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Golden Retriever description. The Golden Retriever is an aristocrat with a huge heart. Golden Retriever dog breed: history of origin

The Golden Retriever, also well known as the Golden Retriever, is a very popular hunting breed, bred by English breeders back in the nineteenth century. In accordance with the ICF classification, dogs of this breed belong to the eighth group and the first section.

History of the breed

For a long time, the real history of the golden retriever was shrouded in mystery.. The legend of Lord Tweedmouth, who acquired several “Russian Shepherds” at a circus performance, became widely known and began breeding golden retrievers. In the mid-nineteenth century, Mrs. Stoneks, head of the English Golden Retriever Club, noted that the beginning of the breed was obtained by crossing a male fawn straight-coated retriever with a female Tweed Water Spaniel.

This is interesting! The very first female golden retriever was brought to the territory of the USSR from America by the founder of the Russian Retriever Club, Alexei Surov, at the end of the nineteenth century, and the first puppy of this breed was received in 1991.

The origin of the first representative of the parent pair is attributed to the Newfoundland and Setter, and the Tweed-Watter Spaniel was a local, aboriginal breed of dog. Subsequently, several other crosses were made, including the use of the Bloodhound, which made the Golden Retriever's sense of smell more sensitive and their body more voluminous and powerful. However, golden retrievers were officially recognized as a separate breed at the very beginning of the nineteenth century.

Description of the Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are dogs with a harmonious build, muscular and strong limbs, and round paws. The average height of an adult male is no more than 56-61 cm, and the height of a female of this breed does not exceed 51-56 cm, with a weight of 26-41.5 kg and 25-37 kg, respectively.

Breed standards

The Golden Retriever breed standards were described in 1913 and accepted by all countries that joined the Federation Synologique International:

  • a harmonious and lively, fairly strong dog, with balanced movements, strong, with a friendly look;
  • the skull and head are of a well-sculpted type and proportional size, with a wide and not at all coarse skull and a beautifully set head on a muscular and strong neck;
  • the muzzle is deep and fairly wide, approximately equal in size to the length of the skull, with a pronounced transition and a black nose;
  • eyes are dark brown, wide-set and dark-lidded;
  • medium-sized ears, set approximately at the same level as the eyes;
  • the teeth are vertical, excellent in appearance with a uniform and scissor bite, as well as upper incisors without gaps standing in front of the lower teeth;
  • the neck area is of good length, dry and muscular;
  • straight forelegs have good bones, long shoulder blades equal to the size of the shoulder, due to which the limbs stand well directly under the body, and the elbows have a good fit;
  • the proportional body is characterized by a short loin and powerful chest with deep and well-arched ribs, as well as a straight topline;
  • limbs and lumbar region are muscular and strong;
  • shins have good length;
  • knee joints have good angles;
  • low hock joints should not be turned in or out, and a cow position is highly undesirable;
  • paws are round, cat-type;
  • the tail is of medium length, reaching the hock joint, without a sickle-shaped bend over the back.

The dog's movements should be strong and a little graceful, with a good drive and smooth gaits, only of the straight-line type, parallel to the hind and forelimbs, not mincing. The forelimbs should have a free and far reach forward. Purebred individuals have a straight or slightly wavy coat, with a thick and water-repellent undercoat. The standards allow all shades, including rich golden and cream colors, with the exception of setter and mahogany. There may be a small white spot in the chest area.

Dog character

Golden Retrievers are extremely hardy and incredibly energetic beautiful dogs with a very good memory and well-developed sense of smell, allowing them to maintain excellent performance on land or in water. Initially, the Golden Retriever was bred specifically for hunting, but today this breed has successfully mastered many other activities, including working at customs, searching for drugs and explosives, and participating in the rescue of people.

It is also necessary to remember that goldens belong to the category of very active and active dogs, therefore, regardless of weather conditions, such dogs should be walked at least twice a day.

