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Bath infusions for the steam room. What herbs should I brew for a bath? Herbal teas for baths and their properties

The Russian bath, famous for its healing effects, becomes even more beneficial if various fragrant and medicinal plants are used correctly in it. Herbs in the steam room can be used in several ways. They are good as part of a prefabricated bath broom, with which you can improve the condition of the skin on the body. It’s also great to treat various pulmonary diseases and colds with herbal infusions and decoctions. To do this, the tincture is poured onto hot stones placed on a stove in a steam room to create a fragrant, thick steam. It is no less useful to refresh yourself in the dressing room with various drinks prepared on the basis of medicinal plants. The greatest benefit from bath herbs can be obtained if you immediately use the entire complex of bath products with them.

Many medicinal herbs are sold in the form of infusions in pharmacy chains. But how interesting and useful it is to prepare, store and then brew healthy drinks from your own collected plants and knit bath brooms with your own hands. This way you will get the maximum benefit and, perhaps, acquire a new exciting hobby. Start by learning which plants are best for wellness and how to use them.

Healing herbs for treatment and healing in the bath

Our region is unusually rich in medicinal plants, which reveal their medicinal properties to the maximum in the conditions of a Russian steam room. Since ancient times, people have used the following types of herbs in the steam room:

  • sagebrush;
  • peppermint and field mint;
  • chamomile;
  • linden blossom;
  • yarrow;
  • horseradish;
  • black currant;
  • pine;
  • hop;
  • St. John's wort.

Wormwood is effectively used to treat wounds, various bruises and ulcers formed on the skin. In the bath, it relieves fatigue well, drives away sleep and invigorates. Essential oils released by wormwood under the influence of high temperatures in a steam room stimulate human performance, reduce absent-mindedness and strengthen memory. In addition, if you suffer from chronic migraines, a bath with wormwood spirit will relieve headaches. After severe nervous tension or heavy physical work, a steam room with this healing herb will help to restore the body faster. Women are recommended to use wormwood extract in a bath to smooth out small wrinkles.

Peppermint or arborvitae are good for stimulating brain activity. If you have a brainstorming session or another serious task ahead of you, take a steam bath with mint in advance - and you will be guaranteed good performance. It is also good to treat colds with mint, since mint vapors expand the airways and make it easier for a person to breathe. This effect is achieved due to the high content of menthol in mint, which has an antiseptic effect. Mint also helps relieve headaches, reduces swelling of body tissues and stimulates the digestive system, which allows you to quickly lose weight.

Mint is a universal herb that can be added to teas to refresh yourself in a bathhouse, as well as in decoctions or steamings.

Medicinal chamomile can be included in bath brooms, as it contains a large amount of vitamins and essential oils. In particular, carotene and vitamin C strengthen the immune system and can suppress infections. To treat diseases of the respiratory system and relieve fatigue, it is recommended to use chamomile tinctures for a bath.

And to speed up the healing of wounds and ulcers on the body, experts advise using chamomile bath whisks in the steam room. Just don’t use them to whip yourself in areas with damaged skin. You can only stroke it and apply it to sore spots.

Flowering linden branches can also be used for knitting brooms for a bath, and the linden blossom itself can be added to teas and decoctions. The aroma of linden blossom has a calming effect on the central nervous system. If you regularly visit the bathhouse and use a linden broom in it, you will notice how your sleep has normalized. Essential oils released by linden flowers and leaves stimulate active sweating, which is especially useful for those who want to lose weight.

Benefits for skin and lungs

Yarrow is recommended to be used in a bath if there is a need to cure skin diseases. The essential oils released by this herb when steamed soothe and heal problematic skin. After just one bath procedure with yarrow, you can notice that the number of cracks and wounds on the skin has decreased. The surface of the body becomes softer and more elastic. Often in the bathhouse they use a prefabricated broom made from tansy and yarrow.

