside during the day, if the weather permits.

By resting during the day, the baby relaxes and replenishes his energy reserves.

Sleep at night

The bulk of a newborn's sleep occurs at night. You can properly put your newborn baby to sleep at night using the following simple tips:

  1. start preparing the tiny little man for the night in advance. 3 hours before bedtime, you can only play quiet games;
  2. create an appropriate, comfortable atmosphere in the nursery that induces sleep;
  3. ventilate the nursery, ensure a normal level of humidity;
  4. accustom your newborn to a mandatory bath before bed, and then put on cozy pajamas made of natural fabric;
  5. if a baby under 12 weeks is too active, he can be swaddled during the night's rest;
  6. Before putting your newborn to bed in the crib, feed him;
  7. If the baby is bothered by colic in the tummy at night, then you can add a few drops of a special anti-colic remedy to a bottle of milk or baby formula. The doctor will tell you which remedy is best to choose;
  8. Be sure to sing a lullaby to your child, because the sound of a mother’s voice and her presence contribute to better sleep and a longer night’s rest.

In order for the baby to sleep longer at night, it is necessary to control the amount of daytime rest. Getting your newborn to sleep at night will be easier if you stick to bedtime routines and bedtime routines.

Correct position

The correct position of the newborn during sleep is of great importance when laying down. First of all, you need to prepare the crib. The mattress should be smooth, dense, without dips. The baby pillow is not used. The baby's head should be at body level.

Now let's look at the possible sleeping positions for a baby.

Sideways position

Doctors advise putting a newborn to sleep sideways after discharge from the maternity hospital. This position is considered optimal because the baby is placed to rest immediately after eating. Babies often burp, and lying sideways will not suffocate.

In a half-side pose

In this form, it is necessary to properly put the newborn to sleep in the crib if colic and frequent regurgitation are bothering you. This way the baby won’t burp, and the gases will go away unnoticed.

Children may toss and turn while resting. To prevent rolling over, you need to place a rolled blanket under the baby’s back. Many children scratch, so they can wear special protective gloves (scratch gloves).

If your baby sleeps sideways or half sideways at night, he needs to be periodically turned over to the opposite side. In this way, it will be possible to avoid problems such as torticollis.

On the back

You can put your baby to sleep on his back. However, this situation carries some danger. On the one hand, resting on your back is useful because the spine is in a natural position. The danger is that the baby may burp after feeding and suffocate in its own regurgitation.

To properly place your newborn to sleep on his back, you must follow the following rules:

  • Although the baby lies with his face up, his head needs to be turned to the side, securing this position with a roller. As a roller, you can use a diaper;
  • If the baby sleeps on his back for a long time, then you need to move his head to the other side so that the neck does not bend.

There is a contraindication for this position in a dream. This is a pathology of the hip joints (congenital dysplasia). It is not necessary to lay the baby on the back if he is often bothered by colic.

On the tummy

If you put a newborn baby to sleep on his tummy, this position will serve as a preventive measure for better passage of gas and problems with digestion of food. Lying in this position, the baby will not choke if it burps.

Putting your baby to sleep on your tummy is the right thing to do. This is explained by the fact that in this position the muscle tissue of the baby is strengthened. The neck and back muscles become stronger.

There are some rules to follow when placing your baby on his tummy:

  1. choose a hard mattress (preferably orthopedic);
  2. no pillow needed;
  3. There is no need to put oilcloth sheets under your laundry. A well-chosen diaper is enough for your baby;
  4. Do not place toys in the crib, it is better to hang them up.

While sleeping on your tummy, you need to periodically approach your baby and check if he is comfortable.

Like an embryo

Some babies, even closer to 2 months, continue to sleep with their legs pulled up to their tummy. This position can cause muscle tissue overstrain. If after a month or 6 weeks the baby straightens up, then there is no need to worry.

Regardless of what position you put your newborn to sleep in, you need to turn him over periodically to prevent torticollis, bedsores, diaper rash, and pressure on fragile bones and muscle tissue.

How to quickly put a child to sleep?

Young mothers are sorely lacking time. That’s why the question of how to quickly put a newborn baby to sleep is so pressing for them.

