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Restoring hair thickness. Restoring hair volume: quickly and effectively! Hair care tips


Archive 04/13/2015

Some ladies are not happy with the volume of their hair. A “mouse tail” can appear as a result of illness, frequent use of dyes and styling products, blow-drying, subsequently walking in the hot sun, lack of vitamins, etc. Then you have to take at least some measures to prevent “hair loss.” Taking special procedures in a beauty salon can be effective. Of course, they will require quite a bit of money and you may even have to ask for a loan, but you can be sure that it will be worth it!


This technique is aimed at restoring previously lost hair volume. Its essence is the introduction of multiple injections of special substances into the scalp. This mixture has a beneficial effect on the bulbs, triggering the production of collagen. After just a few sessions, you will be able to see the result: your hair will become stronger and new hairs will grow on your head. If at the moment your financial situation does not allow you to complete such a procedure, then you should not be upset - microloans will always come to the rescue. For example, the MFO “Zaymer” issues microloans online on the website without any paperwork.

Not everyone can afford to visit beauty salons: for some people time does not allow it, for others their financial situation does not allow it. The following recommendations will help to at least somehow improve the situation with hair volume:

  1. Avoid using paints, varnishes, hair dryers and straighteners for a while, thereby giving your hair a little freedom and rest.
  2. You should not wash your hair frequently. So, it is enough to wash oily hair every other day, dry hair - when it gets dirty.
  3. Use only proven and high-quality shampoos.
  4. Use traditional medicine.

Traditional medicine recipes or microloans are not needed

Masks with an irritating effect will help improve hair growth and restore hair volume. For this, onion juice, red pepper, and mustard can be “irritants.” They should be applied to the scalp, wrapped in a towel and kept for about half an hour, then rinsed off. This procedure should be done 2 times a week. If you make such masks as a course, then you definitely won’t need to urgently borrow money to go to a cosmetologist.

It will also be beneficial for hair health to apply healing vegetable oils, such as castor, coconut, burdock, cocoa oil, or a mixture of them. This method will not require large financial expenditures, but their benefits will definitely be noticeable.

Home lamination will give your curls a mirror shine and make combing easier. For this you only need gelatin and balm. Gelatin must be poured into cold water and left there for one hour. After this, keep the mixture in a water bath until completely dissolved. Add balm taking into account the proportion: for 1 spoon of solution - 3 spoons of balm. Apply the mixture to your head, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a towel. Walk like this for 1 hour, then rinse with water.

If you don’t want to take out microloans for mesotherapy, traditional medicine recipes will come in handy.

Based on materials from https://www.zaymer.ru/

see also

Thick and strong, shiny and smooth, healthy and beautiful hair is the dream of every girl. I WANT to know how to get closer to its implementation with the help of two simple beauty recipes!

Tips for those with thin hair. LEAVE-IN CARE If you have fine hair, try using a leave-in treatment instead of conditioner. It is much lighter than balms and rinses, which means it will not weigh down your hair. HEAD DOWN You can add volume to your hair in this simple way: apply dry shampoo to the roots and dry your hair with your head tilted down. Then tousle the strands with your hands. BEAUTIFUL WAVE Curls curled on curling irons or curlers will instantly give your hair the necessary volume.

We have selected for you two simple ways to prepare a mask and balm at home that will restore volume, shine, strength and beauty to your hair.

Volumizing hair mask

You will need:

0.5 cups of kefir,

1 tsp cocoa powder

Mix kefir and egg thoroughly, carefully and gradually adding cocoa powder to them. Apply the mask evenly to the hair roots. Let it dry a little and then reapply. It is necessary to apply the mask in three or four approaches, thus using the entire mixture to the very end. After the last application, put on a plastic cap and keep the mask on for 20-25 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. It is advisable to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week. After just 2 months, the mask will return volume, softness and silkiness to your hair, making your curls more vibrant.

Balm that gives hair shine and volume

You will need:

1/2 medium sized avocado

1 egg yolk,

1 tsp. olive or flaxseed oil

Prepare the avocado pulp by crushing the fruit with a fork until you obtain a smooth paste. Add the yolk, butter and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply the balm to clean and dried hair, from roots to ends. Put on a plastic cap and keep it on for about an hour. Rinse with warm water, using shampoo to thoroughly remove any remaining oil. At the end of the procedure, rinse your hair with cold water for about 2 minutes. This sequence of applying the balm will make your hair smoother, more elastic, shiny, and most importantly, it will restore its volume, natural strength and beauty!