Horseradish - in dried or fresh form - is effective in the fight against colds. In order to cure acute respiratory infections, it is recommended to inhale steam with essential substances released by this plant in a bathhouse. To do this, a herbal decoction or infusion of fresh horseradish leaves is poured onto the stove stones. If you regularly perform this procedure in the bathhouse, regardless of a cold, then you will strengthen your immune system, which will make your body more resistant to viruses.

A healing effect can also be achieved with the help of decoctions prepared from black currant leaves. You can use them to make herbal tea. It will help the body weakened after a cold to recover.

Scientists have long proven the extraordinary benefits of inhaling pine aroma for lung health. In bathhouse conditions, characterized by high humidity and high temperature, coniferous branches, in particular pine ones, actively release beneficial phytoncides that fight pathogens. In addition, they reduce stress levels, strengthen nerves and relieve fatigue from heavy physical activity. The steam in the bathhouse, saturated with coniferous phytoncides, disinfects the air, destroying all possible microbes in it. Thanks to this, visiting a steam room has a beneficial effect on the health of a person suffering from rhinitis, tracheitis or bronchitis.

A hop bath should be filled with aromatic steam and not accompanied by a foamy hop-based drink. For bath procedures, so-called hop cones are used, which are considered a strong tonic. If you've had a hard, eventful day, it's time to visit the sauna and grab some hops to relax and restore your energy. To increase vitality, it is enough to steam a few hop cones or add a couple of fragrant shoots to any bath broom.

St. John's wort is famous for its antibacterial properties and antiseptic effects. Bath brooms are prepared from it, and this plant can also be part of a composite broom of several different herbs. Based on it, herbal tea or decoctions for rinsing the body can be prepared.

Proper collection and proper storage of herbs

It is best to use fresh herbs in the bath, as they contain the greatest amount of beneficial substances. But you can delight yourself with fresh plants only for six months, and for the remaining half, dried plants prepared in the summer are also suitable.

How to collect herbs correctly


Why is this important

Experts recommend going to collect plants before lunch. This is the time before the herbs have had time to completely absorb the dew and begin to release aromatic substances under the influence of the sun.
Before picking a plant, carefully inspect and evaluate its appearance. Completely healthy leaves and twigs, untouched by rot and not eaten by insects and other living creatures, are suitable for harvesting.
It is recommended to start collecting herbs before the peak of their flowering, when the content of active components in them is at its maximum. March-April is best for collecting roots, buds and bark. But in the period from May to August you can harvest herbs, leaves, and flowers.

After harvesting, it’s time to properly dry your “harvest,” which determines whether the plants will survive until the winter bath. A dark room with good ventilation is best for drying. Under these conditions, the herbs will not turn black or rot.

The conditions for drying plants depend on their type. If you are dealing with plants rich in essential oils, such as eucalyptus, then they need to be dried slowly at a high temperature of +30... 35 degrees. For convenience, plants are formed in small bunches, tied and suspended from the ceiling, where the temperature is always higher. If the summer is cool, then you will have to think about how to organize artificial heating of the drying room.

Even higher temperatures are required for harvesting herbs with a high content of glycosides. These include plants such as St. John's wort, coltsfoot, tansy and others. They should be dried in an electric dryer at a temperature of +50... 60 degrees.

After the herbs are well dried, they need to be crushed to a size of 5–7 millimeters and packaged in glass jars with tight-fitting lids. These containers should be stored in a cool, dark place. Be sure to stick small pieces of paper on each jar and write on them information about what plant is stored in them and when the preparation was made. Collections of herbs, plant leaves and flowers can be stored for no longer than 2 years.

If you plan to prepare fragrant brooms for the winter, then shape them, tie them and store them in a hanging position so that the foliage is at the bottom and the broom handle is at the top.