Care and hygiene

The obedient coat and excellent character of a dog of this breed make caring for golden retrievers much easier:

  • You need to comb the dog in the direction from the head to the paws, carefully combing all areas with special attention to areas with dense or tangled hair;
  • scraps of wool that cannot be untangled or properly combed must be removed with scissors;
  • all excess hair formed around the eyes, in the area of ​​the ears and between the toes must be systematically trimmed;
  • it is necessary to wash your eyes and clean your ears with a cotton swab with mineral oil or special hygienic compounds;
  • Overgrown dog claws are periodically shortened using special nail clippers;
  • caring for the coat of a golden retriever involves using dry shampoo, which is rubbed in for half an hour, after which it is combed out;
  • You need to bathe the retriever in warm water using shampoo, lathering the pet’s entire body, and then thoroughly rinsing off the foam and wiping the fur dry with a towel.

It should be remembered that combs and brushes with hard and strong bristles are best suited for combing the coat of goldens. It is recommended to scratch a shedding dog with a special slicker brush that easily removes lost hair.

Retriever diet

The diet and feeding rules for the Golden require strict adherence at any age of such a pet. Puppies up to two months of age need to be fed approximately six times a day, and pets from two to four months of age are given food four times a day. Starting from the age of ten months, the dog can be switched to a two-time diet. Feeding times are set depending on the owner’s daily routine, but must be strictly observed.

When using a natural feeding method, in addition to meat components, the dog’s diet should include plant crops, dairy products, and various mineral mixtures. Meat ingredients can be represented by tendons, heart and lungs, kidneys and liver, as well as stomach. Among fish products, preference should be given to cod and catfish. Vegetables in the form of cabbage, turnips, pumpkin and carrots are very important for a dog’s body. Semolina, rice and millet, oat and rye, as well as buckwheat porridge are well suited for feeding.

Diseases and breed defects

The main diseases of the Golden Retriever are, as a rule, hereditary in nature and can be represented by:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • retinal degeneration;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • obesity acquired as a result of a sedentary lifestyle.

The most common breed defects

  • hunched back;
  • narrow back;
  • sagging back;
  • the presence of a straight or sharply sloping croup;
  • barrel-shaped chest;
  • narrowed chest;
  • small breasts;
  • the presence of pronounced roastiness;
  • size;
  • severe clubfoot;
  • cow posture uncharacteristic for the breed;
  • presence of straight hock joints;
  • saber limbs;
  • Excessively long or soft coat with an open shirt;
  • the presence of black or any other color except golden.

Disqualifying defects of the breed include deviations from the norm in height at the withers by more than 25 mm, as well as the presence of an overshot or undershot bite in the dog. The FCI standards added excessive timidity and aggressiveness as disqualifying faults just under ten years ago.

Education and training

There are several basic principles that facilitate the training and education of a retriever, as well as making them as effective as possible:

  • You should never allow your pet to do what is forbidden;
  • You should never cancel an order given to a dog on your own;
  • all actions must be understandable for the pet;
  • training should be consistent, from simple commands to more complex skills;
  • classes should be regular, and the skills acquired should be reinforced with affection and treats.

Systematic monitoring of the assessment of all the abilities of a pet is very important, but it is still better to underestimate the skills acquired by the dog than to overestimate them.

The Golden Retriever is a large breed of hunting dog. Used to search for shot prey and present it to the hunter. The retriever has a soft bite, which allows it not to spoil the bird. This is one of the most popular breeds. The dog's flexible character and high intelligence make it a universal pet.

Of dogs of this breed make excellent bloodhounds, rescuers, companions, and also irreplaceable guides for the disabled. The Golden Retriever is very popular in the USA, where it ranks third in the ranking of hunting dogs, in Australia - fifth, and in the UK - eighth.

Description and breed standard, photo

The American type of Golden Retriever is less stocky and looks taller than its British counterparts. The Canadian type is slender and tall, with a less dense coat.

The Golden Retriever's color can be any shade of cream or gold, except mahogany and red.

Retriever character

Golden retrievers are very kind and calm animals that get along well with everyone in the household. They have no tendency to bark excessively and notes of dominance, which gives them the opportunity to peacefully coexist with other pets. These are delicate and receptive dogs. Natural devotion, good nature, adoration for people and patience, coupled with a love of fetching and irrepressible energy, make the retriever a good companion for active games.

Highly developed mental abilities and excellent memory ensure the achievement of good results in learning.

Main areas of application for Golden Retrievers

In modern society, the Golden Retriever is rarely used as a hunting dog, but despite this the dog remains a good assistant for work following the blood trail and serving game. The hunting instinct remains the main feature of the breed.

