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Green, hard stool in an adult. Green stool in an adult. Causes and treatment, diet, medications, folk remedies to normalize intestinal function. Pathological causes of green stool in children and adults

A change in the color of stool is a significant cause for concern. Fecal matter acts as an indicator reflecting the functioning of the human body.

Why does stool turn green?

Drinking fruit juices may change the color of your stool.

Green stool can occur in both adults and children. The main reason for this is poor nutrition.

Typically, the color of fecal matter changes due to the consumption of large amounts of food products that contain iron and artificial colors. Eg:

Black licorice Fruit juices Cereals, thoughts Saltwater fish, red meat Red beans Colored caramels Leafy greens (lettuce, dill, broccoli, spinach)

If you consumed something from the above list, then the stool may have a dark green tint for another 5 days. Bright green stool indicates the presence of a large number of additives and dyes in the food you eat.

Quite often, vegetarians have green stool, because... They include a large amount of fruits and vegetables in their daily diet, which can trigger the formation of this color.

Green color of baby's stool

An elevated temperature in a child leads to a change in the color of stool.

In the first month of life, green stool is quite normal for babies.

This occurs very often and is due to the baby’s adaptation to the environment and breastfeeding. However, the mother's panic may be justified if the following symptoms are present:

Foul odor of feces High temperature Baby’s refusal to eat

In this case, you should immediately contact your pediatrician, since the above symptoms indicate an infectious disease.

Very often, green stool occurs in infants who are experiencing teething. In this regard, the color of feces is affected by excess saliva secretion, which subsequently results in the release of a large amount of bile, which provokes the appearance of colic in the baby’s tummy and changes the color of fecal matter.

Another reason for the formation of green stool is the use of formula milk, which is not suitable for the baby’s body. In such a situation, you can simply try a milk formula from another manufacturer.

Also, the green color of stool in newborn babies may be a residual evacuation of the first fecal formations. But this needs to be carefully monitored, since prolonged jaundice can serve as a compelling argument for examining the liver and gallbladder.

Occasionally, green feces indicate the development of dysbiosis or protein intolerance.

What can cause green stool in an adult?

Often, the appearance of a green color in an adult's stool is caused by the use of various additives. However, without consulting a doctor.

And in vain, because many supplements not only do not bring benefits to the body, but cause damage to your health. But in general, dietary supplements have minor side effects. An adult's stool may become greenish when consumed:

Dietary supplements containing iron Laxatives Seaweed Vitamin complexes and minerals Preparations containing iodine Sorbitol Glucose

Pathological causes of green feces in adults and children

There can be many reasons that provoke the appearance of green fecal matter. Most of them indicate a disturbance in the functioning of the intestines or other organs.

It is noteworthy that the bile secreted by the gallbladder has a bright green color. As it passes through the intestines, the color of the bile becomes darker and eventually its color becomes dark brown.

But there is one “but”: if bile moves through the intestines quite quickly, then its color simply does not have time to change its color, and it remains green. The most common reasons for the rapid movement of bile through the intestines:

Giardia Salmonellosis Food poisoning Food allergy Rotavirus infection Crohn's disease Celiac disease Ulcer in the gastrointestinal tract Diabetes Inflammatory process in the small intestine Thyrotoxicosis

These are just some of the reasons why a person may have green fecal matter. You should immediately consult a doctor if green stool is accompanied by pain in the small or large intestine, as well as increased body temperature and vomiting.

Most often, the manifestation of such symptoms occurs during the development of an infection or during an inflammatory process. A striking example of this is a disease such as enterocolitis. In the presence of such a disease, fecal matter may not only be green, but also be accompanied by purulent discharge and mucus. This is due to the death of leukocytes.

The following video will tell you about the appearance of green feces:

Patients often complain of pain in the peritoneum and diarrhea. If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to provide the patient with therapeutic fasting. Support for the body can be provided by taking medications such as Smecta, Regidron, Humana-electrolyte, etc. Therapeutic fasting should be observed during the first day of detection of symptoms.

On days 2–3, it is possible to change the therapeutic fasting to a more gentle diet. In extreme cases, the patient may need medical attention in the form of intravenous saline.

You also need to pay attention to other symptoms that may occur with dysbiosis. These include:

Bloating Frequent belching Pain in the abdominal area Increased gas production

This often occurs in people undergoing antibiotic therapy to combat certain diseases. But this also kills the beneficial intestinal microflora. In this case, the feces will have a foul odor. The definition of the disease can be determined by conducting a detailed stool analysis for dysbacteriosis.

The disorder can also be caused by a duodenal or gastric ulcer. To get confirmation or refutation of the alleged diagnosis, you need to contact a gastroenterologist. Typically, a gastroenterologist prescribes an examination called fibrogastroendoscopy.

What to do if you find green fecal matter?

If green stool appears, you should contact a gastroenterologist.

If you develop green stool after eating specific foods that cause green stool, or after taking medications or supplements, you will not need treatment.

It is enough to simply exclude provocateurs from your daily diet and after 2-3 days the situation will stabilize.

The rest of the treatment can not be avoided. If you notice any suspicious symptoms, immediately consult a doctor. Do not delay so as not to aggravate the situation. After all, if fever, diarrhea, constipation or vomiting occurs, it will be much more difficult to restore the body.

If in the fecal waste you find not only the presence of green, but also bloody streaks, then immediately go to the clinic. In this case, the person urgently needs medical help, because... Untimely prevention of the disease can lead to dehydration. In this case, the patient will be assisted in the form of intravenous saline and glucose. This helps maintain water balance in the body.

Also, if the disease is at an advanced stage, the patient will be prescribed medication.

