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Protecting animals is the responsibility of every person. What is care and attention? You need to love and care for animals

Essay: Should we take care of animals?

Animals are the most beautiful creatures in the world.
They bring great joy to a person. When we get an animal, it becomes a member of the family for us. We feed, care and heal them. When playing with animals, we laugh, rejoice and forget about some problems. We need animals so that in difficult times we can cuddle and tell everything if there are no loved ones nearby. We need them to make us smile more often.

In nature, everything is interconnected. Man and animal are children of the same mother - nature. They often help each other. Animals feel care, affection and respond in kind to their owner.
The dog is the first domestic animal to appear near humans since ancient times. She helps protect the house, livestock...
During the Great Patriotic War, in field hospitals there were ambulance dogs that found the wounded, helping them survive: they had a medical bag on their back and with the help of it the wounded soldiers survived. And how many dogs died from fascist bullets!
Rescue dogs perform a grateful service, searching for people under concrete rubble and rescuing drowning people from the water.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations has specially trained dogs that find people under landslides after an earthquake. Dogs have been rescued more than once during fires. And how wonderful border dogs are! They understand the owner instantly.
There are also many guide dogs. Their abilities are simply amazing. Even if you decide to move and buy real estate in Bulgaria at a favorable price, they will easily help you not to get lost in a new city for you, and will always find the way to your new home.
For thousands of years, the dog has deservedly enjoyed the reputation of man's best friend and helper. At all times and in all countries they praised her for her loyalty and devotion to man.
And how loyal horses are! How they become attached to a person, they understand him at a glance! Whoever tame them is their master. During the war they saved a lot of people. Kazbich (“Hero of Our Time” by Lermontov) told Azamat how Karagyoz helped him out of trouble many times. For him, his horse is better than his friend, his wife. He will never betray his owner.
Animals are our friends. You need to take care of them, and they will thank you with their loyalty. Man erected monuments to many of them. A monument to a dog was erected near St. Petersburg, on which are carved the words of Academician Pavlov about the merits of this animal to science.

Animals allow the entire ecosystem of the planet to be in balance.
From early childhood I adored various pets, in particular cats and dogs. I often remember with a smile how I played with my grandfather’s puppy, how I took care of my kitten (who has now grown into a huge and respectable cat). I really enjoyed the process of interacting with pets, and to be honest, I still get irreplaceable pleasure from it.
I, I think like many other people who constantly interact with animals, have a question: Why is it so good for us if we are caregivers of pets? What gives us such pleasure when communicating with them? And, in the end, is there any practical benefit from this?
To answer this question, it is necessary to look at the history of the domestication of wild animals by humans. That is, to find out the reasons and methods of domesticating forest steppe mountain animals in order to turn them into submissive and affectionate animals.

The first animals to become domesticated were dogs. More precisely, not dogs, as such, but wolves. How did it happen that carnivorous animals were not afraid to join Homo sapiens? There is a theory that packs of wolves deliberately settled near humans because they received most of their diet from the remains of human food. For humans, such proximity also turned out to be useful, because wolves scared away other predators and warned of the approach of enemies. A kind of symbiosis between a group of people and a pack of wolves. Like, we give you food, you give us protection. And this system worked. Over time, the wolves began to change, they became more playful, they learned to bark, and great physiological changes also occurred. In the last few centuries, people began to carry out artificial selection in order to breed certain breeds of dogs for specific economic and social needs... This is how bulldogs, Russian greyhounds, Doberman pins, German shepherds and so on down the list appeared.

It must be said that a similar story happened with cats. Initially, they settled near warehouses and barns, because these places were most attractive to all kinds of mice and rats, which they, in fact, hunted. By the way, I will add that in those days (and even now), mice, eating food supplies, caused enormous economic damage to the entire state. It would be logical to assume that people in those days, having appreciated the potential of cats as protectors against rodent pests, began to specifically feed them in order to attract more cats to warehouses and homes. And then, as they say, off we go.... Now there are over 100 breeds of domestic cats (plus various crossbreeds) all over the world.