The dog is used in the following specialties:

  • Rescue operations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • search for explosives and drugs at customs;
  • guide dog and assistant for people with disabilities;
  • actors in commercials and films;
  • therapist.

They are ideal companions for children and the elderly. Specially trained dogs are widely used in shelters and boarding schools for children with mental disorders. Due to his good-natured nature, the golden retriever is not at all suitable as a watchman and protector, since he is incapable of aggression and attacking a stranger. In this case, dogs, on the contrary, will try to find a common language with the stranger and make friends with him.

It is necessary to bathe your pet no more than 1-2 times a month. TO claws are subject to regular inspection and pruning as they grow. Apartment maintenance requires walks (at least three hours a day) with interesting sports games.

The dog is very sociable and becomes quite attached to all family members, so leaving it unattended for a long time is not recommended, as the animal can become very sad and even get sick.

Brushing a retriever

The luxurious appearance of your pet directly depends on the proper care of its luxurious, thick coat. It is necessary to teach this procedure from an early age. The main thing is to teach your baby to stand still while brushing.. However, the owner should be careful and try not to cause pain to the pet and do everything so that the procedure does not cause unpleasant associations for the puppy.

An iron comb, which can be purchased at a specialty store, is perfect for the coat of a golden retriever. This comb has frequent teeth on one side and sparse teeth on the other. You should comb it out first pet with the side with rare teeth, then repeat the same thing, but with the other side of the comb. If you make combing a daily ritual and use a special glove, the procedure will not take much time.

Walking with a retriever

The first walks should begin immediately after basic vaccinations. To avoid peculiar puddles and piles throughout the house, try to accustom the baby to a certain place where his “toilet” will be. To do this, find a secluded corner and lay oilcloth there (not film!), and put newspapers on top in several layers. When cleaning up your puppy’s “waste products,” do not forget to leave the bottom layer of paper so that the smell remaining there will remind the baby where his “latrine” is.

Later, the retriever can be walked outside. At the same time, it is very important to let your pet know that you are incredibly happy to see him outside the home. As soon as the puppy understands this, the “ugliness” in the house will stop.

If some time has passed since the “commitment of the crime”, and you missed this moment, do not punish the puppy: he still will not understand what exactly he did wrong.

Composing little golden walking schedule It is necessary to take into account that the puppy feels the need to visit the “toilet” after waking up from sleep and every meal.

Golden Retriever

Retriever health

The Golden Retriever is a dog breed with strong immunity and excellent health. But for your pet to grow up healthy and live a long time, it is necessary to monitor its overall development from puppyhood Provide the puppy with appropriate nutrition. Some diseases may be hereditary, while others may be acquired with age.

This breed of dog is characterized by the following diseases:

  • Atypical dermatitis;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • retinal degeneration.

Closely monitor the condition of your pet's joints, as dysplasia is often a hereditary disease.

The Golden Retriever is an excellent dog, and the presence or absence of a pedigree and documents confirming it do not play a special role. Main, so that the pet grows up cheerful, cheerful, obedient, and then the joy of communicating with him will overwhelm you.

Sweet and affectionate, the perfect companion

The worldwide popularity of golden retrievers is justified: they are sweet and affectionate, and their kindness and friendliness explain their success as a companion dog. Active, cheerful and playful, they behave like puppies even at the age of three or four years, and some of them retain their playfulness until old age.


Sociable and friendly, ready to help

Golden Retrievers are originally hunting dogs, but today are used as companion dogs. They perform with great success in disciplines such as obedience and agility. The outgoing and friendly nature of Golden Retrievers allows them to participate in search and rescue efforts and provide assistance to people with disabilities. They are still excellent at tracking and bringing back game. But the main characteristic of the Golden Retriever breed is its friendliness and calmness. This is what makes him a great companion.

The Golden Retriever has gained almost worldwide recognition as a companion dog and an excellent nanny for children, although it was originally bred in England for duck hunting. They say that this is a golden dog with a golden character. Despite all the positive features, such a piece of jewelry is not suitable for everyone.

The Golden Retriever comes from England, a country where hunting was an all-consuming fashionable hobby, and the main condition for success was the presence of reliable four-legged assistants. The word "Retrive" (when applied to a dog) means to find and retrieve game. Until the end of the 19th century, retrievers were not a separate breed; the name indicated the function.