If you are not a vegetarian and do not take dietary supplements, but you experience green stool, you will need to consult a doctor. Such a problem should be addressed to a therapist and gastroenterologist, and the child, first of all, should be shown to a pediatrician. In some cases, a person may need surgery.

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The normal color of stool is brown. They are colored this color by bile pigments. A dark green tint can be caused by foods that a person consumed the day before. Changes in the color and consistency of fecal matter indicate possible pathological changes in the body.

Causes and possible diseases

Dark green color of stool can be caused by physiological or pathological reasons

Both adults and children can have green stools. The main reason is poor nutrition. Green coloring of fecal matter occurs when eating foods containing dyes and iron. Such products are: fruit juices, sea fish, lettuce, broccoli, red beans, black licorice, etc.

When consuming some of the above foods, the color of the stool may change within 5 days. A dark green tint to stool is usually observed in vegetarians, since their diet is dominated by vegetables and fruits.

Dark green stool may indicate certain pathologies. This shade of stool appears against the background of bleeding in the stomach or intestines. This may indicate a peptic ulcer or cancer processes in the body. Green stool may indicate the development of dysentery; treatment in this case is carried out only in a hospital.

Useful video - What green stool indicates:

Dark green stool can occur due to dysbiosis. Digestive microorganisms die in the small intestine, resulting in processes of rotting and fermentation. Typically, dysbiosis develops with long-term use of antibiotics.

Other possible causes of changes in stool color:

Poisoning Rotavirus infection Crohn's disease Salmonellosis Inflammation of the small intestine Ulcerative colitis Lactose and fructose intolerance

In addition, dark green stool may indicate a lack of pancreatic enzymes.

Symptoms and complications

Changes in the color of stool are always an alarming sign that requires examination and identification of the cause.

With dysentery, in addition to changes in the color of stool, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

Weakness Nausea Vomiting Fever Abdominal pain

If the color of the stool persists for several days, and the patient complains of abdominal pain and fever, then you should immediately consult a doctor. In addition to the above symptoms, stool upset, weight loss, and putrid smell of stool may be observed. In this case, you will need to be tested for the presence of E. coli, Shigella and other pathogenic microorganisms in the body.

If you experience bloating, frequent belching, or increased gas production, then such symptoms indicate dysbacteriosis.

Dark green stool in a child

Black-green feces in a newborn are considered normal during the first month of life. Then it should change and eventually have a light brown tint.

Color may change when switching to artificial feeding. Iron, which enters the body in excess quantities, can give the stool a green tint. If the child is breastfed, then the reason for the change in the color of the stool should be sought in the mother’s diet.

A change in stool can be observed when the first teeth erupt. The baby takes everything in his mouth and many things can be non-sterile. They contain various bacteria. As a result, not only the color of the stool may change, but this can lead to various diseases.

The dark green color of a child's stool may indicate the development of dysbiosis.

This is usually observed with long-term use of antibiotics, which kill intestinal microflora. This disease is characterized by green feces with a rotten smell.

There is no need to worry if your baby has loose, foamy green stools with mucus. This is considered the norm. The baby sucks out the foremilk, but cannot reach the fatty milk. If such stool has an unpleasant odor and the child is bothered by pain, then this indicates a pathology and you should contact your pediatrician and undergo the necessary tests.


A coprogram is a study of the physical, microscopic and chemical characteristics of feces

To diagnose and identify the cause of this symptom, an examination is carried out. Laboratory methods include coprogram, microscopic examination, bacterial culture of stool, blood and urine tests.

Coprogram is a non-invasive and informative method for examining feces, thanks to which you can study the microscopic composition of feces: red blood cells, leukocytes, fibers, crystals, etc. In addition, you can study the chemical composition: content of hemoglobin, fat, pigments, protein, etc. Deviations in the coprogram may indicate the degree of damage to the intestines and stomach.

Tank analysis helps to identify pathogens of intestinal infections, microflora, and bacteria. The biomaterial is placed in a special environment, as a result of which the causative agent of the disease and susceptibility to antibiotics are identified.

Features of treatment

Only after identifying the cause of the change in stool color can the doctor prescribe effective treatment

If the change in the color of stool is associated with poor nutrition and eating certain foods, then it is necessary to exclude them from the diet and within a few days the stool will return to normal. If there are no other symptoms, then treatment will not be needed.

After diagnosis and determination of the cause of the change in stool color, treatment is prescribed.

To eliminate diarrhea and cleanse the stomach of toxins, Smecta, Regidron, Enterosgel, etc. are used. At the same time, symptomatic therapy is carried out. When the temperature rises, antipyretic drugs are used, and for cramps and abdominal pain, painkillers are used. When intestinal infections are detected, antimicrobial drugs are prescribed. Sorbents are used to remove toxins from the body. Antibacterial drugs to suppress pathogens are prescribed penicillins, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, etc. The course of administration should not be less than 7-10 days. In case of dysbacteriosis, to restore the intestinal microflora, drugs containing lacto- and bifidobacteria are prescribed: Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform, Linex, etc. To boost the immune system and accelerate the restoration of intestinal microflora, the use of immunomodulators is recommended: echinacea tinctures, Dibazol, etc.

During treatment, you should avoid eating “harmful” foods: smoked and pickled foods, fried and fatty foods, mushrooms, potatoes, pasta, etc.

It is also not recommended to consume foods that increase gas formation: white bread, milk, bananas, sweet and flour products. This will reduce the load on the intestines. After the course of treatment, a repeat stool test is taken.

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In a healthy adult, the color of stool is brown, with variations in shades. The color is due to the presence of stercoblin pigment; depending on its concentration, the color can be darker or lighter.

