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Meaning of the word to stop. Is it necessary to dock the tail and ears of a Rottweiler: breed standards. How to shape ears

Cooper. 1. couper, German kupieren. military Stop the enemy's path. Sl. 18. If the garrison retreats to Kistrin in order to stop him. Vilboa report. // Semil. war 444. Although Yazh also stopped his enemy, not allowing him to reach Pirits.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

- (French couper). Mix several types of wine. See BLEND. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. CUP to mix several types of wine. A complete dictionary of foreign words that came into use in... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Stop, localize, shorten, shorten, shorten, cut off Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

Nesov. and owls trans. 1. Trim, partially cut off ears or tail (in dog breeding). 2. transfer To interrupt an illness, an attack of illness or any acute crisis phenomena with timely effective treatment (in medicine). Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

dock- buy, rou, rou... Russian spelling dictionary

dock- (I), buy/ruy, ruesh, ruyut... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

I'm ruining, I'm ruining; St. and nsv. What. 1. Cut off, chop off, chop off (partially). K. dog ears. 2. Honey Eliminate eliminate which l. undesirable phenomenon. K. attack of arrhythmia. K. inflammatory phenomena... encyclopedic Dictionary

Buy- (French couper) – 1. in medicine – to interrupt a disease, eliminate a disorder through therapy; 2. cut off, cut off (for example, a dog’s tail) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

COPY- [from French couper] honey interrupt the whiteness (or attack of the disease) with timely, effective treatment... Psychomotorics: dictionary-reference book

dock- I’m ruining, I’m ruining; St. and nsv. that 1) cut off, chop off (partially). Buy/cut ears for your dog. 2) honey Eliminate eliminate which l. undesirable phenomenon. Buy an attack of arrhythmia. Buy inflammatory phenomena... Dictionary of many expressions


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Docking is a surgical procedure aimed at removing part of a dog's tail or ears. Currently, as a rule, it does not have any practical purpose, but serves only to form the already familiar aesthetic appearance of the breed.

Is it necessary to dock a toy terrier's tail?

There is an answer to the question of whether tails are docked. Yes, they do. Only there is a certain “but” and now you will understand it.

At what age?

Tail docking toy terrier puppies carried out from the third to the seventh day after birth. In this case, the procedure does not cause physical and psychological trauma to the animal. In addition, during this period the use of anesthesia and stitches is not required.

Carry out the operation the best thing from a qualified specialist, since proper cupping must be carried out according to a certain scheme, leaving 2-3 vertebrae.

Simultaneously with tail trim remove extra fingers, which are often found in puppies of this breed. In the future, you need to monitor the condition of the wounds and regularly treat them with brilliant green.

Today, in most European countries there is a ban on docking as a useless procedure that causes pain and stress to the animal.

Important! If a toy terrier has a docked tail, then it is not allowed to participate in exhibitions.

This operation is allowed in our country., but is finding fewer and fewer supporters.

To dock a toy terrier's tail at an older age Not recommended. This will cause the dog enormous stress and will require the use of anesthesia, which can negatively affect the pet’s health.

Toy terriers look great with undocked crescent-shaped tails.

Advantages and disadvantages

The only positive side to docking a toy terrier's tail is that the dog will avoid injury to it, which often happens in dogs of this breed.

There are many more disadvantages to this procedure. A dog's tail can be called the organ with which it communicates with the outside world, with its owner and its fellows. She talks to them and expresses her emotions. A pet that has lost its tail becomes almost emotionally disabled.

Are the ears of a toy terrier cropped?

Ear cropping toy terrier forbidden!

According to the breed standard, these dogs are characterized by large, erect and high-set ears.

Newborn puppies have floppy ears; they begin to rise only two months after birth. But, in some dogs, the ear cartilage remains too soft for a long time, and the ears do not rise.

Important! If a one-year-old pet has floppy ears, it will not be allowed to participate in exhibitions.