Many hunters crossed and selected dogs on their own, and then jealously guarded their “breed.” One of these amateur breeders was Lord Tweedmouth, and it was thanks to his efforts that the Golden Retriever appeared. He worked on the breed from the late 1960s to 1890. Lord died in 1894, and by that time his legacy had already spread throughout England. Many dogs became honorary sires in various kennels, including Culham and Noranby (it is to them that most pedigrees descend).

For a long time it was believed that the breed began with several circus dogs from the Caucasus. Russian yellow retrievers - under this name the breed was presented at the Kraft exhibition in 1913-1915. In 1952, Tweedmouth's descendant, the Earl of Ilchester, published an article that completely destroyed the circus legend. It turns out that my uncle had a stud book with detailed records, but apparently he did not want to share them. The pedigree of the first Goldens begins with a huge number of breeds: water spaniels, Irish setters, straight-coated retrievers and Labradors. Later, the blood of bloodhounds, and sometimes mongrel dogs or mixed breeds, was added.

In 1913, Noranby owner Mrs. Charlesvos founded the first Golden Retriever Club and developed a breed standard. Since then, golden hunters can be considered an independent breed. The first retrievers were dark. Over the decades, colors have become more varied. In Europe, almost white goldens are found, while in the USA they focus on breeding dogs of dark colors.

Video review about the Golden Retriever dog breed:

Appearance and standards

Golden Retrievers are harmoniously built, strong and robust with balanced movements and a friendly look. Height at the withers is 50-60 cm, weight is 25-35 kg, males are noticeably larger and more powerful. Movements are free, straightforward, with a good push.


The head is proportional to the body, all lines are well defined. The muzzle is wide, its length approximately equal to the distance from the occipital protuberance to the stop. The jaws are strong, the bite is correct. The eyes are set wide, the eyelids are dark, the color of the iris is dark brown. The hanging ears are located at eye level and are of medium size. The stop is clearly visible. The nose is pigmented.


Goldens should be harmoniously built, graceful rather than massive. The format is somewhat extended. The height at the withers is approximately equal to the distance from the shoulder blades to the tail. The chest is deep. The back is straight, the loin is short. The long tail continues the line of the back. The limbs are massive and should fit well under the body. The paws are round, similar to a cat's.

Coat and colors

The retriever's coat is of medium length, straight or wavy, with decorative hair on the chest, ears, paws and tail. The undercoat is dense and waterproof. The color can be any shade from dark gold to light cream, almost white. It is acceptable to have a few white hairs on the chest.

Character and psychological portrait

Golden Retrievers are smart, kind, calm dogs that rarely bark and love to spend time with people more than anything else. They are absolutely not prone to dominance or aggression, and therefore become excellent nannies for children. Cheerful and energetic, they charge everyone around them with positivity.

Dogs with a good-natured appearance and devoted eyes are born actors. They became the heroes of the films “Napoleon”, “The Road Home”, “King of the Air”, etc. Retrievers do not choose one owner; they love all family members equally. Very loyal, but not jealous. They feel the mood perfectly and adapt to the rhythm of family life. They treat strangers in a friendly and trusting manner. Golden is a great friend and companion; he can be an excellent hunter, but he will never become a guard. Even if the owner is in danger, the pet is unlikely to rush to protect him. Only his powerful appearance and bass bark can come to the rescue. Retrievers get along well with other animals, be it a cat, dog or rodent.

Education and training

It is necessary to raise a puppy from the first day it arrives in the house. Goldens are deservedly considered highly intelligent dogs; they have a wonderful memory; what was once allowed to be done will be difficult to prohibit in the future. Many problems are associated with walking.

In a city environment, it will take a lot of effort and patience to wean your pet from picking up trash, the remnants of other people's feasts and giving priority to the owner's commands. The main thing when working with a retriever is the absence of violence and restraint. Already from the first months of life, the pet is accustomed to simple commands: “come to me”, “sit”, “place”, etc. Golden retrievers are very trainable; they pick up commands on the fly, but are not always in a hurry to carry them out if they have found a better one for themselves. exciting activity.