Rules for preparing brooms

Bath brooms made from medicinal herbs and fragrant plants

Herbal bath brooms, consisting exclusively of these fragile plants, are extremely rare, because with intensive use they are hardly enough for 5 minutes in the steam room. Therefore, you will often find them in mixed versions, consisting of oak and birch branches, and, say, lemon balm or mint. And some herbs don’t even need to be included in the brooms at all, but can be “hammered” into the body.

For example, you can take dried, crushed St. John's wort with you to the steam room, sprinkle it on your companion's body in a thick layer and then carefully walk over it with a bath broom. Although St. John's wort can be woven into a traditional birch broom. A few branches of this plant are enough to improve the condition of the skin, speed up the healing of wounds and alleviate the patient’s condition with gout.

In addition to St. John's wort, the following types of herbal brooms are most often used in the bathhouse:

  • eucalyptus;
  • nettle;
  • with valerian;
  • lime;
  • wormwood

A eucalyptus broom will come to the rescue at the first sign of a cold. Branches of an aromatic plant are often added to a birch broom, since its branches are not able to independently provide steamers with a good massage. The main value of this component is in essential oils that have an antibacterial effect. When you inhale eucalyptus vapor several times, you will feel that it immediately becomes easier for you to breathe. And at a deep level of influence, a bath with a eucalyptus broom strengthens the immune system.

It is quite difficult to prepare such a broom on your own in our latitudes. But it can be purchased in specialized stores. If you buy one bunch and divide it into several mixed brooms, you can save a lot and prolong the pleasure of using this fragrant plant.

It won't burn you, but it will help.

Nettle broom is not made as a single component. It is better to form it with birch branches. This option is good for relieving diseases such as:

  • rheumatism;
  • radiculitis;
  • gout;
  • muscle pain;
  • lower back pain;
  • aching joints.

To use nettle broom in a bath without pain, it is important to properly steam this herb so that it does not burn the skin. First, dip the broom in hot and then cold water. Do this procedure several times. Do not keep the herb in each tub for a long time, otherwise it will lose its elastic structure and medicinal properties. After 5–10 minutes of this steaming, you can start steaming with a nettle broom.

Do not throw out the water after steaming the nettle: you can rinse your hair with it after the bath, which will give it strength and a healthy shine. You can also sprinkle the heater with this water to fill the steam room with a pleasant herbal aroma.

You can also weave a few branches of valerian into oak and birch brooms. Just two branches are enough to turn an ordinary bath accessory into an effective remedy for relieving stress and gaining peace of mind. In addition, valerian is considered a very aromatic herb, and therefore relaxing in the bathhouse will turn into aromatherapy.

Linden and flax helpers in the bathhouse

To use in the steam room, linden branches must be cut during the period of active flowering. The essential oils contained in these leaves and flowers effectively soften the skin and even prevent the formation of purulent rashes on it. Before using a linden broom in a bathhouse, you need to steam it in hot water, and then start massaging your body with it. To prevent colds and speed up the recovery process, if a person has already fallen ill with an acute respiratory infection, a steamed broom should be applied to the face and breathed through it for several minutes.

But herbs for wormwood broom need to be harvested during the period after the plant blooms. At the same time, the wormwood stems should not dry out yet. The plant must be stored in a cool place. A one-component broom can be used once. But if you add wormwood branches to birch or oak bundles, the shelf life of the bath accessory can be significantly increased.

How to quench your thirst in the bathhouse

Herbal decoctions for baths, which can be drunk like traditional green tea, will help enhance the healing effect of using healing brooms. For example, to quench your thirst in the rest room, you can prepare a lingonberry drink. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of dried lingonberry leaf into a thermos and fill it with 200 milliliters of boiling water. If you drink this drink with natural honey, it helps to cope with colds. In addition, this bath infusion has a pronounced diuretic effect, which helps remove excess fluid from the body and relieve swelling. For people trying to lose weight, this option is very good.