First of all, you need to understand how important quality rest, day and night, is for a baby. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the baby with high-quality sleep conditions, and at the same time avoid stressful situations during bedtime. Quality rest includes the following components:

  1. feeding baby before bed, don’t start laying it down right away. It is correct to put a newborn in the crib after waiting a little while he burps. And in this matter one cannot rush;
  2. competently choose bedding. Avoid soft mattresses and pillows. There is no need to cover the baby with a bulky, down blanket. All accessories must be made only from natural fabrics;
  3. in the nursery there is no place for a TV or a computer. It is important to ensure that the baby sleeps peacefully, without extraneous noise effects;
  4. every day do wet cleaning in the room, where the crib is located;
  5. before any sleep (night or daytime) be sure to ventilate the room;
  6. use herbal infusions for evening bathing. Infusions of plants such as chamomile and sage will help you quickly put a newborn to sleep;
  7. It happens that a child has difficulty falling asleep. Doesn't matter don't put him in your bed. In addition to addiction and reluctance to sleep alone, such a habit is dangerous. A baby can suffocate next to an adult. You cannot breastfeed your baby in a lying position, thereby achieving rapid sleep. So the baby can also suffocate;
  8. up to 12 weeks can you put the baby's crib next to yours?. At such a tender age, it is important for the baby to feel the presence of mommy and her smell. This will make falling asleep faster.

There is no need to strain and think about how best to lay the baby down. After watching your child for some time, you will understand in what position he falls asleep faster and sleeps for a longer time. There is no single answer as to what is the optimal sleeping position for a baby. Each newborn is already an individual, so parents will have to adapt to their baby.

If you follow the above recommendations for putting a newborn to bed, then each time the baby will fall asleep faster and sleep longer at night. It is important for parents to understand that by showing patience and affection, showing your child your love, you can get positive results in solving any problem.

One of the important moments in the life of every new parent is the sleep ritual of their child. After all, not every parent knows how to put a baby to sleep correctly. And I really want the baby to fall asleep quickly and sweetly, and most importantly, to sleep the whole night.

There are dozens of answers to this question. And every family has its own. But we should not forget that each child is individual and what is good for one is not so positive for another. Even a pediatrician won’t tell you how to properly put a baby to sleep; he can simply give advice, but parents should try the method on him and make a decision.

There are several ways to properly put a baby to sleep:

  • Motion sickness. The most common and seemingly simple method. For infants, rocking in your arms is best suited. They feel the warmth and heartbeat of a loved one, so this gives him peace and tranquility. But, it is worth remembering that in no case should you rock a child to sleep while in an irritated state. It will be passed on to the child very quickly. For those who want to wean their child off their hands and teach them to sleep independently, rocking in a cradle or crib is suitable. But here sleep will come a little later.
  • Feeding. This is an almost trouble-free method that children really like. Mom doesn’t even notice how during the meal the baby closes his eyes and falls asleep. True, in order to transfer him to the crib, you should not miss the moment, since when he comes off the breast, the baby can quickly wake up.
  • Ritual of falling asleep. Each parent decides how to properly put the baby to bed, since it is he who chooses the bedtime ritual. It is simply a combination of activities that precede sleep. So, when you come back from a walk in the evening, you should give your baby a bath, give him a massage, feed him and sing a lullaby. Babies very quickly get used to a pleasant routine and know exactly when to go to bed.
  • Monotonous sounds. Some babies are very sensitive to different sounds. Therefore, when they hear the noise of a vacuum cleaner, pleasant melodic music, a hair dryer or other similar sounds, they can simply fall asleep. For some parents, a mobile phone becomes a real salvation. The baby not only watches the monotonous movement of the figures, but also listens to pleasant music. Receiving a double dose of relaxation, the baby will fall asleep very quickly.
  • Falling asleep together. This method is very effective. But in this case, each mother decides for herself how to properly put the baby to sleep. Some simply place the baby next to them and stroke his tummy, while others, after feeding, place the already sleeping baby next to him. This method has both advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages: mother does not need to get up at night to feed. The disadvantages include the fear of crushing the baby.

Each mother must decide for herself how to properly put her baby to sleep. Through trial and error, you can develop your own individual way of going to bed.