From 7-9 months it is worth going through OKD with a puppy or its analogues, for example, a controlled city dog, and then maintain the acquired skills or move to a new level. Freestyle, agility and other sports are successfully mastered with Goldens. There is no point in taking a protective guard service course.

Retrievers are very active, they need increased physical and mental stress. From the age of 2 months, the puppy is walked up to 6 times a day for 10-20 minutes. Over time, the number of walks is reduced and the load is increased. An adult retriever is walked at least twice a day. The first time is about 30 minutes, the second walk is a full walk, about 2 hours with games and training. Representatives of the breed are wonderful companions for a morning bike ride or jog.

If a dog does not receive sufficient physical activity, its character will not change for the better, and its behavior will often become destructive.

A Golden Retriever can do well in an apartment if it gets enough exercise on walks. In this case, combing should become a daily ritual. A more acceptable option for the owner and dog would be to live in a private house with unlimited walking around the property.


It is recommended to comb your golden every day; if this is not possible, then the more often the better. They use combs with frequent and rare teeth, special mittens, and during the molting period also a slicker or furminator. Bathing is often not recommended. Water treatments with shampoo, balms and conditioners are recommended no more than 5 times a year. Frequent washing can negatively affect the condition of the skin and coat. Summer swimming in ponds, washing paws and belly after walks do not count.

Nail trimming, hyena eyes and ears

With sufficient physical activity, the claws grind down on their own to the required length. Otherwise, they need to be cut so that they do not interfere with walking and cause injury. Check your ears regularly for dirt or signs of infection, especially during the warmer months. Clean the ear as needed using special lotions. Keep the tear ducts clean and dry.


At any age, nutrition should be balanced and portioned. The dog should not eat to excess, as this can cause obesity. Feeding your pet natural food or ready-made food is an individual question. Goldens are usually not picky when it comes to food, so the choice is up to the owner. From 3 months to six months, a puppy is fed 4 times a day in small portions. By the age of 7 months, they are transferred to 3 feedings a day, from one and a half years to twice a day.

Health, breed diseases and life expectancy

Golden Retrievers are hardy and energetic dogs with good health. However, there are a number of diseases to which they are most predisposed, some of which are hereditary:

  • Epilepsy;
  • Progressive retinal atrophy;
  • von Willebrand's disease (a hereditary hemorrhagic disorder that causes increased bleeding);
  • Joint dysplasia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Atopic dermatitis, other skin diseases.
  • Predisposition to otitis due to poor ventilation of the auricle;

Regular examination by a veterinarian will help to recognize the disease in advance and begin treatment at an early stage.

Average life expectancy is 10-12 years.

Golden retriever









Tendency to train


Attitude towards children


Security and guard qualities


Based on the number of registered golden retrievers in European kennel clubs, we can conclude that this breed is the second most popular among all dog types. The Golden Retriever is valued primarily for its golden character.

With its mere presence, this dog can calm a person, relieve stress, and eliminate aggression. Retrievers are even used to work with children who have autism. Such a pet can become a hunter, a guide, or a companion. He will get along well in any family, becoming a devoted friend to all household members.

History of the breed

The history of the Golden Retriever is interesting and unique. The fact is that there are two versions of the origin and formation of the breed. One is very beautiful, looks more like a legend than a true story. The other version is more truthful and realistic. It is known for sure that the homeland of golden retrievers is Great Britain. If you are interested in these dogs, you should familiarize yourself with both the first and second versions of their origin:

1. The Legend of Lord Tweedmouth and the Golden Retrievers

In 1858, Lord Tweedmouth saw Russian shepherds perform at a circus performance. The four-legged artists amazed him not only with their beautiful appearance, but also with their intelligence and intelligence. The lord was known as a man who valued and collected in his estate everything that could be called beautiful, exotic, and unusual. Naturally, Tweedmouth bought eight dogs of the species he liked for a huge sum and began breeding them.

His unique estate, which is located next to Loch Ness Lake, has been replenished with an interesting breed, the representatives of which have gained great popularity among rich people. On the territory of the Tweedmouth estate there was a park with exotic plants, a dairy farm with cows of the best dairy breeds, as well as hunting grounds. Among this fairy-tale setting, dogs with golden fur, unique intelligence and a circus history fit in perfectly.