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Tips for those with thin hair. LEAVE-IN CARE If you have fine hair, try using a leave-in treatment instead of conditioner. It is much lighter than balms and rinses, which means it will not weigh down your hair. HEAD DOWN You can add volume to your hair in this simple way: apply dry shampoo to the roots and dry your hair with your head tilted down. Then tousle the strands with your hands. BEAUTIFUL WAVE Curls curled on curling irons or curlers will instantly give your hair the necessary volume.

How to make hair rinses

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Taft University Road Show: Taft University of Beauty and Style

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How to add volume to your hair

The main trend in modern hairstyles is maximum freedom and naturalness. Voluminous, light, but at the same time manageable and elastic hair is the dream of many girls. With proper care and the right styling products, any girl can achieve this effect. In order to achieve voluminous and vibrant hair, first of all, you need to choose the right care products. You must always remember that the more products we use, the more the hair accumulates them, and as a result, it becomes heavier and does not hold the desired volume.

How to add volume to your hair?

Beautiful, thick and healthy hair, voluminous and luxurious styling, flowing curls - the dream of every girl. There are several ways to achieve it. I WANT to tell you all the possible options. First of all, proper hair washing and the right shampoo, taking into account the structure and needs of your hair. When choosing a shampoo, pay attention to the presence of vitamins B3, B5 and amino acids in its composition. Vitamin B5 strengthens the hair follicle itself and enriches the hair with oxygen.

Burnt hair

Burnt strands are not always the result of a two-week stay on the beach. Burnt hair is not always the result of a two-week stay on the beach. You can get the “sunny” highlights without leaving the city. To provide your faded hair with not only color, but also proper care, take a closer look at natural products.


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It is absolutely possible to grow your hair back and return it to its previous thickness! Thank you, I think I read on the Internet about the mask, I wanted to achieve volume, and I don’t know why I applied it for length. And I also read your review recently, I’m in admiration).


Thick and strong, shiny and smooth, healthy and beautiful hair is the dream of every girl. I WANT to know how to get closer to its implementation with the help of two simple beauty recipes!

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The gentle rays of the sun and the warm sea gave us a lot of positive emotions, but these summer pleasures did not have the best effect on our hair. Dry, brittle, lifeless - this is exactly what hair becomes after the beach season. They urgently need rehabilitation.

Hair loss (alopecia) affects the lives and psyche of many people around the world, regardless of their gender. Each of us would like to have beautiful and thick hair. After all, this is a symbol of attractiveness not only for women, but also for men. The treatment method for alopecia in each individual case has features depending on the stage and complexity of the problem. To understand how to restore thickness to hair after loss and apply appropriate measures, you must first find out what caused this.

Causes of alopecia

The causes of hair loss are very different. Some of them are directly related to the functioning of our body, others may be the result of inadequate care. In any case, the problem cannot be underestimated. Very often, alopecia takes on a progressive form, which can lead to complete baldness.

Popular causes of alopecia:

  • stress;
  • an inadequate diet, which, for example, contains too little iron;
  • hormonal imbalance during pregnancy (decrease in estrogen), menopause, breastfeeding;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • various diseases (anemia, thyroid disease, oncology, trichotillomania, anorexia, bulimia, etc.).

Hair loss can also be an inherited condition that gets worse every year. In addition, intense and frequent cosmetic procedures or poorly selected hair care cosmetics can lead to alopecia. Using aggressive styling products, frequent coloring, hot air drying, using curlers - improper performance of the above operations leads to destruction of hair and scalp. ​

Attention! In all cases, with the exception of genetic predisposition and menopause, alopecia, provided adequate treatment, can be temporary, and the hair will grow back. Otherwise, constant, maintenance therapy is required.

Ways to restore hair thickness

During treatment, as a rule, drug therapy, restorative procedures, and a healthy and balanced diet are prescribed. In more severe cases, transplantation is performed. This is the only way to stop hair loss and stimulate new hair growth.


Hair growth and structure are influenced by a number of factors. Many processes occur in the human body with the participation of various enzymes - catalysts or enhancers. Their deficiency or complete absence leads to disruption of certain functions or defects in the form of alopecia.