How to quickly put your baby to sleep

This is a question that almost every parent struggles with. How to quickly put your baby to sleep? And this is where no rush is required. After all, even if you rock him hard, trying to do everything the way he likes, you may not achieve results. As luck would have it, the child, on the contrary, diverges even more and begins to stay awake. Therefore, in this process, first of all, calmness is necessary. In the arms of a calm person, the baby falls asleep faster. Therefore, if there is a need for quick sleep, then it is better to hand the child over to “calm” hands. If there are none, then it is worth trying other methods.

You shouldn’t even think about how to quickly put your baby to sleep if he has his own established schedule and ritual. In this case, the mother knows very well when her baby will go to bed and when he will wake up. If the regime is developed, then no problems will arise.

A favorite lullaby and motion sickness can also have the desired effect on the child’s body. The main thing is not to miss the moment when the baby falls asleep and place him in the crib.

If your child has his own favorite procedure or event after which he falls asleep well, then you should resort to this trick.

How to quickly put your baby to sleep at night

At night, the issue is more acute. After all, if the child woke up just like that, then it’s worth working on it. Although every mother intuitively knows how to quickly put her baby to sleep at night. To do this, you will need to attach to the chest or bottle and measurely rocking. From the mother's warmth and hearty food, the baby will quickly want to hug Morpheus. If this does not help, then you should lay the child next to you and put your palm on his tummy. This method is almost always effective.

How to put your baby to sleep during the day

It also depends on the mode. If the baby is used to sleeping while walking, then it’s worth taking him out for a walk. Almost always, such measured motion sickness helps a lot. At home, during daytime sleep, he should already have a routine. Therefore, babies can sleep during the day with a difference of 1-2 hours.

How to put a baby to sleep during the day if he does not have a routine and individual preferences for going to bed? This question is much more complicated. Although every child has what he loves most. So even your favorite bottle with a small amount of water can become an excellent helper. Lullabies and mother's hugs have also not been canceled.

How to put a baby to sleep without motion sickness

This question is a little more complicated, since absolutely all babies love motion sickness. If there is a need for this, then it is worth considering different options for how to put a baby to sleep without motion sickness:

  • Carry out his favorite procedures before sleep.
  • Give me your favorite toy.
  • Provide a bottle or pacifier if he uses one.
  • Turn on mobile.
  • Tell a story or sing a song.

There are not so few options. The main thing is to find exactly the approach to the baby that is most appropriate for him.

How to put a baby to sleep without breastfeeding

This option is interesting in cases where the child needs to be left with someone for a while. How to put a baby to sleep without breastfeeding? Prepare formula in advance or express breast milk. This is the simplest option. Of course, if the baby has a favorite toy with which he falls asleep, then you should resort to it. Motion sickness also helps, but the main thing is that it is not done on an empty stomach, as the result will be the opposite. Going for a walk with your child is also important. It is in the fresh air that he will fall asleep faster.

Every parent and every child has their own tricks on how to put a baby to sleep. The main thing is to use them skillfully, and then the child and his loved ones will be absolutely happy and calm.

The first days and weeks after birth, the baby moves very little. The main poses are lying on your back or side, with your legs tucked towards your stomach.

In order for a newborn to quickly learn to hold his head in horizontal and vertical positions, he must be laid on his stomach. They talk about when you can put your baby on his tummy and how to do it correctly and safely. site experts Krokha.info. This resource contains a lot of useful and important information about children from birth for mothers and grandmothers.

When and how to correctly place a newborn on his stomach

Young mothers are very afraid of injuring their baby. To prevent this from happening, it is important to follow the recommendations of doctors.

What is the benefit of posting this?

  1. This promotes the development of motor skills and motor skills in the baby. When a baby lies on his tummy, he involuntarily tenses the muscles of certain parts of the body. It is from this position that he learns about the world around him. For a better view, the baby begins to lean on his arms and raise his head, from the same position he will subsequently crawl.
  2. Placing it on the tummy helps the proper formation of the bones of the cranial vault. The soft bones on the head, if left in the same position for a long time, can lead to deformation of the head, which poses a serious threat to health.
  3. Prevention of umbilical hernia is another plus in the direction of placing the baby on the tummy. In addition, this position significantly reduces intestinal colic and helps the release of gases from the baby’s intestines.
  4. Normalization of blood circulation due to changes in body position.

