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I always want to write and a lot. Causes of frequent urination in women. Diagnostics carried out by specialists

Every day we go to the toilet “small” at least 12 times. Of course, this figure is very arbitrary and depends on physiological characteristics, and they are individual for each of us. But approximately this amount of urination per day is considered normal by doctors and does not cause them concern. But if the number of “visits” to the toilet per day increases, then it’s time to sound the alarm. After all, frequent urination in women can be a symptom of serious diseases that require long-term treatment. What could cause this unpleasant phenomenon?

When is this normal?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cases when a frequent urge to go to the toilet can be considered normal. Usually in such cases no treatment is required, although, of course, the attending physician should be aware.

1. Undoubtedly, frequent urination during pregnancy should be considered normal. Almost every woman carrying a child encounters it. This problem can be especially acute in the first and last trimesters. The frequency of urination in this case is influenced by several factors. This includes increased kidney function, an increased amount of fluid in the body, and pressure from the uterus on the bladder. Frequent visits to the toilet should not worry the expectant mother; on the contrary, rare urination should cause concern. After all, this may mean that the pregnant woman is not drinking enough fluid, and this can lead to problems with the urinary system.

2. Another reason why frequent urination will be the norm is taking various diuretics. For example, various herbal teas for weight loss, most of which, as is known, contain herbs with a diuretic effect. Uncontrolled consumption of drinks containing caffeine and alcohol can also provoke increased urination.

3. Also, the female body can react to the cold or to any stressful situation with an increased urge to go to the toilet.

4. And finally, in women experiencing menopause, this phenomenon may be a consequence of hormonal changes and goes away over time.

When to sound the alarm?

Infectious and inflammatory diseases

1. In the first place among the causes of frequent urination in women are inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. And cystitis holds the palm among them. Every second woman probably hears this diagnosis in her life. Cystitis not only leads to the problem described, it is also accompanied by a burning sensation when urinating and other unpleasant symptoms. If detected in time, this disease can be treated quickly enough, but in the future the woman should be very attentive to her health in order to avoid the risk of relapse.

2. Advanced cystitis is a direct road to pyelonephritis. In addition to frequent urination and fever, this disease is characterized by cloudy urine and urination with blood. Treatment of pyelonephritis takes a long time character, and its violations threaten that the disease can become chronic.

3. Urethritis should also be included among the causes of inflammatory nature. This disease can occur with mild symptoms, but frequent urination in women is one of its signs. And even if nothing else bothers you, you should definitely consult a doctor, since independent treatment in this case is impossible.

4. An increased number of urges to go to the toilet can also be caused by some sexually transmitted diseases - for example, gonorrhea, genital herpes, etc. By the way, cramps and pain when urinating in women, accompanied by discharge with an unpleasant odor, may be the first symptoms of the disease. In this case, patients (as well as their sexual partners) will have to undergo long-term drug treatment with constant monitoring of tests.

Gynecological diseases

1. Frequent urge to go to the toilet may also indicate some gynecological diseases. For example, about fibroids (benign tumors) of the uterus. In addition to the main symptoms (bleeding from the uterus, menstrual irregularities, pain in the lower abdomen), women may also experience frequent urination. This usually happens when the tumor has increased in size and begins to put pressure on nearby organs, including the bladder.

2. Similar symptoms may also manifest as prolapse of the uterus - a phenomenon when, due to a decrease in the elasticity of the pelvic muscles, the uterus can no longer be in the physiologically correct position and moves lower. Along with it, the position of the pelvic organs, including the bladder, changes.

Endocrine system diseases

Speaking about endocrine diseases that may accompany an increased number of urinations, diabetes mellitus should be mentioned first of all. Moreover, as endocrinologists note, most often the urge to go to the toilet begins to bother you at night. In addition, many patients begin to increase the amount of drink they drink, which is associated with constant thirst, and this also cannot but affect the amount of urination.

Urolithiasis disease

An increased frequency of the urge to empty the bladder may indicate the presence of stones (one or more) in it. In this case, sudden urges can arise even from the slightest physical exertion and be accompanied by pain. In addition, the process of urination itself may suddenly stop, although there is no sensation that the bladder has emptied.