This indicator is greatly influenced by diet, as well as taking certain medications, especially those that contain iron. Unnatural greenish-black, red, gray and other shades are signs of the presence of ulcers, pancreatitis, hepatitis and other diseases.

If you detect dark stool, you need to carefully analyze your diet over the past few days. Black stool resulting from the use of medications and foods does not cause any harm to health and does not require treatment.

Within a few days, the color of the stool should normalize, provided that provoking foods are excluded from the diet. In this article we will determine whether black feces are a sign of something dangerous in an adult or not.

Why black stool occurs: dangerous reasons

What does it mean? Black stool is a characteristic symptom of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Hemoglobin is exposed to acids and bacteria, which turns the stool black. If you have a diagnosed gastrointestinal disease or there are no other reasons for your stool turning black, call an ambulance immediately.

What causes black stool in adults?

In a healthy person, black feces may appear due to the fact that he has eaten large quantities of foods that contain a coloring fat-soluble substance. These include:

blood sausage; liver; Red beetroot; meat products containing an admixture of animal blood; tomatoes; black currant; prunes.

In adults, this phenomenon can also be observed after consuming:

chokeberry; blueberries; red grapes; grenade; red wine with added dyes.

Effect of medications

Constant use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, etc.), which are prescribed for joint diseases, if the conditions of administration are not observed, often cause microerosions of the gastric mucosa, which bleed, turning the stool dark.

Also, stool may turn black when taking medications that contain a lot of iron. They are mainly used to treat anemia. This also includes drugs that contain bismuth or activated carbon. In both the first and second cases, there is no need to resort to treatment. Simply eliminate foods and medications from your diet that may cause unusual stool color.

Black feces as a sign of disease in adults

If black stool appears suddenly, you should look for the reasons for this phenomenon in the gastrointestinal tract.

Such a clinical symptom may indicate gastrointestinal bleeding from the upper digestive tract, for example, with acute peptic ulcers, neoplasms in the stomach or cirrhosis accompanied by esophageal varices.

You should not think that in this case the feces must contain blood: in the digestive tract, blood is processed by enzymes and bacteria along with food, coagulates and changes color from red to black.

Typically, this cause of black stool is not accompanied by this symptom alone. One of the accompanying human conditions can also indicate internal problems:

temperature; nausea; vomit; pale skin; cold profuse sweat; enlarged and painful liver; pain in the stomach.

Also, internal bleeding may be indicated by a low hemoglobin level during a general blood test or detection of occult blood during a stool test. If any of these symptoms occur in combination with the appearance of black stools, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Black stool during pregnancy, why?

As for pregnant women, all multivitamin complexes for pregnant women contain iron, which colors the stool. This is considered normal and does not require additional measures.

At the same time, doctors assure that this is how excess iron leaves the body, so you should not stop taking vitamins. The body simply absorbs the amount that mother and child need, and sends the excess to waste. In the following article you will learn why incontinence occurs. Therefore, if no other symptoms are observed, then there is no need to worry, and in order to calm yourself down, you just need to stop taking vitamins for a couple of days and make sure that your stool returns to normal.

It’s another matter if black feces during pregnancy are not associated with vitamins. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor to get all the necessary tests.

What to do with such a problem?

Of course, before starting any therapeutic measures, you should find out why the stool turned black.

If the dark color of the stool is associated with the nature of the diet or taking medications, then there is no need for therapeutic measures. Also, you should not stop treatment with medications and exclude coloring products, because a change in stool color in this situation does not lead to any negative effect on the body.

Black stool itself is not dangerous. But it can signal serious problems in the body, even conditions that can lead to death in the absence of timely help.

On the other hand, everything is often explained by the banal consumption of certain foods, which color the feces in an unusual color. In any case, you shouldn’t “disdain” studying the state of your own stool, and even more so you shouldn’t ignore its changes.

Nature is wise - she has provided a whole system of signals and markers that should make a person think about whether everything is okay with him.

What does black-green stool mean?

Black-green feces always indicate trouble in the human body. Thus, liquid black-green stool (diarrhea) most often indicates an intestinal infection or other infectious disease. Very often, dysentery begins with black-green diarrhea.

Such black-green diarrhea at the very beginning of the development of the disease may not be combined with a rise in temperature, abdominal pain, nausea and other symptoms of infection. But gradually, the listed clinical symptoms of infection will join the liquid stool, colored black and green.

Therefore, as soon as a person notices the discharge of black-green liquid stool, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help and not wait for the temperature to appear, since the condition will worsen in the future, and the infectious disease will still require treatment.

What do black dots in stool mean?

Black dots in stool look like inclusions, grains, thin threads, grains or grains of sand. All these options are usually called black dots. Such clear black inclusions in stool are almost always partially digested or completely undigested solid particles of food or medications.

So, kiwi seeds, raspberries, currants, pieces of grape seeds, particles of seed husks, poppy seeds, etc. can appear as black dots in feces.

The following foods most often lead to the appearance of black spots in the stool of children and adults:

persimmon; banana; apple; kiwi.

For example, when eating bananas, small black threads that look like worms may appear in the stool; this is especially common in children.

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When any changes or problems occur in the body, it signals in various ways. Changes in the color of stool may also indicate any problems in the body, or some kind of disease. Sometimes this may not be related to the disease.

Among the main causes of green stool in adults, two can be distinguished: bile and food (food coloring, medications, dietary supplements). Let's take a closer look.

1) Bile secreted from the gallbladder is green in color, but as it passes through the intestines it gradually changes color and eventually turns brown. If it passes through the intestines quickly, the color remains original.

This also indicates a possible violation. Depending on the number of bile pigments, the color of the human stool itself is determined. In some cases, color directly depends on the food people eat.