In addition to their economic role, pets also play a very important social role (I agree, I chose a bad adjective). I think everyone has heard the saying that a dog is a man's best friend. Apparently, this is the case. As I mentioned above, dogs descended from wolves, and wolves, in turn, are group animals, with a very developed system of relationships in their pack. So, these qualities also went to dogs. Dogs are generally wonderful animals. They enjoy spending time with people and enjoy playing with children (and more). They love and respect their owner. Moreover, dogs are able to sense human emotions. They are able to empathize with people. They can care about a person, worry about him. If a dog is afraid of water, then he will certainly do everything possible to prevent a person from getting into this water (from my personal experience, I know when my grandfather’s dog tried in every possible way to block our way to the river at the dacha when we went for a swim, because it itself is terrified of this river was afraid. Interestingly, she still overcame her fear when she saw that someone was swimming very far away. She gave chase, overtook, blocked the path and with all her actions tried to force the person to swim back to the shore).

April 26, 2013

No matter how much a person stands out for his intellect, achievements and feelings, he is just one of the representatives of the animal world. Thus, a person is simply obliged to help other representatives of this planet.

Another reason why a person should preserve and protect animals is his activity. Science knows a lot of examples when one or another species of flora and fauna disappeared due to unreasonable human actions. Modern people are too busy with themselves, with achieving their goals, that they do not consider it necessary to pay attention to the state of vegetation and the problems of animals. But the state of the environment is not worth mentioning, since every person is dissatisfied with the quality of water and air. However, few people are trying to change this state of affairs for the better. The result is a vicious circle: people continue to develop industrial production, pollute the environment, but at the same time, talk about the unfavorable environmental situation.

Today, it is possible to compile a huge list of species of vegetation and animals that have disappeared forever from the face of the earth. Now we are moving towards the loss of many natural resources.

Based on this more than deplorable situation, the conclusion suggests itself that global measures are needed to solve environmental problems. We are talking about a single law that would regulate the rights of animals and establish liability for their violation, the same in any country in the world.

Today there are many agreements and treaties that partially regulate this issue. And although, thanks to these documents, it was possible to preserve some species of endangered fauna, on a global scale this does not solve all problems.

As scientists note, humanity is not yet fully familiar with the entire complex structure of the ecosystem. And the main problem is that with the disappearance of any species, humanity will never know all the interactions of the ecological chain.

Today, it is known that the biodiversity of our planet is too great. And each species plays its own specific role. Therefore, one species cannot be destroyed to preserve another. Surely nature will not forgive this.

But humanity can still save itself, the world around us and all representatives of the animal and plant world. If he begins to act harmoniously and wisely now, not destroying, but increasing the gifts of the planet.

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Every year there are more and more homeless animals on our land, especially in cities. People mostly get purebred dogs and cats, but “mongrel” animals are forced to live on the street.

We often hear the expression “a dog is man’s most faithful friend.” Many good films have been made about dogs about friendship between man and dog and devotion. Dogs also help us as guides for the blind, serve in the police and border troops, participate in scientific laboratories as experimental animals, etc.

Cats are also important for humans, because they protect our homes from mice and rats. It has long been proven that cats are able to heal people.

I think that people should think about, take care of and love not only their pets, but also take care of homeless animals.

For several months, I watched from the window of my house as a lonely old woman in the neighboring yard fed stray cats. As soon as she appears and starts calling them, they immediately run to her from the entire gateway. After they eat, they gratefully caress her at her feet. Looking at her, I also wanted to take care of homeless cats. For more than a year now, I have been feeding the cats in my yard, buying food with the money my parents give me, and making beds with soft bedding out of a box for them. Now, when they see me, they run from all the cracks and basements. I am especially pleased that other residents of our house began to feed them. Previously, these animals looked pitiful, their fur was in tatters, skinny, but now they are cheerful, their fur is smooth and shiny.