To make cranberry tea, mash a tablespoon of fresh or frozen cranberries with two teaspoons of sugar and pour a glass of boiling water. This drink is indicated for people who have problems with appetite. In addition, it will help with colds, as it has an antipyretic effect.

An even simpler recipe is a decoction of St. John's wort. Pour 200 milliliters of boiling water over a teaspoon of chopped dried herbs and cover the container with a lid. After half an hour, strain the liquid and drink the infusion. This drink is famous for its antiseptic effect and normalization of intestinal function.

In pharmacies or specialized stores you can buy ready-made herbal teas, the packaging of which contains clear instructions for preparing health-improving teas.

Before purchasing, be sure to check the composition of the product, as its ingredients affect the therapeutic effect. For example, an antiseptic collection should contain the following components: eucalyptus, shawl, thyme and mint. And in sedatives, look for the following ingredients: chamomile, thyme, mint, birch buds, spruce needles.

Simple recipes for tinctures and steaming for baths

You can not only quench your thirst with tinctures, but also rinse your body with them after relaxing in the steam room. Please note that tinctures for these purposes cannot be prepared with an alcohol base. The healing liquid can be added to the heater to create thick aromatic steam. They need to breathe deeply and calmly in order to saturate the body with useful substances. All decoctions should be prepared from several components in order to increase the range of medicinal properties.

  1. Place the mixture of dried herbs in a large enamel container and pour boiling water over it. For 100 grams of grass you will need 4 liters of boiling water.
  2. After this, put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and let simmer for another 5 minutes.
  3. Turn off the heat and let the broth brew a little.
  4. When it has cooled to a comfortable temperature, strain it and you can use it. Any decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than two days.

Healing infusions for baths are prepared a little differently. The main difference is that fresh herbs are used for infusions, rather than dried. Chop the leaves and add hot water at the rate of 1.5 liters of boiling water per 100 grams of greens. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes, and then strain and can use. Another simple cooking method does not involve long cooking. Grind the herb and fill it with cold water, and then let it brew for at least 10 hours. After this, strain the liquid and pour into a glass container that can be tightly closed with a lid. In the bathhouse, dilute this tincture with a small amount of boiling water and then pour it onto the heater.

Herbal steaming has been used in Russian baths for a long time. They are prepared as follows. Place a small mixture of crushed herbs (no more than 150 grams) in a bag made from natural, undyed fabric. Next, place it in a bowl of hot water and let it steam for 20 minutes. Then pour water from the bowl onto the heater, and place the bag near the stove so that it emits phytoncides.

If you need to cope with skin ailments and lung diseases, then prepare a steaming based on mint, eucalyptus, thyme and sage. Take this bag and steaming water with you on your first visit to the steam room. Then the therapeutic steam will disinfect your skin.

And for relaxation, make a steamer from the following ingredients:

  • chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • mint;
  • spruce needles.

A tonic steaming is prepared on the basis of poplar buds, tansy flowers, jasmine, lavender, bison. If you always feel weak in the steam room, this herbal collection will save you from this side effect of the bath. Possible contraindications to the use of herbs in the bath depend on a person’s individual intolerance to strong odors or an allergic reaction. In addition, you need to use valerian in a steam room with caution, since not everyone can stand the specific smell of this plant.

Using fragrant herbs in a Russian bath helps to cope with many diseases, but in a sauna it is better to abandon this folk method of healing. Hot, dry air can make strong aromas cloying, which can make people who are steaming sick feel sick. And there will be no harm from pouring healthy decoctions based on medicinal herbs in a Finnish steam room.

Herbs for the bath make visiting the steam room even more enjoyable. Some have tonic properties, others promote relaxation. The healing herbs used in the bath relieve fatigue, strengthen the body, and help fight diseases.

What are the best herbs in bunches for a bath?

Herbs collected in bunches for a steam room are needed not only for aroma. Their main purpose is a preventive and therapeutic effect. Herbs collected in small bunches can be steamed and hung from the ceiling. To ensure that your visit to the steam room brings maximum pleasure, it is important to choose the right herbs for brewing in the bath.