2) Green feces in an adult can appear when consuming large amounts of food containing green coloring substances. These dyes are digested in the stomach, but the color of the stool becomes green. And the more dye there was in the food, the more intensely the stool will be colored.

The appearance of green stool can cause:

  • consumption of foods containing iron;
  • taking medications that contain inorganic iron compounds;
  • eating red meats and fish;
  • food and drinks containing dyes;
  • green lettuce leaves, vegetables, and fruits, as well as juices from them;
  • red bean varieties;
  • sweets made from licorice syrup;
  • sugar substitutes;
  • iodine substances;
  • dietary supplements containing iron;
  • medicinal preparations made from seaweed;
  • multivitamins.

Green poop is more common in vegetarians or vegetable eaters. Stool analysis reveals elevated bilirubin levels.

Green feces in a child - causes and features

In children, after birth, the stool is dark olive, even in some cases black. This is considered the norm. Within 10 days, the stool is characterized by a greenish color of varying intensity. The color of a baby's stool is directly dependent on the characteristics of his diet.

During breastfeeding, green stool may appear, which is directly related to the diet of the breastfeeding mother, especially with excessive consumption of vegetables and carbohydrates.

Green stool in a bottle-fed baby indicates the use of iron-fortified formula. Gray-green stool appears when changing formula.

During the period of introducing complementary foods (fruits and vegetables), green stool may appear - this is also considered a normative option. When teething, sometimes the stool takes on a greenish tint.

But there are reasons, or rather diseases leading to changes in the color of feces. If they appear, you should immediately seek medical help:

  1. Intestinal infection (it can occur even in infants);
  2. Dysbacteriosis.

These diseases are manifested not only by a green tint to the stool, but also by vomiting, hyperthermia, and severe pain in the intestinal area. Feces become frequent and lead to dehydration of the child. If such symptoms occur, parents should immediately take their child to hospital for treatment.

Diseases associated with green stool (possible)

If green feces in an adult appeared more often than once, then the development of various diseases of the stomach and intestines is expected. The main diseases associated with green feces are:

  • pathology of the small intestine (not only a green color appears, but also a putrefactive odor) - enteritis;
  • dysbacteriosis (fermentation and decay develop due to a deficiency of normal microbes necessary for the digestion process);
  • long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  • intestinal infection (for example, dysentery);
  • bleeding from various parts of the intestine (with a stomach ulcer, with oncology). In this case, the stool is often black, but it can also be green;
  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • blood diseases, especially those accompanied by hemolysis;
  • hypolactasemia (indigestion and indigestion of milk sugar).

If there is pathology of the intestinal microflora, you need to start treating dysbacteriosis. Digestion of food during dysbacteriosis in the small intestine occurs incorrectly, as a result of which the process of fermentation and decay is observed. And against this background, elements appear that saturate the feces with a green color.

All these diseases can lead to serious consequences. They are especially dangerous if they do not seek medical help in time.

Green stool often accompanies intestinal infections (dysentery and other conditions). In this case, hyperthermia, a feeling of nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, a feeling of weakness appear.

To accurately diagnose a specific infectious pathology, a series of laboratory tests is required.

Dark green stool, what does it mean?

Dark green stool can appear when bleeding from various parts of the stomach or intestines. Such bleeding is regarded as complications of a peptic ulcer or as a sign of oncology.

The green color is acquired due to the incomplete oxidation of iron found in red blood cells. More than one dark green stool appears, but also signs of anemia, rapid pulse, low blood pressure, pallor, shortness of breath, and weakness.

In diseases of the liver and blood, large amounts of bilirubin appear. This is due to the intensive breakdown of red blood cells in the liver. Bilirubin gives stool a dark green to dark brown color.

Dark green stool can be regarded as a manifestation of mild dysentery. In severe cases, a large amount of water appears in it, reducing color saturation.

Yellow-green feces - what does it mean?

Improper absorption and digestion of carbohydrates from the fibers and connective tissue membrane of plant foods leads to changes in the small intestine and pancreas.

  • The enzymes do not function as they should and yellow-green stool appears.

This color of stool is considered normal in breastfed babies. But if this color of stool appears in slightly older children, this indicates that the diet does not correspond to age.

You should review your diet, and you may need the help of a pediatrician and nutritionist.

Green stool with mucus - is it dangerous?

Various factors can provoke green feces with mucus:

  • some types of intestinal infection;
  • some types of hemorrhoids;
  • tumor-like neoplasms in the intestine;
  • congenital intestinal pathology or hereditary factor associated with enzymatic deficiency;
  • congenital intolerance to milk sugar and gluten protein components;
  • that provoke food stagnation;
  • expression of a gene mutation.

During the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract, a large number of leukocytes die, which give the stool a green color. In addition, this is accompanied by severe pain in the abdominal area, diarrhea, and green mucus appears in the stool with purulent inclusions.

A coprogram helps confirm the inflammatory diagnosis - a large number of leukocyte cells are detected.

Green stool found - what to do?

If the color of the stool changes and you feel well, as well as in the absence of other symptoms, you should stick to a diet and remove medications (if possible) that affect these changes.

In young children, the diet of food should be reviewed by the mother. In most cases, after this, the stool improves.

But if signs occur that negatively affect your well-being and manifest themselves in the form of severe pain, hyperthermia, weakness, gas formation or mucus in the stool, you should immediately seek medical help.

Only after a complete examination and on the basis of laboratory tests will the doctor be able to accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe correct and effective treatment.

Systematic asymptomatic bowel movements are not only the removal of waste products, but also an indicator of the well-being of the body and the proper functioning of its systems. If an adult's stool turns green, this is an alarm bell, and you should look for the reasons.