The legend of circus Russian shepherd dogs, which, having moved to the lord’s estate, turned into elite pets belonging to the richest people, was of interest to everyone. It was unrivaled PR for the new breed. Lord Tweedmouth even planned to go to Russia to buy some more Russian Shepherds. He voiced the version that the ancestors of his golden pets were Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. But there was not the slightest similarity between retrievers and Caucasians, either in appearance or in character.

For a long time, the circus legend about golden dogs was on everyone's lips. Fans of the breed wanted to believe in her. But soon a more truthful version refuted the story presented by Lord Tweedmouth.

2. History of the Golden Retriever, according to Tweedmouth Stud Books

To amateurs and ordinary people, the legend was quite true, but dog handlers understood perfectly well that this was just a fairy tale about golden dogs. It was necessary to establish the truth about the origin and ancestors of retrievers. After much searching and research, Elma Stoneks found written evidence of the formation of the breed. The stud books that Lord Tweedmouth kept from the very beginning of breeding his goldens helped her figure it out. Let's look at everything in order:

  • Tweedmouth acquired his first golden retriever from a simple shoemaker who lived in Brighton. The puppy had a golden coat color. They called him Nous, which translated means “wisdom.”
  • Nous, ripe for mating, was mated to a tea-coloured spaniel. As a result, the couple had three yellow puppies. They became the founders of the breed.
  • Bloodhounds and Irish setters participated in the formation of the breed. Black puppies born from such matings were strictly culled. Only golden and yellow ones were left.
  • 1960 - Golden Retrievers were officially recognized as a separate breed.
  • 1991 - the first Golden appeared in Russia.

Now golden is at the peak of its fame. These dogs have gained great popularity in almost all countries of the world.


The Golden Retriever is a fairly large dog. Its direct purpose is a hunting rifle. Therefore, the physique is muscular, the limbs are strong, the dog itself is hardy, ready for long marches and adverse weather conditions. Adult height 55-61 cm., weight according to height can be from 25 to 42 kg. Females are noticeably inferior to males in both weight and height.

A beautiful head rests on a strong, strong neck. The ears are hanging, triangular. Almond-shaped eyes range from light hazel to dark brown. The gaze is expressive, attentive, studying. The muzzle is elongated; according to the standard, not the slightest hint of rough outline is allowed. The nose is black, not too big.

The jaws are powerful with large fangs and a claw-like bite.

The body is elongated, the stomach is tucked. The chest is wide, the back is straight. Legs are muscular, straight, muscular. Paws are “cat-like”, neat with hard pads. The long tail is heavily pubescent.
The coat is straight, wavy is allowed. The guard hair is very beautiful and long. There is a dense undercoat that is waterproof.

Color is also a characteristic feature of the breed. Golden Retrievers can have a coat of golden, cream, beige color with all their shades. According to the standard, shades of red are undesirable.

Modern golden retrievers are divided according to their appearance into three types: British (large, muscular), American (deep golden color) and Canadian (tall, graceful).

The Golden Retriever is adapted to both apartment and kennel keeping, but is not at all adapted to being kept on a chain. The fact is that such a dog is very sociable, friendly and very attached to people. Loneliness is destructive for him. If you regularly leave your dog alone for a long time, no matter in the house or in the yard, its psyche will suffer. A retriever is suitable for any person, but before you buy a puppy of this breed, think about how much time you can devote to it so that the pet does not suffer later.

Caring for a Golden is very easy. The main thing is to accustom him from puppyhood to all the necessary hygiene and beauty procedures. In addition, not only the owner, but also all household members will be able to carry out these procedures:

  • The Golden's luxurious golden coat should look as natural as possible. Therefore, cutting a haircut is not advisable; if you cut a dog’s hair, it should be done with the help of a specialist, especially if we are talking about a show pet.
  • Brush daily using a special brush.
  • Inspect your eyes daily and wipe any detected discharge with a damp cloth. If there is too much discharge and it appears constantly, you should contact your veterinarian. Such a symptom may indicate plague or another disease. Although an ordinary grain of sand can also cause a similar phenomenon.
  • If you go hunting with your dog, be sure to inspect and wash its eyes when you return home. During forest adventures, debris can get into your eyes, which can cause inflammation and infection.
  • Ears need to be examined every 6-8 days. It is enough to rinse them gently with water or simply wipe with a damp swab.
  • Periodically brush your teeth with cotton swabs or a special brush. Without this procedure, there will be an unpleasant odor from the pet’s mouth, yellow plaque will appear on the fangs, and tartar may form.
  • You need to bathe your retriever three times every 10-12 months.