Basic posting rules

The most important point is the understanding that all children are individual. Some people love this position, while other babies immediately start crying. To ensure that placing a baby on the tummy is correct, the following principles must be observed:

  • The surface must be smooth and hard. Perfect option - baby changing table. If you don't have one, an elastic bed or a regular table will do. You can also place the baby on the floor if there are no drafts and the room temperature is optimal. The surface should be covered with a clean, warm diaper.
  • Post before feeding. As a rule, after the next meal, the baby immediately wants to sleep. Also, after eating, this position can cause a gag reflex in the baby, resulting in regurgitation.
  • Mandatory parental supervision. This is due not only to the fact that the baby can fall from a height if he is lying on the table, but also because the newborn can bury his nose in the diaper. To ensure that nothing gets in the way, you need to remove all toys, rugs, blankets and other items.
  • Comfortable air temperature. To ensure that movements are not limited, it is better to lay the baby naked on his tummy. Therefore, the temperature must be optimal for the newborn, otherwise he will freeze.

Important! During laying out, the baby should not want to sleep. The main goal of this exercise is to train weak muscles and strengthen them. In a sleepy state, the baby will simply begin to fall asleep without making any effort to lift his head or body.

Effective ways to teach your baby to lie on his stomach

Most babies love to lie on their stomach. But there are also children who begin to be capricious and cry when changing positions. Then the mother wonders how to properly train her child? The main thing is to be consistent and adhere to the following rules:

  1. Regularity. The first few times, you need to lay the baby on his tummy for 10-15 seconds so that he gets used to the new position. The child must be in a cheerful mood. Mom shouldn’t worry or be afraid either. With a positive attitude towards the newborn, the woman needs to carefully turn it onto its tummy and also carefully return it to its original position.
  2. The baby should feel reliable support under him. Therefore, the best option for the first laying out would be the mother’s warm belly.
  3. Gradually increasing the duration of postings. There should be no sudden jumps. If today the baby spends 1 minute on his stomach, then the next day the time can be slightly increased. To do this, mom doesn’t have to count every second. The child himself will show that the pose is becoming difficult for him.
  4. Maintaining a daily ritual. Tummy time should become an essential daily activity. This is the same necessary exercise as massage or daily bathing of a baby. It is better to focus on the same time during the day when the baby will spend on his stomach.
  5. You can combine laying out with light gymnastics, stroking the baby's back, arms and legs.
  6. Don't force. If the baby is uncomfortable and cries, there is no need to insist. Let him lie on his back and calm down a little. After some time it is worth trying again. Accustoming should be gradual.
  7. Can divert the child's attention bright toy, talk to him. Then new sensations will bring him less discomfort.
  8. Surface change. In order for the baby to show interest, you can periodically change the surface on which he will lie, and also alternate the color shades of diapers and sheets.
  9. If your daughter or son completely refuses to lie on his tummy, you should suggest other alternatives. For example, motion sickness on a fitball, flying on an airplane, swimming in a bathtub in a circle. Tactile contact with mother's reliable hands will quickly help the newborn adapt to a change in position.

The most important, do not force baby. A little later, when the baby grows up, he will learn to roll over on his own, and will happily explore the new world from a position on his stomach.

Happy young parents, having waited for the birth of a long-awaited miracle, face many problems in the first days of communicating with their baby. One of the most important is the organization of healthy sleep for infants. All kinds of advice fall on the head of a new mother and father: the mother-in-law demands the creation of ideal silence, the mother-in-law is against sleeping together, experienced friends recommend falling asleep independently from the first days.

Let's try to figure out how to properly put a newborn to sleep.

The importance of getting enough sleep

In the first month of life, sleep occupies the main place in the life of an infant. It lasts up to 20 hours a day and is of great importance:

  • in a dream the baby grows;
  • restores strength;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • accumulates energy to get acquainted with the new world.

Creating conditions for baby's sleep

A newborn's sound and complete sleep is directly related to the conditions created for him by his parents. These include the following factors.