Such substances can be vitamins and microelements. Only a varied and nutritious diet can provide a person with the daily requirement for these ingredients.

Among the elements that influence the condition of the hair, and the absence of which can cause alopecia, B vitamins should be mentioned:

  • riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • niacin (vitamin B3, PP);
  • pantothenic acid (vitamin B5);
  • biotin (vitamin B8, H).

Among the microelements, the main ones are:

  • iron - iron deficiency causes anemia and can manifest as weakness, gray hair and hair loss;
  • zinc is a participant in a huge number of processes, including protein synthesis and cell division, and is involved in the process of hair growth;
  • selenium - stimulates hair growth, but its overdose is toxic and causes the reverse process.

Very important, so that the diet contains unsaturated fatty acids: omega-6 and omega-3. Their impaired absorption or insufficient concentration can result in weakness and baldness. Fatty acids affect the production of androgens, whose role in hair formation is very important.

Sample menu for each day:

  1. Breakfast. Muesli with nuts in milk 1.5% fat, a piece of wholemeal bread with sunflower seeds, lightly greased with butter, with tuna and arugula, green tea.
  2. 2nd breakfast. Vegetable salad with sesame and olive oil, mineral water.
  3. Dinner. Creamy broccoli soup, buckwheat porridge, salmon baked in foil with lemon, boiled broccoli, red cabbage salad, freshly squeezed fruit juice.
  4. Afternoon snack. Fruit salad (orange, grapes, strawberries) with the addition of natural yogurt, mineral water.
  5. Dinner. Wholemeal pasta with fresh spinach, onion and cream sauce, chicken breast, fruit tea.

Vitamin complexes

The best and natural remedy for alopecia are vitamins. A diet low in these elements can cause excessive hair loss, hair breakage, splitting and scalp conditions.

Growth promoting vitamins:

  • Vitamin B5(Jarrow Formulas - pantothenic acid, RUB 420). An exogenous vitamin, that is, it must be introduced into the body from the outside (it is not synthesized by the human body). B5 strengthens hair and stimulates cell division involved in hair growth. Natural sources of pantothenic acid are: yeast, liver, bran and whole wheat bread, spinach, tomatoes, beets, bananas, peaches.

  • Aevit(148 rub.). Vitamin A is involved in the synthesis of new cells and promotes their faster growth. Vitamin A - natural protection against the harmful effects of UV radiation and environmental factors. Vitamin A provitamin is beta-carotene, which is found in tomatoes, carrots and paprika.

  • Vitamin C(ascorbic acid, 25 rubles). Strengthens hair by supporting the production of keratin proteins. Improves microcirculation in capillaries, making hair voluminous, healthy and shiny. The lack of this vitamin causes separation and fragility. Ascorbic acid is found in large quantities in natural products: acerola, parsley, wild rose, paprika, black currants and citrus fruits.


A trichologist or dermatologist can prescribe medications to slow down the process of alopecia or prevent baldness. All of the products listed below are dispensed only as prescribed by a specialist. These drugs include:

  • Magnelis B6. The drug contains almost all the minerals and vitamins that are necessary for hair: biotin, vitamin B2, niacin and zinc. It also contains vitamin C, which is involved in the production of collagen. Also included are: vitamin E, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin A, folic acid and iron. In its composition you can see everything that is necessary for our hair. Price 340 rub.

  • Revalid hard capsules. Contains a large amount of seroberones, which are the main component of hair and nails. It also contains many vitamins and minerals that stimulate growth (zinc, copper, iron, vitamin B6 and B1). The ingredients contained in this preparation are well absorbed and stimulate the production of keratin. Amino acids are involved in the formation of the hair follicle. Price from 500 to 1300 rubles.

  • Biotin. Contains the active substance - biotin (each tablet contains 5 mg). Biotin consists of active sulfur molecules necessary for the reproduction of keratin. Price 120–200 rub.

  • Horsetail extract. It is a natural multivitamin preparation that complements the deficiency of many mineral compounds in our body. Recommended for conditions such as: dryness, fragility, dandruff and androgenic alopecia. Price from 40 rub.

Purchased cosmetics

In addition to drug treatment for alopecia, the following cosmetic products can be used.