There may be several reasons why a puppy's ears do not go up. This may happen due to:

  • Defective pregnant dog or puppies;
  • Incorrect mating when terriers of different breeds are crossed;
  • Untimely ear correction.

Toy terrier ear correction

To put ears on a puppy recommended apply the following method:

  • Cut two pieces from the patch, repeating the inner shape of the ears;
  • Place a tire (plastic strip, etc.) between the cut out pieces and stick the resulting mechanism onto the ears from the inside;
  • This procedure is carried out at three months of age, and the structure is kept on the ears for at least two months;
  • To prevent the puppy from getting nervous and trying to free his ears, in the first days you need to constantly play with him in order to distract him from the unusual structure on his head.

In order for the ear cartilages to be well strengthened, you need to provide your pet with proper and complete nutrition. It must include foods containing large amounts of calcium.

If the puppy eats ready-made ones, then they should be enriched with calcium. You can also give him additional vitamin and mineral complexes.

Remember! Currently, in our country, docking the tail and ears of dogs is not a prerequisite for participation in exhibitions.

Useful video

Docking a Toy Terrier's Tail

Carrying out this procedure is determined only by the choice of the owner, who determines the appearance of his pet. Before making a decision about docking, you need to think about how it will affect the dog’s condition, and whether it is worth subjecting the puppy to these tests.

The standard requiring docking of the toy terrier's tail causes many denials from veterinarians. Many dog ​​breeders and simply lovers of four-legged friends also have a negative attitude towards this issue. After all, if we consider the standard of the English Toy Terrier, then the presence of a tip is mandatory. But in the smooth-haired miniature toy and the Russian longhaired toy terrier, the tip must be docked. Although, some exhibitions (especially abroad) are already accepting dogs with appendages and giving high marks. So, as you can see, there is no consensus on this matter.

Cupping itself eliminates one single problem - creases in the extremity. But at the same time, a toy terrier without a tail becomes, as it were, a “goal” in the rings, since the luxurious flag appendage (like the Russian toy terriers) hides the shortcomings visible in standard “samples” of the decorative breed. The docking allows you to carefully examine the dog's croup and, if present, identify the elongation of the body and short legs. The judges' focus shifts to the shortcomings or lack thereof of your pet. And if your pet’s body has ideal proportions, then the cut off tip will only emphasize the beauty of the miniature dog.

Does a Toy Terrier need to have its tail docked?

The answer to the question “Why do terriers have their tails docked?” lies in the breed standard. The requirements for a decorative dog state that the tail must be docked short, but an undocked tail is also permitted. Docked means that the animal is left with two or three tail vertebrae. Undocked – should be (preferably) sickle shaped and carried above the dorsal line. In case you were wondering, show judging determines the standard of an undocked toy terrier based on how the tip comes out when the croup is sloping. So, it should be where the hour hand is on the dial - in the interval from “half past twelve” to “half past two”. The need to hold an undocked appendage during a stationary trot can harm the dog's movements.

But! Let's once again divide our miniature toys into smooth-haired and long-haired, and talk about the Russian toy terrier. The long-haired dog has won the hearts of foreign dog breeders to such an extent that it was for this particular variety that they even began to prohibit docking the tails of terriers with beautiful fur. And our breeders, knowing the love of respected judges for tailed beauties and beauties, believe that there is no need to cut off the tails of terriers with long hair. As you can see, opinions differ.

When toy terriers have their tails docked.

You have decided to dock the puppy's tail, and are wondering when is the best time to dock the tail of the toy terrier. If you listen to the opinion of veterinarians about what day the tails of toy terriers are docked, it turns out that cutting off the tip literally after the birth of small dogs would be ideal. The first week after birth seems to be meant for this. The fact is that a newborn puppy does not experience pain during the circumcision procedure, since the nerve endings are just beginning to form. Yes, the puppy will squeak when docked, but this is more likely a reflexive reaction to the head-down position (circumcision is carried out by lifting the puppy and turning it upside down).