Green feces or a variety of its shades in an adult indicate a possible disturbance in the digestive process.

Green stool in an adult. The reasons may lie in eating food of this color.

Reasons that require focusing on the functioning of the body:

Green stool in an adult (the reasons may be of a different nature) requires a careful analysis of the last 1-2 days before its appearance:

  • what medications were taken;
  • what food was consumed and in what quantities;
  • whether there was contact with infected persons;
  • how many days or hours pain symptoms are felt in the area of ​​​​the organs of the peritoneal cavity;
  • is there a temperature?

If symptoms do not disappear for more than 3 days:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • not falling high temperature;
  • diarrhea.

An immediate consultation with a doctor is necessary, and a detailed story of how your health has changed will help present a more complete picture of the disease.


Green feces in an adult (it is important to identify the causes of its occurrence immediately in the detection field) may be a consequence of gastroenterological problems.

To determine the correct diagnosis, the specialist uses the results of a number of studies:

Treatment with drugs

For serious manifestations of digestive tract disorders, it is not recommended to self-medicate. In some cases, only hospital treatment is necessary, in special situations - surgical intervention.

Before calling a doctor and if there is a clear picture of poisoning or diet violations, it is permissible to use some remedies yourself.

As a sorbent

Activated carbon:

  • released in tab. and powders;
  • used for diarrhea as a means of detoxification, removes rotting products and toxins;
  • taken 1 tablet. per 10 kg of body weight or 20 g of powder - 1 dose;
  • drinking plenty of water.


  • it is made in the form of powder for suspension;
  • removes toxins and allergens from the body;
  • children under 7 years of age are recommended a dose of 150 mg per 10 kg of weight, adults - 12 g;
  • duration of application from 3 days to a week.


  • is a natural preparation, a combination of aluminum and magnesium silicates;
  • available as a powder for suspension;
  • forms a protective layer on the gastric mucosa, preventing exposure to toxins and acids;
  • daily intake for infants - 1 sachet, from 2 years - 2 sachets, for adults - 3 sachets during the day;
  • duration of admission - no more than 3 days.


  • Available in powders;
  • active substance silicon dioxide;
  • used for intestinal diseases with diarrhea, removes toxic, poisonous substances, products of decay and the activity of pathogenic bacteria;
  • taken in the form of a suspension 1 hour before taking other medications. 1 sachet of the drug dissolves in 50 g of water;
  • The daily norm for persons over 7 years old is 12 g in 2-3 doses.

To restore microflora (probiotics)

Hilak forte:

  • release form - drops;
  • improves food digestibility, localizes the spread of pathogenic environments;
  • the product is dissolved in water as follows: age 1-2 years - 15-30 drops 3 times a day before or during meals, adults - 20-40 drops;
  • Duration of treatment is at least 1 week.


  • powder for suspension is contained in ampoules or bottles for 5 doses;
  • drink half an hour before meals;
  • has an antimicrobial effect and also normalizes the intestinal microflora;
  • the dose of bificol and the need for its use is determined by the doctor (from 1 to 5 doses 2 times / day for 5 days to 2 weeks).


  • packaged in capsules of 1g;
  • additional varieties: Linex Forte and Linex Baby (in sachet);
  • stops diarrhea, thereby normalizing conditions for the restoration of microflora;
  • Children under 2 years of age are recommended to take 1 capsule 3 times a day, at older ages - 2 capsules. with the same frequency;


  • powder, packaged in 5 doses;
  • inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria, thereby normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • newborns are prescribed 2 servings 3 times a day, from 6 months to 1 year - 3 servings 3 times a day, other age groups - 1 package 3 times a day;
  • course – no more than 1.5 weeks.

To stop vomiting symptoms and diarrhea


  • contained in capsules;
  • the main substance is loperamide, which selectively blocks opioid receptors;
  • there are a number of contraindications;
  • taken after consultation with a doctor. Most often this is for adults at a time - 2 tablets. (no more than 8 per day), for children over 6 years old – 1 tablet. (no more than 3 per day).


  • tab. symptomatic antidiarrheal action;
  • prescribed for children over 8 years of age, 1 tablet. no more than 4 tablets per day, from 18 years old - 2 tablets, maximum 8 tablets. per day;
  • when stool normalizes or is absent for more than half a day, enterobene stops drinking;
  • There are side effects that can be treated with an antidote (naloxone).


  • Available in tablets, dissolving in water, capsules, syrup;
  • slows down intestinal motility, reducing the number of urges to defecate;
  • For children under 5 years of age, syrup is recommended - 1 mg per 10 kg of weight 3 times a day, for school age - 2 mg according to the same regimen, for adults - 4 mg;
  • duration of effect on nerve endings in the intestinal mucosa – 5 hours;
  • used in complex treatment.


  • synthetic drug for injection and oral administration;
  • the main substance is metoclopramide hydrochloride, which normalizes gastrointestinal motility, acting as an antiemetic;
  • administered (IV or IM) to persons over 14 years of age - 1 amp. 3 r/day. Children from 3 to 14 years old - maximum per day - 0.5 mg per kg of weight. Adults are recommended to take cerucal tablets 3 r / day (1 tab.), Teenagers - 2 times;
  • the medicine is taken half an hour before meals with plenty of water;
  • there are a number of contraindications.



  • To improve digestion and better digestibility of food, medicines with enzymes are used;
  • Pancreatin– tablets or dragees, adult dose 150,000 units/day, children’s dose – up to 100,000 units/day;
  • Mezim- tablets are taken before meals, for adults - 1-2 tablets, for children the dose is set by the doctor.

Green feces in an adult, the causes of which lie in diseases of an infectious, invasive nature, inflammatory processes, stabilize after being prescribed by a doctor, depending on the diagnosis, a specific drug or complex treatment.