DSD de Luxe(mask)


Shampoo and conditioner from this company reduce hair loss and strengthen the structure, making it resistant to damage. Cleanse the scalp of excess sebum that clogs the hair follicles. Contains mint. After use, the scalp becomes slightly dry and the curls become dull. That's why Application is recommended before bedtime.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine has a wide range of equally effective alternative methods for the treatment of alopecia. Some of these products are superior in their effects to most traditional cosmetics:

  • Eggs. Not only a healthy food, but also a famous hair cosmetic for centuries. Eggs contain vitamins: A, from group B, D, E, H. Many useful minerals: phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, sodium, manganese, zinc, copper, silicon, chlorine, iodine, fluorine, iron. Yolks are great for compresses for severe hair loss. Rub the yolks into your scalp before washing, cover with a towel and leave for an hour.
  • Black radish. Rubbing the scalp with black radish juice regenerates hair follicles, which prevents alopecia, dandruff, seborrhea, and also improves blood circulation in the scalp. If you don't have a radish juicer, you can finely grate the root vegetable and apply the pulp to your head, gently massaging the skin.
  • Garlic. The smell of garlic may be intimidating, but there is no doubt that it is one of the most effective natural remedies for preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. Called a natural antibiotic, garlic contains volatile sulfur and bactericidal compounds, essential oils, fibers, sugars, organic sulfur compounds such as alliin and scordinin A and B. These compounds stimulate hair growth. Chop the garlic, apply to your curls and rub into your scalp in a circular motion for about 20 minutes. Then the product should be washed off using a fragrant, natural shampoo.


The most effective way to eliminate alopecia is specialized procedures and correct diagnosis. Thanks to this approach, you can achieve truly impressive results. The course of treatment begins only after consultation with a trichologist and determination of the type of alopecia. With severe progression, the following procedures may be recommended.


This is a method of treating various skin pathologies, which consists of injecting small doses of medicinal substances directly into the site of the disease. Mesotherapy brings invaluable benefits to improve hair quality, preventing hair loss and promoting re-growth.

Mesotherapy consists of a superficial injection into the scalp with growth-promoting substances and anti-alopecia agents (mainly anti-inflammatory components, vitamins and nutrients).

Attention! The set of drugs is selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the patient.

Ozone therapy

Especially recommended for the regeneration of damaged, dry, brittle and porous hair that lacks natural shine. The treatment involves using heat to open the hair cuticles. Thanks to this method, particles of water vapor, ozone and regenerating substances very easily penetrate into the deep layers, which contributes to their saturation and hydration. The end result of using ozone therapy is beautiful, elastic and shiny curls.

Laser therapy

A safe form of treatment used for alopecia due to genetic causes. Low power laser therapy is also called red light therapy, cold laser, soft laser, biostimulation and photomodulation.


A cosmetic procedure that uses high-frequency currents (300–500 kHz) to disinfect the skin. During the flow of current through the electrode and its direct contact with the skin, electrical discharges occur in the form of a spark. This leads to the direct generation of a minimal amount of heat directly in the tissues of the scalp.

In the area of ​​application, ozone is formed, which has a disinfectant and bactericidal effect on the skin. Exposure to electrical charges causes dilation of the skin's blood vessels, improving its absorption potential and metabolism.


The procedure is carried out using UVA rays. One type of this procedure is PUVA (photoactive substance) or photodynamic method for the treatment of alopecia. Before using this type of treatment, you must tell your doctor what cosmetics and medications you have recently used.

Treatment of alopecia with phototherapy is based on the fact that the rays have a direct effect on the scalp and hair roots, improving blood circulation.

PRB therapy

Based on scientific knowledge and innovative technologies of regenerative medicine. The platelets used in this procedure play a vital role in the healing and regeneration process. The goal of the treatment is to stimulate the grafted hair follicles and “bring them” into the active growth phase.

This is a unique way to use your body's own resources to improve soft tissue healing. Due to these qualities, PRB therapy effectively supports tissue repair after surgery and stimulates hair growth after transplantation.

This treatment involves taking a small amount of blood (60 ml) from the patient to obtain the desired level of platelet concentration. This blood is then centrifuged using a specially developed method. Fractions that are rich in platelets and growth factors are separated and injected into the scalp.

Head massage

One of the oldest ways to stimulate hair growth. A well-done massage improves blood circulation in the scalp, relaxes, eliminates fatigue and headaches. To do this, it is not necessary to use the services of a professional massage therapist. You can have a massage right at home.