Treatment and prevention of frequent urination in women

Since frequent trips to the toilet “in small ways” can be one of the symptoms of any disease, then by eliminating its causes, you can get rid of frequent urination. And, of course, the treatment in each example listed above is selected purely individually, only by a specialist (or group of specialists) and only after collecting all the necessary tests.

Thus, for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the urinary tract, drugs with antibacterial and analgesic effects and antispasmodics are prescribed. Medicinal prescriptions are supplemented with various herbal infusions and teas.

In some cases (for gynecological diseases and urolithiasis), in addition to medications, surgical intervention, hormonal therapy, and strengthening exercises may be required.

Well, to prevent such a phenomenon as frequent urination from ruining your life, you need to remember about preventive measures.

  • drink at least one and a half liters of clean water every day,
  • go to the toilet regularly (preferably every 3 hours), even if you don’t have a strong desire,
  • monitor genital hygiene and cleanliness of underwear,
  • don't get too cold,
  • Visit your gynecologist at least twice a year, even if nothing worries you, and take all the required tests.

The process of urination is quite intimate, the frequency and volume of which are strictly individual. But not everything always goes according to a physiological rhythm; very often women notice frequent urination, which can be accompanied by discomfort and even pain.

In most cases, when such problems arise, women are very reluctant to go to the doctor with this complaint even when the corresponding symptoms become unbearable.

But the tactic of waiting for everything to go away on its own is wrong, because this problem, which many are ashamed to talk about out loud, has a specific reason that the doctor must deal with. The reasons for frequent urination in women, both painful and painless, will be discussed in this article.

Frequent urination concept

In what cases do we talk about frequent urination? The fact is that there are no strict norms for the frequency of urination during the day; there are only certain conventional limits and average numbers - 2-6 times per day. The frequency of physiological emptying of the bladder varies depending on a number of factors (physiological characteristics of the body, metabolic rate, diet, drinking regimen, etc.); on different days, the frequency of urination is also different.

Frequent urination is an excess of a woman’s personal comfort threshold, when she herself notices that the body much more often signals the need to relieve a physiological need, or rather, it is necessary to empty the bladder more often than usual.

To be fair, it is worth noting that short-term (a day or two) symptoms of this kind should not cause any particular concern, but if the situation drags on and worsens, the only right decision would be to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Causes of frequent urge to urinate in women

With such an unpleasant symptom as frequent urination in women, the reasons can be very different, sometimes not related to health and disease (physiological). The main causes of this phenomenon are divided into four large groups, the first place among which is occupied by pathological processes in the organs and structures of the urinary system.

Pathologies of the urinary system

A common cause of frequent urination is inflammatory urinary tract infections. Women have a natural, anatomical predisposition to these diseases, and they suffer from these problems 3 times more often than men.

  • Cystitis
  • Urethritis

Frequent urination, painful at the beginning of emptying the bladder, is characteristic of urethritis. The pain is burning and accompanied by itching. The general condition of women rarely suffers, which leads to a delay in the process and late referral to doctors. Treatment of urethritis includes antibiotics and probiotics to restore the vaginal biocenosis (see).

  • Pyelonephritis

Increased urination may indicate the presence of chronic pyelonephritis. The disease manifests itself as dull, aching pain localized in the lumbar region, which intensifies in cold weather. When the pathological process worsens, the following is noted:

- a sharp rise in body temperature, up to chills
- as well as weakness
- nausea
- blood and pus appear in the urine
— progression of the disease leads to the development of arterial hypertension

Treatment of pyelonephritis is long-term and includes antibacterial therapy, antispasmodics, painkillers and herbal remedies.

  • Urolithiasis disease

Frequent urination may indicate existing urolithiasis with stones localized in the bladder. The urge to urinate appears unexpectedly, sharply and is provoked by intense physical activity, occurring when running or shaking in transport. When the bladder has not yet completely emptied during urination, the urine stream may also be interrupted. Pain occurs in the lower abdomen and the area above the pubis, both at rest and during urination. Treatment of the pathology, depending on the severity of the disease and the nature of the stones, can be medicinal, physiotherapeutic or surgical, but always includes diet.