The effects of herbs vary. You can determine which collection is right for you based on the description of the properties of the herbs. Some have an effect on the cardiovascular system, others strengthen the immune system:

  • Marsh rosemary. Grows in wetlands and peat bogs. Has a bactericidal effect, effective for diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
  • Sweet clover. Herbaceous honey plant. Recommended for steaming for gout;
  • Oregano. Perennial herbaceous plant. Has a pleasant floral aroma. Used as an anti-inflammatory, expectorant;
  • St. John's wort. Flowering plant-shrub. An excellent antidepressant. Used in combination with other herbs;
  • Fireweed. Herbaceous melliferous shrub. Useful for prostate diseases;
  • Nettle. A flowering plant with leaves covered with stinging hairs. The plant is rich in organic acids, promotes the removal of bile, and gives an excellent cosmetic effect;
  • Melissa. Essential oil perennial. Has antiviral, antispasmodic, antidepressant properties;
  • Mint. A plant with a pleasant menthol scent. Has an antioxidant effect, calms the nervous system, stimulates cardiac activity;
  • Mountain mint. Has a strong aroma. Used for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases;
  • Peppermint. Perennial herbaceous plant. A good choleretic agent;
  • Tansy. Perennial with a spicy aroma. Effective diuretic, choleretic agent;
  • Wormwood. Herbaceous plant of silver color. Has a strong aroma. Used as a sedative, choleretic agent;
  • Lemon wormwood. A perennial whose smell resembles a combination of pine needles, lemon, and dill. Positively affects the nervous system;
  • Chamomile. Rich in essential oils. Strengthens the immune system and is effective in fighting infections;
  • Spiraea. Perennial herbaceous plant. Effectively relieves headaches;
  • Yarrow. Promotes wound healing.

To steam and create aroma in a steam room, it is necessary to use correctly collected raw materials. To prepare steaming, you can use either one type of herbs with a strong aroma, or combinations.

When to collect herbs for a bath?

Traditionally, the collection of herbs for the bath occurs during the period of active flowering. During this period, greens contain a maximum of useful components. In dry weather, leafy flowering tops are cut off at a distance of about 20 cm from the soil surface if it is a tall plant. When collecting creeping, low-growing herbs, leave 2-5 cm from the soil. It is desirable that the freshly cut green mass contains a minimum number of stems.

Speaking about what herbs are collected for the bath, it is difficult to list all the names - there are about a thousand of them. These are herbal plants that combine beneficial medicinal properties. Herbs can be roughly divided into several compositions: bactericidal, tonic, relaxing.

How to prepare?

During the season of harvesting herbs for the bathhouse, they go to forests, swamps, and meadows for green raw materials. Some plants can be found in suburban areas. Preparing herbs for a bath consists of several stages:

  • sorting of raw materials;
  • formation of herbs into small bunches;
  • hanging bunches in a semi-dark, well-ventilated room.

Completely dried herbs are stored in cotton or linen bags.

A distinctive feature of the Russian bath (besides the use of a broom) is the indispensable presence of certain healing aromas in the hot atmosphere of the steam room. They densely saturate the air with intense evaporation of infusions or decoctions of various herbs and plants rich in essential oils. A small amount of infusion is periodically sprinkled on well-heated stones of the sauna stove, or it is poured into special devices - aromatizers. An infusion differs from a decoction in that fresh or dried herbs are simply poured with warm or hot water (according to the recipe) and left for the required time (infused), but the decoction still needs to be boiled over a fire. And in their effects they are almost identical.