Crib, mattress, pillow

The place to sleep must meet the requirements of safety, convenience and hygiene. The choice of cribs on the modern market is huge. They have different functionality, differ in shape, parameters, design. The main thing is that it is made from environmentally friendly materials. If this is a classic option, the width between the rods should not be more than 6 cm.

You should carefully approach the choice of a children's mattress: the ideal option is a special orthopedic mattress that fits snugly against the walls and exactly matches the size of the bed. Initially, for the convenience of communicating with the baby, the mattress is fixed at the highest position, then, when the child learns to stand up on his own, it falls lower.

Ideal conditions for a baby are plenty of light and fresh air. Do not forget about daily ventilation, wet cleaning of the room and frequent change of linen.

How long does a newborn sleep?

The duration of a child’s sleep up to a year depends on the individual characteristics of the body and is not the main indicator of the development of the baby. The baby is not aware of the time of day, so he sleeps and stays awake the way his biological clock is set.

According to the average data in the first month of life, 16-20 hours of sleep per day is considered the norm. The older the child gets, the less he sleeps. By the year, daytime sleep can be one or two times, and nighttime sleep can not be interrupted for feeding. Sleep disturbance indicates health problems, nutrition, intestinal colic.

There are generally accepted sleep standards, presented in the table:

Child's age, months. Daily sleep duration, hours. Night sleep Sleep periods, hours. Periods of wakefulness, hours. Number of nap breaks
0–3 19 – 21 8 – 9 2,5 – 3 0,5 – 1 4 – 5
3–6 18 – 20 8 – 9 2 – 2,5 1 – 2 4
6–9 17 – 18 10 – 11 1,5 – 2,5 1,5 – 2,5 2 – 3
9–12 15 – 16 10 – 11 1,5 – 2,5 2 – 3 1 – 2

The indicators indicated in the table are conditional and vary depending on individual characteristics.

A newborn's sleep time is also related to the microclimate of the family. Fatigue and emotional exhaustion of the mother directly affects the condition of the child. His sleep may be restless and short-lived.

It is important to adhere to the regime from the first days. Keeping your baby healthy and sleeping means creating a cozy and comfortable family environment.

What position should you choose for sleeping?

The physiologically natural position is for the newborn to lie on his back with his legs spread apart and his arms bent behind his head, clenched in fists. Sleeping on your back with your head turned to the side is not dangerous and is suitable for daytime and nighttime rest.

It has been proven that you need to monitor the baby’s posture and constantly change it (especially the position of the head) for the proper formation and development of the musculoskeletal system.

Pediatricians consider sleeping on one of the sides and down the stomach to be convenient and comfortable positions. Let's take a closer look at them.

Sleeping on your side

The safest sleeping position, due to the structural features of the gastrointestinal tract of infants. Due to the deficiency of the cardiac sphincter, babies can burp, often profusely. This position will not allow you to choke on the regurgitated mass. They practice laying it half-sided with a rolled-up towel or lining. Remember to regularly change your baby's body position to avoid developing torticollis.

Sleeping on your stomach

It has a positive effect on the development of the child, helping to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck. This position is especially convenient in the first three months, when the baby is bothered by intestinal colic. The position on the stomach eliminates accumulated gases, guaranteeing a restful and sound sleep.

However, this situation requires increased vigilance: in order to avoid sudden infant death syndrome, it is necessary to constantly monitor, especially in the first three months of life.

The baby is not able to control his body and can bury his nose, stopping the flow of air, which can lead to cessation of breathing.

Do not leave the baby on the stomach for a long time. It is worth changing the position after a while. Experts recommend lying on your stomach during sleep several times a day.

Contraindications for different sleeping positions

Putting the baby to sleep, first of all, remember the safety of the position in which he is. There are a number of contraindications:

  • sleeping on the side and on the back is contraindicated for newborns with improper development of the hip joints;
  • lying on your back you can’t sleep with muscle hypertonicity (in this case, tight swaddling is shown) and a vivid manifestation of colic;
  • The child's head should not exceed the position of the body.

To form a healthy spine, it is better to put the baby on a perfectly flat, hard horizontal surface with the head and body fixed at the same level.

Your intuition and love for the baby will tell you how to put the baby to sleep and what sleeping position will be the most comfortable.