  • Weakness of the muscle wall of the bladder

Manifested by frequent urination with a small volume of urine. The urge to urinate is always sudden and requires an immediate visit to the toilet. Since this pathology is congenital, therapy is aimed at strengthening the muscle tissue of the bladder with special exercises and medications.

  • For overactive bladder

In this case, increased nerve signals cause a frequent urge to empty the bladder. The disease is of central origin, so treatment is aimed at interrupting the pathological excitability of the nervous system that regulates the process of urination (sedatives, muscle relaxants, etc.).

Frequent urination as a secondary sign of various pathologies of the body
  • Gynecological diseases

Increased urination may be a sign of advanced uterine fibroids - a benign tumor that, due to its size, compresses the bladder. Since the disease develops gradually, dysuritic disorders are preceded for a long time by, and. Treatment is hormonal and surgical (see).

When the uterus prolapses, associated with weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, displacement of the organs and tissues of the pelvis occurs, including the bladder. Frequent urination with incontinence indicates significant prolapse of the uterus. A woman has been bothered for a long time by painful manifestations in the lower abdomen, heavy menstruation and bleeding from the vagina. Treatment is conservative (hormones, exercise therapy) or surgical.

  • Endocrine diseases

Frequent urge to urinate at night is often one of them. In addition, a woman is tormented by constant thirst, itchy skin, weakness and fatigue. Treatment includes diet, drugs that lower sugar levels (if diet therapy is ineffective), insulin therapy (for an insulin-dependent form of the disease).

When associated with dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, frequent urination occurs and the daily volume of urine excreted increases to 5 liters. Women suffer from constant thirst, lose weight, and experience dry skin and mucous membranes. Treatment is hormonal, lifelong.

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Frequent urination at night in women may be a sign of cardiovascular disease. If there is insufficiency of cardiac activity during active daily life, hidden swelling occurs, which disappears at night and is expressed in frequent urination. Treatment is etiological, aimed at compensating for the detected cardiac insufficiency.

Physiological reasons

If there are certain physiological reasons, a woman is bothered by frequent urination during the day, the most common of which are:

  • dietary features associated with abundant fluid consumption (coffee, soda, alcohol) and foods with diuretic properties (watermelon, cranberries, melon, lingonberries, cucumber, etc.)
  • stress and anxiety, in which oxygen starvation of cells leads to frequent urination
  • first and third trimester of pregnancy, when increased frequency of urination is associated with the growth of the uterus and compression of the bladder
  • hypothermia of the body, which causes a compensatory increase in urination;

When the underlying cause is physiological factors that cause frequent urination in women, no treatment is required. Self-elimination of the provoking situation leads to normalization of urination.

Taking medications

Increased urination, leading to frequent visits to the toilet, is also provoked by drugs from the group of diuretics, which have a therapeutic diuretic effect. These drugs are prescribed for edema, hypertension, and for the treatment of gestosis in pregnant women.

Causes of frequent and painful urination

If a duet of symptoms is detected - frequent urination in women and pain during urination, there is a high probability of an inflammatory process of the urinary or genital organs due to infection. Some sexually transmitted infections also cause painful and frequent urination (more details in our articles):

  • gonorrhea in women - symptoms, treatment
  • trichomoniasis in women - symptoms, treatment

Copious, frequent, painless urination in women most often indicates an advanced course of a certain disease from the above groups. The fact is that the female genitourinary system, in fact, is a single whole, and an infection that occurs in the urinary organs easily switches to the genitals.

Very often, for example, urethritis and vaginitis are diagnosed. The structure of the female genitourinary organs explains the ease of spread of infection, a particularly dangerous variant of which is an ascending infection - from the vagina to the uterus and appendages, from the urethra to the bladder and kidneys. Pathologies such as cystitis, urolithiasis, vaginitis and vulvovaginitis of various etiologies are manifested by painful urination.

Painful and frequent urination may be a consequence of irritation of the vaginal tissues:

  • when using a tampon incorrectly
  • after sexual intercourse

In this case, the symptoms are transient - discomfort and frequent urge to urinate disappear within 24 hours. But these days are a dangerous period, since damaged mucous membranes are excellent entry points for various infectious agents.