The therapeutic effect of infusions is achieved due to the effect of inhalation of the respiratory system with hot vapors of essential oils. Beneficial substances are absorbed into our blood through the lungs and mucous membrane of the nose and throat and, with its help, are distributed throughout the body and delivered to each individual organ. But even this important factor does not limit the usefulness of herbal infusions. No less effective is their external effect on our skin and hair, sometimes helping to overcome quite serious diseases. In Rus', since ancient times, herbal infusions in the steam room have successfully treated not only colds, lungs and bronchi, but also numerous skin diseases: rashes, acne, redness.

What herbs are used for infusions

The list of plants whose leaves, flowers or fruits are used for bath infusions is almost endless. If you try to list the weight, you will get a voluminous book (and such a book probably exists). The most common and famous are the following plants and herbs: eucalyptus, juniper, birch, hawthorn, linden, thyme, coltsfoot, motherwort, calendula, yarrow, caraway, St. John's wort, oregano, sage, rowan, oak bark, sweet clover, chamomile, wormwood, lavender, etc.

Each of them can be used separately, but more often they are used in the form of mixtures in various combinations. Species with approximately the same medicinal properties are purposefully selected, trying to obtain a greater overall effect than from each component separately. Combinations of herbs with opposite effects on the body, for example, a calming and tonic effect (St. John's wort with wormwood, oregano with cumin, etc.) are excluded. And for the rest - the widest opportunities for your creativity, testing various combinations and proportions, taking into account both medicinal and aromatic properties that are pleasant to you personally.


How to choose the most useful and effective bath infusion recipe for yourself?

Let's try to tabulate our version of infusion recipes for a specific physical state of the body and individual diseases.

Illnesses or disorders in the physical and emotional state Recommended plant species
Hypertensive diseases Motherwort, hawthorn, wild rosemary
Anxiety, overexcitation, insomnia Oregano, St. John's wort, thyme, hops
Loss of strength, apathy, requiring stimulation of internal energy Wormwood, caraway, rowan
Muscle fatigue from hard physical work or sports training Mint
Disorders of the nervous system Juniper, fir, pine, spruce
Diseases of the lungs and bronchi Linden, coltsfoot, sage
Cold Sweet clover, thyme, eucalyptus
Disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels and capillaries, in metabolism, stabilization of blood pressure Lavender
Skin rashes, acne, eczema and other skin inflammations Oak bark, chamomile, yarrow, poplar, calendula, juniper

You prepare the simplest bath infusion, perhaps without thinking about it, when you steam a broom. The water obtained from the steamer can be used with great benefit by spraying it onto the heater and the walls of the steam room. And if you steamed several different brooms at once (for example, birch, oak and juniper), you can create a polyphonic symphony of various aromas in your steam room. But this recipe is good for beginners who are just starting to learn the basics of bath culture. People with experience prefer to prepare bath infusions in advance and specifically for themselves from herbs that meet their medical indications. Nowadays there are a huge variety of herbal mixtures for bath infusions, decoctions and steamings on sale, and many people use just such ready-made preparations. The packages contain indications for use and indicate the method of preparation: what water to take, how much greens to add, how long to stand, etc. Very convenient and no headaches.

However, especially advanced bath lovers will always prefer their own herbal infusions, prepared with their own hands, over purchased ones. They are considered healthier than store-bought ones (not without reason). What you need to know to prepare herbs (fruits, seeds) for infusions according to all the rules:

  • Firstly, it is very important to know the exact timing of harvesting a particular crop; the content of essential oils in the green mass or fruits depends on this;
  • Secondly, the raw materials must be thoroughly dried naturally in a dry, shaded and ventilated room (in the attic, in the barn);
  • Thirdly, the dried raw materials must be properly crushed: leaves and flowers to a particle size of 0.5 cm, roots, stems and bark to 0.3 cm. Seeds and fruits are pounded with a pestle in a mortar to the size of semolina;
  • Fourthly, raw materials should be stored in a cool, dark place in containers with tightly sealed lids. It is preferable to store each type of plant in a separate container, and mix them in the required proportion immediately before preparing the infusion;
  • Fifthly, each container should be provided with a label indicating the type of plant and the harvesting date in order to know the expiration date. Herbs, flowers and leaves should not be stored for more than 2 years - they will lose their beneficial properties. But the shelf life of seeds, fruits and berries is longer - 4 years.