I would like there to be more shelters and hotels for homeless animals in my city, so that there would be more volunteers who would treat them and try to place them in a good family. If the state allocated more money for the construction of shelters and veterinary clinics for homeless animals, then adults would not have to fear that stray dogs would bite or attack a child. Then all the children realized that adults cared about “our little brothers” and in the future they themselves also showed concern for them. After all, the ruthless catching and shooting of animals only breeds anger, cruelty and inability to care for their neighbors in children. Each species has its place in the ecosystem and the destruction of dogs or cats leads to its destruction.

I respect people who can shelter a stray cat and dog. I am absolutely convinced that each of us can help stray animals. And I urge you, in the Year of Ecology, let us all be responsible, merciful, not lose our pets, not drive them out into the street, but be a loving owner! Animals are very cute creatures, they need help, because without our participation it is difficult for them to live!

Man's furry and feathered friends cannot always survive in the wild without help. It is our direct responsibility to protect and care for them.

Everything that is done for the sake of animals and their welfare is worth it!

However, it is very easy to become a wildlife rescuer if you have the financial means. But what about those who have limited resources? Uli Sharboni from Bogor, Indonesia, has proven that even if you don't have money, you can do incredible good. When a cat in his neighborhood needed help, he began looking for “angels” - and soon found them!

One day, Uli noticed MURlyka on the street in his village, who had been hit by a car, and he decided to help her. The man rode a scooter for three hours through a winding hillside to get the injured animal to the vet.

However, he heard bad news from the doctor. The cat's injuries were too severe and treatment was prohibitively expensive. According to the veterinarian, the purr had practically no chance of survival.

But Uli was not going to give up!

At that point, all the man could do was feed the cats and look after them. But among the homeless there were seriously ill and wounded people. They required specialized care that Uli could not provide.

Then he decided to attract people's attention using the Internet. Uli's pleas touched the hearts of people in Germany, Great Britain and the United States. Thanks to their generosity, Uli was able to pay for the cat's surgery, and then begin treating other furbabies!

As a result, many animals from his village received medical care, and some were even sterilized. The man called noble people “angels.”

Uli says he is inspired by the experiences passed down to him by his grandparents. The man's ancestors always showed incredible kindness towards stray cats and other animals.

“There is no one else in my area to help them. Their lives depend on us. I feel very sorry for them because they have no choice,” Uli said in an interview.

“Angels” helped the man a lot, because he is the father of five children and works three jobs. Helping animals took up a lot of his time, so he needed support.

The first to respond to the cry for help was Kristen Connelly, who lived in Oxanard, California. She accidentally came across Uli's Facebook page.

“He has such an amazing interest in cats. I thought, I really need to help this person,” Kristen said. She sent Uli a friend request on Facebook and asked how she could support him.

Then Kristen contacted Daniel Langer, Trish Delahaye and Cher Callaway - all of them are big animal lovers, and the girl hoped for their assistance.

“The four of us decided that we would do everything possible for Uli,” Kristen said. They started a website called “GoFundMe” and soon raised enough money to support animals in Bogor.

“Once he had a financial footing, he no longer had to feed the cats scraps on the streets or at the local market. Now he had the opportunity to build a whole shelter for cats,” commented Kristen.

Fortunately, Uli had experience in construction - he had already built a school in the village. Using materials that he found in local landfills, the man built a real “cat city” with multi-story houses!

The animal shelter has become a place of hope for the hungry, sick and otherwise suffering MURLYK throughout the village. “His neighbors no longer throw their cats into the street or landfill; they bring them to him,” Kristen continued.

Soon local volunteers were found who began to help Uli, although he did not ask them or pay any money. The man became an example for others and showed what it means to truly love animals.

It is truly amazing to see how Uli cares for stray cats. I can’t even believe that he managed to get incredible support from people who live far beyond Indonesia!