  • presented in the forms of tablets and powder for intramuscular or intravenous injection;
  • participates in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms;
  • prescribed 2-3 times a day, 1 tablet;
  • injections are made at the rate of 25 mg of powder per 1 kg of weight 2 r / day for children from 3 to 16 years old. For adults – from 500 to 1000 mg.


  • the main substance of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride monohydrate, is produced in the form of tablets;
  • antimicrobial agent of wide use;
  • contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, persons under 18 and over 65 years of age, people with hypersensitivity to the main element of the drug. It is especially carefully prescribed for diseases of the brain, psyche, kidney and liver failure;
  • taken 250 mg 2 times a day;
  • course – 7-8 days. Possible side effects.


  • available in tab., a representative of the group of sulfonamides;
  • broad-spectrum antibacterial agent, prescribed for gastrointestinal infections;
  • not recommended for persons with liver, kidney, blood diseases, during pregnancy and for children under 2 months;
  • the dosage is determined by the doctor, the tablets are taken during or after meals, the drug must be taken with at least 1/2 glass of water;
  • course duration - from 5 days to 2 weeks;
  • after the 5th day, a blood test is recommended;
  • Cotrimoxazole cannot be combined with a number of drugs.


  • antibiotic tablets;
  • used in the fight against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria that cause infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Prescribed for pregnant women only in extreme cases; in case of illness, during breastfeeding, breastfeeding must be suspended;
  • patients over 12 years of age are prescribed 200 mg every 8 hours;
  • The course of treatment depends on the patient’s condition and is determined by the doctor.

Anti-inflammatory, painkillers

Considering that in acute gastrointestinal diseases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can only aggravate the situation, experts recommend their improved forms, which are gentle on the gastric mucosa - selective COX inhibitors.


  • Available in granules to obtain a suspension;
  • the active substance is nimesulide;
  • prescribed for pain and fever;
  • prescribed after meals, 100 mg 2 times a day only to adult patients.


  • the main active ingredient is nimesulide;
  • Available in tablets and suspensions;
  • prescribed: adults - 100 mg per dose 2 times / day, children in the form of a suspension - 3-5 mg per 1 kg of weight up to 3 times / day
  • may be recommended for pregnant women.


  • contains valdecaxib;
  • Available in tablet form;
  • intended to combat acute pain, 40 mg is prescribed at a time;
  • There are a number of contraindications.


  • contains meloxicam;
  • Available in tablets, sold by prescription;
  • intended to block pain symptoms for a certain time;
  • Amelotex is taken once a day with meals and is prescribed to persons over 15 years of age;
  • There are contraindications, side effects and incompatibility with some medications.



  • contains pyrantel pamoate;
  • prescribed for ascariasis, enterobiasis, hookworm disease;
  • Take 1 tablet, which must be chewed and then swallowed; if necessary, the dose is repeated after 2-3 weeks;
  • the drug is low-toxic, so it can be used in the form of a suspension for six-month-old children.


  • used as a one-time remedy against worms;
  • dose for adults – 1 tablet. (150 mg), for children – 1 tablet. (50 mg);
  • contraindicated up to 3 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation;
  • A re-appointment may be recommended after 10-12 days.


  • recommended for people over 4 years old;
  • is aimed at combating whipworms, tremadotes, roundworms, and is effective against mixed invasive diseases;
  • The treatment regimen and dosage are determined by the doctor;
  • there are contraindications.

Preparations containing pancreatic enzymes


The expediency of using this or that remedy and the regimen of administration is determined by the doctor.

Restoration of intestinal microflora

Green feces in an adult, the causes of which are identified as poisoning or dysbacteriosis, will be quickly adjusted when using not only drugs, but also traditional medicine recipes.

The mechanism of action is designed to increase the quantitative composition of microflora useful for the intestines:


In case of dysbacteriosis and violation of the digestive system, gastroenterologists recommend adhering to the following nutritional rules:

Recommended Not recommended
Increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet, which include complex carbohydrates.Food products containing sugar and lactose.
Minimize the consumption of alcoholic beveragesFried meat, smoked meats (in the acute stage or during the recovery period)
KiseliConsumption of spicy foods, pickles, spices, sauces with vinegar
Include easily digestible dishes in the diet: cereals on the water, light soups, boiled or stewed chicken, buckwheat, fish, steamed cutletsMulti-ingredient soups and sauces (chanakhi, solyanka), irritating the mucous membrane of the esophagus and intestines
Rusks and yesterday's breadWhite fresh bread, muffins, cakes, chocolate
Table or medicinal mineral water without gas (Narzan, Essentuki, Borjomi), recommended in each individual case, dried fruit compote without sugarCarbonated sweet drinks, juices, coffee, dairy products

An important role in the diet is played by consuming enough water (8-10 glasses per day). Preventing dehydration during diarrhea will reduce the possibility of failures in the functioning of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

During the period of illness and recovery, meals should be small and frequent.

The presence of green stool in adults can have a lot of reasons, so making diagnoses and, even more so, prescribing treatment is the privilege of specialists. You can help your body quickly and completely recover only by following your doctor’s recommendations and maintaining the necessary diet.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about green stool

Green feces - symptoms and treatment:

Green stool in an adult can occur for many reasons. But in all cases of its appearance, you should be wary and listen to your body. This symptom may be a sign of a serious illness that requires qualified medical treatment. In this article, we discuss the main reasons why green stool may develop in an adult, as well as the actions necessary when this symptom appears, the basics of first aid and indications for seeing a doctor.

Causes of green stool

Normally, stool is brown in color. This color is provided by bile pigments. With normal functioning of the digestive system, stool is formed and has a solid consistency.