Despite the innate instincts and purpose of the hunter, nature did not give the golden retriever good health. The lifespan of these dogs is only 11-12 years, which is not a long time. They are genetically predisposed to many diseases that the owner should know about:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • – the dog suffers from pain, lameness, and at the last stage of the disease may lose the ability not only to run, but also to walk.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Eye diseases– glaucoma, cataracts, entropion, distichiasis, etc.
  • Obesity– you should not overfeed dogs; by increasing portions or calories in the diet, the retriever can gain excess weight in a very short time.


It is difficult to find a more sociable dog than the Golden Retriever. He is ready to be near people day and night, run, jump, hunt, play and help in any matter. Golden can be a guide and a caring, loyal friend for people with poor eyesight. For an avid hunter, the dog will become an indispensable assistant, especially when hunting near water bodies.

If there are children in the family, the retriever will become an ideal nanny and play companion for them. Such a dog will never hurt a child. Being an active dog, the Golden tirelessly plays with the kids, runs, jumps, and takes part in all their pranks.

You can keep any pet with a retriever pet. It is desirable that they grow up together from the first days. The fact is that the golden has a highly developed hunting instinct, so he can look at small animals as prey. If an acquaintance has already taken place, then a small kitten or puppy will become a friend for a friendly dog.

You can't call a golden one monogamous. He treats all household members with equal tenderness, from young to old. Of course, he barks at a stranger for the sake of order, but he doesn’t show much aggression. So a guard from such a pet is not very reliable. Due to the lack of aggression, he strives to quickly make friends with everyone, and not to attack and bite.

The energetic golden loves different games. The dog plays with special pleasure in the water, near ponds. All because of the hunting instinct. It is also worth noting the favorite games of the representatives of the breed; they most like to fetch a thrown stick, ball or any other object.

Training and education

Every owner of a Golden Retriever knows how smart and resourceful their pet is. But not everyone understands that training and education is necessary for every dog, even the smartest one. Many ignorant people believe that their puppy will automatically turn into an obedient, well-mannered dog. This is wrong! any dog ​​should be taught at least simple commands: “come to me”, “sit”, “lie down”, “no”.

Without proper training, such a large dog as a golden retriever can easily scare a stranger or child, rushing towards him as fast as he can with the desire to play and make friends. From the first months, teach the puppy to be obedient, then take a training course with your older pet.

Golden is quite easy to teach not only commands, but also various circus tricks. Representatives of the breed have proven themselves excellent in agility and freestyle.

  • The Golden Retriever is the second most popular breed after the Labrador Retriever.
  • Golden's beauty, intelligence, intelligence and good disposition made him a popular film artist.
  • The favorite of American President D. Ford was the golden retriever Liberty.
  • Until the age of three, a golden dog behaves like a little puppy, playing and frolicking tirelessly.
  • Retrievers are ideal swimmers and love water very much.
  • The Golden Retriever is one of the three most intelligent dog species.
  • Golden is a nocturnal animal; during the day it prefers to take a nap if possible, and in the evening it begins to become active.
  • The Golden Retriever is in the forefront among all.

Pros and cons of the breed

Golden Golden has a wonderful character; it can become a pet in any family, even a large one. It would seem that this breed has absolutely no disadvantages and every person can maintain it. But in fact, even goldens have their drawbacks, and they are completely unsuitable for those who do not have the opportunity to devote enough time to their pet. So before buying a retriever puppy, you should familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of the breed, and then decide whether it is your dog or not.


1. Beautiful appearance, especially coat color.
2. Friendliness and lack of aggression.
3. Hunting instinct developed from birth.
4. Intelligence, intelligence, intelligence.
5. Easy to train.
6. Ability to perform circus tricks.
7. Excellent service qualities.
8. Excellent attitude towards children.
9. Easy care.
10. Get along well with other pets.


1. Independent realization of the hunting instinct.
2. Weak guard and security skills.
3. Can't stay alone for long.
4. Predisposition to many diseases.
5. Gluttony, leading to obesity.