How to put your baby to sleep correctly?

Parents adapt to the baby’s biorhythms and behavior and choose the most convenient way to put the baby to bed. Numerous options that help a newborn fall asleep quickly come down to three main ones:

  1. motion sickness;
  2. co-sleeping;
  3. falling asleep on your own.

Let's look at how to quickly put a child to sleep using these methods.

Motion sickness

Motion sickness is a natural need for a baby. It helps you fall asleep quickly, develops the vestibular system and trains coordination in space. Psychologists recommend rocking in your arms (especially in the first three months), which helps you feel the warmth of your mother’s hands and protection from the still unfamiliar world, and is considered a guarantee of the development of a calm, balanced personality.

Smooth rocking in the crib is allowed, accompanied by light, pleasant music. Whether or not to rock your baby is up to you individually.


Co-sleeping is indispensable and convenient during breastfeeding for both mother and baby. In the first months of life, it contributes to:

  • the formation of a balanced psyche;
  • trouble-free operation of the baby's respiratory system;
  • increased lactation;
  • establishing common biorhythms for mother and child, eliminating confusion between day and night.

There are also numerous arguments against:

  • a high probability of crushing the baby;
  • unhygienic;
  • the difficulty of subsequent independent falling asleep.

The decision of whether or not to place the baby with the mother depends solely on the decision of the parents and the needs of the child.

Falling asleep on your own

Modern parents often practice, making a lot of effort for this.

The main requirement in this case: daily repetition of the same procedures and adherence to the regime. The baby will get used to the fact that after an evening bath, a warm, tasty treat from the breast or bottle will be waiting for him, and then he will be put to bed and fall asleep. The result will not be long in coming; if you firmly and persistently repeat the same actions day after day, the child will fall asleep instantly.

Maintaining order and uniformity in the first year of life is the key to successful upbringing. Be patient, clearly decide what is comfortable for you and stick to these positions for some time. A positive result is guaranteed.

Falling asleep rituals

A newborn's ability to fall asleep quickly is facilitated by following the so-called “rituals” of falling asleep. Here are the basic rules, the effectiveness of which has been practically proven:

  • well ventilated area;
  • a calm environment without distractions;
  • performing hygiene procedures (bathing, massage);
  • adherence to daily routine;
  • feeding;
  • singing lullabies;
  • reading fairy tales or relaxing calm music;
  • tactile touches (stroking, light tapping);
  • favorite toy.

How to properly put a child to sleep is primarily up to parents to decide. The main thing, when trying to adhere to the regime and develop bedtime rules, is not to forget about the characteristics of your baby. The process of falling asleep should be positive and joyful. The task of parents is to form useful and correct habits that contribute to the good health and proper development of their beloved child.

Daytime sleep rules

Putting your baby to sleep during the day is not difficult if the child is healthy and nothing bothers him. Young mothers try to adhere to the following rules:

  • calm atmosphere and comfort of the room, absence of external stimuli, creation of twilight;
  • long active activities with the baby (games, exercises on a special developmental mat, riding on a swing);
  • adherence to the regime and going to bed at the same time every day;
  • breastfeeding or bottle feeding;
  • singing lullabies and playing relaxing music;
  • regular walks in the fresh air.

Rules for falling asleep at night

How to put a newborn baby to sleep at night? To ensure a long and restful night's sleep for both parents and baby, use these simple tips:

  • relaxing and cozy environment;
  • ventilation at night;
  • fresh air with optimal temperature and humidity in the room;
  • water treatments with the addition of soothing herbal infusions;
  • mandatory feeding;
  • clean clothes;
    if necessary, tight swaddling;
  • adding anti-colic drops to milk or a mixture (espumisan, bobotik, sub-simplex and others);
  • rocking to a lullaby or children's music.

Experts recommend reducing nap time to increase nighttime sleep. However, 80% of newborns require night feeding, which decreases by the age of one year. Putting a baby to sleep should be based on the individual developmental characteristics of the baby and the regime established by adults.

Remember that a child’s healthy sleep is the key to family comfort, coziness and tranquility. By skillfully using the recommendations of specialists, experienced parents and developing your own tricks for putting your baby to bed, your family will be happy and calm.