Frequent urination, which bothers a woman for two or more days, should not go undiagnosed and treated. Any pathology of the genitourinary system is a threat to the normal implementation of reproductive function. Therefore, women's health should not only be the main concern of the nation, but also the priority of every individual woman, and symptoms are just symptoms to present to the doctor.

Watch your body and listen to its signals!

Frequent urination is considered to be going to the toilet more than 10 times in one day, but only if the person has consumed no more than 2 liters of liquid during this time. Separately, it should be noted that the frequency of urination in children is much higher than in an adult, and depends on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the specific age.

With various diseases, the amount of daily urine can either increase or, conversely, decrease. Therefore, it is up to highly specialized specialists, for example, a urologist, gynecologist, nephrologist, and sometimes even a neurologist and endocrinologist, to find out the reasons for changes in the amount of urine in a person.

Daily urination rate

Before you say that a person has started going to the toilet too often or too rarely, you should make sure that these indicators really go beyond the norm. For example, in adult men, the norm for urination when consuming 0.75-1.6 liters of liquid per day is considered to be 4-6 times, while the average volume of one urination is 200-300 milliliters.

The daily urination rate for women is 6-8 times, 200-300 milliliters each, when consuming the above amount of liquid per day.

It should be understood that these values ​​are approximate and should only be followed if:

  • a person’s body temperature is within normal limits;
  • air temperature less than 30 degrees above zero;
  • for every kilogram of weight over the past 24 hours, you have drunk more than 30-40 milliliters of liquid;
  • no diuretics were used, both medical and natural, for example, coffee, rosehip decoction, and green tea;
  • There is no rapid heartbeat or shortness of breath.

It should also be taken into account that during the night a person should not urinate at all. The maximum norm in this case is considered to be one urination, the amount of which does not exceed 200-300 milliliters.

Reasons for the urge to go to the toilet in a small way

It is important that the urge to go to the toilet can be both painful and painless. Pain during urination can be observed in the lumbar region, as well as in the lower abdomen.

Frequent urination with pain in the lumbar region may indicate:

  • pyelonephritis. Since this process is quite acute, it is difficult not to notice. In connection with this disease, body temperature rises, lower back pain radiates to the abdominal area, and frequent urination is also noted;
  • urolithiasis. In the case of this disease, single portions of urine are reduced, which become mixed with blood. There is also an increased urge to go to the toilet at night.

If frequent urination is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, most likely the problem is located in the lower parts of the urinary system:

  • urethritis, or inflammation of the urethra. During this disease, the daily volume of urine increases significantly, which also becomes quite cloudy;
  • cystitis. This disease is the most common cause of frequent urge to go to the toilet. The urine takes on a reddish tint, sometimes even containing pus. When urinating, pain is felt in the pubic area. Often the body temperature rises, and the person feels a general malaise, including weakness and nausea;
  • tumor in the neck of the bladder. The symptoms of this disease are very similar to cystitis, but there are no symptoms of intoxication of the body;
  • stones in the bladder. Again, the symptoms are similar to those of cystitis, but only if the stone has blocked the urine output;
  • BPH. The urge to go to the toilet passes without pain, however, the process of urination itself is accompanied by very painful sensations;
  • neurogenic bladder. The person feels healthy, except that during urination he feels severe pain;

Such a harmless symptom as frequent urination in women can signal serious problems in the body.

Urination in women is of a very personal nature, the volume and frequency of which depends on the characteristics of the body. In some cases, women begin to notice a change in this process, urination becomes frequent and may be painful, and false urges appear. Unfortunately, many women, ashamed of such a delicate problem, turn to a doctor when the pain becomes severe. This problem cannot be solved on its own, so the cause of frequent urination must be treated together with a doctor. The doctor will tell you which diseases with these symptoms should sound the alarm.

Urination in any person depends on various factors, such as the physiological characteristics of each organism, metabolic rate, nutrition and drinking. Exact data has not been established, but on average, women walk about 4-7 times a day. However, urination should not exceed 12 times a day. Each woman is able to independently determine the change in the number of trips to the toilet, and when the private urge began.

It is considered normal if a person’s urination becomes more frequent for 1-2 days, and then returns to normal, without discomfort. If this process is delayed, you should seek help from a doctor.