You can carry out the docking procedure yourself in the first week of a dog’s life. But if the puppy is older than a week, then entrust the cutting off of the end to a professional - a dog doctor. Only a specialist will correctly carry out the procedure, process and professionally sew up the docked tail of a toy terrier.

You can cut off a small appendage yourself by using one of two existing methods - circumcision and using an elastic band. Whatever docking method you choose, be sure to remove the puppies’ mother from the premises before performing this procedure.

The most important thing is to clearly measure the number of vertebrae that should be left. This is not entirely easy to do, but it is possible.

To shorten the tip using trimming, prepare the following items:

  • sharp scissors.
  • medical alcohol.
  • potassium permanganate.
  • threads
  • light fabric.

Disinfect scissors by either boiling them or wiping them with medical alcohol. Also treat your hands with alcohol. Take someone from your household (not children) or acquaintances as your assistant. The assistant will hold the puppies in his hands.

Having placed the puppy on the table, feel the required length of the tip, straightening the skin on the tail from the base to the very tip. With two fingers (thumb and forefinger), firmly hold the tip, and with a sharp movement, cut the tail with scissors. Then turn the baby over with his tummy up and treat the wound with alcohol and manganese crystals. Calm the puppy and observe him for a few minutes. The bleeding has stopped - send the puppy to an enclosure or playpen. If the blood continues to flow, then tightly pull the tip with a thread, which must be removed after two hours.

When cupping with an elastic band, gather the skin of the tip towards the base. And then wrap the elastic band around the desired spine and tie it in a tight knot. The baby spends about three days with this device, after which the dead part will fall off on its own. If you have clamped the elastic incorrectly, you can move it to another place at any time. It should be noted that this method is the most humane.

Don’t let the dog lick the tip too much, then in about ten days everything will heal.

Tail docking of a Rottweiler is a stumbling block for all breeders. On the one hand, such a procedure has already been banned in the West, and at the legislative level. On the other hand, in Russia such a dog with a tail may not be understood, although such a possibility is spelled out in the standard.

Are there any indications?

Dogs of this breed were almost always tailless. Puppies had their spinal appendage cut off in the first days of life, and this was done for several reasons:

  1. Rottweilers took part in dog fights.
  2. Dogs drove cattle and protected them from predators.
  3. From an early age, the puppy was made into a guardian of the home and family.

In all these cases, the long tail got in the way of the dog and made it vulnerable. The predator could grab onto it and disorient the dog, causing him serious damage at this time. Another argument of docking advocates is that without a tail, the Rottweiler looks more aggressive.

Some breeders believe that the spinal appendage is a hindrance for this breed. Rottweilers have been docked for centuries, so there is an opinion that nature has inherent in them the characteristics of a tailless existence. Dogs move, express emotions, and show aggression differently than animals that have not undergone surgery.

There are not many medical indications for docking Rottweilers. Basically, these are injuries that are incompatible with normal life activities. A dog without a tail can participate in exhibitions, since this option is prescribed in the breed standards, however, at international competitions, judges can find fault with such a dog.


The procedure cannot be performed if the puppy has abnormalities in growth and development. The operation is prohibited if the dog is sick, since a weakened immune system cannot cope with the increased load. It is advisable to postpone docking to a later date if the pet behaves strangely for no apparent reason - eats little, shows apathy or aggression.

Acceptable deadlines

It is advisable to dock a Rottweiler's tail before 2 weeks of life, and preferably 3-5 days after birth, when the structure of the spine resembles cartilage. During this period, the operation will not be so painful, and the puppy will not be left with mental or physical trauma.

The procedure is officially allowed for animals under 6 months of age. Only after 2 weeks is it necessary to put the puppy under general anesthesia. Adult dogs have their tails docked only for medical reasons.