Remember that any change in consistency or color of poop has a reason. But its appearance can be influenced by many factors. If there is a long-term change in the type of stool, you should consult a doctor.

An adult may develop green stool for the following reasons:

  • Eating foods that affect stool color. This could be green peas, herbs, vegetables, or foods treated with green dye. If the cause of green stool is food, it has a formed and solid consistency and does not have a pungent and fetid odor. The appearance of such stool is not accompanied by any other symptoms. Diarrhea, abdominal pain and hyperthermia are not typical for this condition.
  • Salmonellosis. This disease belongs to the group of intestinal infections. It can develop after eating contaminated eggs, meat or dairy products. Salmonellosis can also be contracted from a person who is sick with it. This disease is characterized by diarrhea, fever up to 38-39 degrees, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Yellow or green loose stools due to salmonellosis can lead to severe dehydration in a short period of time.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease). The swampy color of the stool in these pathologies is provided by leukocytes, cells that are present in areas of inflammation. With these pathologies, body temperature may rise and abdominal pain may develop.
  • Lactose intolerance. With this disease, the human body does not have an enzyme that digests dairy products. At the slightest use, loose, light green stool appears. Stool may also have a normal color. A person who has this pathology knows about it and is not surprised to see changed stool after violating the diet prescribed by the doctor.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding. We all tend to think of this condition as having black stools, but they can also be dark green in color. This shade is provided by hemoglobin that comes into contact with gastric juice. With gastrointestinal bleeding, black vomiting may also appear, the pulse quickens, blood pressure rapidly decreases, and general weakness and pallor of the skin develop.

What to do if you have green stools

If you notice your stool is green in color, you should not let this condition take its course. First of all, you must figure out what could have caused its development.

How to recognize the cause

If you ate something green the day before, such as greens and peas, this indicates that the stool has turned the color of food, but only if there are no other symptoms. If your health changes, you should seek medical help..

Be wary and think about an intestinal infection, in particular with salmonellosis, if the stool is loose and profuse, accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and increased body temperature.

You need to think about bleeding in the stomach or intestines when dark vomiting and weakness appear. This condition should also be suspected if you have a history of stomach or duodenal ulcers or chronic gastritis.

What to do if you suspect salmonellosis

Salmonellosis is a dangerous infectious disease. Within just a few hours of profuse diarrhea, severe dehydration can develop and infectious-toxic shock can occur.

First of all, if you suspect salmonellosis, you need to call an ambulance. Before their arrival, you need to begin to provide first aid to the patient yourself. Thanks to it, you can significantly alleviate the condition of a poisoned person.

Components of first aid:

  1. Give the patient drugs from the group of sorbents to drink. This can be regular activated carbon or more modern drugs, for example, Atoxil, Enterosgel. Before taking them, read the instructions and dosage rules.
  2. Start feeding the patient. You can drink plain or mineral alkaline water. If a poisoned person feels sick, you should drink little by little, in small sips.

First aid for gastrointestinal bleeding

This condition is particularly dangerous. The rate of bleeding may be rapid. An ambulance should be called immediately. Over the phone, explain to the dispatcher the seriousness of the patient's condition.

If you suspect bleeding in the stomach, you should not give the patient anything to drink or take orally. Any liquid or medicine can increase damage to the bleeding vessel and lead to increased blood loss.

Before the emergency medical team arrives, place the patient on the bed with a pillow under his head. Apply cold on the stomach, in the epigastric region. It will lead to a slight contraction of blood vessels and, perhaps, will slightly reduce the amount of blood loss.

Green stool treatment

The scope of medical care for green stool depends on the cause of the disease and the severity of the patient’s condition. In case of salmonellosis, hospitalization is carried out in the infectious diseases department, in case of colitis - in surgery. Patients in serious condition are placed in the intensive care unit.

If green stool develops, you should not refuse hospitalization suggested by the emergency doctor. By staying home and self-medicating, you are putting your life in danger.

Treatment of salmonellosis consists of diet, antibacterial drugs, IVs and medications that eliminate symptoms
. In case of gastrointestinal bleeding, it is stopped using a gastroscope.

Treatment for colitis is selected by the doctor, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition. In most cases it is conservative in nature. In severe cases, surgery on the intestines is indicated.

Green stool test

To identify the cause, assess the severity of the patient’s condition and select the correct treatment, the hospital conducts laboratory and instrumental examinations of the patient. Depending on the clinical picture, it may consist of various techniques. Below is their main list:

  • general blood test with a detailed leukocyte formula;
  • general urine analysis;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • bacteriological examination of stool or vomit for salmonellosis;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • colonoscopy;
  • gastroscopy;
  • CT or MRI of the abdominal cavity;
  • blood test for electrolyte composition.

The list of studies can be reduced or supplemented by the doctor, depending on the symptoms and condition of the patient.

In the hospital, the examination of the patient is carried out in parallel with the provision of the necessary assistance and treatment. Patients in serious condition are first stabilized, and only then do they begin to find out the exact cause of its deterioration.

Green stool can be a sign of a large number of pathologies. It can also develop when eating green foods. If the condition is impaired or additional clinical signs of the disease appear, you should immediately seek medical help. Self-medication can lead to serious consequences and worsening of the patient’s condition.

When any changes or problems occur in the body, it signals in various ways. Changes in the color of stool may also indicate any problems in the body, or some kind of disease. Sometimes this may not be related to the disease.

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Among the main causes of green stool in adults, two can be distinguished: bile and food (food coloring, medications, dietary supplements). Let's take a closer look.

1) Bile secreted from the gallbladder is green in color, but as it passes through the intestines it gradually changes color and eventually turns brown. If it passes through the intestines quickly, the color remains original.