The scalp should create a natural environment for hair growth. Many of the problems that cause alopecia are closely related to skin diseases and poor skin condition as a result of improper care.

Note! The massage will make the scalp softer - this will allow blood to circulate normally and deliver not only oxygen, but also nutrients directly to the hair roots. This way you can stop their loss and even stimulate growth.


The transplant involves removing hair tissue from the back or side of the head, where the hair is permanent (permanent) and is not affected by dehydrotestosterone (DHT) - never falling out.

The excised tissue is divided into small parts, so-called onion units (grafts). They can vary in size and contain one, two, three, and sometimes four individual hairs.

After the doctor has prepared the “implementation” area, consisting of micro-tears in the scalp, the grafts are transplanted.

The operation time depends on the number of grafts. If 1000, the procedure lasts about 2-3 hours, from 1500 implants - 3-4 hours, over 2000 - the operation duration takes 5-6 hours. Transplanted hair goes through a healing phase - 2–3 months after surgery. After this time, they begin to grow at the same rate as normal hair - about 1–1.5 cm per month.

When observing the first symptoms of alopecia caused by stress, fatigue, seasons, and the influence of other independent factors, it is worth paying attention to specialized treatment that can not only stop this disorder, but also stimulate the growth of new hair. You can use drugs with active agents aimed at suppressing androgenic effects, improving blood supply to hair follicles and prolonging the growth phase.

It is worth using those drugs that stop premature hair loss and stimulate hair follicular cells to divide: caffeine, growth factors and peptides. In more severe cases, the doctor may recommend suppressive drugs: minoxidil, aminexil, finasteride or dutasteride.

In women, birth control pills with antiandrogenic effects and spironolactone may provide improvement. In cases of acute telogen effluvium, glucocorticoids are used. It is worth paying attention to diet, general health and replenishing deficiencies, such as vitamin D3 and iron.

Useful videos

Hair restoration after childbirth.

How to make hair thick and voluminous.

Almost every girl is not happy with the condition of her hair. And everyone asked themselves and those around them the question of how to restore hair thickness at home. And so that the products are not expensive, salon-store products, but something simpler and more effective. So we decided to publish truly effective tips for restoring hair thickness. The folk remedies used in our recipes are available, and experience with their use goes back centuries.

How to restore hair thickness - general recommendations.

Why does my hair fall out a lot? Excessive hair loss is closely related to the female hormonal system. Of course, everyone’s body is different, and what causes hair loss in another girl or woman may not affect the condition of the hair at all. But some points are the same for many women - hair loss during pregnancy, breastfeeding, ovarian dysfunction, stress, allergic reactions to hair hygiene products, insufficient intake of calcium and vitaminsDwith food, a strict diet with many restrictions, especially proteins.

For a charming appearance, including beautiful hair, it is important that the female reproductive system works like a clock. If this is not the case, external means will not help your hair recover. The same applies to dietary restrictions - if you do not consume enough protein, calcium and vitaminDwith food, it will be unrealistic to restore hair thickness.

How to restore hair thickness - folk remedies.

Traditional medicine offers many means to restore hair thickness; now you will learn several such recipes.

1. Burdock (burdock). It is considered one of the strongest remedies for restoring hair thickness. Either an infusion of finely chopped roots is made, or burdock oil (available at the pharmacy). The hair is rinsed with the infusion and, to enhance the effect of the product, is not washed off. Burdock oil is rubbed into the hair roots and skin, left for up to half an hour, then washed off with warm water.

2.Lovage.Our ancestors endowed lovage with magical properties, believing that lovage should be used to wash hair so that guys would love. Rinse your hair with infusion of the herb after using shampoo. In addition to leaves, the roots of the plant are used.

We have already told you how to restore hair thickness; all you have to do is try the miraculous power of natural remedies on yourself.

Interesting fact.

The average person's head grows from 100 to 140 thousand hairs. Blondes have relatively less hair, while dark-haired people have the fullest hair. The normal rate of hair loss per day is up to 100 per day, in children - 90. Old people lose about 120 hairs per day, but new ones no longer grow in their place, so they appear bald.