How to prepare your pet

If the operation is performed without anesthesia, then no special preparation will be required. It is only necessary to examine the puppy on the day of the procedure for rashes, bald spots and other signs of disease. There should be no strange fluids coming from the ears and eyes.

If the procedure is performed under general anesthesia, you will need to undergo tests in advance to make sure that the anesthesia will not harm you. 12 hours before surgery, the Rottweiler cannot be fed, only clean water can be given.

Stages of the procedure

When performing an operation without anesthesia, it is better for the owner to hold the pet with his hands so that he does not escape, and the veterinarian carries out all the manipulations without errors. The procedure follows the following scheme:

  1. The tail is tightly tied with a strip of bandage closer to the base. This makes blood circulation in the appendage more difficult.
  2. An antiseptic is used.
  3. They feel the tail with their hands to mark the cutting line - it runs between two adjacent vertebrae.
  4. Using a scalpel or strong scissors, cut the tail along the intended line.
  5. Treat the wound with an antiseptic. If necessary, stitches are applied (small puppies do not need them).
  6. The bandage strip is removed half an hour after the operation.

The whole process lasts no more than 5 minutes. You can call a veterinarian to your home and carry out the procedure in more comfortable conditions for the dog, especially if it has already grown up. The operation scheme is no different from the clinic conditions.

It is not recommended to dock the tail yourself, since only a person with a veterinary education will do everything correctly. If the cut line is inaccurate, the dog will have a flaw for life; no corrections are provided. It is even possible to be disqualified from competitions and prohibited from mating.

Breed standard

The exterior of Rottweilers allows a tail length of 2 vertebrae, not shorter. The undocked appendage should continue the line of the back when tense, and can be lowered in a calm state. The standard allows both options, but many breeders believe that a Rottweiler without a tail looks more noble and aggressive.

Rehabilitation period

If the operation took place without anesthesia, no changes in nutrition are introduced. It is better to isolate the puppy from its mother and bring it to her only during feeding, so that she does not lick the seam. Excessive zeal can cause harm and introduce an infection into the blood. The wound must be treated daily with an antiseptic.

Your puppy's bedding needs to be changed regularly to prevent bacteria from entering the wound. If anesthesia was used, then after leaving it it is necessary to feed the dog little by little, at first mainly with liquid food.

Possible complications

The puppies tolerate the operation well, and after a few hours they begin to behave as usual. The only possible complication is infection if wound care rules are not followed.

In adult dogs, unpleasant consequences are more likely to occur - bleeding, the formation of seals and scars. In the first case, a powder or pencil is used to stop the bleeding, but the scars cannot be removed.

Are ears cropped?

It is difficult to find a Rottweiler with cropped ears, since such surgery is not performed for this breed. Only ignorant breeders can carry out the procedure without thinking about the dog. According to the standard, Rottweilers have drooping ears that fit tightly to the muzzle.


The cost of docking does not depend on the breed - only on the age of the puppy. Rottweilers from 3 to 10 days have their tail trimmed for 500-800 rubles. For older dogs, the service will cost 1.5-2 thousand rubles. The price of anesthesia may be added to this if it is not included in the total amount. Calling a veterinarian to your home will add about 500 rubles to the price tag.

Veterinarians' opinions

Dinara, 34 years old, Ryazan

“I think Rottweilers should definitely have their tail docked. With him they look like non-pedigree dogs, like an ordinary mongrel. For some reason, people think that they should leave what is given by nature. Only Rottweilers were bred artificially - what kind of nature are we talking about?”

Pavel, 38 years old, Samara

“I recently saw a long-tailed Rottweiler. Unusual, but interesting. I think that the owner himself should decide whether to dock the tail or not. Everyone has their own beliefs on this matter.”

Timur, 52 years old, Tomsk

“Rottweilers have had their tails docked for a long time; it’s already in their genetics. It's not even about appearance, but about how the dog will feel. And she will be more comfortable without a tail.”