This also indicates a possible violation. Depending on the number of bile pigments, the color of the human stool itself is determined. In some cases, color directly depends on the food people eat.

2) Green feces in an adult can appear when consuming large amounts of food containing green coloring substances. These dyes are digested in the stomach, but the color of the stool becomes green. And the more dye there was in the food, the more intensely the stool will be colored.

The appearance of green stool can cause:

  • consumption of foods containing iron;
  • taking medications that contain inorganic iron compounds;
  • eating red meats and fish;
  • food and drinks containing dyes;
  • green lettuce leaves, vegetables, and fruits, as well as juices from them;
  • red bean varieties;
  • sweets made from licorice syrup;
  • sugar substitutes;
  • iodine substances;
  • dietary supplements containing iron;
  • medicinal preparations made from seaweed;
  • multivitamins.

Green poop is more common in vegetarians or vegetable eaters. Stool analysis reveals elevated bilirubin levels.

Green feces in a child - causes and features

In children, after birth, the stool is dark olive, even in some cases black. This is considered the norm. Within 10 days, the stool is characterized by a greenish color of varying intensity. The color of a baby's stool is directly dependent on the characteristics of his diet.

During breastfeeding, green stool may appear, which is directly related to the diet of the breastfeeding mother, especially with excessive consumption of vegetables and carbohydrates.

Green stool in a bottle-fed baby indicates the use of iron-fortified formula. Gray-green stool appears when changing formula.

During the period of introducing complementary foods (fruits and vegetables), green stool may appear - this is also considered a normative option. When teething, sometimes the stool takes on a greenish tint.

But there are reasons, or rather diseases leading to changes in the color of feces. If they appear, you should immediately seek medical help:

  1. Intestinal infection (it can occur even in infants);
  2. Dysbacteriosis.

These diseases are manifested not only by a green tint to the stool, but also by vomiting, hyperthermia, and severe pain in the intestinal area. Feces become frequent and lead to dehydration of the child. If such symptoms occur, parents should immediately take their child to hospital for treatment.

Diseases associated with green stool (possible)

If green feces in an adult appeared more often than once, then the development of various diseases of the stomach and intestines is expected. The main diseases associated with green feces are:

  • pathology of the small intestine (not only a green color appears, but also a putrefactive odor) - enteritis;
  • dysbacteriosis (fermentation and decay develop due to a deficiency of normal microbes necessary for the digestion process);
  • long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  • intestinal infection (for example, dysentery);
  • bleeding from various parts of the intestine (with a stomach ulcer, with oncology). In this case, the stool is often black, but it can also be green;
  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • blood diseases, especially those accompanied by hemolysis;
  • hypolactasemia (indigestion and indigestion of milk sugar).

If there is pathology of the intestinal microflora, you need to start treating dysbacteriosis. Digestion of food during dysbacteriosis in the small intestine occurs incorrectly, as a result of which the process of fermentation and decay is observed. And against this background, elements appear that saturate the feces with a green color.

All these diseases can lead to serious consequences. They are especially dangerous if they do not seek medical help in time.

Green stool often accompanies intestinal infections (dysentery and other conditions). In this case, hyperthermia, a feeling of nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, a feeling of weakness appear.

To accurately diagnose a specific infectious pathology, a series of laboratory tests is required.

Dark green stool, what does it mean?

Dark green stool can appear when bleeding from various parts of the stomach or intestines. Such bleeding is regarded as complications of a peptic ulcer or as a sign of oncology.

The green color is acquired due to the incomplete oxidation of iron found in red blood cells. More than one dark green stool appears, but also signs of anemia, rapid pulse, low blood pressure, pallor, shortness of breath, and weakness.

In diseases of the liver and blood, large amounts of bilirubin appear. This is due to the intensive breakdown of red blood cells in the liver. Bilirubin gives stool a dark green to dark brown color.

Dark green stool can be regarded as a manifestation of mild dysentery. In severe cases, a large amount of water appears in it, reducing color saturation.

Yellow-green feces - what does it mean?

Improper absorption and digestion of carbohydrates from the fibers and connective tissue membrane of plant foods leads to changes in the small intestine and pancreas.

  • The enzymes do not function as they should and yellow-green stool appears.

This color of stool is considered normal in breastfed babies. But if this color of stool appears in slightly older children, this indicates that the diet does not correspond to age.

You should review your diet, and you may need the help of a pediatrician and nutritionist.

Green stool with mucus - is it dangerous?

Various factors can provoke green feces with mucus:

  • some types of intestinal infection;
  • some types of hemorrhoids;
  • tumor-like neoplasms in the intestine;
  • congenital intestinal pathology or hereditary factor associated with enzymatic deficiency;
  • congenital intolerance to milk sugar and gluten protein components;
  • that provoke food stagnation;
  • expression of a gene mutation.

During the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract, a large number of leukocytes die, which give the stool a green color. In addition, this is accompanied by severe pain in the abdominal area, diarrhea, and green mucus appears in the stool with purulent inclusions.

A coprogram helps confirm the inflammatory diagnosis - a large number of leukocyte cells are detected.

Green stool found - what to do?

If the color of the stool changes and you feel well, as well as in the absence of other symptoms, you should stick to a diet and remove medications (if possible) that affect these changes.

In young children, the diet of food should be reviewed by the mother. In most cases, after this, the stool improves.

But if signs occur that negatively affect your well-being and manifest themselves in the form of severe pain, hyperthermia, weakness, gas formation or mucus in the stool, you should immediately seek medical help.

Only after a complete examination and on the basis of laboratory tests will the doctor be able to accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe correct and effective treatment.