The secret of thick hair video:

Hi all! My name is Madina, I'm 18 years old. It’s been a month and a half since I came across this wonderful community, and one month since I’ve been reading your wonderful posts on a regular basis! Your hair stories inspire me. This is my first post, so please don't judge too harshly. So, let's begin!
As a child, I had thin hair (until I was 11 years old), but it was smooth and absolutely straight. As long as I can remember in those days, I always had a fuzz, this fuzz always stood on end. Around the age of 13 my hair started to thicken, the density increased and my hair grew at an incredible rate.

Ridiculous photos. But you can see from them that the hair is quite healthy, thick and shiny. I can say that this is all a matter of genetics. All members of my family have fairly thick hair. True, my father is not so good at the moment due to hair loss, but in his youth he had hair like an Indian actor.

I remember my grandmother telling me that none of the hairdressers wanted to cut off her thick braid, and she had to cut it off herself.

In the end this is what came out. I think it turned out very beautiful! Compared to me, her hair is wavy and voluminous.
At the age of 13, I only used shampoo. If I'm not mistaken, I used Pantene Pro-V. The hair became thicker and heavier. Many of my classmates and friends admired my hair. But my head and neck hurt from hair that only reached my shoulders. And I switched to Pantene Aqua Light. I liked the smell of this shampoo, but after a while I began to notice that my hair began to dry out, but I continued to use it.
I was very thin since childhood, but by the time I was 14 I gained weight. My health has improved. I ate only healthy food and never limited myself. Apparently my hair really liked it, it became thicker and thicker.

I cut my hair every summer. I cut 10 centimeters, and that’s at least. The hair grew back very quickly. At the beginning of the year I might have shoulder length hair, and by the end of the year my hair would be a little past my elbows.
At the age of 14, I transferred to the best physics and mathematics school in the country. The stress was incredible. But due to good nutrition and healthy sleep, it did not affect my hair at all.

The girl in the red frame is me. The tail is quite thick.
But at the age of 15, I went on a DIET. I lost weight over the summer. I was incredibly happy about this, but in the winter I began to notice that my braid had become thin, although before I could braid two thick braids. There was significantly less hair, you could notice that in some places there was very little hair. After taking a shower, the shower was clogged with my hair, and there was my hair on the floors throughout the house. I started to be afraid of scratching.

You may notice that gaps in the hair are visible.

Hair parting has never been so noticeable.
I immediately told my mom about my hair loss, but she said it was just my preoccupation with my appearance. After a couple of months, I was still able to convince her of this. She bought me the first balm for hair loss. It was a Chinese balm with snail extract. It cost 200-400 tenge (35-75 rubles) more than ordinary shampoos. Later I bought a Chinese hair growth activator and a hair growth activator for baldness.

Of course, nothing came of it. I asked my mother to help me rub it on my scalp. Mom rubbed in very little, in order to use it sparingly, but I myself didn’t want to because I couldn’t see where to apply the activator. Later, my classmates advised me to rub castor oil on my scalp. They told how the oil helped them grow their hair after unsuccessful haircuts and make their eyebrows thicker. I got excited about this idea, went to the pharmacy and bought 10 vials of castor oil. It all turned out very cheap. The first experience with him was simply terrible. The desire to use it disappeared almost immediately. Because it washed off just terribly. But still, I used 5 vials. And I decided to switch to burdock oil. I didn't like burdock oil. It didn't wash my hair well. Yes, and I used it poorly. I applied it in the shower before taking a shower. I waited a maximum of 15 minutes. I walked with castor oil for about an hour, maximum 2. After them, I decided to stop caring for my hair; I did not notice any progress. Final exams, university entrance exams, IELTS, SAT were approaching. For graduation they decided to cut off my hair and give me a hairstyle like this:

At the hairdresser, when I complained that my hair was thin and thin, the hairdresser said that my mother and I had escaped from a Pantene commercial. I think that she said this, seeing that another hairdresser braided my mother 3 braids, when usually it’s rare for anyone to braid even 2. But because of this, I calmed down a little and didn’t worry about my hair all summer.
In August 2015, I arrived in a new city (I entered university) and decided to buy Japanese hair care products. In 11th grade, I used Korean shampoos (Kerasys Damage Care, Kerasys Professional Care, Ryo), but they did not help stop hair loss. So this time I decided to try Japanese hair care lines. I bought Shiseido Tsubaki Head Spa Shampoo, Naive Conditioner with Aloe and Grape Seed Extract and KAMINOMOTO TURF MEDICATED IKUMO. Shampoo then cost 3,500 tenge (636.36 rubles), and conditioner cost 4,500 tenge (818.18 rubles). The most expensive item was the last one. It cost 12,000 tege (2181.81 rubles), at the moment more than 17,000 tege (3090.90 rubles). It looked like hairspray. It was necessary to use it like a varnish, only over the roots and rub into the scalp 2 times a day.