The reasons for increased urination can be different and do not always relate to any disease. However, first of all, the reason may lie in diseases of the urinary system. These diseases include inflammatory processes in the urinary system. Based on anatomical features, women and girls are 3 times more susceptible to such diseases than men.

The treatment of some diseases can be improved with the help of folk remedies. Lingonberries and rose hips can help, and yarrow, mint, and chamomile help.

There is a certain group of symptoms for diseases of the genitourinary system that may accompany frequent urination:

  • burning and stinging sensation during bowel movements;
  • urinary incontinence or retention;
  • unnatural genital discharge;
  • abdominal pain, especially in the lower part;
  • weakness and lack of appetite.

Diseases of the Urinary System


The main cause of frequent and painful urination may be cystitis.

Cystitis is accompanied by cutting and burning pain during the process of urination, before urination itself, as a feeling of urge appears, urinary incontinence appears. After visiting the toilet, there is a feeling that the bladder has not emptied completely. This makes the woman have to sit on the toilet longer. The color of urine does not change during cystitis, but in advanced cases it becomes cloudy. During menopause, the risk of developing cystitis is higher; this is caused by a lack of production of the female hormone estrogen and changes in the functioning of the entire body.

Treatment of cystitis is most often medicinal. Depending on the pathogen, various medications are prescribed: antibiotics, antifungals or antihistamines. They are also prescribed painkillers and immunostimulants. Physiotherapy helps well with chronic cystitis.


Urethritis refers to inflammatory infectious diseases. The pain is localized outside, in the vagina. During bowel movements, there is a burning pain accompanied by itching. In the morning, purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor appears. With urethritis, the main inflammatory symptoms, such as fever, malaise, and weakness, do not appear. In view of this, the patient may find out about the infection many months later, when the chronic process has already started.

Urethritis in non-severe forms is treated on an outpatient basis. For urethritis, antibiotics or antifungal agents are prescribed, everything depends on the nature of the development of the disease. Vitamin complexes, immunostimulants are also prescribed to increase the body's resistance and prebiotics to normalize the microflora. The treatment process can take up to several weeks. It is very important to cure urethritis completely so that it does not become chronic.


An infectious kidney disease caused by various bacteria. Pyelonephritis is accompanied by aching pain in the lower back, fever, chills, trembling, general weakness, and nausea. In cold weather the pain intensifies. As the disease progresses, blood and pus appear in the urine.

Pyelonephritis is treated with antibacterial drugs. For more effective treatment, when diagnosing pyelonephritis, the group of bacteria contained in the patient’s urine is determined, and then drugs sensitive to them are prescribed. This will get rid of bacteria faster and will not allow pyelonephritis to become chronic.

Urolithiasis disease

Frequent urination may indicate the presence of bladder stones. While walking fast or during physical activity, a strong and unexpected urge to urinate appears. Urolithiasis is accompanied by interruption of the stream of urine during bowel movements, pain above the pubis, which can appear not only during urination, but also during normal hours.

For urolithiasis, treatment can be surgical or medicinal. In medical conservative treatment, drugs are used to dissolve stones in the bladder. In addition, diet therapy is prescribed, with the exclusion of foods that cause the formation of stones. Stones that cannot be removed using conservative methods are removed surgically.

Weakness of the bladder wall muscles

This is a congenital pathology in which the urge is sharp and sudden, and little urine is excreted, little by little. This problem is treated with medications and special exercises to strengthen the muscle walls.

Overactive bladder

If you have frequent urination, an overactive bladder may be the problem. This problem comes from the central nervous system, which sends signals more often and stronger, which makes you have to urinate more often. Sedatives prescribed by a doctor will help get rid of this problem.

Gynecological diseases

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign neoplasms of the uterus. This means that as the tumor grows, increasing in size, it can put pressure on the bladder, which provokes increased urination. Frequent urination is the second sign of fibroids. Primary signs include uterine bleeding, lower abdominal pain and menstrual irregularities.

Fibroids are treated with medications or surgery. The surgical method is used in cases of large tumor sizes, its constant growth or bleeding. The surgical method is contraindicated because the patient is of childbearing age. Since complete removal of fibroids can lead to infertility.