And now you are going to the bathhouse. Take your wealth out of the jars, measure out the required amount of each ingredient and place it in a gauze bag. Using this bag you will prepare the infusion by placing it in a glass or enamel bowl and pouring hot water. Be sure to cover with a lid to prevent the water from cooling down too quickly. For most herbal infusions, 30 minutes are enough to achieve condition, but there are components (containing fruits, bark, roots, etc.) that need to be infused for several hours. Therefore, the infusion is prepared in advance.

We got ready for the bathhouse in the evening (it also needs to be heated) - in the morning we poured the grass to infuse. But you shouldn’t fuss too much in advance: the finished infusion should not be stored for more than two days - it will lose all its usefulness. During this period it is permissible to store it, but only in a cool room and under a lid. And do not forget to strain the infusion through double gauze before drinking. It will be unpleasant if even the smallest particles of grass get on the heater and start to burn. The infusion must be clean. Enjoy your bath! With a light and healthy steam!

is one of the most healing recipes used in a bath or sauna. It’s easy to prepare and, most importantly, it can be done all year round. Even our distant ancestors used a decoction of pine needles not only to treat, but also to create a unique forest aroma in the steam room.

Inhaling air filled with aromatic pine vapors calms our nerves, increases the overall tone of the body and has a beneficial effect on humans. Being an excellent inhaler, essential oils of coniferous plants have an antimicrobial and disinfectant effect on the body. And for tuberculosis patients, the aromas of pine forest air are especially beneficial. One can cite many beneficial properties of this miraculous gift of nature, but it is necessary to mention that its infusions are indispensable in the treatment of diseases such as scurvy, hepatitis, bronchitis, rheumatism, gout and many others. Just look at the list of vitamins contained in spruce or pine needles - these include vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and P.

It is impossible to give all the recipes for decoctions of pine needles, accumulated over the centuries-old history of their use. I will give only those that are used in the bathhouse to aromatize the air in the steam room.

  1. On milk.
    • Needed: tops of young pine branches - 15-20 pieces.
    • Boil milk in an enamel bowl, throw in the tops of pine branches and boil for another 20 minutes.
    • Let sit for an hour and a half.
    • Pour the broth through cheesecloth into another container, add boiled water in a ratio of 1 part broth to 3-4 parts water.
    • Ready.
  1. On pine buds.
    • Needed: one tbsp. spoon of pine buds.
    • Pour one glass of water, boil and keep on low heat for 15 minutes.
    • Let stand for 3 hours.
    • Strain through cheesecloth.
  1. On winter needles.
    • Needed: 0.5 kg of young pine or Christmas tree shoots.
    • Place all the pine needles in a saucepan and add 1.5 liters of boiled water at room temperature. Place on the stove and heat to a boil.
    • Leave the boiled broth to cool and infuse for 4 hours.
    • Filter, pour into bottles and store.

To use prepared decoctions in a bathhouse, you need to dilute them in a bowl of hot water and then pour this liquid onto hot stones. The concentration of the decoction in the water is regulated experimentally and according to the sensations of the steamer himself.

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Unlike a sauna, Russian baths are always used not only for washing, but also for healing the body. For this, in addition to a broom, steaming and decoctions from extracts of many plants, including medicinal ones, are used. Healing substances with steam instantly enter the lungs and then into the blood. In addition, the aroma released by herbs creates a unique bouquet of odors in the steam room.

Many plants used for steaming and decoction can be collected next to the summer cottage, or directly on it. It is better to go out to collect in the first half of the day, so that the herbs are completely dry from the dew, but have not yet given up their essential odorous substances to the sun. All harvested herbs must be clean and absolutely untouched by insects. Herbs are collected before the peak of plant flowering, when they contain a maximum of active components.