Shampoo Shiseido Tsubaki Head Spa

Naive with aloe and grape seed extract

I really liked the shampoo and conditioner! The hair was voluminous, soft and smelled very tasty. After a shower, I didn’t need to use toilet water to smell good, but my hair continued to fall out. KAMINOMOTO TURF MEDICATED IKUMO stopped hair loss. I think that I did not notice its effect because I went on a diet and started doing fitness. Moreover, I cut my hair to this length:

After the haircut:

In the spring I returned to Almaty and was frightened by how thin my hair had become and how much it had decreased in quantity. But after I returned to university, I had no time and closed my eyes to my hair.

In the summer I went in for sports and went on another diet. Hair fell out in clumps. I didn't comb my hair all summer. I used shampoos that were at home. Stopped using air conditioning. In the new school year I had three hairs. In the fall, I began to experience depression and breakdowns due to my studies and diet. I developed anemia and struggled with it until February. Anemia has a very bad effect on the skin and hair, the nails began to peel and tear.





This is just a nightmare!!! But the apogee of horror was in February.

I was ashamed of my hair! The ends of your hair have never been so thin and split.
In January, when I was still at home, I found ginger balm from the Tian-De company.

My younger sister didn't like it because it was too warm on her head. I used it in the bathhouse. My head has never felt so hot. A homemade mustard mask with sugar and pepper never helped me. They only made things worse. This one burned my entire scalp. But, unfortunately, the next time I used it, it didn’t heat so well. Apparently, the scalp is not sensitive at all. It was enough for me 10 times, maximum. I saw the results of this balm in March.

New hair! They look quite funny)
I returned home in March. And I got sick again. Somehow I got out of bed, and for the first time in my life I started taking photos of my hair, how it looks from the outside.

And then the miracle finally happened! I don't want to jinx it! Pah-pah. Recently I was throwing out spoiled food, came across olive and flaxseed oil, and also bought rosemary essential oil at the pharmacy. In the evening I decided to mix flaxseed oil with olive and castor oils. And I seasoned all this with rosemary and rosewood essential oils. I applied it all over my head. I massaged my head and went to bed. In the morning, I washed off the oils from my head and noticed that very little hair had fallen out compared to what it usually was. And when I combed it, not a single hair fell out!!! I've never had anything like this! My hair was so soft and smooth after it dried! Visually they seemed thick.

I do hair masks every 2-3 days. I fell in love with rosemary aromatherapy and head massage. I love that rosemary gently cools and then warms the scalp.
Much less hair falls out!) Especially after combing your hair. The ends of my hair became more hydrated, so I decided to reward myself and get my hair done.

Hair is easier to comb. I feel like my hair has become more voluminous at the roots. Surprisingly, flaxseed oil washes off easily. And the scalp begins to get oily after 2-3 days. The hair at the roots became noticeably darker.
At the moment my hair thickness is 9.5-10 cm. Sometimes it shows 11 cm. But I don’t think that’s the case. The tips are very thin, even after oils. If you didn't know how thick my thickness is, how much would you give it?
Currently I am using Tian-De Master Herb Golden Ginger shampoo. Shampoo without sulfates, based on natural ingredients. I don’t remember the exact price, but I bought it at a very good discount. I use a balm with nettle extract. And at the end I apply Naive conditioner. Yes, it is still there and has not ended) After my hair is dry, I comb my hair with rosemary essential oil. I never use a hairdryer. Now I always wear a hat outside and take calcium and vitamins. I hope that I will be able to regain my former shine, thickness, and rapid growth.
I want to give you some advice. Never neglect your nutrition while dieting. Never use laxatives. They flush almost everything from the body. Better consume olive oil on an empty stomach, and your hair will thank you.
1) How do you photograph your hair so beautifully?
2)What hair thickness do you want to have?
3) Is it possible to restore split hair or is it better to cut it straight away?
Thank you very much for reading my post. I apologize for the inconvenience! Wishing everyone thick and shiny hair with a gorgeous length)