Another disease associated with the uterus is uterine prolapse. Due to the physiological structure, in some organisms there is a displacement of the pelvic organs, which also compresses the bladder. Other signs include urinary incontinence, painful and heavy menstruation, spotting, and nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Physical therapy, taking hormonal medications, and gynecological massage will help correct the situation. If this therapy is ineffective, surgical intervention is possible. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor based on the patient’s age, degree of uterine prolapse, and the presence of gynecological diseases.

Endocrine diseases

Endocrine diseases that cause frequent urination include diabetes. In general, it is the first sign of diabetes. A constant desire to urinate appears at night, in addition to this, itching, a feeling of fatigue and weakness, and constant thirst appear, which forces you to drink even more fluid.

Treatment involves following a diet and taking medications that lower blood sugar or insulin.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Cardiovascular failure is manifested by frequent urination at night. This means that swelling formed during the day begins to go away at night through bowel movements. Treatment of heart problems will help get rid of this symptom.

Physiological reasons

Frequent urge to urinate can be purely physiological and painless. Physiological causes of frequent urination do not pose a health hazard and go away once the causes are eliminated. When urinating without pain, the reasons may be the following:

  1. A diet accompanied by drinking plenty of fluids and taking diuretic foods (watermelon, melon, cranberries, lingonberries).
  2. Stress.
  3. Pregnancy in the first and third trimester, when the fetus puts pressure on the bladder.
  4. Hypothermia of the body.
  5. Climax. It also makes me want to write all the time.
  6. Taking diuretic medications.

Older women also experience increased urination. After 50 years, the body's muscles weaken, causing you to urinate more often, and urinary incontinence is also possible. It is best not to drink a lot of liquid in the evening before going to bed, as this provokes swelling.

Most often, if pain is present with frequent urination, this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process, either in the urinary system or genital organs. Some infectious diseases that are accompanied by frequent urge and pain during bowel movements can be transmitted sexually. These are: chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis. Since all organs in the human body are connected, the occurrence of an infection in the urinary system affects the health of the genital organs, and vice versa.

Frequent urination, accompanied by pain in the vagina, may indicate irritation. This occurs due to improper use of a tampon or immediately after sexual intercourse. In these cases, you should be extremely careful, since damage to the vaginal mucosa can lead to infection of the genital organs.

Video - Causes of frequent urination in women

In the Middle Ages, there was a belief that each person had a fixed number of urinations per day. If a girl goes to the toilet too often, there is something wrong with her. Perhaps she communicates with evil spirits or simply goes to her lover. Modern science is far from superstition, but even it is not able to accurately answer how many times a day a person should normally go to the toilet. Apparently, the number of urges strongly depends on both the physiological characteristics of a person and his living conditions. Doctors note that normally a person goes to the toilet about 8 times a day. At night, the body works in a special mode and can withstand up to 8 hours, however, waking up 1-2 times at night to go to the toilet is also considered normal.

A reason to be wary may be frequent urination without pain more than 10 times a day. This symptom may indicate diseases of the genitourinary system. However, sometimes this is the norm, for example, during a heat wave. Therefore, to make an accurate diagnosis, you need to be examined by a doctor.

Due to the rather strong anatomical differences in the structure of the male and female bodies, the reasons for frequent urination in women and men differ.

Sometimes frequent urination in women without pain may not be a disorder, but a variant of the norm. This is possible in the following cases:

  • Drinking large amounts of liquid. Many nutritionists advise drinking plenty of water while on a low-calorie diet. Excess water that enters the body must be eliminated, causing the frequency of urination to increase.
  • Drinking large amounts of diuretic drinks. These include coffee, tea, and some alcoholic drinks.
  • Pregnancy. At this time, great changes occur in the body. Metabolism, hormonal levels and even mental state change. In late pregnancy, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which increases the frequency of trips to the toilet.
  • Taking medicinal herbs. In addition to their direct effect on the diseased organ, many medicinal plants can also have a diuretic effect. When using herbal medicine, you need to read about each plant included in the collection, so that later you don’t have to worry about frequent visits to the toilet.
  • Age-related changes and menopause. Upon reaching a certain age, hormonal changes occur in the female body, which in some cases is accompanied by increased urination.
  • Psychological shocks. Doctors note that people who have been in dangerous situations (accident, natural disaster, violence, war) may subsequently suffer from psychosomatic disorders, which can affect the functioning of some internal organs. In such cases, it is better to turn not to a doctor, but to a good psychologist.