Steamer for the bath

Steaming for a bath is a mixture of dried medicinal herbs and plants, ground to a size of 5-10 mm. Drying herbs should be done in a dry, dark room with good air ventilation. After the drying process is completed, the herbs are packaged in glass jars, covered with tight lids and placed in a cool, dark place.

Mixing collections or storing them strictly according to the type of plant is an individual matter. There is one thing in common: be sure to stick labels on the jars indicating the time of collection, because... The shelf life of herbs varies. A collection of herbs, flowers, and leaves lasts no more than 1 - 2 years. A collection of fruits and berries is stored for 3 - 4 years.

Before steaming in a bathhouse, the mixture of dried herbs is placed in a bag made of natural, undyed canvas fabric. The bag is placed in a tub of hot water and steamed for 15 minutes. After which, this water is thrown onto the stones of the sauna stove.

Decoction for bath

It is best to prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs for a bath, using several components. Usually the decoction is prepared in the following proportion - for 3 - 4 liters of water you need to take 70 - 100 grams of a mixture of various medicinal plants. The mixture of dry herbs is poured into an enamel bowl, then poured with boiling water and put on fire.

After the water boils, you need to reduce the burner heat to a minimum. And leave to infuse for 5 - 7 minutes. Next, you need to cool the broth without opening the lid of the pan. And then it must be strained through a double layer of gauze. The resulting decoction should be stored in a cool, dark place for no longer than two days.

The resulting broth is thrown onto the hot stones of the sauna stove.

Herbs for steaming and decoction for baths


Field mint is considered one of the most useful plants for a bath. It is an excellent stimulator of brain activity and also expands the airways, which makes it indispensable for colds. Mint perfectly relieves swelling, headaches and promotes digestion. In addition, mint has a pleasant, incomparable smell.

If you want to relieve irritation and refresh your skin, then take mint with you. Also, this herb will help you eliminate all incipient colds. Mint has a good effect on the respiratory tract.

St. John's wort

By itself, a decoction of St. John's wort, when applied to stones in a bathhouse, does not give a strong odorous odor, but together with other herbs it creates a kind of “bouquet”. But most importantly, St. John's wort adds many physiologically active substances to the bath steam.


Chamomile is irreplaceable in the bath. Its flowers are rich in essential oil, vitamin C and carotene. Chamomile strengthens the immune system and helps fight infection. It can be used to calm the body after a hard day at work. Chamomile is a wonderful antiseptic and also has a calming effect.


Wormwood relieves fatigue, drowsiness and helps get rid of fine wrinkles. Using wormwood for a bath, with the help of essential oils contained in the plant, you can improve memory, relieve headaches, increase efficiency, and get rid of nervous and muscle tension.


And if after the bath you want to go somewhere, then use hops during the bath procedure. He will give you strength.


And if you are worried about insomnia, then linden will help you. Linden can be used as aromatherapy. After this smell, you will have a good dream. Linden will speed up the process of sweating and help those who want to lose weight.


The aroma of yarrow will help with problem skin. Cracks and small wounds will quickly heal and the skin will become soft and tender.


Horseradish steam will help you fight colds. Pour the horseradish tincture into the oven. A pleasant smell of forest, nature, horseradish will immediately appear. Inhale these pleasant smells, and then you won’t care about any cold.


Valerian helps strengthen the cardiovascular system and also has a calming effect on the nervous system. The use of valerian should be considered carefully, since not every person has a positive attitude towards this plant.

black currant

Blackcurrant leaves also help with colds and restore strength after a serious illness with the flu.

Spruce and pine needles

Inhaling air filled with aromatic pine vapors calms the nerves, increases the overall tone of the body and has a beneficial effect on the human respiratory organs. Being an excellent inhaler, essential oils of coniferous plants have an antimicrobial and disinfectant effect on the body.