Major diseases

Frequent urge to go to the toilet can indicate three main classes of diseases:

  • diseases of the urinary organs;
  • gynecological disorders;
  • endocrine problems.

Let's look at each of them. And we will briefly indicate the main ways of treatment.

Diseases of the urinary organs

There are three main misfortunes here:

  • Cystitis. I want to go to the toilet very often. You may urinate frequently at night. The act itself is accompanied by cutting pain in the bladder, while it constantly feels as if the bladder has not completely emptied. There may be a few drops of blood in the urine. According to doctors, about 30% of women suffer from this disease at different stages of life. Medical treatment is antibacterial. A special diet without spicy and salty foods is prescribed. Folk remedies are also good - a decoction of kidney tea has an antibacterial effect.
  • Pyelonephritis. In fact, this is inflammation of the kidneys. However, this disease directly affects urination - it becomes frequent and slightly painful. If you do not go to the hospital in time, the disease may progress with a deterioration in your general condition: the temperature may rise, vomiting and lower back pain may appear. Treatment is a course of antibiotics that suppress the proliferation of harmful bacteria in the kidneys. To relieve pain, doctors prescribe painkillers and herbal remedies.
  • Urolithiasis disease. Due to stagnation of urine and metabolic disorders, stones can form in the bladder. They irritate the mucous membrane, causing a frequent urge to go to the toilet; At the same time, they make urination difficult and painful. Before treatment, the patient undergoes an examination so that doctors can accurately determine the exact size and consistency of the stones, and their chemical composition. After this, medications are prescribed that soften the stones. Surgical interventions are used less frequently.

Here's a good lecture

urologist about diseases of this class.

Gynecological disorders

There are two diseases here:

  • Uterine fibroids. It is a benign tumor of muscle tissue. According to some reports, about 70% of women over 50 suffer from this disease. It can occur after medical abortions, other diseases of the genitourinary system, excess body weight and long-term stress. Treatment is usually surgical in combination with conservative treatment.
  • Prolapse of the uterus. It is quite rare. Under the influence of gravity, the uterus slowly sinks lower and lower, pressing on the bladder. In the early stages, it causes frequent trips to the toilet without pain. If the disease has been going on for a long time and is constantly progressing, bloody vaginal discharge is possible, and there is a feeling of something foreign in the lower abdomen. The main treatment here is conservative. The doctor’s task is to prevent further prolapse of the uterus until complete prolapse. To do this, special strengthening physical exercises for the abs are prescribed. Sometimes surgery is acceptable. Patients often undergo hormonal therapy.

Endocrine disorders

There are two main classes of diseases:

  • Diabetes. In this disorder, the body stops producing insulin, an important hormone that breaks down glucose (one of the most basic sources of energy in the body). In the early stages of the disease, frequent urge to go to the toilet is possible. There is weakness and malaise. In some cases - short-term loss of consciousness. A characteristic symptom is bedwetting. The treatment here is complex: insulin injections, a special diet (table number 9) and hypoglycemic drugs are prescribed.
  • Diabetes insipidus. An extremely rare disease (occurs in 0.003% of people). Extremely dangerous, but easily diagnosed. A person drinks enough water, but does not get drunk. He is tormented by thirst. The urge to go to the toilet occurs constantly, about 5 liters of urine are released per day. Treatment is hormonal therapy.

A little about traditional methods

Folk remedies should not displace official medicine. The best choice is to combine modern and traditional methods of treatment. Here are the recipes for good gatherings:

  • You should take St. John's wort, yarrow, and birch buds in equal parts and pour boiling water over it. Let the broth sit in a warm place. Drink a little before meals and at night.
  • Take equal amounts of yarrow, carrot tops and mint. Pour warm water over everything and cover with a lid. It is advisable to warm it up before use. Traditional healers advise drinking the infusion only in the morning.

Frequent urination may indicate chronic diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system. Treatment of frequent urination in women involves diagnosing the disease and then prescribing appropriate treatment. Comprehensive treatment with drugs and herbal remedies gives a good effect.